
Dee (Denise) R gypsycaine at ...
Sun Oct 8 22:26:27 UTC 2000

(i will comment that near the end are some graphic descriptions of ER 
traumas and broken bones)

Connected!  Sending login information...
Your buddy angeliquestill is in chat
Your buddy bigeagle75 is on pager
Your buddy katerinaugusta is on pager
Your buddy ladyfaythe is on pager
Your buddy night_wolf_9_ofthe_ironfangs is on pager
Your buddy plinsenmayer is on pager
Your buddy siriusgeologist is on pager
You see here:
gypsycaine leaves
Harry Potter for Grown Ups
You see here:
Your buddy ladyfaythe has gone off pager
€  gypsycaine says, test?
gypsycaine is away (be right back)
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
gypsycaine  Hogwarts   ____  O
gypsycaine    E X          |[ ]|_,_Y
gypsycaine  PRESS      |__|_|_|}
gypsycaine                  00-- oo\\   ALL ABOARD!
gypsycaine  Hogwarts   ____  O
gypsycaine    E X           |[ ]|_,_Y
gypsycaine  PRESS      |__|_|_|}
gypsycaine                  00-- oo\\   ALL ABOARD!
gypsycaine  Hogwarts   ____  O
gypsycaine    E X            |[ ]|_,_Y
gypsycaine  PRESS       |__|_|_|}
gypsycaine                    00-- oo\\   ALL ABOARD!
gypsycaine  Hogwarts   ____  O
gypsycaine    E X            |[ ]|_,_Y
gypsycaine  PRESS       |__|_|_|}
gypsycaine                      00-- oo\\   ALL ABOARD!
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Finally in!
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, I errored out three times
gypsycaine is back.
€  gypsycaine says, i did too.
Your buddy hert0661isme is in chat
hert0661isme enters
€  gypsycaine says, did it upgrade you then?
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Then I tried to dl the Cheetah upgrade 
with claims to fix the Yahoo logon problem 
€  gypsycaine says, (ooo, here comes the hail!)
  hert0661isme says, Hi
€  gypsycaine says, that's what I got.
€  gypsycaine says, exactly.!
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, then my upgrade .exe errored out at 36% 
€  gypsycaine says, and HI!
€  gypsycaine says, mine didn't let me blink.
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, What hail?
€  gypsycaine says, outside my window.
€  gypsycaine says, it's about 40 degrees
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, in yesterday's frp game, hailstones the 
size of softballs fell from a clear sunny sky in Poitiers, June 1200, 
and Tim asked the GM what temperature they were
€  gypsycaine says, cold?
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, She said they were 32 degrees (F) and 
Tim said, good, if they were hot he'd be worried because flaming 
hailstones are part of the book of Revelations
  hert0661isme says, Yes - I had to put a coat on!
€  gypsycaine says, lol!
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, and everyone said, "They are???'
€  gypsycaine says, I had to put pants on... lol
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, and soon , FLAMING hailstones came out 
of the sky, setting wooden buildings on fire -- never give the GM 
€  gypsycaine says, lol
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, By the way, Hi Dee, and Hi Simon
€  gypsycaine says, it's rather nice.
€  gypsycaine says, the DM is usually under my control anymore.
  hert0661isme says, LOL - to teh American/British use of the word 
€  gypsycaine blinks, confused and blonde?
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Brits think pants are (men's) 
underpant (girls' undies are "knickers")
gypsycaine . o O ( i usually run around my apt in shorts and a t-
shirt. )
gypsycaine . o O ( i am now wearing sweatpants... )
€  gypsycaine says, well, they were my fathers.
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, (so Brits crack up in helpless hysteria 
when anyone talks about turn of the (previous) century newsboys, or 
modern pro golfers, wearng caps and knickers
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Has everyone fallen into silence?
  hert0661isme says, was chosing a cd to play!
Your buddy bigeagle75 is on pager
changeling_de enters
  hert0661isme says, Hello
  hert0661isme says, Also going to be doing some stuff in the 
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, If I were mentally capable of doing two 
things at once, the other things would be listening to news radio 
instead of CD
  hert0661isme says, Does my avatar picture show up?
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon: you avatar picture is the tiny 
thing that Dee said is HPMOVIE 
  hert0661isme says, Doh! At my end it is a little picture with SIMON 
written on it - to let people know who I am!
€  gypsycaine says, (making popcorn!)
€  gypsycaine says, I have him as a little cheeta.
  hert0661isme says, Just had dinner - so no need fo the snack food 
  hert0661isme says, OK - will turn it off as it does not work!
€  gypsycaine says, (that's what I did... lol)
 catlady_de_los_angeles says, But, Dee, you did get it to be a little 
picture saying DEE last time! 
€  gypsycaine says, I know. the other ones didn't tho  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Assume that an avator shows up on this 
line and that it is the one I clicked on, what is it a picture of?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A witch in purple or a clown in purple?
€  hert0661isme says, clown in purple
€  hert0661isme says, Penny has just sent out chapter 9 of ASA
  gypsycaine says, indistinct thing with red nose
  gypsycaine says, kewl. i can read 1-9 now.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Has it changed now?
  gypsycaine says, kitty cat!
€  hert0661isme says, cat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Meow!
€  hert0661isme says, dee has roadrunner
  gypsycaine says, it's my last name
  gypsycaine says, (Rohleder)
  gypsycaine says, Road-runner....lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Who put up a mesg from k3Wl dood 
without appearing in the name list
  gypsycaine says, not me
  hert0661isme says, I am reading ASA - back soon!
  gypsycaine says, (Penny's mean.  She sends it out at chattime.... 
gypsycaine  Hogwarts   ____  O
gypsycaine    E X            |[ ]|_,_Y
gypsycaine  PRESS       |__|_|_|}
gypsycaine                      00-- oo\\   ALL ABOARD!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, mean because she & carole didn't 
spend full-time writing so it could be sent out DAYS earlier 
Your buddy p_dumbledore is in chat
p_dumbledore enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dennis
  gypsycaine says, hi Dennis~
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello, how is everyone today
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon has just run off and left us to 
read NEWLY POSTED chapter 9 of ASA  
Your buddy katerinaugusta has gone off pager
+ p_dumbledore says, Ah ha! I missed that one, better activate my e-
  gypsycaine says, i still need to read ASA>
  gypsycaine says, sighs.
  gypsycaine says, right now, Driver's ED book is more important.
