Chat for 01-21-01

Simon Branford simon.branford at ...
Mon Jan 22 01:12:14 UTC 2001

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Welcome to the club's chat room.
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€  hert0661isme says, Hello - this is Simon
€  hert0661isme says, I have joined to record the chat - I am just 
off getting dinner
slytherinkeeper says, Hullo - I'm Flourish.
has anyone tried using the new messenger chat client?

slytherinkeeper says, A rather small chat right now, no? <g>
slytherinkeeper says, I'll be quiet till other pe want me to leave 
I'll be happy to. me to leave I'll be happy to.
slytherinkeeper says, Sorry. that was rather disjointed.
slytherinkeeper says, I'll be quiet now, and if you want me to leave 
I will so
slytherinkeeper says, you can set things up.
dai_evans enters
dai_evans says, Hello there
slytherinkeeper says, Hello - this is Flourish
slytherinkeeper says, You?
dai_evans says, Hi, flourish, I'm Dai
dai_evans says, As you may have gessed
slytherinkeeper says, Ah ^^ Yes.
dai_evans says, typo guessed
dai_evans says, I don';t recognise you, newbie?
slytherinkeeper says, Fairly. I've been in the HP fandom for...
slytherinkeeper says, a year and two months now.
slytherinkeeper says, Mostly fanfiction writing.
slytherinkeeper says, But I just joined HP4GU.
dai_evans says, Much longer than me. Ididn't descover HP 'till the 
dai_evans says, I've been on HP4GU for a few months though
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah... I wish I'd found it earlier.
dai_evans says, It's good, takes alot of time to keep up with it 
slytherinkeeper says, For a long time I didn't want to join for the 
sake of my in box
dai_evans says, I view all the messages on the web. it means more 
phone bills but it's easier
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah... I'm on daily digest.
dai_evans says, When did you first find HP?
slytherinkeeper says, The Time magazine article, I think.
slytherinkeeper says, My Grandma bought a copy for my little cousin...
slytherinkeeper says, I read it and I was hooked.
slytherinkeeper says, What about you?
dai_evans says, I know that feeling. My little sister left a copy of 
PS on the coffee table in the summer and I didn't move until I'd 
finished it.
slytherinkeeper says, LOL - me, too. You just get sucked in.
dai_evans says, You've come to the right place for obsessives though.
dai_evans says, This is your first chat?
slytherinkeeper says, HP4GU chat, yes.
slytherinkeeper says, How often do they happen? I just found out 
about this today.
skaprincess27 enters
skaprincess27 says, Hello, all
slytherinkeeper says, Hullo!
dai_evans says, It will get a little busier later on.  It didn't use 
to start until 8pm gmt, now it's published as starting at 7 and it 
takes awhile for people to arrive.
dai_evans says, Hello
dai_evans says, Simon are you here?
€  hert0661isme says, Just got in with my dinner
€  hert0661isme says, Now going to eat it!
dai_evans says, Watch out fot the keyboard!!
slytherinkeeper says,   You're already at dinner? It's lunchtime 
where I am!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Flourish, Dai and Alicia / Sue
dai_evans says, It's 20 past 7 gmt.
slytherinkeeper says, Only 11:16 AM Pacific time.
skaprincess27 says, Here, it's "Shirk from Work" Time.
dai_evans says, Here it's "shirk from revision for tomorrows exam" 
Chat faster with Yahoo! Messenger with Chat Client -

slytherinkeeper says, Isn't it always shirk from work time?
skaprincess27 says, Ah, exams.  Mine are over, finally.
slytherinkeeper says, Mine, too.
dai_evans says, Mine just starting...
skaprincess27 says, Gah!
slytherinkeeper says, Poor, poor you!
dai_evans says, Gah indeed. I havn't been to the pub indays!
skaprincess27 says, And I thought my caffeine-studying overload was 
dai_evans says, You study caffiene?
skaprincess27 says, I wish.
slytherinkeeper says, o.0 No, she's just obsessive over it.
dai_evans says, Better caffeine than nicotine.
skaprincess27 says, Would be a lot more relevant to my life and 
career plans than "Cell-Cell-Interactions".
skaprincess27  note to self: never again take AP science courses!
slytherinkeeper says, Much more than Geometry, too, I'll bet...
€  hert0661isme says, Geometry is cool!
slytherinkeeper says, Math is the curse of the devil!
dai_evans says, Note to everyone... don't ever study engineering
€  hert0661isme says, Maths is the best subject!
skaprincess27 says, Geometry and I got along rather well.  Algebra 2 
and Pre-Calc are a different story altogether.
slytherinkeeper says, I haaaaate math. I'm proud to be a sterotypical 
€  hert0661isme says, Algebra is a bit icky - calculus is ok
skaprincess27 says, For some reason, I won the Geometry award at my 
school's awards banquet last year... the only reason I did well in 
the class was because I had no one to talk to.
dai_evans says, Geometry is a nice corner to hide in when the rest of 
maths starts to eat at your soul
skaprincess27 says, Except proofs.  Gah on proofs.
slytherinkeeper says, Especially multiple-choice proofs.
slytherinkeeper says, There was a multiple-choice proof on my final. 
dai_evans says, Proofs are the best part of maths. Just learning, no 
slytherinkeeper says, LOL!
skaprincess27 says, I had fun with protractors, oddly enough.  I was 
big on using my Geo kit last year.
€  hert0661isme says, You should be glad you dont also have the multi 
choice statements all called the same theroem!
slytherinkeeper says, o.0 I'm scared.
€  hert0661isme says, A protractor? What are they for?
skaprincess27 says, Now, I'll be happy if I get a B on my APC final.
skaprincess27 says, midterm, actually.  Gah!
slytherinkeeper says, They're for measuring angles, Simon.
dai_evans says, LOL
slytherinkeeper says, You know - the little half-circle-arc thing.
skaprincess27 says, And for making fun shapes on homework.
€  hert0661isme says, dont use such things anymore
slytherinkeeper says, Oh, yeah!
slytherinkeeper says, Has anyone else gotten compasses (you know, the 
pencil thing)?
€  hert0661isme says, For my exams I walk in with a selection of 
different coloured pens and a pencil - not allowed anything else 
slytherinkeeper says, Well, at least you get colored pens.
dai_evans says, I miss protractors. They were fool proof. (I need 
that now)
slytherinkeeper says, Hehe.
skaprincess27  thanks God for her TI-82 calculator
dai_evans says, My TI83 rules
slytherinkeeper :grumbles:: I'm not allowed a graphing calculator!
dai_evans says, Did I just say that?
€  hert0661isme says, a calculator?
slytherinkeeper says, Why am I writing pink?
slytherinkeeper says, OK, there we go, I'm fine again ^^
skaprincess27 says, Me and my ancient TI-82...
€  hert0661isme says, I am not allowed a calculator in my exams (not 
that they are much use)
skaprincess27 says, Mine helps me out with matrices.
dai_evans says, I'm allowed calculators in evry exam except for maths.
skaprincess27 says, I also play Duck Hunt when I get bored.
slytherinkeeper says, Mine shows me the square roots of everything... 
what's Duck Hunt?
dai_evans says, Oh matrices. I could do them. I remeber that time 
when I understood stuff...
skaprincess27 says, An ancient Nintendo game that some bored person 
made a graphing calculator program for.
slytherinkeeper says, Ah.
skaprincess27 says, I understand matrices, I just get the basic math 
part of it wrong.
slytherinkeeper says, That's why my teacher doesn't allow them in 
geometry classes  
dai_evans says, Flourish, what do you study?
slytherinkeeper says, (graphing calcs, that is, not matrices!)
slytherinkeeper says, ... I'm in high school, so pretty much 
everything <g>
skaprincess27 says, I also hate formula derivation and the quadratic 
equation... GAH!
slytherinkeeper says, Alicia's in H.S. too, right?
skaprincess27 says, Si.  I'm in this awful Math Dept. experimental 
class that's a combination of Algebra 2 and Pre Calc, and I want to 
smack myself for taking it.
dai_evans says, Uh oh.
slytherinkeeper says, I could laugh at you, but I won't.
slytherinkeeper says, Why's it uh oh?
dai_evans says, You called him Si
skaprincess27 says, And AP Biology.  It figures that the only 
advanced classes I can take are in fields I'm awful it.
