TBAY: the arrival of SILK GOWNS
RSFJenny19 at aol.com
RSFJenny19 at aol.com
Fri Sep 12 18:11:36 UTC 2003
No: HPFGUIDX 80587
The sun glinted like diamonds across the calm waters of Theory Bay, leaving
behind little reminder of Hurricane Jo, almost some three months past now.
Here and there, wreckage lay immersed, forgotten, in shallow waters. Captain
Jenny watched them carefully as she guided the sleek, sturdy sailboat toward the
docks, sails billowing. She did not intend to join that wreckage, though she
knew well enough that even powerful vessels can fall to the unexpected. This
ship, she was certain, had been built with canon sufficient to ride out any
storm, and its hull strong enough to withstand attacks from others. It appeared
deceptively simple, this sailboat, to the untrained eye. Only when looked at
closely were all the intricate details truly appreciated.
Jenny glanced around her as they prepared to dock, eyeing her crew, all
decked out, as she was, in various bold-colored silk gowns and looking quite
confident in their vessel. They were bound to catch the eyes of many, she was
certain, and that would lead to questions.
Sure enough, a small crowd soon appeared on the dock, some to examine the
ship, and others to eye the attire with skepticism.
"SILK GOWNS," one of the crowd Jenny recognized as a skeptic spoke. "And just
what does this mean?"
Jenny smiled. It was the moment she had savored.
"SILK GOWNS is the belief in the Suspiciously Insane Longbottoms, the Key is
the Gum Or Wrappers Neville Saves."
"Our ship," she continued, "is dedicated to Frank and Alice Longbottom. As
you are likely aware, both are currently considered insane, and reside in St.
Mungo's. Frank and Alice were Aurors and members of the original Order of the
Phoenix. They defied Voldemort three times during his reign and were tortured
into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and Co. after his downfall. They have one
son, Neville, who was born at the end of July the same year as Harry, and
could have been the one prophecied about with the ability to defeat Lord
Voldemort. Neville is raised by his paternal grandmother.
"A worthy cause, perhaps," continued the skeptic, "but why a cause at all?"
"Frank and Alice Longbottom are being kept from recovering at St. Mungo's,"
Jenny stated confidently. "Despite having been there for 14 years now, they do
not appear to be recouperating in any fashion, which is contradictory with
canon references to other patients of the long-term ward(3a). This points to
foul play."
The skeptic raised her eyebrows in challenge.
Taking a deep breath, Jenny continued.
"My crew and I believe someone is using something to keep the Longbottoms
from recovering. We know that Alice has given Neville countless Droobles Blowing
Gum wrappers throughout the years(2). Therefore, the gum is the only thing we
know the Longbottoms have been in contact with regularly throughout their stay
at St. Mungo's. This makes it the primary object of suspicion. But there were
no bluebell-colored bubbles(2d) in canon at the long-term ward, leaving us
with two options that are most likely to explain their absence:
1. The Longbottoms don't actually chew the gum, and it is the wrappers that
are the tool that affects them.
2. The gum is tampered with and whatever is in it affects its "special
effect", so it doesn't create the bubbles.
Note also that Neville, whom we know has touched the wrappers, and Healer
Strout, who has also likely come in contact with wrappers during her tenure with
the Longbottoms, appear to have memory issues. Neville has a notoriously poor
memory, and Healer Strout, who would have needed to score high on her NEWTs in
Herbology to become a Healer, failed to recognize Devil's Snare when she
delivered the present to Bode(3b)."
Gaining momentum, Jenny added, " we believe there are three possible
suspects; Lucius Malfoy, Uncle Algie or Mrs. Longbottom."
The crowd around SILK GOWNS had grown since Jenny had begun, and another
person spoke.
"Yeah, but how could any of them have done it, the Longbottoms are in a
"The killing of Broderick Bode emphasized that outside factors can influence
a patient's well-being at St. Mungo's," Jenny reminded them, "and we have
discovered several options that could be possible, supported by canon. These
options aren't necessarily exclusive of each other, either."
Seeing she had their attention, Jenny jumped in.
