Sunday 12-03-00 chat

Dee (Denise) R gypsycaine at ...
Mon Dec 4 05:10:49 UTC 2000

Connected!  Sending login information...
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
Your buddy gypsycaine is in chat
Your buddy jtemp1eton is on pager
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
Your buddy gypsycaine is in chat
Welcome to the club's chat room.
You see here:
babynick34 is back.
babynick34 says, Hi
gypsycaine is away (on vacation)
  gypsycaine says, hi....  going to cook.
gypsycaine is back.
gypsycaine is away (out to lunch)
You have 3 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
babynick34 says, Hello... anyone there?
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
Your buddy damianablume has gone off pager
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, nope, not here.
Chat faster with Yahoo! Messenger with Chat Client -

  gypsycaine says, decided against cooking.  Made a phone call 
babynick34 says, Hi.
babynick34 says, I've been hunting high and low for two tapes... I've 
lost them... tapes 2 and 6 from Philosophers Stone.   It's so 
anoying... they must be somewhere.
babynick34 says, ...
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, it's so much easier to chat when the kid is asleep-
-the reason behind the afks.
gypsycaine goes AFK (Away From Keyboard)..
You have 5 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
dai_evans enters
babynick34 says, Hi
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
babynick34 says, Anyone here?
Your buddy jtemp1eton has gone off pager
dai_evans says, Hello
babynick34 says, Hello...
dai_evans says, This is my first time. i'm sooo nervous
babynick34 says, No problem... welcome to the group.   It's still 
early... most have not arrived yet.
dai_evans says, I guessed as much. It's a bit quiet
babynick34 says, I've been here for almost an hour - I want to try 
something new... I want to see if it's possible to broadcast from the 
UK around the globe.
  gypsycaine says, welcome, whispers from the corner....
babynick34 says, It is... it gets busy.
Your buddy daishas is on pager
  gypsycaine says, (is arguing with a three old, and doesn't have 
much chance to talk)
babynick34 says, Gypsy - is kid asleep yet?
  gypsycaine says, not until after the pizza arrives.
babynick34 says, No drugging the pizza now Gypsy!
Your buddy jtemp1eton is on pager
babynick34 says, Dai - so what's your name.  I'm Nick.   Are you Dai, 
or do you go by another name?
babynick34 says, Where are you from?   I'm in England.
dai_evans says, Dai's good. That's what my friends call me, Short for 
dai_evans says, South Wales
  gypsycaine says, it's here!
  gypsycaine says, yea!
babynick34 says, South Wales - I was born in Swansea.
dai_evans says, ARRR, the enemy, I'm a Cardiff boy
babynick34 says, Have you read all the books?
  gypsycaine says, got one of the "insiders"
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
dai_evans says, Incidentally I'm not in Cardiff now, Southampton
babynick34 says, "insiders" ?   What's one of those?
babynick34 says, At Uni?
  gypsycaine says, Pizza Hut
dai_evans says, Yeah, Aerospace engineering, second year
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
babynick34 says, I'm near Farnborough - Hampshire.  If you are doing 
Aerospace Engineering, you may know of the place.
  gypsycaine says, ttyl, not long to eat--pizza is a natural food.
  gypsycaine says, grins.
babynick34 says, Dee... you are making me hungry.
dai_evans says, Of course. Capitol of British aviation, and my 
flatmate comes from there
babynick34 says, Dee - do you have Voice enabled?
babynick34 says, dai - so how long have you been an HP fan for?
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
dai_evans says, Since my 11 year old sister left PS on the coffee 
table in July
babynick34 says, And have you now read all the books, or just PS?
dai_evans says, I picked it up and didn't move till i'd finished it 
at 2am
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dai_evans says, All, plus PoU, DD, DS, ASA and loads of other stuff
babynick34 says, dee - sounds as if David is a real fan like us!
dai_evans says, I just can't get enough
babynick34 says, Ah... into the fan fiction as well.  I don't get 
enough time to read that.
dai_evans says, I make the time. It's worth it
babynick34 says, dee - are you reading this while eating Pizza?
dai_evans says, Watch your keyboard. It's a bugger getting mozzarella 
out of the keys
babynick34 says, I've heard some of the fan fiction is very good.  We 
have several good writers on our group - you might get to meet some 
of them later if you hang around.  Chat goes on usually until 10.30 
or 11pm our time.
harry_potter00 enters
babynick34 says, BRB - Coffee
€  harry_potter00 says, Hullo
dai_evans says, Dunno that i'll be staying that long, Phone bill 
mounts up and I'll doubtless be called away to the pub before then
babynick34 says, Hello HP
€  harry_potter00 says, How's everyone?  I've not been to one of 
these chats forever, but today as luck would have it, I'm snowed in.
babynick34 says, I know that one David... I've got a 0800 connection 
tonight... but it will disconnect me around 9.30/10pm as it has a 3 
hour limit.
dai_evans says, That's too bad, must be cheaper though.
babynick34 says, I'm fine... no snow over here.   There was quite a 
bit of snow when I was in the US a fortnight ago mind... so I don't 
doubt that some of our group will be chatting surrounded by a load of 
white cold stuff.
babynick34 says, It's great... but it's hard to get a connection.  If 
it drops... I'll have to dial in again using the pay service - but at 
least it's a Sunday evening, so it's only 60p an hour, or less.
dai_evans says, Yeah, What's you name, BTW?
babynick34 says, Nick
€  harry_potter00 says, That's certainly true, but at least the 
power's not out, so I can still chat.  For internet cervice do you 
pay by the minute or is it unlimited?
dai_evans says, Ah.
babynick34 says, By the minute usually... though I've managed to get 
a free connection tonight - though it will timeout after 3 hours.
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
€  harry_potter00 says, oh.
babynick34 says, David - are you a member of the egroups list as well 
as the Yahoo club?   Worth joining if you haven't already.
Your buddy jtemp1eton has gone off pager
dai_evans says, Yeah, HPFG,and PoU, although I only have time to keep 
up with PoU, so I only tend to post there
babynick34 says, I'm wondering how I can get a connection on Boxing 
Day (26th Dec).  Busy time... but if I get a connection, I might be 
able to broadcast the BBC Radio 4 show to all of you who are not in 
the UK.
dai_evans says, What's happening on that?
babynick34 says, Radio 4, FM.  Boxing Day 12pm-8pm.  Harry Potter and 
the Philosophers Stone, read by Stephen Fry.
€  harry_potter00 says, That would be great, b/c in the US we have 
neither Stephen Fry, or Boxing Day..sigh
dai_evans says, Cool, I'll have to remember. That must have cost the 
BBC a fortune top get the rights to.
babynick34 says, HP - do you have Voice Chat enabled?   I want to 
test to see if anyone can receive a broadcast tonight... I think it 
should work.
