Chat for 10/29/00

Simon Branford simon.branford at ...
Mon Oct 30 00:02:59 UTC 2000

Connected!  Sending login information...
Welcome to the club's chat room.
You see here:
fizzwhizbee enters
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
fizzwhizbee leaves
blaise_42 enters
blaise_42 says, it's unusually deserted here
  hert0661isme says, Hello
blaise_42 says, or is that because the clocks have just changed?
  hert0661isme says, I think it may be due to the clocks changing
blaise_42 says, makes sense
  hert0661isme says, I assume it is 1 hour earlier in the US - so 
people will start turning up soon
  hert0661isme says, I only arrived a few mins ago
  hert0661isme says, also am working
p_dumbledore enters
blaise_42 says, me too. learning Latin nouns
blaise_42 says, hi
  hert0661isme says, Hello
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello, I guess people forgot it was daylight 
saving time ?
  hert0661isme says, And there was me with spectral theory and 
functional calculus (is as interesting as it sounds)
blaise_42 says, well, I did, but I thought I was arriving late, so as 
it turns out it's ok
blaise_42 says, spectral theory sounds like that Halloween Forum 
should be discussing it
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, I checked in at 12 PST time, and the room 
was empty !! 
  hert0661isme says, what time PST is it now? (8:45pm here)
+ p_dumbledore says, it's 12:49 pst
  hert0661isme says, I have been near my computer for a while but 
wanted to get some work done first so did not enter the chat until a 
few mins ago
  hert0661isme says, Have changed to copying up lecture notes for the 
lecture I missed on Friday
blaise_42 says, you got over your flu now?
  hert0661isme says, yes - just seem to have passed it onto others 
(who have also now got over it)
+ p_dumbledore says, Missed last weeks chat, we were in Las Vegas.  
Did hit the Warner Brothers Store there, and got our HP Goodies !!
  hert0661isme says, I was here for 5 hours last week (did work and 
talked to friends in the background)
blaise_42 says, is it spelt inconsistent or inconsistant?  I haven't 
got a dictionary here...
  hert0661isme says, with an 'e'
blaise_42 says, thanks
  hert0661isme says, have dictionary positioned near computer for 
spelling crisis (which happens most times I type a sentence!)
blaise_42 says, well, the dictionaries in this library are up two 
flights of stairs ...
  hert0661isme says, am in my own room - so get round that problem
+ p_dumbledore says, I got one of those little red books "The Word 
Book" it has the words and spelling but not really a dictionary.  
  hert0661isme says, our computer reps have a couple of dictionaries 
in each computer room (very good idea)
  hert0661isme says, insert the word 'put' in the last sentence and 
it will probably make more sense 
blaise_42 says, sounds sensible.  nothing like that in LMH
dee_97527 enters
  hert0661isme says, hello
dee_97527 says, howdy
blaise_42 says, hi
dee_97527 says, Where is everyone
  hert0661isme says, This chat will be saved and posted on the E-
p_dumbledore leaves
dee_97527 leaves
blaise_42 says, that chased them away
  hert0661isme says, I thought the exciting ans situlating chat was 
the reason they left!
blaise_42 says, hehe
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
blaise_42 says, hi
  hert0661isme says, hello
Aberforths_Goat enters
  hert0661isme says, looks up from writing about convex hulls to 
notice someone else has entered!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Am I here?
  hert0661isme says, hello
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hi folks!
blaise_42 says, hi, you're here, Rita
  hert0661isme says, yes
  hert0661isme says, far too lively in here for me!
blaise_42 says, me too...
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Entirely ... has everyone gone on the HP 
blaise_42 says, is there a topic de jour?  Is this HP Tour really 
going to happen?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Was I very late? Daylight saving times 
ended  today, and did you start according to Standard Time or 
Daylight Time?
  hert0661isme says, BST ended today so we went back to GMT
€  Aberforths_Goat says, We just changed here in Switaerland
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, but what does that mean on the 
pacific coast?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Perhaps the rest all showed up an hour 
early ...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I tried to login fifteen minutes ago 
and it hung up
  hert0661isme says, so should have made no difference (unless you 
live in the southern hemisphere in which case clocks go the othr way -
 i believe)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and I tried several more times to 
blaise_42 says, hmm
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Clocks go the other way?? Does time go 
backwards there too?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so I tried every more times to login
  hert0661isme says, no one has been here for any period of time 
since when I first checked at 6pm (2 hours ago)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and it only worked when the starting 
room was Change Room
  hert0661isme says, I logged in first time with no probs
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Same here-but I'm coming from the other
of the water
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, which put me into an alien room with 
alien names
blaise_42 says, I didn't have any probems either
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so I changed to this rom, but the list 
of names includes me and goad, the strange names from teh other room, 
and no simon, no blaise
blaise_42 says, how peculiar
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe it's cheetach chat's fault
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Are you on Cheetah's latewst?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, They convinced me to upgrade before
in this evening
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, in our e-groups Files/Fanfic folder, 
my Cedric's Funeral has grown longer: I added to it this morning
  hert0661isme says, I had to upgrade before logging on a week or so 
ago (using cc)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, in our e-groups Files/Fanfic folder, 
my Cedric's Funeral has grown longer: I added to it this morning
blaise_42 says, I'm not using CC and I've not had any probs
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, people who already read it can scroll 
down to wehre it used to end and start from there
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IF anyone read it already!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I've never read one of your fic's--I'll
it a try Rita
blaise_42 says, I didn't know you had a fanfic in the files!
  hert0661isme says, read the first bit - now will read the rest
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I spent a long time trying to avoid fan
-thought they were pretty much the last step towards utter addiction
€  Aberforths_Goat says, But then I got hooked on PoU ...
blaise_42 says, hehe
€  Aberforths_Goat says, At least I've written one myself ...
blaise_42 says, well, for me fanfic was the first step and I tried to 
avoid random conversations about broomsticks
blaise_42 says, which one is this?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not only do I have this very 
imcomplete piece on Cedric's Funeral, I briefly had another piece 
titled James and Sirius Meet a Pretty Girl
blaise_42 says, I've read JSMPG
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Sorry mistyped I've NOT written one
blaise_42 says, oh right
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I took that one down because it is 
going to be a chapter in a larger story that I wrote about half of on 
scratchpaper by hand and I can't bear to have to type so much
babynick34 enters
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Oh ho!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Reinforcements!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I took that one down because it is 
going to be a chapter in a larger story that I wrote about half of on 
scratchpaper by hand and I can't bear to have to type so much
blaise_42 says, hi
€  babynick34 says, Hi all
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nick, are you the one who started 
the Tour e-group?
  hert0661isme says, hello
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I took that one down because it is 
going to be a chapter in a larger story that I wrote about half of on 
scratchpaper by hand and I can't bear to have to type so much
p_dumbledore enters
€  babynick34 says, Yes... thought it better to have discussions 
separated - else so people can opt-in if they want to know about it.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Welcome!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Third time I sent that msg, it finally 
came across! 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, ?? I got three
+ p_dumbledore says, sorry, got disconnected, then couldn't get the 
computer to boot !!  Arrgggh@@
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, How long have you been Nearly Headless?
