
Simon Branford simon.branford at ...
Mon Jan 29 01:49:25 UTC 2001

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dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
New look.  Same great taste!  Try the Yahoo! Chat Client - 

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*** You cannot join room c_harrypotterforgrownups:1.
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dr_simon_branford leaves
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selah_1977 says, I'm early today.... just trying to check the room 
out... hello everyon!
selah_1977 says, Hi Simon!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I never learned the rules when I 
was lttle, and now I can't follow it
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello - got in the right place this time
selah_1977 says, add an "e" to everyone...
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, ok
€  dr_simon_branford says, Have been jumping between groups and then 
ended up in totally the wrong place!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I downloaded cheetachat a couple 
of days ago\
selah_1977 says, Isn't anyone going to a Super Bowl party?  I was 
invited to two... and I'm not.   
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
sineadsiobhan says, my typing on this comp isn't up to snuff
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
bludger_witch enters
sineadsiobhan says, I'm not going to watch it
sineadsiobhan says, hi....(trying to remember names)
€  dr_simon_branford says, Super Bowl? - Is that were you all find 
the biggest bowl possible to eat from?
€  bludger_witch says, Hi! It's Dinah...
johnwalton_crazyivan enters
sineadsiobhan says, Hi john!
€  bludger_witch says, Hi John!
€  dr_simon_branford says, My alias is a bit of a give away!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hello!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, My family isn't much for 
American football
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello john
sineadsiobhan says, yes the biggest possible bowlto eat from
selah_1977 says, Hey John!  Did you get my e-mail re: collaboration?
€  dr_simon_branford says, American footbal - the game with as little 
foot and ball connection as possible!
selah_1977 says, My alias is obscure.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, so is mine
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I'm not even a guy
selah_1977 says, Well, Americans aren't known for their logical 
johnwalton_crazyivan says, No, Eb, I didn't...did you get mine re a 
new email address suggestion?
sineadsiobhan says, I used to think that every team was the same
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- fiddling with YahooGroupsChat 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, So I'm guessing nobody here is 
american, since we're bashing them and nobody's complaining
selah_1977 says, Yes, I did... and I plan to check it out... I was 
replying to your suggestion...
sineadsiobhan says, I was rooting for both sides
sumannchoo leaves
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, who's sumanchoo
€  dr_simon_branford says, no idea!
selah_1977 says, I think I'm going to root for both sides in the 
Great Shipping Debate.  It's making me cross-eyed.
sineadsiobhan says, H/H!!!!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, There's no way you can root for 
both sides
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, H/H
sineadsiobhan says, Sorry.. :-D
selah_1977 says, Stop it!
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hmm....let's see if this is actually 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, ok, ok
€  dr_simon_branford says, H/H - I could not agree more (just use 
different slant on the H/H)
€  bludger_witch says, Why not? May first H/R, then she changes her 
mind and... plop! we have H/H!
selah_1977 says, I thought I'd never tire of the subject... but I'm 
getting there fast.  I'll just proselytze via fanfic from now one.
€  bludger_witch says, Or they all get together with exchange 
students <g>
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
selah_1977 says, Huh?
€  bludger_witch says, *la, la, la* clichès, gotta love them
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Simon, are you taking notes of new Y!IDs 
not on the list or shal I?
sineadsiobhan says, my type isn't working too properly
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, How did you get my real name 
last time, I was a bit confused
€  dr_simon_branford says, I will leave you to do it
sineadsiobhan says, very difficult to tyype
selah_1977 says, I recently switched to individual e-mails.  And my 
Hotmail account EXPLODED for the first time in four years.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Okay...
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Because I can't recall using my 
name in the chat
selah_1977 says, I think I'm going to post less... now I understand 
the complaints!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Web only- the two magic words
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Hotmail's been acting up
€  bludger_witch says, Web Only? But my phone-bill would climb up to 
new spheres lol
johnwalton_crazyivan says, BRB....YAhoo acting up.
johnwalton_crazyivan leaves
sineadsiobhan says, my yahoo tye is very weird
selah_1977 says, I was web only--and I was a club member at the time 
of the Move.  But when the Webview spazzed out a couple of weeks ago, 
I switched...
