Chat for 12-10-00
Simon Branford
simon.branford at ...
Mon Dec 11 01:22:14 UTC 2000
Connected! Sending login information...
Welcome to the club's chat room.
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You tell cf18_photo_on_profile Will be back later
You tell kgem_girl Will be back later
sineadsiobhan enters
hert0661isme says, hello
sineadsiobhan says, hi
sineadsiobhan says, how many people usually come in on Sunday?
voicelady_2000 enters
hert0661isme says, am eating dinner while writing this - hence why
I am saying so little
hert0661isme says, hello Jeralyn
sineadsiobhan says, hi
hert0661isme says, we have had up to 20 in here before now
hert0661isme says, usually get above ten in about 2 hours time
sineadsiobhan says, It's my first time in here... I usually post on
hert0661isme says, I just got in early so we can record it, in case
i go out in a while
hert0661isme says, incase you are unsure - I am Simon
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
sineadsiobhan says, Hello Simon!
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
hert0661isme says, am I right in saying that you are the Sinead
that has just asked me to appear in one of her stories?
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
sineadsiobhan says, Affirmative...
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
hert0661isme says, Voicelady seems to be having fun getting in
tonight - this sometimes happens to some people
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
sineadsiobhan says, I noticed her name blinking in and out... stuck
in the virtual revolving door
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
hert0661isme says, I have never seen it quite this bad before -
usually it only happens a couple of times
voicelady_2000 enters
sineadsiobhan says, So you live in England, right?
You tell horny_women_pic_on_my_profile Will be back later
hert0661isme says, Yes - Oxford as Student, Dorset during vacations
voicelady_2000 says, runs in and waves hello!
hert0661isme says, Are you staying this time?
voicelady_2000 says, Yahoo! is a pain in the you-know-what. I'll try
and stay.
hert0661isme says, I count that as 22 attempts!
sineadsiobhan says, I love England.. don't get to go too often..
voicelady_2000 says, That many? Really?
hert0661isme says, I think that must be an all time record
voicelady_2000 says, Holy cow!
hert0661isme says, It will be saved later for all to see
voicelady_2000 says, Ha ha!
hert0661isme says, I love England as well - and get lots of time to
spend here as well
voicelady_2000 says, Hi, Sinead.
sineadsiobhan says, Hi there...
voicelady_2000 says, How are you both today?
sineadsiobhan says, I'm perky today... enough hot coca to set me off
for the day
voicelady_2000 says, Sounds good!
hert0661isme says, I am fine - I though I was going to be quite
lonely today but arrived at church to find some more student mates
were still around to talk too, how about you?
voicelady_2000 says, I'm pretty good. It's a nice, lazy Sunday, and I
lways enjoy those.
hert0661isme says, that describes my day really - read a book and
have surfed the web after getting in and having BLT's for lunch
voicelady_2000 says, My "a" key is being rther quirky today. We're
making hotdogs and baked beans later.
sineadsiobhan says, yum.. hotdogs
voicelady_2000 says, With the works!
hert0661isme says, I have just had stuff from Burger King for
dinner and am now making a cuppa
voicelady_2000 says, I've got a cuppa at my left hand now!
sineadsiobhan leaves
hert0661isme says, had coke with my burger so did not need one
staight away
sineadsiobhan enters
voicelady_2000 says, Have you two read The Wild Swans yet?
sineadsiobhan says, mm can't wait to get home for the holidays... my
mother makes a mean shepherd's [pie
voicelady_2000 says, mmmmmm...
hert0661isme says, having problems with post system getting it to
me - problem due to it being christmas
hert0661isme says, hopefully it will be here soon
voicelady_2000 says, You'll love it - I guarantee.
sineadsiobhan says, Wild Swans?
voicelady_2000 says, Yeah, It's one of Peg's books.
sineadsiobhan says, I'll look for it christmas...
voicelady_2000 says, Splendid!
hert0661isme says, am trying to eat a satsuma and juice has just
spurted everywhere!
voicelady_2000 laughs out loud
sineadsiobhan says, I need more books to read for fun...left them all
at home
voicelady_2000 says, Where is home?
sineadsiobhan says, the school books aren't too interesting
sineadsiobhan says, Minnesota
voicelady_2000 says, Brrrrrr.
sineadsiobhan says, I'm in Massachusetts for school
voicelady_2000 says, Wht school do you attend?
sineadsiobhan says, Boston University
voicelady_2000 says, Nice school.
hert0661isme says, I have just finished 1984 and now need something
to read
sineadsiobhan says, too strict though about rules
hert0661isme says, read Philip Pullman's trilogy in the last two
weeks as well
sineadsiobhan says, Fake ID equals expellment
voicelady_2000 says, And did you enjoy it?
sineadsiobhan says, I loved 1984... I'm just finishing up A
Clergyman's Daughter
sineadsiobhan says, same author
foxdancer16 enters
voicelady_2000 says, I liked everything of his that I've read.
foxdancer16 says, hello!
voicelady_2000 says, Hi!
hert0661isme says, I liked the first two but was left dissapointed
with a large chunk of the third
foxdancer16 says, wow, it's been...over a month.
hert0661isme says, hello
foxdancer16 says, and now I
foxdancer16 says, argh, sorry
sineadsiobhan says, hi!
foxdancer16 says, and now I'm hopelessly behind on HP news.
sineadsiobhan says, I like meeting the posters... if I'm quiet.. that
means I'm just enthralled with the conversation
foxdancer16 says, plus I recognize two of you but can name only one.
Voicelady and...wait...Simon? (hopes she's right)
dejavu112 enters
foxdancer16 says, hi
hert0661isme says, hello
hert0661isme says, yep I am Simon
voicelady_2000 says, Yes - I'm Jeralyn.
dejavu112 says, Hello everybody
foxdancer16 says, yay...the one who keeps getting written in about
ten different fics, right?
foxdancer16 says, Hi,, who are you?
hert0661isme says, it is getting to be quite a number - and
promises of more
dejavu112 says, I am Nickolette, call me Nikki. I'm a lurker
foxdancer16 says, is it some sort of in-joke?
foxdancer16 says, Okay, hi, Nikki. I am a sorta-poster who was
temporarily exiled by my computer about a month ago.
hert0661isme says, It started out as Cassie saying thank you for me
putting up with all the females talking about the men in leather
voicelady_2000 says, Dontcha just hate when that happens?
hert0661isme says, but then rave added me into her fic and it has
snowballed from there
foxdancer16 says, Jeralyn, yes.
voicelady_2000 says, Mine was down for about 6 months a while back.
foxdancer16 says, (smirk) So, let's've been a drug addict,
a doctor, a pervert, various other characters..
hert0661isme says, a fashion designer
foxdancer16 says, oh, yes, Dracaena Draco
hert0661isme says, I am going to be a vampire
voicelady_2000 says, Cool - what fic?