€  hert0661isme says, For calling me Si!
dai_evans says, He doesn't like it. He burns people
slytherinkeeper says, ... she didn't, she said Si, as in yes in 
€  hert0661isme  finding Draco's demonic sword
slytherinkeeper says, I asked her if she was in high school too, and 
she responded in spanish!
skaprincess27 says, Si!  The Spanish Si!
€  hert0661isme says, I dont know any Spanish so that doen;'t work
slytherinkeeper says, Well, we do!
dai_evans says, Oh. Sorry. That's so obvious now you've explained it
skaprincess27 says, Which doesn't make sense as I take French, but oh 
slytherinkeeper says, LOL... everyone knows Spanish where I'm from...
slytherinkeeper says, You have to if you live in California <g>
skaprincess27 says, *grumbles about being the only person in her town 
who doesn't speak fluent Polish*
skaprincess27 says, Ah.
slytherinkeeper says, Polish?! I don't even want to *know* where you 
live now!
dai_evans says, Poland perhaps?
skaprincess27 says, The Polka Capital of New England.
slytherinkeeper says, Eech.
dai_evans says, oh then. Maybe not
skaprincess27 says, South Central Palmer, Massachusetts.
slytherinkeeper says, I should know that by now, I've read enough of 
your fics.
dai_evans says, Bit chilly there this time of yaer?
€  hert0661isme says, Its getting a bit chilly here!
skaprincess27 says, It was snowing this morning.  Why it couldn't 
have held off a day, I don't know.
dai_evans says, Is it snowing up there in Oxford yet?
slytherinkeeper says, Oh - the HPAlternity list has officially 
nicknamed the ff.n message board...
slytherinkeeper says, "Fanny."
€  hert0661isme says, We had some overnight but was raining by the 
time I got up - now foggy!
skaprincess27 says, You know it's bad when learning to polka is a gym 
class requirement.
slytherinkeeper says, It is? Down here we line-dance to "Achy Breaky 
dai_evans says, It's just been raining here for the last few hours. 
No chance of snow.
anglinsbees enters
slytherinkeeper :belts it out:: Don't break my heart, my achy breaky 
skaprincess27 says, We had to learn to square dance, too.  Then, my 
insane gym teacher ran out of country music and we had to square 
dance to Happy Louie's Polka Band.
anglinsbees says, Ellen Here!  Hi  all!
slytherinkeeper says, That's... scary. Hello, Ellen!
dai_evans says, Hello Ellen.
skaprincess27 says, Hi, Ellen!
slytherinkeeper says, I've never been in a HP4GU chat before, so I'll 
let you know...
slytherinkeeper says, I'm Flourish.
slytherinkeeper says, (and now I have to do this with everyone who 
comes in, eek!)
skaprincess27  is Alicia/Sue in her Everyday disguise.
anglinsbees says, Hello!  I'm ellen, also known as Moriel on 
(No stories yst, just reviews.)
sineadsiobhan enters
dai_evans says, If it's anything like last week we'll have half a 
dozen newbie's and everyone will be far too confused to keep up anyway
slytherinkeeper says, Ooh, Alicia is going undercover  
dai_evans says, Hello Sinead
slytherinkeeper says, Hehe. Sinead, I'm Flourish.
sineadsiobhan says, hello!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Sinead
skaprincess27 says, SINEAD!
€  hert0661isme says, I am trying to update the chatters list as we go
anglinsbees says, Hello sinead!
sineadsiobhan says, Hi Flourish! I've seen your website.. it's 
skaprincess27 says, A/S is undercover, thas right.
slytherinkeeper says, Don't mob people, it's not nice, Alicia! Thank 
andreahbon enters
Stuck at the office?  Messenger lets you chat through firewalls!

sineadsiobhan says, ALICIA!
slytherinkeeper says, (the thank you was to Sinead)
skaprincess27 says, But i love Sinead!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Andrea
slytherinkeeper says, Hello, Andrea... I assume that's your name. I'm 
skaprincess27 says, She is my fellow Chunky Fanged Kiwi!
slytherinkeeper says, ???
slytherinkeeper says, Chunky Fanged Kiwi?
anglinsbees says, Kiwi??
skaprincess27 says, Hello, Andrea!
slytherinkeeper says, One of my friends is the Ghetto Kiwi...
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah, she's sorta weird, hehe
andreahbon says, Hi, Simon, Flourish, Alicia, Sinead, Dai, etc. I'm 
Andrea from Brazil.
skaprincess27 says, ^_^  I have a Tornado Kiwi on my field hockey 
sineadsiobhan says, Hi Andrea!
slytherinkeeper says, Ah, yes, the great Field Hockey Maven.
dai_evans says, Hi Andrea from Brazil.
sineadsiobhan says, I used to have a breakaway Kiwi on my basketball 
babynick34 enters
skaprincess27 says, Only in the fall.  In the winter, I'm Really Bad 
Performing Arts Girl.
slytherinkeeper says, Hello Nick!
dai_evans says, Simon, you've missed Cassie off the chatters list.
€  babynick34 says, Hi
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
dai_evans says, Hi Nick
slytherinkeeper says, Pretty sure you already know I'm Flourish  
andreahbon says, Hi, Sinead! I remember you wrote a nice review for 
my crazy Hermione Krum fic.
slytherinkeeper says, Cassie's on? What?
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Nick
slytherinkeeper says, I don't see her... *is confused*
andreahbon says, Hi, Nick.
slytherinkeeper says, So... wanna talk Harry?
sineadsiobhan says, I liked it, Andrea!
€  babynick34 says, I just found out... Argos (a UK catalog shop) has 
got HP merchandise!
slytherinkeeper says, They do?
sineadsiobhan says, One question! One question!
€  hert0661isme says, Cass is not included on that lis as her name is 
the same as her chat alias
€  babynick34 says, It's in their new catalog... not sure if it's in 
store yet.
dai_evans says, Ah!!
slytherinkeeper says, Very cool. What sort of stuff is it?
anglinsbees says, What neat stuff do they have?
€  hert0661isme says, Will have to go and get a new catalogue tomorrow
slytherinkeeper says, (sadly, I'm not in the UK ::snif::)
sineadsiobhan says, Can somebody explain the Ferris Wheel theory to 
€  babynick34 says, Trivia game, puzzles.
dai_evans says, I'll have to abandon my exam. Some things are more 
slytherinkeeper says, Ack, it changed to a smiley! Yes, I don't know 
that one, either.
skaprincess27 says, Poor Flourish, stuck out in sunny, warm 
slytherinkeeper says, The theory that is.
sineadsiobhan says, (this was mentioned on the HPFanFic group
hert0661isme The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah, poor, poor me.
€  babynick34 says, Puzzles are by the same artist at the look at 
it... but seem different to the ones I got in the US.
sineadsiobhan says, Hmm... Cassie mentioned it.. Someone explained
hert0661isme The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
sineadsiobhan says, the Farmer in the Dell one to me
anglinsbees says, I got the Trivia Game for X-mas!  and a nifty set 
of Hallmark Bookends.