"Option A: Lucius Malfoy, a generous contributer to St. Mungo's(4a), may
contribute more than money to St. Mungo's.
Notice that Broderick Bode, along with his Devil's Snare potted plant,
receives a calendar of hippogriffs(3b). A connection can be made between Malfoy and
the hippogriff calendar due to Malfoy's vendetta against Buckbeak(4f). This
could be a symbolic reference to Malfoy's ability to influence the fate of
Buckbeak (though thwarted by Harry, in Buckbeak's case), and serve as a reminder
that he is able to determine Bode's fate as well. If Malfoy were in a habit of
sending gifts to St. Mungo's of various forms, certainly one of those gifts
could be endless supplies of Droobles Blowing Gum for Frank and Alice Longbottom.
"Option B: Lucius Malfoy's contributions are bribes.
It is a corrupt Fudge, other corrupt St. Mungos officials, or the actual
tampering with the Longbottoms been being done by a nurse, doctor, or orderly.
If it is the latter, it could be easier to stop. Locate the person (or few
people) who've been tampering with the Longbottoms. High marks on the OWLs and
NEWTs are necessary to train as a Healer, and Hermione recognized Devil’s Snare
in her first year. Busy or not, an aggressive plant like that should be
instantly recognized by somebody who is supposed to know these things. The Healer
could have been bought off.
If, however, this is a case of corruption from the top down, it gets uglier
real quick. After seeing the way the Ministry is run, it is believable that
there could be major corruption in the top levels of management at St. Mungos.
"Option C: Alice and Frank are under the Imperius Curse.
Alice is aware of what she is doing, and that she is actively trying to send
Neville a message. There are two possibilities here: that her brain is addled
right now, and it is probably taking all the willpower she can muster to pass
him these gum wrappers, or that she is not really as crazy as we've been led
to believe, but her primary problem is a lack of ability to communicate (for
some reason). In other words, that she can still think clearly to some degree
(at least some of the time) but isn't able to communicate any of her thoughts or
feelings properly.
The first scenario, that most of her brain is incapable of doing what she
tells it to do, but there is a small voice far in the back somewhere that knows
the truth and is SCREAMING loudly enough to give her the ability to get those
gum wrappers to her son, is reminiscent of the way Harry describes being under
the Imperius curse(canon from GoF needed). Also, the way Alice is
described(2b) is reminiscent of Barty Crouch Sr's appearance at the end of GoF. Harry and
both of the Crouches have proven that you can fight the Imperius Curse in
GoF(7). Alice be able to at least fight back against whatever is affecting her
just enough to try to let somebody, anybody, know what’s happening to her and
"Option D: As a relative of Frank and Alice, for Uncle Algie to send gum to
them on a regular basis would not be looked upon with suspicion. Uncle Algie
has been mentioned several times in the book by Neville, though we have never
met him. He spent years trying to force some magic out of Neville(8a), bought
Neville his toad(8b), Trevor, and also bought him his Mimbulus Mimbletonia(8c).
While arguments can be made for and against Algie's liking of Neville, all are
based on differing interpretation of the same canon(8). Was Great Uncle Algie
the old man who was going to visit Broderick Bode the first day the Weasleys
and Harry went to St. Mungo's? The Devil's Snare that killed Bode could also
have a connection to Uncle Algie, who seems interested in plant life(8c).
"Option E: The person who went to visit Bode(3d) may have been a DE keeping
an eye on Bode's recovery. Logically, someone could be keeping tabs on the
Longbottoms as well, to ensure the gum/wrappers is doing the job.
"Option F: Severus Snape is making a potion for Lucius Malfoy that is used to
"poison" the gum(6).
"Option G: Lucius Malfoy is making a potion that is used to "poison" the
"Option H: Mrs. Longbottom is giving the bubblegum (with potion) to Alice and
Frank so that they stay in their non-recovered condition as a way of
protecting them. If they recover then they may be in more danger if indeed they know
"something". Also, they would probably want to get in to the fight again.
People can do off things when trying to protect loved ones, and parents are not
perfect as hard as they try!
