Character Discussion: Voldemort - further explanation

Hans Andréa ibotsjfvxfst at
Thu Feb 3 22:10:59 UTC 2005

No: HPFGUIDX 123848

Replies to Cat_kind and Geoff.

Thanks for that excellent post, Cat_kind! It was a brilliant idea to give me
back your perception of what I said. That way I can see how Im coming
across. I wish more people would do that, and Id be very grateful if youd
look at my other posts and do the same.

Cat_kind wrote:
Hans' point seems to be that Voldemort represents what you call the "higher
self", which is a kind of accumulation of one's character and experiences
across a series of reincarnations, is more or less immortal and is not in
itself evil.

Not bad at all, Cat_kind! Id just like to qualify your words, is not in
itself evil. The teachings of systems like Theosophy, Anthroposophy and
Schools of Liberation are that the higher self or microcosmic consciousness
is good to the extent that the personality (lower self) is good, and evil to
the extent that the personality is evil. In other words your higher self
will have as much goodness as you do and as much evil as you do. The trouble
is whats good and whats evil? There are no definitions possible and its a
very subjective judgement to say one thing is good and another evil. 

The higher self is an astral entity with a consciousness. It dominates the
personality and makes it do what it wants. It will cause the personality to
do a mixture of good and evil things, as we all do. It does not have a
conscience and knows no mercy or feeling of pity for the personality. The
higher selfs actions are automatic. Its not programmed to distinguish
between good and evil. This is why Voldemort says, through Quirrell: There
is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it....

However from an absolute point of view, there is the Divine Plan and there
is the possibility of not following the divine plan. Accordingly there are
two universes: one absolutely Good without evil, and another which is a
mixture of subjective good and evil. The teachings of liberation say that
the universe where Good exists is known as The Kingdom of Heaven or
Nirvana, or whatever its called, depending on your religion. We in this
fallen universe are not part of the Divine Universe, and so from an absolute
point of view we live in sin, i.e. we do not live according to the Divine
Plan. In this picture, Voldemort is the accumulation of all our past actions
which were not in the Plan. Hence he represents all our past sins (in the
new definition Ive just given). If we go on the journey that Harry Potter
symbolises, then a spark of life from the absolutely Good universe shines in
our heart. The microcosmic self experiences this as a burning fire, because
its Light while the microcosmic self is a mixture of grey and black. This
is where it becomes our opponent: the meaning of the word Satan. This is
why Voldemort opposes Harry. Harry radiates light which will ultimately end
Voldemorts life. Compared to the Light Harry shines out, all the shades of
grey appear just as black as the black does. Hence: compared to Harry,
Voldemort is evil.

Now I dont expect you to accept or reject the above. Im asking you whether
you understand it. In your post you give the impression this all sounds new,
however these teachings are very ancient. The idea of reincarnation is
surely not new in this 21st century? Surely then its obvious that if
theres reincarnation there has to be something that survives in between
incarnations? Well, quite simply, thats Voldemort.

Harry represents something created by what you call the "spirit", which
seems to be more or less a/the god. 

Yes, thats not bad. I didnt think it was all that strange to refer to God
as spirit though. Surely thats a fairly traditional Christian concept? To
make your sentence more accurate: Harry symbolises the Immortal Divine Soul
of the microcosm that was created by the Original Spirit of God before time

Coming from a higher plane (my terminology), he has to learn stuff to get
back up to that higher plane, and is then able to destroy the higher self.

Id give that one 40% for accuracy. The MICROCOSM originally came from a
higher plane. Once again I would have thought thats fairly acceptable to
traditional Christians. Man fell from Paradise. You need only read Genesis
in the Old Testament. I wouldnt take it too literally if you want to
understand what Im saying though.

When the microcosm fell, the original soul died (The soul that sins shall
die.) and inside the centre of the microcosm was left the dormant soul.
This is symbolised in Harry Potter by Lily. The Path of Liberation teaches
that this soul can be revivified when the seeker longs to return to God.
Once again, very traditionally Christian. Thats the story of the Prodigal

He has to learn stuff to get back up to that higher plane is a very crude
way of putting it, but I guess its basically true. The teachings of
Liberation as symbolised by Harry Potter say that the microcosm is tied to
the fallen universe with seven chains. In each volume Harry breaks one of
the chains. In my essay Harry Potter: Christian Rosycross in Jeans (under
Essays in the groups files) I explain each chain and how Harry breaks it.
In April 2003 I predicted which chain Harry would break in book 5 and it
turned out to be correct.

Your words and is then able to destroy the higher self are wrong. The
seven chains in fact constitute Voldemort. Each time Harry breaks a chain he
weakens Voldemort. Harry will destroy the last chain in book 7 and that will
finish Voldemort. Not until then can Harry enter that higher plane. 

In what way does this tie in with the Harry Potter books except in that
Harry will presumably defeat Voldemort?

I had no choice but to put in this explanatory post before I could continue
my series of character discussions on Sirius. What I have to say in Sirius
(2) wouldnt make sense unless I explained the background first.

I did feel a bit guilty about not mentioning Harry Potter very much, but
Ill be a good boy and stick more closely from now on. I just had to do it
for clarity. 

