In Defence Of Lupin ( very, very long) Part Two

nymphadoraotonks at nymphadoraotonks at
Tue Nov 18 08:18:45 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 85294

Although Lupin leaves Hogwarts at the end of PoA, we know he is still a 
trusted friend of DD. At the end of GoF when the Ministry refuses to acknowledge 
the return of LV, DD send Sirius to alert others, including Lupin. And then we 
enter into book five, OoP.
Lupin is sent to Privet Drive as one of the Guard for Harry. This seems to me 
to be a very noble task and one that would not be given to someone who was 
less than trustworthy. DD knows the prophecy. He knows Harry's value to the WW. 
Why send someone who could jeopardise that to fetch Harry at such a crucial 
time? Lupin is also the one that identifies Harry for Real!Moody's sake by 
asking about Harry's Patronus. 
Once  everyone arrives safely at Grimmauld Place, Lupin again shows his 
calmness in dealing with the screaming portraits. He does not get angry or yell 
back at them, but rather, he simply deals with the situation with a certain ease. 
Lupin's own life horrors of living with being a werewolf with every full moon 
have probably influenced this calm nature. But, again, he shows no disrespect 
to anyone or anything. He simply is calm and handles the situations as the 
Again, I do not think this calm nature is something of which we should be 
suspicious. I think, rather, that it is something to be admired. Lupin never 
allows his temper or emotions to get the best of him. He is ever vigilant, but 
ever calm. These are not attributes of Dark Wizards and Witches we have seen in 
the past. We have seen the Dark ones act on highly fuelled emotions. As 
Bellatrix Lestrange points out later in OoP, you cannot perform a deadly curse if you 
do not mean it. You have to have a certain emotional capacity and a certain 
grasp on anger to do these things. We have never seen Lupin exhibit this type 
of behaviour.

On pg 80 of OoP UK ed Cl, we see Lupin interacting with Molly. Most of us 
regard Molly as someone who knows the good in people. She and Lupin are 
exceptionally friendly. It is as if she trusts Lupin more than Sirius if you review her 
interactions with both. It seems to me that she feels that Lupin is less 
likely to have a 'bad' influence on Harry than Sirius is. Although, I have a 
feeling that both Sirius and Lupin see Harry in a similar light despite any 
protests Lupin may have. Lupin may be more ready and able to make the distinction, 
but he certainly sees the similarities that could confuse the manner of 
relations with Harry. 

To take a moment from the chronological aspect of this post, when we look at 
Sirius and Remus we see two people with the same intentions and the same 
interests. But, we also see two people who react very differently. As we have all 
read OoP ( I hope), Lupin again deals with Harry with his sense of calm, when 
Sirius lashes out emotionally. However, there is a great similarity in the 
positions of both Sirius and Remus. Sirius is held up captive, for lack of a 
better word, in Grimmauld Place. It is true that Lupin is free to come and go, 
however, Lupin is a captive to his 'illness' and has been his whole life. I think 
that Lupin's resistance to saying much to Sirius about his behaviour is not 
due to a submissive position to Sirius, but out of understanding of Sirius's 
position. Sirius is an outcast. He cannot come and go as he pleases, and as Lupin 
never was to our knowledge in Azkaban, he has lived his life in a special 
kind of prison that has kept him, too, an outcast. There is more than their long 
time friendship at work here. There is a new common ground. 

And, although, Sirius has certain rights which may not be to Molly's liking 
as Harry's real guardian, he and Lupin have the best at heart. They just show 
it differently.

Back to the Book. ( BTTB)
On page 86 of OoP UK Ed Cl, Lupin Illustrates this.
' " Molly, you're not the only person at this table who cares about Harry.", 
said Lupin sharply. "Sirius, sit down." '
and again:
' "I think Harry ought to be allowed a say in this," Lupin continued, "he's 
old enough to decide for himself"
Now whether is was the way Lupin said it in comparison to Sirius who 
basically said the same thing just in anger or not, Molly listened.

This illustrates some of my point on Lupin. For a long time after PoA and 
GoF, there was an ESE!Sirius theory which I believe has been proven wrong. ( At 
least for me) Lupin is showing here his complete agreement with Sirius. Not so 
ESE, eh?

