10-15-00 Chatscript, thanks Simon!
Denise Rogers
gypsycaine at ...
Mon Oct 16 00:06:42 UTC 2000
Connected! Sending login information...
Harry Potter for Grown Ups
You see here:
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
elowyl enters
? elowyl says, hello
hert0661isme is back.
hert0661isme says, Hello
hert0661isme says, I am around for only a few minutes before I go off to get some dinner
? elowyl says, theres gonna be a chat here later right?
hert0661isme says, I have set this going to record the chat for Dee, as she will not be around until later
hert0661isme says, Yes there will be a chat - will probably start in about an hours time - usually get busy around an hour after that
? elowyl says, oh ok~ i'll be back later then~ gotta go study! bye
elowyl leaves
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
peeves23 enters
peeves23 says, wotcha
peeves23 is away (Auto-Away)
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 says, Hello!
hert0661isme says, Hello - am back from dinnr now!
hert0661isme is back.
voicelady_2000 says, Just past lunchtime here.
foxdancer16 enters
foxdancer16 says, hi
hert0661isme says, Just after 7pm here
hert0661isme says, Hi
voicelady_2000 says, So this is my first chat. Is there a scheduled topic?
peeves23 says, greetin's
peeves23 is back.
foxdancer16 says, er, I have no idea.
foxdancer16 says, hey, Jeremy
hert0661isme says, We usually talk about the discussion topics for the week and then move on from there
voicelady_2000 says, ok
foxdancer16 says, oh, btw - voicelady, I know who you are, but who's hert066lisme?
voicelady_2000 says, simon!
foxdancer16 says, oh, okay
voicelady_2000 says, right?
foxdancer16 says, hi, Simon!
hert0661isme says, Hello, Yep Simon is right - what about the others (I know Jeremy but after that have forgotten!)
voicelady_2000 says, My real name is Jeralyn.
foxdancer16 says, I'm Firebolt.
foxdancer16 says, In case you don't remember me, I'm the annoying, loud-mouthed teenager.
voicelady_2000 says, Loud-mouthed?
voicelady_2000 says, nah.
peeves23 says, I'm the meta-lurker - I lurk so hard that I dont' even read things any more, just delete them straight away.
foxdancer16 says, I've talked a lot (for me) for the past few days
peeves23 says, and my email isnt working and I'm annoyed
foxdancer16 says, awwww
voicelady_2000 says, My husband was home, so I was sorta-lurking for awhile.
foxdancer16 says, btw, what do those headphones on some people's icons mean?
peeves23 says, i'm expecting an email, too... not like its just blind hope or anything
peeves23 says, mean you can talk through the microphone whilst pressin gdown teh Talk button
peeves23 says, brb
peeves23 leaves
siriusgeologist enters
voicelady_2000 says, cool.
siriusgeologist says, hi there
hert0661isme says, Hello!
voicelady_2000 says, hey!
foxdancer16 says, hi! I'm Firebolt; who're you/ ^_~
foxdancer16 says, er, that / was meant to be a ?
peeves23 enters
siriusgeologist says, carole
foxdancer16 says, okay. Hi!
peeves23 says, hi
siriusgeologist says, you got a new ID firebolt?
peeves23 says, think I'll have to reset PC
peeves23 leaves
voicelady_2000 says, Hi Carole - what's new?
siriusgeologist says, not much...doing some real work while chatting...glad you could come!
voicelady_2000 says, finally have a real computer again!
hert0661isme says, I am working - honest! FAQing and maths - such a great combination!
siriusgeologist says, ground water modeling..should be doing some FAQ's...
voicelady_2000 says, Speaking of which, you guys know I would have been involved in the FAQs if I'd had a computer these past few months, right?
siriusgeologist says, you are there with us in spirit...in in all the messages from you that we see
siriusgeologist says, not that I'm there very much
voicelady_2000 says, I try
hert0661isme says, I nearly have the Weasley family finished - just needs typing into a coherent document - rather than the sraps of paper it is on at the moment!
siriusgeologist says, Your alter ego in ASA is up to some mischeif in ASA
peeves23 enters
peeves23 says, wotcha
hert0661isme says, My alter ego?
siriusgeologist says, no not you simon...voicelady
voicelady_2000 says, cool! Am I still bad? (I alwyas loved being cast as a bad guy)
foxdancer16 says, cool, Jeremy
hert0661isme says, I was getting worried that I had missed something!
siriusgeologist says, very very bad......trying to do Sirius in
voicelady_2000 says, awesome! I guess since he turned me down...
siriusgeologist says, we'll cast you as the bad guy in our next story simon...
siriusgeologist says, yeah, well he does have cordelia now...he wouldn't want to mess that up
siriusgeologist says, what is jeremy playing?
voicelady_2000 says, I wouldn't either - you know, the REAL me.
peeves23 says, that was radiohead - black star
siriusgeologist says, ahhhh, I have got to get some speakers
hert0661isme says, My speakers are palying a cd - so any other sound is drowned out!
peeves23 says, you've got Voice turned off anyhow simon
siriusgeologist says, what CD?
hert0661isme says, Stereophonics - Performance and Cocktails
peeves23 projectile-vomits spectacularly...
foxdancer16 says, um, Jeremy?
peeves23 says, sorry. that happens every time someone says the S-word
siriusgeologist says, Never heard of them...I take it Jeremy wasn't too pleased with that selection?
peeves23 says, <g>
hert0661isme says, Why?
peeves23 says, because I'm very picky when it comes to music
voicelady_2000 says, what do you listen to?
hert0661isme says, that sort of evades the question!
peeves23 says,
ReinaKata02 enters
hert0661isme says, hello
voicelady_2000 says, I've got Eric Clapton & BB King on right now.
peeves23 says, lots of things most people haven't heard of, due to aforementioned pickiness#
foxdancer16 says, Uh-oh...
siriusgeologist says, I love eric clapton
peeves23 says, don't get me started.
hert0661isme says, which are?
hert0661isme says, to previous question
ReinaKata02 says, Hello everyone
siriusgeologist says, did you see my post on the PoU list re eric clapton?
foxdancer16 says, hi...
peeves23 says, Jeff Buckley, Magnetic Fields are my current favorites
voicelady_2000 says, yes I did and I can totally see that!
voicelady_2000 says, hi ReinaKata
siriusgeologist says, cool...I was wondering if it was an insane image or what
ReinaKata02 says, Hi voicelady
voicelady_2000 says, When he was younger, right?
siriusgeologist says, yeah...I know he must be in his 60's by now...but when he was 40ish
peeves23 throws stones at his email
voicelady_2000 says, definitely
siriusgeologist says, he's still rather attractive....even at 60ish
voicelady_2000 says, and again - definitely
peeves23 says, isn't he mroe 50-ish?
siriusgeologist says, well he is a contemporary of the beatles
elowyl enters
voicelady_2000 says, Can you even imagine being so good that you're polular for close to 4 decades?
voicelady_2000 says, that's popular...
siriusgeologist says, how old is McCartney?
siriusgeologist says, really!!! I agree
voicelady_2000 says, They were in their early 20's on Sullivan, so I'd guess McCartney is in his 60's now.
voicelady_2000 says, or close to it.
? elowyl says, hello~
foxdancer16 says, hi
voicelady_2000 says, hey
siriusgeologist says, that would be my guess....gawd can they really be that old????
hert0661isme says, Hello
voicelady_2000 says, makes ME feel old.
foxdancer16 says, er, elowyl, mind if I ask who you are?