€  babynick34 says, Hi Dennis
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Third time I sent that msg, it finally 
came across! 
+ p_dumbledore says, Ni Nick
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, How long have you been Nearly Headless?
€  babynick34 says, Not long... need a subline, or sentance -
Neil has.
heiditandy enters
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Just add in a quote ... one of the
beheading bits
€  heiditandy says, hi all!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hi Heidi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi
€  babynick34 says, Hi Heidi
  hert0661isme says, hllo
€  babynick34 says, Can't think of a good quote though...
€  Aberforths_Goat says, That sounds like a good excuse to reread
whole series
€  heiditandy says, an excuse is needed? why?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Well, if you're married, it's always
€  babynick34 says, I'm rereading COS at the moment... was
reading it 
on the boat yesterday - and guess what, a lady came up to me and said 
she was a fan too.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, (I'm not just wasting time dear, I'm 
researching my new signiture line ... )
blaise_42 says, on the boat?
€  babynick34 says, Boat from Calais to Dover... back from
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Nick: you can't escape them.  My
wants to talk HP every time I walk past the door.  
blaise_42 says, oh cool
  hert0661isme says, Nick goes to EuroDisney and I go just south of 
Birmingham for the weekend - allright for some!
blaise_42 says, bah, nobody I've met in r/l wants to talk HP
€  heiditandy says, eurodisney! do they still put sugar ont he 
popcorn there? (Ew!)
blaise_42 says, well, I didn't go anywhere for the weekend
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Poor Blaise.
  hert0661isme says, I have got two friends to read the books (both 
have GoF to go) so I can get plenty of conersations
  hert0661isme says, This chat will be saved and posted on the E-
€  babynick34 says, maybe I could use this in my sig: 'do you
you could possibly mention to Sir Patrick how very frightening and 
impressive you find me?'
€  babynick34 says, No idea, didn't have any money to buy
like popcorn.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I got my neighbors hooked: I'm known as
the house HP addict, but THEY always bring up their latest theories 
and possible discrepencies and ask whether my fellow addicts at the 
HP4GU have already talked about THAT one
  hert0661isme says, been spending it all on HP stuff?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Have they come up yet with one we 
€  heiditandy says, and have we?
€  babynick34 says, If only Simon... but I'm reluctant to order
from WBSTORE.COM, incase they don't send the goods.
catlady_de_los_angeles leaves
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Well, the latest was why the Weasley's
clock didn't show Ginny regularly in mortal danger during CoS
  hert0661isme says, it may have done - maybe no one was home
+ p_dumbledore says, Diann and I were in Las Vegas last weekend, 
picked up stuff at WB store there.  Got some nice pens, a Hogwords 
Cap, and Diann got a nice t-shirt.  
  hert0661isme says, maybe it does but we are just never told
  hert0661isme says, maybe Ginny was never in mortal danger
+ p_dumbledore says, Hogworts!! Arrgg!
dee_97527 enters
+ p_dumbledore says, Hey Hi Diann
  hert0661isme says, hello
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
  hert0661isme says, wb
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hi!!
€  babynick34 says, They had stuff in their REAL store?  Oh my... 
here they don't have much (see my article on )
blaise_42 says, hi everyone
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think I;m here now
€  heiditandy says, Someone actually did bring that up back on
yahoo list - I go with the It did & We Didn't Know It thing...
dee_97527 says, Howdy
€  babynick34 says, Reminds me.. still have to write to their
Office to complan, again.
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, we also went to another store that had some 
other stuff but when Diann wanted to show me it was all gone.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Diann
€  babynick34 says, Some of the Dept56 and Hallmark stuff looks 
good... but no stores here in the UK.
€  babynick34 says, NE 1 know what stores there are in Chicargo 
dee_97527 says, It was the Dept56 stuff; found the Hallmark stuff 
here in town
€  heiditandy says, you can order a lot of the stuff from
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I must have missed when Goat told 
whether his neighbors have come up with any theories that we haven't? 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, HP accessorizing: that's one part of the 
addiction I haven't fallen too yet.  Does it give a satisfying kick?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I must have missed when Goat told 
whether his neighbors have come up with any theories that we haven't? 
€  babynick34 says, but do they send to the UK Heidi... Hallmark 
themselves won't.
dee_97527 says, The Dept56 dealer in town decided NOT to carry the 
Harry Potter stuff
€  babynick34 says, Not sure there... but it certainly makes a
on your credit card!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Ouch.  Not to much padding in mine!
€  babynick34 says, MAD - why would a dealer not want to carry
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There's a lady on my bus, this Friday 
was the second time (casual Friday, y'know) that she was wearing the 
white shirt embroidered with
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the Sorting Hat, a crescent moon, and 
a broomstick
blaise_42 says, excellent
dee_97527 says, They said that they didn't carry the Disney type stuff
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it looks very handsome on her 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Rita: Well, my neighbors wanted to know
the Weasley's clock didn't show Ginny in mortal danger while she was 
chatting with Voldy.
€  babynick34 says, Is that a shirt you can buy... or one that's 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it looks very handsome on her 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I believe it is a WB shirt
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think our e-group already asked 
whether the Weasely clock showed Ginny in MORTAL DANGER
€  babynick34 says, Has anyone got the posters - are they worth 
having?  I may get them sent over, if I can risk ordering from WBS 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe it did and that is why her 
parents rushed to Hogwarts and were there by the time she was rescued?
€  heiditandy says, I don'tknow if they do - but you can check it
€  heiditandy says, Babynick - I don't really like the drawings
the posters - I prefer the advertising posters for the books - you 
can usually find them on ebay
€  babynick34 says, Are they not by the same artist then?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend sent me (probably for my b-
day Nov 7) the HP wall calendar that our group has been complaining 
€  heiditandy says, no, warner bros has an artist who is doing
the art for their products, and the artist for the UK (and canadian) 
books is different from Mary Grand Pre who does the US books.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend sent me (probably for my b-
day Nov 7) the HP wall calendar that our group has been complaining 
€  heiditandy says, You can order versions of the us ccovers 
frombarnes & noble
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Do they have Hogwarts sweatshirts or 
something similar?  That would be fun.  Perhaps I could try preaching 
in one ...
