Chat 11/05/00

Simon Branford simon.branford at ...
Mon Nov 6 00:14:38 UTC 2000

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Welcome to the club's chat room.
You see here:
  hert0661isme says, Hello
  hert0661isme says, Am just sorting out my dinner then will be in to 
chat (and working in the background)
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, same here.  will return shortly.
gypsycaine is away (out to lunch)
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter 
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying 
macro but it's saving my butt!
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, you know, I like yours better.
  hert0661isme says, I have never been one for using too many words 
when only a couple will do!
  gypsycaine says, no, it's easier to read
  gypsycaine says, Carole's around, working on a report.
  gypsycaine says, she and I both weren't certain what time chat 
officially starts.
  hert0661isme says, I got bored last week and worked out how to make 
it into a macro
  gypsycaine says, (hence me going to eat at the table with Ian--
maybe (fingers crossed) a nap is next?)
  hert0661isme says, nor am I - I saw you here and popped into say hi
  gypsycaine says, I should have showed you how.
  hert0661isme says, am also working so may not be too active
gypsycaine   . . . . o o o o o
gypsycaine                        _____   o                   
gypsycaine       ____----    ]OO|_n_n__][.            | hogwarts  | 
gypsycaine      [________]_|__|________)<               |    
gypsycaine       oo    oo  'oo OOOO-| oo\\_          ~~~|~~~
gypsycaine   ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
  hert0661isme says, it was not too hard to do!
  hert0661isme says, now you are showing off! 
  gypsycaine says, it stillhas some quirks.
  gypsycaine says, look at the macro called train.
  gypsycaine says, now click it.
hert0661isme  . . . . o o o o o
hert0661isme                      _____   o                   
hert0661isme     ____----    ]OO|_n_n__][.            | hogwarts  | 
hert0661isme     [________]_|__|________)<               |    
hert0661isme      oo    oo  'oo OOOO-| oo\\_          ~~~|~~~
hert0661isme ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
  gypsycaine says, see.
  gypsycaine says, not so hard.
  gypsycaine says, I created a few macros, editted a few, and deleted 
a huge amout.
hert0661isme shoots firewoks for the room |#####> `';:**:;' #####> 
`';:**:;' * #####> `';:**:;'` * #####> `';:**:;` *
  gypsycaine says, Here's the ones I have currently:  CAT, 
gypsycaine                           /\
gypsycaine                  __ _/__\___   heeee heeee heeee!!!
gypsycaine                        /(  o\
gypsycaine                 /|     // \ -'
gypsycaine        __    (  o,     /\
gypsycaine            )  /   |     / _\
gypsycaine >>>==(_(__u---(___ )-----
gypsycaine                        //
gypsycaine                       /__)
  gypsycaine says, now, I have to figure out how to edit that to be 
  gypsycaine tosses a d or two up there, and bonks herself on the 
  gypsycaine says, quidditch.
  gypsycaine says, typed too fast.
gypsycaine  Hogwarts   ____  O
gypsycaine    E X            |[ ]|_,_Y
gypsycaine  PRESS       |__|_|_|}
gypsycaine                      00-- oo\\   ALL ABOARD!
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where 
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers 
fly!  <<<<<-----
  gypsycaine says, (of course, that one's a macro too!)
  gypsycaine says, it's called "bonk Neil"
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
  gypsycaine says, that's why  I renamed that.
gypsycaine                      ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
gypsycaine                      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
gypsycaine                      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
gypsycaine                     _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
gypsycaine                    ((('   (((-(((''  ((((
  hert0661isme says, hello
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hello, am I late? I am still confused 
by Dayalight Savaing Time having eneded last week?
  gypsycaine says, we haven't a clue.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' my bad typing is not due to 
Standard Time
  gypsycaine says, Carole doesn't either.
  hert0661isme says, it is 7:45pm here if that helps
  gypsycaine says, 2.43
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It is 11"44 AM here
  gypsycaine says, but that's according to Bill Gates, who doesn't 
know how to keep clocks on time.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, a quarter to noon -- are we supposed 
to start at noon?
  hert0661isme says, i am later than in previos weeks but waited for 
someone else to get here before joining
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I mane, 8 Greenwhich?
  gypsycaine says, we used to start at noon.
  hert0661isme says, depends which calendar we go off
  gypsycaine says, kid mess
  gypsycaine says, brb.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm trying to read the posts, i.e. 
doing two things at a time, so will be inattentive to both things I 
am doing
  hert0661isme says, no, apologies - mis read on my part, 8pm GMT is 
official start - I just turn up early
  hert0661isme says, |Would not worry - I am working
  gypsycaine says, so I stick with 3pm either way?
  gypsycaine says, (which is in 15 minutes?)
  gypsycaine says, (has to check
  gypsycaine says, Hey, Rita, this is off-topic, but do you know what 
an Caberet Sauvignon is?
  hert0661isme says, red wine
  gypsycaine says, red wine?
  hert0661isme says, cabernet sauvingnon is red wine
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cabernet Sauvignon is possibly the 
most prestigeois of the red wine grapes
  gypsycaine says, I got sent two bottles of CA Cabernet Sauvignon 
this week.
  hert0661isme says, Any of a family of vines, esp. Cabernet 
Sauvignon (see SAUVIGNON 1b), yielding grapes used in wine-making; 
the grape of these vines. Also, wine made from Cabernet grapes. 
  hert0661isme says, from OED
  gypsycaine says, I was hoping to open one during the chat.
  gypsycaine says,  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wish I was there to share the vino 
  hert0661isme says, Short for Cabernet-Sauvignon, a black grape of 
France; also the red wine made from this grape. 
  gypsycaine says, I am opening the 1999.  The 1998 stays under the 
  hert0661isme says, same here - better than this work
  hert0661isme says, both bits quoted above are from the OED online 
(Oxford English Dictionary) - a useful resource
  gypsycaine says, I noticed.
  gypsycaine says, I can't afford it.  I use 
  gypsycaine says, lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A lifteime ago, before I was taking 
medication that is supposed to forbid alcohol, my favorite red was 
the Fetzer Cabernet Sauvignon -- I guess it was 79 then, so the 77 
was the one that was on release
  gypsycaine says, The brandname is Presido Heights.
  hert0661isme says, I only use it as get free access through uni
  gypsycaine says, This is my first upper end wine.
  gypsycaine says, Usually I have to resort to the 3.99 bottles....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've never heard of Presidio Heights 
(obviously named after the Presidio, the huge park and two-century-
old military base in San Francisco)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did that go thrrought wtice? 
  hert0661isme says, well obviously! (where?)
blaise_42 enters
  gypsycaine says, Nope, but there's on the back of the bottle 
(vinted and bottled by Presidio Heights Vintners, Los Angeles, 
blaise_42 says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I keep thinking that the Presidio is 
on the SF side of Golden Gate Bridge, but logic suggests that what I 
am thinking of is Golden Gate park
  gypsycaine says, still haven't a clue how to open it..