Lupin shows on pg 87 his pleasure that Harry thwarts Voldemort at every step 
of the way. This would not be the reaction of an ESE!Lupin. An ESE!Lupin would 
either not comment or show some sign of dissatisfaction. Lupin has never 
wavered from his support of Harry. It just doesn't fit. 
On pg 89  Lupin shares a great deal of information with Harry as to what is 
going on in the WW. He also makes a statement of importance as far as I am 
'And, I'm not a very popular dinner guest with most of the community.' said 
Lupin.' It's an occupational hazard of being a werewolf.'
This again illustrates some of my previous points. Lupin really has no one 
except his friends. He has been forced into a life where he is judged by his 
affliction rather than his person. This all ties in back to PoA when he wrestled 
with what the right thing to do was. A man who only has his friends- friends 
he has had since a very young age- will go far to protect them and to find out 
the truth. 
Lupin goes on to show his compassionate side when discussing DD. There is a 
hint of sadness when he discusses DD being stripped of all his titles in the 
WW. He stands by DD. And, even though Lupin knows about the prophecy- OoP UK ed 
Cl pg 91, he says nothing. Again another point illustrated. He is acting on 
DD's orders. Harry doesn't know about the prophecy. I am uncertain if the OoP 
knows what it actually entails, but the fact is that Lupin keeps the secret, not 
to harm Harry but for DD. Another trustworthy move for Lupin.

Lupin shows nothing but support for Harry. He is acting in some ways as a 
parent, as a mentor and as friend. When Harry awakes the morning of his 
Disciplinary Hearing. Lupin awaits him with the others in the Kitchen. He is showing 
his support. Would an evil person do this? Would an evil person care as much? I 
think not. Lupin tells Harry that the Wizarding Laws are on his side and that 
all will be ok. If Lupin were ESE, I would think he would hope to rid the WW 
of Harry. If Harry were expelled, his wand was snapped in two, and he was cast 
out from the WW, he wouldn't pose so much a threat to LV.

In 'The Woes of Mrs Weasley' pg 155 Uk Ed Cl, Sirius and Lupin explain 
Lupin's appointment to Prefect.
'No one would have made me prefect. I spent to much time in detention with 
James. Lupin was the good boy, he got the badge.' ( Sirius)

'I think Dumbledore might have hoped I would be able to exercise some control 
over my best friends,' said Lupin. 'I need scarcely say that I failed 

There are those that will argue that Lupin failed because he was a mean 
spirited evil person. But as we see later in OoP, it was more than just a small job 
to keep James and Sirius in  'good boy' form. Sirius obviously alludes to the 
fact that even 'too much time' in detention couldn't stop the two from 
running reckless through Hogwarts. 

Lupin again shows his quickness of mind and compassion later in the chapter 
when he runs in to find Molly sobbing over dead boggart bodies of the people 
she loves. He quickly disposes of the boggart and comforts Molly as she weeps at 
her own ability to be manipulated by the Boggart. He, again, is the giver of 
love and compassion as he reassure her that the Order is much better prepared 
than in the last battle with LV. And, again, I find myself looking at the 
ESE!Lupin theories astounded. ESE characters would not show this much love and 
compassion. Lupin is extraordinary in his ability to show this level of care. We 
have really yet to see a character with these attributes. He even makes a joke 
to comfort Molly when she is upset about her children dying.
pg 161, he looks at her with a slight smile' What would we do? Let them 

To reiterate the fear of werewolves, I go to pgs. 431-32 of OoP Uk Ed. Cl.
' A werewolf?,' whispered Mrs Weasley, looking alarmed. 'Is he safe in a 
public ward? Shouldn't he be in a private room?'

This is Molly for goodness sake! Molly who appears to adore Lupin! She is 
still concerned. The stigma of werewolf is almost unbearable. It reminds me of 
the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, which may very well be what JKR is after. 
There are too many parallels to mention them all. But, the treatment of 
werewolves is very much akin to that of PLWAIDS ( people living with AIDS) in the 80's 
and early 90s... and in some areas still. Sad, but true.

In 'Christmas on the Closed Ward' we see a new side of Lupin. He and Sirius 
go in together on a lovely set of books for Harry for his Yule present. And, 
then at St. Mungo's we see him share his compassion and knowledge with the man 
who was bitten by a werewolf. Again, here, we see Lupin's way with people. It 
is not manipulative. It is sheer compassion. He has a way with people to show 
them the goodness in life. The man bitten by a werewolf had shown great anger 
on pg 432 when he threatened to give Arthur another bite. But, in dealing with 
Lupin, he seems more relaxed. We do not hear any threats or insults shouted. 
Lupin simply shows him compassion of a person in the same situation. ( Another 
AIDS Pandemic Parallel)

Then, BTTB, Lupin is entrusted again, with Tonks to ensure Harry's safe 
return to Hogwarts. DD would certainly not give this task to someone ESE! Lupin 
time and time again is trusted by everyone. Some may argue this is part of his 
ESE persona, but I vehemently, still, disagree. I think for once we have a 
genuine character.