foxdancer16 says, oooh
foxdancer16 says, btw, who was the 'he' you were talking about when I
came in?
hert0661isme says, Ginny the Vampire Slayer - written by Keith
dejavu112 says, Oh Keith is putting you in his fic too?
hert0661isme says, I was just about to say something about Philp
Pullman's trilogy
hert0661isme says, Yes as a prize for getting the PoU ref. in the
last fic of his
heiditandy enters
foxdancer16 says, I'm getting the Amber Spyglass for Christmas. As
well as Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu - I already have PS in
Japanese and in Finnish.
hert0661isme says, Heidi is writing me into her fic, I will be in
Dracaena Draco again, and Sinead is writing me into one of her stories
foxdancer16 says, hi, Heidi.
hert0661isme says, Hello Heidi
hert0661isme says, I wont say anything about it then!
sineadsiobhan says, Hi Heidi
dejavu112 says, Hello Heidi
foxdancer16 says, btw, for those on the PoU list - does anyone have
difficultires viewing the Cast Photo images after looking at more
than several of them?
hert0661isme says, I ignore most of them - have got bored with the
females going on about them (sorry)
foxdancer16 says, hehe...It
foxdancer16 says, sorry
foxdancer16 says, It's not a big deal, I was just curious to see what
other people's mental images were.
sineadsiobhan says, I really don't look at them...
heiditandy says, hi all - I was connected but couldnt type!
dejavu112 says, Neither do I
hert0661isme says, Hello - good chapter
hert0661isme says, I do not think I gave it a very serious review
(sorry about that)
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
hert0661isme says, 23 times
foxdancer16 says, who wrote a good chapter?
voicelady_2000 says, I think I'll just say goodbye, before yahoo!
screws with me again. Bye!
foxdancer16 says, bye
voicelady_2000 leaves
hert0661isme says, sorry meant 21 times
foxdancer16 says, (is quietly confused)
hert0661isme says, Heidi - fic called Surfeit of Curses
sineadsiobhan says, Surfeit of Curses? That's a really good story!
foxdancer16 says, ooh, lemme take a look.
heiditandy says, thanks! so much!
sineadsiobhan says, (one of the quiet readers that needs to get into
the habit of reviewing)
heiditandy says, (sorry if I seem delayed - my mom is over & we're
doing MAJOR cleaning)
hert0661isme says, I do review - but am usually unsure of anything
helpful to say otehr than that was good
sineadsiobhan says, I was just talking to my sister earlier..why I
was quiet..
sineadsiobhan says, and mother gets a little upset if I don't reply
in 5 seconds or less
hert0661isme says, have been eating dinner, then making and
drinking tea and now brushing teeth
hert0661isme says, my mother has given up worrying - I usually take
about a week to respond!
sineadsiobhan says, mm.. I'm just thinking about drinking Barry's
Tea... I need to do grocery shoping!
sineadsiobhan says, (P key is a little stuck right now)
hert0661isme says, I went out to burger king as I had to little
food or inclination to cook (apart from having the same as I had for
lunch today and dinner last night)
dejavu112 says, I had soup
sineadsiobhan says, All I had was a bag of crisps and MandMs.. not
foxdancer16 says, I just had rice, rillette, and salad.
dejavu112 says, It wasn't every good, and with out bread soup just
isn't the same
Yahoo! Chat client is ready for primetime!
dejavu112 says, even* not every, god I should stop trying to do more
then three things at once
hert0661isme says, I had choccie cossiants for breakfat, BLT crisp
and chocolate for lunch and burger fries and satsuma for dinner
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
sineadsiobhan says, mm.. stop with the food! the closest food source
I have is the vending machine
sineadsiobhan says, and it has junk food...
sineadsiobhan says, not good not good
sineadsiobhan says, and I'm just picturing my mom's shepherd's pie in
my head right now
sineadsiobhan says, and potatoes mmmm...
hert0661isme says, be careful which messages you read on the group -
we are talking Christmas Dinner (or mice pies) over there
dejavu112 says, Mice pies?
sineadsiobhan says, Mince pies? MINCE PIES? :::starts slavering::
hert0661isme says, Neil mistyped and missed out the n
dejavu112 says, Oh mince pies, jeez you scared me there for a second
hert0661isme says, and inevitably it has led to a discussion of
mice pies, waht you serve them with and rat-ona-stick
heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
foxdancer16 says, hey, what's Heidi's author penname on FFN?
foxdancer16 says, dear, dear, that would be a terrible end for Peter
hert0661isme says, heidi tandy
foxdancer16 says, ah. Simple enough.
heiditandy is back.
heiditandy says, I use my real name : )
sineadsiobhan says, Christmas pudding is always good
hert0661isme says, rat-ona-stick is a Terry Pratchett quote!
hert0661isme says, I use my character name (have not and do not
intend to write any stories)
sineadsiobhan says, even when it's doused with brandy and put on fire!
foxdancer16 says, argh
hert0661isme says, rat or christmas pud?
sineadsiobhan says, Christmas Pudding
foxdancer16 says, error with search, approximately when
was Surfeit of Curses written?
hert0661isme says, thought I better check
hert0661isme says, the latest chapter went up earlier today
heiditandy says, i put up the most recent biy today
foxdancer16 says, okay, thanks
sineadsiobhan says, I doubt the rat'll burn that well
hert0661isme says, also findale on
foxdancer16 says, Rat Flambé
heiditandy says, isn't rat flambe what happened in the
sineadsiobhan says, No no... Rats Foster.. carmelized rat...
dejavu112 says, Deep fry him
You tell xf18_photo_on_profile Will be back later
hert0661isme says, burnt to a crisp is the techincal description
sineadsiobhan says, (Remembering grocery shopping in Belfast...Marks
and Spencers)
sineadsiobhan says, Spencer*
hert0661isme says, friend is not back yet and I want to watch
something on tele in a few minutes
sineadsiobhan says, So, is Oxford hard? At BU, there's a honors
programme to go to Oxford
You tell zshe_19 Will be back later
sineadsiobhan says, for study abroad
sineadsiobhan says, (trying to get room going again)
hert0661isme says, The problem I have with answering that question
is I have nothing to compare it to
hert0661isme says, I work as hard as I need to but have little idea
about how much work I would have to do if I was elsewhere
hert0661isme says, It can be very tiring
hert0661isme says, terms are only 8 weeks but an awful lot of stuff
is packed into that time
foxdancer16 says, hey, question - are Jason Fraser and Keith Fraser
hert0661isme says, doubt it - one is Aussie with one sister and the
otehr is Scottish
heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
foxdancer16 says, okay, just wondering, because I know (or used to
know) Jason.
