TBAY: Bill Weasley is Ever So Evil parts 1 & 2
erinellii at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 26 20:22:14 UTC 2003
No: HPFGUIDX 85921
Here was Erin, back AGAIN at the Royal George, and becoming
increasingly worried that she ought to be getting back to the
Imperius!Arthur trimaran. Her shore leave had only been approved for
last night, and it was now nearly 11 a.m. the next morning.
But no sooner had she wet her whistle and begun to think about
heading for her rowboat, than she was deluged by a small crowd, all
wanting details on her new Evil!Bill theory. Bowing to crowd
pressure, Erin took out her shiny BB GUN (Bitter Bill Goes Undeniably
Nefarious) and began to explain how it worked.
A few minutes into her explanation, she heard a small noise from
behind her, a sort of...
"Hem, hem."
Erin whirled around and saw, with a thrill of dread, Abigail, acting
captain on the trimaran, clothed in a tea-stained nightdress, rubber
boots, and her trademark many-pocketed overcoat.
"So...What's this about Bill then, Erin?" asks Abigail.
The pit of Erin's stomach performs an awful flip-flop, but she
proceeds to try and brazen it out.
"Oh, hello, Abigail!" she answers brightly. "Isn't it exciting?
There've been some quite positive reactions so far. Do you want to
hear about it?" Without waiting for a reply, she launches into a
rather exhaustive explanation, hoping to forestall the inevitable
questions. Abigail listens silently as she eats.
Just before Erin can move on to the third part of her theory, Abigail
speaks at last. "In general, I like the idea of the modern betrayer
being a contemporary of Harry (relatively speaking), rather then a
contemporary of his parents.
"However, I have to question some of your canon. I think you may be
casting too wide a net. For example, take your analysis of Bill's
"That's right." Erin replies, getting comfortable in her seat. "Bill
dresses like a disaffected teenager. What kind of behavior is this
for a man already in his twenties, with a respectable job?"
Abigail frowns. "Bill works for a bank, but he isn't a banker. He's a
curse-breaker. He doesn't work out of an office, meeting with
clients, but in the dusty Egyptian desert. His job includes venturing
into dangerous places. sealed against all who might encroach, seeking
treasure." Abigail turns to Erin with a smirk. "Don't you see, Erin?
Bill is Indiana Jones."
Erin, who was taking a sip of her drink, begins to cough it up, and
Abigail spends a few minutes slapping her back.
"Indiana Jones!" Erin yells. "Indiana Jones! No way! Indiana Jones
gives his findings to museums! Didn't you hear my argument about how
in the muggle world, there are laws against what Bill is doing? That
treasure properly belongs to the country of Egypt, not to some
private bank. Those Goblins are probably melting down priceless
artifacts just to make more galleons. Cleopatra's tomb is never
gonna be found, thanks to Bill! And even if you point out that
wizards aren't bound by muggle laws, what about possible descendants
of those old Egyptian wizards? In a society where Ollivander's
family has owned the *same* wand shop for over 2,000 years, you can't
tell me there's no way to trace these people.
"Indians Jones, pshaw. More like one of his baddie archaeologist
rivals. And when did you ever see Harrison Ford wearing black,
anyway? Black wouldn't work out in the dusty Egyptian desert. It'd
be too hot, and it would be coated with dust within seconds, making
it look awful. No these clothes must be special ones Bill saves for
when he's in England. And he wears them to dinner especially to bug
his mother.
At Erin's words, Abigail assumes a pained expression. "Are you sure
you want to do that, Erin?" she asks. "Walk into the Weasley Family
Dynamics morass? Specifically, the unplottable depths of the Molly's
Mothering Skills Swamp, now with extra quicksand!"
"But I'm not talking about Molly here." Erin insists. "I'm talking
about Bill intentionally dressing to upset her."
"Is he?" Abigail's eyes are wide. "Some people might see Molly as
babying him. They might conclude that Bill might indeed be dressing
to annoy his mother, but that this is a reaction to her own
behavior. And the thing is, I don't even see that dynamic at play.
Bill's behavior at the dinner is completely calm. He reacts to his
mother's nagging with bemusement. He is neither annoyed, nor is he
actively trying to annoy."
"Oh, is that how you read that scene?" says Erin. "I agree that was
the way that Harry saw it, but you know, we can't always trust
Harry's viewpoint on these things. Let's look at what really
"Molly bugs Bill about the earring. He tells her, in no uncertain
terms, to back off, using a swearword in the process. Harry may hear
that calm, quiet tone as "patient", but patience and cursing just
don't go together. I hear it as a sinister warning. And Molly hears
the same thing. She backs down immediately, changes the subject
faster than you can say "Lumos". No last arguments. Not a single
word of recrimination about the swearing, though she wouldn't let any
other child get away with it.
"But there's a problem. Even though she's changed the subject, she's
still annoying Bill. So Ginny, recognizing the warning signs, steps
in and speaks for him before he explodes."
