Sunday, 11-26-00's Chat! :)
Dee (Denise) R
gypsycaine at ...
Mon Nov 27 00:34:42 UTC 2000
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
catlady_de_los_angeles leaves
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cheetah is acting up again
heiditandy says, I know - I wasn't able to get in for a while
heiditandy says, v frustrating
heiditandy says, I'll (as usual) have to go when Baby wakes up
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is there a way I can logoff of Yahoo
chat (in order to try Cheetah agaIN) without closing the whole
browser window?
heiditandy says, I don't think so - are you stuick accessing via
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Until Cheetah lets me in, and that ight
work on the very next try, or not all daykl
catlady_de_los_angeles says, day
heiditandy says, daykl sounds like a spell
catlady_de_los_angeles says, that's the way Cheetahwhat does the
daykl spell do?
heiditandy says, something used at the Turkish Wizarding School
(which wuold be on the asian side, right?)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the way cheetah is....
heiditandy says, Hm. Don't know - it just ahas that aura to it.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, mumble mumble, could all the Balkan
wizards send their children to the Greek wizarding school,
You have 5 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
catlady_de_los_angeles says, founded in Minoan/Cycladic times,
despite the furious
catlady_de_los_angeles says, amniomosities among all their Muggles?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, could the turkish wizarding folk still
send their children to the ancestral school in the vicinitty of
heiditandy says, Right - do Wizards have the same ethnic
distinctions that Muggles do? or is their issue between pure blood &
non, and between Nonwizarding Magical Creatures & Wizards/Witches?
heiditandy says, I had a little debate with Cassandra once as to
whether having Veela among one's ancestry made one "not pure blood"
since her Draco has veela ancestry & is still considered pureblookd
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They are enough connected to their local
Muggles to intermarry and to adopt Muggleborn wizards/witches
heiditandy says, The turks may also send them to Wizarding School
on the Tigris & Euphrates in Iraq
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the Aramaic school
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suppose a Veela ancestor doesn't count
as Impure blood, because a Veela isn't a Muggle
heiditandy says, which manages to balance Christians, Muslims &
Jews without conflict (what a nice idea!)
heiditandy says, but is it "pure wizarding blood"?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, just as proof how illogical the
whole idea of pure wizarding blood is <g> Seriously, that's a good
heiditandy says, Siriusly?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, He would laught at it and say it isn't
worth answering
catlady_de_los_angeles says, When single, perhaps he would say that
he would like to meet a Veela
heiditandy says, and he would overpower her with
his "seductiveness vibes"
catlady_de_los_angeles says, *shrug* one gathers it works sometimes
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
catlady_de_los_angeles leaves
heiditandy leaves
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
Stuck at the office? Messenger lets you chat through firewalls!
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
changeling_de enters
changeling_de says, Good evening
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles leaves chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
You have 6 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hello, Cheetah has been acting up. I
went on via Yahoo and spoke a little with Heidi, but then Yahoo
kicked me out and won't let me back in
catlady_de_los_angeles says, they are BOTH temperamental
changeling_de says, Took me two tries to get in via yahoo.
changeling_de says, So far Cheetah hasn't worked at all for me.
Your buddy p_dumbledore is in chat
p_dumbledore enters
p_dumbledore says, Good afternoon or evening all !!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, hi Dennis, did you have trouble
getting into the room today?
p_dumbledore says, I came in via Cheeta.. no trouble ?
p_dumbledore says, You enjoy your Turkey Dinner ?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, yes ..... altho' I am a Bad
Kitten, when the reporter on the radio was asking Muggles-in-the-
street what Thanksgiving means to them, I said (to the radio): "A day
off from work! Hooray!!!",
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Actually, I gave myself a FIVE DAY
WEEKEND by taking Fri and Mon as personal days
p_dumbledore says, ha ha!! Yeah, I guess, I can join you in
p_dumbledore says, Got off Thurs and Friday, but have to go
Phillidelphia on early monday for the week
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I ...could... have said, like the
Muggles, about getting together with family, because Tim & I and
another couple joined a WHOLE BUNCH of Golds...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Philadelphia ... you lose three hours
in the time zones, so there is no such thing as early enough
p_dumbledore says, We went up to eat dinner with relatives
Roseburg, about hour away. Yeah, I hate traveling East, screws
your clock up really good.
You have 7 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I dropped out of Bryn Mawr ... in
those days, Philadelphia rolled up its sidewalks at 10pm, not that it
was all that interesting earlier in the evening
p_dumbledore says, Diann and I got a boxed set of the 4 HP
yesterday. Really nice, even has reproduced autograph of JKR on top
of box.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, except the huge street fair & and all
museums open for free on Super Sunday
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Boxed set: paperback, hardback,
leatherbound and hand-sewn?
p_dumbledore says, Actually going to Trenton, NJ..
Your buddy damianablume has gone off pager
changeling_de says, Home of Stephanie Plum!
p_dumbledore says, Hardback, apparently there were very few
of them
put out by Scolastic.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I went through Trenton on the train
between Philly and NYC in those days. It looked like a total dump,
altho' I know that trains don't go through the nicest parts of a town
p_dumbledore says, Actually going to a dump there.. ha!!
Really !!
p_dumbledore says, land fill site
dejavu112 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In those days, Amtrack Philly to NYC
was $10.50. I heard on news on Thursday that it is $100 now.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, dejavu .... I know I've asked your
name before, but I have no memory
p_dumbledore says, Probably still cheaper than the stage
coach back
then... ha ha !! Just kidding
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We're talking about dumps ...
landfills ... IS it toxic waste?
You have 8 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
p_dumbledore says, I don't think so.. will see when I get
Putting up a monitoring station for local weather conditions.
dejavu112 leaves
p_dumbledore says, I guess everyone else must be enjoying
holiday... ;-)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Well, where are the Brits, who don't
have a holiday?
p_dumbledore says, Must be celebrating something else over
there.. !