€  heiditandy says, And I just saw, sylvanlane does ship worldwide
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend sent me (probably for my b-
day Nov 7) the HP wall calendar that our group has been complaining 
€  babynick34 says, Sylvanlane does not mention about
orders - think I will ask them.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend sent me (probably for my b-
day Nov 7)
+ p_dumbledore says, Do their prices include shipping, I noticed that 
they were higher than in the WB store?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the HP wall calendar
€  heiditandy says, warner bros has hogwarts sweatshirs &
And baseball caps - I've got a great quidditch/gryffindor team one. 
€  babynick34 says, There is a Hogwarts T-Shirt, might well be a 
sweatshirt as well - has the Hogwarts Logo.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that our group has been complaining 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hmm.  I think I know what I want for 
Christmas ...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the APRIL picture is that fine 
dee_97527 says, What calender is that Rita?  I got one that has 
Hogwarts on it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, of the first view of Hogwarts Castle 
from the first year's boat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that I admired so much when it was the 
logo on WBstore
€  babynick34 says, Looks like they include some shipping, but
all - for example, tracking and insurance are extra - and I assume 
International will be as well.
€  heiditandy says, I think the reason I like that pic is because
only shows them from the back - still a glimmer of mystery about it.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's the calendar that shows Hermione 
as a blue eyed blonde
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Ach was!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Ron with a REALLY WEIRD ugly 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, How can they?
€  babynick34 says, I guess the artist haden't read the book then!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Why bother--isn't cashing in the main
dee_97527 says, This one only has the castle with a small calender 
that become a picture frame
€  heiditandy  hopes WB has a chat on its site with the artist -
HE is someone I have a few questions for...
€  babynick34 says, Yes... but Jo had said that she didn't want
to happen - seems like WB are doing it anyway.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The calendar I got does not become a 
picture frame 
dee_97527 says, I got mine at Hallmark.  I plan to use part of the 
castle for a painting
€  babynick34 says, Does it have the stickers?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The calendar that I got does ot become 
a picture frame
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The calendar I got does not become a 
picture frame 
dee_97527 says, No stickers  the calender part is the size of a photo
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cheeta chat is CENSORING me!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not transmitting my words!
blaise_42 says, oh dear
€  Aberforths_Goat says, About time, I say (j/k)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not transmitting my words!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, But I'm getting them TWICE!
€  heiditandy says, Finite incantatum on that Silencing Charm
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I tried 3 times to say that my 
calendar doesn't become a picture frame!
+ p_dumbledore says, Maybe your not seeing them, We saw them.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My calendar has a scene in the Great 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Sounds like you may need to reinstall cc
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC Harry being Sorted
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The calendar I got does not become a 
picture frame 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My calendar has a scene in the Great 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC Harry being Sorted
+ p_dumbledore says, Apparently what you type is being sent, your 
just not seeing it appear on your screen.  We have gotten allof your 
repeated posts.
€  babynick34 says, Has anyone got the Quidditch Card game?
blaise_42 says, there is a strange curse on this chat, everything you 
sent has appeared several times
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the banners on the wall in the 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, are just the COLORS of the houses, not 
their mascots
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Well, it's time to bow out.  Nearly 11
and I've still got dishes to wash ... (Why the heck didn't I offer to 
cook ... sigh)
blaise_42 says, ah, we're a picky bunch, we obsessives
siriusgeologist enters
€  Aberforths_Goat says, ta ta for now
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Blaise, did EVERYTING appaer several 
times? There were some things I sent several times because they never 
came back to me
dee_97527 says, Later
blaise_42 says, not everything, but some things did
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm going to log out here and go in by 
Yahoo (if I can)
blaise_42 says, ok
catlady_de_los_angeles leaves
Aberforths_Goat leaves
blaise_42 says, hi siriusgeologist
blaise_42 says, who are you today?  is it carole?
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
€  heiditandy says, I've got to go - heading over to my parents' 
house for dinner. See y'all later! : )
heiditandy leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm back, I think
blaise_42 says, hi
siriusgeologist says, I'm here but the line wher I enter things is 
covered up...did I miss everyone?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They've inproved the color selection on 
siriusgeologist says, yes its carole for now
blaise_42 says, no, you haven't missed everyone, people are arriving 
at odd times because of the clocks changing
dee_97527 says, Yeah,  we can now blend colors
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I went on by cheetah chat and had all 
kinds of problems
catlady_de_los_angeles says, so now I am on Yahoo
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which now lets us blend colors
+ p_dumbledore says, Got a few pictures of the Merlin Wizard at the 
Excaliber Hotel in Vegas, tried to find other stuff with the wizard 
in them.
blaise_42 says, ah well, I'm boring and in black and white
catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho not to shade the sentence througgh 
a spectrum
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ANd if anyone is using avatars, I'm not 
seeing them
blaise_42 says, what is an avatar please?
blaise_42 says, people keep talking about them and I still don't get 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, avatar is the little picture that Cheeta 
allows you to put beside your name
blaise_42 says, aha.  what are they for?
dee_97527 says, Umm I think that you need to keep adding colors
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In previous weeks, have you seen little 
pictures on the left side of gypsycaine's name? em
blaise_42 says, nope
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know that avatars are FOR 
anything, exactly. Last week I started using the boilerplate picture 
of a cat as mine
blaise_42 says, boilerplate?  I have a horrible image of a cat being 
cooked which I presume is not what you mean
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I suppose that my NAME is enough to 
let everyone know that I am nuts on cats
blaise_42 says, hehe
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Boilerplate= 'canned' text which can be 
copied and pasted into an infinite number of documents
blaise_42 says, I think I'll let that glide gently above my head
babynick34 is away (Auto-Away)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, I surely hope you are savaing 
this chat!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not that I think that I've said anything 
worth saving yet, but here on Yahoo I cana't scroll back to see what 
the rest of you just said
  hert0661isme says, This chat will be saved and posted on the E-
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did I say that the banners in the Great 
Hall in the calendar pciture
catlady_de_los_angeles says, were wrong: they are only the COLORS of 
the fouR Houses
blaise_42 says, yes, you did.
€  babynick34 says, Is anything right in this calander?
babynick34 is back.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, For April it has the beautiful peicture 
of the first view of Hogwarts from teh firstyears's boat
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I love that picture
€  babynick34 says, I've just asked XPRES if they have a UK 
distributor - I hope they do, as that will get around ordering from 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It has nice stickers of the Hogwarts, 
Gryffindor, Slyterhing, and Owl Post armss
dee_97527 says, April?  It should be September
catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' I don't like what they did for 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It has a Potions close-up with the Trio 
and Snape
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but the only pointy hat in the whole 
calendar is the SorthINg hat!
blaise_42 says, what sort of hats do they wear then?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I hope that is not a prview of WB's 
€  babynick34 says, Here's a question for you all - do you think
time the group had a LOGO ?
p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Choosing a logo would be just one more 
thing to fight over
€  babynick34 says, If we had a logo, we could get group t-shirts
things made, for our HP-Tour (if it ever happens).
catlady_de_los_angeles says, THE TOUR could have a logo!