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I think my phone bill was pretty 
high before
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Ouch
selah_1977 says, Dinah, I can't see the pretty rainbow type!
€  dr_simon_branford says, your real last name was connected with 
some post or other - got it from there
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, And you got 200 seperate emails
€  bludger_witch says, I'm having constant problems with my e-mail 
accounts - Hotmail doesn't work on my Outlook (don't ask why)
€  dr_simon_branford says, Or it is on your profile
sineadsiobhan says, I liked the type at the other room.. but this 
room is so much ewasier to get in
€  bludger_witch says, And I always have password issues with other 
services +grumble*
heiditandy enters
heiditandy says, yay! I got in!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I just constantly get reversed 
messages- I get the replies before I get the actual message
selah_1977 says, Outlook has always hated me too!  They're both Bill 
Gates' babies... you'd think...
sineadsiobhan says, hi heidi!
€  bludger_witch says, Hello heidi!
selah_1977 says, Hi, Heidi!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
johnwalton_crazyivan enters
€  dr_simon_branford says, wb
selah_1977 says, wb John
heiditandy says, I don't know how much I'll be participating, though -
 harry is feeling a little under the weather today & needs peperup 
selah_1977 says, Poor little thing...
jenp_97 enters
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
selah_1977 says, Welcome, Jen!
tygrestick enters
jenp_97 says, hmmm... how long has it been since I've been here?  
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
selah_1977 says, Hi, Lizzy...
tygrestick says, Hi!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
sineadsiobhan says, Hi Lizzy!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
heiditandy says, how can I get in with Cheeta?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, you add the room number to your 
favourites list
sineadsiobhan says, So hows the shipper debate going over thereon the 
the message boards?
€  dr_simon_branford says, do you want an e-mail with the 
selah_1977 says, I think this is going to be a huge chat... nine 
members and it isn't even 3 EST yet.  And on SuperBowl Sunday!
selah_1977 says, Sinead--I'm throwing in the towel.  Let the R/Hers 
and no-shippers win.   
voicelady_2000 enters
sineadsiobhan says, AH!!!!
sineadsiobhan says, No no no no
tygrestick says, Argh, who wants to watch football?
jenp_97 says, well, I have a SB party to go to in about 30 minutes, 
so I can't stay long.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Yes, but don't forget that the HP trailer 
isn't going to be shown...
selah_1977 says, Hi, Jeralyn!
tygrestick says, No! H/H! MUST win!
voicelady_2000 says, hi everyone!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
selah_1977 says, Oh, so all the HP fans are boycotting in protest, eh?
sineadsiobhan says, NO!!!! Ebony!
heiditandy says, yeah
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, The debate has lasted about two 
tygrestick says, Hi!
tygrestick says, H/H has to win
voicelady_2000 says, I'm not boycotting - I happen to like US 
sineadsiobhan says, yes... H/H has to win :-D
selah_1977 says, This sailor has been on the front lines of the naval 
battle long enough.   
jenp_97 says, (so.... I must have missed something.  An HP trailer 
was going to play during the SB?)
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I prefer rugby
heiditandy says, i always watch - for the ads
selah_1977 says, I prefer chess.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Yes, Jen, but was discounted as just a 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
voicelady_2000 says,  
tygrestick says, chess is fun!
jenp_97 says, ah.
jenp_97 says, gotcha
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Too bad
sineadsiobhan says, I prefer... video games... you control it..
jenp_97 says, My SB party is an excuse to have a squares pool and 
watch the commercials.
tygrestick says, or computor games
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I prefer reading
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Well, when they start Quidditch in real 
tygrestick says, that will be the one sport I'll watch
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, What's so good about the 
selah_1977 says, My thoughts exactly, John!
