valkyrievixen at
Thu Jun 19 07:38:16 UTC 2003
No: HPFGUIDX 61043
1. Ron will snarl
2. Hermione will moan.
3. Harry will recognize something instantly.
4. Hagrid will serve the trio something inedible.
5. Snape's eyes will glitter.
6. Dumbledore's eyes will twinkle.
7. Draco will sneer.
8. Molly Weasly will call Harry "dear."
9. Ginny will blush.
10. Percy will bluster.
11. Snape will snap.
12. And when he isn't snapping, Snape will snarl.
13. Vernon Dursley will turn red and resemble a vegetable.
14. Dobby will give Harry another pair of lurid socks,and Hagrid will
become obsessed with another ferocious monster.
15. Harry will be injured in some way.
16. Snape will take away house points from Gryffindor
17. Neville will forget something.
18. Neville will fail to make the correct potion,in Potions.
19. Draco will taunt Harry. .
20. Harry will fly on his broom and love it.
21. Hedwig will bring something to Harry.
22. Hermione will quote a book.
23. Harry will use his invisibility cloak.
24. Ron will whine.
25. Fawkes will fly and do something cool. (well the book is named
after his kind)
26. Sirius will still be damn sexy.
27. Hermione will solve a mystery by going to the library.
28. Hermione will say "Honestly, Haven't you two
*ever*read 'Hogwarts, A History'?", and then impart some vital piece
of information which the narrative hadn't pointed out
to us before.
29. It will not be clear why the villains had to wait till the end of
term to implement their dastardly plan.
30. Harry will see something new and magical and will have to look
twice to believe it.
31. Hagrid will do or say something he shouldn't - instantly
forgiven by the Trio.
32. On June 22nd, HP4GU will get its first "How can we ever survive
until book 6" post.
33. Filch will give out detentions.
34. The Twins will play a trick on someone.
35. Hermione and Ron will disagree on something.
36. Hermione will keep a secret.
37. Harry will keep a secret.
38. Ron will be predict the future as he jokes.
39. Sybill Trelawney will predict Harry's death AGAIN.
40. Ron and Harry will fake their Divination homework.
41. Dean's West Ham poster is going to be mentioned.
42. Sirius is going to call Snape a slimy greasy-haired git.
43. Ron and Harry will serve detention.
44. McGonagall will look sternly at Harry over the rim of her glasses.
45. Colin is going to squeak: "Hiya, Harry!!" in an excited voice.
46. Hermione will say: "You CAN'T Apparate on Hogwarts grounds!"
46a From Valky, Ron and Harry will try to solve a mystery with
speculation of someone apparating into Hogwarts.
47. Ron will talk with his mouth full
48. Harry will stay at Hogwarts for Christmas
49. Ron will annihilate Hermione at wizard's chess
50. Ron will get a new hand-knitted jumper from his mother colour:
51. Everone will go to The Three Broomsticks for butterbeer
52. McGonagall will be disgusted at someone's behaviour.
53. Snape will persurcute Neville.
54. Parvati will still adore Professor Trelawney.
55. Professor Trelawney will continue to be vague.
56. Binns will send someone to sleep.
57. Even the dumbest students (read Crabbe and Goyle) will somehow
manage to pass their exams.
57a. And some seventh Grader from Gof will reappear on OOtP because
he/she didn't pass.
58. Dumbledore's answers will raise more questions.
59. In addition to point 45, no matter how many questions are
answered in book 5, there will be at least as many new questions that
wont be answered till book 6.
60. We will have read at least one character all wrong (in the
Scabbers/Sirius/Quirrell vein)
60a.{from Valky !!!}We, all, and the Trio will be guilty of fingering
the wrong suspect (in the Snape, Krum, Draco vein)
61. Krum will be grumpy
62. Fleur will still make the male students swoon
63. Harry will leave Privett Drive in some kind of debacle
64. Ron will tease Hermione about liking school too much and/or
liking Lockhart in the past (from CoS) and/or her S.P.E.W. phase
(from GoF).