"Option I: Strout is under the Imperius Curse. That is why she allows gifts
sent to the patients on her ward through, no matter how odd those gifts seem.
Someone with her background should not be letting hazardous plants get near her
debilitated patients(3b).
"Option J: The message in the empty wrappers is just that - they are empty.
Candy could be part of the healing process at St. Mungo's, just as an
emotionally unsettling encounter with Dementors can be fixed with just some chocolate.
Part of the therapy for the Longbottoms could be to give them gum, but they've
just been given empty wrappers instead of the gum itself. That's why it's
important for us to know that Neville received empty wrappers when there were no
bubbles around in the room."
A long silence greeted Jenny as she finished, out of breath.
"But...why would anyone want to do this to them?" a young boy asked in
disbelief at the possibilites.
Jenny sighed.
"We don't know," she said simply.
"What do the Longbottoms know that is so significant it is worth the risk of
keeping them in their incapacitated state? Why not just kill them? Killing
Bode proved they are capable of doing so and making it appear unsuspicious. We
know that Bellatrix and Co. tortured the Longbottoms for information about
Voldemort's whereabouts(1a). What is it that led them to believe the Longbottoms
had such information? And, given that the Longbottom's testimony of the event
was "unreliable"(1c), how can we be sure that is the true reason they were
tortured? Malfoy was probably not involved in Longbottom's torture. They were some
of the first to come back to the good side after LV's downfall. To get caught,
or even named, as one who tortured the Longbottoms would rip their story that
they'd been bewitched to shreds(4c)," Jenny explained.
"The question of why has been a nagging problem as we built the ship, and
though the vessel sails fine without it, we know an answer would make our ship
invincible," she continued with a note of longing.
"So say one of those comes true," the skeptic pushed her way back to the
front of the crowd. "What could possibly come of it?"
"Hopefully, the Longbottoms will recover," Jenny answered happily, thinking
with joy about their possible reunion with Neville.
"We have possible solutions, of course," Jenny added hastily, "they aren't
necessarily exclusive of each other, but here goes:
"Solution A: Lucius Malfoy is currently in Azkaban (although we don't know
for certain that his name has been publicly mentioned in connection with the
kerfuffle at the Ministry). If he is, indeed, discredited, he may no longer be
able to pay off whomever he's been paying to keep the Longbottoms insane. So,
there is a chance they won't need to be rescued.
"Solution B: Neville, Frank and Alice's son, stands a chance at accomplishing
this, for it is he who has the wrappers, and therefore, the clues.
"Solution C: Perhaps one of the great things about Neville's Mimbulus
Mimbletonia will be it's function as a cure (in the form of a potion, wouldn't that
be ironic??) to whatever is doing this to them.
"Solution D: Luna will make the discovery that saves the Longbottoms. Note
her penchant for decoding, her suspicious nature, her inclusion in Ravenclaw
house, and that she does not need outside confirmation to believe something. She
is the antithesis of Hermione; though Hermione takes Ancient Runes classes,
Luna is reading ancient runes upside down on the Hogwarts express for another
reason entirely(9a), viewing things from a different perspective, and Luna will
believe (probably) anything, whereas Hermione only believes information gained
from what she deems a reliable source (books, people she respects)(9b).
"Solution E: Luna's discovery (above) will be connected to the gum wrappers.
"Solution F: Who do we know that is named for candy? Cornelius Fudge, of
course! Alice is in no condition to tell anyone that the gum is doctored and that
the source is Fudge. Her abilities are limited, so she does the best she can.
The wrappers, then, are both the smoking gun and the message. Luna, a new
factor, and a puzzle-solver, will finally make that connection--she's a "true
believer" in weird things, and could very well make the leap between "Fudge" candy
and "gum" candy. She's been taught to mistrust Fudge, anyway, and would be
happy to help get him thrown out of office. We already know that Fudge is in
love with his office, and if he believed that the Longbottoms could damage his
position, for any reason, he'd be happy to feed them something that would keep
him out of the way. Lucius Malfoy has had a lot of access to him, and if Fudge
mentioned that he had "reservations" about the Longbottoms, Malfoy would be
sure to supply him with something that would protect Fudge's position, and bring
Fudge under his control. Malfoy could always threaten to reveal Fudge's role
in keeping the Longbottom's in the hospital.