ReinaKata02 leaves
siriusgeologist says, yes..but I'm older than you...by a year or two
voicelady_2000 says, I know, but we're still same generation.
siriusgeologist says, yes, I know what you mean...
? elowyl says, no prob.... i'm definitely from the diss group but i'm highly quiet... from s'pore
voicelady_2000 says, are you useing that cheetahchat? looks pretty cool.
? elowyl says, yup~ it's really fun
foxdancer16 says, yeah, it does look neat
? elowyl says, thanks~ =)
voicelady_2000 says, I bought the sorting hat keychain the other day. it's very cute.
foxdancer16 says, is there anyone here who uses this type of smiley? ^_^
siriusgeologist says, I have got to get a WB catalog..I love the little golden snitches
voicelady_2000 says, they're a little too big IMO
hert0661isme says, 8
foxdancer16 says, very nice, Jeremy...tell me what it's called when you're done
? elowyl says, drats... they just closed the warner bros shop here in Singapore!
voicelady_2000 yells, "For crying out loud!"
siriusgeologist says, Yeah...you couldn't really use it as a keyring
siriusgeologist says, they have a bunch of stuff online now..
voicelady_2000 says, did anyone see my post about sylvan lane shoppe? they have some nice stuff.
siriusgeologist says, I'll have to check that out...I've got to start X-mas shopping for the 7yo
voicelady_2000 says, heck, shop for yourself!
peeves23 says, Gotta run, dinner time
peeves23 says, i'll be back later
peeves23 says, seeya
peeves23 leaves
voicelady_2000 says, enjoy
siriusgeologist says, I know...I keep dropping big hints to Randy...bye jeremy
voicelady_2000 says, now I'm hungry...
voicelady_2000 says, Bart bought me the canvas hanging of SS
siriusgeologist says, just finished up some cookies...the canvas hangings sound interesting
siriusgeologist says, I need some decor in my office...hmmmm
voicelady_2000 says, they're just the book covers - American - but they look like paintings.
siriusgeologist says, I'm not wild about the book covers though...except GoF
voicelady_2000 says, why?
siriusgeologist says, They make Harry look like Waldo (in the Where's Waldo books)
voicelady_2000 chuckles in amusement
siriusgeologist says, I had the worst time dispelling that image
voicelady_2000 says, you realize, of course, that's all I'll see now.
siriusgeologist says, ARGH...sorry about that!
voicelady_2000 says, no problem!
siriusgeologist says, Maybe I'll hold out for a GoF canvas
foxdancer16 says, i, personally, am for anime-version Harry
foxdancer16 says, *i
foxdancer16 says, how come I can't capitalize me I? Oh, there.
voicelady_2000 says, Okay, so here's a question no one's asked before. That glint in Dubledore's eye; what do you suppose that means? (If one more person asks that question I think I'm going to scresm!)
siriusgeologist says, I'm not a wild about anime...I think I came at it too old
siriusgeologist says, you don't want to talk gleam????
voicelady_2000 groans loudly
foxdancer16 says, i'm missing something I think.
voicelady_2000 says, I've voiced some anime.
foxdancer16 says, 'scuse me?
? elowyl says, i've got a confusing question.... in fact i'm confused myself.... u know, if harry barely managed to survive the dementors the first time, how could he return to save hinself the first time? Wouldn't he have died?
foxdancer16 says, oh, I get it. Which ones?
voicelady_2000 says, When the Japanese version are redubbed into English, I've done some of that. Not a lot, but some.
voicelady_2000 says, Lemnear.
foxdancer16 says, he was farther away, and as he said himself, he already knew that he'd be able to do it, because he'd seen himself do it.
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
foxdancer16 says, Sorry, Jeralyn (should I call you that or voicelady?) - I've never heard of it
voicelady_2000 says, Jeralyn's fine. No one's heard of those series!
voicelady_2000 says, But I still got paid, so it's okay.
foxdancer16 says, what's it called in Japanese/
foxdancer16 says, ?
voicelady_2000 says, no clue
foxdancer16 says, okay.
voicelady_2000 says, Did everybody hear that JKR donated close to $500,000 to a charity for single parents?
voicelady_2000 says, Or did I hear that through the club?
siriusgeologist says, I heard that somewhere...good for her!
fizzwhizbee enters
foxdancer16 says, hi, fizzwhizbee
? elowyl says, hellO~
fizzwhizbee says, hi,
p_dumbledore enters
foxdancer16 says, I've met lots of new people today...hi, professor...I know you but don't remember who you are.
siriusgeologist says, hi all
fizzwhizbee says, I'm Pippin
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello All, and a good afternoon from Oregon
hert0661isme is back.
hert0661isme says, Hello all
voicelady_2000 says, hi
? elowyl says, heya~
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
+ p_dumbledore says, Dennis, here ! FoxDancer
voicelady_2000 says, Actually, here is a question no one has asked before. How did everyone come up with their online "names?"
siriusgeologist says, I'm going to have to make a name key
siriusgeologist says, mine is rather obvious...
hert0661isme says, hert0661 is my uni login name - and then when we had the yahoo problems it got changed to hert0661isme
? elowyl says, mine's boring... they're just my initials
fizzwhizbee says, There were too many Pippins, and I like fizzing whizbee, so...
voicelady_2000 laughs out loud
foxdancer16 says, mine comes from one of my old alter ego names - The Dancing Fox...
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
foxdancer16 says, hi - Rita?
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Rita
siriusgeologist says, hi rita
hert0661isme says, hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI! I got distracted by writing a reply to Ebony!
+ p_dumbledore says, Sometimes I feel Dumbledorish !! ha!! Plus a favorite character next to Harry !
voicelady_2000 says, lovely rita, meter maid...
+ p_dumbledore says, Hi Rita
voicelady_2000 says, I replied to Ebony, too.
siriusgeologist says, she wrote a very interesting email
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I hope someonone else here acted on Dee's request to save the text of the part of this chat
peeves23 enters
hert0661isme says, I started in the chat a couple of hours ago - so will save it soon!
hert0661isme says, Which brngs me onto:
+ p_dumbledore says, Arrghh! just grabed my e-mail and found the note..
peeves23 says, greetings
? elowyl says, hi again
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, did the chat START a couple of hours ago?
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
hert0661isme says, This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: HPfor GU chat scripts
peeves23 says, wotcha
hert0661isme says, No - I had to go out to get some dinner so I started it befoer I went
+ p_dumbledore says, Rita, can you "record" it ?
hert0661isme says, You can save the text
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ebony's post #3600 -- a nice round number for a nice long thoughtful essay. I just went to check and don't see a reply to it signed Voicelady?
fizzwhizbee leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You won't see my reply yet as it is less than half written
voicelady_2000 says, I replied privately. Just kind of a "I'm with you, babe" kind of thing.
hert0661isme says, the isms post?
voicelady_2000 says, yup
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh. I'm replying on-list off-topic. About soldiers.
hert0661isme says, will read later - too many things happening right this moment!
peeves23 says, right, I'm bored with waiting to see if my emails fixed. going to go play guitar in front of the mirror for half an hour or so. cya later
peeves23 leaves
voicelady_2000 says, bye
babynick34 enters
? babynick34 says, Hi
+ p_dumbledore says, Hi Nick, long time no see/chat Hope you are well !!
hert0661isme says, Hello Nick
+ p_dumbledore says, When is your trip to the U.S. ?
fizzwhizbee enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nick
? babynick34 says, Hi Dennis.. not bad.
voicelady_2000 says, hey
? babynick34 says, November... but I'm not there long enough to do any shopping.
fizzwhizbee says, Hi --went to read Ebony's post- back now
+ p_dumbledore says, Anything you want shipped there, so you can bring it back with ya ?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I felt; kind of funny when your return-to-list post asked what had happened while you were gone .. oh, maybe 5000 posts, on more topics than I can remember
? babynick34 says, No thanks Dennis... but thanks for the offer. WB are slowly bringing a lot of the stuff over to the UK now.
