What Harry "knows", Was Why we'll get no further revelations Snape was Evil
ida3 at planet.nl
Tue Jun 5 18:47:58 UTC 2007
No: HPFGUIDX 169836
> Oh yes, it could explain Snape's loyalty. The trust DD had in Snape
> is a very important factor. If ESE, the question is how did Snape
> hook-wink DD? If DDM, Harry needs to know this. Also, LV doesn't
> trust Snape. He does not. LV has Wormtail hiding out in Snape's
> lair and LV did not confide in Snape about Draco's plans at all.
> What was explained in HBP was Harry's POV. DD stated that Snape
> had remorse over the prophecy, but DD never stated WHAT it was that
> made him trust Snape. DD tells Harry back in GoF, when Harry asked
> him about the trust factor, that was something between him & Snape
> and not Harry. So, there is something more - because the prophecy
> is Harry's business.
DD was never going to tell Harry who had brought the prophecy to LV
and considered Snape's remorse enough to keep the information from
Harry forever and thus making the reason's for that trust something
between Snape and himself.
DD did explain the reason for Snape's return in HBP when he
specifically states he believed that it was Snape's greatest regret
and the reason that he returned (HBP pg 513 UKed chapter "the seer
overheard"). Harry's point of view has nothing to do with it because
it does not change what DD said, we witnessed what DD said.
Snape might not have lied at all he might truly have had remorse
about HOW LV interpreted the prophecy because he still had that
annoying debt. So no additional hoodwinking neccessary and to be on
LV's side he doesn't have to believe in LV himself just not double
cross him openly for him to find out and because Snape does not have
a deathwish being loyal to LV doesn't take much effort just make sure
he has not reason to kill you is all it takes.
In GoF DD specifically states that he believed that Snape was never
guilty of DE activity just like Ludo Bagman. We see that DD wants to
give Draco a change to come over to the right side even though Draco
has made two murder attempts.
Snape never betrayed the trust DD had in him before the Potters died
and afterwards there was no reason for Snape to betray DD but
something changed and that was LV's return to power. LV's trust is
not as unconditional as that of DD but he nevertheless shared Draco's
task with Snape. Most Snape fans believe that DD confided in Snape in
everything but DD never did that with anyone, he probably shared the
most with Harry. So actually LV sharing information with Snape on an
assignment that Snape was not even part of, is an indication LV did
trust Snape. LV himself did not know how Draco was going to preform
his task, he just had the assignement to bring DEs into the castle
and from Snape's reaction it seems he knew that part too. Snape in
Spinner's End uses precisely the same words DD used with Harry that
the reason's for LV's trust in Snape is between the Dark Lord and
There is nothing more, DD trusted Snape would never go back to LV's
side because he believed Snape was truly remorseful of what he had
done and that him going against LV and providing DD with the
necessary information was enough proof for DD to put his trust in
Snape. As we see it didn't take much for him to believe Sirius story
either even before DD talked to Harry and Hermione.
Still someone's trust is not enough to determine Snape's loyalties,
unless you want to suggest that DD blackmailed Snape and keep him in
check by those means but that is not what trust is (or at least not
DD's trust). The ironclad reason DD might have thought he had for his
trust is him saving Snape from a life in Azkaban for being a DE and
that Snape would be honorable enough to never sell out DD. We see
that other people loyal to DD, are people DD personally helped out of
a tight situation or has helped them by giving them a chance to a
normal life.
Another possibility is that DD believed that Snape truly wanted LV
finished and that he for that reason would never sell out DD, Harry
and the Order. But like DD said about Snape not continuing the
occlumency lessons, some wounds are too deep for healing. DD referred
only to Snape's hatred for James but he forgot to include Snape's
hatred for Sirius, Lupin and ultimately Harry and maybe DD himself
for letting the marauders get away with what Snape perceived as an
attempt on his life. Maybe that is the reason we will see the prank
again to understand why DD made the decisions he made after that
night and we will then understand everybody's part in it.
DD probably thought that Snape's remorse included that he regretted
ever joining up and therefore he never thought about the reason's for
Snape joining the DE's and I believe the circumstances that led Snape
to LV in the first place repeated themselves on more then one
occasion and I believe that Snape lost faith in DD but that DD wanted
to hold on to his trust in Snape and that Snape would do the right
thing in the end, but he didn't.
DD is not an old fool for trusting Snape because somewhere deep down
there probably was some good still lingering inside Snape but Snape
is not a good occlumens for nothing. He can compartmentalize his
feelings to such an extent that they no longer can balance his search
for revenge. Maybe Snape truly hated DD for never picking his side,
for never acknowledging Snape. I truly believe that the problems with
Snape inability to let go of the past had more to do with DD then
with the marauders because I truly believe that if DD had expelled
them after that night that Snape would have let go and unfinished
business has a tendency to comeback when one least expect it. So now
we only have to wait for Snape to make an attempt on Lupin's life and
Snape has eliminated every single person he thought to have
responsibility in that night's events. I would not be surprised if
Snape delivered the information about Peter to Lucius with the
intention that Peter would sell out Sirius and maybe Lupin but that
one bit Snape in the butt when Peter actually sold out James.
Speculation of course but I do believe that the revelations about
Snape will make the story of the marauders versus Snape fall into
place and come full circle. DD put his trust in the wrong man as I
believe he lost trust in Sirius and Snape set it up so in OotP that
DD actually held Sirius responsible for the DoM ordeal. What more can
a guy wish for, the one person that did not get the right punishment
is now believed to have betrayed DD's trust and put Harry in danger
and better yet he is now believed to be death. Yes, believed because
I'm not convinced Sirius is actually dead, of course that is a
different discussion but what fun would it be if Sirius thwarted
Snape again and then say the joke is on you again Snivellus. You need
to get up a little earlier to get ride of me. Oh well a girl can
dream can't she?
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