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
hert0661isme says, in the last week of term I only had 45 hours
sleep but it was split as 8, 5, 5, 5, 10, 6 and 6 hours sleep
hert0661isme says, just over 6 hours a night on average!
sineadsiobhan says, At least you got more sleep than me!
hert0661isme says, you had exams?
sineadsiobhan says, Its coming up this week
sineadsiobhan ::taking a much needed break::
hert0661isme says, Also, I only have two lots of exams that count
towards my end grade (one set last summer another set this summer)
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, bringing myself back, just ignore this
hert0661isme says, which puts alot of pressure on performing well
for just a few days
sineadsiobhan says, My first exam is an essay one.. a good start to
my exam week
sineadsiobhan says, (they don't start til Thursday)
hert0661isme says, basically you can make Oxford as hard as you
want - if you want to do nearly nothing then you can get away with it
but you will probably end up failing
hert0661isme says, also you can work almost every minute of every
day if you want
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Meow
hert0661isme says, but if you do not have the skill you will not
get the top grades - no matter how hard you work
hert0661isme says, Hello Cat
sineadsiobhan says, its hard to even get a B grade on tests.. I got
Bs on my last exams
dejavu112 says, Hi catlady
hert0661isme says, I scraped a 2:1 at the end of last year
hert0661isme says, but have to work hard this year to keep it there
hert0661isme says, there are weeks this term when I have ben unable
to answer any of the questions on my problem sheets - not a haapy
foxdancer16 says, hi, Rita
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
sineadsiobhan says, I'm a fresher.. so I'm thinking this exam is alot
hert0661isme says, you always end up thinking the next lot of exams
are the hardest and the last lots were not actually, on reflection,
as bad as you thought they would be!
sineadsiobhan says, you sure?
hert0661isme says, just about
sineadsiobhan says, Then I'll study harder then
hert0661isme says, I havent come to that conclusion about finals
yet but the rest of my exams I have!
siriusgeologist enters
siriusgeologist says, hi there
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Carole
sineadsiobhan says, I have a question... what does the star next to
my name mean?
hert0661isme says, I might be sliping off to either talk or watch
tele - one of my friends is back but have not worked out which yet!
hert0661isme says, Hello Carole
siriusgeologist says, we have a big crowd for so early
hert0661isme says, I popped in early to get ready and lots joined
siriusgeologist says, I have one next to my name...I think its to let
you know who you are..
You tell cf18_photo_on_profile Will be back later
hert0661isme says, Voicelady has been and gone - trouble with yahoo
it kicked her out 21 times so she gave up in teh end!
sineadsiobhan says, I was afraid Yahoo would give me trouble.. it
gave me trouble in sept with the mail
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The star next to your own name must be
in Yahoo! Chat
siriusgeologist says, ohhh I missed her...
sineadsiobhan says, Gosh darn it.. I was just beginning to feel
siriusgeologist says, well you are a star on your own
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Here in Cheetah, it's just that your
own name is in blue and everyone else's is in red
sineadsiobhan says, You're Carole of ASA right?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and we all get to see our avatars
siriusgeologist says, yep...are you the sinead from bu
sineadsiobhan says, Yep.. we need to get coffee!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bu?
dejavu112 says, lol
sineadsiobhan says, Boston U
sineadsiobhan says, The school I go to..
siriusgeologist says, yes! I lost track of your
bout that snow!
sineadsiobhan says, The snow is nothing compared to Minnesota
sineadsiobhan says, MA people are wimps.. all bundled up in this kind
of weather
foxdancer16 says, hello to anyone I've forgotten to say hello to.
siriusgeologist says, hi there...I've lived the last 20 years in
Florida or Arizona so I'm one of those wimps
siriusgeologist says, I'm here in my long underwear with a space
heater on
sineadsiobhan says, Heck.. I could even go swimming in this weather..
but I'm not THAT crazy
siriusgeologist says, Eeeeek.....swimming!
dejavu112 says, Oh its pretty warm today, up to 48 already
sineadsiobhan says, Yeah.. I've gone in the hot tub before when there
was 7 inches of snow....
sineadsiobhan says, had to run pretty fast in the snow barefooted
siriusgeologist says, Now I've done that ski places....
siriusgeologist says, how much longer will you be in mass before the
christmas break?
sineadsiobhan says, I leave the 21st
siriusgeologist says, where are you dejavu...and who are you...I
don't remember?
hert0661isme says, back again
siriusgeologist says, 48 sounds wonderful
hert0661isme says, can say a proper hello to et al. now
siriusgeologist says, hey simon
hert0661isme says, sounds a bit hot! - working in different units
to everyone else!
siriusgeologist says, 48...hmmm converting to C....
hert0661isme says, still no sign of frined with tele - getting
close to 9pm as well!
hert0661isme says, about 10C I think
dejavu112 says, I am a lurker on PoU and HP4Grownups, my name is
Nickolette, call me nikki.
hert0661isme says, just under (50F is 10C)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did ffnet's search break for other
people or just for me?
siriusgeologist says, yes...I just calculated 8
siriusgeologist says, hi nikki
fizzwhizbee enters
fizzwhizbee leaves
sineadsiobhan says, For me it only searches for the author
sineadsiobhan says, won't search for the story
Stuck at the office? Messenger lets you chat through firewalls!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, it blew up on a couple of title
searches, so I tried an author serach and that blew up too.l
sineadsiobhan says, carole, have you and Penny ever met?
hert0661isme says, author is working for me but title is not
siriusgeologist says, no...and we've only spoken on the phone once.
We were planning to try to meet sometime
foxdancer16 is away (Auto-Away)
sineadsiobhan says, you two collaberate so well on ASA
siriusgeologist says, thanks...we do a lot of instant messaging...and
we do tend to think a lot alike
heiditandy leaves
hert0661isme says, sorry I did not review (or say anything
sensible) - the chapter arrived only a little while before I went
home and so I did not have time and now I am back there are far too
many other stories and draco's death to talk about!
siriusgeologist says, oh its never to late to comment favorably on a
fizzwhizbee enters
hert0661isme says, Hello
fizzwhizbee leaves
sineadsiobhan says, I should review more often...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Yahoo is giving her aggravation
dejavu112 says, Hmm, didn't some one just enter? Or am I seeing
hert0661isme says, I liked it - especially as a bit more happened
and we had less of the mushy romance nonsense!
sineadsiobhan says, I'm too quiet or too busy to review
siriusgeologist says, yes...these next chapters are not the romance
sineadsiobhan says, I'm a romantic at heart but its nice to see some
adventure as well
hert0661isme says, thanks - got a bit bored a few weeks ago when
ASA and DS were all romance stuff and STNE was not much better
hert0661isme says, I just prefer a bit more of the fighting and
action stuff
You tell xmasdatinggal Will be back later
siriusgeologist says, well...ASA is going to court...there won't be
much more fighting and action...but maybe some suspense
sineadsiobhan says, Thats a typical male.. action and fighting
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon -- I read in newspaper once that
these girly romance novel series are Popular with Men in Saudi Arabia
siriusgeologist says, I like the romamce stuff...its easier for me to
dejavu112 says, I agree to an extent Simon, some fics tend to over to
do the romance
catlady_de_los_angeles says, because their censorship laws are so
strict that mushy romances are the closest thing to pornography that
they can get
sineadsiobhan says, Of course I'm a typical female.. squishy
hert0661isme says, I dont think that the romance goes ott or
anything like that but I have more interest in the action stuff (PoU
ch 14)
flying_ford_anglia enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nikki, there is obviously a market for
Harlequin Romances, Candlelight Romances, and I can't remember all
the names,
hert0661isme says, Hello mice pie man!