  gypsycaine says, Hi Blaise!
  hert0661isme says, hello
  gypsycaine says, I guess I get to destroy it to find out! LOL
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, go to a decent store and buy a 
cork-puller, which is a device that has two metal strips facing ieach 
  gypsycaine says, It's got a cork!  WOW!
  gypsycaine says, No, I couldn't figure out how to get to the cork, 
  gypsycaine says, I am used to twist off.
hert0661isme laughs hysterically.
  gypsycaine says, sighs.  I am so welfare.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and each metal strip slides between 
the cork and bottle (like shoe horn) so between the two their are 
embracking iti
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and then you pull up on the handle 
that the two strips are attached to, and it pulls the cork out 
without breaking it
  gypsycaine says, all I have right now is a squiggly thing that is 
from the '60s.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (for which reason this device was 
nicknamed 'butler's friend', i.e. leaving no evidence that the bottle 
was previously opened) 
  gypsycaine says, (ow.)
  gypsycaine says, LOL.
  gypsycaine says, i can imagine.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the squiggly thing (named corkscrew, 
and the one on my Swiss Army Knife sucks petrified dinosaur eggs 
through a straw) damages the cork
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, sometimes the damage is enough that 
the cork entirely desintegrates
  gypsycaine says, so I screw the squirly thing in...
  gypsycaine says, I figured it did.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, which, worse than not being able to 
close the bottle again (some people would just drink the whole 
bottle),  a million crumbs of cork fall in tho the wine and ruin its 
  gypsycaine says, the cork's already cracking a bit.
  gypsycaine says, I have it half out, though.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Blaise, I WASN"T ignoring you!
blaise_42 says, hehe, that's ok
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, I wasn't ignoring you in re 
Presidio, either......
blaise_42 says, I've been looking at email and otherwise ignoring 
discussion of corkscrews
  gypsycaine says, Thanks Rita, it came out whole and intact.
  gypsycaine says, and re-usuable (at least for this time....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I know you're in Britain and may never 
have visited USA and wouldn't expect you to get Los Angeles 
references like San Berandion Freeway
blaise_42 says, am feeling embarrassed as I study classics and do not 
know what you mean by in re presidio
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bernardino. This time typing matters.
  gypsycaine says, It's the wine I am drinking.
  gypsycaine says, It's vintner is Presido Heights.
blaise_42 says, I was born in the USA, thank you
  gypsycaine says, Here goes... Cheers.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, the wine was named Presidio 
Heights, and I said it must be named after The Presidio in San 
blaise_42 says, cheers
  gypsycaine says, oh, ack.
blaise_42 says, aha.  there's a latin word praesidio, it confused me
  gypsycaine says, I guess this might not be a bottle of wine that I 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee! It can't have turned to vinegar 
just since '99!
siriusgeologist enters
  gypsycaine says, I like sweet wines.
siriusgeologist says, hi guys
siriusgeologist says, oooo are we talking wine?
  hert0661isme says, hello
  hert0661isme says, maybe it might not be the wine for you
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Presidio is a HUGE green park and 
three-century-old military base, and Presidio is what it was named by 
the Spanish who founded it
blaise_42 says, Peeves/Jeremy says hi.  He can't get into the room
  gypsycaine says, I didn't choose it...  (Actually never had heard 
of it before!)
siriusgeologist says, argh...and I finally have speakers!!!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, there are smaller Presidios in 
Monterey (the Spanish capital of Alta California)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Santa Barbara
  hert0661isme says, it took me a ccouple of attempts
  gypsycaine says, my words aren't appearing?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I thought everyone would have 
heard of the Presidio in San Francisco, I thought every English-
speaking person knows San Francisco, where
siriusgeologist says, tell him to click on the "chat"in the menu 
rather than the chat on the home page
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tony Bennet left his heart decades 
before the Summer of Love
changeling_de enters
blaise_42 says, Carole - his soundcard isn't working anyway so you're 
not missing that much
siriusgeologist says, ahhhhh bummer....
  gypsycaine says, it's not sweet at all.
  gypsycaine says, ??
  gypsycaine says, Hi Carole!
peeves23 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I got into the chat room on first try 
today, but one or two of my mssgs didn't appear on my view of the 
room, and I had that problem so much last week that I changed back to 
Yahoo chat last week
siriusgeologist says, hi what wine are we talking...I love wine
  hert0661isme says, hello
peeves23 says, hurrah
changeling_de says, Hello there
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Carole, hi jeremy, hi changelng 
changeling_de says, Yes
siriusgeologist says, and I got speakers just for you jeremy
changeling_de says, I could use some help from a Cheetachat expert
  gypsycaine says, and once again, I am having horrid lag!
peeves23 says, Sorry, carol, but my computer broke down yesterday
peeves23 says, and the soundcard isnt working yet!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It is a CA Cabernet Sauvignon that 
someone gave Dee as a gift. It is named Presidio Heights, but has a 
label about bottled in Los Angeles -- a combination of name and 
geography that does not give me a good feeling
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I had a big lag at the same time you 
siriusgeologist says, ahh well....maybe some future time
siriusgeologist says, I like a good cabernet, but if they are calling 
it a northern CA wine and its bottled in southern CA...yeah thats not 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But there is a label named Raymond 
Hill, a most un-encouraging geographic locale: except it is the label 
that Trader Joe uses when they bought up some big-name vine
  gypsycaine says, any suggestions?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, on the condition that they don't 
reveal from whom they bought it
  gypsycaine says, first question, can I re-cork and stick this 
sucker under the sink?
changeling_de leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee said she likes sweet wine. THere 
is a Sutter Home Muscat Amiable (don't trust my spelling) which I 
adored back in the days when I wasn't forbidden to drink alcolhol
blaise_42 says, who is changeling?
changeling_de enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *think* changeling is Cristina but 
she needs to comfirm that
peeves23 says, why are you forbidden to drink alcohol?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, interaction with medications
  hert0661isme says, she did confirm it (i think
changeling_de says, Yes, I'm Christina
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I cheat a *little* 
hert0661isme cheers enthusiastically.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Christina
changeling_de says, Sorry, but I'm trying to get Cheetachat to run 
without much success
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Muscat Amiable is tasty, 
reminiscent of fruit, and swwet, reminiscent of dessert, and the only 
problem is one's friends teasing one for  
  gypsycaine says, I like fruity wines.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, drinking 'muscatel', famed beverages 
of wino bums on the street
  gypsycaine says, I have a wonderful elderberry wine in there.
  gypsycaine says, (again, it's 3.99, lol!)