65. Hagrid will break a dish while talking to the trio in his hut.
66. Harry will dream about Voldemort - which will reflect what
Voldemort was really doing at that moment (unbeknownst to Harry).
67. Harry will be on the verge of telling Dumbledore possibly vital
information, but withhold it for his usual reasons (i.e. not being
believed, distaste of being fussed over,
uncertainty of what he saw/heard)
68. Ron and Hermione will stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays.
69. Neville will once again attempt to surpass his personal best
cauldron-melting record.
70. We will all read OoP WAY to fast, discuss in endlessly, reread it
20 times, and be waiting anxiously for book 6 to arrive!!!
71. Something will be described as "moldy".
72. The passwords will be um... unusual. (And Neville will forget
73. Harry's scar will hurt.
74. There will be a reference to bodily functions (ie.
belch,bogeys, earwax, vomit)
75. The Hogwarts diet will be high in coloseterol, er, cholesterol,
oh, heck, FAT!
76. McGonagall will say "Really Jordan. If you can't commentate in a
non-biased way..."
76a {Valky } Quidditch is back and since Lee May have graduated we
will miss his entertaining commentary.( or perhaps hes the returning
student who didn't pass.. see 57a)
77. Someone from Slytherin will cheat at Quidditch.
78. The whole of Harry's year, plus all other
featured students, will pick up their books from Diagon Alley on the
same day.
79. Harry will say "Er..." about a million times
80. Someone will be interrupted before divulging a very important
storyline clue
81. There will be yet another vague reference about Peeves and the
Bloody Baron
82. Mrs. Norris's eyes will glow, lamplike.
83. Filch will threaten to go to Dumbledore.
84. Crabbe and Goyle will laugh stupidly.
85. Pansy will run with her gang of Slytherin girls.
86. Parvati and Lavender will ooh and aah.
87. Fred and George will scheme.
88. Dudley will eat.
89. McGonagall will never be so ashamed by Gryffindor students.
90. Cho will be decent.
91. Alicia, Katie, and Angelina will score.
92. The giant squid will float lazily.
93. Flitwick will squeak.
94. Voldemort will say "You lie".
95. Wormtail will tremble.
...assuming I can get it in the door fast enough...
96. Molly will explode at Gred and Forge, rightly, for some prank
they've done.
97. The Trio, or at least Harry, will end up in the "Forbidden"
Forest yet again.
98. Something will smell like cabbage.
99. Professor Binns will drone.
100. There will be the usual twelve Christmas trees.
101. One of Harry's Christmas presents will be a surprise from a
mysterious stranger (well, there's only a fifty-fifty chance on this
102. Dobby's socks will not match!
103. Someone will flinch at the sound of Voldemort's name and/or
insist the speaker call him "You Know Who" or "He Who Must Not Be
104. The state of Snape's personal hygiene will be mentioned
105. McGonagall's lips will go tight
106. HRH will break rules
107. In the same vein as 106...they will wander off and end up
getting involved in a near death situation, but won't be in trouble.
Instead, they will be rewarded (most likely with house points)
108. Fudge's bowler hat will be green
109: Also in the same vein as 106 and 107...the trio will solve a
mystery that none of the older, more experienced characters could
solve...only to get most of it completely wrong in the end.
110. Crabbe and Goyle will stand behind Draco with their arms folded,
looking like menacing body guards.
111. Harry will get hurt some how during quidditch.
112. Someone we thought was good well end up being bad.
113. There will be a new DADA teacher.
114. Snape will say something in reference to Harry being famous.
115. Hogwarts will have a sorting ceremony.
116. Harry and all the Weasly's will be at platform 9 3/4 together.
117. Uncle Vernon will send Harry to his room.
118. Dudley will steal food from somebody
119. Ron will cast a spell and it will go wrong.
120. Peeves will be annoying.
Hi I am back from my exams and would like to add a couple to this
list now I have a little time on my hands. The additions I have made
relate too strongly to others in the list to put them here so I have
added a reference to their position instead. I hope nobody minds.
from Valky
121 (see 46a)
122 (see 57a)
123 (see 60a)
124 (see 76a)
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