voicelady_2000 says, The commercials are usually pretty funny.
tygrestick says, They pay millios to get a spot, so they're alway 
kmantovani enters
sineadsiobhan says, some of the commercials are going to be whown 
only once
siriusgeologist enters
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Yes, but it'll be a bit 
different than the books' version
€  dr_simon_branford says, Heidi - I have e-mailed you the Cheeta 
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
sineadsiobhan says, hey Carole!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
selah_1977 says, Hello, Carole
voicelady_2000 says, Carole!
tygrestick says, hi!
sineadsiobhan says, lots of people already in here!
siriusgeologist says, Hi there...what's everyone doing here already?
selah_1977 says, Boycotting the Super Bowl.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I like cheetachat better than 
the yahoo
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
kmantovani says, hello everyone.
selah_1977 says, Hi!  What's your list alias?
jenp_97 says, it's not on yet.  You can say we're boycotting it when 
it's on.  
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Survivor is on after the 
superbowl, correct?
jenp_97 says, yes
voicelady_2000 says, Yup!
€  bludger_witch says, CheetaChat is great, but I'm tempted to fuddle 
with teh colors the whole time!
tygrestick says, what time does it start?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, idk
voicelady_2000 says, 6:35 EST
johnwalton_crazyivan :sigh:: See, I'd watch the SB for Survivor if I 
were in the USA...
selah_1977 says, Wouldn't be as good as the last Survivor... yes, I 
loved it.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, One of the contestants is 
hermitchick enters
jenp_97 says, Definitely looking forward to the show AFTER the SB 
more than the SB itself.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, GO CANADA!
sineadsiobhan says, whats the difference between cheetahchatand 
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
tygrestick says, I'm lookinf forward to surivior more also
€  dr_simon_branford says, cheeta rarely doew the yahoo in and out 
sineadsiobhan says, my typing is weird.... something tricky withthis 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Although they don't say it in 
the "biographies"
siriusgeologist says, what  time does the superbowl start?
jenp_97 says, You know what would be fun?  Make survivor with people 
who speak different languages.  Now THAT would be interesting.  
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
voicelady_2000 says, Good idea.
tygrestick says, that'd be funny!
selah_1977 says, That might be brutal.  Tower of Babel, anyone?
Stuck at the office?  Messenger lets you chat through firewalls!  

jenp_97 says, hehe
sineadsiobhan says, probably doing some work
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- updating the chatter list -- 
hermitchick, jenp_97, kmantovani, who would we know you as?
sineadsiobhan says, no telly
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Am I the only person who thinks 
that Temptation island is muted pornography
€  dr_simon_branford says, If anyone needs instructions on getting 
started with Cheeta then they are included in the most recent message 
at the Chat Scripts group
voicelady_2000 says, Haven't even seen it.
jenp_97 says, Um... I usually am jenp_97    That's who my messages 
are from.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
jenp_97 says, Jen Piersol.  
tygrestick says, it is! It's such a stupid show- I can't beliebe 
they're letting them show that
sineadsiobhan says, nope... but I haven't seen that show
kmantovani says, I'm Margoh S. Nox... Ive just joined less than a 
week ago.
voicelady_2000 says, Welcome then!
selah_1977 says, Welcome, Margoh!
tygrestick says, Hi!
jenp_97 says, Oh sheesh... My hubby and I watch Temptation Island 
just to see how stupid people can be.
siriusgeologist says, hello
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello and welcome on board
kmantovani says, Thanks.  