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah, me too, I just don't know about Ferris 
andreahbon says, There' absolutely no Hp merchandise in Brazil, even 
though the books are very popular.
sineadsiobhan says, I got a snow-globe with Ron talking to the knight 
from the chess set
sineadsiobhan says, its pretty cool!
slytherinkeeper says, Awesome!
€  babynick34 says, Does not suprise me... taken ages for anything to 
come to the UK
slytherinkeeper says, My favorite merch is the little tin lunch box.
skaprincess27 says, I got a broom and was told to start sweeping the 
dai_evans says, I dunno, we got PS first
anglinsbees says, I havent seen the lunch box!
sineadsiobhan says, I got that too! I thought there was candy inside 
slytherinkeeper says, It doesn't, sadly... my broom is spray painted 
slytherinkeeper says, It's a silver arrow, and I'm *never* gonna 
sweep w/it! ^^
andreahbon says, But I'm not sure if we're missing much. The only 
thing I really wanted to have are Every Flavor Beans.
slytherinkeeper says, They're over priced.
skaprincess27 says, I wonder if the less conventional in the 
wizarding world ride vacuum cleaners.
sineadsiobhan says, My mum gave me candy of another obsession I have 
(*cough*Ilovelucy*cough*) but I won't get into it LOL
slytherinkeeper says, Plus, they don't have anything bad-tasting in 
anglinsbees says, I gon my niece an Nephew the beans- $5 e bag- ouch!
slytherinkeeper says, Jelly Bellies are just as good, IMHO.
hermitchick enters
€  babynick34 says, I want them as well... but alas will have to 
import them.
sineadsiobhan says, Is it good.. The Bertie Bott's beans?
andreahbon says, $5!!! Wow!
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
sineadsiobhan says, And where do you get them?
slytherinkeeper says, Who's hermitchick? I can't find you on the 
€  babynick34 says, candy... I like Lemon Sherberts (just like 
sineadsiobhan says, 5 Bucks? Little old college me can't afford 
that... *sniffle*
€  hermitchick says, hello
anglinsbees says, I gont my two bad at Bed Bath and Beyond- Linens 
and More is supposed to have them too.
slytherinkeeper says, You get 'em at Borders books or at the WB store.
anglinsbees says, bags, that is
€  hert0661isme says, Hello
sineadsiobhan says, Ooh that's easy for here.. I know where Borders 
and WB is.. (making plans to drag friend Meg to WB)
sineadsiobhan says, Wb that is
anglinsbees says, They cane in cute little printed fabeic bags with 
draw strings.
slytherinkeeper says, Hehe... yes, I really wanted that but instead I 
got the party favor bags
sineadsiobhan says, (that face was *not* supposed to happen)
anglinsbees says, And I cannot type today- well it is past my 
slytherinkeeper says, Plastic, but quite cute anyway.
andreahbon says, Does anyone know if is acting normally now?
skaprincess27 says, Sort of.
slytherinkeeper says, It was for me...
bludger_witch enters
bludger_witch says, Hi y'all!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
slytherinkeeper says, Hullo!
andreahbon says, Hi, Dinah!
skaprincess27 says, Hi!
dai_evans says, Hi there
anglinsbees says, Hiya!
sineadsiobhan says, It's still working for Netscape..
slytherinkeeper says, Repeating question, Hermitchick... what's your 
sineadsiobhan says, Err.. I mean IE
slytherinkeeper says, It's always worked for Netscape.
skaprincess27 says, it's working for IE 5.0
slytherinkeeper says, Only if you have Java OK'd.
andreahbon says, Cassie HAS to post DS11 today!
slytherinkeeper says, I haven't got Java OK'd and it doesn't work for 
my IE.
sineadsiobhan says, I have way too many Online stuff on this 
anglinsbees says, is always acting up on me- I often cannot 
get in.
bludger_witch leaves
skaprincess27 says, I'm going to die if she doesn't.
bludger_witch enters
bludger_witch says, Ack, stupid thing!
slytherinkeeper says, I need my H/H sorta-fluffy long fic stuff!
anglinsbees says, DS11?  Oh goody- I hope so!
slytherinkeeper says, (that is, my DS.)
sineadsiobhan says, Me too!
slytherinkeeper says, She's got it all ready...
andreahbon says, Me too. It' s too much agony knowing it's ready and 
I can
skaprincess27 says, I need my DS fix before I find out my other exam 
results.  bleech.
andreahbon says, read it
sineadsiobhan says, (*puts on red face paint and roars*) DS 11!
slytherinkeeper says, Talk about it - and before my Once and Future 
King test.
andreahbon says, I mean, I can't read it
anglinsbees says, Ohhhh! (Turns green with envy!)
slytherinkeeper says, Icky, so many charas! yes, we understand.
slytherinkeeper says, Why are you envious?
€  hert0661isme says, When Cass arrives - we ask nicely for her to 
post it (or at least send it to use all!)
slytherinkeeper says, yes!
anglinsbees says, Didnt' someone say they read it- I assumed a beta 
reader... Oh well,...
sineadsiobhan says, *mischevious look* yes! Nicely...that is..
skaprincess27 says, I can only imagine what a group of us "rabid DS 
fans" consider to be asking nicely.
sineadsiobhan says, (just kidding)
anglinsbees says, I'll sit up and beg!
anglinsbees says, Roll over even!
bludger_witch says, More like "Give or drown in protest Mails" <g> 
bludger_witch says, Or rather not, she might refuse to finish it.
andreahbon says, Lets just flood her with mean e-mails.
slytherinkeeper says, Whoever's in charge of the list of SN's...
skaprincess27 says, "Cassie, would you please do us the almighty 
favor of posting DS11?  Because if you don't..."  then we'd never see 
anglinsbees says, Don't you dare!
anglinsbees says, Play nice!
slytherinkeeper says, my other two aliases are Nyx and Madeline.
slytherinkeeper says, Yes, we all wanna see DS - she'll not post if 
we threaten!
andreahbon says, We'll threaten nicely.
skaprincess27  is also Alicia, Sue, and Alicia/Sue.  Go figure.
bludger_witch says, How does "threatedn nicely" work?
skaprincess27 says, DS! *collapses*
skaprincess27 says, I don't know, let's find out.
dai_evans says, Cassie will go mental if you try to push her.
anglinsbees says, Maybe if we offer bribes.....I have about 400lbs of 
honey in my kitchen....
andreahbon says, Ask the Mafia!
slytherinkeeper says, LOL...
sineadsiobhan says, *crunches on apple* Yes.. we'll ask very nicely...
slytherinkeeper says, Sadly, most of us are broke... at least, most 
of us not yet out of the house are broke!
keithfras enters
skaprincess27 says, And if we bug her there'll be Narcissa/demon 
slytherinkeeper says, Alicia? You with me on that, at least? <g>
slytherinkeeper says, Ech
keithfras says, Hi all!
bludger_witch says, Hi Keith!
slytherinkeeper says, Hullo, Keith!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Keith
anglinsbees says, Hello!