siriusgeologist says, merlot is my current fav
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If sweet is your things, you might 
like to drink cream sherry, like Harvey's Bristol Cream
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Merlot is the sibling of Cabernet 
  gypsycaine says, just waiting to see if I can stick this under the 
  gypsycaine says, I don't like White Zinadel
  gypsycaine says, it's too dry.
  gypsycaine says, (sp)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Experts say that the kitchen is a bad 
place to keep wine because kitches are warm and warm encourages wine 
to turn into vinegar
  gypsycaine says, perhaps a future visitor might like it, lol.  Or I 
will dump it down the sink!
  hert0661isme says, i like that white zinfadel stuff - even if it is 
not white
siriusgeologist says, I like white zin..although its a bit too sweet 
for me
changeling_de leaves
  gypsycaine says, ok... (Wonder if that other bottle of CV is going 
to be the same?)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, As it is not an impressive wine, you 
can put it in the refrigerator
  hert0661isme says, white wine has a scale of 1 (dry) to 9 (sweet) 
and I consider 2 to be too sweet!
changeling_de enters
  hert0661isme says, but being a student I am not too fusy!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Merlot is the sibling of Cabernet 
Sauvignon (two breeds of red wine grape). IIRC, in France, Burgundy 
is made from 85% Cabernet Sauvignon with 15% Merlot
siriusgeologist says, simon did my explanation of radicals make sense?
changeling_de leaves
blaise_42 says, radicals?  what sort?
  gypsycaine says, the other brand I stuck in the refridge too.  It's 
from someplace called "Bellasera".
  hert0661isme says, yes - remembered that one of my lecturers had 
also used the term - most would call them surds
changeling_de enters
siriusgeologist says, student radicals 
as in roots...surds? never heard of that
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So the California and Oregon labelling 
laws, which require varietal wines to be made of what they say on the 
label, allow wine labelled Cabernet Sauvignon to comtain up to a 
specified percentage of MErlot
changeling_de leaves
  gypsycaine says, (it's bottled in someplace called Morgan, CA)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, surd. that has something to do with 
taking square roots of numbers, and the surd is .... Arabic for 
root?, the number under the check mark thingy?
  hert0661isme says, surd = mathematical quantity that cannot be 
expressed in a fintie way (so also includes pi and e)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, like Ab-Surd
blaise_42 says, was thinking of free radicals in chemistry actually
siriusgeologist says, hmmm see what I learn from this group! can I 
bill this as research?..
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, free radical in chemistry = positive 
ion that roams around stealing electrons from mlecules???
  gypsycaine says, i always wonder if there was any sweet red wines?
  gypsycaine says, brb. dumping this goblet into the drain, then 
refilling with my kind...
  hert0661isme says, can I bill it as research to you?
blaise_42 says, if I recall correctly, yes
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Port, I think
siriusgeologist says, Ahh yes those free radicals hanging about the 
chemistry dept.
  hert0661isme says, port and stilton
siriusgeologist says, They've got to be dressed in tiedye
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suspect that Gewurtztraminer would 
be too sweet for Carole and too dry for Dee
  hert0661isme says, my mate is writing a computer program as his 
forth year chemistry project!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I encountered it at a Wine Potluck 
Part and fell in love 
siriusgeologist says, yes too sweet for my taste
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's not a sparkling wine, but it 
TASTES like sparkles..... ahh, memory
changeling_de enters
  gypsycaine says, I like that one kind of champagne...
  gypsycaine says, Asti something.  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Asti Spumante
  gypsycaine says, and I now have half a gob of (yes, that's it, 
thanks Rita) Elderberry.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I remember it used to have TV ads, 
back when I was a child and watched TV
peeves23 leaves
  gypsycaine says, I also like Pear wine..
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There used to be this fabulouse Pear 
Wine frm Oregon
  gypsycaine says, I wonder what kind of wine the magic community 
  gypsycaine says, I can't find Pear wine in the area...
  gypsycaine says, unless I go to the winery itself.
changeling_de says, elderberry, IIRC
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The name of the vinyard (which mostly 
does serious grape wine) is on the tip of my toungue, they also made 
a rhubarb wine
siriusgeologist says, pumpkin wine?
  gypsycaine says, (IIRC?)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but they DISCONTINUED the pear and 
rhybarb wines?
peeves23 enters
peeves23 says, hi
peeves23 says, soundcard working but now IE is being uncooperative
changeling_de says, if I remember correctly
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Well, I am trying to write a long 
story about Lily and James, in which I have already written what I 
thought was the end (But it turns out there is moe later) which is a 
Halloween Party with spciced pumpkin brandy
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
gypsycaine . o O ( oh, that is much better! )
  gypsycaine says, btw, Rita, that pumpkin brandy sounds good.
changeling_de leaves
flying_ford_anglia enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil, I read you paean to the 
Smiths timestamped the same time as I was reading it!
flying_ford_anglia says, Evening all...
flying_ford_anglia says, I used a time-turner...
siriusgeologist says, hey neil
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, We have beent talkig abaout wine 
because someone gave Dee a bottle of wine that was a big 
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where 
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers 
fly!  <<<<<-----
flying_ford_anglia says, This is a sore point with me...
flying_ford_anglia says, I need to know about wine, and I know very 
  gypsycaine hands Neil...
  hert0661isme says, hello
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, that technique of courtship is 
normally used only by ten-year-olds!
  gypsycaine ....the pillow
  gypsycaine says, courtship?
  gypsycaine says, was doing it as a greeting!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hitting a person because you like them
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm glad she doesn't dislike me - she might 
use something harder!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, OH, EUROPEAN wine..... we were talking 
about CA, OR, and wherever Dee is from, wine
  gypsycaine says, a flying frying pan?
flying_ford_anglia says, Ouch - I can feel it now...
  gypsycaine says, (Ohio, which actually I wasn't talking about...  I 
mentioned Boones, and company...)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, car and frying pan fly off togethe 
like dish ran away with the spoon
flying_ford_anglia says, Californian wine is pretty good - haven't 
come across any Ohion wine  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, not Boone's Farm famous cough 
syrup for getting drunk?
  gypsycaine says, Strawberry Hill.
flying_ford_anglia says, I like Merlot red myself... I'm going 
through a phase
voicelady_2000 enters
  gypsycaine says,  
  gypsycaine says, hi!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, carole said she likes Merlot now too
voicelady_2000 says, hello all
flying_ford_anglia says, Amish wine... I thought they were abstainers?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, voicelady?
voicelady_2000 says, yup
  gypsycaine says, I don't bother to figure it out.
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi Jeralyn (is that right?)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, who said amish wine?
  gypsycaine says, one sec, and I'll get the name.
voicelady_2000 says, Jeralyn is correct!
flying_ford_anglia says, As featured in ASA!
voicelady_2000 says, one and the same...sort of.
siriusgeologist says, hi..or should we call you Roma?
flying_ford_anglia says, ...old news, I guess
voicelady_2000 says, actually, I have dibs on that part!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Roma????