€  harry_potter00 says, I'm on Cheeta, but my mic is broke...I should 
be able to hear you though.
babynick34 says, They (well, Helen who is in charge of R4) has been 
negoiating with Christopher for a while now.
Chicks dig Yahoo! Messenger -

babynick34 says, Ok... running a test on Voice....  if you can hear 
the broadcast (Desert Island Discs) please text me.
dai_evans says, The bbc often broadcast programmes over the net anyway
€  harry_potter00 says, I can't hear anything...hold on a minute...
babynick34 says, True david... but probably not this one, as usual R4 
progs will be on LW.
dai_evans says, It's not terribly clear. I'm not sure yahoo is the 
best method.
babynick34 says, But you can hear it David?
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is on pager
harry_potter00 leaves
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles has gone off pager
harry_potter00 enters
dai_evans says, I remember this. I was in bed thinking about going to 
my lecture when this came on, and then I just couldn't move.
dai_evans says, That'a a yes
babynick34 says, I guess you missed your lecture then!
dai_evans says, yes.
harry_potter00 says, Yeah, yeah, I'm in Yahoo now, I can hear it.
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
harry_potter00 says, Hey
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, sorry I'm late, at least this time 
Cheetah let me in immediately
Your buddy brujah_rant_room_gm is on pager
€  harry_potter00 says, Apparently I can't connect to both Cheeta AND 
babynick34 says, It's not a great recording I'm afraid... if it's too 
quiet... I can turn it up, but it may get less clear.
Your buddy brujah_rant_room_gm has gone off pager
€  harry_potter00 says, It's O.K.
babynick34 says, No... you can't.  I tried that.  I'm usually on 
Cheeta, but it would not let me use Yahoo Voice at the same time.
dai_evans says, No, it's loud enough. I think my modem might not be 
able to handle the bandwidth.
dai_evans says, I should try on one of the uni computers
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott, I like your color blend 
babynick34 says, As I'm broadcasting... I have no idea how it will 
sound at your end, after all the compression.
€  harry_potter00 says, Thanks, and if you don't mind I can't figure 
out how to get an please?
dai_evans says, JKR has a fine taste in music. I was pleased to 
descover I had all 7 of her choice tracks
  gypsycaine says, avatars are easy.....sneaks back in, full belly.
gypsycaine is back.
babynick34 says, Cat - if you have speakers connected... log off 
cheeta, and back in to Yahoo - you can then listen to Desert Island 
Discs with JK Rowling!
  gypsycaine cries....
  gypsycaine says, dang it, Nick.
dai_evans says, Its coming through really clear now
  gypsycaine says, i "Can't!" log off.
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter 
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying 
macro but it's saving my butt!
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves. 
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
babynick34 says, Sorry dee... can't use the Voice on cheeta for some 
  gypsycaine says, I tried once.  It kicked me off.
  gypsycaine says, I haven't tried since.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, is this a new episode of Desert Island 
Discs with JKR or the one I read the transcript of a while ago.
  gypsycaine says, at least I can dl it....(cable allows a 50kb+ dl 
dai_evans says, It's the only one she's done. Not even JKR gets asked 
to do DID twice.
babynick34 says, It's the one you had the transcript of... but this 
time it has all the music.
harry_potter00 says, Does this version of DID have the music in it?
dai_evans says, Yeah, you just missed come together by the beatles
harry_potter00 says, Ok, feeling dumb you just said that!!
babynick34 says, Oh yes... it has the music as broadcast... that is, 
it has several minutes of music for each of Jo's selections.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott, third from the right of the 
icon tool bar is Preferences
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, one of the tabs is Yahoo/CheetaChat
harry_potter00 says, Ok thanks, but I'm back in yahoo now, jumping 
around today.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, copy it into Notepad for when you're 
back on cheetah
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 3/4 way down is the word Avatars
babynick34 says, Does anyone know of any better quality broadcasting 
systems?   But then again, on 26th it will be all voice, so it should 
cope better than it does with music.
  gypsycaine says, Rita?
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
harry_potter00 leaves
  gypsycaine says, 3rd from the right?
harry_potter00 enters
babynick34 says, I had thought of using RealAudio - but I needed to 
have direct sever access.
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
dai_evans says, Real server will do it pretty sweetly, but it's quite 
a quite big deal to set up, I've never done it, but I think you might 
need some access to a server
  gypsycaine says, I have a link somewhere... to a personal Radio 
system on the net.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC Set 1 is black and white, Set 2 
is color, my Cat is from Set 2, and there are scroll arows to scroll 
through the choices in each set
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, 1st on the right is the Question 
€  harry_potter00 says, There I think I fixed it.
  gypsycaine says, ahhh...
hert0661 enters
  gypsycaine says, ok, I understand now.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Second from the right is Full Screen
  gypsycaine says, I never used that method.
babynick34 says, Dee - if you find it, let me know... but don't look 
too hard - as most people will be able to access Yahoo Voice.
  gypsycaine says, i always used "Settings"
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Third from the right  ..... oh, you 
figured it out already
hert0661 says, Hello
babynick34 says, Hi Simon
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Simon
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter 
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying 
macro but it's saving my butt!
  gypsycaine waves to Simon.
hert0661 says, I am just stopping in quickly to say hi!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick is broadcasting DID over Yahoo 
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
dai_evans says, There are various freeware transmission packages of 
varying quality. It's just luck.
hert0661 says, I have no speakers on this computer  
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
babynick34 says, That's a shame Simon.
  harry_potter00 says, There is the avatar working?   Hi, Simon
  gypsycaine says, I use everything from "Cute" to other stuff.
  gypsycaine says, you have an aspirin Scott?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott: some kind of sunburst?: 
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, we already read the transcript 
of this DID and you probably already have all the albums
  harry_potter00 says, A snowflake, which seems to mirror my current 
babynick34 says, I hope Jo likes the card I sent... and I hope she 
relplys to my note - I've asked her to confirm the correct wand order!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott, being snowed on?
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  harry_potter00 says, yes, not sure whether that is good or bad 
  gypsycaine says, snowless for one day at least.
  gypsycaine says, all traces are gone, for at least two days.
dai_evans says, The GoF wand order? I thought that was cleared up.
hert0661 says, DID?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Deert Island Discs
  gypsycaine says, (current temperature/34o)
  harry_potter00 says, Well yes it was cleared up...(the GoF wand 
order) we're all just wondering if it was JKR that did the clearing!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wand order: we wonder if JKR even 
knows that the publishers 'corrected' it
babynick34 says, Cleared Up... depends if you believe Bloomsbury, or 
not.   Personally, I would prefer if Jo said what the correct order 
was, rather than the publisher.
  gypsycaine says, that's how I feel.
dai_evans says, This is all a bit Oliver Stone isn't it?
gypsycaine . o O ( aside this subject, what is the topic (personwise) 
for the upcoming week? )
fizzwhizbee enters
fizzwhizbee leaves
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves. 