"Solution G: Neville tells the gang, which now includes Ginny and Luna, that
Alice has stopped giving him the gum wrappers. Hermione questions this, and
this is how they start to figure out that someone has been hindering the
Longbottom's recovery."
Jenny looked around, trying to guage the reactions of the crowd.
"It's all here, really," she confirmed, and swept her hand over the detailed
(all page references are US editions unless otherwise noted, and paperback
references will have pb next to them.)
1. The Longbottoms:
A. "'Yes, they were talking about Neville's parents,' said Dumbledore. 'His
father, Frank, was an Auror just like Professor Moody. He and his wife were
tortured for information about Voldemort's whereabouts after he lost his powers,
as you heard.'
'So they're dead?' said Harry quietly.
B. 'No,' said Dumbledore, his voice full of a bitterness Harry had never
heard there before. 'They are insane. They are both in St. Mungo's Hospital for
Magical Maladies and Injuries. I believe Neville visits them, with his
grandmother, during the holidays. They do not recognize him.'
Harry sat there, horror-struck. He had never known...never, in four years,
bothered to find out...
C. 'The Longbottoms were very popular,' said Dumbledore. "The attacks on them
came after Voldemort's fall from power, just when everyone thought they were
safe. Those attacks caused a wave of fury such as I have never known. The
Ministry was under great pressure to catch those who had done it. Unfortunately,
the Longbottoms' evidence was - given their condition - none too
reliable.'"(GoF, Ch. 30 p.602pb)
D. "'The four of you stand accused of capturing an Auror - Frank Longbottom -
and subjecting him to the Cruciatus Curse, believing him to have knowledge of
the present whereabouts of your exiled master, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-'"
"'You are further accused,' bellowed Mr. Crouch, 'of using the Cruciatus
Curse on Frank Longbottoms' wife, when he would not give you information.'"(GOF,
Ch30, p.595pb)
2. The Longbottoms and Droobles Best Blowing Gum:
A."'My son and his wife,' she said, turning haughtily to Harry, Ron,
Hermione, and Ginny, 'were tortured into insanity by You-Know-Who's followers.'
'They were Aurors, you know, and very well respected within the wizarding
community,' Mrs. Longbottom went on. 'Highly gifted, the pair of them.'
B. Her face was thin and worn now, her eyes seemed overlarge, and her hiar,
which had turned white, was wispy and dead-looking. She did not seem to want to
speak, or perhaps she was not able to, but she made timid motions toward
Neville, holding something in her outstretched hand.
'Again?' said Mrs. Longbottom, sounding slightly weary. 'Very well, Alice
dear, very well - Neville, take it, whatever it is....'
But Neville had already stretched out his hand, into which his mother dropped
an empty Droobles Blowing Gum wrapper.
'very nice dear,' said Neville's grandmother in a falsely cheery voice,
patting his mother on the shoulder.
But Neville said quietly, 'thanks, Mum.'
His mother tottered away, back up the ward, humming to herself.
C. 'Well, we'd better get back,' sighed Mrs. Longbottom, drawing on long
green gloves. 'Very nice to have met you all. Neville, put that wrapper in the
bin, she must have given you enough of them to paper your bedroom by now....'