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm a bit behind with ASA - must catch up...
siriusgeologist says, we used her name but Voiceladies much nicer....
  gypsycaine says, still very behind.
  gypsycaine says, haven't read it yet  
  gypsycaine says, and still haven't read POU last chapter.
voicelady_2000 blushes
flying_ford_anglia says, Neil wants the pillow now...
siriusgeologist says, we just put out chapter 10
peeves23 says, Did anyone catch JKR on the radio, btw? what were her 
favorite songs?
flying_ford_anglia says, Eeek - haven't read 9 yet.
siriusgeologist says, we'll call on you first though when we cast the 
voicelady_2000 says, Beatles were her favorite.
  gypsycaine says, Here's a few lines from our inside discussion on 
Ohio wines and Amish wines from the club Cakes and Ales.
voicelady_2000 says, thanks!
flying_ford_anglia says, I posted a list on the board and recorded 
the programme
  gypsycaine says, Angeliquestill, have you ever had any of the wines 
from Mon Ami or from 
siriusgeologist says, ooooo you all better catch up...
  gypsycaine says, Lonz? They are both very fine and very reasonably 
  hert0661isme says, am up to date on ASA - more of a problem with my 
work that is due in tomorrow!
  gypsycaine says, But my local Ohio favorite is Black Pearl wine 
from Steuk's winery. 
siriusgeologist says, Next chapter will feature Jeralyn prominently
changeling_de enters
  gypsycaine says, this is a pain. brb.
voicelady_2000 says, coooooool
siriusgeologist says, hehehehehehe
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what is a pain, posting sentences line 
by line cut & paste?
flying_ford_anglia says, Beatles were one of her faves - she actually 
chose The Tchaikovsky as the one piece she would take to the island 
and the Mozart as her fave music ever...
  gypsycaine says, yes.
  gypsycaine says, I am using notepad to Un-separate them.
siriusgeologist says, yes that was interesting..being a beatles and 
mozart fan myself
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and said there was never any classical 
music in the home she grew up in: I read all the posted reports on 
changeling_de says, Hello again, it's Christina, who wants to throw 
her computer out the window.
  gypsycaine says, Angeliquestill, have you ever had any of the wines 
from Mon Ami or from Lonz? They are both very fine and very 
reasonably priced.  But my local Ohio favorite is Black Pearl wine 
from Steuk's winery. Hard to find, a bit expensive for my pocketbook, 
but it's heaven in a 
siriusgeologist says, Bach is my classical fav
  gypsycaine says, glass!  Atropa ******  You must get some 
Brittenbauch Amish Country wine (about $10). The dandelion is devine! 
Roadhouse Red is Welches with a kick. Cherry is verry sour, so watch 
out.  If you people are going to make me fat, I'm going to make you 
flying_ford_anglia says, She taught herself about classical music.
  gypsycaine says, there.
voicelady_2000 says, I like Debussy
  gypsycaine says, Handel.
  gypsycaine says, I bought "Water Music" on accident.
voicelady_2000 says, I'm already a drunk, Gupsy!
  gypsycaine says, I thought it was water-music, like a running brook.
  gypsycaine says, LOL
peeves23 says, the only classical piece of music I've heard that 
really made me go "wow" was The Lark Ascending by vaughn williams, 
but then I havent listened to very much
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm not a classical music fan really... I 
like Sibelius..
  gypsycaine says, I sorta liked it, and it got me into the world of 
classical music.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, it was music to be played by 
employee musicians in a boat next to the boat in which the employer 
is throwing a party
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, On the Thames, rather than in Marina 
del Rey
flying_ford_anglia says, Holst's Planets is good
  gypsycaine says, Never knew that Rita. Thanks.
  gypsycaine says, Just knew I liked it.  
siriusgeologist says, Music was the one arts class I took in 
college...reall;y enjoyed it
  gypsycaine says, I will prolly spell this wrong, but I think my 
favorite is Aire on a G-string?
flying_ford_anglia says, Air
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Handel also wrote some Fireworks Music 
to be played at the king's fireworks show
flying_ford_anglia says, That was used to sell cigars over here
  gypsycaine says, serious?
  gypsycaine says, lol.
flying_ford_anglia says, Hamlet Cigars
voicelady_2000 chuckles in amusement
heiditandy enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 2B^ -2B?
heiditandy says, hi all!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi
  gypsycaine says, btw, here's the link to the food club where we 
were discussing wines:
flying_ford_anglia says, Heidi, hi!
voicelady_2000 says, hello!
  gypsycaine says, hi@
  gypsycaine says, (waves!)
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
heiditandy says, here whiule baby is on a walk with his grandma
changeling_de says, Hi
hert0661isme ducks out of the way.
  gypsycaine says, mine conked in the chair.
  hert0661isme says, large firework just went off nearby!
siriusgeologist says, mine is on my lap trying to press keys
flying_ford_anglia says, You're all pretty quiet  
heiditandy says, mine never conks out (except for 20 - 30 minutes 
between 10:45 and 11:30)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There's a Nancy Levovitz button that 
says To Be or Not To Be = (square root symbole) of 4B2 (superscript)
  gypsycaine says, (just sipping my elderberries, Neil~lol)
  gypsycaine says, I love it.
voicelady_2000 says, I'm just listening.
flying_ford_anglia says, We had more fireworks last night...I guess 
Sunday isn't the best night for it.
  gypsycaine says, I am going to lift that and send it to a friend 
when the chat is published, Rita.
  hert0661isme says, am doing my work
  gypsycaine says, he's the same guy who tells me E=mc (superscript)y
  hert0661isme says, also raining here
heiditandy leaves
flying_ford_anglia says, We're expecting more gales tomorrow...and 
floods.  I'm so glad I live on a hill.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suppose Nancy Levovitz has a web 
site to sell her buttons, altho' I'v never seen it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, More hurricanes?
voicelady_2000 says, Not raining here, but it's pretty cold today.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, That could be a problem for the tour.
flying_ford_anglia says, Probably
  gypsycaine says, oh, please, no tour, until I get a job?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Besides, us-uns worry about you-uns 
when we hear the storm news
  gypsycaine says, and have put enough time in for vacatioN?
flying_ford_anglia says, This current weather is ...unusual.
  hert0661isme says, storm on the way - according to earlier weather 
peeves23 says, JKR likes the smiths! hurah!
peeves23 says, *hurrah
  hert0661isme says, I do not like seeing how high the river already 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but when you school kids get jobs, you 
will have to stay at your jobs working instead of taking time off to 
voicelady_2000 says, You guys have been having a pretty bad time 
weather-wise lately.
  hert0661isme says,  the ground floor of the building I am in has 
flooded before!
flying_ford_anglia says, They reckon the NE will escape, but the rest 
of the country will be windswept...