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's hard to believe that such a good 
writer would have written such explicit descriptions as 'it was the 
man he had thought of more than any other that night'
  harry_potter00 says, I'm not sure?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by accident
dai_evans says, I suppose... But she's only human
  harry_potter00 says, That's it, the chapter felt right even though 
the wand order was wrong...the correction just doesn't sit right with 
babynick34 says, And it was rushed to get to publication... so things 
could have been missed.
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, She made a mistake by forgetting that 
Slytherin team captain Marcus Flint should have left school before PoA
dai_evans says, Yeah, she mentions that in this interview...
  gypsycaine says, it makes sense, though
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so she made up an excuse: he did so 
badly that he was held back a year
  gypsycaine says, (the dumb jock, lol)
fizzwhizbee enters
fizzwhizbee leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so if the wand order had really been a 
mistake, she could have made up an excuse for it.
dai_evans says, It's a bit of a toughy to make an excuse for though.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she could have BORROWED any of the 
excuses for it SUGGESTED on our egroup!
dai_evans says, Perhaps she doesn't read it <ducks>
  harry_potter00 says, The Character for Dec, 4-10 is everyone's 
favourite- Prof. Trelawny!
Yahoo! Chat client is ready for primetime!

babynick34 says, She probably doesn't... but I added the URL to the 
Xmas card I sent, to try and encourage her to visit.
  gypsycaine says, kewl
  gypsycaine says, does anyone see the TV series Arthur?
babynick34 says, With Dudley Moore in?
Your buddy daishas is on pager
Your buddy daishas has gone off pager
  gypsycaine says, no PBS
  harry_potter00 says, Wow the thought that JKR might be reading OUR 
stuff...and I know she said she'd read some fan fic..wonder if that 
includes PoU
babynick34 says, So... what predictions of her's have come true so 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I ought to get around to making a 
list: a bad thing happened to Lavendar Bown on 16 October
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione left the class around Easter
dai_evans says, Nick, try it 
offers LW and FM. Okay it's not fully implemented yet  but it might 
be by Christmas
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Parvati Patil was kind enough to fix 
up red-haired Ron Weasley with her sister Padma for the Ball
  harry_potter00 says, but were those predictions, or coincidences?  
Her one about Peter...
babynick34 says, I can't imagine that the BBC have permission to 
Netcast the HP reading.
dai_evans says, Ask them.
babynick34 says, I have... I've got no reply yet.
  harry_potter00 says, I'm suprised that they do actually.
fizzwhizbee enters
  gypsycaine says, (chases son to bedroom....and will be right back--
he escaped again...)
fizzwhizbee says, Hi, #@#$ computer finally let me log in
  gypsycaine says, sorry.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Presumably JKR thinks they're co-
incidences, as she keeps mocking at Trelawney and the whole subject 
of Divination
Your buddy daishas is on pager
babynick34 says, Hi Fizz - saw that you were having trouble logging 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Pippin, I saw the computer keep 
throwing you out
fizzwhizbee says, Arithmancy is also a form of divination
  gypsycaine says, ok.  Arthur is a kids' show on PBS (our affliate 
with BBC)
  harry_potter00 says, It's true that Jo doesn't put much faith into 
dai_evans says, No, the other staff do. Not necessarily JKR. Remember 
alot of the narrative is told in the characters points of view.
  gypsycaine says, it's an aardvark.
babynick34 says, Arthur - as in Arthur Teacher Trouble... Cartoon?
  gypsycaine says, cartoon, yes.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know if Arithmancy is a form 
of divination in Harry's universe, or JKR just liked that word
dai_evans says, It sounds like a scientific form of predicting the 
future statistically.
  gypsycaine says, there is a "lunch lady" in there who sounds like, 
and acts like sometimes what I think Prof T to resemble.
fizzwhizbee says, I think it would be very unfair to use a word with 
an actual meaning
babynick34 says, Can't say I know that one Dee... though it does 
sound familiar.
fizzwhizbee says, and make it mean something else without telling us.
gypsycaine . o O ( Arthur, Baxter, Francine, Binky, Brain, Muffy...) )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I doubt she'll ever explain Arithmancy 
in the canon, wouldn't it be nice if she wrote another 'spin-off; 
book: Great Moments in Arithmancy
gypsycaine . o O ( all names of the cartoon kids in Mr. Ratburn's 
class )
dai_evans says, This is a good tune.
  gypsycaine says, we'll let Simon write that one.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, I thought it was names of all the 
pet bunnies Lav ever had
babynick34 says, Ah that Aurthur - yes, it's on Satalite as well - on 
fizzwhizbee says, LOL, Rita, but in that case, why have Hermi spend 
her time one it?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Why didn't she bring Binky to school 
with her?
  gypsycaine says, (on Nick JR? blinks?)
babynick34 says, I like this one too - but I've lost my CD of it.
babynick34 says, Rolf Harris also chose this track when he was on DID
dai_evans says, Go Napster..
  gypsycaine says, I wish...sighs.
  gypsycaine says, I lost Napster.
  gypsycaine says, they don't like me anymore.
babynick34 says, IMesh then.
dai_evans says, What, down the back of the sofa?
  gypsycaine says, no, a Metallica misunderstanding.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Whatever Arithmancy is to JKR, it 
involves long lists of numbers which look very intimidating to Harry. 