+ p_dumbledore says, Local book store has the new $75.00 Special version of PS. Sure tempted but the $$ is a little high
? babynick34 says, Since then, I'm 162 messages behind. Do I have the time to read them all!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but including whether Voldermort was biologically able to father children after turning into a snake-skinned, snake-eyed immortal monster
? babynick34 says, And no, I won't be reading the previous 5000 odd!
+ p_dumbledore says, We are going to Las Vegas next week, so If we are lucky...$$$ we will buy it when we return..
? babynick34 says, Special Version - do explain, I'm a bit behind on the latest happenings.
voicelady_2000 says, I feel like I *just* posted and said that we'd hit 2000 posts. We're rather verbose, huh?
foxdancer16 is away (Auto-Away)
+ p_dumbledore says, It's a very nice leather bound, gold edged, along with JKR's original artwork that she has done. Haven't seen the artwork as the book was sealed shut.
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
? babynick34 says, Correction, make that 162 digests behind - I forgot I am currently in digest mode!
? babynick34 says, Sounds nice... is it avaialble anywhere else, or just through independent bookstores?
voicelady_2000 says, I know what I want for Christmas now!
siriusgeologist is back.
siriusgeologist says, I'm still here...had to get baby up
+ p_dumbledore says, Not sure where all you can get it, the local store only got two of them of the 5 he ordered. One was for himself.
elowyl is away (Auto-Away)
? babynick34 says, get baby up... getting them up is easy, it's putting them down that's hard.
foxdancer16 is back.
foxdancer16 says, hi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, When I saw the post about the Fat Lady/portrait hole bookends, I said to Tim, 'If Penny buys all the different bookcases, she'll have to buy more books'. That was a joke, because I remember her list of all the editions in her collection
hert0661isme says, We are averaging 68 posts a day since the move to E-groups
blaise_42 enters
foxdancer16 says, speaking of different editions, bet you guys can just guess what i asked my dad for when he said he was going on a trip to japan...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, blaise
foxdancer16 says, Hi, Blaise!
blaise_42 says, hi everyone
hert0661isme says, Hello Blaise
? babynick34 says, Book ends... oh, WBStore have not sent me mine... still no clear reason as to why - but out-of-stock seems to be the issue (it was the Station bookends).
voicelady_2000 waves at everyone in the room
fizzwhizbee says, Hi, Blaise
? babynick34 says, but Fox, can you read Japaneze?
foxdancer16 says, I used to be fluent
siriusgeologist says, This particular baby of mine isn't hard to nap...luckily...I'd have to slit my wrists otherwi
voicelady_2000 says, my boss recently called all of the WB stores in about 5 close states - none of them had or are getting the bookends.
foxdancer16 says, I can understand bits and pieces, and what better way to relearn the language?
voicelady_2000 says, was it a difficult language to learn?
foxdancer16 says, uhm, I was four at the time, so I don't really remember. I learned by immersion.
voicelady_2000 says, cool.
foxdancer16 says, what's incredibly scary is that recently this new girl arrived at my school, and she used to go to my preschool in Japan.
voicelady_2000 says, at the same time as you?
hert0661isme says, Japanese - I have enough trouble writing the address of a friend who is out there (have spent part of this week with someone who is fluent and had Japanese computer putting the address into an easy to print out format)
foxdancer16 says, yep - a year above me and another class, so we didn't know each other, but yeah
foxdancer16 says, I can still write my first name , but not my last
foxdancer16 says, and I can say hello, goodbye, good night, I'm sorry, are you okay?, etc.
voicelady_2000 says, very cool.
voicelady_2000 says, phonetically, what is "good night"?
foxdancer16 says, oyasumi nasai
foxdancer16 says, er....phoenetically, lemme think
voicelady_2000 says, that's fine
foxdancer16 says, the u in oyasumi is sort of swallowed
foxdancer16 says, as in oyas'mi nasai!
voicelady_2000 says, gotcha
foxdancer16 says, oh, and I know the proper way to greet someone over the telephone, and how to tell if the speaker is Japanese or foriegn
? babynick34 says, Oh... Live Interview with Jo on Monday - http://www.scholasticlive.com/
catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away)
hert0661isme says, At what time?
foxdancer16 says, Monday, as in tomorrow?
siriusgeologist says, will you need speakers to hear it or will it be typed?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm not really away, just had nothing to say about Japanese language
catlady_de_los_angeles is back.
siriusgeologist says, 12:30 EDT
fizzwhizbee is away (Auto-Away)
? babynick34 says, Yes, 12.30pm EST Tomorrow. Now how do I convert WorldTime
foxdancer16 says, that's 5.30 GMT
siriusgeologist says, I may have to go out tomorrow morning and get speakers
fizzwhizbee is back.
fizzwhizbee says, I'm still here
foxdancer16 says, 6.30 my time
voicelady_2000 says, I wish she'd do some of these chats on the weekend so I could catch them in real time!
siriusgeologist says, where do you live , Firebolt?
foxdancer16 is very glad she has vacation:
foxdancer16 says, er, Continental Europe
? babynick34 says, Think I'm still on BST, so might log on at 4.30pm from work, and then as soon as I get home.
hert0661isme says, 6:30 BST? - cool I can be in then - but probably will have to work while it is on!
elowyl is back.
? elowyl says, It's 3.41 am over here.... i can stay on coz i've got no school in the morn
foxdancer16 says, BST?
blaise_42 says, summer time
hert0661isme says, British Summer Time
foxdancer16 says, oh, okay
? babynick34 says, 6.30, oh no... I'm working at 7, so will need to leave home around then :-(
siriusgeologist says, my kids will be napping while its on...well 1 naps and the other is in preschool
voicelady_2000 says, call in sick!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, elowyl (eunice?) -- I love your warm colors
foxdancer16 says, funny, we just learned about the origins of BST in History...
? elowyl says, thanks~
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is the font MS Comics?
hert0661isme says, That is more than I ever have
? elowyl says, yuperoo
catlady_de_los_angeles says, So tell us the origins of BST
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We'll figure out later what it has to do with Harry
? babynick34 says, B&N have live chat on October 20th - 2pm ET
voicelady_2000 says, my birthday!
hert0661isme says, Am busy then!
foxdancer16 says, uhm...I actually didn't understand a word of it, b/c I'd never even heard of BST before. I think it had to do with saving coal so that more of it could go to the army
blaise_42 says, I know they had double summer time during WW2
? elowyl says, great! it'll be on a sunday over here!
voicelady_2000 says, double summer time?
hert0661isme says, +2 hours from normal
voicelady_2000 says, ahh
foxdancer16 says, Hey, question for you all...
voicelady_2000 says, shoot
foxdancer16 says, how many people here have read GrimSlasher's Boys' Own Camping Adventure on fanfiction.net, and did they like it?