dai_evans enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Presumably, there is some crossover
between that large maket of romance readers and HP fandom
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello!
hert0661isme says, hello dai
dai_evans says, Hi there
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm on Cheetachat tonight...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, who would think that a fic CAN"T
overdo on romance!
siriusgeologist says, I now know where BU is...I will email you later
tonight...since you don't have a car is there somewhere easy to find
around you?
dejavu112 says, Hello Neil, Dia.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil. Hi, Dai
siriusgeologist says, hi neil...hi dai...thanks for the comments
about ASA
sineadsiobhan says, Theres a T nearby
dejavu112 says, I would Rita
dai_evans says, Thats ok, think I upset afew people
flying_ford_anglia says, I tried to change my Avatar, but it
didn't work....
siriusgeologist says, not me...
dai_evans says, good, Who are you btw?
hert0661isme says, Some of the messages have got a little stupid
siriusgeologist says, not sure what cassie and rave were on about...
dai_evans says, Yeah
You tell xhot_girl_mmm Will be back later
siriusgeologist says, carole of ASA
sineadsiobhan says, Hmm.. I'm very close to major spots
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, I DID NOT appreciate that remark
about a sauce of strangled cat
dai_evans says, OK cool. Glad to meet you (virtually)
siriusgeologist says, I'm looking at a T map...
flying_ford_anglia says, Sorry Rita!
siriusgeologist says, sorry I was disguised under my yahoo name
flying_ford_anglia says,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Before that, I had been going to
mention that I have a needlepoint pattern for a happy cat cook
presenting a mouse pie
catlady_de_los_angeles says, There is a mouse peeking up from
segment, and mouse tails to pull on sticking out of the others
flying_ford_anglia says, Mmmmm - sounds tasty
dejavu112 says, Ack, Neil think you can change your colour a little?
I can't read the yellow
flying_ford_anglia says, How's this?
hert0661isme says, pink!
siriusgeologist says, I was just going to say that
siriusgeologist says, much better
dejavu112 says, Thank you
sineadsiobhan says, much better
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which in turn reminded me of a Beatrix
Potter story in which Miss so and so the cat invites Miss sos and so
the little black dog to tea
fizzwhizbee enters
hert0661isme says, hello
fizzwhizbee leaves
sineadsiobhan says, Blues better but I'm too lazy to change colour
dejavu112 says, Ah its the phantom person again
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm playing with the settings...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the little black dog demonstrates
her desperate silliness by freaking out over the fear of being served
mouse pie
hert0661isme says, thats 3 drop outs for fizz and a mere 21 earlier
for voicelady - yahoo is doing well tonight!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, fizzwhizzbee is Pippin foxmoth Rosemary
catlady_de_los_angeles says, On Yahoo chat, you should be able to
change your color just with a drop down menu right over the window
you type text in.
hert0661isme says, I can remember that - and also decided to have
the chat list up for easy reference (thankis for that Rita)
sineadsiobhan says, I'm just too lazy to change colour.. even though
it's one click away
dejavu112 says, Does this colour look okay?
siriusgeologist says, I like black...I can see it without my glasses
hert0661isme says, I am not a fan of teh pretty colours - find them
difficult to read
siriusgeologist says, I like the green
sineadsiobhan says, green's fine
dejavu112 says, Its a little too...fuzzy for my tastes but it will do.
dejavu112 says, The on going search for the perfect colour green...
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm trying blue now...
hert0661isme says, nicer
flying_ford_anglia bows gracefully.
flying_ford_anglia bonks himself on the head.
sineadsiobhan says, I could use white but that'd be too difficult
hert0661isme laughs hysterically.
dejavu112 says, Just slightly
flying_ford_anglia says, We could imagine what you were saying...
hert0661isme says, hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nikki isn't on Yahoo, therefore cannot
use color fade to design the perfect green from its RGB co ordinates
dee_97527 enters
flying_ford_anglia steams in silence.
hert0661isme says, hello
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
dee_97527 says, Howdy, all
fizzwhizbee enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, a color fade of one color wouldn't fade
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Diann
catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Pippin, did you get in this time?
fizzwhizbee says, Hi
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi Diann
fizzwhizbee says, I hope so
siriusgeologist says, hi all
hert0661isme says, in this time Pippin?
heiditandy enters
Chicks dig Yahoo! Messenger -
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon says (!) that voicelady was
kicked out 21 times and gae up
dee_97527 says, Dennis is out of town again.
heiditandy leaves
fizzwhizbee says, Yes, my system kept quitting, so I switched
heiditandy enters
heiditandy leaves
sineadsiobhan says, Hi... I'm a first timer in here..
hert0661isme says, 21 attempts for Jeralyn, 3 for Pippin and a
couple for Heidi!
siriusgeologist says, heidi seems to be coming and going as well
heiditandy enters
dejavu112 says, Hello pippin
heiditandy leaves
fizzwhizbee says, Maybe my system was innocent, but Netscape kept
fizzwhizbee says, Hi all
flying_ford_anglia says, Good evening
sineadsiobhan says, I hope this computer doesn't quit on me... its
the only one I have here
fizzwhizbee says, Any one know why people get bounced?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil misses Denise so much that he
bonked himself on the head
foxdancer16 is back.
foxdancer16 says, hey, guys, gtg...sorry I'm vanishing like this, and
maybe in a coupla weeks I'll be able to *gasp* post again.
dai_evans is away (Auto-Away)
foxdancer16 says, bye!
sineadsiobhan says, bye
dai_evans is back.
fizzwhizbee says, bye
flying_ford_anglia says, Bye
dai_evans says, Wrong button
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by bye Firebolt
dejavu112 says, bye
foxdancer16 leaves
dai_evans says, bye
flying_ford_anglia says, I had to try the bonk
dai_evans says, too late
catlady_de_los_angeles reveals how to create YOUR OWN 'emotions'
catlady_de_los_angeles thinks maybe Yahoo meant E-MOTIONS
catlady_de_los_angeles says, you just type a colon as the first
character of your text
flying_ford_anglia : / (_________,--------------.
flying_ford_anglia : [ ]_________| Bopper ss |
flying_ford_anglia : ) (ssssss ` --------------'
flying_ford_anglia : '-' Its Head bopping time
dejavu112 says, wow this is quite confusing people leaving people,
comeingToo bad, I'm too lazt to download cheeta
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The bopper macro picture doesn't look
like much
dejavu112 says, ack, evil double post
hert0661isme flames Neil for being silly
flying_ford_anglia says, Neil was covered in brandy and singes off
Simon's eyebrows
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' there is something so feline
about the phrase IT'S HEAD BOPPING TIME
hert0661isme says, doh!