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm trying to read this morning's
posts on the egroup, but that isn't co-operating either
dejavu112 enters
p_dumbledore says, Trying to locate the Wizarding School in
Texas.. Somewhere out near Austin and San Antonio.. ha!
dejavu112 says, I don't think yahoo really wants me in here, hello
everyone I'm Nikki
p_dumbledore says, Hi Nikki... welcome back.
changeling_de says, Hi Nikki, hang in there.
dejavu112 says, Thank you
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nikki, first Cheetah chat gave me
a mess of trouble so I went on Yahoo, then Yahoo kicked me out and
wouldn't let me back in
catlady_de_los_angeles says, so I tried cheetah a few more times
until it let me in
Chicks dig Yahoo! Messenger -
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was trying to read the posts on the
e-group from this morning but that isn't working either. Dennis said
they were talking about a Wizarding school in Texas
p_dumbledore says, Got on first try ..?? The internet is
Strange !!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was about to say that I had been
wondering if a fair number of the Texans go to wizarding school in
dejavu112 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, it kicked her out
changeling_de says, Revolving door again tonight.
p_dumbledore says, Ummm... It's probably located in
dejavu112 enters
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf enters
dejavu112 says, Okay this is really starting to piss me off
p_dumbledore says, Nikki needs a Sticking in Charm !!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think the Nahuatl school might be
located in Valley of Teotihuacan, just north of valley of Mexico
where Mexoc City/Tenochitlan is
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It was Christina and Cassandra who
were repeatedly kicked out last week and the week before.
p_dumbledore says, Hi Dobby
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, hello!
dejavu112 says, Hello dobby
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, hi!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nikki, here is a rope to hold on to
catlady_de_los_angeles ºººººººººººººººººººº
dejavu112 :grabs the rope:: Ha now if it kickes me out I'll take all
of you with me :)
dejavu112 leaves
dejavu112 enters
changeling_de says, At least you seem to get back in faster now. ;-)
dejavu112 says, Humph, yeah thats something I suppose
dejavu112 :grumbles at yahoo::
Your buddy hert0661isme is in chat
hert0661isme enters
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, when i first came in, it told me i
couldn't join the chat room
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying
macro but it's saving my butt!
gypsycaine is away (on vacation)
hert0661isme says, Hello all
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Simon, Cheetah and Yahoo are both
being mean to everyone today
gypsycaine is back.
gypsycaine . o O ( seriously, afk today! )
gypsycaine is away (busy)
hert0661isme says, what is wrong? I got in first time no probs!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, it LIKES you. I'm jealous
dejavu112 says, Me too
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Much earlier, I typoed daykl when I
meant day
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Heidi, who was here then, said
that sounded like a spell
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but Yahoo kicked me out when I tried
to ask, a spell to do what?
changeling_de says, Isn't it obvious? You put a hex on the
chatroom. ;-)
heiditandy enters
heiditandy says, hi all - had a HORRIBLe time signing in!
hert0661isme says, Hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb Heidi
p_dumbledore says, it's obvious He who shall not be named it
Back !!!
hert0661isme says, I am still removing stuff from my coats pockets!
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
flying_ford_anglia enters
p_dumbledore says, now hexint the chat rooms
heiditandy says, someone has cursed my mom's computer
p_dumbledore says, Hi Neal
catlady_de_los_angeles says, coat pockets? why removing stuff?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil
heiditandy leaves
hert0661isme says, Have just got in from Carol service and dinner
Your buddy betts_65656 is on pager
catlady_de_los_angeles says, it kicked her out again
hert0661isme says, picked up various books and service sheet]
flying_ford_anglia says, Evening and afternoon all!
hert0661isme says, and also had phone / diary and other stuff in
changeling_de says, Hello Neil
hert0661isme says, need some of this stuff for work (i.e. all the
hert0661isme says, Hello Neil
dejavu112 says, Hello neil
hert0661isme says, coats - cause college chapel was freezing and so
I wore two coats to stay warm
flying_ford_anglia says, dejavu112 - do you have a real name?
hert0661isme says, It feels so odd singing Christmas Carols in
catlady_de_los_angeles says, she is Nikki. We need to update Dee's
Chat Name list
Your buddy betts_65656 is in games
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay... I think I know everyone else....
except Dobby
hert0661isme says, and the sock loving elf is?
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, Lizz..... put i don't ever post
messages at the club
hert0661isme says, Hello Lizz
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi Nikki and Lizz...
p_dumbledore says, Hi Lizz - Where 'bouts you located in
world ?
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf is from Oregon
flying_ford_anglia says, So, I guess Simon was talking about his
carol service?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, why Carol Service in November
if it feels weird: has Advent started or something?
dee_97527 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Carole and Robert Service
hert0661isme says, Advent starts next week - this is the last
Sunday of my term!
dee_97527 says, Howdy all
p_dumbledore says, Oh, Northern most California !! What
City ?
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi!!!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Diann
changeling_de says, Hello
p_dumbledore says, Hi Diann
hert0661isme says, Hello Diann
dejavu112 says, Nice to meet you Diann, I'm Nikki
dee_97527 says, Hi, Nikki
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf is away (not at my desk)
flying_ford_anglia says, My house was surveyed today for the 'state
of British buildings' survey....
flying_ford_anglia says, thought you'd like to know
hert0661isme says, Am annoyed - cant have cup of tea until friend
gets back with some milk
dee_97527 says, What does that mean
p_dumbledore says, They going to build a round about
there ?? a
Bypass ??
flying_ford_anglia says, Drink it black!
hert0661isme says, prefer it with milk!
This voice chat rocks!
flying_ford_anglia says, It's something to do with looking at energy
changeling_de says, They do that on a Sunday?
dee_97527 says, Ah, is your house leaking heat?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Putting milk in tea is a barbaric
practise ... I drink Earl Grey with milk at least once a day, because
it reminds me of being a kitten nursed by mama cat
flying_ford_anglia says, Not unduly... I was part of the sample two
years ago and this was a follow up. They do do it on Sundays...
flying_ford_anglia says, and other days
hert0661isme says, Had earl grey earlier - want something different
catlady_de_los_angeles says, your energy consumption has gone up,
unless you already ere on-line then
flying_ford_anglia says, The man's wife was about to give birth...
not in my house though
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon: Constant Comment from Bigelow
(a lovely orange & spice tea) can't endure milk
p_dumbledore says, Did you do better this time, or are you
more energy !! internet and all... ??