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Welcome! Are you enjoying our mad little 
selah_1977 says, We're even more insane than we seem.  I'm the (loud) 
H/H special agent, Ebony.  Nice to meet you.
jenp_97 says, It's like a car accident that you can't help looking 
at, even though you know it's tragic.
selah_1977 says, What, Jen?
voicelady_2000 says, Margaritas anyone?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, It's basically two or three 
couples put on an island, stranded with a bunch of "beautiful" single 
people, and get tempted
kmantovani says, very much I actually cannot keep up.
sineadsiobhan says, good way of putting it jen
jenp_97 says, Temptation Island
heiditandy says, and noone has yet done a fanfic with ron & hermione 
on temptationisland.... (so says this H/H shipper...)
jenp_97 says, ew.
johnwalton_crazyivan :runs over to voicelady:: Wes pweez.
selah_1977 says, OOH!
tygrestick says, h/h must win!
sineadsiobhan says, its like fake  wrestling....
tygrestick says, *snigger*
kmantovani says, changing for blue... Im a Ravenclaw, you know...  
selah_1977 says, <----R/H on Temptation Island... (cackles wickedly)
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I was put as a Gryffindor
voicelady_2000 says, Eb, don
jenp_97 says, You're serving margaritas even though tequila is going 
to be 2x as expensive now?  
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (warning cough) Ebonyyyy...
sineadsiobhan says, oooh!!!! Harry can be one of the sexy people :-D
selah_1977 says, Don't tempt me...
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Oh, and Draco, of course...
tygrestick says, ina kilt!
siriusgeologist says, in a kilt?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Draco!
voicelady_2000 says, Eb, don't put ideas into people's heads!  That's 
sineadsiobhan says, Yes!
kmantovani says, Andrea, are you around?
selah_1977 says, Pippin will collaborate...
sineadsiobhan says, In a kilt of course!
tygrestick says, drakey is hot!
selah_1977 says, Draco in a kilt?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, and Sirius of course
selah_1977 says, What?
sineadsiobhan says, Ewww not draco!
voicelady_2000 says, Of course, Jen!
tygrestick says, no no, harry in a kilt
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Cassie's Draco, of course.
siriusgeologist says, Sirius...of course
selah_1977 says, No one in a kilt!
tygrestick says, no one?
siriusgeologist says, why not eb?
selah_1977 says, OK, maybe Sirius.   
sineadsiobhan says, *gasp* no one?
jenp_97 says, hehe
€  dr_simon_branford says, Fleur, Ginny and Hermione in skimpy 
siriusgeologist says, only at his wedding!
kmantovani says, John, you study Int. Relations, dont you?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Okay. Kilts=made from wool. Can be quite 
warm. Wool + desert island = nasty chafing ::ahem::
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Yes, Margoh.
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
jenp_97 says, lol
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Yeah, well, umm, Draco in a 
leather bathing suit
€  bludger_witch says, Wool = bad itching and allergies <g>
tygrestick says, well, we could put them in leather...
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
selah_1977 says, You'll get Hermione in a bikini in a bit, Simon... I 
think.  Stay tuned.
tygrestick says, a speedo, of course
sineadsiobhan says, wouldn't the bathing suit shrink?
tygrestick says, not hermione- draco
€  bludger_witch says, That are the images you get from writing 
highlander filk :-)
kmantovani says, read it on Fanfiction.net... I do too.
voicelady_2000 says, *groan*
jenp_97 says, No speedos.
€  dr_simon_branford says, Will do - need  a good soap opera 
siriusgeologist says, can"t read that dinah
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, All the better..... *g*
tygrestick says, not draco ina speedo?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Cool! Where do you study?
€  bludger_witch says, Okay, carole, changed it.
siriusgeologist says, thanks
kmantovani says, how do you like your course?
selah_1977 says, hmm, Simon...
€  dr_simon_branford says, yep Ebony
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Absolutely fantastic. Love it  
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Did you guys take the HP 
obsession test?
kmantovani says, Im Brazilian, guess you never heard of my 
university. PUC.
voicelady_2000 says, 72%
€  dr_simon_branford says, 47%
sineadsiobhan says, no.. where is that?
hermitchick leaves
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, 126%
selah_1977 says, Why does bathing suit imply soap opera?  If she's 
dead, it would imply murder-mystery.  Or in my case, camp.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, *g*
voicelady_2000 says, 126?!?
jenp_97 says, I did, but I'm ashamed to say that I'm only 66%. :/  I 
thought I was more obsessed than that.
kmantovani says, that stands for Pontificia Universidade Catolica.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I don't know what happened
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Where's that, in Brazil?
siriusgeologist says, who"s dead?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, My friends weren't that 
surprised though
keithfras enters
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
siriusgeologist says, hi keith
voicelady_2000 says, Keith!
sineadsiobhan says, hey keith!
selah_1977 says, I got a B-minus myself.  I think the test is rigged, 
myself.  I don't get B's.