? babynick34 says, Nope.
hert0661isme says, No
voicelady_2000 says, sorry
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It was a very very good story
foxdancer16 says, am in agreement. Very funny reviews, too.
fizzwhizbee says, I read it. It was well written.
p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Literature is supposed to move the reader, and it definitely moved me
? babynick34 says, voicelady - is it you who has the Canvas print? Just seen them on B&N, are they worth the money/
siriusgeologist says, I may try it but I just cannot picture Remus or particularly Sirius as gay...
blaise_42 says, hehe, I agreed with the author about Sirius being a fun-loving bisexual
foxdancer16 says, well, you never know until you try...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I read chapter One and Two before Three was posted and spent over 24 obsessing about the drunk driving
foxdancer16 says, I do, too
foxdancer16 says, the poodle line really made me crack up.
voicelady_2000 says, I'm gonna have to read this.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 24 hours
siriusgeologist says, I know...I'll have to try it...
hert0661isme says, I have a long enough list of fan fic to read as it is!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which involved sorting out a lot of my own garbage
blaise_42 says, it really is supeb writing...
blaise_42 says, superb, even
foxdancer16 says, hehe
foxdancer16 says, for some reason, all of my favorite fics are MWPP
voicelady_2000 says, how old are you? do you identify with them?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, not under that was over did I get around to wanting to slap Sirius's face
foxdancer16 says, I'm 15, and it's a bit difficult to say
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (why do I so often want to slap a face, when I never DO it?)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, for hurting Remus that way
foxdancer16 says, yeah
blaise_42 says, well, a bit tricky to slap a fictional character, but I know what you mean
hert0661isme says, I have just started to read A Second Chance
? babynick34 says, Found it - the collectors edition of PS, B&N have it for $60. ISBN:043920352X
blaise_42 says, and?
foxdancer16 says, I think I identify with their mischiveousness, although I've never done more than verbal sparring
fizzwhizbee says, I'm with you Rita, drunk drivers are not sympathetic for me
foxdancer16 says, yes, a Second Chance is great
voicelady_2000 says, verbal sparring is sometimes more effective than raising a fist
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wanted to say to him, 'If you didn't WANT crottled greeps, why did your ORDER them?"
hert0661isme says, Have only read the first chapter - will let you know when I hae finished - may even get tempted to put a review on fanfic.net
blaise_42 says, that would be nice..
foxdancer16 says, hehe
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (that wasthe caption on a cartoon of two men in a restaurant with the waitress bringing their food)
foxdancer16 says, (mock sniffle) I remember Blaise from when she'd only posted one fic!
+ p_dumbledore says, What do you think Nick ?? Hope someone posts the drawings
p_dumbledore is back.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think that people who read the Camping Trip will undertand the reference
hert0661isme says, You would be the first to get one - only reviews I have done have been to teh PoU group about teh stories there
voicelady_2000 says, has alicia posted the second chapter of Dusfunction yet?
? babynick34 says, Looks nice... Amazon have it as well, but no picture - B&N show the nice picture!
blaise_42 says, I'll be honoured!
? babynick34 says, Anyone know of any other online bookshops which I could try for a price comparison?
hert0661isme says, Did you matriculate yesterday (something odd was happening around Hertford so I stayed away)
blaise_42 says, yeah
voicelady_2000 says, check out Borders.com
hert0661isme says, Bet that was fun!
foxdancer16 says, where's Alicia been lately?
blaise_42 says, I didn't realise it had happened till it was over - they did their Latin bit and then told us we'd been matriculated
? babynick34 says, Booksamillion have it $52.50, even less if you are a member!
hert0661isme says, I spent longer trying to get in and out than sitting down in there - I was lucky to have a short walk
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Anyway, while I'm still back on the old topic: I can all too easily see Remus as gay. Being as how I want him for me, and I have a LONG history of wanting the unavailable.....,
foxdancer16 says, btw, how many teens are on the list, and how old are they, generally?
hert0661isme says, Some of my year started an upper vs lower tier mexican wave race!
blaise_42 says, hehe - LMH we have to walk miles ... lol
foxdancer16 says, that's not so bad
? babynick34 says, Borders = $56.25
hert0661isme says, Visited a friend today and he lives up past LMH - bl**dy miles!
voicelady_2000 says, not bad at all
blaise_42 says, they made us all walk as well - it's fine on a bike
fizzwhizbee says, Rita, he's fictional and a werewolf, how much more unavailable can he get? <g>
foxdancer16 says, are there any other slash pairings that people find plausible?
? elowyl says, i'm 18... ive got a friend from sch in the same list
? elowyl says, opps i meant 17
foxdancer16 says, okay.
hert0661isme says, I have not tried a bike in Oxford yet - walk instead.
foxdancer16 says, that means that so far only Alicia is my age...hey, maybe I'm the youngest on the list!
fizzwhizbee says, Snape/Filch ...but I think JKR is just teasing us
hert0661isme says, Having said that I live within 10 mins walk of the city centre - so no real need
blaise_42 says, was about to say...
voicelady_2000 says, I think there are a fair number of teens, but they're all very articulate - I don't think anyone's under 15.
blaise_42 says, at Hertfort it's not a problem
blaise_42 says, or even Hertford... can't seem to type...
hert0661isme says, I live down near Head of the River pub this year!
blaise_42 says, all right for some!
hert0661isme says, Hertford has loads of accomadtion down here
hert0661isme says, HotR is expensive
foxdancer16 says, very articulate doesn't mean much...I know articulate 12 year olds, for instance
? babynick34 says, Ok... can an american help me.... what do you call a "bookshop".
foxdancer16 says, bookstore
hert0661isme says, but good pubs within 5 mins walk!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I really am convinced that McGonagal and Hooch have been a happy domestic couple for some 40 years.
voicelady_2000 says, good pubs, mmmmmm
siriusgeologist says, if the book store is small It could be a bookshop
voicelady_2000 says, Nah, McGonagall's sweet on Hagrid...
blaise_42 says, or it could be a bookshop if it's in England
blaise_42 says, and I agree totally with Minerva/Hagrid...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I feel no inclination to write or read erotica about 60-some year old ladies going to bed in flannel nightgowns and warm socks
hert0661isme says, Please note that this chat is being recorded and will be posted to the E-group: http://www.egroups.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
fizzwhizbee says, (succumbs to raving Anglophilia -- wish I was there)
siriusgeologist says, me too
hert0661isme says, In the current torrential rain the south has been having?
voicelady_2000 says, I need to go back soon
blaise_42 says, hehe.. the part where my family live is flooded...
hert0661isme says, my family have missed out - they live too far west
fizzwhizbee says, Whenever I come, there's a drought, sounds like you need me
blaise_42 says, fortunately not our house though
siriusgeologist says, well maybe not there...not now...only when its nice and sunny. hehehe
hert0661isme says, haven't heard from me bro - but he is in a second floor flat so unlikely to have been badly affected!
? babynick34 says, I'm trying "bookstore", seems to have more US based places than a search for "bookshop" which was mostly UK and Australia.
flying_ford_anglia enters
hert0661isme says, Hello Neil
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil
siriusgeologist says, hi neil
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Neil
? babynick34 says, Must be some more online bookstores apart from the big names, $52.50 is the cheapest so far.
? babynick34 says, Hi neil
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello - crowded in here ...
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello Neil
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They're talking about buying the Deluxe edition while I'm still on two topics ago
hert0661isme says, Not too bad - just busier than for a few weeks!
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay.... I only have paperbacks.. and CDs
+ p_dumbledore says, Definately better than the $75.00 list price.
voicelady_2000 says, hey Neil
flying_ford_anglia says, Voicelady... welcome (and the rest of you)
? babynick34 says, Neil - do you know of any online bookstores (need to be USA, as the Deluxe edition is not in the UK yet).
heiditandy enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi
siriusgeologist says, hi heidi
heiditandy says, hi - and good afternoon everyone!
foxdancer16 says, hi, Neil and Heidi
heiditandy says, baby is napping : )
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Heidi
foxdancer16 says, night, for me
flying_ford_anglia says, er.... is B&N online?