siriusgeologist says, yuk
blaise_42 says, yes, it's rather worrying.  we have the Cherwell at 
the bottom of our gardens
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yeah, didn't this stuff happen three 
years ago as well as in 1987?
flying_ford_anglia says, I've changed my mind about moving to 
  gypsycaine says, (docklands?)
blaise_42 says, oh, Catlady, was amazed you knew about Sevenoaks/One 
Oak.  I live there
  hert0661isme says, I can see the Isis from my room
You tell teen_x_pic_on_profile Will be back later
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The floods and winds three years ago 
were connected with the climactic battle of book seven???? 
siriusgeologist leaves
siriusgeologist enters
flying_ford_anglia says, 1987 was the big hurricane.  We lost loads 
of trees - that was worse than this time.  This time it's the floods 
that are the problem, and the fact that the rail system is in a 
state - cracked rails everywhere...
voicelady_2000 says, I hope you don't have to travel anywhere.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sevenoaks/One Oak was on the news as 
an interesting/dramatic detail. They SAID acorns from the fallen six 
would be planted to replace them, and my friend said it should be 
acorns from the one left standing, it clearly has bettter genes
peeves23 says, lol
flying_ford_anglia says, Docklands is the redevelopment are on the 
Thames - it's where tHe MIllennium Dome is and the Canary Wharf tower 
(tallest building in Europe).
blaise_42 says, oh, they've been replanted, then the young trees got 
vandalised and they were replanted again
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Was it this summer just ended that 
France had the big hurricans and lost myriad trees, including those 
planted by Marie Antoinette's own hands?
flying_ford_anglia says, are=area
  gypsycaine says, thanks.
flying_ford_anglia says, I have to get to work tomorrow...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But in 1987 Harry was still living 
with the Muggles so the storm wasn't connected with his adventures
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, don't run away from us so fast!
  hert0661isme says, my dad has been unable to get into work a few 
days this week
voicelady_2000 says, I'm surprised business haven;t closed down for a 
flying_ford_anglia says, I was referring to having to use the rail 
network.  I'm not going yet...
flying_ford_anglia says, We virtually closed down.  I was on holiday, 
but only two staff managed to get in...
  gypsycaine says, sounds like us when there's a blizzard.
flying_ford_anglia says, Problem is, most of our clients are in the 
flying_ford_anglia says, so we have to be there.
voicelady_2000 says, Can't you telecommute?
  gypsycaine says, I'm hoping to do that eventually....
flying_ford_anglia says, I wish i could apparate to work..
flying_ford_anglia says, You mean teleworking, right?
voicelady_2000 says, As a temp, I have to go where the work is.  
  gypsycaine says, i just want to work right now...
siriusgeologist says, Yes I really want to learn how to 
apparate...and disapparate too
voicelady_2000 says, Yeah, teleworking - working from home.
flying_ford_anglia says, it helps to be able to come out at the other 
changeling_de says, Just having a wand and knowing a few household 
spells would do for me.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ha-ha Dee: I've been wishing that I 
could retire! (not for 30 more years, yuck)
flying_ford_anglia says, You are retiring at 73 Rita?
siriusgeologist says, me too
flying_ford_anglia says, I want to retire at 60... 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Age to collect Social Security will 
have been raised to 72 by that time
  hert0661isme says, i want to retire now
flying_ford_anglia says, Hmmmm
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My own savings don't grow like they're 
supposed to
  gypsycaine says, i need the job to retire!
voicelady_2000 says, Invest!
flying_ford_anglia says, Simon, you haven't started yet!
  gypsycaine says, I really wouldn't mind working for Time/Warner 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So Simon wants to be an independent 
  gypsycaine says, aren't those tentured Professors?
flying_ford_anglia says, A kept man, perhaps?
  hert0661isme says, not enough brains for the scholar lark
  hert0661isme says, work seems far too complicated
  hert0661isme says, house husband
voicelady_2000 says, We'll find you a sugar-mama, Simon.
flying_ford_anglia says, Work to live, don't live to work...
changeling_de says, I'd like to have 10 or 15 years of retirement now 
and then work till I drop dead.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 'independent' scholar: self-
supporting, usually pays for own research (so it's better for 
historians than for particle physicists)
flying_ford_anglia says, That's a good idea1
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, independent scholar -- that
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that's what Liberal Arts is about
  hert0661isme says, maths and research money are not commonly said 
in the same sentence (unless teh word not is involved!)
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
  gypsycaine says, let's see.
  gypsycaine says, He cooks, does he clean?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, fields of study suitable for free men 
(liberiri?) i.e. not slaves i.e. not having to work for a living
  gypsycaine says, (aka is Simon good fodder to be a house-elf?)
  hert0661isme says, clean - if I must
  hert0661isme says, have cleaners in uni residence and mother at 
blaise_42 says, lol
flying_ford_anglia says, Does he shut his ears in the oven door?
voicelady_2000 says, Ouch!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL, neil
  hert0661isme says, no - it would hurt!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, how do you punish yourself in ways 
that don't hurt???
  gypsycaine says, honestly, I wouldn't mind being a mama to someone 
I could depend on.
  gypsycaine says, the problem is the men I get with aren't 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, You can't afford him
  gypsycaine says, no, not
voicelady_2000 says, Keep looking - good guys are out there!
flying_ford_anglia says, Bad lads are always more sexy, eh?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, it's that the good ones are 
already taken
  gypsycaine says, it's not even that.
blaise_42 says, depends who you ask
voicelady_2000 says, The older a woman gets, the less appealing bad 
boys are.
  gypsycaine says, (LOL Rita!)
peeves23 says, hehe
  gypsycaine says, it's they seem drawn to me.
siriusgeologist says, I'm with voicelady...
hert0661isme flirts.
voicelady_2000 says, The trick is to stop looking, and suddenly the 
good men are just there!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, you may have a neon sign hanging 
over your head
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, saying "I will put up with any amount 
of garbage"
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or some other message that is 
attractive to that kind 
  gypsycaine says, I'm a Queen of Cups...
  gypsycaine says, maybe that's it.
  gypsycaine says,  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, supposedly the solution is to take 
down the neon sign, but I find that easier said than done 
flying_ford_anglia says, Play hard to get... but not impossible  
  gypsycaine says, istopped playing
voicelady_2000 says, lol!
changeling_de yells "Hey Kool-aid!" and crashes into a brick wall
hert0661isme looks puzzled.
changeling_de says, Oops!
flying_ford_anglia says, Can't follow that...
voicelady_2000 says, Did you hit the wrong emotion?
changeling_de says, Sorry, a book fell on my mouse.
flying_ford_anglia says, My mouse has a sticky ball... very annoying
  gypsycaine says, that's bettter than a mouse falling on a book.
  gypsycaine says, take it out, and plop it into a cup of windex.
voicelady_2000 says, That sounds...umm...very..., well, you know...
flying_ford_anglia says, Windex?