But as they left, Harry was sure he saw Neville slip the wrapper into his
pocket."(OotP, Ch23 p.514-5)
D. "...along yet another wall were 'Special Effects' sweets: Droobles Best
Blowing Gum (which filled a room with bluebell-colored bubbles that refused to
pop for days),...."(PoA, Ch10, p.197)
3. Broderick Bode:
A. "'This is our long-term resident ward,' she informed Harry, Ron, hermione,
and Ginny in a low voice. 'For permanent spell damage, you know. Of course,
with intensive remedial potions and charms and a bit of luck, we can produce
some improvement.... Gilderoy does seem to be getting back some sense of
himself, and we've seen a real inprovement in Mr. Bode, he seems to be regaining the
power of speech very well, though he isn't speaking any language we recognize
yet....'"(OotP, Ch 23, p.511)
B. "'And look, Broderick, you've been sent a potted plant and a lovely
calendar with a different fancy hippogriff for each month, they'll brighten things
up, won't they?' said the Healer, bustling along to the membling man, setting a
rather ugly plant with long, swaying tentacles on the bedside cabinet and
fixing the calendar to the wall with her wand." (OotP, Ch 23, P.512)
C. "St. Mungo's Hospital promised a full inquiry last night after Ministry of
Magic worker Broderick Bode, 49, was discovered dead in his bed, strangled by
a potted-plant. Healers called to teh scene were unable to revive Mr. Bode,
who had been injured in a workplace accident some weeks prior to his death.
Healer Miriam Strout, who was in charge of Mr. Bode's ward at the time of the
incident, has been suspended on full pay and was unavailable for comment
yesterday, but a spokeswizard for the hospital said in a statement, 'St. Mungo's
deeply regrets the death of Mr.Bode, whose health was improving steadily prior
to this tragic accident.
'We have strict guidelines on the decorations permitted on our wards but it
appears that Healer Strout, busy over the Christmas period, overlooked the
dangers of the plant on Mr. Bode's bedside table. As his speech and mobility
improved, healer Strout encouraged mr. Bode to look after the plant himself,
unaware that it was not an innocent Flitterbloom, but a cutting of Devil's Sanre,
which, when touched by the convalescent Mr. Bode, throttled him instantly.
'St. Mungo's is as yet unable to account for the presence of the plant on the
ward and asks any witch or wizard with information to come forward.'"(OotP,
Ch 25, p.546)
D. "A very old, stooped wizard with a hearing trumpet had shuffled to the
front of the queue now.
'I'm here to see Broderick Bode!' he wheezed.
'Ward forty-nine, but I'm afraid you're wasting your time,' said the witch
dismissively. 'He's completely addled, you know, still thinks he's a teapo
t....Next!'"(OotP, Ch 22, p.486)
4. Lucius Malfoy:
A. "Fudge, who wasn't listening, said, 'Lucius has just given a very generous
contribution to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries,
Arthur. He's here as my guest.'"(GOF, Ch 8, p.101pb)
B. "'Malfoy was cleared!' said Fudge, visibly affronted. 'A very old family -
donations to excellent causes - '"(GoF, Ch36 p.706pb)
C. "'I've heard of his family,' said Ron darkly. 'They were some of the first
to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Said they'd been
bewitched. My dad doesn't believe it. He says Malfoy's father didn't need an
excuse to go over to the Dark Side.'"(SS/PS, Ch6, p.100pb)
D. "I have a few - ah - items at home that might embarass me, if the Ministry
were to call....'"
"'- and as you see, certain of these poisons might make it appear - '"(CoS,
Ch4, p.51pb)
"'Father's got some very valuable Dark Arts stuff. But luckily, we've got our
own secret chamber under the drawing-room floor - '"(COS, Ch12, p.224pb)
E. "'Malfoy's been giving generously to all sorts of things for years....
Gets him in with the right people...then he can ask favors... delay laws he
doesn't want passed... Oh, he's very well connected, Lucius Malfoy....'"(OotP, Ch
9, p.155)
F. "'Father's not very happy about my injury - '
'Keep talking, Malfoy, and I'll give you a real injury,' snarled Ron.
' - he's complained to the school governors. And to the Ministry of Magic.
Father's got a lot of influence, you know.'"(PoA, Ch 7, p.125pb)
5. Neville Longbottom
"Neville struggled frantically, his fists flailing, trying desperately to get
at Malfoy who looked, for a moment, extremely shocked."(OotP, Ch24 p.361)
6. Severus Snape
A. "'I dont expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly
simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that
creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses....I can
teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -'"(SS/PS, Ch 8,
B. "'Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he's delighted his
lapdog's working at Hogwarts, isn't he?'"(OotP, Ch 24, p.520)
7. The Imperius Curse
A. "It was the most wonderful feeling. Harry felt a floating sensation as
every thought and worry in his head was wiped gently away, leaving nothing but a
vague, untraceable happiness. he stood there feeling immensely relaxed, only
dimly aware of everyone watching him.