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello
siriusgeologist says, yay!!! mine just got up, but I'm ignoring all 3 kids
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tim says, if nappies means diapers, what do people say for baby's nap time?
flying_ford_anglia says, different sort of nap... the nap on terry nappies is probably the origin of the name
? babynick34 says, B&N $60, Booksamillion $52.50, Amazon $60, Borders = $56.25
flying_ford_anglia says, i.e. the fluffy texture
catlady_de_los_angeles says, B&N has masses of advertisements for their on-line store. AOL keyuword BN.
hert0661isme says, Hello Heidi
flying_ford_anglia says, Borders sounds like the best bet
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nappies is supposed to be short of 'napkin'
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw it in a dictionary wonce
flying_ford_anglia says, Oh yes - you're right
catlady_de_los_angeles says, SO what do you Brits say for taking a nap?
? babynick34 says, Not sure... need to compare the shipping costs next.
flying_ford_anglia says, taking a nap
siriusgeologist says, Peg had a URL for independant booksellars in one of her posts
hert0661isme says, nap or kip or snooze
elowyl is away (Auto-Away)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, booksense iirc
flying_ford_anglia says, we say the same thing - hey, that was just a question on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire!
flying_ford_anglia says, We take forty winks
heiditandy says, went to the warner bros store at the local mall today - NO bookends - but I got a sorting hat keychain
+ p_dumbledore says, Nick, perhaps you could get it shipped to the office before you get over here to the States
? babynick34 says, Good idea Dennis... would save on the postage.
+ p_dumbledore says, Plus something to read on the long trip back to the UK
siriusgeologist says, And now for something completely different...
flying_ford_anglia says, Old English hnappian related to old High german
flying_ford_anglia says, for taking a nap
flying_ford_anglia says, to nap being a verb
siriusgeologist says, How about a song? We are the Death Eaters,We are the Death Eaters. NO time for losers cause we are the Death Eaters of the World!!!
fizzwhizbee says, LOL
dee_97527 enters
flying_ford_anglia says, It doesn't scan though Carole
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello Diann
foxdancer16 says, okay, if I'm not going to study, I should at least be writing
foxdancer16 says, hi Diann
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Diann
? elowyl says, hello
elowyl is back.
dee_97527 says, Howdy all
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello Diann
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Diann
? babynick34 says, Would you READ that book... it looks like it has gold leaf on it.
siriusgeologist says, Carole has been taken over by the evil Voldemort influence again!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and now she is randy?
flying_ford_anglia says, Randy then
foxdancer16 says, you know, I think if I were in hogwarts, I'd be a Slytherin
foxdancer16 says, sorry, very random
+ p_dumbledore says, Nick found the deluxe edition, Borders has them for $56.25 - Yes, the edges are all gilded with Gold !!
foxdancer16 says, hopefully a nice slytherin, but a Slytherin nonetheless...or Ravenclaw, perhaps
flying_ford_anglia says, why a Slytherin?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Why in Slytherin? Ambition or deviousness?
foxdancer16 says, amibitious, arrogant little prig, a bit devious on occasion
flying_ford_anglia says, thanks for the warning!
siriusgeologist says, If I were a Slytherin..If I were a very very evil Slytherin...yadadaddada
fizzwhizbee says, Slytherin, the house for self-hating people?
? elowyl says, which brings a question... where do think u'd be if we were all in hw?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ouur three heros are a bit dveious on occasion, but they're in Gryff
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Percy is ambition and an arrogant little prig, and he's in Griff
flying_ford_anglia says, I'd be parked in Gryffindor, as usual...
foxdancer16 says, that's true.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Crabbe and Goyle are arrogant but neither little nor priggish
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am a Ravenclaw
fizzwhizbee says, A ravenclaw, also
blaise_42 says, I'm either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, prob. the latter
selah_1977 enters
blaise_42 says, hi Ebony
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi Ebony
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Ebony
dee_97527 says, Hi Ebony
foxdancer16 says, but he's a nice sort of ambitious, whereas I'm really a manipulative sort of person
foxdancer16 says, hi Ebony
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, ebony, so where I've been one hour writing a reply to your post and not finished yet
selah_1977 says, hi! long time no chat--catlady, loved your post BTW
flying_ford_anglia says, Nice piece on 'isms'
voicelady_2000 is away (Auto-Away)
foxdancer16 says, yes, very
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am trying not to sound like I'm disagreeing....
siriusgeologist says, Slytherins run the world. Gryffs try to save the world. Huffs and Ravenclaws must do all the work
selah_1977 says, it's OK to disagree! That's the point!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Huffs do the work. Raes do the thinking
foxdancer16 says, although now that I think about it, I could belong anywhere.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am too lazy to be a Hufflepuff
foxdancer16 says, probably not Gryff.
voicelady_2000 is back.
voicelady_2000 says, I just stepped away and ordered the special edition. I am now officially a geek.
heiditandy says, but the special edition has a JKR drawing...
fizzwhizbee says, I don't think I'm chivalrous enough to be a Gryff
foxdancer16 says, hey, I'm the one asking for the book in Japanese when I don't even know the language
voicelady_2000 says, And I keep getting sorted into Gryf.
selah_1977 says, I'm too lazy to be in Hufflepuff, too. Wanted to be a Gryff. Would love to date a Slyth.
foxdancer16 says, I don't think I'm brave enough...I usually get sorted into Raven
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know if Percy is a nice sort of ambitious: it depends on what is in that book PREFECTS WHO GAINED POWER
flying_ford_anglia says, Yeah, I'd be a hufflphufflepuff if I weren't such a slob
foxdancer16 says, well, he's a nice person, he just goes about it the wrong way
+ p_dumbledore says, Saw a glimse of the drawings in an old "60 Minutes" interview, they appeared to be very well done
elowyl leaves
selah_1977 says, hey--wasn't Riddle a prefect?
siriusgeologist says, Some of my best friends are Slytherins ..But we try not to dwell on it!!
foxdancer16 says, yes
blaise_42 says, I got sorted into Ravenclaw but suspect am really a Hufflepuff
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Are Fred and George and Lee chivalrous? Parvati and Lavender? What is chivalrous?
voicelady_2000 says, Hello heidi, catlady, selah, et al...
selah_1977 says, hi voicelady (ebony here
foxdancer16 says, Niamh (she's on the list, but doesn't say much) wrote a very funny filk/song called Slytherins are sexier
hert0661isme is away (Auto-Away)
fizzwhizbee says, Chivalry is you think fairness is important, and will sacrifice for it.
flying_ford_anglia says, chivalry - courage of a sort
voicelady_2000 says, ebony - did you get my email?
selah_1977 says, no...
voicelady_2000 says, hmmm
flying_ford_anglia says, rather old-fashioned
selah_1977 says, let me check now...
selah_1977 says, brb
siriusgeologist says, I'm too sexy for my House. Too sexy for my school ....
elowyl enters
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay, still no Carole
foxdancer16 says, how about the Animagi singings 'I'm too sexy for my fur'?