changeling_de says, There are no mice on my shelves, though. 
changeling_de says, I hope.  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, window cleaner with ammonia, usually 
in a spray bottle
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, windex is a brand name used as a 
flying_ford_anglia says, Should I drop the ball in there, or the 
whole mouse?
  gypsycaine says, LOL
  gypsycaine says, the ball.
changeling_de says, Does that work?
voicelady_2000 says, Oh, you're killing me!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' I suppose it could be the 
incantation for the window cleaner spell
changeling_de says, I have to try that spell!
flying_ford_anglia says, Perhaps if i give the bull a rub...
  gypsycaine says, at least, voicelady, I didn't say whip it out....
changeling_de says, Or do I need a wand for it?
voicelady_2000 says, Stop it!  I can't take anymore! LOL
flying_ford_anglia says, it will revive.
flying_ford_anglia says, I meant ball - where did that bull come from?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, have you guys seen the IBM service 
tech memo about the domestic and foreign mouse balls?
changeling_de says, With mouth to mouth?
  gypsycaine says, yes, I have...
  gypsycaine says, lol.
  gypsycaine says, Forgive me, vl.
flying_ford_anglia says, i could suck on it like a gobstopper..hmmmm
  gypsycaine says, I have to say it, though.
voicelady_2000 says, [whimper]
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, this is not a bestiality 
  gypsycaine says, when I first got my computer, the gentleman 
installing it showed me how to take apart the mouse, and said if it 
needed cleaned, to suck on it.
voicelady_2000 groans loudly
flying_ford_anglia says, I'll try it then.
  gypsycaine says, Pop it into my mouth, etc, and it would be clean.
voicelady_2000 says, just like a contact lens
flying_ford_anglia says, Gets rid of the fluff and hairs, eh?
changeling_de says, Yuck!
  gypsycaine says, not allowed.
  gypsycaine looks for her cat line?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Human mouths are filthy. Bites from 
humans get infected from all the germs that cane with them
flying_ford_anglia says, Who mentioned cats?
voicelady_2000 says, I was thinking it.
  gypsycaine says, I use windex....
flying_ford_anglia says, Aren't toilet seats meant to be cleaner than 
human mouths?
  gypsycaine says, I've heard that too Neil.
voicelady_2000 says, eeewwwww, gross
changeling_de says, But you don't feel germs on your tongue like hair.
flying_ford_anglia says, Not that I've made the comparison myself...
  gypsycaine says, (I actually did say, no cats here, but it never 
peeves23 says, neil - maybe, but which wouldyou rather french kiss? ;-
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, worse is Komodo Dragon (big monitor 
lizard). Its mouth is so filthy that it bites its prey not bad enough 
to knock the prey down, the prey escapes
changeling_de says, I'm only grossed out by things I can see or feel. 
The rest I ignore.
flying_ford_anglia says, Euch!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and then dies of the infection in the 
wound, and some convenient dragon scavagnes the corpse
flying_ford_anglia says, I've been quite intimate with my toilet 
bowl, but no tongues...
gypsycaine . o O ( Rita, I am bad, very uncouth.  Now I have the 
munchies, so I grabbed the box of Nilla wafers.  I think this is a 
dessert wine!) )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I got that from an article in 
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN about research on Komodo dragons, and they are 
GROSS in every way, including smelling so bad
voicelady_2000 says, Wine and 'nilla wafers, hmmm
gypsycaine . o O ( feels like Rizzo )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that the first several grad students 
who paid their way to (Indonesia??), gave up and went home
flying_ford_anglia says, I won't get a komodo dragon as a pet then
  gypsycaine says, i won't get any lizard as a pet.
  gypsycaine says, not for years.
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm pretty cold-blooded myself  
  gypsycaine says, (hamster, maybe....
  gypsycaine says, hamster, maybe....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Momcat (that's Diane Lee) has two 
bearded monitors among her herps, which are MUCH smaller than Komodo 
dragons and don't smell as bad
  gypsycaine wonders where her lines are going?
  gypsycaine sneaks up on the Yahoo server, and beats it until it 
releases her lines...
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
voicelady_2000 says, I think I'll stick with cats and dogs.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, that's the problem I was having 
last week, and once or twice this week
Aberforths_Goat enters
  gypsycaine says, hi Mike.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Goat, you missed the bestiality
  gypsycaine says, It released them... slowly.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, aaaaaaah!
flying_ford_anglia says, Evening Mike
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Who did what to whom?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, mouse with sticky balls
voicelady_2000 says, Hi Mike!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, pull 'em out and drop them in Windex
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or rub them to revive them or suck 
them like gobstoppers
voicelady_2000 says, hee hee hee
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mike, you posted something about 
growing up in Sicily?
changeling_de says, Dare I ask what gobstoppers are?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Yes indeed
flying_ford_anglia says, Big round sweets...
voicelady_2000 says, Gobstoppers are like jawbreakers
peeves23 says, aw. i was about to make something amusing
peeves23 says, up
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mike, I was confused by that because I 
thought your (non Goatish) name was American or British?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, It is (Mike Gray) but I grew up in the 
U.S. , UK, Hungary & Italy, studied in Holland and married a Swiss
changeling_de says, Make up something anyway. I'll pick my favorite 
  gypsycaine says, WIlly Wonka.
voicelady_2000 says, An international man!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Were your parents missionarys too?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Yes.  Why "too"?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, i thought you were a missioanry
peeves23 says, gobstoppers are... large aprioots filled with 
succulent horseflesh
flying_ford_anglia says, Er?
peeves23 says, do try to keep up, neil. ;-)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, gobstoppers are .... a kind of bathtub 
drain stopper made of stones wrapped in leather
peeves23 says, or alternatively, never mind
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm not in the mood  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, which gets all moldy and nasty from 
being wet
  gypsycaine says, i like the WW version, thank you.
voicelady_2000 says, Gobstoppers are pacifiers for adults.
  gypsycaine says, the rest wouldn't make it into my mouth!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so the bathroom maid has to clean them 
peeves23 nods genially
cassandraclaire73 enters
€  Aberforths_Goat says, (Not officially: I work for two churches in 
my denomination.  But I live in CH because my wife is Swiss.)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi! Cassandra!
  gypsycaine says, hi!
voicelady_2000 says, Hi, Cassie.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Hi 
  hert0661isme says, hi to all those who arrived recently
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello from this corner...
cassandraclaire73 says, hi rita simon, carole, all, dee
cassandraclaire73 says, waves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, We're being silly today
cassandraclaire73 says, whats the topic?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Just today?
changeling_de says, Hi
  hert0661isme says, as opposed to all the othr times?
cassandraclaire73 says, eeek?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Just this moment,,making up gross 
definitions of gobstoppers to deceive Christina  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Befor that, mouse balls
changeling_de says, It's Christina, but never mind.