+ p_dumbledore says, Is this so you act like a road runner and read 
it..  Beep Beep..   
  gypsycaine says, lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know how things are in Ohio, 
but in California, in 1972 when I took required Driver's Ed in high 
school (didn't pass, btw) 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the little booklet from DMV was only 
like 30 pages long
+ p_dumbledore says, Are you cornering the CheetaChat logo market.. 
  gypsycaine says, that's what I have to do.
  gypsycaine says, Mom bought me a car.
  gypsycaine says, a 91 Sundance.
  gypsycaine says, I don't have a license
+ p_dumbledore says, Ah, the next step !!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, there were only four classes of 
drivers' license, class 4 was for a motorcycle over a certain power, 
but motorcycle below that, scooter, moped, did n't require a license
changeling_de says, Hello?
  gypsycaine says, HI!
fizzwhizbee enters
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, changeling, are you Delwyin_March 
or am I confused as usual?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, fizzwhizbee, do I know you?
fizzwhizbee says, I'm Pippin. There were too many Pippins in yahoo
  gypsycaine says, hi, re hi!
changeling_de says, Ok, finally, this seems to work.
Your buddy night_wolf_9_ofthe_ironfangs has gone off pager
fizzwhizbee says, Hi everyone
  gypsycaine says, couldn't get in via yahoo either earlier.
changeling_de says, I'm Christina, pretty new to the list. How is 
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello Christina, welcome to our little chat party
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And a couple of years ago, a friend 
pursuaded me to try again to learn to drive (it didn't take this time 
either) so I got the little booklet from DMV
gypsycaine . o O ( too many friends tooling about without a license. 
I decided not to emulate them! )
+ p_dumbledore says, Don't feel bad, Diann is 54 and dosen't have one 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and now it was like 90 pages long
  gypsycaine locates the booklet
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, twice as many classes of licenses, now 
with letters instead of numbers
  gypsycaine says, 73
changeling_de says, Thanks.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and motorcycle have M1 for the real 
bikes and M2 for all the low-powered things that didn't use to 
require a license
Your buddy marshall_cross is on pager
  gypsycaine says, ah
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and I went into shock at seeing HOW 
MANY NEW LAWS had appeared in less than 20 years! 
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
  gypsycaine says, we added a whooooole bunch in ten years since I 
last saw a book.
  gypsycaine says, including mantatory seatbelts.
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Catlady, really an Angeleno without a car? Wow! 
I live in Acton, CA BTW
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Really an Angelino without a drivers' 
license. My domestic partner has a car which I bought for him and 
therefore refer to as 'our car' or 'my car'
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So he has to drive me to work during 
the transit strike.
fizzwhizbee says, Bummer!
  gypsycaine says, i've been lucky not to have had one...
  gypsycaine says, single mom, etc...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I LIKE being driven to work, but most 
of the half-million bus riders are poor immigrants who can't afford 
even a rotten old car, so the strike is REALLY hard on them.
  gypsycaine says, sounds like the wizard world... 
+ p_dumbledore says, Ah! but if you get a good boom,  you can avoid 
those traffic problems!
  gypsycaine says, some use brooms, some apparate, and some go by 
+ p_dumbledore says, I wonder if California Wizards are required to 
have a broom license to fly ??
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A different pciture that says DEE
  gypsycaine says, do you think Hagrid can apparate?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suppose people on Broomsticks have 
to be careful not to be seen by Muggles?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And would it be windblown and 
exceedingly uncormfortable, maybe danger of falling off, for long 
+ p_dumbledore says, Invisibility Cloak !!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Invisibility Cloaks seem to be a lot 
scarcer than broomsticks!
fizzwhizbee says, No, I think Hagrid must have used a portkey to get 
from Harry's to Hogwarts in Book one
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And how can one carry luggage, or a 
week's worth of groceries, on a broomstick? 
fizzwhizbee says, I think a broomstick is the wizarding equivalent of 
a sports car
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe Hagrid still had the flying 
motorcycle by the time of Book 1??????
changeling_de says, That's what I wondered when Charlie Weasley's 
friends went to Romania on brooms
changeling_de says, With Norbert in tow.
  gypsycaine says, the phrase is that Harry gets on the train in 
London, and turns, but Hagrid's gone
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Anita Man. Who are these strangers 
sticking their msgs in our chat????
  gypsycaine says, pardon, Rita?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, At least they rigged Norbert's cage up 
to be carried by FOUR broomsticks
Your buddy marshall_cross has gone off pager
fizzwhizbee says, Do we know that Charlie and co went the whole way 
on broomsticks?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (messages advertising Yahoo Messenger 
are appearing in my chat window as if they were msgs from chatters, 
most recently one "ANITA MANN says". Are you not getting them, lucky 
  gypsycaine says, ahhhhhhh
changeling_de says, Maybe not. But to what kind of transport would 
they have changed?
  gypsycaine says, you can fix that via settings
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, One corner of box to each broomstick, 
that is kind of balanced, but trying to dangle a steamer trunk from 
ONE broomstick sounds like a way to overbalance and fall off
+ p_dumbledore says, I just get the ones from some lonely lady who 
for $$$ will be my friend
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I get those in the messenger window, 
not the chat window
  gypsycaine says, i havent gotten any?
fizzwhizbee says, Broomstick away from Hogwarts, then portkey back to 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Charlies' friends are all grown-ups, 
why didn't they Apparate as soon as they were off the Hogwarts 
  gypsycaine says, my question is how hard is it to make a portkey?
  gypsycaine says, perhaps you can't apparate with a dragon?
fizzwhizbee says, I don't think you can apparate with anybody. You 
might Splinch
  gypsycaine says, i wonder what the distance on apparating is anyway?
  gypsycaine says, i have the feeling it isn't a Samantha kind of 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think a racing broom i s the 
wizarding equivalent of a sports car (yes, Pippin)  and therefore 
similarly priced --- except that a little bit of wood and twigs 
souldn't add anything like as much to the price as titanium and 
fibrous ceramincs invented for space program
  gypsycaine says, (one minute in Middletown, USA, and the next in 
+ p_dumbledore says, Seems like the flying carpets would be a better 
choice for longer trips and transporting of possessions with you
  gypsycaine says, but they're illegal in England.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, wasn't it STUPID of them to 
outlaw flyinbg carpets?
changeling_de says, Too easy to spot by muggles
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, only because of slush money from the broom 
fizzwhizbee says, Little bit of wood and twigs...have  you priced a 
Steinway recently? How about a Stradivarius
+ p_dumbledore says, Influce on the MOM
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm so glad that here in America, 
there aren't any laws?
fizzwhizbee says, There aren't?
  gypsycaine says, i have the perfect rug for it.
  gypsycaine says,  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (wizarding America, wizarding laws, my 
universe, which imay not  be cannonical)
  gypsycaine says, here's a question.
  gypsycaine says, (unless it's like Bedknobs and Broomsticks) how do 
you get a rug out a small window?
fizzwhizbee says, roll it up!
  gypsycaine says, while you're flying on it?
changeling_de says, Do you think it means something that Hermione 
keeps rubbing it in that you can't apparate on Hogwarts grounds?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But the brooms that were advertised on 
the scoreboard of the World Quidditch Cup before the pre-game show 
started, were advertised as sedate brooms for the entire family
  gypsycaine says, how could you do that?
  gypsycaine says, like a tandem bike?
fizzwhizbee says, It just has to be restated each book for the 
Newbies...like the Prime Direective.