"And haven't you ever wondered why Molly always takes Percy as an
example for the twins when she could impress them much more by taking
Bill? After all, he was Head Boy too, and he's a lot cooler than
Percy. There's just something wrong with Bill, and his family can
sense it."
"I don't believe that has anything to do with Bill, actually."
Abigail says, as she begins searching through her pockets. "Tell me,
have you visited The Stubby Boardman Modern Art Wing at the Canon
Museum recently?" Finally, Abigail finds what she was looking for.
She hands Erin a slightly grubby, much folded and refolded, formerly
glossy brochure announcing an art exhibit.
"The Next Generational Parallels." Erin reads. "I heard about this.
What does it have to do with Bill?"
"Look at the artist's notes in the back." Abigail prods. "The bit
about Ron right there."
>>The Weasley children seem to fall into two camps. The
Charlie camp, which seems to include Fred, George and Ginny,
is more rambunctious, less concerned with rules, more
physical and has interests that lean towards the dangerous
and irreverent. The Bill camp, which includes Percy and Ron,
tends to be more responsible. They have positions of
authority both in and out of Hogwarts, and tend to be more
concerned about propriety. (The two groups are also
apparently divided by body types - Bill and his group are
taller and thinner, whereas Charlie and his group are shorter
and stockier.)>>
"Now, given your claim that Bill is Ever So Evil, we might as well re-
title the two camps Molly and Arthur." Abigail explains. "Arthur is
an intelligent, responsible man, but we all know that he's given to
flights of whimsy, and is capable of being quite silly. He thinks
very little of appearances, and tends to have a more permissive
outlook. Molly, on the other hand, is quite concerned with propriety
and the appearance of it, and seems more aware of financial concerns
then her husband (but then, that may be more a function of her role
in the home). Each of the Weasley children show characteristics of
both their parents, but to differing degrees. Fred and George, for
example, are super-Arthur, with very little Molly. Ron, Ginny, Bill
and Charlie are a rather even mix, each leaning a little bit towards
one of their parents. Of all the children, Percy is the only one who
favors Molly completely - in fact, like the twins with their father,
we might call him super-Molly."
"Wait a minute!" Erin interrupts. "I agree with you about the two
camps of children. Yes, I see that. But you would link the Bill
camp with Molly and the Charlie one with Arthur? Oh, no, that's not
how I see it at all. In fact, if we're going by physical type, it's
exactly the opposite. Molly is the short one, just like Charlie, the
twins, and Ginny. Arthur is tall, mild-mannered, and calm, like
Bill, Percy and Ron. Molly's group are the firebrands, just like
Molly herself. She might be all gung-ho about the rules now, but
that's very often a symptom of a misspent youth, such as sneaking out
and about at three in the morning with her boyfriends. I think she
fights with the twins so often not because they are two separate
personality types, but because they are so much alike. she likes
Percy because she sees so much of Arthur, whom she loves, in him.
"Alright, let's see what you think about this one." Erin's eyes
glow. "Now, there's the scene after Voldemort's return at the end of
GoF. I think it more then a little suspicious that Bill is so eager
to leave. Dumbledore was saying that a 'message' would be sufficient,
presumably sent by owl post, yet Bill seemed to feel Arthur *had* to
be informed... in... person?" Buoyed by her conviction in her theory,
Erin had momentarily forgotten whom she was speaking to. Now she
falls silent as Abigail flushes and her eyes begin to glow.
"J'accuse!" She cries, knocking her teacup over in her excitement and
spilling it all over herself and Erin. "J'accuse, ma petite fille!
You Rocked the Boat! Not once, but twice now! You're stealing
Imperius!Arthur canon in order to build your new ESE!Bill!"
Erin cowers. "I didn't think anyone would notice! It's only a little
canon, who's it hurting anyway?" she squeaks out, awash in spilled
tea. "Plus, there just has to be more to it then Elkins' claim that
Bill wants to spare his father the pain of finding out about
Voldemort's returns through a letter. Look, only a few minutes later
he cuts Dumbledore off mid-speech."
"I've often wished I could do that myself." Abigail remarks.
Erin frowns. Is it possible that Abigail is Ever So Evil? "Be that as
it may."
"Alright, so the two theories can coexist." Abigail concedes. "In
fact, I think ESE!Bill is strengthened by making it dependent on
Imperius!Arthur. Bill's father, a man he's supposed to admire, was
felled by Voldemort, made to act against his own will. Maybe Bill
figures a good way to prevent that sort of thing from happening to
him is to ensure that he wants to do the things that his father was
coerced into doing."
"Plus," Erin continues excitedly. "This might be the solution to the
mystery of Percy's behavior all through OOP. Just picture it: Bill
runs straight to Percy and says 'Harry's gone mad and killed Cedric
Diggory. And Dumbledore and Mum have fallen for every word of his
crazy story. They actually believe Lord Voldemort has returned, and
Dad and Mum are going to join this nutty Order thing of Dumbledore's'"
"And then Bill goes and joins the nutty Order thing himself, and
Percy doesn't find that odd?" Abigail raises an eyebrow. "Sorry, but
Percy isn't that stupid. Even if he doesn't know about the Order's
existence, he knows that Bill has suddenly relocated to England, and
he can put two and two together."