changeling_de says, ;-)
gypsycaine . o O ( of course, maybe I'm just drunk on a half glass of 
10% content elderberrywine )
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay, that helps
flying_ford_anglia says, ...and now bad whine....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
siriusgeologist says, hey cassie
cassandraclaire73 says, hi carole!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, some of my messages are appearing on 
other people's chat windows but not on mind
changeling_de says, My dentist thinks I'm Christian, too, and then 
looks surprised when a woman walks in.
  gypsycaine says, i hope they are apearing on your mind, Rita!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, okay, mine not mind
  gypsycaine says, "spontaneous messaging"
siriusgeologist says, cassie you owe me a very long email....grins....
cassandraclaire73 says, i know! *hidesunder bed*
cassandraclaire73 says, i should be working really
€  Aberforths_Goat says, tut, tut--another addict?
siriusgeologist says, me too...should be writing a report...ugh....
  gypsycaine says, lately I am treating working like a 4 letter word
cassandraclaire73 says, i have a story due tomorrow. have i done any 
of it? no
cassandraclaire73 says, i have be faffing about on
voicelady_2000 says, Work *is* a four letter word!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, is that word "hard"?
blaise_42 says, read anything interesting, Cassie?
cassandraclaire73 says, rave put up a new chapter today of bryter 
blaise_42 says, oh yes, must get round to that
peeves23 says, oh, that was brilliant
  hert0661isme says, am working - hence why I am so quiet - work due 
in noon tomorrow and then two more lots of work for tue 5pm
voicelady_2000 says, Ooh, I'll have to read that.
cassandraclaire73 says, yes i loved it *happy dance*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Dee treating work like a 4 letter 
word) yeah, longing and wishing for it 
  hert0661isme says, have read bl9
cassandraclaire73 says, i know simon, i told you to!
ciscokidfpm enters
voicelady_2000 says, I just discovered it yesterday.
peeves23 says, anyway. im off to bed. sleep well all and sundry, 
especially sundry
  hert0661isme says, i meant i have read the latect chapter already
  gypsycaine says, work, like dishes, vacuuming....etc.
cassandraclaire73 says, yes a new chapter --oh bye jeremy
cassandraclaire73 says, following the death
voicelady_2000 says, Bye.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Night peeves!
  hert0661isme says, bye
flying_ford_anglia says, Bye
changeling_de says, bye 
  gypsycaine says, bb
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye jeremy
  hert0661isme says, i made some comment about not liking sirius 
being called si in my review
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah i saw that
siriusgeologist says, what is bl9?
princessspinnet enters
cassandraclaire73 says, ALICIA!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, alicia-sue
  hert0661isme says, hello
princessspinnet says, CASS!  Aloha all!
cassandraclaire73 says, oops, i yelled
voicelady_2000 says, Hi Alicia.
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Wow, I didn't know you're a princess!
  gypsycaine says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bl9 = bryter layter chapter 9, i guess
  hert0661isme says, I get annoyed at people calling me si - so 
extend this to sirius as well!
cassandraclaire73 says, BL9 is bryter layter cjap 9
princessspinnet says, Aloha from cold and rainy MA, everyone.
cassandraclaire73 says, it's an mwwp fic about sirius
cassandraclaire73 says, you might like it carole
  gypsycaine says, and here in ohio, I opened the window again, lol
changeling_de says, hello
siriusgeologist says, why couldn't I figure that out..I 
have been reading it!
flying_ford_anglia says, Evenin'
cassandraclaire73 says, do you like it?
  hert0661isme says, only one person gets away with calling me si, 
and that would take ages to explain
cassandraclaire73 says, i agree on the no-si rule, simon
cassandraclaire73 says, sirius doesn't seem like a si
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suspect that MA is not as cold and 
rainy and England just now 
  gypsycaine says, si'
princessspinnet says, si?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, pronouced See not Sigh
princessspinnet says, No, I'm just a weather wimp is all.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, See for Sirious and Signy, Sigh for 
siriusgeologist says, so far so has very slight mary sue 
overtones...IMO...but it is well written
flying_ford_anglia says, He prefers to be called Sir...
  hert0661isme says, still dont like it!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, we talked some about the english 
floods earlier
princessspinnet says, understood!
  gypsycaine says, si' si' senor.
  gypsycaine says, grins.
  hert0661isme says, still raining here
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think the mary-sue overtones are 
more than slight
siriusgeologist says, Mass is pretty cold and rainy today
blaise_42 says, oh did you read Moon's Mary Sue parody?
princessspinnet says, yo no hablo espanol.
siriusgeologist says, good its not just me that thinks so then
blaise_42 says, it was absolutely brilliant
cassandraclaire73 says, i liked the part where remus and sirius moved 
in together
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, I read Moon's mary-sue parody 
siriusgeologist says, whats the title
flying_ford_anglia says, I can't keep up with all the fanfic...
princessspinnet says, *rushes off to ff/n to check it out*
cassandraclaire73 says, i don't read enough MWPP fics to get all the 
jokes, tho
€  Aberforths_Goat says, What do you read Neil?
  hert0661isme says, what is mary sue  and which fic has overtones of 
cassandraclaire73 says, alicia, stay!
princessspinnet says, double browser window, my dear cassie.
blaise_42 says, ah, mwpp are the only kind to read! ;-)
cassandraclaire73 says, so clever you are
flying_ford_anglia says, What do I read - what fanfic, ot books?
flying_ford_anglia says, or books?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mary-Sue is a fic which is a wish 
fulfillment fantasy of the autthor
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Fanfic
cassandraclaire73 says, i know, i should read more. i've only read 
rave's and hyphens
siriusgeologist says, bryter layter...simon
cassandraclaire73 says, you mean anika's a mary sue?
flying_ford_anglia says, I've read PoU and ASA..
blaise_42 says, anika is borderline MS I think
  hert0661isme says, which still leaves the who is mary sue question?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Same here.  I'm toying the idea of starting 
the Draco ones too
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Anika = Mary-Sue) Yes, but I keep 
telling myself that being half=sidh excues it
siriusgeologist says, yes anika...borderline
princessspinnet says, mary sues... *vomits dinner*  i write them, yet 
refuse to read them.  hypocritical but amazingly fun.
flying_ford_anglia says, and will read DD and DS when i get a 
cassandraclaire73 says, *grins* don't rush, there's rather a lot of it
flying_ford_anglia says, I trust the taste of the people in PoU
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mary-Sue is a fanfic which is a wish 
fullment fantasy of the author, 'Mary-Sue' is a generic name for the 
author's inserted self character-
flying_ford_anglia says, Also, some of Catlady's stuff ...  
blaise_42 says, good with mint sauce, Neil?
voicelady_2000 says, You & me both, Neil.  I only read what's been 
recommended by this bunch.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Who is beautiful and talented and does 
heroic things and everyone fall in love with her
princessspinnet says, the male version is "marty stu".