Perhaps it serves only to emphasise her IQ
dai_evans says, Oh...
babynick34 says, For those not on Voice - REM, Everybody Hurts is now 
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter 
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying 
macro but it's saving my butt!
dai_evans says, Actually it's not coming through right now
  gypsycaine says, saving it right now.
  harry_potter00 says, I just don't think that Arithmancy is a type 
of Divination, since it seems unlikely that Hermi would opt out of 
one form to take another...
babynick34 says, Is it working now?
  gypsycaine says, going to try an experiment Nick.
dai_evans says, It's a scientific thing, though. Based on Maths (it 
would seem) so not so wishy washy
hert0661 says, As I am only home for a few days have no music with 
me, no radio so cant even put on the song Nick is playing!
dai_evans says, Yes
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But they spend 7 years at Astronomy 
(presumably because the cliche wizards of fantasy stories are always 
star gazing from towers) and I can't think WHY they would need that 
much Astronomoy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, unless it were also Astrology
babynick34 says, Go on then Dee... try away.
  gypsycaine says, ok, here goes...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but Astrology is just one episode in 
Trelawney's class and JKR makes fun of it by having HP and RW fake 
their forecasts 
  gypsycaine waits......
hert0661 says, did someone just say maths is not wishy washy?! <vbg>
dai_evans says, Yeah I did.
hert0661 says, I'll just stop falling off my chair laughing then!
  gypsycaine says, It's not opening the page.....
  gypsycaine says, dang it....
dai_evans says, Good.
  gypsycaine says, I'm trying to bring "Generic" in, to listen!
babynick34 says, What page?
  harry_potter00 says, erm, math is definately wishy washy...
dai_evans says, How so?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I once knew a maths grad student who 
tried to explain to me "vigor or rigor"
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, surely only the 'vigor' is wishy-washy
hert0661 says, maths can be very wishy washy but can also go way over 
teh top in to rigourous proofs!
  harry_potter00 says, But maybe it's just b/c I'm not very math 
oriented.  (Arg! Proofs...)
dai_evans says, I guess I don't take it to a high enough level to get 
the more um... vague bits
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (vigor): connecting the math theory to 
the real world
  gypsycaine says, dang dang dang dang.
  gypsycaine says, I get a blank screen.
hert0661 says, the vague bits are normally the applied bits where you 
just get told to take something on trust
fizzwhizbee says, black box formulas
dai_evans says, Don't they teach you from first principles?
hert0661 says, maths theory and the real world - I try to study bits 
where there is little or no link! <g>
  harry_potter00 says, I am more of a language person myself.
Your buddy melanie_050269 is on pager
dai_evans says, I'm an engineer, all the maths I do is real world 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the bits with no link are supposed to 
have 'rigor' i.e. be proved until they're turn tautological
  harry_potter00 says, I LOVE the fact that JKR uses so much Latin in 
the books..
hert0661 says, first principle is fun but you need to understandd the 
maths behind the fomulae
dai_evans says, Agreed (on the latin thing). I'm sure I'm missing 
half the in-jokes though
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, btw, Dai_Evans, I don't think I've 
seen your handle before, do I know you under another name.
fizzwhizbee says, I tried to translate the Sorting Hat song to Latin 
but I am rusty
dai_evans says, First principles is all about understanding the maths 
behind the formulae
hert0661 says, a friend of mine (studying classics) translated 
the 'My old man's a Dustman' song into latin once!
dai_evans says, Carlady, No. This is my first chat. You might have 
seen me on PoU egroup though.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, when I took Intro Calculus (ONLY 
because it was REQUIRED) I reached the point where I believed 
that 'the math behind the formulae' was  
dai_evans says, Sorry Catlady. Typo
hert0661 says, no first principles is seeing where it starts from - 
it does not imply any need to understand
  harry_potter00 says, HeHeHe...not very practical but 
fizzwhizbee says, Maybe he could do the chimnewy sweep song!
  harry_potter00 says, the translating "my old man.."
hert0661 says, maybe - but that would get too many stupid questions - 
like why?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, made up entirely arbitrarily, no 
connection to real world
dai_evans says, Oh, I see.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and I COULD NOT believe that it was 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, even tho; the professor wrote proofs 
on the board, they made NO SENSE to me
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dai, I'm not in PoU group because 
I don't have time
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IN fact, I haven't had time to READ 
ANY FANFIC this week because my limited time was spent writing some
dai_evans says, You'd be surprised how these thing relate. I was of 
the same opinion about statistics until I worked abit in industry, 
where Stats are totally revalent for quality control
  harry_potter00 says, I started reading PoU, and (I'm ashamed to 
say) I never finished it!!
Your buddy p_dumbledore is in chat
p_dumbledore enters
hert0661 says, I will not be reading any fanfic for a week - I am 
only on the computer for a few minutes to send a couple of e-mails!
+ p_dumbledore says, Good evening, afternoon all
gypsycaine . o O ( don't feel bad cott niether have i yet )
hert0661 says, I absolutely hate stats!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai -- I aced my required Intro to 
Statistics and Probability class even tho' I kept arguing tiwh the 
Check out the new Yahoo! Chat Client.  All the k00l k1dz us3 it!!!

  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dennis
hert0661 says, stopped doing any years ago
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, what abaout a weeK: are you 
going home for a holiday?
babynick34 says, Hi Dennis.
  harry_potter00 says, Cott? Sorry just had to point this out!
  gypsycaine says, hi dennis
fizzwhizbee says, There was some good stuff up. New chapter of ASA 
and more Teenage withtches
hert0661 says, I am home now, for a week.
dai_evans says, Its fun to disagree with the profs and then get top 
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Dennis
  gypsycaine says, typing one  handedv using pen to pick out leetters
babynick34 says, I can't get HandsFree to work correctly... it keeps 
on stopping the transmission.
hert0661 says, back in Oxford from 8th until 14th and then home for 
hert0661 says, going back at beginning on Jan.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I argued with the professor because I 
believed that , even tho' he proved everything by algebra, that 
doesn't prove that it is true in REAL LIFE 
  harry_potter00 says, How long is Christmas break Simon? Eight weeks?
dai_evans says, You can't prove anything by stats, that's the point. 
It just applies to every situation. In a sort of Wishy Washy way.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There was something aboaut a 
Confidence Interval, that you can computer that your answer is at 
least 95% right
hert0661 says, Some of the best areas of mathematics stem from 
throwing away assumtions that are true in'real life'!
hert0661 says, Christmas Vac is 6 weeks.
  gypsycaine says, ci's.  Kewl.
  gypsycaine says, I liked them.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I KNOW that there is the rare 
occasion when the answer is Dead Wrong even tho' the researcher did 
everything right
hert0661 says, Started yesterday, finished 15 jan.
  harry_potter00 says, Oh, still a lot longer than in High School!
dai_evans says, Yeah, it happens.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, because, you know, the 100 random 
volunteers just co-incidentally happened to all be Jehovah's 
Witnesses or soemthing....
hert0661 says, I have nearly as long on holiday a I do at Uni!
dai_evans says, Stats is a useful, tool. Not an oracle of knowledge
dai_evans says, You always have to bear that in mind
hert0661 says, stats is a waste of time!
  harry_potter00 says, Really? Does that make it difficult?
dai_evans says, It so is not. There would be no quality control 
without it. Everything in your computer & car & stereo depends on it
hert0661 says, who was that question aimed at?
  harry_potter00 says, My question? Well I was wondering if having a 
long break made it difficult?