€  babynick34 says, But would we not fight over a Tour logo as 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the people in the calendars are bare-
hearded, no hats at all
siriusgeologist says, yes we need a logo for the tour
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, we would, but it would be fewer 
people in the fight
blaise_42 says, a logo... hmm
€  babynick34 says, Should we not have one for the group - and
add a slogan or something for the tour.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My other gripe with the costumse on the 
calendar IS WB's ffaultw
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the 'robes' have been turned into coats 
worn over jeans and t-shirts
€  babynick34 says, So... even though we would fight - could we
have a sort of competion to design a logo - then well vote on the 
logo's narrow it down to finalists and select one?
+ p_dumbledore says, I'm off.. got a few things to take care of 
here..  Till next week..  Later all !
p_dumbledore is back.
blaise_42 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye-bye dennis
€  babynick34 says, By dennis
blaise_42 enters
+ p_dumbledore says, bye
p_dumbledore leaves
blaise_42 says, bah, don't know what happened to me there
catlady_de_los_angeles says, too long without talking?
blaise_42 says, I've no idea
€  babynick34 says, On the subject of a tour - do you think that
is a 
good idea, or not?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I want to go on the tour
siriusgeologist says, well I've contributed so much, but have got to 
go feed the
blaise_42 says, just having one or having a logo for it?
blaise_42 says, I want to go on it!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye carole
€  babynick34 says, Having a tour.
cassandraclaire73 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, cassandra
siriusgeologist leaves
blaise_42 leaves
blaise_42 enters
cassandraclaire73 says, hi rita
blaise_42 leaves
blaise_42 enters
€  babynick34 says, What about cost - if the tour was going to
between $1000 and $2000, would you still want to come?
  hert0661isme says, Hello
€  babynick34 says, Hi cass
cassandraclaire73 says, hi simon
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Between $1000 and $2000 sounds like a 
blaise_42 says, what's that in sterling?
€  babynick34 says, Does it - I was trying to aim high.
blaise_42 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I would be villing to pay somewhat more 
than that to get a bed,b
€  babynick34 says, Sterling - say a cost of around 1500 pounds.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cheetah chat was giving me so much 
aggravaion that I switched to Yahool
catlady_de_los_angeles says, But Yahoo keeps kicking blaise out
€  babynick34 says, Sounds a lot to me... but I am trying to work
how many days would be needed to visit all the locations - and it 
could end up being a Week or More trip.
dee_97527 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Depending on how hard you want to work, 
you could make Two PlansTwb
catlady_de_los_angeles says, one plan for how much can be squeezed 
into one week, two weekends
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and another plan for however long it 
takes to see everything
€  babynick34 says, Yes... but I think it will be hard enough
just to 
do 1 plan!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suppose if we planned two weeks and 
$5000,  we'd have enough people to fit into whoever it was's Metro?
€  babynick34 says, $5000 each?
€  babynick34 says, We'd have enough to buy the metro!
blaise_42 enters
€  babynick34 says, And the metro only sits 4 adults BTW.
blaise_42 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, WB Blaise
blaise_42 enters
blaise_42 says, is this working now?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, That's what I meant: if it cost that 
much,  not more than 4 people would go?
blaise_42 says, presumably it would be cheaper for us living here who 
don't have to fly over?
€  babynick34 says, Yes... it would be, but the figures I
earlier excluded getting to the UK.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, And if it were in November (for the 
movie or for my b-day), the under-18's parents wouldn't let them take 
the time off from  school?
€  babynick34 says, As I would guess an average budget of 100
per person, per day.
blaise_42 says, and I can't get out of being at uni in November
€  babynick34 says, But of course, discounts can be got for
being out of season, group booking etc.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, But even if July and August arena't too 
godawful hot, theY ARE too goadwarful croweded
€  babynick34 says, Time of year is also something to consider -
season will be expensive, off peak will be inconvienent.
€  babynick34 says, October half-term, may be a good time - the
before Halloween.
€  babynick34 says, Though still quite busy, and still considered 
peak season by the hotels.
johnwaltonspages enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, it sounds worth looking into
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, John!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am glad you re-appeared on the e-
cassandraclaire73 says, hi john!
johnwaltonspages :wave:: Hiya!
cassandraclaire73 says, i liked your story
€  babynick34 says, Hi John, great timing
babynick34 leaves
babynick34 enters
€  babynick34 says, I'm back./
catlady_de_los_angeles says, story: to me or to john? Does he have a 
johnwaltonspages says, Cheers! I'm takinng a break from Chapter 1 at 
the moment...have HHRD in the middle of the world's worst hangover...
cassandraclaire73 says, john's story
johnwaltonspages says, Rita, I'm writing a sort-of-sequel to DD/DS  
cassandraclaire73 says, s'okay i owe you a real critique
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ?sequel before SD is finished?
€  babynick34 says, Lost messages, prior to me mentioning Half-
term... did I miss anything?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, No
johnwaltonspages says, than enough to do on Ch1.
johnwaltonspages says, *more than enough...
cassandraclaire73 says, it's more an 'inspired by' than a sequel, i 
johnwaltonspages says, Yes, Cass got it right. ::taps head::
cassandraclaire73 says, i can still kill draco if i want?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You'll kill him but not cut off his leg?
blaise_42 leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, much rather kill him, really
johnwaltonspages says, test test
johnwaltonspages :swears at Yahoo::
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I see you, john
johnwaltonspages says, Cheers  
johnwaltonspages says, Well, you could kill Draco, but I think that 
he's much better alive.
€  babynick34 says, John, nice to see you here.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' it kicked Blaise out AGAIN
johnwaltonspages says, Cheers Nick   First time I've been free on a 
Sunday for aaaages.
€  babynick34 says, Do you think the HPTour will ever happen?  I 
think it could, but the cost might be a bit steep.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We were talking about HP tour
johnwaltonspages says, And, Cass, you'd probably be attacked by 
ravening hordes of fans...
cassandraclaire73 says, seems like a lot of money
johnwaltonspages says, Tour! Yay!
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah i know i would, but it would be fun
johnwaltonspages says, Hmm. I think it could, but we'd definitely 
have to do a LOT of planning.