cassandraclaire73 says, well slogging about on is a bit 
  hert0661isme says, dont have time to read just the stuff 
recommended around here - not helped by trying to read books as well
cassandraclaire73 says, without any recommendations to guide one
princessspinnet says, it's a bit like gold mining.
cassandraclaire73 says, give up on the books, simon, thats my advice
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I kind of like Bryter Layter, altho' 
so far I don't share Cassandra's adoration of it, but I desperately 
HATE the Tanith Lee novel SILVER METAL LOVER
  hert0661isme says, give up on Terry Pratchett?
siriusgeologist says, yes it is hard to insert an original character 
that is not...just don't make her everyon's girlfriend and able to do 
cassandraclaire73 says, i am hate that book too, rita.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, because it is SUCH A MARY-SUE
flying_ford_anglia says, Has anyone read peg's books?
cassandraclaire73 says, i suppose i am not objective about BL
voicelady_2000 says, Yes!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, How are they??
blaise_42 says, it is very much possible to  introduce female 
characters who aren't mary sues
  hert0661isme says, have copy of EHR on order - wiating for it to 
voicelady_2000 says, Everyone should be required to read both of 
them, especially The Wild Swans.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lee loves SILVER METAL LOVER, 
considering it to be poetic and tragic
cassandraclaire73 says, it's possible, it's just hard when they're a 
love interest
  hert0661isme says, will read tws if i like the first
voicelady_2000 says, They are soooooo good.  Peg's books, I mean.
cassandraclaire73 says, i found it tedious and annoying (SML)
flying_ford_anglia says, I'd heard of The Wild Swans before, but 
hadn't read it...
princessspinnet says, I'm still slogging through my school 
assignments-- I can keep up with STNE, ASA and DS.  Really about it, 
no time for books!  *sigh*
cassandraclaire73 says, where's your new stuff, alicia?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I'll be in the U.S. on vacation for three 
weeks: where can I buy Peg's books?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I didn't find SML tedious (maybe I 
liked the same poetry as Lee) but the annoyance was that  
siriusgeologist says, I really liked Emerald house and just bought 
Wild Swans
princessspinnet says, new stuff?
cassandraclaire73 says, not counting dexter?
voicelady_2000 says, You can get Peg's books at just about any big 
chain store.
princessspinnet says, langusihing in MS Word.
flying_ford_anglia says, I think I'll order both on Amazon
siriusgeologist says, any large book store should have them
princessspinnet says, I'm trying desperately to get to the library.
flying_ford_anglia says, I can't find them here in the UK...
blaise_42 says, no, they've not been published here
  hert0661isme says, I have first on order from whsmithonline
flying_ford_anglia says, I might try the SciFi/Fantasy bookshop I 
siriusgeologist says, I could mail someone my copy of EHR
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it was SO OBVIOUS that this is teen-
age girl wish-fulfillment fantasy, things that don't happen, have no 
reason to happen in real life, but the author indulged her Inner 
Teenager by making them happen
  hert0661isme says, i tried borders, blackwells, whsmiths and 
waterstones and none had them
voicelady_2000 says, So could I, but I'm hanging on to my Wild Swans.
cassandraclaire73 says, rita: yeah, like she suddenly got thin and 
sorted out her hair
cassandraclaire73 says, i admit its been years since i read it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and turned out to have a fabulous 
singing voice despite no training
cassandraclaire73 says, i was glad when they turned her boyfriend 
into scrap metal.
cassandraclaire73 says, hard-hearted, i am
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Silver fell in love with her in 
the first place, 
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Err Rita--I'm a little lost!  Sounds very 
interesting though ...
cassandraclaire73 says, we have wandered far from harry potter
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
cassandraclaire73 says, *wanders back*
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm struggling with Iain Banks latest  scifi 
siriusgeologist says, Harry who?
voicelady_2000 says, I wouldn't mind if someone turned some of my old 
boyfriends into scrap metal...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, a lover who took care of her, told her 
how to earn a living, did all the housework including painting the 
bathroom into mermaid's  palace trompe l'oeuil
cassandraclaire73 says, *makes face at carole* Sirius who?
siriusgeologist says, hehehehehehe
princessspinnet says, agrees wholeheartedly with voicelady
cassandraclaire73 says, also agrees with voicelady
voicelady_2000 says, geee
flying_ford_anglia says, So....Harry Potter....
flying_ford_anglia says, kewl books!
€  Aberforths_Goat says, What about him?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It;s a  novel by Tanith Lee entitled 
SILVER METAL LOVER. Silver is a wonderful, souful, talented robot 
(that's how he canb e turned into scrap metal) who loves in love with 
the narrating heroine, Jane
siriusgeologist says, at what age?
siriusgeologist says, Harry
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, What age: Jane, Harry, or SIlver?
siriusgeologist says, 14, 16, 21, 26
cassandraclaire73 says, oh you mean book age, dd age, asa age or pou 
cassandraclaire73 says, that was impressive
cassandraclaire73 says, can i tell you i can no longer keep the canon 
straight from fanfic?
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I believe Steve Vander Ark (sp?) is the 
timeline expert
princessspinnet says, I get it all mized up.
siriusgeologist says, I actually did one a month or so 
agao...sob...feeling ignored
princessspinnet says, *mixed
voicelady_2000 says, I agree with you, Cassie.
cassandraclaire73 says, *pats carole*
siriusgeologist says, for the fanfics that is
blaise_42 says, yeah, Steve is the detail person
blaise_42 says, oh, neither can I
cassandraclaire73 says, i go back and read the books and 
think 'that's not right'
flying_ford_anglia says, I think JKR pays less attention to timelines 
than most of us...
siriusgeologist says, that is probably true
€  Aberforths_Goat says, Neil, how dare you!
blaise_42 says, she pays less attention to most of the really detaile 
things than we do, I suspect
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think we've ALL gotten mixed up with 
fanfic: I remain convinced taht Molly Weasley has brown hair, as in 
the relatively recent thread in the egroup
voicelady_2000 says, I don't think she ever thought people would pick 
it apart as much as we do!
cassandraclaire73 says, the fun is in the picking.
voicelady_2000 says, totally.
siriusgeologist says, what would we do if we didn't pick!
princessspinnet says, I keep on thinking that, in the end, Malfoy 
will turn into a charmingly quasi-evil honorary Gryff.  It probably 
won't happen.
flying_ford_anglia says, It's true though - maybe not the timelines, 
but the details... that was clear from the interview on DID...
cassandraclaire73 says, my main horror upon rereading Gof is that 
malfoy's barely in it
cassandraclaire73 says, and here i thought he was the main character
voicelady_2000 says, LOL
€  Aberforths_Goat says, I love the JKR quote in which she offered 
two explanations for the dumb Slytherin's 8th year
changeling_de says, I actually discussed whether an

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