€  dr_simon_branford says, No what has happened so far could be seen 
as a soap opera
keithfras says, Hello all!
€  dr_simon_branford says, hello keith
kmantovani says, but nevermind. Its just a catholic university in 
selah_1977 says, Hi, Keith!
keithfras says, Mae govannon
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (well, the name is in Portuguese...so 
there's only two options...)
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Wotcha Keith!
selah_1977 says, Well, I'm calming down. At least I think I am.
kmantovani says, right.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <- believes that people should 
use "Wotcha" more in everyday life.
selah_1977 says, LOL @ John.
€  dr_simon_branford says, though the parts are too long for it to be 
considered a true soap
€  dr_simon_branford says, Schnoogle
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, There are still 15 minutes to 
the chat and there are already 13 people in the chat
siriusgeologist says, loved pippin"s spoof
voicelady_2000 says, So just what *is* a schnoogle?
kmantovani says, wish I studied in Scotland or anywhere else, 
though.... *sighs*
voicelady_2000 says, And how can I get one?
€  bludger_witch says, Wotcha... (can also be used to express 
alarm "!!!!!!!" or puzzlement "??????" lol)
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Simon, also the lack of australians in TIP 
precludes soap opera status.
sineadsiobhan says, I use whats up too often IRL greeting people
€  dr_simon_branford says, lol
selah_1977 says, I saw, Carole!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Jeralyn, it's like a mundwinkel...
voicelady_2000 says,  
keithfras says, There are non-Australian soaps in Britain
harpdreamer enters
kmantovani says, hey... I know you! rfdance...
selah_1977 says, Can't Simon be Australian?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Margoh, can you not transfer?
€  dr_simon_branford  schnoogles Jeralyn
selah_1977 says, I know he's not, but for the purposes of my fic?
keithfras says, Brookside Close: The most dangerous place in the UK 
to live
voicelady_2000 says, Gee...
€  dr_simon_branford says, I am not, repeat not, Australian
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith, are there? Since when? ::facetious 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, why the most dangerous
selah_1977 says, LOL!  Sorry...
kmantovani says, well, not a chance right now...  
jenp_97 says, well, darnit, I have to go now.  WE've got a 30 minute 
drive up the mountain to go to that SB party... I'll try to make it 
back here next week, though.  
voicelady_2000 says, The other Simon is Australian.
tygrestick says, bye!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, bye
selah_1977 says, All right, Jen!  C-ya...
€  dr_simon_branford says, bye
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Ciao Jen!
jenp_97 says, bye!
keithfras says, Namarie
selah_1977 says, I know, Jeralyn... just being silly.
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group: 
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
jenp_97 leaves
kmantovani says, dont know anyone there, how would I live?
selah_1977 says, No one knows this, but one of the many career 
choices I cycled through as a kid and teen was "soap opera writer" 
after I saw the movie "Soap".
€  dr_simon_branford says, Other Simon is also an SB - can get 
keithfras says, We've got 13 again...the first one to leave will die 
unless someone else comes in first
voicelady_2000 leaves
keithfras says, Uh-oh...
selah_1977 says, Oh, NO!  Jeralyn...
johnwalton_crazyivan says, In Halls of Residence, perhaps?