+ p_dumbledore says, Sort of the station wagon of broom sticks..  
Extra length for the large family with a tag along hook for your 
  gypsycaine says, how do you install the carseat for the toddlers?
fizzwhizbee says, Does Hermione know that Dobby can apparate into 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Stand on the window, shaking your 
carpet open out the window, and mount it like a small boat (bearing 
in mind that every action has an oppostive reaction thatpsuhes the 
boat/carpet away from where it was when you started stepping in it)
  gypsycaine says, i can't help but think of Brian's dad in Witch 
changeling_de says, Or maybe JKR is shoving a clue in our faces so we 
won't see it anymore and then pull off some spectacular stunt. 
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello Christina, welcome to our little chat party
+ p_dumbledore says, Arrggh!! wrong message.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There weren't carseats for kiddies 
when I was a kiddie ... in fact, seatbelts were installed by small 
time entrepreneurs in cars that people already owned
+ p_dumbledore says, I think i would prefer the flying Ford Anglia as 
transport. or perhaps the flying Porche 911 !!
fizzwhizbee says, The wizarding world isn't big on safety equipment. 
They don't wear helmets at Quidditch
  gypsycaine says, the American version, the Flying Plymouth 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There were as many little booths 
selling seatbelts at the County Fair in those days as selling 
Encyclopedia Brittanica
+ p_dumbledore says, I thought in the 50's kids were 'spose to ride 
in the back window of the car ???
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, i don't really *remember* before 1960
  gypsycaine says, i don't remember before 1969... (68-born)
fizzwhizbee says, Kids sat in your lap b. 1952
  gypsycaine says, i vaguely recall the moon-launch
fizzwhizbee says, I don't remember before last week!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If the Triwizard Tournament was the 
Quadwizard Tournament and included an American school, the American 
competitors would arrive in a giant flying two-tone gold and silver 
1957 Cadillac convertible, the one with the greatest tailfins
  gypsycaine says, Not a Saturn?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Except Tim keeps claiming the ones 
from California would arrive in a Wells Fargo stagecoach, the ones 
from New England in a clipper ship,,,,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, "We can't resist showing off" -- 
that's an old Classic, not a new Economy car
Your buddy siriusgeologist has gone off pager
+ p_dumbledore says, Maybe just a big Greyhound Bus !!  
  gypsycaine says, prolly a SUV.
+ p_dumbledore says, Sure with Firestone tyres !
  gypsycaine says, i swear, here in oh, we either have rust buckets, 
SUV's or Saturns, or Mini-vans!
fizzwhizbee says, But we're (oh the shame of it) Muggles!
  gypsycaine says, but so was the ship, and the coach---muggle 
+ p_dumbledore says, Here in Oregon, it's the Jeep Cherokee, they are 
everywhere !
  gypsycaine says, (that's a SUV here...lol)
  gypsycaine says, (it's lumped in with the Jimmy's, and etc..)
hert0661isme is back.
  hert0661isme says, Hello - I am back!
fizzwhizbee says, Inventions with a Faery pedigree...Flying Dutchman 
and Cinderella's coach
  hert0661isme says,   
+ p_dumbledore says, Speaking of flying...   Kathy Rigby in Peter Pan 
on A&E Television tonight !
hert0661isme ponders thoughtfully.
  gypsycaine says, that's tonite?
  gypsycaine says, ack...
  gypsycaine says, wonder if I have a tape?
  gypsycaine says, my son is "peter pan" nuts!
fizzwhizbee says, Interesting contrast, the boy who won't grow up and 
the boy who lived
+ p_dumbledore says, 8pm and 10pm PST time on A&E
  hert0661isme says, The boy who is having to grow up to fast!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm glad I'm not the only person who 
recognized the Flying Dutchman's ship and Cinderella's coach -- I was 
afraid that I might be hallucinating
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
  gypsycaine says, but was it the flying dutchman?
  gypsycaine says, it came from under the water.
  gypsycaine says, (Cinderella, I rec'd immediately)
fizzwhizbee says, Well, it could be the Pirate Ship from Peter Pan
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, He was enable to die at last, perhaps 
by his ship sinking, because the stupid girl determined to abandon 
her father and fiance in order to die for him.
  gypsycaine says, that one flew, tho..
+ p_dumbledore says, Ummm within this framework of fairy tale or 
ghost ship transport - what would an American contingent come in?
  gypsycaine says, Rita, I am sorry.
  gypsycaine says, I am confused again?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm not at all favorably impressed by 
Wagner's view of love -- his idea of a happy ending is 'everyone dies'
fizzwhizbee says, We don't know that the Durmstrang ship *can't* fly
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the Flying Dutchman was for some 
reason cursed to try for all eternity to get into the harbor of 
Capetown (South Africa) but always thwarted by storms
fizzwhizbee says, The American contingent arrives on a Dumbo style 
flying elephant!
  gypsycaine says, 747...
  gypsycaine says, lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, He could only be freed from this 
tiring and boring curse by dying -- he could only be freed from this 
tiring and boring curse if a woman married him with love so true that 
she died for him
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, sort of like the trojan horse
Aberforths_Goat enters
  gypsycaine says, that's not the "Rip Van Winkle" writer version, is 
  gypsycaine says, MIKE!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hi folks!
  hert0661isme says, Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, a romanctic young Boer girl heard the 
story, saw his protrait, and fell in love with him, swaering that she 
would die fo his sake
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Even tho' her father and her fiance 
tried to talk her out of such foolishness 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Oh dear--are you telling the story of
how I 
met Aberforth?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So she did, and they did, and everyone 
died, the end. I don't think favorably of Wagner (he wrote the 
opera)'s idea of love OR happy endings
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Was Peter Pan's pirates' ship ripped 
and torn from the time it had spent underwater as a shipwreck? Did it 
glow with spectral lights caused by ghosts or fungus?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the Durmstrang ship was ripped and 
torn and glowing, so I don't think it was Peter Pan's pirates' ship 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Goat, actually, I was telling 
about the FLying Dutchman
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Err, I picked up on that ... ;-)
€  Aberforths_Goat says, But how does the Durmstrang ship tie in??
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I figure, after the happy ending in 
which he was freed from the curse by dying, having been enabled to 
die by the stupid young girl demonstrating her love's fidelity by 
desrting her fiance to die for him, his ship sank, and was dragged up 
and sold to Durmstrang  
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Not bad!
fizzwhizbee says, Or maybe Durmstrang bought it from the Neverland 
and rehabbed it to look more sinister
+ p_dumbledore says, Gee, the Titanic might have been a better 
choice ?  