€  babynick34 says, Yes... I think a year's worth at least!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, When would be a time that wouldn't be 
peak season, but the students among us could go?
johnwaltonspages says, If we did the planning right and got flights 
far enough in advance, it wouldn't be *that* much more than a normal 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, flights, hotels, food...
€  babynick34 says, Plus if we have confirmed numbers, with
payment, then we could get group discounts.
johnwaltonspages says, Rita, I was thinking spring break...but then 
we have the issue of differing spring break times...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm very old for almost-43 and want to 
sleep in a bed
johnwaltonspages says, flights from NY-LHR are $2-300.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, not a sleeping bag on the florr
€  babynick34 says, If we aim for Offpeak it will also help.   So 
sometime the Hotels are not busy.
johnwaltonspages says, Ah,  yes,  but that's why we have B&Bs.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, And any roommate I have must not be 
bothered by SNORING
johnwaltonspages says, Same here, Rita.
€  babynick34 says, B&B's are great... but don't expect great 
accomodation... it's basic - but cheap.
€  babynick34 says, Like a Motel in the US.
johnwaltonspages says, Hey, if it has a bed and a bathroom, I'm not 
bothered. I don't go on holiday in the UK for the sleeping 
johnwaltonspages says, (is sure there should be another M in 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (this should be a brigther blue)
johnwaltonspages says, Looks the same to me, Rita.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ohh well
johnwaltonspages says, color test
catlady_de_los_angeles says, black
€  babynick34 says, that was black, John
johnwaltonspages says, was supposed to be a nice green.
johnwaltonspages says, is this the red?
€  babynick34 says, pink
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Logo for our tour? I saw a book club ad 
with little cartoon people fluing through the air on open books...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Perhaps we could have the books being 
towed by Hedwig
€  babynick34 says, Sounds nice... probably copyrighted though.
johnwaltonspages says, How about the Knight Bus?
€  babynick34 says, Anyone an artist
johnwaltonspages :looks around for Starling, then realises this is 
the wrong list::
cassandraclaire73 says, funny, im talking to her on IM
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hedwige on a broomstick
johnwaltonspages says, See if she's up to logoing for us? If she gets 
a scanned picture to me I can internet-ise it  
johnwaltonspages says, Hedwig on a broomstick sounds good to me.
johnwaltonspages says, Although we should get some sort of cool bus...
cassandraclaire73 says, ill ask her
johnwaltonspages says, Okay...for food, we could probably make some 
supermarket stops, too. Or we could leave food up to individuals.
johnwaltonspages says, Eating out in pubs tends to be a bit of a 
drain on the bank balance, after all.
€  babynick34 says, Logo needs to be copyright free... ie, needs
be created.  It MUST NOT contain the phrase 'Harry Potter'.
€  babynick34 says, We can (with luck) get away with 'HP For
Ups' or something similar.
  hert0661isme says, Have just got back from down the corridor 
(returning lecture notes - only taken me 1 1/2 hours) - then stopped 
for talk to friend
johnwaltonspages says, Why do I get the feeling that "Magical Mystery 
Tour" is copyrighted? Where is it from?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Beatles, yes?
johnwaltonspages says, Ah, living la vida estudenta.
cassandraclaire73 says, 'lo simon
johnwaltonspages :snaps fingers:: That's the one.
€  babynick34 says, Might be connected with Scooby Do.
cassandraclaire73 says, still have flu?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, we are again talking abaout the 
  hert0661isme says, Hello to John (who slipped in while I was 
johnwaltonspages says, Hi Simon.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, John said it would be more economcial to 
get our gfood at supermarkers than at pubs
€  babynick34 says, If any budding artists can do logos' that
be great.
  hert0661isme says, Lost flu a couple of days ago - friends have it 
johnwaltonspages says, Grumble grumble people who aren't ill mumble 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was wondering if you would voplunteer 
to make picnic baskets
€  babynick34 says, Yes... Tesco, Sainsburys etc have eat-in 
johnwaltonspages says, Eww, Nick, but they ming.
  hert0661isme says, This chat will be saved and posted on the E-
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ming?
€  babynick34 says, Some of the B&B's may makeup picnic baskets.
johnwaltonspages says, (trans. Ming: suck, stink, etc.)
johnwaltonspages says, Can also be used as a verb: He is smelly/ugly: 
He mings.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I know that mung (as in (this hard drive 
is munged) is an acronynm for 'mung until no good"
€  babynick34 says, I think better to have Breakfast at
and then find somewhere to eat out for Lunch/Tea.
johnwaltonspages says, From the Spanish: Mingar (j/k)
cassandraclaire73 says, ming..?
€  babynick34 says, Something else to consider when planning the 
tour - shall we eat at Nicolsons?
cassandraclaire73 says, oh never mind
johnwaltonspages says, Nicolsons?
€  babynick34 says, Shall we stay at a Castle one night?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, And MINCE is an acronynm foR MINCE Is 
Not Complete EMACS
€  babynick34 says, Nicolsons - think that's the name - the place 
where Jo is known to hang out.
johnwaltonspages says, Ahhh...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I would love to stay at aa castlte  one 
night -- the castele lodging thhat you discoved, Nick
€  babynick34 says, In Edinburgh - bit expensive now by all
johnwaltonspages says, A castle would be VERY cool.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but  there is a conflict between doing 
everything that I want to do
€  babynick34 says, Yes, that's the one I was thinking of - they 
could put a crowd of us up... would be VERY nice, and only 8 miles 
from Edinburgh.
cassandraclaire73 says, simon, can i ask you for a britishism?
johnwaltonspages says, Which one, Nick?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and making it so that the yuounger 
people acn aford the money and time
johnwaltonspages says, Oh, and I'll stop off in Edinburgh while I'm 
next there -- check out Nicolsons.
  hert0661isme says, go ahead cassandra
€  babynick34 says, http://www.scotland-info.c
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Several people reported that Nicholson's 
had been upscale since that time
cassandraclaire73 says, was trying to figure out how to say 'very 
angry at'
€  babynick34 says, Check out Ballencrieff as well if you like!
johnwaltonspages says, I'm thinking that the young people on budgets 
might be able to do the hostel thing some nights to keep costs down.
johnwaltonspages says, (or, in fact, anyone on budgets.)
  hert0661isme says, peeved (means annoyed) sounds good)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, in USA, peeved is a mild emotion
johnwaltonspages says, Looks very cool, Nick.
  hert0661isme says, If this tour happens in after June this year I 
will have graduated and might even have a job!
cassandraclaire73 says, peeved doesn't quite sound angry enough  
€  babynick34 says, All of us even John - considering a night's
at a castle could be £100 to £150 each!
  hert0661isme says, bit mild in the uk as well (talking about 
peeved) - struggling on more strong words)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, pissed off
catlady_de_los_angeles says, all burned up
johnwaltonspages says, Cass: he was fuming.
johnwaltonspages says, Gulp! That's, erm, half my living expenses for 
a month!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, fuming.... smoke comes out of ears
johnwaltonspages says, Or how about "livid"?
  hert0661isme says, will there be a student budget version of teh 
johnwaltonspages says, There'd bloody well better be!