fizzwhizbee says, Hey guys, I had an idea
siriusgeologist says, ooo an idea?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Alpha moggy bops beta moggy on the
fizzwhizbee says, You are always complaining about the girls drooling
over Draco
flying_ford_anglia emotions?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, eaNeil misses Denise so much that he
bonked himself on the head
smitster1 enters
fizzwhizbee says, So I thought of an AU
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I didn't mean time to repeat myself
hert0661isme says, Hello
sineadsiobhan says, (rather drool over Harry than Draco)
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
fizzwhizbee says, Where that character is female. Whatdyathink?
flying_ford_anglia thinks he's getting the picture...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Alternate Universe? Simon drooling
over FLeur?
fizzwhizbee says, Au = alternatue universe
hert0661isme says, Ginny - see picture that was posted for Keith's
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Draco being drooled on is
Cassandra Claire's Draco.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm 43 and he's 16, but *I* drool
siriusgeologist says, Dracoette?
fizzwhizbee says, Draciana
sineadsiobhan says, there's a Draconita on
dejavu112 says, Why not just Draca?
siriusgeologist says, I like that name better
flying_ford_anglia says, Draconette
dejavu112 says, there's a Draca on too
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draca sounds too much like Dracula
hert0661isme says, It is more the long time lack of males on the
group that got to me
hert0661isme says, talking PoU with my last comment"
dejavu112 says, Draconette sounds to much like rasionette (sp)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lucius would go omre for a fully Latin
name for his daughter than adding an -ette or something to a Latin
flying_ford_anglia says, I knew a guy called Dragon and his mother
was called Dragona
flying_ford_anglia says, no kidding
dejavu112 says, I know a girl named Sunshine
sineadsiobhan says, -a is a Latin root.... (took latin class and
ended up being Viola)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Before the Los Angeles Center Theater
went bankrupt, their prop master was named Cat Dragon
flying_ford_anglia says, Dracey
fizzwhizbee says, Dracey is good
catlady_de_los_angeles says, When she was inteviewed in the local
newspaper, it was revealed that Dragon was her ex=husband's realio
trulio surname
sineadsiobhan says, Drake?
fizzwhizbee says, Drake is too masculine, imho
dee_97527 is away (Auto-Away)
hert0661isme says, Drake is used by Harry as Draco's name in one
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and her first name, Catherine, was
changed to Cat by the first prop master she interned with, who
already had a Cathy and a Kate on his staff
siriusgeologist says, I like Draca...or to get a bit silly Dracalena
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Allegra
sineadsiobhan says, Drachma?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Lori's Allegra as a young woman)
flying_ford_anglia says, Dracueesha...
fizzwhizbee says, Allegra is a Malfoy?
flying_ford_anglia says, talk to the hand...
dai_evans says, definately not a malfoy
dai_evans says, Doesn't make any sense
flying_ford_anglia says, ...or Dracine. I'll stop now.
fizzwhizbee says, Are the other female Draco stories any good?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know if Allegra is related to
the Malfoys. Her prancing around in a black velvet catsuit
saying "Look at what you missed out on"
catlady_de_los_angeles says, doesn't indicate the type of total
self-confidence, confidence that one is being by others, that Malfoy
have or fake.
dai_evans says, I think it was Hagrid who said that pretty much
everyone in the wizard world is related to each other because it is
such a relatively small community.
fizzwhizbee says, He did?
dee_97527 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I was thinking, which female is
gorgeous and has a nasaty sarcastic tongue
dai_evans says, Think so. I don't remember where but I have a feeling
he did.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, thus, Allegra
siriusgeologist says, aside to sinead....can you get to a commuter
rail line or just the subway T
flying_ford_anglia kisses and hugs
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Who?
sineadsiobhan says, I think I can.. I'm not sure.. I've only taken
Red, Green, and Orange lines
flying_ford_anglia says, everyone
catlady_de_los_angeles says, kisses and hugs can be NOUNS or they
can be TRANSITIVE Verbs, butnot Intransitive
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh! Big grroup hug!
fizzwhizbee says, AWwwww
dai_evans says, Arrrr, I feel all warm and mushy inside
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which is signalled by someone
shouting "Let's squish!"
smitster1 is away (Auto-Away)
sineadsiobhan says, Eeek.. I just got kissed and hugged by a complete
flying_ford_anglia says, It's assumed to be transitive
fizzwhizbee says, We're Californians, some of us, we will kiss and
hug *anything*
catlady_de_los_angeles winks
siriusgeologist says, I see where the gree line goes, its a subway might be complicated to get the subway then to a commuter
rail line...
flying_ford_anglia says, I normally shake hands.... I don't know
what came over me...
fizzwhizbee says, Christmas spirit?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You are being taken over by the spirit
of ..... Professor Trelawney?
dai_evans says, Several pints of it.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, was she kissy like a theater type?
siriusgeologist says, I can probably get to you easier than you can
get to me...the subway doen's even come near where I live...
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm as sober as a judge
cassandraclaire73 enters
dai_evans says, Any judge in particular?
sineadsiobhan says, Hmm.. I've only lived here a couple of months..
the furthest I;ve gotten was to Alewife
hert0661isme says, Hello Cass
flying_ford_anglia says, Judge Pickles
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Cassie
fizzwhizbee says, Hagrid is probably the most
demonstrative...Hermione hugs sometimes
dai_evans says, Hi
hert0661isme says, time for a flamethrower?
cassandraclaire73 says, hallo doctor brandfrord
fizzwhizbee says, Hi Cassie
cassandraclaire73 says, rita...everyone
siriusgeologist says, hi cassie
dejavu112 says, Hello Cassie
cassandraclaire73 says, flamethrower...?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They want to know the name of female
siriusgeologist says, eeek where is Alewife?
cassandraclaire73 says, pardon?
sineadsiobhan says, On the red line.. at the end of the line
sineadsiobhan says, took it to mass gen once
siriusgeologist says, I'm way down near rhode Island
hert0661isme says, aimed at you for my appearance in Draco Dexter -
even though someelse admitted that they wrote it!