? elowyl says, rehiz... comp hung up on me.... what did i miss?
foxdancer16 says, singing, even
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fur is sexy!
selah_1977 says, back
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ask any cat
flying_ford_anglia says, What would PETA say about that?
babynick34 leaves
selah_1977 says, thanks voicelady...
foxdancer16 says, if Harry was an animagus (I know he won'tbe one), I think he'd be a cat
voicelady_2000 says, My cat THINKS he's sexy...
selah_1977 says, Fur... poor Crookshanks!
flying_ford_anglia says, Fur is back this season
foxdancer16 says, a small, black, green-eyed one
catlady_de_los_angeles says, PETA thinks it is unfair exploitation of animals to force them to work as people's pets
selah_1977 says, Animal prints are in.
fizzwhizbee says, Your cat thinks Harry is sexy?
blaise_42 says, oh that slytherins are sexier song still makes me laugh...
voicelady_2000 says, anytime, Eb.
selah_1977 says, WHAT, Catlady?
siriusgeologist says, Oh I wish I were a Hogwarts witch or wizard.. That is what I truly want to be eee.Cause if I were a hogwarts witch or wizard. Everyone would be envious of me eee!!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, PETA. They include keeping animals as 'companion animals' in their list of ways that humans unfairly exploit animals
flying_ford_anglia says, Leopard print just isn't me..
selah_1977 says, PETA's joking... right?
voicelady_2000 says, No, my cat thinks he, himself is sexy!
selah_1977 says, <-------loves dogs
foxdancer16 says, why do I keep getting spam messages?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, PETA is a bunch of extremists
voicelady_2000 says, Spam spam spam spam
selah_1977 says, They're all vegan, right?
flying_ford_anglia says, That's a bit far... pets are pets
fizzwhizbee says, Do animagi unfairly exploit animals?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I eat meat, so I might as well use leather and fur from the animals killed for meat
voicelady_2000 says, My pet is a people!
siriusgeologist says, Do you have any else besides spam??
selah_1977 says, Tee hee hee, fizz whiz bee...
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm getting spam too
+ p_dumbledore says, Another group of people with entirely too much time on their hands.
dee_97527 says, PETA would like dogs and cats to be vegatarian also
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Animagi expliting animals.... well, Sirius going looking for a poodlel
heiditandy says, you mean other than us? : ) (including self in that number...)
siriusgeologist says, Spam on a stick?
blaise_42 says, and staring at wolfhounds!
selah_1977 says, Oh, no... now that's a pairing I'm not looking forward to! (Sirius/poodle)
foxdancer16 says, lol - league of traditional werewolves!
foxdancer16 says, remember, Blaise?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend Lee says Japanese cats and dogs are officially vegetarians: people feed them rice
blaise_42 says, oh yes
siriusgeologist says, So he's dated alot of dogs before?
blaise_42 says, evidently
fizzwhizbee says, James and his stag parties, oh dear
flying_ford_anglia says, hmmm
fizzwhizbee says, Stag nights, in Britspeak
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but she's sure they catch meat (mousies, etc) on their own
foxdancer16 says, huh?
selah_1977 says, Fizzwhizbee, stop! (clutching sides)
selah_1977 says, I wonder what Lily's animal would have been. I always see her as a butterfly.
siriusgeologist says, Playwizard probably had an expose on Wizard Stag parties..
+ p_dumbledore says, Did you see the PETA poster of Jesus as a Vegitarian ?
You tell young_slut_x_pic_on_profile Will be back later - probably around 7:30pm
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My cats much prefer to live in a warm apartment with a nice soft bed, sofa, and laundry basket to lie on, and plenty of food, than to live outside and hunt their own
flying_ford_anglia says, So did Lily have Hen nights?
foxdancer16 says, what's a stag night?
selah_1977 says, Jesus was NOT a vegetarian. (I don't think.)
flying_ford_anglia says, Bachelor shower (you might say)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, a stag night is a men-only gathering (called 'night out with the boys')
foxdancer16 says, I was influenced by a comment of Remus' in a fic, and ever since, I think that Lily would have been a red fox
voicelady_2000 says, You're all making me hungry
siriusgeologist says, What about all those loaves and fishes!!!
selah_1977 says, Like the fox idea.
flying_ford_anglia says, Pre-wedding night out with male friends
foxdancer16 says, aha
flying_ford_anglia says, Stag party is just a gathering, Stag night is pre-wedding
flying_ford_anglia says, Women have a hen night
selah_1977 says, I'm confused. If the bachelorette party is the hen night, what's the wedding shower?
fizzwhizbee says, ahh..thanks, Neil, I didn't know there was a difference
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My cats think it is fair that I give them room and board, and in exchange they let me pet them and tell them how beautiful they are
selah_1977 says, bridal shower, I mean
selah_1977 says, how many cats do you have, Catlady?
siriusgeologist says, Showers are for gifts. the other is for drinking
catlady_de_los_angeles says, only four right now
flying_ford_anglia says, Wedding shower=hen night (I think)
heiditandy says, bridal shower is a party for women who are freinds of the bride (and groom) and their parents
voicelady_2000 says, My cat is the boss in the house. He's told me so on numerous occasions.
selah_1977 says, I think cats are beautiful, but am too spooked by them to have one around the house.
heiditandy says, whereas I can't think of any bachelorette party which has women who aren't the bride's friends
foxdancer16 says, cats are the best, but mum's allergic
catlady_de_los_angeles says, All cats claim to believe that they are the boss, but mostly they just say that because they think they can get away with stuff because they're so cute
voicelady_2000 says, My cat also thinks he's a dog.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, But the late Sasha really did believe he was the boss
catlady_de_los_angeles says, He and I had dominance struggles.
flying_ford_anglia says, Oh, no - a hen night is bride and friends only - getting pissed, watching a male stripper etc. sounds like fun.
fizzwhizbee says, Voicelady, is your cat Siamese?
voicelady_2000 says, No, he's just an old fram cat - all black and absolutely gorgeous.
? elowyl says, i've an inkling for black cats.
voicelady_2000 says, that's farm
heiditandy says, not necessarily a stripper - not at mine, at least, and none of the others I've ever been to - and for my sister's this spring, we're going to disney world
catlady_de_los_angeles says, He liked to drink water out of tap of bathroom sink. One morning I was brushing my teeth and HE PUSHED ME ASIDE to get at the tape
foxdancer16 says, same here - black cats, I mean
flying_ford_anglia says, That's very well-behaved...
selah_1977 says, Speaking of pre-wedding festivities, Neil, I hear you're a shipper now.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I pushed him back, saying "Wait your turn!"
flying_ford_anglia says, I try to be...
foxdancer16 says, btw, something I have been trying to figure out - if Ron was an animagus, what'd he be?
voicelady_2000 says, Yeah, Mischief always lives up to his name. He jumps into the tup every morning to lick up the shower water. Weird.
selah_1977 says, Don't say a weasel... please...
voicelady_2000 says, that's tub.
flying_ford_anglia says, yes - H/H is slightly ahead now
fizzwhizbee says, Ron would be a Wookiee!
? elowyl says, wookiee?
foxdancer16 says, lol
voicelady_2000 says, Why a wookie?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Teh bridal shower is for people to give presents to the couple. They used to be house-warming type presents in the days when people lived with their parents until marriage, then bought a house
foxdancer16 says, Star Wars
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Houses were cheaper in those days
selah_1977 says, YAY! The girls have converted Neil! (claps)
? elowyl says, OO
fizzwhizbee says, Star Wars -- big side kick with red hair
flying_ford_anglia says, Ron would be a hare.
peeves23 enters
foxdancer16 says, oh, I like that.
foxdancer16 says, hi, Jeremy
peeves23 waves shyly
blaise_42 says, hi Jeremy
voicelady_2000 says, hey again
? elowyl says, helo~
siriusgeologist says, Ron would be an angry beaver.