€  babynick34 says, Know what you mean John... but a tour of this 
kind will no doubt cost a lot... even if it's done on a tight budget.
cassandraclaire73 says, no, it has to be slang
€  babynick34 says, Maybe the castle has a campsite near by!
johnwaltonspages says, Well, we could do a fleet of minibuses...
€  babynick34 says, But who would drive?
johnwaltonspages says, Ugh, camping. No, use the Edinburgh youth 
johnwaltonspages says, Share the driving between 2 or 3 people per 
€  babynick34 says, Could do... may need to be UK people only
due to insurance.
johnwaltonspages says, Not necessarily.
  hert0661isme says, has to be 25+ (age) for a minibus?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, When Nick first posted the info about 
Ballencrief months and months ago, it included some prices on the web 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which are not there now
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I seem to recall something about 65 
pounds a night
johnwaltonspages says, Has to be 25 to rent anything, Simon.
€  babynick34 says, I can drive a D1 vechile - ne1 know what that
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Are there going to be enough tour-ists 
to need more than one minibus?
johnwaltonspages says, Our Madrigal group rented one last summer for 
our tour, and it was cool if cramped.
  hert0661isme says, Having said that if you find the right company 
then it must be 21+
johnwaltonspages says, It always helps to rent one away from 
the "beaten track" and out of London.
  hert0661isme says, have been in one with friends and none of us 
were 25+
johnwaltonspages says, Excellent question, Rita  
€  babynick34 says, D1 I think is a minibus with less than 16
cassandraclaire73 is away (be right back)
  hert0661isme says, having said that it was through uni so maybe we 
have some link up with some company to get round some rules
johnwaltonspages says, Yep,  the legal limit for a normal license is 
16 people, Nick.
johnwaltonspages says, The big question is if enough people can drive 
manual transmission  
johnwaltonspages says, <-- can't drive manual, having learnt in NY
€  babynick34 says, And large vechiles are not easy to drive - I 
drove the work van once, it was tricky!
cassandraclaire73 leaves
€  babynick34 says,
cassandraclaire73 enters
cassandraclaire73 leaves
johnwaltonspages says, Especially minibuses...we had much hilarity on 
Madrigal Group ur...
€  babynick34 says, Found it - around £65 per person, based on
sharing a room.
johnwaltonspages says, Ah, but it can only hold what, six people?
  hert0661isme says, more movie in oxford news on:
€  babynick34 says, Minibus rental from my local place is £357
a week.
johnwaltonspages says, Okay, so figure that a 16-seater can take 10 
people plus luggage, that's €35.70 a week, plus petrol.
johnwaltonspages says, (Luggage being the important factor, after 
johnwaltonspages says, Anyone know how much diesel a minibus uses?
€  babynick34 says, Deisel I hope, not petrol.
johnwaltonspages says, Yeah.
johnwaltonspages says, Oh, mental note not to have the Tour during a 
petrol crisis  
johnwaltonspages says, How much is diesel a litre?
€  babynick34 says, A lot no doubt.  But I guess the hire company 
would know a rough mileage per litre figure.
€  babynick34 says, Cheaper in France!
  hert0661isme says, miles to gallon or gallons to mile? (or even 
galleons to mile)
johnwaltonspages says, Galleons to mile, eh?  
johnwaltonspages says, We need some Wizard petrol...
johnwaltonspages says, fuel, of course, will be a major expenditure.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, A ever-full gas tank charm, like all 
thoso ever full goblests?y
johnwaltonspages says, Yeeees  
cassandraclaire73 enters
  hert0661isme says, wb
johnwaltonspages says, Which leads me to think whether or not we want 
to concentrate in a few cities or areas and miss out.../
catlady_de_los_angeles says, SUrely magic violates the Law of 
Conservation of mass_Energy
johnwaltonspages says, places like Skye, the Northern Highlands, 
Western Cornwall, etc.
cassandraclaire73 says, magic vs. physics?
johnwaltonspages says, Because we're looking at 2000-odd miles if we 
do London-Edinburgh-Wales-Devon.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Some flying?
€  babynick34 says, Yes... mileage is going to be a problem.
€  babynick34 says, Flying is not cheap.
johnwaltonspages says, More expensive. Hopefully we can get an 
unlimited-mileage thing...
€  babynick34 says, Can't find price on Diesel... but found
Petrol -
cassandraclaire73 leaves
€  babynick34 says, Diesel found - UK Average today is 83.7,
in my area is 79.9
johnwaltonspages says, UK Diesel average is 83.7/litre.
johnwaltonspages says, Exactly ditto  
johnwaltonspages says, We're also going to need a Tour Book to 
capture all those fantastic moments  
johnwaltonspages says, Anyone know how many litres are in a minibus?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't suppose there is a talented 
Quick Sketch artist among us
€  babynick34 says, Nope - but a coach can hold over 200
catlady_de_los_angeles says, who could even be subsideized for the 
tour in exchange for craeting the Tour Memory Bookr
johnwaltonspages says, I vote Starling  
catlady_de_los_angeles says, quick sketch, or just the laborious work 
in the studio?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, i much dislike being photographed -- 
that occured to me when Hagrid gave Harry the photo album of his 
johnwaltonspages says, Hmm...Hertz don't seem to rent minibuses...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, No one could make much of a photo album 
of me, and anyone who asked me for photos of my old friends would be 
disaaponited, because i didn't keep any
johnwaltonspages says, Okay, Nick, any idea how much a coach would 
cost for a week?
€  babynick34 says, Nope... quite a bit though, plus it would
two drivers, who would require accomodation and food.
johnwaltonspages says, Ah. Good point.
johnwaltonspages says, looks like we're going for a flock of 
€  babynick34 says, But it would save us having to drive.
johnwaltonspages says, and/or minibuses.
johnwaltonspages says, But the coach probably couldn't get everywhere 
a minibus could.
johnwaltonspages says, And some pubs get snooty about coachloads of 
people turning up.
€  babynick34 says, No... but it could drop us in centre of town,
then pick us up again at a scheduled time - no hassle parking.
€  babynick34 says, Where for example would you park a mini-bus
€  babynick34 says, True... Hotels and food stops would need to
prepared for a coach.
johnwaltonspages says, I wouldn't. I'd not have a vehicle in London.
johnwaltonspages says, Do London first, and pick up the vehicles on 
the way out.
johnwaltonspages says, Or do London last and drop them off before we 
go in.
johnwaltonspages says, Repeat after me: The Underground Is Your 
€  babynick34 says, No underground near me.
johnwaltonspages says, Nor in St Andrews. On the rare occasion I go 
to London, however...