"That's where Bill tells Percy that he's moved back because he wants
to keep trying to persuade his parents to see the truth."
Abigail snorts. "But with or without Imperius!Arthur, you're going to
have to explain to me why Bill felt it necessary to poison Percy's
mind against Dumbledore in the first place. What great victory has he
achieved for Voldemort's side?"
Erin says "Oh, I don't know.... Just one more act of chaos in his
evil little life? Probably to help discredit Arthur. So that the
people at the ministry he's trying to persuade will look and
say, "Wow, even his own *son* is against him. Maybe he's crazy after
Abigail is examining Erin's BB GUN. She seems satisfied with the heft.
"Hey, Erin?" she calls out finally. "Where did you say you got this
idea anyway?"
"Why, it was Errol and yourself who first put the idea in my head."
Erin replies. "Remember last spring when you were both arguing over
who would be the OOP death?"
"Don't remind me." Abigail smiles. "We were both so far off base. I
thought that Lupin was a goner, and Errol suggested Bill instead."
"That's right." Erin nods. "He wondered why Bill was given so much
screen time in GoF, and concluded that it had to be because he was
going to die in OOP."
Abigail grins. "I knew there was reason I liked this theory. Do you
remember what my chief objection to Errol's suggestion was?" Before
Erin can answer, Abigail procures a dusty scroll and reads.
>>Killing off a Weasley brother moves the focus from Harry to Ron.<<
"Errol disagreed with me at the time, but I think OOP bore me out."
Abigail rolls up the dusty scroll. "Short of actually being in the
room, Harry couldn't possibly have been more involved in the attack
on Arthur. And yet he describes himself and Sirius as 'intruding on
the family grief' when waiting for news of Arthur's condition. A wall
comes up between the actual family members and the adopted son, and I
believe this would be the case if Bill were to die. However, a
betrayal to Voldemort would almost have to be a betrayal of Harry,
directly or indirectly. Harry would be intimately affected, deeply
hurt, and possibly imperiled by any betrayal of a Weasley family
member. He wouldn't be at an emotional remove because at some level,
it would all be about him.
"Yeah," says Abigail happily, "I'm starting to like this idea. For
one thing, if there has to be a spy or a betrayer - and I'm in no
means convinced that there is - then the selection of adult figures
who might fit the job is rather disappointing."
Just as Abigail is about to elaborate, another voice pipes up. "She's
right, you know. There's not a spy in the Order. None. Zip. Zilch.
"Captain Jenny," Abigail nods amicably to the newcomer.
"Captain Abigail," Jenny returns the nod happily.
"Captain Jenny? Of SILK GOWNS (Suspiciously Insane Longbottoms, the
Key is the Gum Or Wrappers that Neville Saves) fame?" asks Erin
eagerly. "It's an honor to meet you, Captain."
"And you must be Erin," Jenny said with a smile and a tinge of regret
in her eyes for what she was about to say next.
"Interesting theory, BB GUN, but no gun can fire without every piece
working properly. Your canon is interesting, and the sneakoscope
almost had me convinced, until I realized what didn't fit with ESE!
As Erin eyed her warily, Jenny took a deep breath and plunged in
with, "if Bill is evil, why didn't he tell Voldemort that only
Voldemort or Harry could retrieve the prophecy?
"Dumbledore told Harry that *we*, not *he*, had known all along what
Voldemort didn't learn of until Rookwood informed him(1), meaning
that the Order, not just Dumbledore, knew this." Jenny watched Erin
curiously, waiting to see what she thought of this.
But just as Erin opens her mouth to reply, Abigail jumps in,
explaining that the "we" Dumbledore had spoken of didn't have to
include ALL the order members. Erin is delighted. Abigail was
defending the theory! She must really be taking a liking to it.
Maybe it was time to offer her a BB GUN? But before Erin could even
reach under her long trenchcoat...
George came over, bearing a silver tray on which rested two elegant
black-bordered engraved invitations:
~~ Breakfast at The Safe House~~
Erin picked hers up and examined it closely. "Er--" said George,
"I wouldn't do that if -- oops!"
In a few moments the two women had left a congealing plate of
runny eggs and two little heaps of ash behind them and were standing
before a garden path which led to the Safe House. It was clear what
was expected of them.
"Shall we?" asked Erin. Jenny nodded, and the two of them began to
walk up the path.
Back at the Royal George, a tall male figure with a long black cloak
and long red hair uttered a gratuitous "Damn!"
TBAY posts referenced in this post:
BB GUN parts 1 and 2:
Imperius!Arthur post-OOP:
More information about the HPforGrownups