€  bludger_witch says, Oh yeah, "Soap" is cool... but a bit crazy
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, uh oh
voicelady_2000 enters
€  dr_simon_branford says, wb
sineadsiobhan says, whew
kmantovani says, gosh, touch wood.
selah_1977 says, wb
johnwalton_crazyivan says, dum...dum dum dum duuuuuuummm...
keithfras says, Is there any way to make the chat window bigger? It's 
voicelady_2000 says, And I'm *still* having yahoo difficulties!
kmantovani says, that would be nice, but really quite impossible
heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Yesterday I saw a commercial 
that made me laugh so hard I cried
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (Daily Prophet, Mon 26 Jan, New York) DP 
Reporter Jeralyn M. Curmudgeon disappeared today in a frightening 
chain of events...
keithfras says, What was it for?
tygrestick says, which one?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, It was for the "Potty Putter"
keithfras says, ???????
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, You can guess the rest
sineadsiobhan says, whats the url for the obsession thing?
kmantovani says, maybe someday, when I grow up.  
voicelady_2000 says, Curmudgeon?  Is that an *old* joke?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hehe  
voicelady_2000 says,  
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Is that not how you byline your DP reports?
voicelady_2000 says, pretty accurate.
€  bludger_witch says, It's http://www.fuuko.com/hpquiz.html
selah_1977 says, OOH!  I'm sure Harry endured his share of Potty 
jokes at the hands of Dudley and co.
selah_1977 says, Erase the OOH! please.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Not to mention Draco -- "Potty and the 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, It was for a golf pratise course 
while you were on the toilet
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- hands Ebony the Valium
selah_1977 says, He didn't call Hermione anything.
harpdreamer says, Not to mention Peeves--Remember Potty wee Potter?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says,  
voicelady_2000 says, All around the mulberry bush, the potty and the 
€  bludger_witch says, he calls her mudblood, that's bad enough
selah_1977 says, LMAO!
voicelady_2000 says, What does that little clock thing on Heidi's 
name mean?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Means she's Away.
selah_1977 says, means she's away...
voicelady_2000 says, 'Kay.
harpdreamer says, Of course, Draco is now the Amazing Bouncing Ferret!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (ah, but I gave her a capital A. Makes it 
sound more Important.)
tygrestick is away (be right back)
johnwalton_crazyivan says, See, unlike some, I didn't feel sorry at 
all for Draco when Moody bounced him. He's just such a horrible 
little child...
voicelady_2000 says, I agree, John
tygrestick says, but he's hot!
selah_1977 says, I don't feel sorry for Snape.  He's an adult who 
terrorizes children.
€  bludger_witch says, Just imagine what a nice little rug he'd be...
keithfras says, I'm officially 33% obsessed with HP
voicelady_2000 says, Not in the canon he isn't!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Me neither, Eb.
selah_1977 says, 33%?  Poor thing...
johnwalton_crazyivan says, distinct difference between Canon!Draco 
and Fanon!Draco.
selah_1977 says, You're actually normal.
keithfras says, Yay! Go John! Down with Canon Draco!
harpdreamer says, I just bought more Stuff--will have to retake the 
quiz now.
keithfras says, Ginny kicked his butt in GtVS episode 1
voicelady_2000 says, What did you get?
kmantovani says, sorry, but can someone pass me the link to the 
obsession quiz?
dr_simon_branford The Harry Potter Obsession Quiz is at: 
selah_1977 says, I'm really getting into D/G.  Trying to figure out 
plausible reasons.  It's fun to make up stuff.   
kmantovani says, thanks doc.
keithfras says, Yeah, I like the D/G in DS a lot
selah_1977 says, I do, too.  If he'd only get Hermione off the brain.
harpdreamer says, Around 80  something percent.  But I only had 2 
things then--besides the books.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I took the test again
sineadsiobhan says, I'm 52% obsessed
keithfras says, I said I was a 'shipper' in the quiz, but that's not 
precisely true
€  dr_simon_branford says, Knew I was here for a reason - it is to 
have all these Macros set up to tell everyone where things are
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I got a 2 percent difference 
from last time I took the test
keithfras says, I support relationships between certain versions of 
sineadsiobhan says, whew... I thought I was e ven more obsessed
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
selah_1977 says, Someone ought to write a fic that doesn't have 
everyone panting after Hermione.     Besides the Teenage Witches' 
first one.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, 128% instead of 126%
keithfras says, The canon ones haven't matured enough to be sure
siriusgeologist is back.