€  babynick34 says, Could we not use the train for most trips? 
Ok, I 
know it's expensive and unsafe (!) but with group discounts may be 
worth investigating.
johnwaltonspages says, I'd say that would be prohibitively expensive 
and not effective -- we do want to get out into the country at some 
johnwaltonspages says, Unless we did the Britrail pass...and also 
it's a bit hard to do logistically, getting 20-30 people...
johnwaltonspages says, on/off trains at the right time. Someone's 
bound to fall asleep...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, will we have 20-30 people?
johnwaltonspages says, I have no idea.
€  babynick34 says, No idea on numbers, that's something else we
need to work out - what the minimum number of people we would need to 
run a tour cost effectively.
johnwaltonspages says, I would say ten if we do it by minibus.
€  babynick34 says, Yes, and 40 for a coach.
johnwaltonspages says, IMHO, I think a coach is impractical and too 
expensive. No way we're going to get one for 600 a week.
€  babynick34 says, 4 hours 20 mins to get from London to
by train - or so Trainline thinks.
johnwaltonspages says, Bollocks! it's at LEAST 5 hours if you take 
the fastest train on a weekday with no holdups.
johnwaltonspages says, And as the trains stand at the 
moment...::shrug:: 6-8 hours.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe it would be better to fly from 
London to Edinborgh
johnwaltonspages says, That's a possibility. Going easyJet, the 
miniumum you can do it for is 85 quid return.
€  babynick34 says, Yes... does Easyjet operate from Stansted?
johnwaltonspages says, Luton.
€  babynick34 says, So, still need to get from Luton to London.
johnwaltonspages says, Which is easy enough to get to from London -- 
leaves from King's X,  incidentally.
johnwaltonspages says, It's about 15 return on the train.
johnwaltonspages says, I did it two weeks ago, see  
catlady_de_los_angeles says, or to arrange some terribly roundabout 
route in which it is a short drive from attraction A to attraction B 
to attractioNn C,des pite  all zigsagging east and west?even  a d
johnwaltonspages says, There's a 5 quid return bus which takes 
longer, tho'.
johnwaltonspages says, We REALLY should try to avoid east-west travel 
except the M8 (Glasgow-Edinburgh) and M4 (London-Bristol).
catlady_de_los_angeles says, .... if we are to spend 8 hours on a 
train together, we must  find a train with gfood Internet 
connectivity, so we can talkr to each other th ew  way we are used to
johnwaltonspages says, Otherwise it's small windy roads. Believe 
me,been there,  done that.
johnwaltonspages says, For that, Rita, you'll need a mobile phone and 
a laptop  
€  babynick34 says, Return by train is £77 if 8 adults book at
same time.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You might need to take your Americans on 
small, windy roads tao educate us
€  babynick34 says, That's KingsX to Edin.
johnwaltonspages says, That's quite good. Are Young Person railcards 
valid on that, Nick?
johnwaltonspages says, Oh, we might just have a Small Windy Road Day  
€  babynick34 says, Yes, probably - the forms asked if anyone had 
those, also family dicounts as well.
johnwaltonspages says, AKA the Lake District Day.  
€  babynick34 says, Small being the key word there!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Beatrice Potter -- is she a relative?
johnwaltonspages says, LOL...
johnwaltonspages says, "And then," said Harry, "My great-aunty Tiggy-
catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL
€  babynick34 says, Virgin does a Paddington to Edinburgh... I
if that's cheaper?
johnwaltonspages says, What's a guesstimate on petrol costs for 
johnwaltonspages says, Nonononononooooo, Nick. That's up the West 
Coast Line, and takes twice as long.
johnwaltonspages says, We should get t-shirts (or rugby shirts might 
be more appropriate) printed up with the tour name on them  
  hert0661isme says, what about robes?
johnwaltonspages says, Well, I can probably pilfer some St Andrews 
postgrads' gowns  
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Robes, cloaks, and pointy hats, and a 
few owls to carry with us.
€  babynick34 says, I've suggested T-Shirts already... was trying
get someone to do a Group Logo, and a Tour Logo.
johnwaltonspages says, I want a cat too  
  hert0661isme says, I only have a stupid commoner one at the moment -
 will have no use for it in 8 months time!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, well, it will have to be a British cat 
because of quarrantine
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and one who is amaazingly outgoing
johnwaltonspages says, Heh   I have the red wooly StA undergrad gown.
johnwaltonspages says, I'll steal one of my aunty's  
catlady_de_los_angeles says, mine dislkike unfamiliar people, 
unfamiliar places, and automobile travel, and being put in a carrrier
catlady_de_los_angeles says, John -- your auntie is a witch?
johnwaltonspages says, Ah. THat's four strikes...
johnwaltonspages says, No, primary school teacher. I'm sure that 
should be funny in some way...
€  babynick34 says, Are we going via anywhere - from London to 
johnwaltonspages says, (Just got this mental image of large group of 
wizard people getting onto a Kings X-Edinburgh train wiht broomsticks.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (would anyone notice?)
johnwaltonspages says, Hrm. Durham, to see Durham Cathedral>
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (New Yorklers would not notice)
johnwaltonspages says, (I resemble and resent that remark  )
johnwaltonspages says, Take a look at the map I uploaded.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We used to get on subway to leave the 
Beltane Sunrise morris dance in Riverside Parknear Gratns Tomb
€  babynick34 says, Estimated Journey time by car/small van = 8
catlady_de_los_angeles says, girls in flowing white dresses with 
flowers in our hair, boys in their white morris garb with their  
bells and sticks
€  babynick34 says, The train will be faster.
johnwaltonspages says, Well, Rita, you know those 1239 train types  
johnwaltonspages says, LOL, Nick, not *necessarily*.  
€  babynick34 says, True... I wonder if a NatExp overnight coach 
would be better.
johnwaltonspages :cringes:: Cheaper, yes. Better, no.
€  babynick34 says, Well yes, I know... I've done it on a
a good 10 years ago, not a fun trip.
johnwaltonspages says,
  hert0661isme says, This chat will be saved and posted on the E-
johnwaltonspages says, Take a look. I was thinking going north on the 
east side of the country (A1) and down the west side. (M6/5)
johnwaltonspages  oes warding charm:: Nick, don't talk about 
Stagecoach while I'm nearby...