Your buddy crystalbruhja has gone off pager
flying_ford_anglia says, I don't know, but we have double glazing now
and a new roof, so it should be better...
hert0661isme says, I have passion fruit and mango herbal tea but
want something with some caffine in it - need to get some work done!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, There was no milk in my house until
almost noon. Tim VOLUNTEERED to make breakfast, scrambled eggs and
pancakes, when he remembered that he used up the milk last night
flying_ford_anglia says, Caius has posted some nice summaries for
next week...
hert0661isme says, havent had chance to read yet - only just got
back form the pub!
changeling_de says, double glazing, hmmm, no , I'd miss the charming
little breeze around here.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, Constant Comment IS a caffeine
tea .... black tea plus the orange bits and spices
flying_ford_anglia says, I had a croissant for breakfast - very
catlady_de_los_angeles says, scrambled eggs and pancakes and milky
tea all require milk
flying_ford_anglia says, I like black tea, so I can suck on the tea
hert0661isme says, I dont have any teas like that in (well not any
that i like without milk!)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, So far I've eaten on cup Earl Grey tea
without milk, one pear, two matzot. You're making me hungry, Neil
dejavu112 says, No offense to anyone but I can't stand tea
flying_ford_anglia says, matzot?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I hope you were joking about sucking
on the teabag,,,,, teabags are barbaric, too. I use them.
hert0661isme says, I use leaf tea
flying_ford_anglia says, I like it strong enough to skin my teeth...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Matzot -- Hebrew plural of Matzoh ....
unleavened bread .....
flying_ford_anglia says, Aha
catlady_de_los_angeles says, taste like unsalted crackers, maybe
Saltines without the salt except less stale?
Your buddy crystalbruhja is on pager
flying_ford_anglia says, Mmmmm. I don't know what Saltines are, but
I can imagine...
You have 9 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
flying_ford_anglia says, Welcome to The Food & Drink Network Chat
dejavu112 says, Saltines are those square little crackers that are
almost always served with soup
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You started it.
flying_ford_anglia says, Did I?
catlady_de_los_angeles throw purple tasselled pillow at Neil
dee_97527 says, Also served with salad
flying_ford_anglia says, Trust you to have a fancy pillow!
hert0661isme says, And chips
catlady_de_los_angeles throw chartreuse pillow with shiny gold
cord around the edge at Neil
flying_ford_anglia says, Neil bites the pillow
catlady_de_los_angeles throw dirty green pillow with picture of
large walrus saying HARRUMPHH at Neil
flying_ford_anglia says, Neil tosses that one back at Catlady
flying_ford_anglia says, Time out!
flying_ford_anglia says, I finally got the Ford Anglia mug that Nick
sent me... it's fab
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You could collect enough pillows to
make a soft couch and lie down on it like a Pasha and have slaves
hand you drinks -- no, pour the drinks into your mouth wo you wouldn'
even have to lift a hand
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is it a Blue FA?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is it a '60s vintage FA?
flying_ford_anglia says, Yes - not turquoise though
flying_ford_anglia says, It's a 40s model
flying_ford_anglia says, Cornflower blue
heiditandy enters
flying_ford_anglia says, It looks just like me...
voicelady_2000 enters
heiditandy says, phew. back. annouyed with computer
hert0661isme says, Hello
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, everyone! What's the topic today?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, If it looks just like you,,,,, it is
dented.... rust spots ... missing the side mirror from running away
from teh spider....
hert0661isme says, Not sure we really have one yet!
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf is back.
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello Heidi...and Jeralyn. Um, topic?
heiditandy says, is everyone having connection probs today?
hert0661isme says, apart from chucking fancy pillows at Neil
voicelady_2000 says, LOL
dejavu112 says, Just about yes, heidi
dee_97527 says, Yes, Yahoo did not want to let me in chat at first.
flying_ford_anglia says, Thank you Rita. I love you too.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jeralyn: topic 1: how Yahoo and
Cheetah are being obnoxious today (altho' I finally got onegroups)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, topic 2: food, especially junk food
voicelady_2000 says, Yup, it took me a bit to get in today.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Muggle junk food
Your buddy jade_spyder is on pager
voicelady_2000 says, Junk food!
heiditandy wonders who hexed the yahoo?
catlady_de_los_angeles blows a kiss at the loyal old car
flying_ford_anglia says, Fine dining, by my definition...
voicelady_2000 says, Actually, I try to shy away from junk food.
hert0661isme says, I am a student - so live on the stuff!
voicelady_2000 says, "Try" being the operative word...
dejavu112 says, MMMm chocolate covered rasins
catlady_de_los_angeles says, That is NOT junk food
flying_ford_anglia says, I think I'm anaemic...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, losing blood to a vampire?
dejavu112 says, Its pretty close, and besides its all I have
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, chocolate covered ANYTHING is good!
hert0661isme says, With all that iron in the bodywork?
p_dumbledore says, Maybe just low on Oil Neil ??
flying_ford_anglia says, It needs to be in my bloodstream...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sometimes I call Taliesin the black
cat "oh, my chocolate covered coffee bean!"
voicelady_2000 says, You need to be serviced...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oil stream?
Your buddy crystalbruhja has gone off pager
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (service. Double entendre entended?)
Your buddy crystalbruhja is on pager
voicelady_2000 says, Of course.
flying_ford_anglia says, Hmmm - oil change. What's the automotive
equivalent of a colonic irrigation?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Detergent gasoline?
flying_ford_anglia says, I think my bumper needs polishing...
has anyone tried using the new messenger chat client?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The assemblies that are rotated out of
the bus for regular service, we steam clean them
flying_ford_anglia says, I see
Your buddy jade_spyder has gone off pager
Your buddy jade_spyder is on pager
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (rear bumper?.....)
flying_ford_anglia says, front and rear...
Your buddy crystalbruhja is on pager
voicelady_2000 groans loudly
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Apparate over here and I'll dig up the
notes fromt that old massage class
Your buddy jade_spyder has gone off pager
voicelady_2000 says, I give the BEST massage in the world - just ask
my husband!
Your buddy jade_spyder is on pager
Your buddy jade_spyder has gone off pager
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf could use a good massage
heiditandy says, my office has 2 people come in once a month for 10
minute at-your-desk massages.
voicelady_2000 says, Dobby & dejavu - do I know you?
Your buddy jade_spyder is on pager
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, no
voicelady_2000 says, Nice to meet you then!
flying_ford_anglia says, I have a friend who does shiatsu... and
lives to tell the tale
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My office does that, at $1 a minute. I
used to sign up for double sessions, twenty minutes, $20, every other
week. But I ran out of money......
hert0661isme says, Massage sounds good - from someone who looks
like the picture of Ginny that was posted to PoU a couple of days ago
changeling_de is away (Auto-Away)
heiditandy says, I think in florida you have to be 18 to be
licensed, so, no.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, For THAT kind of massage, look at the
ads in the back pages of your local free newspaper "BEAUTIFUL RUSSIAN
flying_ford_anglia says, Try the local phone box Simon - they leave
You have 11 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
changeling_de is back.
dee_97527 is away (Auto-Away)
hert0661isme says, NO COMMENT!
voicelady_2000 says, Ha!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In california, you have to be licensed
to massage (or other touch) people for money (which has sometimes
been used against psychologists patting a client on the shoulder)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but no license is required to touch
someone for free
voicelady_2000 says, My goodness!
