[HPforGrownups] ADMIN: Rules Change at HPFGU

Laura Lynn Walsh lwalsh at acsalaska.net
Wed Apr 1 04:46:14 UTC 2009

No: HPFGUIDX 186131

Unfair - it isn't April 1st yet here.

Laura Walsh

On 2009, Mar 31, , at 20:43, Sheryll Townsend wrote:

> *Rylly Elf steps forward, pale and shaken, bearing a crisp piece of  
> paper in her trembling hand*
> "Please, fellow Elvses, gather 'round. We has received mail! Rylly  
> is thinking this has got to be bad news. It's from, um, Yahoo!Mort.  
> This has gots to be serious. Please listen to what it says:"
> *a screen drops from the ceiling of Elfly HQ and the letter is  
> projected for all to read*
> April 1, 2009
> From the desk of Yahoo!Mort, Inc.
> 701 Shuttrun Deraseat
> Shaddyhill, CA
> It has come to our attention that your group, HPforGrownups,  
> henceforth known as HPFGU has been imposing the following rules on  
> your members:
> - snipping of unnecessary text
> - exclusion of 1 line or "me, too" posts
> - proper citation for members being quoted
> - limits on the number of posts per member per day
> - not allowing discussion of movies, fan fiction and other related  
> topics
> - signing of posts to HPFGU
> Please note that this list is not all inclusive and there may be  
> more rules we have yet to ferret out that also voilate our vision  
> of how Yahoo!Groups may be used.
> *Amandageist floats into the room to see what the collective  
> gasping is about*
> Since these rules clearly limit the ability of HPFGU list members  
> to fully enjoy their experience with HPFGU, we must ask that you  
> cease and desist immediately. From this point forward your members  
> should be free to express themselves in any fashion they so desire.
> Sincerely,
> Yahoo!Mort, Inc.
> Shorty Elf promptly faints, narrowing missing the table loaded with  
> eclairs and hot chocolate.
> Zippy Elf looks on in horror. "Oh noes, the chaos that will ensue!  
> We can't make them snips? We shall has to read their thoughts over  
> and over again? Oh, Woe!"
> "Blinky is not knowing how not to be an Elf! She is not having  
> another job. She is not knowing how!!! Olga dog is whining that she  
> is not getting to participate in Elfly parties and is not sneaking  
> eclairs and other goodies."
> *Amandageist hovers in front of the screen, pointing, but the  
> shocked Elves ignore her*
> "Exmoor Elf is very happy that he has not to send welcome letters  
> to people who join and never send thank yous or new tea towel to  
> poor Exmoor Elf. He can also have extra Exmoor cream tea everyday  
> when I be reading posts. But... what happens to us Elves? Does he  
> lose his friends and never get eclairs and hot chocolate again?"  
> *rushes out, weeping, with face buried in tea towel*
> Vexxy Elf bursts out, "Vexxy is hating changes, she is. Yahoo!Mort  
> changing rules on us is rude, is ham-and-cheese fisted, is just not  
> right, curses Y-who-must-not-be-named!
> Alika Elf is thinking that these new rules is not right. She is  
> summoning lawbooks and wondering if Yahoo!Mort can be sued. Alika  
> disappears behind a pile of books, turning pages with trembling  
> fingers.
> *Amandageist tries shouting at the Elves but can't be heard over  
> the weeping and wailing*
> Speedy Elf pours herself some more butterbeer, tips her chair back,
> and downs it in one gulp, gasping, "Speedy Elf sees Master Yahoo! 
> Mort ...
> hic ... on the ceiling dropping water balloons on us poor .... hic ...
> Elvses."  A loud thud is heard as Speedy Elf's chair tips over and  
> she falls unconscious to the floor.
> Marvin Elf wonders why all the ruckus, when the new year was over a  
> day ago (at least from the stand point of the enchanted isle in  
> which he lives). Amandageist would have to get up on the morning of  
> the day before to catch him. New year's day (old style ;-))is the  
> one day a year, as well as being to confund people, that Marvin is  
> allowed to run around sans
> tea towel, if only for 12 hours. But, what a 12 hours they are <beg>.
> Phlytie Elf looks up from his mending tea towels, leaps to his feet  
> and promptly sticks himself with his needle. He stands there  
> flailing around a hand with a needle, thread and a tea towel flying  
> like flag  and asks Twisp Elf, "but Phlytie is not understanding  
> this. We will have new ruleses to be following, right?"
> Twisp Elf shakes his head, "No Phlytie, they is taking all the  
> ruleses away from us. Elvses will be out of a job." Twisp Elf has  
> tears welling up in his eyes but he stands resolute, refusing to  
> breakdown.
> *Amandageist rattles the chandelier in frustration, wondering why  
> these silly Elves won't pay attention to her.*
> Phlytie pulls the needle out of his hand, and absentmindedly tries  
> to stick it into his pin cushion, which turns back into a hedgehog  
> and scurries out of his reach thereby causing Phlytie to stick his  
> needle into his thigh. But that's OK cuz he doesn't notice as he  
> proclaims, "Phlytie is going to see the Headmaster about THIS."
> Kroppy Elf tells Phlytie, "Ummm, Phlytie,... ahh, YahooMort is  
> being our Headmaster!"
> "Oh,... but we will never find new work in this economy."
> Cardi Elf looks stunned at Phlytie. Then a light goes off in her  
> eyes as she conjures parchment and quill. "Cardi Elf is not being  
> caught out, she is writing Monster.com, Lessee 'Cute elf, will work  
> for room and board,...'" as she slowly curls up behind the eclair  
> cart...
> Crikey Elf is thinking he is safe from Yahoo!Mort. Crikey lives far  
> away from other Elvses and is hoping Yahoo!Mort doesn't notice him  
> and leaves him alone.
> A quiet Elf in a dark green pillowcase peers from behind the comfy  
> chair. Zaney Elf is eyeing the platters of eclairs and thinking  
> they are going to be demolished when the next Elf faints. "She  
> can't be letting good eclairs go to waste," Zaney thinks. She  
> hurriedly scoops up the platter and retires behind the comfy chair  
> to wait until the catastrophe is over.
> *Amandageist drops water balloons among the distraught Elves,  
> hoping to get their attention*
> Kelley Elf is thinking this cannot be true. But even if it is,  
> Kelley Elf has weathered many storms, since she is the most senior  
> of Elvses. She is hoping the other Elves will calm down and stop  
> endangering the eclairs.
> Corbie Elf looks up from the parchment she is writing and adjusts  
> her glasses with ink-stained fingers. "I is trying to get work done  
> over here! What is making all this commotion and why is Amandageist  
> making my work all wet?
> Penapart Elf has been very quiet in her corner, hand clapped over  
> her mouth in horror. "Is this being the end of HPFGU as we know  
> it?" Being a Practical!Elf, she is wondering if the list members  
> will have a party. Perhaps they will have eclairs and hot chocolate  
> and let the Elvses come and join in?
> *Amandageist throws one last barrage of water balloons in vain. The  
> Elves are still too distraught to pay any attention to her. She  
> wafts out of the room, hoping they will come to their senses.*
> __________________________________________________________________
> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
> http://www.flickr.com/gift/
> ------------------------------------
> Lots of great events happening in summer 2009, so start making your  
> travel plans now!
> Before posting to any list, you MUST read the group's Admin File!
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin_Files/ 
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Laura Lynn Walsh
lwalsh at acsalaska.net

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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