This voice chat rocks!
siriusgeologist says, aha..I see it
cassandraclaire73 says, thats because i told them you were going to
kill me
cassandraclaire73 says, i introduced your character...but i didn't
mean for it to go THAT way
flying_ford_anglia says, I can't drink alcohol or caffeine today...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I haven't gotten around to asking
whether the (heterosexual) men REALLY get as hot and bothered by a
cool sarcastic women who looks down on them as (het) women for the
male equivalent
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil: colon cancer test?
flying_ford_anglia says, I have a health screen tomorrow.
cassandraclaire73 says, rita: good question. id think no.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'd think no. But there WAS Mrs.
cassandraclaire73 says, well, the whole femme fatale thing
cassandraclaire73 says, they're often pretty scornful and sarcastic
fizzwhizbee says, Oh I was just going to mention Mrs. Peel
cassandraclaire73 says, i think we're all attracted to self
confidence in a way
fizzwhizbee says, And there's Milady in the Three Musketeers
hert0661isme says, I ended up ignoring Ginny - can I ask for a
retype (like a recount but more useful!)
flying_ford_anglia says, Seven of Nine
cassandraclaire73 says, next chapter you can spend more time with
Ginny. and the syrup.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think we're all attracted to self
confidence ... Mis Manners said there is only one thing that stays
the same between business manners and real manners, it just changes
its name
hert0661isme says, can we replaced the syrup as well please - do
not like it!
sineadsiobhan says, Simon: and ask for another retype... and
another.. (now an old joke here)
cassandraclaire73 says, i was thinking of bringing you back in DS to
treat Lupin
fizzwhizbee says, What doooo you like
catlady_de_los_angeles says, from 'confidence' in business
to 'charm' in social life
sineadsiobhan says, Hi Cass!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but Not all self-confidence cuts down
other people
cassandraclaire73 says, hi sinead!
hert0661isme says, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
cassandraclaire73 says, there is something attractive about cutting
with though
flying_ford_anglia leaves
flying_ford_anglia enters
cassandraclaire73 says, cutting wit, not cutting with
cassandraclaire73 says, jeez
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes
cassandraclaire73 says, simon, how about marmite?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Let him have chocolate mousse
catlady_de_los_angeles says, he
cassandraclaire73 says, hummous.
hert0661isme says, even worse - honey is quite nice, maybe cream or
ice cream!
dai_evans says, Or Guinness
catlady_de_los_angeles says, s a nice boychild
cassandraclaire73 says, guiness! thats it.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ice cream would be very cold on the
hert0661isme says, Guiness is nice
dai_evans says, The mans choice
cassandraclaire73 says, simon is fairly well behaved. he is also now
in about 8 fics.
hert0661isme says, I am a fashion designer!
sineadsiobhan says, Ugh.. guinness... I'd rather have a Bailey's with
dai_evans says, I keep getting PMs for porn sites. Is there a way to
stop it?
cassandraclaire73 says, and a doctor and a drug addict and in heidi's
sineadsiobhan says, dai: just ignore them
hert0661isme says, an option in the setting somewhere
dai_evans says, Cheers
hert0661isme says, not to mention a vampire soon!
cassandraclaire73 says, oh yes! i forgot
catlady_de_los_angeles says, There is some setting, I think in
Yahoo Caht it's on Profile, that you can set to refuse PMs from
anyone not on your friends list
flying_ford_anglia says, Is there a limit on message length? How
can I alter it?
dai_evans says, Yeah I've sorted it now.
hert0661isme says, message length for where?
siriusgeologist says, ooo he gets to be a vampire!
hert0661isme says, thanks to Keith
cassandraclaire73 says, i think he bites ginny!
cassandraclaire73 says, carole, put him in ASA!
hert0661isme says, I think I get killed by Ginny
dai_evans says, Oh rah!!!
flying_ford_anglia says, Messages here - it told me mine was too
long, but it was quite short
cassandraclaire73 says, He can be...the judge at sirius' trial
siriusgeologist says, ooo thats a good idea
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil: double entendre
hert0661isme says, please??????????
sineadsiobhan says, (is laughing too hard to comment)
cassandraclaire73 says, or he could be....Hermione's hairdresser.
cassandraclaire73 says, Harry's travel agent?
siriusgeologist says, you'd have to be old and wise thought
cassandraclaire73 says, Jeralyn's ex?
hert0661isme says, I struggle on both of those!
fizzwhizbee says, Allegra's Master!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie: Vampires .... 'vamps' like
Theda Bara ... is that an example of men fancying a woman who is
cutting them down?
siriusgeologist says, hmmmm thats another idea
cassandraclaire73 says, yes! finally we know who the Master is!
siriusgeologist says, master simon?
dejavu112 says, LOL
catlady_de_los_angeles says, not very plausible
fizzwhizbee says, Simon says! Hah!
cassandraclaire73 says, rita: I think so. i still think it';s more
prevalent the other way..but look at "the last seduction"
hert0661isme says, I deny it (while sneaking out a wand to cast a
memory charm so you all forget!)
cassandraclaire73 says, *sings* Simon is the Master...
You tell zshe_19 Will be back later
cassandraclaire73 says, you know I now have one cat named Simon and
one cat named Draco. It is very entertaining.
sineadsiobhan says, Simon's too nice to be the master...
catlady_de_los_angeles sings 'what a disaster!"
siriusgeologist says, eeek my family wants to go christmas shopping
cassandraclaire73 says, noo, stay
flying_ford_anglia says, I bought a sextant as a present today...
sineadsiobhan says, Tell 'em they should have gone Christmas shopping
in September
hert0661isme says, I am not the boss! (only makes sense if you were
in church with me this morning - but I guess none of you were)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I keep getting distracted from
nominating the young (in the past) Allegra to be turned into the
female equivalent of hotty Draco
cassandraclaire73 says, Lori and I have talked about hooking them two
catlady_de_los_angeles says, as being the female who is gorgeous
and vicious and dominant
cassandraclaire73 says, when we're not writing Harry/Allegra lemon
dai_evans says, Oh go on...
siriusgeologist says, Allegra and Draco? cool
cassandraclaire73 says, works for me.
dai_evans says, How much evil can you fit into 1 box?
cassandraclaire73 says, draco's not evil.
hert0661isme says, if you say so!
dai_evans says, Oh he is. You know it really.
cassandraclaire73 says, simon, on the other hand...
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah he is.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, He outdoes her: she pranced around in
her black velvet catsuit saying "See what you're missing" -- a sign
that she is not really totally confident of her superiority,
desirabolity, etc
sineadsiobhan says, No he's not...Evilness is ending with a
cliffhanger... :::scowl:::
cassandraclaire73 says,
hert0661isme says, I am just after one of the women (or on previous
messages all of them!)
cassandraclaire73 says, i guess your wandering days are not yet over.
cassandraclaire73 says, *schnoogles simon*
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and asserted that Hermione, having a
decent figure, would be better advised to wear small garments from
Fredricks of Hollywood
hert0661isme says, I thought it was quite clear - Draco is dead and
I get Ginny and Fleur (problems solved)
cassandraclaire73 says, *simon screams*
cassandraclaire73 says, i cannot see herm in trashy lingerie.
cassandraclaire73 says, Ginny AND fluer?
dai_evans says, See PoU
cassandraclaire73 says, that was tasteful lingerie!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, probably she does, alone for Harry
cassandraclaire73 says, *cringes*
dai_evans says, Ah hum...