hert0661 says, but it all depends on a realistic sample which is 
impossible to get
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai, Simon has an interesting concept 
of what is a waste of time. Last week Neil said he wanted to retire 
at 60 and Simon said he wants to retire this Spring
hert0661 says, it can be difficult remembering work from one year to 
teh next
  harry_potter00 says, They don't seem to to get long breaks at 
Hogwarts though.
dai_evans says, No. That stats take it into account. That's the whole 
babynick34 says, BRB - Coffee and a new net connection needed.
dai_evans says, I'd be quite happy never to retire.
dai_evans says, But I'm still in UNI
gypsycaine . o O ( question, please for the computer jockies.  what 
is an .rm file? )
gypsycaine . o O ( deals with a phone call. )
dai_evans says, Real media. Sound or movie in Real medea format
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai ... Still in UNI ... but using 
Stats in real world?
hert0661 says, It is the thought of finding a job that is scary - 
education has been my life so far and I at first thought about 
contiinuing it but have changed my mind!
hert0661 says, got to go!
dai_evans says, I took a year out
gypsycaine . o O ( so he needs rp to play it? )
hert0661 says, see people next weelk!
  gypsycaine says, bb!
  harry_potter00 says, Bye!
hert0661 says, or even week!
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
fizzwhizbee says, bye
dai_evans says, bye
hert0661 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye Simon, job hunting is less 
scarey when it actually happens than lookinf rofward
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Damn, missed him
  gypsycaine says, it is Rita?
  gypsycaine says, grins.
babynick34 leaves
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
babynick34 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I turned 43 last month, have been 
working for the same enterprise for 16 years, occasionally go job 
hunting in the fantasy that other places might not be so annoying
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, job hunting is always scarey, but 
least so when you already have a job
  harry_potter00 says, Everyone says things like that, but frankly 
when I look at my future I can't see much beyond education, there's 
Uni, Graduate school and then I'll be working on my doctorate, but 
that might be a little to much planing.  Maybe the wizards are lucky 
that they DON"T go to uni
Your buddy babynick34 leaves chat
babynick34 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I had only 6 years experience when I 
moved from NYC back home to LA and got this job
p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
babynick34 enters
fizzwhizbee says, Neither my husband nor I are working in the fields 
we originally trained for
babynick34 leaves
Your buddy babynick34 leaves chat
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves. 
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 6 years, 3 jobs
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, back to Arithmancy
dai_evans says, Hmmmm
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
babynick34 enters
fizzwhizbee says, Too bad we can't devine our future careers
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I vaguely wonder if it is a way to 
figure out how all the magical forces on a given spell will interact 
to make a result
  harry_potter00 says, How about whether one could make a career in 
Artihmancy, o
cassandraclaire73 enters
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Cassie
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Cassie 
cassandraclaire73 says, lo!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon has already left
cassandraclaire73 says, drat
  harry_potter00 says, I think it is something Iike that.
  harry_potter00 says, Oh, I Cassie
cassandraclaire73 says, hi...?
  gypsycaine fades into lurkerdom (phone)
€  babynick34 says, I think I'm back now... Yahoo Voice won't let me 
log back in again.  CheetaVoice does though.
  harry_potter00 says, Me?
cassandraclaire73 says, yep
  harry_potter00 says, Scott
cassandraclaire73 says,  
harry_potter00 :  //\\       //\\
harry_potter00 : //  (@  @) \\
harry_potter00 ://        ''       \\
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  harry_potter00 says, oops! What IS that?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can only think about Classical 
Physics or maybe Chemistry examples, Statics with adding up the 
forces in all angular directions to show how being held up by the 
hanger balances out being pulled down by gravity.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A pokemon owl?
cassandraclaire73 says, will simon return? i wanted to apologize...
  harry_potter00 says, I think he's left for the day...sorry?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon said he will be off-line for a 
week. He said he would only spend one minute with us but spent amost 
  harry_potter00 says, no question mark needed oops!
€  babynick34 says, Dee... do you want to hear the DID ?
  gypsycaine says, yep
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, apologize for something in DS? I 
haven't read ANY fanfic this week, too busy!
fizzwhizbee says, Something like aerogodamics, Rita?
cassandraclaire73 is away (Auto-Away)
€  babynick34 says, Ok... just to give everyone a chance.... will be 
attempting to broadcast Desert Island Discs using VOICE on CheetaChat 
in a min...
cassandraclaire73 is back.
cassandraclaire73 says, oh dear
cassandraclaire73 leaves
dai_evans says, Doesn;t sound much like aero to me
€  babynick34 says, If you want to hear... log in using Cheeta, and 
press Ctrl-V.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott, it was a macro to draw a little 
picture out of colorful typewriter characters, but apparently they 
don't show well on Yahoo, check it out in the chat transcript later
Your buddy crystalbruhja is on pager
gypsycaine                                         -   ====-_-======-_
gypsycaine          __      ___________       (_How Does_)
gypsycaine           ll        /_  ___       \      O   this thing  )
gypsycaine       ====    /@ \/@  \      \  o (_      work??? _)
gypsycaine          |  |      \__/\___/      /      -=-_-==-__-==-
gypsycaine          |  | /\\\\\ \_\/______/
gypsycaine         |__|      \\ /        /\\\\\
gypsycaine         ||   ||        \        |\\\\\\
gypsycaine       =====__|   \        \\\\\\\
gypsycaine   _____||_____   \______/\\\\\
gypsycaine /____________\   _||_||_
  harry_potter00 says, OK, thanks.  Oh that's cute.
  gypsycaine says, static-ee/
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was going to say after Statics, 
Dynamics, and after Dynamics, Red-Ox
€  babynick34 says, Dee - could you hear anything?
  gypsycaine says, Heard Jo, static, and quarter past 11.
  harry_potter00 says,   gypsycaine says, grins. 
  harry_potter00 says, oops
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dynamics: add up the forces, that 
pushed the object into motion, its momentum, velocity, its drag from 
friction, and feel out where it will stop
  gypsycaine chuckles madly.
€  babynick34 says, Ok, will keep attempting, give me prompts - such 
as louder, softer etc.
fizzwhizbee says, Dave, my husband, is an aero engineer
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, red-ox rhymes with Reebokss, nothing 
like John Bunyan's Big Blue Ox
dai_evans says, Hey haey, it's the day for aerospace engineers, 
called David
cassandraclaire73 enters
cassandraclaire73 says, crud
fizzwhizbee says, He works at Lockheed Martin
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie, it is always kicking yuu out 
like last week?
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah. ill just lurk a bit. ignore me.