flying_ford_anglia says, Only in California...
dee_97527 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles shrugs
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers
fly! <<<<<-----
changeling_de says, Can you shake hands with somebody who gets paid
by you?
hert0661isme says, It is at times like these that I am glad that I
live in the UK!
p_dumbledore says, Good reason not to shake the hands of
Your buddy jade_spyder has gone off pager
catlady_de_los_angeles says, People do shake hands all the time (a
strange native custom that I have never adjusted to) so that must be
an exception to the law.
flying_ford_anglia says, I guess you have to wave at them...or it
could be sexual harrassment
flying_ford_anglia says, I think i had an extra r in there
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
heiditandy says, or carry around those japanese devices that beep at
each other when they're within 5 feet of someone else with the same
beepy device/toy/thing
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I would suppose that the patting-on-
the-shoulder incident was a psychologist whom someone had a grudge
gypsycaine . o O ( knows bonking Neil is sexual harassment, lol. )
gypsycaine is back.
flying_ford_anglia says, I shake hands often... people find it funny
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, I already threw pillows at Neil
gypsycaine says, thanks.
gypsycaine says, and my brother is now gone.
heiditandy gripes. "I actually worked up the nerve to post ch 2 of
my (lame) story on & it's down again."
gypsycaine says, he stole my computer to create a cd for himself....
heiditandy grrrs
hert0661isme says, bonking someone for sexual harrasement? An
interesting concept!!!!!!!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Heidi, I didn't know you had a story
voicelady_2000 says, Heidi - what's the name of your story again?
heiditandy says, surfeit of curses. A complicated title to scare away
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, Auk its put me autoaway
flying_ford_anglia says, Neil emerges from selection of pillows and
tries to think of something to do with Harry Potter
hert0661isme says, I have chap 1 open - from HP_fanfiction e-group
gypsycaine says, I guess that I got bonking from the "bonkers"
heiditandy throws harry potter pillows from the WB catalog
gypsycaine says, i got that yesterday.
dejavu112 says, I jsut stepped out to get some food and ....pilllows
and bonking? Interesting conversation
gypsycaine says, been waiting, until a moment of true peace
heiditandy says, I ordered the sheets but they haven't arrived yet.
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay... still with the pillows
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, nowdays lots of people
say 'bonking' to mean 'boinking'. As in Neil Groening description of
newlyweds 'Boinking like crazed weasels."
heiditandy says, Matt Groening. Neil Gaiman.
gypsycaine says, boink is a noise.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, onomatopoeia?
gypsycaine says, at least in this neck of the woods... yah-all.
flying_ford_anglia says, Are these sheets to go under you or on top
of you?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, original meaning of 'bonk' is to hit
voicelady_2000 says, Dee, where do you live?
heiditandy says, sheets for my son's bed. at least onmce we get him
out of the crib
gypsycaine says, (cheers, knew she was right! .... Ohio)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I describe my cats as 'Cinnamon bonked
Pixy on the bean'
voicelady_2000 says, 'Kay.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Heidi, I think I am coming down with
early onset ALzheimers
gypsycaine says, you?
gypsycaine blinks?????
voicelady_2000 says, NY City - Brooklyn.
gypsycaine says, you know about 75% more than me!
heiditandy says, a/k/a senior moment?
gypsycaine says, like to visit, don't want to live there, ny.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I got Matt Groening name screwed up
now. Last week I said Billy the Kid's Dead man's hand with it was
really Wild Bill Hickok's.
voicelady_2000 says, I love living here. If I feel like going out
for a bagel and coffee at 3:00 in the morning, I can. Not that I
ever do, though.
Your buddy hells_fury_girl has gone off pager
heiditandy says, it's easy when they're so close together.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Don't you need to bring a large, loyal
dog with you when you go outdoors at three in the morning? Because of
voicelady_2000 says, Nope. I live in mafia neighborhood, and they
are actually the safest places to live.
flying_ford_anglia says, People get shot where I live...
flying_ford_anglia says, sometimes
gypsycaine says, it's funny. I have a few VtM characters running
in NY. One is in the Waldorf, and the other's in Queens!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've heard that (mafia neighborhood)
gypsycaine says, lol
gypsycaine says, the one character goes to C-Park just to GET
voicelady_2000 says, Sure - everybody knows you (even if you don't
know them) and they tend to look out for you.
hert0661isme says, I live just beyond a police station - in what
turns out to be quite a bad area of Oxford (obviously the police
presence is so helpful)
gypsycaine says, (almost typed muggled!)
changeling_de says, lol
dejavu112 says, lol
p_dumbledore says, ha!
heiditandy says, got to get going - have dinner to make. In laws are
*still* in town (they;re leaving tuesday)
flying_ford_anglia says, There are loads of druggies in this
street... then there's me and my teabag habit
gypsycaine says, have fun with the innies
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend Lee says she tells people
who say they are suicidal that they could dress as superheroes and go
into Central park at night to rescue crme victims
voicelady_2000 says, Have a cup of tea. It'll make you feel so
good. The first one's free...
flying_ford_anglia says, Bye Heidi
heiditandy says, bye all!
voicelady_2000 says, See ya!
heiditandy leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Then if they died, their relatives
would think they died heroically
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and if they succeeded in scaring off
the muggers, they would have done a good deed
voicelady_2000 says, And in this city, no one would even give them a
second glance for dressing strangely.
gypsycaine says, lol.
gypsycaine says, my character would mug the muggers.
gypsycaine says, they made an excellent food source.
voicelady_2000 says, Lots of protein.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The thing that got me was, even tho'
no body cared if the people walking in front of us were dressed in
tin foil or the ones across the street were in Star Trek uniforms
gypsycaine says, just blood.
This voice chat rocks!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, somehow everyone freaked out at the
couple with purple clothes, purple sking, purple hair, who rode in
central park on bicycles in teh daytime
flying_ford_anglia says, Ew!
gypsycaine says, I'd love em!
gypsycaine says, (used to have purple hair)
voicelady_2000 says, Well, of course. They stood out!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Her game is VtM: Vampire the M-----?
flying_ford_anglia says, Purple is last season's colour, darling...
gypsycaine says, (masquerade)
gypsycaine says, not according to the fashion mags I got recently.