fizzwhizbee says, No...pure silk, hand or magically embroidered,
from France
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but tha kind of talk from Allegra
makes her seem a lower social class being a climber
hert0661isme says, well why set my sights low?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, How will Fleur and Ginny get along
when sharing you?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, \
cassandraclaire73 says, you can have narcissa. that would free up
sirius and make carole happy
siriusgeologist says, I don't see Allegra caring about class
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It is wise to choose wives who get
along with each other
hert0661isme says, watching sports personality on webcast - back
siriusgeologist says, hehehehehehe...very happy
cassandraclaire73 says, a bientot
cassandraclaire73 says, but then sirius will get kicked out of the
siriusgeologist says, thats the only down side
cassandraclaire73 says, he'll have to give back his monogammed
siriusgeologist says, he could live without it but what about all
those kids Harry keeps bringing home
dai_evans says, What do they say?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Allegra probably thinks that she
doesn't care about class, but she sems to me to act with the style of
a snob, a social climber, perhaps as habits left over from her youth
hert0661isme says, narcissa is too old!
cassandraclaire73 says, they just say SB. but Narcissa bought them
for him, long story
siriusgeologist says, no he gets to keep the black satin jammies
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe a form of social climbing is
what led her to the Dark Side
cassandraclaire73 says, narcissa is not old. shes a veela.
hert0661isme says, so really they are mine?
cassandraclaire73 says, HA! that does get the jammes, Si
hert0661isme says, the monogramed stuff?
cassandraclaire73 says, heh heh
dai_evans says, Why are you sharing jimjams with sirius?
siriusgeologist says, ooo good point
hert0661isme says, readies flamethrower
cassandraclaire73 says, because they have the same initials!
hert0661isme says, taking aim at cassie
cassandraclaire73 says, i KNOW you hate being called si
fizzwhizbee says, Pajama party?
hert0661isme says, setting fire now!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can't see Narcissa kicking Sirius
out of the house just on top of dumping him for another love ... I
CAN see Sirius walking out in a snit about it
hert0661isme says, I do not even wear pyjamas!
cassandraclaire73 says, *throws demon sword at simon*
cassandraclaire73 says, REALLY?
hert0661isme says, and you misseed!
cassandraclaire73 says, thats a lot of information
sineadsiobhan says, Did we have to know that?
dai_evans says, Behave yourselves. Simon, you're supposed to be
hert0661isme says, why not!
cassandraclaire73 says, I agree with rita, narcissa wouldn't toss
sirius out
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm thinking turkey giblets...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Narcissa will urge Harry to stay
(because she likes havng a large family, not for erotic purposes)
cassandraclaire73 says, *dies*
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, Oh jeez
fizzwhizbee says, catches Demon Sword and holds it for ransom!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but Harry won't stay unless Draco also
asks him to. Poor Draco.
siriusgeologist says, even if he had a fling
hert0661isme says, I do not think that is too bad - I have had that
discussion before now!
cassandraclaire73 says, *Draco retrieves demon sword using Magid
sineadsiobhan says, Gee thanks Simon, now we'll never know what
happened to Draco
Stuck at the office? Messenger lets you chat through firewalls!
hert0661isme says, demon sword will burn your hand - unless you are
a magid!
fizzwhizbee says, Hehheh, little do you know...
hert0661isme says, how did Draco get the sword back - he is dead!
cassandraclaire73 says, Pippin...what are you not telling us...
cassandraclaire73 says, so he is. I guess this scenario is not
fizzwhizbee says, That means I still have the sword!
cassandraclaire73 says, *Harry retries sword using magid powers*
catlady_de_los_angeles says, When I was looking up mustelids last
night (I get even weirder when I'm being awake in my sleep, that's my
excuse) It occured to me that since the water filled rock quarry
cassandraclaire73 says, eh?
hert0661isme says, but cannot use it unless you are a magid - own
up and tell us the truth!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, has been revealed to be the moat of
the old castle, it must have a poor lonely moat monster in it
cassandraclaire73 says, and Draco gets eaten?
dai_evans says, Called Simon?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the moat monster is so lonely that it
revived Draco
cassandraclaire73 says, thats damn lonely.
dai_evans says, How touching
hert0661isme says, and keeps him as a pet?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, probably then propositioned him, the
way this story is going
cassandraclaire73 says, and keeps him chained up on a leash?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, keeps him as a pet, I like that
fizzwhizbee says, LOL!
cassandraclaire73 says,
siriusgeologist says, LOL
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jeralyn said she liked being chained
up on a leash. I know other people who do.
cassandraclaire73 says, *hides Draco, who is 16 and too young for
this coversation.*
fizzwhizbee says, Do we need to know that?
dejavu112 says, HaNo but we know it anyway
dai_evans says, He has to face it.
cassandraclaire73 says, not on my watch.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 16 is NOT too young to hear about real
sineadsiobhan says, Draco's not too young IMHO
cassandraclaire73 says, oh dear
cassandraclaire73 says, not this again
siriusgeologist says, She just said she likes beig tied up...not
hert0661isme says, didnt we agree that he is 17!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and make jokes about what other people
are into.
cassandraclaire73 says, he's 17 in a month
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, you are right, I was making a
fizzwhizbee says, Eighteen is age of consent here in CA
peeves23 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie, that is Of Full Age in
wizarding world and over age of consent in NY
peeves23 says, hail
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jeremy
cassandraclaire73 says, hey jeremy
fizzwhizbee says, HI
hert0661isme says, But he is in teh UK!
siriusgeologist says, hi there...are we playing today?
cassandraclaire73 says, hes still too young. *stubbornly*
hert0661isme says, Hi Jeremy
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
dai_evans says, No he's not.
sineadsiobhan says, No he's not
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is his birthday JUne 24?
peeves23 says, possibly, possibly
peeves23 had his cambridge interview on friday
hert0661isme says, hes not?
dejavu112 says, Hi Jeremy
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Gemini/Cancer cusp ... that reminds me
cassandraclaire73 says, i haven't picked his birthday but according
to the Draco egroup he's a leo.
hert0661isme says, how did it go?
cassandraclaire73 says, how did it go?
dai_evans says, Is there an echo in here?
peeves23 says, well, I think. I came out of it feeling more like I'd
been chatting with a friend...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jeremey: what did they say when you
said Descarte was a big silly?
cassandraclaire73 says,
sineadsiobhan says, Dang it.. Tauruses and leos don't mix well
(crosses Draco off list)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think Draco is a Leo
peeves23 says, and I had a ten minute discussion with a law tutor
about whether or not god could contradict logic...
dai_evans says, Which college?
cassandraclaire73 says, i would have said scorpio myself
peeves23 says, I decided not to say that in the end, rita. ;p
hert0661isme says, Draco is a Gemini - like someone else around
here (says the person who does not believe in star signs and takes no
noti8ce of them!)