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
dai_evans says, Yeah, the moment I leave the front door, my pockets 
bulge with cash.
dai_evans says, Hi Keith
€  babynick34 says, Hi Keith
sineadsiobhan says, Hello Keith!
bludger_witch says, Who cares about Narcissa snogging the demon? As 
long as she snogs it, she doesn't snog with Sirius!
keithfras says, Simon warns me in advance not to say anything too rash
andreahbon says, So let there be Narcisa/demon snogging!
keithfras says,  
skaprincess27 says, Oh, yes.  I'm trying to figure out how to pay for 
a class ring with $7.54 and a few BigY Grocery coins.
andreahbon says, Hi, Keith!
skaprincess27 says, brb
keithfras says, I have an announcement to make
sineadsiobhan says, What? How does Narcissa snog a demon? wouldn't 
the horns hurt?
bludger_witch says, Go on,announce!
dai_evans says, Shhh, every one
anglinsbees says, What more GTVS?  Please?
keithfras says, GtVS Ep 4 is not up on
slytherinkeeper says, What's wrong with Narcissa/Sirius snoggin?
slytherinkeeper says, It's not?
andreahbon says, Is this the announcement?
keithfras says, My mum tried, but there's only code in place of the 
bludger_witch says, Ha! but I wanna review officially :-(
keithfras says, So don't bother trying to read it yet
sineadsiobhan says, I'd snog anyone of the male Potter relation  
keithfras says, I hope it will be up by tomorrow night
slytherinkeeper says, Okay^^
anglinsbees says, is infested by demons.
€  hert0661isme says, Not getting author alerts so have not tried!
keithfras says, YES!
dai_evans says, Isn't it up somewher else?
slytherinkeeper says, Woe, woe, woe!
bludger_witch says, Male potter relation? Including Dudley?
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
keithfras says, Yes, it's up on HP_FanFiction
dai_evans says, I downloaded it from somewhere but I can't remember 
bludger_witch says, Hi Rita!
sineadsiobhan says, Eww no!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Cat
dai_evans says, Hi Rita
slytherinkeeper says, Run away from Dudley...
keithfras says, But I can't log on to so I'm reduced to 
sending it to other people
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Am I late? There are a lot of people 
here already!
sineadsiobhan says, Unless Dudley had ten grand... I'd gladly give 
him a big wet one
slytherinkeeper says, No, you aren't late.
andreahbon says, Well, isn't the beauty of the e-groups? I don't see 
why Cassie won't post it on PoU!
anglinsbees says, eeew!
slytherinkeeper says, You can't buy my snogging ::hmph;:
keithfras says, That's what I thought
€  hert0661isme says, some of us are a little early
sineadsiobhan says, but other than that.. no
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think I recognize the names, except 
dai_evans says, Rita, for some reason the calender on HP4GU has the 
chat starting 1hr ealy
slytherinkeeper says, I'm Flourish.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Flourish
anglinsbees says, I'm Ellen/ Moriel
skaprincess27 says, Sinead, if you snog Dudley, I will smack you.
slytherinkeeper says, YES!
€  hert0661isme says, the calendar problem is due to time zone 
slytherinkeeper says, People did start arriving an hour early though -
 I was the first one here.
Chat, Voice, and Free Phone Calls.  What else could you need?

  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw SLytherin on Miko on your sig - -
is Miko your persona's name? (and does it mean Cat?)
keithfras says, There, that's my preferences changed. No messages 
from pornographers or naked women tonight thank you!
dai_evans says, It's most likely the reason that evryone turns up 
slytherinkeeper says, No, it means the priestess of Slytherin.
€  hert0661isme says, I arrived early to start Cheeta before running 
off for my dinner
slytherinkeeper says, And Cho no Seishi means the protector of Cho.
skaprincess27 says, *is boggled by the idea that a male doesn't want 
naked women messaging him*
sineadsiobhan says, What would Harry fans do if I...snogged Harry in 
that deliciously naughty way?
slytherinkeeper says, You have to register them with Ron no Koiboito, 
though <g>
slytherinkeeper says, Hehe.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue: they are FAKE naked women
keithfras says, It's distracting, Alicia
keithfras says, Besides, you'd all call me a pervert if I answered
skaprincess27 says, Hmm.  I guess I don't have much experience with 
intelligent males.  
andreahbon says, what the heck is "no koiboito"?
dai_evans says, Not that we'd know...
slytherinkeeper says, No idea ::shrugs::
slytherinkeeper says, It's an anime thing, I think.
skaprincess27 says, Yo no comprende... er, Japanese?
slytherinkeeper says, no miko and no seishi are anime things anyway. 
Yes, it's Japanese.
sineadsiobhan ::shakes head::: it's worse on AOL...
€  hert0661isme says, watch who you call intelligent - I do not want 
such an acusation leveled at me!
andreahbon says, No, tambien no comprendo Japones.
slytherinkeeper says, I'm not that into anime... I do love Rurouni 
Kenshin though! ^^
bludger_witch says, Ooh, poor Simon! Let's not start the Simon in 
leather-trousers thing again <g>
sineadsiobhan :speaks Japanese::: ohio gozima (good morning)
slytherinkeeper says, Er- technically that's manga, sorry, hehe
anglinsbees says, I love ranma 1/2!
keithfras says, You do Maths, have to have a brain the 
size of adouble decker bus just to get an interview!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Thanks Dai, so I'm an hour late:  I 
will have much to catch up on in the transcript.  Is someone going to 
fix the calendar? 
sineadsiobhan says, Thats al I know..
€  hert0661isme says, I am going to ask teh moderators to do so
slytherinkeeper says, Actually, it's ohayo gozaimasu in the way it's 
officially spelled in English.
slytherinkeeper says, But close enough  
€  hert0661isme says, I will wait for one of them to get here!
skaprincess27 says, Yeah, um, I speak English and fundamental 
French.  Limited.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Fuju is Huzi in the way it's 
officially spelled in English. The old-fashioned transliterations are 
more helpful to those of us who do not speak Japanese
keithfras says, I'm just going to check the list saying who everyone right back
sineadsiobhan says, right! I haven't taken japanese since my innocent 
Catholic schoolgirl days
keithfras leaves
€  hert0661isme says, Ben asked about the Simon in leather after 
reading DS
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah... I speak English, a tiny bit of Japanese 
and Spanish...
slytherinkeeper says, and some very limited German.
bludger_witch says, Simon : What did you answer?
skaprincess27  is the antithesis of innocent Catholic schoolgirl!
slytherinkeeper :coughs:: INNOCENT Catholic schoolgirl?!?
slytherinkeeper says, There's no such thing as an innocent Catholic 
schoolgirl, dear.
€  hert0661isme says, I think I ignored him - or said that it had 
been mentioned and I had said no
slytherinkeeper says, At least, not at the closest school to me@
slytherinkeeper says, er... typo. To me!
€  hert0661isme says, forgot to mention about the chatters attempts 
to get me in leathr (aims glare at Rita)
slytherinkeeper says, Simon in leather!
skaprincess27 says, I thought we were trying to get you to dye your 
hair black and become Harry.
dai_evans says, Oh god here we go
keithfras enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Simon, I'm just trying to get you 
into embroidered dress robes! If not green, what color? 
slytherinkeeper says, He'd make such a cute Harry!
keithfras says, There.
€  hert0661isme says, I was planning to dye it platinum (if I can be 
slytherinkeeper says, noooo!
€  hert0661isme says, white or blue
bludger_witch says, *sings along* Simon in leather, Dai in leather, 
Keith in leather
slytherinkeeper says, It's gotta be black. C'mon, if I can do Fleur 
for halloween you can do Harry.
keithfras says, Oh boy!
skaprincess27  was forced to go back to light brown earlier this 
slytherinkeeper says, ...for every day!