siriusgeologist says, amen, eb!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
voicelady_2000 says, I'm thinking of writing a crossover with HP and 
Flowers For Algernon.
keithfras says, Everybody isn't panting after Hermione in GtVS
selah_1977 says, How can you be more than 100% obsessed?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I don't know
€  dr_simon_branford says, quiz is out of 202%
siriusgeologist says, I have got to read that!
keithfras says, With difficulty, Ebony
selah_1977 says, Right... they're panting after Ginny, Simon.
Chat, Voice, and Free Phone Calls.  What else could you need?  

€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, But I'm quite scrared
harpdreamer leaves
harpdreamer enters
selah_1977 waves at everyone in the room
voicelady_2000 says, My main character will be Hagrid.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, ahh, typos
keithfras says, Wow. Out of 202% and I only got 33? Must be a mistake
€  dr_simon_branford  glares at Eb
selah_1977 says, Thanks, Carole!
selah_1977 sings, "Tell me what you want, what you really, really 
sineadsiobhan says, Everyone's panting after Hagrid?
siriusgeologist says, WHat!...Hagrid?
voicelady_2000 says, No, it won't be a romance.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, By the way, in the character 
test, I got Voldemort as number 4
selah_1977 says, these emotions aren't working!
€  dr_simon_branford says, 202% is impossible as you would have to be 
the quiz writer, Penny, Steve (as in Lexicon Steve) and Jenna all at 
keithfras says, I take it Hagrid's intelligence gets enhanced
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, SHould I be very scared?
siriusgeologist says, hehehehehehe...was worried ther for a bit
voicelady_2000 says, Yup.
keithfras says, Where's the character quiz?
sineadsiobhan says, whew...
keithfras says, Bet I'm Hermione
selah_1977 says, I was Hermione.  Not a huge surprise.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (kicks Yahoo)
siriusgeologist says, I was Bill Weasley
keithfras says, A Buffy one said I was most like Willow...no 
surprises there
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I was Harry
sineadsiobhan says, I got Ron, then Hermone, then Harry
€  bludger_witch says, Remus here
voicelady_2000 says, McGonagall. No surprise there.
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hermione
keithfras says, So where is it?
harpdreamer says, I was Harry, too
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, that surprised me, I thought I 
was most like Ron
selah_1977 says, I disagree that I'm a Gryffindor.  I'm not brave and 
heroic and crap.  I just like to argue and read stuff.   
keithfras says, Link? Anyone?
sineadsiobhan says, I'm very ronishin real life
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I don't remember the link
€  bludger_witch says, Keith it;s here: 
keithfras says, Thanks
selah_1977 says, My best female friend is a Ron.  She's wavering 
between R/H and D/H and has never read fanfic.
selah_1977 screams, "They killed kenny!"
agassizde enters
€  bludger_witch says, Where? Who?
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
siriusgeologist says, look on the home page under one of the many 
character posts
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hi Monika!
agassizde says, Hi all
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
voicelady_2000 says, Hi.
harpdreamer says, Hi, Monika!
selah_1977 says, Hi, Monika!  I've enjoyed your posts
siriusgeologist says, hi monika!....great posts on PTSD <grin>
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I got number 15 this tome
agassizde says, Selah: Thanks, who are you?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, time
agassizde says, Carole: Just couldn't retain myself... ;-)
selah_1977 says, (the argumentative) Ebony AKA AngieJ   
sineadsiobhan says, what was number 15?
agassizde says, Ebony: Did I already tell you that your fic is great?
selah_1977 says, No, you didn't!  I'm glad you like it.
siriusgeologist says, I was going to say the same things
selah_1977 says, I hope this chapter isn't too boring... it's almost 
harpdreamer says, Yes, Ebony--it's great!
voicelady_2000 says, Can't wait!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, It was: are you particularly 
obsessed with appearances, especially your own?
tygrestick says, It won't be!
minnesota_girlie17 enters
agassizde says, Me neither!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
siriusgeologist says, a chapter of TIP boring?