€  babynick34 says, Coach is much cheaper - £24 each, but it
take 11 hours!
johnwaltonspages says, Urgh...a possible last resort? Or perhaps some 
could coach up and some could fly?
  hert0661isme says, plenty of time for HP discussions - just need 
some way to take notes
johnwaltonspages says, Because folks flying in from the US get cheap 
inter-UK flights, less than the 85 for easyJet.
€  babynick34 says, Yes that's an idea... those on a budget could
by coach, while those with money to burn could go by plane (or 
private jet!)
€  babynick34 says, Ok... so if we use train to get from London
Luton, and Fly to Edinburgh - still stick for travelling around 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, divide coach into two sections, one for 
people who can't stand talking about wether there shoucld be mroe gay 
charactrs, more feminishm, etc and
catlady_de_los_angeles says, one for those who discuss thoe topsics 
(like mE)
€  babynick34 says, And also - is it not cheaper for those from
US to fly direct to Edinburgh, or is that not possible?
johnwaltonspages says, Well...we want to go to Dundee, Perth and 
maybe the Highlands?
johnwaltonspages says, You can't fly direct to Edinburgh from the USA.
€  babynick34 says, OMG isn't it windy tonight in the UK.
johnwaltonspages says, You can fly to Glasgow, which is a nasty 
airport, and then you have to get to Edinburgh.
€  babynick34 says, The wind is howling through my windows!
johnwaltonspages says, Tell me about it. Our flat is pre-double 
glazing. brrrrrr
catlady_de_los_angeles says, are you going to have another hurricane?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I remnember that was a hurricane that 
bloew down six of Seven Oaks  a few yaers ago
johnwaltonspages says, <-- counts himself in the "Like Rita" category 
for the coach.
€  babynick34 says, Maybe - 1 person died 4 hours ago, when a
hit their car - happend about 30 miles away from my home.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and then France was wiped out by a 
hurricane last year
johnwaltonspages says, It wasn't *quite* a hurricane, because it 
didn't form in the tropics. Still had hurricane winds, tho'.
johnwaltonspages says, That's why the Michael Fish "We don't have 
hurricanes in England" thing is so amusing.
€  babynick34 says, 1987 I think that was.  I was on a hillside
Wales at the time.
johnwaltonspages says, (turns into Rita Skeeter) Were you on a 
hillside in Wales six years prior to that, on October 31st?
€  babynick34 says, Nope - don't often spend time on Welsh
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The pop song "It never rains in Southern 
California" was on the charts the year that we had one of our floody 
€  babynick34 says, Yes, 1987, I was correct:
johnwaltonspages says, Heh!
johnwaltonspages says, And it happened again in the autumn of 93.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 13 years ago, and to me it is 'a few'
€  babynick34 says, And on 25th January 1990 as well.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, make notes, you young guys, so when it 
happens to you,  you'll say 'Oh! that is what those old people used 
to talk about !"
johnwaltonspages says, I know...I was reminiscing yesterday about 
when the Spice Girls appeared, and realised that it was six years ago.
  hert0661isme says, spice girls?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, A band
johnwaltonspages says, I know, I apologise.
johnwaltonspages says, More like a "band".
  hert0661isme says, The wind seems to have died down here now - it 
was terrible and also raining heavily earlier
johnwaltonspages says, Try living on the North Sea, O Thou From Foggy 
Bottom Polytechnic  
€  babynick34 says, Something to consider for the tour - the
johnwaltonspages says, Good point. Although...we can't do all that 
much about it,  can we?
  hert0661isme says, FBP? I am upset at teh suggestion
€  babynick34 says, No... but summer is better than winter up in 
johnwaltonspages says, It could be worse -- you could be at Fens 
Institute of Higher Education  
johnwaltonspages says, Not by much, believe me.
  hert0661isme says, Ah the Fennland Poly - I have heard of that!
johnwaltonspages says, (evil laugh)
  hert0661isme says, Rather a modern place from what I heard - only a 
few hundred years old
johnwaltonspages says, Yeah, unlike august albion institutions like 
St Andrews.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Foggy Bottom  is whre USA State 
Department lives
johnwaltonspages says, I thought it was the CIA?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, previously it had been the first site of 
thE National Observatory
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (no, the CIA is in Langley, Virginia)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tim said that he can't believe that any 
place named Foggy Bottom is suitable for an observatory
johnwaltonspages says, Tom Clancy based something in Foggy Bottom...
johnwaltonspages says, It might have been the CIA "Farm", ie training 
johnwaltonspages says, Anyway, must focus. Did we decide abut time of 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, someone suggested October half-term. 
that would have to be checked out with the American students, whose 
holidays are at all diffent. times.
johnwaltonspages says, And it only gives us a week...what with the 
jetlag and everything, that's too short.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick seems to want it to be a week, to 
save money
€  babynick34 says, No... but flying sounds good - with 8 people 
going, fares can be as low as £45 per person for a return
johnwaltonspages says, COOL!
€  babynick34 says, But that is in January... I expect it will
depending on the dates.  Can't book more than 3 months ahead via
johnwaltonspages says, The actual content can *maybe* be squeezed 
into 7 days...but that doesn't leave much room for travel misshaps.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick-John-Blaise-Neil-Heather, that's 
johnwaltonspages says, FYI, Feb/March is the best time for 
transatlantic flights.
€  babynick34 says, Can't recall the cost implications, but I
those flying in to UK will need to stay a good few days to get 
reduced fares.
johnwaltonspages says, I think it's a Saturday night.
€  babynick34 says, I know that for me to fly to the US, I have
to be 
in the US for 3 days to get any reduction on a fare.
  hert0661isme says, Was my name mesnt to be there?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, -Simon, that's six
johnwaltonspages says, Rita? You coming?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rita, probably Penny, probably 
Carole.... I don't hae a good guess as TO AMericans coming
€  babynick34 says, 10 day tour I think would be good - the last
days in London, so 2nd day can be for general sightseeing.
johnwaltonspages says, Perhaps we should do an HPTour poll for dates?
johnwaltonspages says, And then people can stay longer in London if 
they want.
€  babynick34 says, Yes, sounds good - do you want to set that up 
John.  Would need to be on the main group polls page.
johnwaltonspages says, Will do.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, How is weather for sight-seeing in 
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cold can be bundled up against, but fog 
blocks the views
€  babynick34 says, Not good - Apr/May is better.
johnwaltonspages says, Getting into spring...but I would think  it'd 
be Mar/Apr because of college terms.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I went to Mt Rainier because I'd never 
seen a glacier, but it was fogged in that day and I still didin't see 
a glacier
johnwaltonspages says, I know my holidays are the last two weeks of 
March and the first week of April. Simon,  what're yours like?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' i had great close=up views of 
wildflowers besied the road
€  babynick34 says, Want to avoid November - due to t

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