€  babynick34 says, dee - is it better?
dai_evans says, Cool. I'm still a student
  harry_potter00 says, You said that you could hear DID in Cheeta by 
pressing Ctrl-V right?  well whenever I do it just says-   gypsycaine 
says, grins.
  gypsycaine says, it cuts in and out, and still is very staticy.
  gypsycaine says, chuckles..
  gypsycaine says, dear, ctrl v is pasting.
  gypsycaine says, ctrl c is copy.
  gypsycaine says, '
  harry_potter00 says, c
  harry_potter00 says, Ok, I'm feeling dumb
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And I feel sure that magical forces 
aren't so comprehensible, don't follow ordinary arithmetic rules
€  babynick34 says, orig. is very static.  cuttin/out due to me 
having to keep trying to press the button
€  babynick34 says, Beatles should be on.
fizzwhizbee says, We know there is some theory, cause Hermione thinks 
Harry should study it
fizzwhizbee says, So it's not just a collection of things that work
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, may have some way (which is consistent 
and logical so Hermione loves it) of computing the result that isn't 
any kind of arithmetic 
dai_evans says, Assuming they follow any rules at all... It could be 
all discreet cases.
  gypsycaine says, i know you... you know me...
  gypsycaine says, come toghetet
fizzwhizbee says, Then what is the theory?
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but it something like following a 
digit through its location in each of the long numbers written in the 
harry_potter00 says, Hey
dai_evans says, Sort of like history of Magic. Or Biology, lots of 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, except I'm not magic enough to imagine 
how that could be a consistent method
dai_evans says, Oh, yeah, figures are mentioned in PoA, so must be 
some consistent form
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe they use Hex  (hexadecimal) 
Maybe when HP looks closer at Hermione's homework, he will ask Why 
are there letters in your numbers?
fizzwhizbee says, Of course they could have theories which are 
generally accepted
dai_evans says, Perhaps theres just a load of Algebra
fizzwhizbee says, but are wrong headed: phlogiston, anybody?
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
cassandraclaire73 says, oh dear
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wrong headed, but internally 
consistent. Hermione wouldn't like it if it wasn't internally 
harry_potter00 leaves
harry_potter00 enters
dai_evans says, Harry_potter00's going to get motion sickness in a 
cassandraclaire73 says, i know the feeling...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *think* he's bouncing between Yahoo 
and Cheetah in an effort to hear Nick's broadcast
dai_evans says, Wouldn't she. It seems to me she just likes anything 
she's good at.
  harry_potter00 says, Yeah, I am but it's not exactly working...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick is broadcasting the JKR episode 
of Desert Island Discs of which some of us already read the transcript
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I don't remember where the 
transcript is posted
cassandraclaire73 says, is in in HP4GU?
dai_evans says, It should be on some where.All the DID 
transcripts are posted on there.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Hermione is good at anything 
which has a consistent theory or procedure and doesn't depend on 
physical skills she might not have
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (the last bit to rule out Quidditch) 
fizzwhizbee says, She's scared of heights
cassandraclaire73 says, is she?
dai_evans says, is the 
archive. But the Rowling interview hasn't been put on yet.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Her struggle with/against Trelawney's 
Divination is because there is no method to Trelawney's procedure
fizzwhizbee says, I'm thinking of her ride on Buckbeak
  harry_potter00 says, Speaking of Qudditch, does anyone except the 
Q. players even own a broomstick.
  harry_potter00 says, ?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, In book 1, she with HP clilmbed to the 
top of the tallest tower to get rid of Norbert
cassandraclaire73 says, Ron doesn't have one does he/
dai_evans says, Anyone above 1st year can have one.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I expect that many people other than 
the House Team members have broomsticks 
fizzwhizbee says, We don't know if she was looking down
cassandraclaire73 says, was that the astronomy tower?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ron left his old broomstick at home 
because it's so rotten (overtaken by passing butterflyes)
fizzwhizbee says, Yes, I think so
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Astronmomy Tower: I think so. 
cassandraclaire73 says, *giggles* the astronomy tower always shows up 
in fanfic..i couldn't remember it being in the books
  harry_potter00 says, I an sympathize thoough, I terribly afraid of 
High open places..
Your buddy betts_65656 is on pager
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 'every Wednesday at midnight, they 
observed the stars from the top of the highest tower' (not exact 
cassandraclaire73 says, my bad memory.
fizzwhizbee says, Ron is maybe hoping to inherit F or G's broom when 
they graduate
€  babynick34 says, Anyone know of any other ways of doing a good 
impression of Live Internet Radio?
€  babynick34 says, Sorry Dee... My finger was getting tired - I need 
something that auto presses the talk button.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hagrid's procedures of care of magical 
creatures is purely intuiitive, so even if there is internal 
consistency, he'd not awaare enough of it to teach his students
Your buddy daishas is on pager
cassandraclaire73 leaves
fizzwhizbee says, And Hermione complains about it
Your buddy jade_spyder is on pager
dai_evans says, There's an App called Roger Wilco that I used to use 
for Quake 3 teams games. I think the quality was pretty good. It's 
  gypsycaine says, it's ok, Nick.
  harry_potter00 says,  Hey everyone, I've got to go! 
fizzwhizbee says, Bye
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye Scott
dai_evans says, Yeah, me too. Bye all.
  harry_potter00 says, Bye!
harry_potter00 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye, Dai
fizzwhizbee says, Bye Dave
dai_evans leaves
  gypsycaine says, bb
peeves23 enters
peeves23 says, garootings, room
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
Your buddy betts_65656 is in games
jferer enters
fizzwhizbee says, Hi, jferer, do I know you?
jferer says, WE may have met here before...your handle seems familiar!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jeremy, Hi, Jim
jferer says, Hi, Rita, all.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon and Scott have been and gone
peeves23 says, hi rita
peeves23 says, caroline been in?
€  babynick34 says, Dee... think I'll have to give up.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, not unless it was before I got on -- I 
was late today
peeves23 says, ahh
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, a new person, Dai_Evans, showed up 
today and we discussed Statistics and Arithmancy, but did not ask him 
if he is related to Lily and Petunia 
peeves23 says, jolly good.
jferer says, He may be related and not know it...we may all have had 
Memory Charms at some time.
gypsycaine ºººººººººººººººººººº
jferer says, performed on us, I mean.
fizzwhizbee says, Harry has no living relatives! Except Dursleys
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, How close does one have to be a be a 
jferer says, Harry has no *known* living relatives.
jferer says, Well, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter are sixth cousins.
fizzwhizbee says, Granted...but then how would dai know he's related?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC my great-grandfather had siblings 
in Russia and Lithuania, my grandfather had a sibling who lived in 
England....  would their descendents be relatives of me?