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
selah_1977 says, hi Jeremy...
flying_ford_anglia says, Tut tut, Randy
peeves23 re-reads what siriusgeologist just said... come again?
siriusgeologist says, What did you mean by that?
flying_ford_anglia says, ... a ginger beaver perhaps
peeves23 says, Ron would be an angry beaver?
selah_1977 says, Catlady, my intended and I are talking about the kind of wedding we want. Grandma thinks it's horrible I don't want a big wedding. "What about the presents?" she says.
blaise_42 leaves
blaise_42 enters
siriusgeologist says, There is a kids cartoon show called two angry beavers. They are very sarcastic.
peeves23 says, oh, as in animagus
voicelady_2000 says, If you're aleady settled, you don't need the presents - you've got everything already!
selah_1977 says, I love the beavers!
flying_ford_anglia says, okay..
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tell Grandma that people who don't have to spend money travelling to the wedding wil have more to spend on presents
dee_97527 is away (Auto-Away)
fizzwhizbee says, I love the beavers too
flying_ford_anglia says, Maybe that double entendre doesn't travel
selah_1977 says, Thanks Catlady.... she thinks I'm a heathen anyway.
siriusgeologist says, We won't go there
voicelady_2000 says, The Tick will always be my favorite. Spoon!
selah_1977 says, LOL @ Neil...
siriusgeologist says, Is that a runcible spoon?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nowdays a lot of people are in their 30s before they marry for the first time, and when they move in together, one problem is they have duplicate everything: books, stereo, sofa...
voicelady_2000 says, LOL
flying_ford_anglia says, I like the way you say "for the first time"!
selah_1977 says, Well, we're not in out 30s, but both of us live on our own and have very nice stuff already. Why mooch off family and friends for more?
siriusgeologist says, What is the spoon reference mean?
selah_1977 says, our 30s, I mean.
voicelady_2000 says, My husband and I still have an entire living room set in storage,
p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
flying_ford_anglia leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (double entendre on angry beaver, jeremy said 'come again'. The beaver is angry because it DIDNT come again?),
dee_97527 is back.
voicelady_2000 says, The Tick. That was his battle cry. Spoooooon!!!
peeves23 says, Lol!
siriusgeologist says, i liked my thirties so much I think I'll do them again
peeves23 says, I didn't even notice that
voicelady_2000 says, You guys.....
selah_1977 says, I can't wait until I'm 30. That seems to be the new threshhold of adulthood. No one takes you Siriusly at 23.
heiditandy says, hopefully people will be creative & get neat things like cooking lessons & bed & breakfast gift certificates & cameras & stuff
foxdancer16 says, I'm getting scared.
siriusgeologist says, What did you think of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I heard on the news this summer that Beaver College (a respectable college named after its founder) is changing its name because too many Web Censorship softwares screen out its site
? elowyl says, what abt being a teen? its worse
voicelady_2000 says, Don't be scared. Adulthood is even more fun!
peeves23 is a teen, allegedly
selah_1977 says, Poor Beaver College!
voicelady_2000 says, I never got into the Turtles.
siriusgeologist says, Most people don't take you seriously after your thirties either?
flying_ford_anglia enters
voicelady_2000 says, I've never been taken seriously.
fizzwhizbee says, Who wants to be taken seriously?
foxdancer16 says, no, I'm getting scared because there are adults being weirder than I am in this room.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Turtles -- a very ancient long-ago band
selah_1977 says, People in their 20s, I guess.
selah_1977 says, that was for Fizz.
flying_ford_anglia says, my computer is playing up...
foxdancer16 says, that's a compliment, btw.
voicelady_2000 says, on behalf of the adults, thank you very much.
? elowyl says, weird is good... rather than borign
siriusgeologist says, What about Tuscon Institute of Technology and its acronym?
voicelady_2000 says, ha!
foxdancer16 says, insane is good. sane is not insane. sane is bad.
fizzwhizbee says, Oh, well when you get to be >40 I guess being serious is less important
voicelady_2000 says, My parents live in Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
siriusgeologist says, My scar is starting to hurt again!!
selah_1977 says, Sanity is a myth. Anyone ever met a totally sane person?
foxdancer16 chokes:
flying_ford_anglia says, Weirdness is one of the Heavenly Virtues - Peg will write an essay on it.
peeves23 says, Thjere's a place in england called Tom Tits Bottom
fizzwhizbee says, LOl Ford
? elowyl says, *grinz*
selah_1977 says, Peeves, are you Sirius?
peeves23 says, Yes
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I bet he wishes he was!
peeves23 says, Well, I'm not Sirius, but I am serious
flying_ford_anglia says, and there's a Prat's Bottom
selah_1977 says, lol
siriusgeologist says, My wife is trying to hand me a portkey to the grocery
catlady_de_los_angeles says, All the girls chasing him!
foxdancer16 says, god, I can remember when saying that was one being sirius was still a novelty
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Randy, maybe she wants her ID back
selah_1977 says, It's a little cliche, isn't it, foxdance?
princessspinnet enters
siriusgeologist says, Where is that polyjuice lotion? AHHH
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Alicia-Sue
selah_1977 says, Hi--is that Alicia Sue?
flying_ford_anglia says, I've just received a message from Tinawantsurass... ahem
voicelady_2000 says, is the next book out yet? Are we there yet? He's sitting on my side of the car!
foxdancer16 says, hi, Alicia
princessspinnet says, aloha!
voicelady_2000 says, Hey you!
? elowyl says, helloe!
fizzwhizbee says, Hi, Alicia
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi
foxdancer16 says, btw, Ebony, I'm Firebolt - although foxdance is fine ^_^
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We always get PMs from porn sites
princessspinnet says, hi all!
selah_1977 says, everyone's here today!
foxdancer16 says, you too, Rita?
hert0661isme says, Hello to all those that have slipped in while I having been drinking tea and talking maths and JCR politics with my neighbour!
hert0661isme is back.
selah_1977 says, Oh, hi Firebolt!
hert0661isme says, Please note that this chat is being recorded and will be posted to the E-group: http://www.egroups.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
selah_1977 says, Hi Simon...
siriusgeologist says, Lovely Rita meter maid?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, What I want to know how to get rid of is the text lines right here in the Chat script from Yahoo! Messenger trying to sell upgrades
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, I said that already!
+ p_dumbledore says, Don't see those with Cheeta Chat !
p_dumbledore is back.
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, Yankees just took the lead!
siriusgeologist says, Hello , I must be going! Carole is regaining her strength
selah_1977 says, see ya, Randy...
hert0661isme says, I dont get tehm so there must be a way
foxdancer16 says, bye...
hert0661isme says, bye
fizzwhizbee says, bye
? elowyl says, tata~
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Actually, I have had a lot of experience with being called Rita Meter Maid. Also Rita Book. I wished I qualified as 'lovely'
flying_ford_anglia says, Seeya
ReinaKata02 enters
voicelady_2000 says, see ya. I'm going, too. The game is getting good.
selah_1977 says, I like the name Rita, personally.
selah_1977 says, What game?
heiditandy leaves
+ p_dumbledore says, Hey, getting a nice little crowd here today
voicelady_2000 says, Yankees/Mariners.
flying_ford_anglia says, I get 'Neil, Neil, orange peel'
princessspinnet says, Don't you just love having a name that people can think of endless jokes for?
foxdancer16 says, I, for one, am getting awfully tired of saying 'hi' or 'goodbye' to me, and then commenting on how it rhymes with my name
ReinaKata02 leaves
voicelady_2000 is away (busy)
selah_1977 says, Ebony became Ee-BONY when I was in junior high.
flying_ford_anglia says, Neil! - no thanks, I'd rather stand.
voicelady_2000 is back.