€  hert0661isme says, why does everyone call me cute?
slytherinkeeper says, Because you are!
slytherinkeeper says, It's a compliment!
keithfras says, I've been pulled into the girls dress up game
babynick34 is away (Auto-Away)
€  hert0661isme  glares at the females in the room
bludger_witch says, Why not? Just hope you didn't mind?
sineadsiobhan says, I was a student for halloween...
keithfras says, And you haven't even seen what I look like!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cute: because 'geeky' would be rude
sineadsiobhan says, exciting.. :-D
slytherinkeeper says, You need to put up a author pic.
skaprincess27 says, *holds up hands* not me!
keithfras says, I could be a slime demon
slytherinkeeper says, We all need to put up author pics.
keithfras says, I'll put up a pic asap
slytherinkeeper is away (be right back)
skaprincess27 says, I'm debating whether to put mine on ff.n.
keithfras says, Should be within a few days
sineadsiobhan says, I have an author pic up..
bludger_witch says, Keith: But you write Pro-Slayer, you can't be a 
slime demon!
€  hert0661isme says, are more people going to put their pics up on 
sineadsiobhan says, I'm creepy.. with fangs..
keithfras says, I suspect I'd not look good in leather
keithfras says, Don't know though
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, some of us have pictures on our 
bludger_witch says, If I would, I'd scare people away <g>
anglinsbees says, I only review (So far) Should I put one up?  I 
don't know if anyone even looks at my page....
€  hermitchick says, hello again, sorrry for lurking
slytherinkeeper is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Hermia, I like your color fade  
€  hermitchick says, thanx
slytherinkeeper says, You do? Not in the files section you don't! 
(that's to Sinead)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, very psychedlis, or like lollipops
€  hert0661isme says, I have one of the cute yahoo pics on my 
profile - it almost looks like me!
keithfras says, Before I forget, thanks a lot to the people who gave 
me feedback on Ginny The Vampire Slayer 4
anglinsbees says, Everyone Looks good in leather!  I have a leather 
bodice- maybe that in my picture...
anglinsbees says, 16th century is so becoming...
keithfras says, How do you do eye bulging out smilies here?
triner2001 enters
sineadsiobhan says, On my Author profile at and a picture in 
my files n HP-FanFic
skaprincess27  is thinking that she could scare people if she wore 
slytherinkeeper says, Hehe - I've got a leather jacket
sineadsiobhan says, not in the member folder..
bludger_witch says, I have a leather jacket. Does that count?
slytherinkeeper says, We can always do fake snakeskin...
keithfras says, Would *Dudley* look good in leather?
slytherinkeeper says, EW1
bludger_witch says, No!
andreahbon says, I'd love to have a leather bodice...
keithfras says, Or Voldemort?
€  hermitchick says, leather?
slytherinkeeper says, Maybe Voldie.
bludger_witch says, Voldy.. maybe
slytherinkeeper says, The "goth chic"
€  hermitchick says, lol
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
keithfras says, I thought everyone looked good in leather?
keithfras says,  
bludger_witch says, ha! Cheek
slytherinkeeper says, Of course not!
sineadsiobhan  wants a musical in which Sirius, Harry, ron, and Draco 
break into song about their kilts
triner2001 says, Hello all
keithfras says, I wore a kilt once
skaprincess27 says, Not me!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello
€  hermitchick says, hi
dai_evans says, Hello Trina 2001 who are you?
bludger_witch says, Wearing kilts, not just singing about it
slytherinkeeper says, Real scotsmen don't wear anything under their 
kilts ::wink wink nudge nudge::
keithfras says, Mae govannon!
skaprincess27 says, Keith, hide from Sinead!
sineadsiobhan says, Ooh Keith...
anglinsbees says, My leather bodice is bey un-goth- its buff colored, 
with tabs around the hip line- sort of ren-fest/Elizabethan.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, fake 16th century, or Borderer ... 
Elizabeth's courtiers had those straight front conical bodices, and 
the men had peascod jerkins ...
bludger_witch says, I asked one once. he said he worwe nothing under 
it... exept if my mother aske, then he'd say Boxers
slytherinkeeper says, Really?  Cool. I lurve Renfaires!
keithfras says, My Kendo gear features a sort of kilt/skirt thing as 
slytherinkeeper says, You do Kendo?
slytherinkeeper says, Awesome - me, too, but just recreationally.
anglinsbees says, My Husband wears a great kilt- and he has a full 
set of SCA armor.
keithfras says, Yup. Since I started uni
keithfras says, How long have you been doing it?
slytherinkeeper says, ...71/2 or 8 years, something like that.
keithfras says, Eek!
slytherinkeeper says, More than half my short life!
keithfras runs and hides
€  hermitchick says, cool
slytherinkeeper says, I'm not very good.
keithfras says, Phew!
slytherinkeeper says, Assuming of course we're talking about the same 
triner2001 says, Anyone see the NYTimes today?
keithfras says, LOL!
slytherinkeeper says, Kendo/Kenpo, correct?
€  hermitchick says, no why?
sineadsiobhan says, Unless Keith brandishes his Kendo gear.. I'll be 
keithfras says, What's Kenpo?
andreahbon says, No , what's in it?
triner2001 says, Tiny article regarding the wand order switch in GoF 
and I am quoted
keithfras says, Does it feature hitting people with wooden things?
slytherinkeeper says, Oh, it's a martial art often called Karate, but 
it's not really.
slytherinkeeper says, Sometimes!
keithfras says, And wearing samurai armour?
sineadsiobhan says, But I'll be cheeky when it comes to Keith wearing 
a kilt
€  hert0661isme says, More publicity?
andreahbon says, Do you have the link?
slytherinkeeper says, If you're going to do it in a show... yes, 
keithfras says, Kendo is swordfighting
skaprincess27 says, Gah... all right, so that Simon and Flourish 
aren't the only ones, I put mine up at HPFF.
€  babynick34 says, Does it mention our group in the article?
babynick34 is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Ren Faire bodices with the bosom 
hanging out (mine gets photographed by tourists) and the waist (even 
on people like me who don't normally have one) is so different from 
the Court!
slytherinkeeper says, Well, they do kendo in kenpo then ^^
triner2001 says, Yes, more publicity, I don't know the link
sineadsiobhan says, I was cheeky with my scottish friends over New 
slytherinkeeper says, I don't do it though, I prefer sai.
keithfras says, Right
sineadsiobhan  laughs
slytherinkeeper says, Some people say they're the same thing ^^
keithfras says, So you don't have a sword and armour then?
slytherinkeeper says, I always get all confused... LOL, no, I don't .
triner2001 says, Not by name Simon, it just mentions "Internet 
discussion groups"
bludger_witch says, Just put up a new pic on my yahoo! profile - 
spirit of the occasion  
slytherinkeeper says, I do have a bo staff, two arnis stick, and two 
sai, though!
keithfras says, So is the wand order thing a mistake in the early 
editions or not?
slytherinkeeper says, Oh, and a nunchaku ^^
yael_pou enters
anglinsbees says, I don't have enough bosom to hang out- and I'll 
have even less once I lose the weight I intend to... Oh well, 
no "Huge tracts of land" for me!
bludger_witch says, Ahhh, sai. Those are cool
€  babynick34 says, Oh we should do something about that... after 
all, they didn't pay any of us to give them the info, did they?
sineadsiobhan says, hello yael!
keithfras says, I'm getting really confused about that
triner2001 says, printings 1-8, keith
slytherinkeeper says, VERY cool. My sai can break your sword!
bludger_witch says, Hi yael!
andreahbon says, HI, yael!
€  hermitchick says, hi
sineadsiobhan says, this is a good crowd!
slytherinkeeper says, Mine has the wrong order, BTW - early edition ^^
yael_pou says, hello! here with my husband tonight
keithfras says, So Lily really came out before James?