New look.  Same great taste!  Try the Yahoo! Chat Client -

jferer says, I saw that item in the context of how close we all are, 
closer than we usually think.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Genealogy. If I got into genealogy as 
a hobby, I am sure I could find the names & birthdates of all my 
grandparents's siblings,
jferer says, If you ancestors came from the same part of the world, 
and you have the same name, you're probably....
jferer says, related *somehow*.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and then track down the descendents of 
the ones who lived in countries that keep records
fizzwhizbee says, Evans is a cognate of John, so you can't much go by 
babynick34 leaves
Your buddy babynick34 leaves chat
peeves23 says, evans is very common in england, anyway.
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
jferer says, Harry himself is probably related to Godric Gryffindor, 
for example.
fizzwhizbee says, Rita and I could be related
jferer says, At least, a lot of people believe it.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My mother's father was surnamed 
Drachman and his ancestors (his grandfather, I think) came from a 
village in Bavaria of which he knew thename but I don't remember it.
cassandraclaire73 enters
jferer says, Sure, why not?
jferer says, Hi, Cassandra. My ancestors were German on my father's 
side also.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And the 'first while child born in 
Arizona' was named Harry Arizona Drachman (same vintage as my 
grandparents) and his mother had done genealogy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, tracing the family to the SAME village 
in Bavaria
cassandraclaire73 says, eh? hi. *grrr* at yahoo.
jferer says, Sorry, Cassandra, I was carrying on two conversations in 
one line.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and he and my grandfather tried but 
could not find any documentation that their different Drachman 
ancestors in the same village had been related.
fizzwhizbee says, No Bavarians that I know of in my line.
fizzwhizbee says, We were Galitzianers
  gypsycaine says, Cherokee, Irish, English, German, Italian....
fizzwhizbee says, And what is now Ukraine
jferer says, Well, Bavarians are the fun-at-parties type Germans.
peeves23 says, <--of french & austrian stock
fizzwhizbee says, Prost!
cassandraclaire73 says, irish
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My father's father's people were (the 
garandfatehr I first mentioned) were mostly from Lithuania
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My father's mother was danish, a shiksa
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My mother's parents were German-Jewish 
of families that had been in USA since around 1840s
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I persauded my boss, friend Regina (a 
Filipina surnamed Lim) to come to my birthday party that some other 
friends threw for me.
cassandraclaire73 says, jeremy, that sounded like you dropped a brick 
on something.
peeves23 says, I was going to play something
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she watched us happily chat away 19 to 
the dozen and asked if we were related.
peeves23 says, but I got pm'd
cassandraclaire73 says, pm'? oh, play
jferer says, I got a voice error when I started chat so I can't 
fizzwhizbee says, My family, both sides came over 1900-1910, I think
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wickedly told her, yes, except for 
her and Tim, we are all descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob  
cassandraclaire73 says,  
fizzwhizbee says, That's what my Grandma told my mom to say when they 
were supposed
fizzwhizbee says, to trace their ancestry at school
cassandraclaire73 says, thankx jeremy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm going to have to go over the 
chatscript and write down everyone's ancestors, they went by too fast 
to see everyone's
peeves23 bows
cassandraclaire73 says, how did we get onto the topic of heritage?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I asked if Dai Evans was related to 
Lily and Petunia Evans
fizzwhizbee says, We were had a newbie named Evans
fizzwhizbee says, I can't type today. I've got a cold.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and poeple were eager for me to stop 
talking about Arithmancy <g>
cassandraclaire73 says, oh, dai....i didn't know he was new...
fizzwhizbee says, LOL, Rita
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, *sympathy* on cold
fizzwhizbee says, Thanks, Rita
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I asked if I knew him under another 
name, and he said 'Maybe from PoU'
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah he hangs around PoU..he is one of our 5 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So, Simon is NOT the only male!
cassandraclaire73 says, no, simon, keith, dai, colin, christian...
jferer says, I don't know...
  gypsycaine says, poor simon.
cassandraclaire73 says, john!
cassandraclaire73 says, that's it
  gypsycaine says, afk--turning on the tree.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what a bunch of British-sounding names
cassandraclaire73 says, simon suffers much.
fizzwhizbee says, Christian is Danish
jferer says, Well, this *is* a group about a Brit book about a Brit 
fizzwhizbee says, And Dai is really a Dave
  gypsycaine says, keith is Briton?
cassandraclaire73 says, keith is, yeah
cassandraclaire73 says, i feel bad for them all but they don't seem 
to mind being in the minority.
  gypsycaine says, (the name?  I always used it as an American name 
in my first attempts at stories)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (MANY names are both Brit and 
American, John for exmaple <g>.  Keith and Christian also)
fizzwhizbee says, Surrounded by beautiful clever women, why should 
they complain?
jferer says, Keith works well as an American name, it's neutral...
cassandraclaire73 says,   at pippin
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think I've ever met a Simon 
(as FIRST name) who was American born
cassandraclaire73 says, i think the leather gets them down after a 
jferer says, Not like Ian or Graham or Neville..
  gypsycaine says, Ian, I know is Briton, but I like it.  (Smiles)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My co-worker Simon is Armenian
cassandraclaire73 says, there are american simons...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ian is a madly popular name in USA 
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
babynick34 enters
  gypsycaine says, we had one in my first grade class.  Everyone 
teased him, and called him cinnamon.
  gypsycaine says, I know.
cassandraclaire73 says, am i the only one who can hear the music?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There are a lot worse things to be 
called than Cinnamon (my orange cats name) 
  gypsycaine sings, "I can hear music...."
fizzwhizbee says, I can't hear music (no cheetah)
jferer says, I haven't seen Ian here in the East, and I live in a 
rich community that adopts all the chic names...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' it would be said if the memory 
of bweing painfully teased in childhood made him dislke the spice
jferer says, Maybe it hasn't come here yet.
Your buddy spidergirluk is on pager
  gypsycaine says, (Larry Lurex, and no, hear my fish tank, not music)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, no eggnog, no gingerbread men
peeves23 says, Nick, you're breaking up
peeves23 says, I didn't hear a word of that
  gypsycaine says, i am buying egg nog this week.  Walking to the 
store tomorrow.
  gypsycaine says, smiles.
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can't remember if I've ever met a 
Colin who was American born
cassandraclaire73 says, Colin on our list is American,
fizzwhizbee says, Colin Powell?
  gypsycaine says, is the man from Deep Space english?  Colin?
babynick34 says, I've got no bandwidth - oh I wish the UK would hurry 
up and get affordable broadband.
peeves23 says, was mine breaking up too, cassandra?
jferer says, Colin Powell's parents were Jamaican.