foxdancer16 says, lol
peeves23 says, One of my friend's dad insists on calling me Le Prophet, because I'm Jeremy and half french
siriusgeologist says, I'm back as carole now...sent Randybon his way to get dinner
voicelady_2000 says, Try living with Jeralyn. No one knows how to pronounce it!
voicelady_2000 is away (busy)
peeves23 says, but then, he also breaks into churches to play the organ and forces me to listen to 50s french opera... I don't go round there much any more.
princessspinnet says, Fallnig asleep in classes isn't an option, as someone will always burst into "Wake Up Little Suzie".
selah_1977 says, It's unusual... that's nice...
flying_ford_anglia says, I'd say Jerra -LIN
catlady_de_los_angeles says, First part of Gerald, second part of Carolyn
? elowyl says, mine was bad... they called me urrrm urine back in school.....
siriusgeologist says, Its Jer as in Gerry right? then a and lynn?
foxdancer16 says, oh, I have a first name which is constantly mispronounced, and a last name which is always mispronounced
voicelady_2000 is back.
voicelady_2000 says, Phonetically, it's Jurl-in
blaise_42 says, I have a surname that's constantly misspelt
foxdancer16 says, funny, I never had problems with it
dee_97527 leaves
selah_1977 says, Voicelady--I know you can relate to Hermione, then.
peeves23 says, another friend is called Michal Tymieniecki, and the guy before him on the register is Kumaran Surenthuras... teachers hate calling out the register for our class, for some reason.
fizzwhizbee says, Rosemary - no one can spell it, plus all those Rosemary's baby jokes
voicelady_2000 says, oh yeah...
hert0661isme says, my surname get mispelt lots - not helped by me not pronoucing it right!
foxdancer16 says, I can't pronounce my middle name, or my brother's, for that matter
siriusgeologist says, really hmmmm...I hated my maiden name...so keeping it after marriage was not an option
selah_1977 says, You can't pronounce your middle name?
princessspinnet says, my surname is far too easy, and people love to call me "Downtown", "Leroy", and "Encyclopedia".
siriusgeologist says, Let me guess...Brown
voicelady_2000 says, Encyclopedia Brown! I LOVED those stories!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, not Sue Spinnet?
princessspinnet says, Oh, how I wish! ^_^
siriusgeologist says, Just bought a bunch of Ency. Brown for Brian
foxdancer16 says, well, half of it I can, the other half isn't so bad, but it has a twist on it which I always end up butchering
selah_1977 says, I can't wait to drop my maiden name... this is my second last name as it is. Of course, the DB is thinking of changing his name, so whatever.
flying_ford_anglia says, Is that a brand name?
selah_1977 says, Encyclopedia was my hero. I wanted to marry that kid when I was growing up.
siriusgeologist says, Ency. Brown? Its a set of kids mystery stories
voicelady_2000 says, I have 2 friends who combined their last names: Hudspeth & Kentner became Kentspeth.
? elowyl says, i dun really have a middle name... i've got a chinese, *hanyu pinyin* name and all.....
flying_ford_anglia says, okay
siriusgeologist says, I liked him too
flying_ford_anglia says, My middle name is boring
princessspinnet says, The thing was, I used to love those books all through elementary school, and I'd read them all the time. ^_^
selah_1977 says, I also had a crush on Peter Hatcher from the Judy Blume books. That was my first crush, other than Kermit the Frog.
flying_ford_anglia says, It's not Ford, before you ask
+ p_dumbledore says, Diann and I don't have middle names.
voicelady_2000 says, and then you knew all the answers.
+ p_dumbledore says, I guess our parents were lazy.. or forgot to put on birth certificates
foxdancer16 says, my first name is European, my second is Asian - it was a good way for my parents to both get what they wanted
flying_ford_anglia says, Dennis - you can choose names for yourselves... what would you have?
selah_1977 says, Of course, I was 2 and 5, respectively, and I also wanted to be Big Bird when I grew up (at least when I was 2), so there you have it.
fizzwhizbee says, My dad wanted me to use my maiden name as middle after I got married, so no middle name for me
? elowyl says, whats ur asian name?
selah_1977 says, hi Scrimers...
+ p_dumbledore says, Never have thought about it Neil.. Ummmmm
selah_1977 says, Fizz--why did he do that? No boys in the family?
siriusgeologist says, I kept my middle name and ditched the maiden name
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Parents who plan for their kid to use hiser confirmation name (are catholics the only religion that does comfirmation names) as middle names
catlady_de_los_angeles says, should not give their children middle names at birth
fizzwhizbee says, Two boys and two girls, but I was the only baby he got to pick the name for. He told my Mom, "h
fizzwhizbee says, "Her name is Rosemary and I hope you like it"
flying_ford_anglia says, I know someone who changed his first name from Arwyn to ....Kenneth (euch!)
foxdancer16 says, agh
princessspinnet says, <-- is trying to find the most unusual confirmation name possible
voicelady_2000 says, I think Arwyn is kinda cool
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Failure to follow this simple rule led to Tim calling himself Timothy Paul Patrick Merrigan
selah_1977 says, Rosemary is one of the main characters in the novel MS I'm trying to shop around. Didn't see the movie till after I'd written the book.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, an example of having more names than money
hert0661isme says, I am around but probably wont respond for a while - have to go and do some Spectral Analysis and Functional Calculus
flying_ford_anglia says, it's lovely. he said it was the only name he didn't cross off a list he had.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, save the chat before your go!
gypsycaine enters
flying_ford_anglia says, Kenneth that is
selah_1977 says, Hello, Dee!
flying_ford_anglia says, Ken...eek
foxdancer16 says, I am actually going to go write, so i'll still be here, but probably won't talk much
gypsycaine says, hi
fizzwhizbee says, Hi, Dee
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dee
hert0661isme says, Am leaving it going - I am jsut turning around to do some work
peeves23 leaves
hert0661isme says, Hello Dee
foxdancer16 says, hi, Dee
voicelady_2000 says, hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Kenneth and Ken are nice names
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello Dee
gypsycaine says, (Thanks Simon!)
? elowyl says, hello!
hert0661isme says, I saved it about 10 mins ago and will save it again in a while
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, you have to rely on Simon to save the beginning of the chata
hert0661isme says, Will also upload to site when finished
gypsycaine says, make certain it's saved as part one and two.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, because there were already 8 people here when I arrived (late)
gypsycaine grins.... thanks!
hert0661isme says, why?
selah_1977 says, Isn't it funny how people can ruin or help the connotations of a name? I thought Hermione hideous until I became a HP fan.
gypsycaine says, the first one will be part one...
princessspinnet says, I probably didn't even know it *existed* until I became an HP fan. ^_^
gypsycaine says, the one you'll save will be part two ... because it'll only save to the part you saved to before.
flying_ford_anglia says, My ex- work colleague Craig used his middle name. His first name was Archibald..
flying_ford_anglia says, and his last name was Conkie
hert0661isme says, I can just save it all when the chat finishes!
selah_1977 says, Archibald? Poor thing.
gypsycaine says, not if you already saved.
selah_1977 says, I've always liked the name Priscilla, because I knew a Priscilla growing up and she was the nicest girl.
gypsycaine says, it'll only go back to the part of the first save.
flying_ford_anglia says, I like Hermione as a name
gypsycaine says, unless they fixed that in the updates.
selah_1977 says, Would you name your kid Hermione?
flying_ford_anglia says, Hannah is nice
gypsycaine says, what of the name Permelia.
hert0661isme says, It seems to be saving it all - I have saved a couple of times and each goes to teh start!
voicelady_2000 says, Permelia?
gypsycaine says, thank god. they fixed t
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