Im sure you will agree that Harry Potter is a vast tapestry of archetypes,
symbols and many, many layers of meaning. If it wasnt, there wouldnt be
120,000 posts discussing it! Well my assertion is that its so complex
because its based on the teachings of Liberating Alchemy. The only way I
can tell this group about my startling discovery is to make another tapestry
to show you the similarities. Both tapestries are incredibly complex. Ive
been posting for nearly two years and I havent even got half way. What I
did in the post were discussing is take a little detailed patch and explain
what it means and how it fits into the big picture. Im assuming that people
who are interested enough to read my series of posts have become more or
less used to my theory. A particular post has to be seen in the context of
all my earlier posts. If youve lost track I advise you to visit the Yahoo
group harrypotterforseekers where all my posts are concentrated densely.
Theyre open to the public and in the right order.

For a start, Rowling has said that Voldemort IS in himself evil.

Yes, from the Divine point of view Voldemort IS evil. As I said he becomes
Satan as soon as Harry is born, and has no conscience. He will leave no
method untried, no matter how evil, if it will kill Harry. I have explained
this in past posts and will explain this in more detail in future posts. 

And if Rowling believes in this theory and has based her books on it, why
should she deny it? Wouldn't that be dishonest?

She hasnt denied it. She has said that she couldn't answer the questions
about the book's religious content until the conclusion of book seven. 

Let me start by saying that I have never written that I have rejected the
path of liberation utterly. That would be an insult to Hans' world view. 

OK I wasnt quoting literally. This is a quote from your post No. 120508:
As I have remarked on previous occasions, I cannot buy into your views on
the Path of Liberation. You have said that quite emphatically several
times, and I interpreted that to mean you rejected the Path utterly. If
thats not what you meant I apologise. 

However you are saying you cannot buy into my views. That to me means youre
rejecting my view of the Path itself rather than on my theory that Jo bases
Harry Potter on the teachings which I espouse.

Im not even halfway with my explanation so I beg you to suspend judgement
till Ive finished. Ill do a summary then.

Hans has made an assumption that Jo Rowling believes in the Path of
Liberation and has structured his comments about the books on that
hypothesis. As far as I know, the author has not at any point made any such
statement of faith.

I guess to you it may seem like an assumption, but can you accept that to me
its recognition? In post 107405 I explained that reading Harry Potter to me
is like walking in a garden which is exactly like another garden with which
Im extremely familiar. The reason no one else in this group has that
overwhelming sense of recognition is that no one else knows the teachings of
liberation. Its as simple as that. Wouldnt you say its my duty as a
member of this group and as a keen Harry Potter fan to TELL you all what I
see if it provides evidence of the origins of Harry Potter?

Im assuming, of course, that Im being regarded as an honest and sane
person telling the truth. When I say I recognise the teachings of Alchemical
Liberation in Harry Potter Im assuming people like you are not saying Im
either lying or living in a delusion. If thats what you think theres
nothing to discuss.

At the moment, I have received no answer to that [how many Rosicrucians
there are]. As I said, I have a friend, a one-time next-door neighbour who
is a Rosicrucian which was why I knew of the order but I am given to
conclude that the number of followers is small and it seems to be little
known which is why I wondered how Jo Rowling, assuming that she /does/ know
of it, came into contact.

If youll try a good search engine Im sure youll be able to find out how
many people call themselves Rosicrucians. 

Ill be the first to admit the Rosicrucians are a small group. That is why I
am so absolutely astounded at my discovery! Yes, Geoff, and everyone, it is
indeed incredible that teachings which are known by only a handful of people
are being incorporated symbolically in the best selling book ever (well, the
Bible has had 2000 years to run up its figures). Sometimes I have to pinch
myself to convince myself Im not dreaming! But again and again the
similarities are too great and too obvious to be dismissed. Jo is definitely
using the ancient symbols used not only by a certain small group of
Rosicrucians (there are many kinds) but by the Mystery Schools of Greece and

As to how Jo knows these obscure teachings, I have my theory on that but
Id prefer to leave that for now. I have posted that to HPfS if you really
want to know. It would take us way off the present topic.

I see no evidence of the Path of Liberation ideas which could easily be
picked up and realised by an average reader and if that is the case, why
weave this world view into a book where it will not be recognised?

As I said, I have not even got half way with my expostulation. I will
present evidence upon evidence and will summarise at the end. I do emphasise
that the teachings of liberation are very carefully hidden. Why? Tonks has
explained this very well. Harry Potter is making an extremely powerful
impact upon the human subconscious. 

This is something Ive explained before in great detail. Carl Gustav Jung
said that the unconscious mind has more influence upon our lives than the
conscious mind. Once Harry Potter is finished millions upon millions of
children will unconsciously have absorbed the teachings of Alchemical
Liberation and they will be open to and accept the teachings when they are
presented overtly and not symbolically. They will recognise them as I
recognise them. As I said in my essay, Harry Potter will be part of a new
world religion that will last for 3000 years. We are privileged to witness
the birth of a new world religion.

My sincere thanks to both Geoff and Cat_kind for the time and effort theyve
put into their posts!


Hans Andra 
see you at Harry Potter for Seekers

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