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
peeves23 says, thinking about it, I am downloading at the same time, 
so it seems quite likely
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Wasn't Colin Powell born in the West 
Indies before his parents emigrated to USA? If he was born in USA 
(and eligible to be President), then I am wrong
cassandraclaire73 says, jeremy...yours got cut off at the end by 
nick's. i really liked it though...
cassandraclaire73 says, my boyfriend seems to like it. he keeps 
yelling "play more of that!"
peeves23 says, was my take on hendrix's purple haze. i actually can't 
stand it the way he does it, but there you go.
jferer says, Babynick, does the UK have much cable TV?
peeves23 says, lol
cassandraclaire73 says, im trying to explain to him it's not up to 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, David and Armineh named their son 
Michael Armin and Aram scolded them: "EVERY Armenian boy is named 
jferer says, My broadband access comes through the TV cable. Popular 
here in the US, easier than DSL.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, All the Armenian boys born in 
California and named Armin and Aram don't keep those from being 
foreign names
You have 3 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
Your buddy daishas has gone off pager
  gypsycaine says, that's what I have jen.
  gypsycaine goes over and bangs her head against the wall.
  gypsycaine is loosing her mind today.  (Sorry)
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
babynick34 leaves
babynick34 enters
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves. 
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine I am saving this chat to post in the egroup Harry Potter 
For Grown Ups Chatscripts for everyone to read; this is an annoying 
macro but it's saving my butt!
cassandraclaire73 says, i think every time i get an email i get 
booted out of chat. why on earth is that.
jferer says, I guess after Goblet of Fire and before Order of the 
Phoenix we don't have a lot of Harry to discuss, unfortunately.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fanfic
jferer says, Cassandra, try turning mail notification off when you're 
cassandraclaire73 says, ah! will do. and ill go turn review alert off 
on ffnet...
  gypsycaine says, afk....not for long.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Xmas decorations (Pippin's photos were 
so good!)
jferer says, Yes, fanfic, and I've got two in the works I have no 
time to finish.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, merchandise
cassandraclaire73 says, anyone read any decent fanfic...?
fizzwhizbee says, Oh, thank you, Rita. Credit to Dave and Mike who 
did the shooting.
cassandraclaire73 says, *grins at jeremy* i can kind of dance to this 
jferer says, Sometimes good fanfic, some just dreadful, some having 
the characters do stuff they'd never do.
babynick34 says, Merchandise - talking of which... Hedwig arrived a 
few days ago.
fizzwhizbee says, I like the way the city shows up in the Quidditch 
Your buddy damianablume has gone off pager
fizzwhizbee says, I liked Thing1's story and of course Teenage Witches
jferer says, I was disappointed with some of it.  I think the poster 
art is cheesy.
cassandraclaire73 says, gah, teenage witches. *hides from simon* how 
do you turn off mail notification?
jferer says, The wing broke off my daughter's Golden Snitch in no 
time, and she didn't mishandle it.
fizzwhizbee says, Do you think we could get Rave to draw an Xmas card 
for Jo?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Golden Snitch keychain?
cassandraclaire73 says, yay, jeremy.
Your buddy betts_65656 leaves games
cassandraclaire73 says, rave or starling, sure either of them would 
do it.
fizzwhizbee says, That would be so cool
jferer says, No, it was a snitch to put stuff in (very small stuff)
cassandraclaire73 says, hey rita, you don't think Lupin is handsome? 
*grins evilly*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dept 56 secret box?
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
Your buddy siriusgeologist is on pager
jferer says, Dept 56? I dunno.
p_dumbledore leaves
Your buddy p_dumbledore leaves chat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *might* be pursuaded to send her the 
one that Regina gave me for my birthday, as secretly the only part of 
it I like is the broomstick charm that I put on my kepring to pretent 
that I am dating a Q players
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
Your buddy siriusgeologist is in chat
siriusgeologist enters
cassandraclaire73 says, carole!
fizzwhizbee says, Which Q player?
siriusgeologist says, hi guys
jferer says, Rita, would you prefer to date a Keeper, a Chaser, a 
Beater, or a Seeker?
fizzwhizbee says, hi Carole
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie, what is 'handome'? What is 
beauty: the whole field of aesthetics in Philosophy
siriusgeologist says, hey...I made it
jferer says, Hi, Sirius.
cassandraclaire73 says, i thought truth was beauty.  i was just 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Carole
siriusgeologist says, what's today's topic?
cassandraclaire73 says, there seem to be many....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Shelley said 'Truth is Beauty, Beauty 
Truth, that is all you know on earth, and all you need to know' to 
the figures painted on a Grecian urn, not to mortal beings
  gypsycaine beats on her computer....(gimme a text, gimme a text!
jferer says, We don't have one, really
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, he said 'forever will he love, and she 
be fair'
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Someone said the topic was Trelawney
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
cassandraclaire73 says, well, human beauty i would iamgine is largely 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but we turned to Arithmancy
siriusgeologist says, ahhhhh...but we do have music...
cassandraclaire73 says, well, yes because they would never age (ode 
to a grecian urn) but anyway i was just teasing you about your Bryter 
Layter review
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I know!
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade has gone off pager
cassandraclaire73 says, hey...jeremy's music has words....that's 
peeves23 says, not mine, alas
peeves23 says, Velvet Underground - Candy Says
peeves23 says, from, I believe, their third album, the name of which 
I have irritatingly forgotten.
siriusgeologist says, I see we posted DS8...just now checking email...
cassandraclaire73 says, yes. Penny said it was okay so I posted it.
fizzwhizbee says, Oh, good. I can't wait
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Long long ago, before PSYCH TODAY went 
bankrupt and eventually returned as tabloid sleaze, it had  
jferer leaves
siriusgeologist says, I'm printing out now....
Your buddy betts_65656 has gone off pager
cassandraclaire73 says, just don't read the end first.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, a couple of articles on what human 
faces people think are beautiful
cassandraclaire73 says, i want more music. *kicks jeremy for no 
fizzwhizbee says, I don't think my screwy computer would let me print 
and chat
fizzwhizbee says, Netscape hates me
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and one factor that was shared across 
all ethnic groups and ages was Symmetrial features
siriusgeologist says, I down load to word then print from there
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, symmetrical
fizzwhizbee says, Netscape Hates Word
peeves23 says, bah. computer deciding to not work
peeves23 says, aha
cassandraclaire73 says, *dancing around again*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, while more recent studies have found 
that symmetry is the main thing that female starlings seek in male 
babynick34 is away (Auto-Away)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ... and I don't doubt his features are 
cassandraclaire73 says, so you don't think Lupin's features are 
symmetrical? *looks innocent*
babynick34 is back.
babynick34 says, Testers Wanted - attempting yet again.

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