Hp's made it the color to wear.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Purple hair is not a problem, you see
it all over. I think it was the purple bicycles that got people
gypsycaine says, (chuckles....j/k)
gypsycaine says, seriously, got one that said purple was IN!
changeling_de says, What's wrong with purple?
flying_ford_anglia says, Purple and green robes on all the catwalks
(you Americans call them runways don't you?)
voicelady_2000 says, Either or.
dejavu112 says, So if purple is in, whats out?
flying_ford_anglia says, Black is out...
gypsycaine says, scared my family Thurs. though... We were going
through the sales ad, and a TOYSRUS front cover caught my eye, and I
said "YES!" and showed it to the adults (well, over 40) in the room.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *think* we say both catwalks and
gypsycaine says, black's always basic.
voicelady_2000 says, Oh yes,
Your buddy crystalbruhja has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, only knew catwalks 'cause of Right Said Fred!
gypsycaine says,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Purple and green robes ... does that
mean the loathsome Crabbe character in my fic is as fasionable as he
THINKS he is?
flying_ford_anglia says, I wear black quite often... and purple
voicelady_2000 says, I live in NY. It's a requirement to wear black.
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, haha
voicelady_2000 says, Ah, you think I jest...
dejavu112 says, Black, blue, green, all solid
gypsycaine says, ....the item in the paper?
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, no, i believe you!
gypsycaine says, the Trivia game, of course!
gypsycaine says, i love black clothing....
flying_ford_anglia says, I saw a prog on mourning dress in Victorian
times. the women were always in black for one relative or another...
gypsycaine says, that and hunter green.
voicelady_2000 says, HUNTER GREEN!!!
Your buddy jade_spyder is on pager
gypsycaine says, i adore purple, but it's not liking me right now.
voicelady_2000 says, I love hunter green!
gypsycaine says, hunter green is my fashion color.
gypsycaine says, my plates are green.
p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine says, my placemats are green.
flying_ford_anglia says, They were permitted a small amount of lilac
after a respectful period, but purple was frowned upon.
gypsycaine says, my bath towels are green.
voicelady_2000 says, Did it say why?
flying_ford_anglia says, No...
flying_ford_anglia says, I missed that bit
voicelady_2000 says, (MY living room is green...)
gypsycaine says, ok, so I'm SLYTH at heart.
dejavu112 says, my eyes are green
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In Georgette Heyer and other Regency
Romance novels, the elderly ladies are always wearing purple.
gypsycaine says, my lr is half and half. The rug is green, but the
couch is tannish threaded with mauve.
voicelady_2000 says, A lot of what's in my fridge is gessn...
flying_ford_anglia says, Women had to mourn at least 2.5 years for a
husband, men only three months for a wife
voicelady_2000 says, That's green...
gypsycaine says, oh, that's fair.
Your buddy missy_leseaa_fireheart has gone off pager
catlady_de_los_angeles says, purple along with white and gray and
lavendar were considered half-mourning or second-mourning
gypsycaine says, I wouldn't have been happy back there--I'd be
chained to the wheels.
flying_ford_anglia says, I have a green theme in my lounge... green
sofa and chair... and cushions
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Women only had to mourn one year for a
husband, the first six months in full mourning (black), the rest in
voicelady_2000 says, What, they only mourned every other day?
flying_ford_anglia says, Not according to this programme. Purple was
not suitable at all.
voicelady_2000 says, j/k
catlady_de_los_angeles says, But Miss Manners pointed out that
EVERY etiquette book said that a widow should abandon wearing
mourning for her late husband as soon as she got engaged to the next
changeling_de says, Probably regional differences.
gypsycaine says, i have a book written about 1908 or so, for
gypsycaine says, it's hideous.
voicelady_2000 says, What if she didn't marry again? Would she have
been in mourning clothes for the rest of her life?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Georgian/Regency -- a generation
earlier than Victorian
flying_ford_anglia says, In Madrid (which I visited recently) every
woman over 50 is in top to toe black... they are so fashionable there.
gypsycaine says, there's a chapter in there about what the corsets
do to the inner organs.
flying_ford_anglia says, OK....
changeling_de says, I have an old book on etiquette that says black
in first year, then you can wear marine and use white lace.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, She could give up the mourning clothes
after one year
flying_ford_anglia says, Marine - like a sailor suit?
voicelady_2000 says, In the Amish community in Pennsylvania, they DO
wear mourning clothes for the rest of their lives.
changeling_de says, yes
flying_ford_anglia says, The Victorians mourned big time...
voicelady_2000 says, They had nothing else to do...
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, the amish aren't allowed to wear
buttons, either
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They had the Industrial Revolution
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catlady_de_los_angeles says, They had Stock Market Bubbles and
voicelady_2000 says, I know - everything is pinned. Buttons are
considered ornamental.
changeling_de says, The guys had all that. The women mourned.
voicelady_2000 says, LOL
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The women had one at-home day when
other women came around to bring them calling cards (which Miss
Manners said should always be called cards, never calling cards)
gypsycaine says, seriously, when I said 1900's house, I was amazed!
changeling_de says, At least the women who didn't have to earn a
voicelady_2000 says, I enjoyed that show.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the other five days (Sundays for
church) they went from house to houe of eeryone they knwe, leaving
their callnig cards
flying_ford_anglia says, The lady in mourning could not leave the
house unless all her companions were also attired in black...
gypsycaine says, even the guys had cards.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, A book on Victorian clothing that I
bought at Victorian costume exhibition at the Met said that this
calling was serious work
flying_ford_anglia says, My nan used to say her dog was leaving a
calling card when he did his number-2s
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They had no insurance in case the
breadwinner died or lost his job or the house bruend down, all they
could do in those situations was to ask their friends for help
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Neil, that
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 's what Miss Manners said)
gypsycaine says, think about how far we have come as woman this
past century.
gypsycaine says, It's amazing.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, so she was keeping all their friends
to liking them by showing this sign of respect
flying_ford_anglia says, It's fun meeting Japanese businessmen - they
give you calling cards AND gifts
voicelady_2000 says, What kinds of gifts have you received?
gypsycaine says, i think that's the next language for me....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You're supposed to give them cards
(business cards, I think, with title so they know how deep to bow)
and gifts back
gypsycaine says, (besides Latin, which I always wanted to learn)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You need Latin so you can do JKR spells
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
flying_ford_anglia says, They often give cloth wrappings with garish
pictures on them, and I got a lacquer tray once
gypsycaine says, people think I am nuts, when I get upset I can't
find a midnight mass in Latin in the area.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ARE THERE STILL MASSES IN LATIN?
voicelady_2000 says, Oh yes.
gypsycaine says, (of course Kurtz writes in Latin, still, lol)
gypsycaine says, at Christmas.
p_dumbledore is back.
p_dumbledore says, Hey ! All !! Till next Week !! Have a
one !!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Katherine Kurtz?
gypsycaine says, bb Dennis!
voicelady_2000 says, Bye.
gypsycaine says, yeppers!