€  hert0661isme says, Hello yael
keithfras says, What's a sai?
bludger_witch says, pointy thing. hurts
slytherinkeeper says, Short sword-looking things.
keithfras says, Hi yael
keithfras says, What are they made of?
slytherinkeeper says, Can be thrown, used to break swords in their 
handleguards... metla.
anglinsbees says, Hello Yael!
slytherinkeeper says, *metal
bludger_witch says, Steel, i guess?
slytherinkeeper says, I believe so.
slytherinkeeper says, Anyway, you can sharpen them or not - they're 
deadly either way.
keithfras says, Oh well, that would break my bamboo shinai
triner2001 says, I saw an 8th printing today, 1st one I'd seen with 
the James before Lily since November
slytherinkeeper says, Someone at my dojo threw one all the way 
through the foot-wide wall.
keithfras says, Which is currently sitting in bits being maintained
starling_luv enters
slytherinkeeper says, Really? poor sword!
slytherinkeeper says, Hello, Starling!
€  hert0661isme says, Hello
keithfras says, I hope I can remember how to put it back together 
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
dai_evans says, Hi
yael_pou says, hello Starling
keithfras says, Hi, starling!
€  hermitchick says, hi
starling_luv says, this is Star, not Starling
keithfras says, Oops
skaprincess27 says, Starling!
slytherinkeeper says, OK, star then ^^
skaprincess27 says, Star!
sineadsiobhan says, Hi Star!
yael_pou says, oops
bludger_witch says, I just told my Mum to buy my brother the German 
book 4 now, because it was the *right* and *sensible* version <G>
bludger_witch says, Hi star!
starling_luv says, Hey, so what's up?
slytherinkeeper says, keith... do you do anything other than swords 
in kendo?
triner2001 says, see ya all later
sineadsiobhan says, various things.
keithfras says, Bye
yael_pou says, Hey, there
triner2001 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, They're threatening each other with 
their Japanese waepons
slytherinkeeper says, bye! Yes, we are.
slytherinkeeper says, Sort of.
yael_pou says, there's a Kendo class after out Tae-Kwon-Do class!
slytherinkeeper says, Cool, you do Taekwondo?
keithfras says, One of mine is in bits..but I've still got my 
hardwood practice sword whose name I can't spell
sineadsiobhan says, I only have my TMNT weapons.. feeble small 
plastic weapons..
johnwalton_crazyivan enters
yael_pou says, when we find the time
dai_evans says, Hi John
slytherinkeeper says, My class sort of gets mixed together... it does 
pieces of a lot of things.
keithfras says, Hi, John! D'you get my email
€  hert0661isme says, Hello John
johnwalton_crazyivan :waves:: Hello!
€  hermitchick says, hi
starling_luv says, that's ok about the Starling thing, I don't know 
how to change my yahoo ID, I was Starling untill I got on th eHP 
egroups and it got too confusing with the other Starling so I became 
sineadsiobhan says, Hey John!
skaprincess27 says, I have my cousin's old Teenage Mutant Ninja 
Turtles numchucks as weaponry.
slytherinkeeper says, But that's the definition of kenpo. Hi, John!
bludger_witch says, Tae-Kwon-Do? so you'll kick me if I beta wring? 
*runs and hides behind her chair+
skaprincess27 says, Hello, John!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith: Nope, not yet   Checking now, tho'.
slytherinkeeper says, what's BETA wring?
yael_pou says, hi blugger_... are you Dinah?
keithfras says, Testing
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Who's "slytherinkeeper"?
slytherinkeeper says, Flourish!
bludger_witch says, W/O *w* Betaing
keithfras says, There, now I can spot my own words easier
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith, haven't got it, no.
sineadsiobhan says, I used to be so in love with Michelangelo... but 
thats another story
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, John.  Don't you feel guilty about 
wanting to kill off Ron just because he's inconvenent? How would you 
like it if the author of THIS universe decided to kill you off for 
being unneccessary?
keithfras says, *((*&*)
slytherinkeeper says, Teenage mutant ninja turtles!
bludger_witch says, yael: If I'm not going to tell you, can i say 
cheeky things to you  w/o you knowing who it is?
keithfras says, Never mind. I just said that GtVS 4 was up on 
starling_luv says, Kill RON! WHo want's to kill Ron?
keithfras says, Lori
slytherinkeeper says, John.
bludger_witch says, har, har!
johnwalton_crazyivan :guilty look::
yael_pou says, Dinah! so good to see you face to face!
skaprincess27 says, I was a fan of Donatello.  Purple rocked when I 
was six.
sineadsiobhan says, Michelangelo the  party duude!
slytherinkeeper says, Lori's already done it ^^
slytherinkeeper says, Purple still rocks!
keithfras says, That's what I meant
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- Was also a Donatello fan.
starling_luv says, Purple rules!
slytherinkeeper says, Yippee!
slytherinkeeper says, That almost makes up for killing off Ron.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, I agree! Yay purple!
skaprincess27 says, I never did the normal girl things-- I grew up 
with TMNT and GI Joe.
keithfras says, Cowabunga, dudes
sineadsiobhan says, I took taekwondo because i wanted to be as good 
slytherinkeeper says, Oh, yeah.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Purple rocks, but turquoise rules
bludger_witch says, Face... face. Oh my, where did I put it? *grabs 
for the thing under her hair* Ahh, there!
keithfras says, What's TMNT?
andreahbon says, Orange is the best!
sineadsiobhan says, Only reached the orange belt level..
slytherinkeeper says, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
johnwalton_crazyivan :goes back to Rita's question:: It's a fair 
question, but then again, real people are more interesting than 
characters in a book.
slytherinkeeper says, Really? That's OK.
skaprincess27  likes green.
keithfras slaps forehead
bludger_witch says, I was a Rafael fan, always away sulking in a 
yael_pou says, anybody knowd if Cassie is about to release DS11?
slytherinkeeper says, You can still kick some serious but compared to 
others ^^
bludger_witch says, doesn' let her :-(
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Yael, last I checked, she was waiting for 
bludger_witch says, And she won't show us before it's not posted there
slytherinkeeper says, She's not.... we're going to beg her to send to 
HP4GU when she gets here.
keithfras says, It's done, but she can't post on and won't 
post on PoU until she can post on
Escape from the browser!  Use the Yahoo! Chat Client -

skaprincess27 says, My friends and I actually tried to be the TMNT: 
there were four of us, and I was the only one that didn't fight over 
being Michaelangelo.
starling_luv says, How do you do that blend thingy
sineadsiobhan says, Michelangelo was the orange turtle... Raphael was 
the red.. Donatello was the purple.. and Leonardo was the blue
andreahbon says, We don't know, but we are planning to harrass her 
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Starling, it's under "Color list".
yael_pou says, last i checked was back online
slytherinkeeper says, if she's posting on PoU, she's posting on HP4GU 
or HPFanfiction.
slytherinkeeper says, I don't care what she says.
babynick34 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Are real people more interesting than 
characters in a book? There are all these people in the driver's 
seats of cars and SUVs that my bus passes on the freeway,
babynick34 enters
keithfras says, She's maybe one of the people who can't log on
keithfras says, Like me
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah...
bludger_witch says, Aaah, Cassie just posted a Mail to HP4Go, i guess 
she'll appear soon
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (:: Hope it's not making anyone's computer 
lag -- if it is, just shout!::)
slytherinkeeper says, I can, I don't know what your problem is ^^
skaprincess27 says, I'm going to DIE from DS and SoT withdrawl soon
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, some of them are nice looking but all 
of them are instantly forgettable 
slytherinkeeper says, yeah...