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Too expensive--Hollywood had already
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Flying Dutchman's ship had the 
advantage that it already spoke German, which I believe to be the 
language of instruction at Durmstrang, altho' not the native language 
of most of the students 
fizzwhizbee says, Sehr Gut!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, German?  I'd guess Russian.
fizzwhizbee says, Durmstrang is a pun auf Deutsch not Russian
+ p_dumbledore says, Was the Dutchman German, Or from Holland ?
fizzwhizbee says, Fleigender Hollander, at least in Wagner's version
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, From Holland, presumably, but I have 
been told that all the Dutch speak their own language plus german 
anbd french and english
€  Aberforths_Goat says, at least ... they're sickening
  gypsycaine says, sickening?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, to ignorant people like myself, yes.
Your buddy lady_jade_ofthe_ironfang is on pager
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I started it by saying that if it were 
the QUADwizard tournament, including a North American school, the 
American contestants would arrive in a giant flying two-tone gold and 
silver 1957 Cadillac convertible (the one with the giant tailfins) 
but no one beliefs me
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Having nearly killed myself learning
languages when they just know four or so to begin with ...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where 
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers 
fly!  <<<<<-----
flying_ford_anglia enters
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where 
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers 
fly!  <<<<<-----
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, neil
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hi Neil!
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Neil (I'm Pippin)
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi all!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It is said that English-speakers are 
the people in the world for whom learning more languages is diffficult
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello Neil
flying_ford_anglia says, Why do I always get bonked on the head, Dee?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wonder if there woulc be some reason 
that English as a first language burns out the language=learning 
centers of the brain
  gypsycaine says, 'cause i have that macro...
hert0661isme is back.
  hert0661isme says, Hello
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Oh no.  Do we realy have to start this
flying_ford_anglia says, English-speakers are just spoiled...
fizzwhizbee says, Fudge sure is an example of it
+ p_dumbledore says, Just watch out for those low hanging branches 
Flying Ford !
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter 
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; his is an annoying 
macros but it's saving my butt!
gypsycaine http://www.egroups.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Okay, Dee, tell me what I should set 
how to keep those advertising chat msgs away!!!
flying_ford_anglia says, Yes - the foliage in here is a hazard...
  gypsycaine says, go to settings/preferences.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, you are sill showing the avator 
of the little bitty tiny blur things
  gypsycaine says, see if your settings on either the first or yahoo 
tab are set to that.
flying_ford_anglia says, Are we discussing Fudge - the person, not 
the sweet, tooth-rotting thing?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Someone said we were supposed to 
discuss Cornelius Fudge this week.
fizzwhizbee says, Right, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, Neville 
Chamberlain clone
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Speaking of news for non English
GoF will beach here in Switzerland on the 14th Okt.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, I don't' see any of the click 
boxes having a name that sounds like 'no advertisingsen
flying_ford_anglia says, I think Dee suggested it.  He is the 
character up for discussion on the Board< i guess
  gypsycaine says, hmmm.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is there a reason for his personal 
name being Cornelius (presumably nicknamed Corny by old friends)?
flying_ford_anglia says, Mike - that ties in with the German release, 
i think...
  gypsycaine says, there isn't something about message boxes?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, For that matter, is there a reason why 
one or both Crouches are named Bartemius?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, right--the Zúrich train station has
out the red steam engine from the UK release.
flying_ford_anglia says, Those -ius names sound rather strict and 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, serious, yes; biblical, weel, it's the
flying_ford_anglia says, Really?  It was maroon, not red - surely 
they have one in Switzerland?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 'Bartemius' may sound Biblical by 
reminding us of Bartholemew, but -ius is a Latin ending, like Lucius
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and for that matter Sirius
€  Aberforths_Goat says, maroon - pink -red --whatever
  gypsycaine says, how many of those are in HP anyway?  Ius?
flying_ford_anglia says, They sound biblical to me - an ignorant  
€  Aberforths_Goat says, i thought agnostics were ignorant
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bartemius may sound a BIT like 
abstemious, a nice strict word, but that's stretching things pretty 
fizzwhizbee says, I can't think of any Hebraic derived names in HP.
flying_ford_anglia says, Undecided, I think
€  Aberforths_Goat says, jk
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Amos
fizzwhizbee says, Ah, thanks, catlady
€  Aberforths_Goat says, gosh Rita!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Or are you a name buff?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Molly (and Malkin, as Madam Malkin the 
robe maker) are traditional English nicknames for Mary, which is from 
Hebrew Miriam
flying_ford_anglia says, All the names have a vaguely ancient feel to 
them, biblical or not..
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like names as part of my trivia 
obssesion. HP is a good place for a trivia obsession\
  gypsycaine says, i just collect names.
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
  gypsycaine says, Someday I am a going to write a fan fic, and 
you'll know me by the love interest to harry--Angadresma~
+ p_dumbledore says, Oh, it's that new perfume... "Trivial 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' Molly Weasely may have been 
given Molly as what I call her 'birth certificate name'
flying_ford_anglia says, Any thoughts on the first names of 
Flitwick , Binns and some of the other smaller characters?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, anagram dresm
  gypsycaine says, angel of dreams
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, where;s the F
  gypsycaine says, her nickname is angie.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Feldibrand Flitwich, Basil Binns
  gypsycaine says, how about Beverly Binns?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, He had a sex change?
  gypsycaine says, (watched Man ...Dinner last night)
flying_ford_anglia says, Feldibrand? that's a new one!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, = burning field
flying_ford_anglia says, Dusty Binns?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Beverley, and Shirley, and Clare, and 
Jordan, were boys' names long before they were girls' names. Jordan 
switched over in my lifetime
flying_ford_anglia says, I see...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've met a few girls named Jeremy, but 
I don't think that one has switched over yet
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
  gypsycaine says, i liked the line in the play where Maggie asks 
Beverly a favor, and then says she's naming her firstborn after him.  
He answers he hopes it's a girl
flying_ford_anglia says, I've never seen a female Jeremy -
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There was also a girl in my college 
class whose given name was Kennedy, but I am SURE that will remain 
flying_ford_anglia says, Ken for short?
fizzwhizbee leaves
+ p_dumbledore says, Seem to recal some actress with first name 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The latest chapter of DRACO SINISTER 
ws posted in the last couple of days. Of  course, it is wonderful, 
but it includes a Portkey (we were speaking of Portkeys a moment ago)
flying_ford_anglia says, Reagan is also a girl's name - well, Regan.  
Any girls called Bush?
fizzwhizbee enters
flying_ford_anglia says, Spoiler alarm - i haven't read those Draco 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, who wrote 'em?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I imagine that Regin and Regan are 
forms of Regina, Reyna, Rhiannon
flying_ford_anglia says, Regan was in King Lear
  gypsycaine says, there's a book by Johanna Lindsey with a character 
who's called Regan in it.
flying_ford_anglia says, daughter of the king, I guess
  gypsycaine says, only one uncle calls her that, the rest call her 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bush is a vulgarism for female 
genitalia, which is why Mondale choosing Geraldine Ferraro as VP 
candidate led to the joke that both tickets had a bush for VP
flying_ford_anglia says, Ooooh!
flying_ford_anglia says, I always laugh at Tipper Gore's name - 
changeling_de says, How tasteful!