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
flying_ford_anglia says, I gave them gifts too... they didn't bow
very low
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bby Dennis
changeling_de says, bye Dennis
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, bye dennis!
flying_ford_anglia says, Bye Dennis
babynick34 enters
p_dumbledore says, Hi Nick !!!
voicelady_2000 says, Hi.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nick, are you here?
babynick34 says, Hi Dennis
flying_ford_anglia says, Evening Nick
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is Yahoo and Cheetab being mean to you?
p_dumbledore says, Was just running off.. Catch you next
babynick34 says, See ya.
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, Hello Nick, bye Dennis
hert0661isme says, Hi Nick
Your buddy p_dumbledore leaves chat
p_dumbledore leaves
hert0661isme says, Bye Dennis
hert0661isme says, My milk has arrived - have cup of tea now!
babynick34 says, Had wanted to get in earlier - but had to visit
my parents.
gypsycaine says, milk in tea.
gypsycaine says, never understood the custom.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Congratulations Simon
Chat faster with Yahoo! Messenger with Chat Client -
voicelady_2000 says, Tea, scnmea. I'm having a margarita!
flying_ford_anglia says, Now i want one
gypsycaine says, milk in coffee, milk in hot cocoa, yeah....
gypsycaine says, never in tea.
gypsycaine says, LOL
hert0661isme says, I had pint at pub earlier - but now am meant to
be working so need tea!
gypsycaine says, send one this way!
hert0661isme | |__
hert0661isme | |_ \
hert0661isme | TEA | | |
hert0661isme | |_| |
hert0661isme | |__/
hert0661isme \________/
catlady_de_los_angeles says, If you buy Twining's Irish Breakfast
Tea, it NEEDS milk
voicelady_2000 says, I'm pouring it for you now, Dee.
flying_ford_anglia says, Still shying away from the junk food, eh,
gypsycaine says, how big is a pint, Simon? Is it like a mug?
voicelady_2000 says, Tequila is my diet drink.
babynick34 says, Bigger than a mug
hert0661isme says, My cup is 3/4 pint = 400ml
gypsycaine says, like a 40oz, then?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, a British pint is bigger than an
AMerican pint
hert0661isme says, I do have a pint mug
flying_ford_anglia says, Irish tea?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, is it a liter?
hert0661isme says, 20 ml is B pint
gypsycaine says, always wondered when in Bedknobs and Broomsticks
he says he's "calling into the pub for a pint"
hert0661isme says, 1 B pint is 568 ml
flying_ford_anglia says, about half a litre
voicelady_2000 says, That was the first movie I ever saw in a drive-
gypsycaine says, ok... sorry guys.
gypsycaine says, help.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, tea blended to taste the way the irish
traditionally like it to taste, very strong and rough, no subtlety:
like coffee
gypsycaine says, thinking along the lines of beer here.
gypsycaine says, American style.
flying_ford_anglia says, I like it strong and rough...
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers
fly! <<<<<-----
catlady_de_los_angeles it:
catlady_de_los_angeles says, "it"
flying_ford_anglia says, I am of Irish extraction
gypsycaine says, ack, so am I
voicelady_2000 says, You realize that you're constantly setting
yourself up, Neil.
gypsycaine says, I'm part Self.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suppose I was excessively rude to
voicelady_2000 says, I've been told that I could be the poster child
for Ireland.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nowdays there are some very nice
coffees in USA
gypsycaine says, haven't figured out how/where Selfs are in
Ireland, though!
gypsycaine says, GF!
hert0661isme says, I nice coffee? a contradiction!
flying_ford_anglia says, I just get off on the bonking
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think the coffee fad has something
to do with people gave up smoking and suddenly developed the sense of
gypsycaine picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks over to where
she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the feathers
fly! <<<<<-----
voicelady_2000 says, See- there you go again...
Your buddy brujah_rant_room_gm has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, I love the instants...
hert0661isme says, I do wish you two would stop bonking! <VBG>
gypsycaine says, and only the instants...
gypsycaine says, hey, this is the sex I've had in six months!
babynick34 says, may be nice coffee in the US, but not on the
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon: I had some Equal Exchange Cafe
Nica from Sandanista Nicaragua which was DELICIOUS, light and sweet
flying_ford_anglia says, Me too
gypsycaine . o O ( tosses an "only" up there..... )
gypsycaine says, seriously, I do General Foods.
hert0661isme says, I have tried lots of different coffee and still
have yet to find any i like without putting lots of sugar and milk in
gypsycaine says, It's got a nice blend of sugary sweetness. lol.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Unfortunately, that coffee isn't made
any more
gypsycaine says, all other coffee and I don't do well together (for
an McD's cup, I use 7-8 creams, and 12 packets of sugar.)
flying_ford_anglia says, I like it black - mourning coffee (ahem)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick, yes, coffee on planes is SO
AWFUL (as was the American tradition for coffee for many years) that
one airline advertises that it offers Starbucks coffee.
voicelady_2000 says, My husband and I are traveling to New Orleans at
the end of the week, and we'll be spending most of our time in Cafe
du Monde - a FABULOUS coffe stand in the French Quarter.
gypsycaine says, sounds interesting.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Starbucks coffee isn't that good, but
so much better than the cheapy stuff
gypsycaine says, I need to do a websearch, thanks for remind
me....Bourbon Chicken!
voicelady_2000 says, Anytime.
babynick34 says, United offers Starbucks coffee - but it does not
taste the same as the Starbucks I have - so it may be from Starbucks,
but it certainly isn't their HouseBlend.
gypsycaine says, gotta post it in Cakes and Ale so I don't loose
it ,lol
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hillside (brand) Irish Creme coffee.