€  hermitchick says, huh?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Couldn't you say the same about Ron?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the color blend is a Cheetah chat 
slytherinkeeper is away (be right back)
sineadsiobhan says, Why do H/H people kill off Ron?
keithfras says, Too much Draco-leather interaction, if you ask me
keithfras says, BTW, I saw the new Draco Dexter
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- is doing color blend with Netscape and 
Yahooooooooo Chat.
dai_evans is away (on the phone)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC Yahoo Chat just lets you have one 
color per mesg
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, John, you're just purple, not blended 
skaprincess27 says, Oh dear God
starling_luv says, does any one know hos to change a yahoo id? I need 
to change my to Star b/c I want my Egroup id to be the same as my 
yahoo id
johnwalton_crazyivan says, I'm not necessarily an H/H person. ((says 
the bloke with the nude bathing scenes...))
slytherinkeeper is back.
keithfras says, There's Something About Ron
andreahbon says,
skaprincess27 says, *lol!*
€  hermitchick says, I'm using cheeta, but that's only because yahoo 
chat room won't let me on
keithfras says, Toddler Draco was priceless
sineadsiobhan says, naked Harry...
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Ah, so I'm probably the only one who can 
*see* my color blend. How disappointing.
andreahbon says, is the link for the NYtimes article
sineadsiobhan  zones
andreahbon says, but you have to register
johnwalton_crazyivan says, No, Keith, There's Something About Malfoy  
skaprincess27 says, I still don't get the teddy bear or the cow.
andreahbon says, to see it
bludger_witch says, John: No, it gets lighter - more pink - at the 
end, right?
slytherinkeeper says, LOL, I need a little life module at my compie...
keithfras says, I don't get why you had Hermione mooing all the time
keithfras says, Earlier on
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Starling -- you just have to "Sign Out" 
and then reregister.
bludger_witch says, She was having a cow?
slytherinkeeper says, No, she was mooing.
keithfras says,  
skaprincess27 says, Neither do I.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, bludger_witch (sorry, forgot your alias!) -
- Yep.
keithfras says, Who's idea was it?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ron is not instantly forgettable: I 
haven't forgotten him.  He polititely said 'excuse me' and phrased it 
gently: "I'm probably the best at chess, so maybe you should let me 
play this one?"
bludger_witch says, I'm Dinah
skaprincess27 says, Trying to ask resulted in head-biting-offage.
starling_luv says, you mean i have to resart everything? bummer
babynick34 leaves
sineadsiobhan says, Neither do I but I though it was funny..
anglinsbees is away (Auto-Away)
slytherinkeeper :yawn::
johnwalton_crazyivan :schnoogles Dinah::
bludger_witch blushes
bludger_witch says, Ooooh!
yael_pou says, Dinah, keeping busy, are you?
slytherinkeeper says, What is with the colors "catching"?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- irritated that when you begin a line 
with : it changes color...
bludger_witch says, yael, did you read that?
slytherinkeeper says, I write something, and it turns pink!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend lent me a book of EM Forster 
lecture series on 'the novel'
yael_pou says, yep.
slytherinkeeper says, LOL, that's why.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Flourish, it's onlyif you do 
the ::action:: thing.
slytherinkeeper Ah.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Flourish: I see your writing as black
keithfras says, Starting with a colon means it's talking about you in 
the 3rd person
slytherinkeeper says, There we go.
skaprincess27 says, working from the HTML... i see no colors.
slytherinkeeper says, Whatever ::shrugs::
€  hert0661isme  Hello
yael_pou says, was i supposed not to?
bludger_witch says, Don't start with html - I'm really not capable :-(
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Rita, I do agree that canon Ron is a nice 
chap and all. Problem is, so's everyone who's not a Slytherin.
slytherinkeeper says, Poor incapable Dinah...
starling_luv says, oooh, wow there are emotions on this(first time 
chating on here)
slytherinkeeper says,  I don't like italics any more.
keithfras says, I like the way the default status thing on here 
says 'I'm available'
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, One of the lectures was on characters
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah, really.
cassandraclaire73 enters
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith, I'm not sure that translates into 
American. ::british snigger::
slytherinkeeper says, CASSIE!
andreahbon says, Cassie!!!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Cassie! ::schnoogle::
bludger_witch says, yael: Just watned to show that I'm not teh only 
one who randomly shnoogles people
sineadsiobhan says, Cassie!
slytherinkeeper says, POST DS11 NOW!
cassandraclaire73 says, schnoogles everyone
keithfras says, Cassie! Some people want a word with you!
starling_luv says, Hi Cassie
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Star: you can invent your 
own 'emtions' by starting what you type with a : (colon) -- that 
removes the 'says'
yael_pou says, where can i see all the name/alias table?
cassandraclaire73 says, hey flourish!
skaprincess27 says, CASSIE!
bludger_witch says, Hi cassie! We were wating +dum-di+dum+
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Cass
cassandraclaire73 says, who wants a word with me?
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
yael_pou says, hi cassie!
keithfras schnoogles no-one
cassandraclaire73 says, hey simon!
andreahbon says, DS11, I need it!
slytherinkeeper says, All of us...
cassandraclaire73 says, what..?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Keith, yes "I'm availableI" 
translates into American jut fine)
€  hert0661isme says, When do we get DS11?
slytherinkeeper says, We're waiting for you to post DS11...
dai_evans is back.
keithfras says, OK, the text is going whoosh up the screen!
dai_evans says, Hi cass
sineadsiobhan says, *red goes into eyes* We need DS11
slytherinkeeper says, if you don't we'll go squirrel bait!
bludger_witch says, Ack, Keith,  spoilsport. May I schnoogle you?
keithfras says, Cassie's overwhelmed
andreahbon says, please, please...
slytherinkeeper says, (nuts, that is)
cassandraclaire73 says, im waiting for heidi to give it back to me!!!
cassandraclaire73 says, ack--blames the beta-reader
keithfras says nothing
slytherinkeeper says, You said it was ready.
€  hermitchick says, huh? I'm lost again, this happens to me a lot
skaprincess27 says, I'm not really waiting anymore per se, I'm sort 
of doing that "dying out of anticipation" thing
slytherinkeeper says, LOL, now I'm scaring myself.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The list of chat alias is in the FIles 
sections of the Chat Transciprt egroup, whose URL Smion just said
cassandraclaire73 says, its been betad once, but it's such a ... hard 
chapter i wantred a second opinion
slytherinkeeper says, Ah.
hert0661isme The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
starling_luv says, At least DS11 will be out sooner than the 5th 
cannon, our friend Cass wouldn't dare to leave us hanging too long
slytherinkeeper says, hehe!
cassandraclaire73 says, its dark and, uh, bloody and stuff
keithfras says, 2002! Ack!
slytherinkeeper says, That's good!
cassandraclaire73 says, It will be out TONIGHT.
yael_pou says, thanks, Simon?
keithfras says, Bloody is good
slytherinkeeper says, I like dark and bloody  
starling_luv says, yeah!
sineadsiobhan says, Dark and bloody is good..
cassandraclaire73 says, good cause its very bloody indeed
€  hert0661isme says, Yes?
slytherinkeeper says, We love you Cassie! ::schnoogles::
bludger_witch says, *fetches CPR - machine for all dyers out there*
keithfras says, Ep 5 of Ginny the Vamp Slayer will be a ripoff of the 
film 'Predator'
cassandraclaire73 says, and the love is reciprocated!
yael_pou says, just checking.
€  hert0661isme  Schnooogles Cass
andreahbon says, Ooooo
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermia, Cassandra Claire is the author 
of Draco Dormiens and Draco Sinister. Both are posted on ffnet and 
PoU. Draco Dormiens is completed
skaprincess27 says, Tonight Cassie time or tonight I-can-read-it-
before-I-go-to-bed tiem?
slytherinkeeper says, Group hug time!  
anglinsbees is back.
anglinsbees says, Tonight! Yipeee!!!!