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
flying_ford_anglia says, Does she tip rather heavily in restaurants 
or something?
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Err, does Tipper mean something I
know about?
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, DRACO SINISTER is the sequel to DRACO 
DORMIENS. Both are by Cassandra Claire. Both are wonderful. I can't 
give you a latest chpater spolier, as I don't remember what the 
Portkey were used for
changeling_de says, Can you guys name kids just anything? 
+ p_dumbledore says, Texas Governor Hogg, named his daughter   "Ima"  
  gypsycaine hands fizz a portkey, to help
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I only remember that it struck me as 
inappropriate to put the characters through a whirlwind that would 
slam them on the ground upon arrival, which is the GoF descriptio of 
fizzwhizbee leaves
fizzwhizbee enters
flying_ford_anglia says, I guess we can call kids what we like - 
especially other people's kids..
€  Aberforths_Goat says, ACtually, I belive the U.S. has some
about allowed names
flying_ford_anglia says, The French have strict rules
+ p_dumbledore says, Or grabs you in the middle and jerks you off to 
the site
  gypsycaine says, there are some names, you avoid.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, Americans can name kids just 
anyone: there are no laws restricting first names. 
  gypsycaine says, some names just are too obscene tho.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Including vugarisms??
+ p_dumbledore says, like "moon unit" Zappa, or 
flying_ford_anglia says, I think anything goes in the UK
Your buddy lady_jade_ofthe_ironfang has gone off pager
+ p_dumbledore says, Dwezel
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, People made jokes claiming that Ima 
Hogg (the first name is from her motehr's favorite poem by Tennyson 
IIRC) had sisters named Ura and Shesa
changeling_de says, Our (German) magistrate just threw a fit about 
the name Francesco the other day.
fizzwhizbee says, Laws would vary by State in the US
€  Aberforths_Goat says, He?  Why?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, What's wrong with Francesco?
flying_ford_anglia says, Paula Yates' kids - Fifi Trixiebell, Peaches 
and Tigerlily... hmmmm
  gypsycaine says, LOL
  gypsycaine says, that's a funny one.
  gypsycaine says, after the San Franscisco thing?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There aren't any major laws 
restricting people changing their surnames, either
changeling_de says, Not a name "in use" in this area. But the guy was 
close to retirement.
  gypsycaine says, (must give SF royalties if you use their name)
flying_ford_anglia says, I saw that story - there were about 19 names 
they had to consider - for one child!
+ p_dumbledore says, Saw Movie Trekkies Yesterday, guy changed his 
name to James T Kirk
changeling_de says, Probably wanted to block some "dangerous 
innovations" before he left office.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, You gotta have thousands of Francescos 
living in D!
flying_ford_anglia says, Some guy who shot a TV presenter over here 
changed his surname to Bulsara
flying_ford_anglia says, ...after Freddie Mercury's real name
changeling_de says, But they're Italian. His argument, not mine.
  gypsycaine says, i recognized that name..
  gypsycaine says, lol
  gypsycaine says, My fav band.
  gypsycaine looks over to Innuendo sitting beside CRr.
flying_ford_anglia says, He was nuts about Queen - and shot Jill 
Dando - who, ironically, presented Crimewatch UK.
Your buddy seth_mt is in chat
  gypsycaine says, it doesn't make sense...
  gypsycaine says, that kind of lunacy.
  gypsycaine says, i have to wonder, though.
  gypsycaine says, how many folks have changed to "Harry Potter"?
flying_ford_anglia says, You can't prevent crimes of lunacy
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Does that include politicians?
fizzwhizbee says, Harry himself named after the young Prince?
flying_ford_anglia says, You can stop them in mid-flow... like 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Anyway, a Dictioanry of First Names 
website that I checked SAYS " CORNELIUS (m) Meaning unknown, from a 
Roman family name. It may contain the Latin element
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cornu "horn", or the Greek element 
helios "sun". 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know if that's true -- I don't 
recall hearing of any old Roman Cornelii, only medieval "German" 
ones. Is it [also] a Latinization of a German name, like Neander ofr 
Neumann (yes, I know that's Greek) and Linneaus for von Linne?
flying_ford_anglia says, There was a French poet called Corneille - 
whose characters were often "torn between duty and passion"
changeling_de says, Our Cornelius doesn't seem to be passionate about 
flying_ford_anglia says, We don't see him being passionate, but 
behind closed doors... 
fizzwhizbee says, Cornelius has nightmares about that street full of 
Muggles he saw blown up
changeling_de says, I don't even want to think about that! ;.)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There is a patron saint in Brittany 
whose name I do not recall who is patron saint of betes cornues. The 
book from which I got that indicates that the pun works better in 
french, where it is not necessary to decide whether to translate that 
Horned Animals or Horny Animals
flying_ford_anglia says, Is Fudge corrupt or stupid... or scared.  Or 
all of the above?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I somehow don't think he's corrupt
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did Fudgie SEE the street of blown up 
  gypsycaine says, who knows....sighs.
fizzwhizbee says, He was in the clean up crew, he says in the pub 
  gypsycaine says, they are prolly saying Sirius is joining Voldie, 
if he's back...
p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
flying_ford_anglia says, Is he... unhinged, perhaps.  Stressed out.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fudge is at least unconsciously 
corrupt: he fawns on Lucius Malfoy "fine old family ...  large 
donations to excellent charities"
changeling_de says, Stupid doesn't fit either. 
fizzwhizbee says, Fudge desperately wants the situation to be one he 
can cope with...he's a wishful thinker
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Rita: in that sense yes--but I don't
of him a a bribery target
flying_ford_anglia says, Fudge behaves like a politician, in short.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If he, Fudge, is conscious that he 
Lucius is buying him off with money and an the opprotunity to rub 
shoulders with the upper classes, then he is consciously corrupt
flying_ford_anglia says, No, he's misguided, out of his depth
fizzwhizbee says, I remember reading about Uk post WWII when 
Churchill lost power
fizzwhizbee says, People wanted a less competent person in 
office...Churchill scared them
flying_ford_anglia says, He must have some merit... otherwise, why 
would he have been made Minister of Magic? Or is he a useful puppet 
of malfoy and VoldemorT?
fizzwhizbee says, Could be the same situation post Voldie...people 
thought they were safe, so okay to have
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Churchill was an exceedingly excellent 
national leader for Wartime, but it is not at all clear that he was a 
good national leader for peacetime.
fizzwhizbee says, a bumbler in office, Catlady, that is my point
  gypsycaine says, or he has a pushover attitude, and Lucius (and the 
other De's) wanted him in place, just in case, so they "helped"
flying_ford_anglia says, Yes - a weak leader suggests someone working 
him/her from behind like a ventriloquist.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Great Britain was lucky that 
Atlee, was it, allowed India to go independent instead of resting 
into a Vietnam (French, American) / Aghanistan (Soviet) / Chechnya 
(Russian) scenario
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Well. it's time for me to call it quits.