Yum. Doesn't need milk or sugar (altho' they are icing on the cake)
dejavu112 says, I wonder if they will serve coffee to us when we fly
to London
hert0661isme says, oxford has far too many coffee shops!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Two weeks ago we discussed wine, now
gypsycaine says, no, they're serve us Pumpkin Juice!
flying_ford_anglia says, Which airline?
dejavu112 says, us being my school band
gypsycaine says, oh, my brother took home the wine, btw!
voicelady_2000 says, Nice trip!
flying_ford_anglia says, They might sedate you..
dejavu112 says, lol
gypsycaine says, (shudders....)
dejavu112 says, Oh yes 60 teenagers all going out of the country for
a week
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm old enough that "coffee shop"
means to me a kind of middle-brow diner (like Denny's)
voicelady_2000 says, We only went to Disneyworld when I was in HS.
flying_ford_anglia says, Eeek
gypsycaine says, I think of a little place like Mel's Diner,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the fashionable places, where coffee
is the star not junk food, I call coffee houses or coffee bars
gypsycaine says, Denny's too upper class!
babynick34 says, I think of that place in 'Neighbours' (TV Show
from Australia)
gypsycaine BLINKS at nick?
voicelady_2000 says, Cafe du Monde serves coffee (with chicory - yum_
and beignets. Sigh...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 60 coffee bars in OXford might not be
gypsycaine says, bet one of them's Starbucks...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, If different crowds of people each
have their own coffee bar to hand out in
hert0661isme says, yes we have starbucks!
voicelady_2000 says, Your margarita is ready, Dee. Just come'n'get
hert0661isme says, and many others!
gypsycaine says, "hello, we have a winner!" grins.
gypsycaine says, ok.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the people who want to talk about
their great sucesses day-trading
flying_ford_anglia says, gag
catlady_de_los_angeles says, should be in a different coffee bar
than the people who are talking abouthow to overthrow capitalism
gypsycaine says, when Ian's dad and I and the gang (about 23 or so)
used to go out (not date, out)
babynick34 says, day-trading - reminds me, need to fill my
Gringots bank.
gypsycaine says, we used to invade a Country Kitchen.
gypsycaine says, they hated us.
hert0661isme says, I love the massive group trips out
voicelady_2000 says, We always went to Denny's.
gypsycaine says, almost the whole table was pure coffee....with a
plate of fries, m-sticks, or mushrooms (mine!) and Iced Tea (mine!)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, At one time I belonged to a science
ficiton club which managed to get thorwn out of Many Places including
a college dorm and a MacDonald's
voicelady_2000 says, What are mpsticks?
gypsycaine says, hardly anyone ate.
gypsycaine says, mozzerella (sp?)
voicelady_2000 says, (I can't spell at all today.)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, we were as you describe your friends
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, Denny's rules! crappy service, crappy
food, but its cheap and its open 24 hours!
gypsycaine says, (well, except Tedd. He ate and ate, and ate and
ate, then ran out of money, bummed some, and ate more!)
gypsycaine says, Country Kitchen is the same style.
voicelady_2000 says, That's why we hung out there!
hert0661isme says, one of the societies at my college has had it
organizers naem and address taken down and police contacted
gypsycaine says, a nice little chain.
gypsycaine says, taken over by Country Manor not too close to Ian's
hert0661isme says, they nicked off with at least one sign
advertsiing the place and there was some arguement over the bill
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon -- why?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh
gypsycaine says, it was across the street from a hospital, hence
the perfect location for 24hours.
voicelady_2000 says, "Ian" is the coolest name...
hert0661isme says, what about Iain?
gypsycaine says, no no, Ian.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Myy ex and his wife think so too.
Their Ian must be five or six by now.
gypsycaine says, the little boy who's just now fallen asleep in the
chair, since his cousin's left...
gypsycaine says, cousin is Deven.
changeling_de says, All the Ians I ever knew were kind of strange.
gypsycaine says, that fits, lol.
voicelady_2000 chuckles in amusement
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
gypsycaine says, he's an interesting child.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They were wizards disguised as Muggles?
gypsycaine says, he's starting to learn Harry-stuff!
gypsycaine says,
changeling_de says, No, just strange. Too boring to be wizards,
gypsycaine says, for a kid who's mommy just got into this in June,
that's pretty good.
gypsycaine says, he's got a hell of an imagination. I worked
double time on it.
babynick34 says, All the Ian's I've ever known have all be fairly
bright - good at everything.
flying_ford_anglia says, Weird... I only got into this in May. It
seems years ago now.
gypsycaine says, i am hoping.
voicelady_2000 says, I think it was February-ish for me.
gypsycaine says, his dad was a genius before the mind deteriorated.
changeling_de says, We don't know the same Ians then. ;-)
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf is away (not at my desk)
hert0661isme says, april / may for me
babynick34 says, I've just past my 1 year mark... it was this time
last week back in 1999 that I discovered HP, or there abouts.
gypsycaine says, (took tv apart at age 3, and told his
mother "don't worry; I can put it back" and DID!)
changeling_de says, I think it was March or April.
voicelady_2000 says, Holy cow!
dejavu112 says, hehe whoa
gypsycaine says, congrats Nick!
voicelady_2000 says, Happy anniversary!
gypsycaine says, you're an elder in the group!
voicelady_2000 says, Group-wise, actually I think I'm the matriarch...
flying_ford_anglia says, Nick - did you get me message about the
mug. It arrived, finally...
gypsycaine says, oh, ack.
gypsycaine says, thanks for reminding me.... and Heidi's gone.
babynick34 says, Yes... got that message. Nice to know it got
there eventually.
gypsycaine says, my Gore badge is still awol.
voicelady_2000 says, I need another hobby - desparately...
gypsycaine says, that's ok, so's the election still!
flying_ford_anglia says, Matriarch... that sounds severe...
voicelady_2000 says, Ueah, well, I'm an lodster...
flying_ford_anglia says, Uh?
hert0661isme says, my other hobby is reading fanfiction or FAQing
at the moment!
voicelady_2000 says, (I REALLY can't spell today. Must be the
drinks.) I'm an oldster.
gypsycaine says, my friend asked me today, "Where is Roleplaying
going to get you in the future?"
flying_ford_anglia says, Oh.... you're not that old though, are you?
gypsycaine says, I said it was a hobby. She said I do it too much.
gypsycaine says, funny, the only thing I don't rp is HP!
voicelady_2000 says, Chronologically, no. But my mother says I was
born 28, so that makes me 64.
hert0661isme says, older than me!
twinkiemama4 enters
voicelady_2000 says, I've always been older than I am - if that makes
any sense at all.
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm only just catching up with my body age...
You have 13 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
hert0661isme says, Hello ?
You have 14 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
You have 15 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
voicelady_2000 says, So, how about that Harry Potter!
hert0661isme says, Is the rust showing Neil?
hert0661isme says, subject change?
voicelady_2000 says, nah, I'm just tipsy.
twinkiemama4 says, you mean The harry potter
flying_ford_anglia says, the rust is showing, yes
gypsycaine says, trying to download a movie.