cassandraclaire73 says, he is not a gemini. (and i think star signs
are rather silly myself)
You tell owet_teen_photo_on_profile Will be back later
cassandraclaire73 says, but i wanted to give him a summer birthday
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I have a wide aquaintance of male Leos
who are lazy and slobby and sufficently quiet that it takes a whle to
notice how full they are of of themselves -- like male lions
cassandraclaire73 says, im a leo!
dai_evans says, So am I
cassandraclaire73 says, *scowls*
fizzwhizbee says, Im a Leo too
cassandraclaire73 says, neat.
siriusgeologist says, 2 of my kids are leos
hert0661isme says, I was talking yesterday and my college has had
over 50 applicants for both english and geography and has 8 places
for each- it has been very busy!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' the more standard books say the
male Leo is a showman, actor/celebrity type, hungry for attention
dejavu112 says, I am a libra, and I think I'm all alone in that
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Niether of those describe Draco
peeves23 pisces
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Gemini, very intelligent, fast
thinking, multiple personalities: Draco
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm a Taurean...
siriusgeologist says,
sineadsiobhan says, I'm a taurus...and that goes well with my Irish
ReinaKata02 enters
You tell ostacie_sky Will be back later
hert0661isme says, I have multiple personalitiies?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cancer: very very cool (as in calm and
controlled), lots of esthetic appreciation, underhanded methods to
get own way: Draco
smitster1 leaves
You tell teen_x_pic_on_profile Will be back later
hert0661isme says, agree with some of teh rest!
sineadsiobhan says, (Sister is a Capricorn)
cassandraclaire73 says, gemini then.
hert0661isme says, thanks!
cassandraclaire73 says, seeing as he has two sides.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simom, I should make a joke about your
multiple personalities as Doctor, Prisonder, etc
siriusgeologist says, that would go with a dual nature
siriusgeologist says, when is sister's birthday
sineadsiobhan says, 17 Jan
siriusgeologist says, mine is the 6th...Jan birthdays suck
cassandraclaire73 says, why?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but what I'm thinking is the
quote: "If your husband is a Gemini, when he goes out to get the
Sunday New York Times and some bagels from the deli, don't expect him
back for a week
ReinaKata02 says, My sister's is the 6th, 3 Kings Day
fizzwhizbee says, My anniversary is Jan 17
siriusgeologist says, too close to christmas...epiphany
catlady_de_los_angeles says, if he runs into some campaigning for a
politician, that will get into a argument with that person which wil
remind him of another friend he has to talk to
ReinaKata02 says, I have no school in January <applause>
siriusgeologist says, by the time you get done with christmas who
feels like celebrating anything!
dai_evans says, My sisters is on Boxing day. She's not too happy
about it.
cassandraclaire73 says, hey carole...what's sirius?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which chain of events will eventually
end with him coming in the door next Saturday and throwing you some
jewelry while saying "sourvenir of Parishewtrr
ReinaKata02 says, Hert0661, you go to Oxford, right?
siriusgeologist says, Hmmmm..hadn't thought....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Paris", which is slightly more
dramatic when the action takes place in NYC than in Oxford.
sineadsiobhan says, Aine (that's my sister) was supposed to be born
25 Dec..
hert0661isme says, Yep
sineadsiobhan says, so she came pretty late
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 25 Dec = Sagittarius Capricon cusp
siriusgeologist says, me too...thats why i was named carole
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ReinaKata: hi. Do you have another n
ame that I can add to a list of Chat handles?
You tell ygem_girl Will be back later
cassandraclaire73 says, july 31... (birthday) rita you left me off
the list! *sniffles*
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Other than Gemini, Libra is your other
choice for a double sign that is a summer birthday
siriusgeologist says, right between my is July 23 the
other is Aug 3
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie! I didn't put names that are
the real names, like dai_evans and some others I forget!
hert0661isme says, I have decided to add those - make a full list
of everyone that pops in!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Her birthday is July 31, like Jo, like
Harry -- no wonder she writes so well
cassandraclaire73 says, i know im just kidding. btw, you were right
snape never would have said that.
fizzwhizbee says, said what?
cassandraclaire73 says, is that jkr's birthday? i knew it was harry's
ReinaKata02 leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, something he said to draco..
sineadsiobhan says, Yes its JKR's birthday
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In some interveiw, she said she gave
Harry that birthday because it's hers
hert0661isme says, we have technical problems with the chgat group
main message - it is too long!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Making them Leos, right?
cassandraclaire73 says, yes
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Would explain why Harry sometimes
shows a certain passivity (re-acting rather than acting) that some
group members have complained about
flying_ford_anglia is away (Auto-Away)
sineadsiobhan says, My school finishes on 15 May and my b-day is 16
May so that makes me very happy
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Libras, per my friend Lee who is one,
often swing wildly out of balance (which Draco has been doing lately)
cassandraclaire73 says, its not entirely draco's own fault..
cassandraclaire73 says, i blame simon.
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, we swing out of balance?
hert0661isme says, thanks!
dejavu112 says, Hmm I could see that
catlady_de_los_angeles says, swing wildly WHEN out of balance. Not
when in balance
cassandraclaire73 says, simon, did we ever define schnoogling?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and often feel compelled to 'balance
things out' by playing Devil's Advocate
hert0661isme says, I am guessing that my exams finsih on my
birthday this year!
This voice chat rocks!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, speaking up for the opinon that
everyone else in the conversation disagrees with, even tho' she
disagrees with it, too
hert0661isme says, No definition of schnoogle as far as I know!
fizzwhizbee says, I thought it was a combination of snuggle, spoon
and noodge
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I (a Scorpio) do that too. I call
it 'being perverse'. Lee says it is because I have Jupiter in Libra.
flying_ford_anglia leaves
flying_ford_anglia enters
siriusgeologist leaves
siriusgeologist enters
flying_ford_anglia says, I keep getting cut off
flying_ford_anglia is back.
peeves23 is away (Auto-Away)
cassandraclaire73 says, im with pippin..
hert0661isme says, what on?
flying_ford_anglia says, It's this new machine
siriusgeologist says, what did I miss
cassandraclaire73 says, schnoogle definition
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I didn't get around to saying, when I
thought Draco might be born June 24, Gemini/Cancer cusp, because I
want him to have a summer birthday
cassandraclaire73 says, okay, Rita. That's his birthday.
cassandraclaire73 says, he and Harry can have a dual party. (draco,
being dead, won't get any gifts..)
siriusgeologist says, ooo crabby and two sided...seems right
dai_evans is away (Auto-Away)
dai_evans is back.
sineadsiobhan says, is Draco really dead?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I haven't gotten around to looking
it up to find out where his Moon would be, hopefully in Scorpio
hert0661isme says, noodge?
cassandraclaire73 says, *snort* what do you think?
sineadsiobhan says, Awww (turns and does a happy jump)
siriusgeologist says, I'm not dead yet...he y
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