I've been working like nuts for the last 10 days or so and now have 
1374 unread messages in my HP4GU mailbox.  Phew!
fizzwhizbee says, But Dumbledore does that too (tries to influence 
Fudge behind the scenes)
flying_ford_anglia says, See you soon Mike
fizzwhizbee says, Bye Mike
changeling_de says, The strong leaders weren't standing in line for 
Fudge's job.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bye, bye, Goat, I hope we didn't scare 
you off with Churchill 
Your buddy bigeagle75 is on pager
€  Aberforths_Goat says, We goats don't like guys who smoke 
cigars ... 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, tata!
flying_ford_anglia says, Dumbledore was the one they wanted for the 
job - hardly a pushover.
Your buddy bigeagle75 is on pager
Aberforths_Goat leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There may have been a very limited 
number of competent (I'm not sure that 'strong' is automatically 
good) leaders available after the Dying Times
fizzwhizbee says, That they wanted Dumbledore  is just Hagrid's take 
on it...
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay
changeling_de says, Wonder why Dumbledore didn't take it.
  gypsycaine says, perhaps the ones who opposed Lucius/co. wanted AD.
  gypsycaine says, he's more interested in training the upcoming.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dumbledore thought he was more needed, 
more valuable at at Hogwarts. Educating the next generation and 
trying to influence them to the Light Side
  gypsycaine says, perhaps, even, he knew HP was going to need him 
soon, and he decided that if ...exactly.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Observing every wizard and witch in 
Britain throught seven formative years
flying_ford_anglia says, Dumbledore needed to be at Hogwarts to guide 
Harry - more useful there...
  gypsycaine says, That's sorta where I was going.
flying_ford_anglia says, We were all singing from the same hymn sheet 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Being in the place the most guarded 
against Dark Wizards, hopefully not needing to be last bastion 
against Dark Side, but you never know
flying_ford_anglia says, Hogwarts is a sort of fortress against the 
Dark Side...
fizzwhizbee says, Hogwarts *Was* the last Bastion against the DS 
according to Hagrid
flying_ford_anglia says, They teach Defence Against the Dark Arts - 
why not just Dark Arts?
changeling_de says, But wouldn't he have been more useful in a place 
where he could actually go after Voldy's remaining supporters?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Guiding researchers to study Defense 
Against Dark Sides, with emphasis on defeating Dark Wizards
fizzwhizbee says, "dangerous is is to study too deeply the Arts of 
the Enemy, for good or for ill"
flying_ford_anglia says, He can be where he needs to be..
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, researchers -- discovering or 
inventing new defenses
fizzwhizbee says, Hogwarts is not as impenetrable as Harry would like 
to think, is it?
flying_ford_anglia says, You have to know you enemy to defeat it 
flying_ford_anglia says, your enemy, that is
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's  not clear that Minister of Magic 
CAN go after V's remaining supporters -- we saw the trial of Bagman. 
Bagman may well have been innocent so the verdict was just.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But my point is that Barty Crouch (Sr) 
couldn't get Bagman convicted even tho' he wanted to and Moody 
sitting beside Dumbledore thought he should be convicted.
fizzwhizbee says, Dumble didn't ask Fudge to round up any suspects.
flying_ford_anglia says, Nowhere is safe, but Hogwarts is at least 
thinking of defences...
fizzwhizbee says, He asked Fudge to can the dementors and send envoys 
to the giants
changeling_de says, He can clean out his own stable, i. e. the 
Ministry. I bet there are lots of "Sleepers" Voldy can fall back on 
  gypsycaine says, Rita, following your train of thought...  
Quirrel , we discussed was a researcher.  Do you think that's why AD 
hired him for the DADA?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No reason to believe that Dumbldore 
could have gotten Lucius Malfoy convicted even if he were Minister of 
fizzwhizbee says, Dumbledore doesn't want people send to Azkaban on 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No reason to believe that Dumbldore 
could have gotten Lucius Malfoy convicted even if he were Minister of 
fizzwhizbee says, IMHO
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Q was DADA teacher for years 
before getting co-opted by V.
flying_ford_anglia says, They play by different rules than those set 
in law... a sort of power struggle
  gypsycaine says, now Arthur would LOOOOVE to  send Lucius to jail!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think he probably believed in 
goddness until he was too strongly tempted
fizzwhizbee says, Until he wanted to learn too much
flying_ford_anglia says, I have to go - this was a brief visit.  Talk 
to you all again soon... 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But he was probably a perfectly fine 
DADA teacher until then
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bye-bye, Neil
fizzwhizbee says, Bye Neil
p_dumbledore is back.
+ p_dumbledore says, later Neil
flying_ford_anglia leaves
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia leaves chat
  gypsycaine says, phooey.  That's what I get for multitasking.
changeling_de says, Oops, look at the time. Tomorrow's a work day. 
Bye all!
Your buddy plinsenmayer has gone off pager
  gypsycaine says, (waves to the phantom Neil who later checks the 
scroll in CS!)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye, bye changeling
  gypsycaine says, bb!
  gypsycaine says, nice to meet you!
fizzwhizbee says, bye
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think Quirel's temptation was 
that he wanted to learn too much.  He went to do some fieldwork 
fighting vampires and werewolves....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (leave that for readers to suppy their 
own comments)
fizzwhizbee says, Yes, things he couldn't learn at Hogwarts
+ p_dumbledore says, I guess I'll bail out too...  Working on writing 
a manual, and need to get it done by tomorrow.   later All !! 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye-bye dennis
fizzwhizbee says, Bye Dennis
+ p_dumbledore says, Been another good one !!  See ya next weekend
  gypsycaine says, good night dennis!
p_dumbledore leaves
Your buddy p_dumbledore leaves chat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Things that he learned out of books, 
but wanted to check if the books were accurate  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe he even wanted to be helpful to 
the endangered locals, or at least get a little fame back home (like 
  gypsycaine says, and instead he finds Voldie.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, V, a Tempter
fizzwhizbee says, Or he thought he could take Voldie on
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and he had, let's say, steeled his 
nerves against fleeing in fear from monsters trying to claw him to 
  gypsycaine says, do you think he knew Voldie was there?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and he'd steeled his nerves to resist 
being seduced by veelas, sirens, all that type of danger 
fizzwhizbee says, He could have wanted to check out some rumours
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and against eating the enchanted food 
or stealing the enchanted jewels, or being bought off with real 
Galleons, all the mistakes made by the losers in fairy tales
fizzwhizbee says, Dontgonearthecastle!
changeling_de leaves
  gypsycaine says, took a sec, Fizz.
  gypsycaine says, lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But he had not sufficiently steeled 
his nerves to resist somewhat more subtle temptations -- how 
gloriously he would be admired if he got cozy enough with V whom he 
had accidentally dicscovered to bring back news of how to kill him...
  gypsycaine says, and of course, they always do, or whatnot .. 