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, harry who?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Twinkie, you are wiring in bold
twinkiemama4 says, sorry
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do we know you by other names?
gypsycaine says, got only half of Charlie's Angels, and Baggar
Vance is on queue.
twinkiemama4 says, nope
hert0661isme says, It is all downhill for me from now on - so I
have heard!
voicelady_2000 says, Welcome, then!
gypsycaine says, lol simon!
Your buddy crystalbruhja is on pager
twinkiemama4 says, thanks
voicelady_2000 says, Simon - it only gets better.
flying_ford_anglia says, Yes, you are in decline as we speak...
hert0661isme says, Thats good to hear - work is boring!
gypsycaine says, It would be interesting to plop statistically our
flying_ford_anglia says, My life begins next year - can't wait...
twinkiemama4 says, 27
catlady_de_los_angeles says, plop is a GOOD word
You have 16 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
gypsycaine says, perhaps we can talk Simon into doing that... lol
gypsycaine says, oh, ack.
gypsycaine says, that was supposed to be plot.
hert0661isme says, if people tell me then I can!
voicelady_2000 says, Go ahead!
Your buddy goddess_of_love6969 is on pager
hert0661isme says, 21 myself!
voicelady_2000 says, Do we have any birthdays coming up?
gypsycaine says, put up a survey, or something about how old you
are, and leave the spread as the answers.
gypsycaine says, Got GoF for mine, winks.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, there are a lot of ages and birthdates
on the member profiles of the Yahoo club, some on the member profiles
of the egroups club, if someone wanted to waste a lot of time on-line
reading them.
dejavu112 says, My birthday was a little over a month ago
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf is betting she's the "baby" of the room!
gypsycaine says, (Am I using the right terms, Simon?)
gypsycaine says, is it spread?
voicelady_2000 says, Happy belated!
Your buddy spidergirluk has gone off pager
babynick34 says, Mine soon - 6th Jan.
Your buddy spidergirluk has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, 32.
hert0661isme says, dont ask me - I finished studying stats years
gypsycaine says, grins.
gypsycaine says, like 15-18
gypsycaine says, 18-21
gypsycaine says, 22-24
twinkiemama4 says, 27
gypsycaine says, 25-27
voicelady_2000 says, Keep going...
gypsycaine says, thanks
hert0661isme says, I will put one up andsee if we get any responces
gypsycaine says, that's what I was thinking.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 43
hert0661isme says, 36
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am not the oldest member
changeling_de says, 31
babynick34 says, 26 in Jan.
dejavu112 says, 15
gypsycaine says, and we do a bell curve, or something (and DON'T
ask me to make on, lol....)
flying_ford_anglia says, 39
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, 20
voicelady_2000 says, 36
gypsycaine says, or a bar graph or something to see what the
average, the mean, etc ages of the group are.
dejavu112 says, Ha I'm the baby, thought as much
catlady_de_los_angeles says, there have been some posts where the
people said they were 14, 13, I don't remember if anyone said 12
voicelady_2000 says, How old are you, deja?
voicelady_2000 says, Never mind.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do you think enough time has passed
that they have all turned 15?
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf says, well, i gotta quit this
procrastination and finish my paper. Bye everyone!
voicelady_2000 says, Bye!
dejavu112 says, Bye
gypsycaine says, (waves!)
twinkiemama4 says, bye
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye Lizz. Good luck with the paper
flying_ford_anglia says, Farewell
hert0661isme says, bye
gypsycaine *
gypsycaine * *
gypsycaine * *
gypsycaine * *
gypsycaine * *
gypsycaine * *
gypsycaine * *
gypsycaine ***************
gypsycaine *_*
gypsycaine May your christmas tree stay green until February!
twinkiemama4 Yahoo!s
changeling_de says, bye
catlady_de_los_angeles : /¯/¯¯\X A Rose For The
catlady_de_los_angeles : / /¯\ \ \X__\___\___
catlady_de_los_angeles : \ \ \_/ /X¯/¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯
catlady_de_los_angeles : \_\__/X Ravenclaw Team
dobby_the_sock_lovin_elf leaves
gypsycaine says, so it's leaning? It looks like my own tree! LOL...
babynick34 says, I see the Yahoo club is still a little active.
I wonder if all members there, are now on egroups as well.
flying_ford_anglia says, We bought a tree for work - they said they
would offer us 'erection and uplift' - how could we resist?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I have to get around to edittng the
Rose Bunch macro so that each rose s a a difffeernt clolor
gypsycaine says, (who has had it's needles since '68.)
gypsycaine says, lol
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
gypsycaine wonders if she needs to bonk Neil again?
flying_ford_anglia says, hides behind the settee...
gypsycaine . o O ( lovely tree. White branches go into the first row
of slots, pink in the next, orange in the next, etc. etc.) )
hert0661isme says, will you two go elsewhere for that kind of
gypsycaine . o O ( branch by branch built your own tree kit) )
Your buddy damianablume has gone off pager
hert0661isme says, there are youngsters around here
twinkiemama4 says, gotta go,seeya
gypsycaine . o O ( put it up Wednesday, while kid was in school) )
voicelady_2000 says, Buh bye!
gypsycaine says, nice to meet you!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's a good think that people
voluntarily post on the Yahoo club, or else someone might have to do
it out of duty
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by twinkie
flying_ford_anglia says, See you
twinkiemama4 leaves
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying
macro but it's saving my butt!
flying_ford_anglia says, Don't look Simon...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, because if there was no action at all
on the Yahoo club, Yahoo might get around to evicting us from this
nice chat room
gypsycaine says, yahoo didn't evict the other club.
flying_ford_anglia says, Good point...
hert0661isme says, more helpful if that macro is shown to them when
they get in rather than just after they leave
gypsycaine says, I persuaded the one founder to let me have it--it
was dead for 6-9 mos!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ha-ha Simon
catlady_de_los_angeles says, what other club?
gypsycaine says, Vampire LARP
hert0661isme says, why are you laughing at me?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, because you phrased your sensible
point so wittily
hert0661isme says, I am working as well!
gypsycaine . . . . o o o o o
gypsycaine _____ o
gypsycaine ____---- ]OO|_n_n__][. | hogwarts |
gypsycaine [______ |_]_|__|________)< |
gypsycaine oo oo 'oo OOOO-| oo\\_ ~~~|~~~
gypsycaine - ====-_-======-_
gypsycaine __ ___________ (_How Does_)
gypsycaine ll /_ ___ \ O this thing )
gypsycaine ==== /@ \/@ \ \ o (_ work??? _)
gypsycaine | | \__/\___/ / -=-_-==-__-==-
gypsycaine | | /\\\\\ \_\/______/
More information about the HPforGrownupsChatScripts