Pg 569 OoP UK Ed Cl. It is true that Lupin does not stop James or Sirius from 
tormenting Snape. I will agree with this fact. But, does his inability to 
control Sirius and James make him evil? No.

When Harry goes through Dolores Umbridge's Fire in 'Careers Advice' he finds 
Lupin and Sirius at Grimmauld Place. Lupin defends Harry's father by asking 
Harry not to judge what he saw in Snape's one memory. IF Lupin were ESE, would 
he really go out of his way to make this point? It would have to mean that 
James was also ESE!. Lupin would not defend the actions of James if he were ESE. 
It just doesn't make sense. An ESE person would revel in the humiliation of 
others. I am still not finding any evidence to ESE!Lupin.

Lupin continues in this scene asking Sirius if he ever had the 'guts' to stop 
S&J from tormenting Snape. This says something of his character. Lupin was 
more noble and more mature than James and Sirius. However, he finally had 
friends. Rather than jeopardise his friendship, he stayed silent when J&S tormented 
Snape. Again, does it make him evil? No, it makes him human. He needed his 
friends. Lupin's values seem to be deeper at this age that Sirius and James. This 
does not make Lupin a Wormtail-esque character, IMHO, but someone who would 
sacrifice himself for those to whom he is loyal. This alone really wards off 
any ESE!Lupiun and Voldie!Lupin connections. Lupin needed his friends. He was 
loyal to them. He gave of himself and let go of his own convictions for his 
friends. This, in turn, many would say makes him weak and a target for LV. On the 
contrary, this does not. Lupin was bound by friendship to the Marauders. Much 
like Harry is bound by blood to Petunia.

In the same chapter, we see Lupin somewhat, especially for him, enraged. He 
is very upset that Snape has refused further study of Occlumency to Harry, and 
rather than have a heated argument between Sirius and Snape, he stands up to 
speak to Snape. This makes perfect sense. Sirius and Snape cannot be in the 
same room without threatening to curse one another. Lupin, on the other hand, can 
keep his cool.

Our next scene with Lupin in OoP has caused much suspicion. Lupin and Sirius 
with others from the Order arrive at the Ministry to save Harry. There is a 
great battle and Sirius falls behind the veil. Lupin explains to Harry that he 
is gone. I have read the theories. ESE!Lupin doesn't want Harry to find out 
what is behind the veil, etc. Rubbish, IMO. 
Let's take a look at the veil. Luna can hear the voices. So it is not just 
Harry. She knows that the dead are speaking. So, again, not just Harry. From 
what we know the veil, it is the veil between life and death. I think JKR does a 
fine job of setting this up, and speculation on it, is only that. We know 
Sirius cannot return from behind the veil. It is pretty much in canon. Lupin 
stopping Harry is Lupin keeping Harry from suicide. Prove this differently, and I 
will buy you a Firebolt-- that is until book six comes out <wink>. Lupin is 
saving Harry, as he has done before. No one seems to realise in the ESE!Lupin 
camp that Harry could not have made it through the Triwizard Tourney without 
Lupin's teachings. Lupin is a life saver for Harry. He loves and cares for Harry. 

In the battle with the DE's. there has been more speculation on ESE!Lupin and 
the prophecy. I agree with those that have said if ESE!Lupin were a reality, 
he would have endeavoured to save the prophecy, but if you look at the scene 
his main focus is saving Harry's bum. He is clearly not working for LV.

There is much more to say on Lupin in theory, but most of what I have said 
tonight is in canon. Lupin is not ESE. He is our kind hearted, gentle, loving 
werewolf who defies stereotypes. This is important for children to learn. And, 
we as adults are endeavouring to read more into him that there is evidence for. 
Lupin is just one of those characters who is what he is. He has had his own 
demons to battle, but if he is ESE, I will eat a grindylow! I just don't buy 

-Tonks with a lot more to say on Lupin but sleep is needed.

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