(speaking of which, going to see BW2 this month)
fizzwhizbee says, Have you read Carpe Jugulum? (
fizzwhizbee says, Terry Pratchett
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There is a huge book of standard 
motifs for fairy tales around the world. One of the standard plots is 
the hero who does exactly what he was warned not to do, with the 
intention and result
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, of killing the monster lurking there 
who is a danger wo his people
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or of bringing back to his people the 
treasure (e.g. domesticated plants for agriculture) that is guarded 
by that monster
fizzwhizbee says, Yes, so Quirrel wasn't wrong to try...but he should 
have brought some backup
fizzwhizbee says, He should have brought a sidekick to arrange to 
rescue him at the last minute <g>
  hert0661isme says, I have read CJ
hert0661isme is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe the temptation to learn more and 
more and more ... as people working to develop nasty germ warfare 
thinking only of the satisfaction of solving this puzzle on this 
interesting bacterium
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe having the simplistic belief 
that goodness is always rewarded knocked out of him by a detailed 
review of the venality (if not actual Death Eating) of the current 
leadership that he was brought up to respect
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the unrequited sufferings of good 
fizzwhizbee says, Could be, but Dumbledore is Quirrel's boss, not 
fizzwhizbee says, There doesn't seem to be a lot of venality on 
display at Hogwarts
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suppose Voldy could fake some 
venality of Dumbledore's as plausibly as revealing some authentic 
venality of Fudge or other respected figures
fizzwhizbee says, MMM, interesting.
fizzwhizbee says, Maybe Quirrel felt, with V gone, he would never get 
a chance to show off
fizzwhizbee says, He could have wanted to do something spectacular 
like defeat Grindelwald
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
  gypsycaine says, how old was Quirrel?
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, I keep thinking of him as young.
fizzwhizbee says, We only know he is young
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hagrid called him young
  gypsycaine says, to hagrid, everyone's young.
  gypsycaine says, including Sirius
fizzwhizbee says, At the beginning of SS, Sirius *is* young
  gypsycaine says, Hagrid's at least 50, though +3 years of 
Hogwarts.  aka 13+50
Your buddy immortal_dragon_evernight is in chat
fizzwhizbee says, Harry seems to think Quirrel is young too
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 63 in book 2 = 50 years ago, he was 13
fizzwhizbee says, So 52 at the beginning of book 1. Maybe there is an 
older Sirius Black (Padfoot's daddy?)
Your buddy seth_mt leaves chat
  gypsycaine says, why do you say 52?
fizzwhizbee says, Um, Harry is one year old 11 years before he's 
twelve in the CoS. I hope. Can you tell I flunked
fizzwhizbee says, fourth grade map
fizzwhizbee says, math, sorry
  gypsycaine says, Hagrid states in CoS, he was expelled 50 years 
ago, in his third year 
  gypsycaine says, that puts the expulsion at age 13
blaise_42 enters
hert0661isme is back.
  hert0661isme says, But to do that calculation you have
  gypsycaine says, (give or take)
blaise_42 says, hi
fizzwhizbee says, hi
  hert0661isme says, assume he was 11 when he started
  gypsycaine says, so you add those 50 years to the 13.
  hert0661isme says, Hello
  gypsycaine says, you get 63
  gypsycaine says, HI!
gypsycaine           . (  *  .
gypsycaine         . *     .    )   .
gypsycaine       .  .  POOF  . *  .
gypsycaine        ' *  .    (     . )   '
gypsycaine          `  (   .    *........You are a frog!!
catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away)
blaise_42 says, whose age are we calculating?
  gypsycaine says, Hagrid
blaise_42 says, aha
  gypsycaine says, assuming he is like the other students, and 
entered at 11.
fizzwhizbee says, Originally, Quirrel's age
catlady_de_los_angeles is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Blaise, oodles of people have been 
in and out, discussing everything from Drivers License exams to how 
did Voldemort seduce Quireell into serving him 
fizzwhizbee says, I think we can assume he entered at eleven because 
of what he says in GOF
fizzwhizbee says, But, JKR chronology is too tricky. I fall back on 
Beorn's standby:Wizards count differently than other people
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And that a Portkey is shown in the 
very recently posted latest chapter of DRACO SINISTER
Your buddy siriusgeologist is on pager
fizzwhizbee says, Love DS! But how could Hermione cast a spell 
blindfolded? Agggh!
blaise_42 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't even remember what it was used 
for, only that it struck me as inapproriate for the characters to be 
hurled through space to a crash landing, as Portkeys are depicted in 
blaise_42 enters
blaise_42 says, blasted computer...
fizzwhizbee says, Portkey in Ds used to transport our heroes to 
Charlie Weasley's camp
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Great way to treat a compound complex 
fizzwhizbee says, Doesn't anybody know the Ferrula spell Lupin used 
in PoA?
fizzwhizbee says, To splint Ron's broken leg
  gypsycaine says, not off the top of my head.
fizzwhizbee says, I wonder what you learn in a Wizarding first aid 
  hert0661isme says, ferula
blaise_42 says, he just says 'ferula'
  gypsycaine says, (ss is sitting beside me, the rest are in the 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco's broken leg -- that's how 
Cassandra got him drssed in black leather
  hert0661isme says, I was not impressed!
blaise_42 says, he broke his leg getting into black leather trousers?
fizzwhizbee says, LOL
blaise_42 says, (I haven't read it...)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon: not impressed by the black 
  hert0661isme says, It did nothing for me!  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it didn't make you laugh your head off?
fizzwhizbee says, You hadda be there
peeves23 enters
blaise_42 says, Hi!
peeves23 says, hi
peeves23 says, caroline  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I made a noise that caused Tim to come 
into the room saying: "Are you coughing up a hairball?" but by then I 
was laughing to hard to answer him
fizzwhizbee says, HI
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, HJeremy
peeves23 says, hi, everyone else who's names I have forgotten
peeves23 says, *whose
  hert0661isme says, Hello
  hert0661isme says, Not at all - now if hermione or ginny had been 
wearing it then maybe it would have been a different story!
peeves23 says, wearing what
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Earlier, when listed names (such as 
Beverly and Shirley) that started as boys' names turned into girls' 
names, I mentioned that I've known a couple of girls named Jeremy, 
but don't think that that name has actually switched over
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco wearing black leather in the 
latest chapter of DRACO SINISTER
  hert0661isme says, black leather
  gypsycaine says, (comes back, sees the name Cassandra, and scrolls 
up the screen quickly, to avoid seeing any spoilers.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's okay, Dee, we haven't really said 
any spoilers
Your buddy immortal_dragon_evernight leaves chat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A simple fracture is when the bone is 
broken but the pieces of the bone are still in their correct place. 