€  hermitchick says, oh
starling_luv says, oh dear, if the chapter is out tonight it means 
i'm going to have alot of emails to go through(alreafy have 231!)
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Anyone else tried the beta of the new 
Yahoo! Groups? Or yGroups?
cassandraclaire73 says, lol! depens on heidi. i faxed it to her at 
her hotel.
cassandraclaire73 says, ellen, you have a cameo
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but Draco Sinister (DS) is in 
progress, and all those people are screaming for the next installment
slytherinkeeper says, LOL, I wish people screamed for SOHSSH!
€  hert0661isme says, I converted over to the beta - seems a lot 
cassandraclaire73 says, she has to beta it on the airplane, and 
return it to me when she gets to Florida
€  hermitchick says, Ok, cool
skaprincess27 says, Don't get me wrong, I'll sneak out of bed at 
three in the morning on a school night to see it, but still.
keithfras says, Don't think anyone's screamed for GtVS yet
anglinsbees says, Ohh!!! Wow!  i am overwhelmed!
slytherinkeeper  rays for it to be out soooon::
slytherinkeeper says, Ack!
slytherinkeeper says, Prays, that was ^_^
yael_pou says, she's flying a lot!
keithfras says, Blinking emoticons
€  hert0661isme says, Think what you might be responsible for Cass!
slytherinkeeper says, I hate 'em1
skaprincess27 says, I get screamed to either stop writing or write 
starling_luv says, anyone from Chicago in here?
cassandraclaire73 says, heidi has to fly a lot for work -- it's 
pretty funny, faxing DS to her at the hotel
johnwalton_crazyivan says, What's wrong with a nice simple : )
cassandraclaire73 says, i wonder what the hotel staff thinks!
slytherinkeeper says, hehe...
starling_luv says,  
slytherinkeeper says, "she's scary," prolly.
sineadsiobhan says, BRB...
cassandraclaire73 says, 'what's all this about leather pants?"
sineadsiobhan is away (be right back)
cassandraclaire73 says, starling...?
slytherinkeeper says, That's Star, not Starling.
starling_luv says, yeah?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (Trick is to use a space ; ) )
€  hermitchick says, They are betaing Y! groups already?
cassandraclaire73 says, ah, well
anglinsbees says, Chicago/  I ahve friens there- but I live near 
slytherinkeeper says, Ah. : ) Yay!
keithfras says, Yeah, they see the bits where Harry's fiddling with 
Hermione's cardigan and think 'Oh lord, she's a porn baron'
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cheetah automatically changes the 
emoticons : - ) to :-) without being asked
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Yeah., login is 
egroups, password is onelist.
cassandraclaire73 says, that's baron extraordinaire.
slytherinkeeper says, Yeah - they asked us to beta it, right?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ouch! It made a liar aout of me!
slytherinkeeper says, Yup.
skaprincess27 says, Porn baron... *giggles* 
cassandraclaire73 says, now i feel guilty. i could give spoilers?
keithfras says, YES!
slytherinkeeper says, Yes!
dai_evans says, No
starling_luv says, yes!!!
andreahbon says, Nooo!
cassandraclaire73 says, what do you want to know?
keithfras applies mind probe
€  hert0661isme says, Nothing
starling_luv says, um, snything!
dai_evans says, Don't tell us anything
skaprincess27 says, YES!
bludger_witch says, Who snogs with whom?
keithfras says, Everything
€  hert0661isme  do not spoil it
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (cough) ERm...*asked* is such a specific 
cassandraclaire73 says, only one snog.
slytherinkeeper says, ... I can't think of something... yes, that's 
good Dina!
dai_evans says, It'll spoil the surprise
slytherinkeeper says, *dinah
johnwalton_crazyivan says, *word
slytherinkeeper says, Awww, only one?
cassandraclaire73 says, and it isn't H/H or D/G
keithfras says,  
€  hert0661isme  gets flamethrower ready
slytherinkeeper says, NO! I want more D/G!
dai_evans says, STOP IT
skaprincess27 says, Narcissa/Demon?
sineadsiobhan is back.
cassandraclaire73 says, and it isn't simon/ginny either
€  hert0661isme  aims it at Cass
starling_luv says, bummer
bludger_witch says, Sirius/Snape? *blinking hopefully*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's Sirius and Narcissa?
keithfras says, Ron/Fleur?
€  hermitchick says, Maybe I shoud put my subscription to the egroups 
morador list back on mail
skaprincess27 says, Awl, it's D/H, isn't it?
yael_pou says,  
sineadsiobhan grumbles
€  hert0661isme  and the rest of the room
cassandraclaire73 says, heh.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah: LOL
sineadsiobhan says, FF.Net is slow..
johnwalton_crazyivan says, More like "the URL and login got posted to 
the eGroup".
slytherinkeeper says, Please, no D/H....
cassandraclaire73 says, no DH.
slytherinkeeper says, YAY!
starling_luv says, YAY
johnwalton_crazyivan says, FFN is down. ::ruthlessly thwaps FFN:: Let 
me upload you #$^$^(@$^(&
andreahbon says, D/H, as in draco/harry?
slytherinkeeper ancing for joy::
skaprincess27 says, *falls to knees and thanks the fanfic deities*
slytherinkeeper says, ACH1
cassandraclaire73 says, unles you mean draco/harry?
bludger_witch says, D/H as in hermione Draco or in Harry Draco?
starling_luv says, yuk!
keithfras says, Ron and ummm. Simon Branford's gorgeous sister?
slytherinkeeper says, No, D/H as in Draco/Hermione
cassandraclaire73 says, heh.
cassandraclaire73 says, well then we'e all right.
€  hert0661isme says, I have no sister
skaprincess27 says, Cassie: S/M?  *giggle*
yael_pou says, i have window open. It's up.  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco and Charlie: they have dragons 
in common
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (thinks) When she said H/H, which Hs did 
she mean?
starling_luv says, is Fleur snogging someone?
keithfras says, Dr Branford might
€  hert0661isme says, Harry / Hedwig
slytherinkeeper says, No... please no Draco/Harry, I'm not against it 
but... not in DS!
dai_evans says, She was hidden from your fas
dai_evans says, Oh bugger
slytherinkeeper says, Fleur is trying to snog Draco.
cassandraclaire73 says, Draco and Charlie will not work. they have 
matching pants.
starling_luv says, hehe
dai_evans says, She was hidden from your father when you were born 
€  hermitchick says, that's scary
keithfras says, Where can I find that story where Hedwig turned out 
to be an Aniumagus?
slytherinkeeper says, Don't dis the pants, man!
sineadsiobhan says, How... Harry/Hedwig? How?
keithfras says, LOL Cass!
slytherinkeeper says, Um... scary.
cassandraclaire73 says, it would be too much leather.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (And children, leather + leather = 
skaprincess27 says, Is it G/H?
anglinsbees says, But Drago already got into Charlies pants....
slytherinkeeper says, All I can say is... feather.
€  hert0661isme says, Harry as an animagus (Owl obviously)
slytherinkeeper says, Ha, ha, ha.
keithfras says, LOL Ellen
yael_pou says, are both parties human?
andreahbon says, lol ellen
cassandraclaire73 says, all i can say is...I hate GH with an endless 
passion, so no.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (holds up hand) and that's as far as I'm 
going there.
slytherinkeeper says, Thank you!
selah_1977 enters
€  hert0661isme says, or Hedwig is a hidden animagus
cassandraclaire73 says, hey it could be Fleur/Salzar for all you know
bludger_witch says, Remus the Werewolve - Hedgiw the owl
€  hert0661isme says, Hello Ebony

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