And then he heard Mad-Eye Moody's voice, echoing in some distant chamber of
his empty brain:Jump onto the desk...jump onto the desk....
Harry bent his knees obediently, preparing to spring.
Jump onto the desk....
Why, though? Another voice had awoken in the back of his brain. Stupid thing
to do, really, said the voice.
Jump onto the desk....
No, I don't think I will, thanks, said the other voice, a little more
firmly...no, I don't really want to....
Jump! NOW!
The next thing Harry felt was considerable pain. He had both jumped and tried
to prevent himself from jumping - the result was that he'd smashed headlong
into the desk, knocking it over, and, by the feeling in his legs, fractured
both his kneecaps.
'Now, that's more like it!' growled Moody's voice, and suddenly, Harry felt
the empty, echoing feeling in his head disappear. (GoF, Ch 15, P.232pb)
B. "'But Winky didn't know that I was growing stronger. I was starting to
fight my father's Imperius Curse. There were times when I was almost myself
again. There were brief periods when I seemed outside his control. It happened,
there, in the Top Box. It was like waking froma deep sleep.'
'The sound of their voices awoke me. My mind was clearer than it had been in
years."(GoF, Ch 35, p.686pb)
C. "'After awile he began to fight the Imperius Curse just as I had done.
There were periods when he knew what was happening.'"(GoF, Ch 35, p.689pb)
D. "And Harry felt, for the third time in his life, the sensation that his
mind had been wiped of all thought....Ah, it was bliss, not to think, it was as
though he were floating, dreaming...just answer no...say no...just answer no...
I will not, said a stronger voice, in the back of his head, I won't answer....
Just answer no....
I won't do it, I won't say it....
Just answer no....
'I WON'T!'
And these words burst from Harry's mouth; they echoed through the graveyard,
and the dream state was lifted as suddenly as though cold water had been
thrown over him - back rushed the aches that the Cruciatus Curse had left all over
his body - back rushed the realization of where he was, and what he was
facing...."(GoF, Ch 34, p.661-2pb)
8. Uncle Algie
A."'My Great Uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some
magic out of me - he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once, I nearly
drowned - but nothing happened until I was eight. Great Uncle Algie came round
for dinner, and he was hanging me out of an upstairs window by the ankles when
my Great Auntie Enid offered him a meringue and he accidentally let go. But I
bounced - all the way down the garden and into the road.They were all really
pleased, Gran was crying, she was so happy.'" (SS/PS, Ch 7, p.125pb)
B."'Great Uncle Algie was so pleased he bought me my toad.'"(SS/PS, Ch 7,
C."'It's really, really rare,' said Neville, beaming. 'I don't know if
there's one in the greenhouse at Hogwarts, even. I can't wait to show it to
Professor Sprout. My great-uncle Algie got it for me in Assyria. I'm going to see if I
can breed from it.'" (OotP, Ch 10, p.186)
9. Luna Lovegood
A."...and an article on ancient runes, which at least explained why Luna had
been reading The Quibbler upside down. According to the magazine, if you
turned the runes on their heads they revealed a spell to make your enemy's ears
turn into kumquats." (OotP, Ch 10, p.193)
B. "'There are plenty of eyewitness accounts, just because you're so
narrow-minded you need to have everything shoved under your nose before you - '"
(OotP, Ch 16, p.345)
10. The Prophecy
"'Sibyll's prophecy could have applied to two wizard boys, both born at the
end of July that year, both of whom had parents in the Order of the Phoenix,
both sets of parents having narrowly escaped Voldemort three times. One, of
course, was you. The other was Neville Longbottom. (OotP, Ch 37, p.842)
*Note, they are not dead, only the people who are clearly dead will
definitely not come back, per JKR.
Contributers to SILK GOWNS, as written above, are:
RSFJenny, Peg, Sally, Brief Chronicles, Lilian, Entropy, Fran, and Wendy
Check out SILK GOWNS at our website
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