It doesn't have to set in place before being splinted becaus it is 
already in place
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can never remember which is compound 
and which is complex, but one of them, I think complex fracture, is 
when the bone is not only broken but the pieces have moved to places 
that they should not be
peeves23 says, if she's scrolled up, she won't be able to see that we 
havent said any spiolers  
peeves23 says, spoilers
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that must be set in the right place 
before being splinted
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And the other one (compound?) the 
broken pieces have broken out through the skin, so there is great 
risk of infection.
Your buddy bigeagle75 has gone off pager
fizzwhizbee says, And ruined trousers!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Even if the bone didn't break out 
through the skin, the trousers would be cut off for the medics to get 
at the broken leg 
  gypsycaine says, yes, i know compound.  A compound fracture of the 
wrist makes typing very difficult.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and because medics like ruining 
people's clothes
  gypsycaine says, but soltaire isn't so bad.
  gypsycaine says, (didn't ruin clothes cause was wearing dress 
(potholed knee)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, is compound the one that the bone 
breaks out through the skin? or is that complex? 
  gypsycaine says, a simple fracture is a break
  gypsycaine says, compound is the one you can see the bone.
  gypsycaine says, I still have the scar (and twinges)
  gypsycaine says, so I go into the computer field, lol~
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So I imagine that any wizard who'd 
gotten half-a-dozen OWLs could magically splint a simple fracture 
(Ferula!, as someone just quoted)
Your buddy lady_black_raven_drago is on pager
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but treating compound or complext 
would take more knowledge or anatomy, more powerful healing spells, 
more innate magical power, or all of the above 
  gypsycaine says, a compound needs manually adjusted back into 
place.... (shudders at the memory, since the Morphine had no effect 
whatsoever except upsetting her stomach)
fizzwhizbee says, They really should have immobilized the break 
before moving him
  gypsycaine says, that was when I discovred I couldn't take Morphine
fizzwhizbee says, using the ferula spell, or just boy scout methods
  gypsycaine says, (never rollerskating in skates that are from '82, 
in a skirt, on a hill, and try to catch yourself with a parked mini-
  hert0661isme says, Do we have to discuss such things?
  gypsycaine says, (and miss, slamming into the back end instead of 
grabbing the mirror)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know whether it would have 
hurt any less if the bone pieces were adjusted back into place by 
pointing a wand at them and saying a magic word ... what is Latin 
for "to your assigned places!"
  gypsycaine goes over and comforts Simon.
  gypsycaine says, I used to work in x-ray, dear...
  hert0661isme says, Thanks!
  gypsycaine says, before I decided to get out of that field. I 
understand, but the stories I could tell!
  gypsycaine says, here's a tame one...
  gypsycaine says, man comes in via ER
  hert0661isme says, One of my friends, who is studying medicine, 
keep telling me similar graphic stories!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, if you HAD caught the mirror, 
wouldn't it have just broken off, leaving you still speeding out of 
  gypsycaine says, there's a huge lump in his pants and the nurses 
are afraid to use the scissors on him, to avoid cutting into his 
  gypsycaine says, (I think that might have been what happened....)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And eventually they do cut off the 
tight trousers and find that the lumppants
  gypsycaine says, one nurse decides to try.
  gypsycaine says, it's a piece of summer sausage taped to his leg.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, lump is a extra large Hebrew National 
salami scotchtaped to his thigh
  gypsycaine says, must have occurred in other hospitals?
  gypsycaine says,  
  gypsycaine says,  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It was in the newspapers (he had 
dislocated somethings trying to show off at a disco) while I was 
working in Century City, which was Nov '78 to April '80 
  gypsycaine says, we have had hamsters, candlesticks, and a few very 
graphic things that might interested.
  gypsycaine says, interest some, but won't interest simon.
peeves23 is interested.  
  gypsycaine says, (it happened at TMMC)
  hert0661isme says, Is it safe to return now?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I heard about the hamsters not until I 
working working in New Jersey, which was something like June '81 to 
Aug '84.
  hert0661isme says, I will just take a back seat for a min or two 
while you tell such tales!
  gypsycaine says, ok
fizzwhizbee says, I have to go...nice meeting you all. Bye!
  hert0661isme says, bye
  gypsycaine says, bb~
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye Pippin
blaise_42 says, bye
  gypsycaine says, ~~~~~~~~~graphic warning for simon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fizzwhizbee leaves
peeves23 says, I heard a great story about hamsters
peeves23 says, but you probably don't want to hear it
  gypsycaine says, One night, a doa comes in, shot ...
peeves23 says, after you, tehn
  gypsycaine says, the pathology couldn't find the bullet.
  gypsycaine says, the man weighed about 400-700 pounds, I don't 
know, I didn't see the skeleton.
  gypsycaine says, Just the garbage bag full of his stomach that they 
sent down to x-ray to see if the bullet is in his fat.
  gypsycaine says, meanwhile upstairs, now that all the fat is gone, 
they located it in the spinal  column!
  gypsycaine says, (a black large trash bag, btw.
peeves23 says, eck
  gypsycaine says, it was Amy's most digusting case, and as student, 
of course, I had to assist....ick0
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, That wasn't about hamsters
  gypsycaine says, the most stupid was the decapiated motorcyclist 
who they wanted a brain x-ray on.
peeves23 says, hamsters:
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' it did remind that my college 
Bio 101 (Freshman Bio) textbook said that defecation is not necessary 
to life, citing as example
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, some man whose anus was blocked by a 
tumor, and from whom they eventually surgically removed 150 pounds of 
peeves23 says, this is quite revolting, and almost certainly untrue
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, People who read the archive chat will 
hate us for talking like this
  gypsycaine says, lol
peeves23 says, these two men enjoyed having hamsters sniffing about 
their, er, bits, which they did by use of a long toilet tube
peeves23 says, and one day, the, er, hamster, got, er, lost
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did the hamsters survive?
peeves23 says, and the other guy bent down to attempt to find it, 
using a cigarette lighter...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, That's something no one ever includes 
in these stories about hamster kinkiness
peeves23 says, and ignited some intestinal gas
  hert0661isme says, I think these chats will need a rating put on 
them before they can be uploaded!
peeves23 says,  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe Dee can edit the saved 
chatscripts in Word Pad and convert the disgusting parts to a simple 
cipher like A=B. B=C, etc.
  gypsycaine says, i am sorry, but I (LOL) upload both R and PG/G?
  hert0661isme says, LOL
  hert0661isme says, Heavy editing needed!
  gypsycaine says, sorrry... cont. but what is a toilet tube?
peeves23 says, toilet roll tuybe I mean

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