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
tapatio_21 enters
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
sineadsiobhan says, it's not boring! I rather like it!
keithfras says, OK, I go Hermione, Percy, Bill, Draco, Snape
selah_1977 says, yeah, Carole... no Ron until the end... and you know 
he's the life of the party!
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
tygrestick says, I've got to go, everyone. Bye!
voicelady_2000 says, See ya!
sineadsiobhan says, bye Lizzy!
€  bludger_witch says, Snape as fifth? 
keithfras says, Namarie!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, bye
keithfras says, Yup
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Bye Lizzy!
€  bludger_witch says, Bye
tygrestick leaves
€  dr_simon_branford says, bye
selah_1977 says, bye!
selah_1977 says, Keith, you're a Percy too!  ::beams at Keith:::
siriusgeologist says, hehehehehe...can't wait
€  dr_simon_branford says, missed out!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (edges away from Keith) He's a 
siriusgeologist says, will I ghave it to beta during the superbowl?
keithfras says, I'd forgotten Percy actually...in some ways I'm even 
more like him than Hermione
keithfras says, Snape was 5th, John
€  dr_simon_branford  kicks John (just helping him out as he said he 
was kicking himself)
tapatio_21 leaves
keithfras says, The Draco and Snape mystified me greatly
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Well I was a Voldemort
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Thanks, Simon...
keithfras says, They should ask about honesty
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, as number 4
selah_1977 says, Um... (grins sheepishly at Carole... I still have 
the critical PJ scene to go...)
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith, even so...ewwww....  
voicelady_2000 says, PJs?
keithfras says, Peter Jackson?
selah_1977 says, No!  I hate that show!
voicelady_2000 says, Ha!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Are these Yummy Sushi PJs?
selah_1977 says, LOL!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
keithfras says, Sorry, in-joke from Lord of the Rings websites
dr_simon_branford The Harry Potter Character Selector is at: 
siriusgeologist says, aha!...that's ok...I should do some typing on 
ASA scenes
€  bludger_witch says, Fifth is high enough! Will you give us 
detention if we don't agree to things you say?  
minnesota_girlie17 leaves
voicelady_2000 says, Bye Carole!
kmantovani is away (Auto-Away)
selah_1977 says, Jeralyn, what should your last name be?
agassizde says, bye
keithfras says, I need to do more work on GtVS 5! Agh!
€  bludger_witch says, bye!
voicelady_2000 says, Probably something Irish.
selah_1977 says, Are you leaving, Carole?  So soon?
kmantovani says, well, Im off to go now. Have a good time evryone
kmantovani is back.
keithfras says, I've only written 2 paragraphs so far
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, bye
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Bye Margoh!
voicelady_2000 says, Bye.
siriusgeologist says, no...I'm not leaving yet
selah_1977 says, All right, Margoh!  Thanks for joining us...
kmantovani says, no, Im outta here!  
kmantovani says, thanks. Bye bye.
dai_evans enters
siriusgeologist says, the kids are still asleep
voicelady_2000 says, Oh, forget I said 'bye then...
selah_1977 says, Hello, Dai...
dai_evans says, Hi ther everyone
siriusgeologist says, I'm cleaning my desk off
harpdreamer says, Hi, Dai
keithfras says, Mae govannon, Dai!
€  bludger_witch says, Heya!
siriusgeologist says, unless you want me to leave...sniff ...sniff
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hi Dai  
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
selah_1977 says, I wish I could write and chat at the same time, but 
my computer would crash.   
voicelady_2000 says, Phonetically, how does that sound, Keith?
siriusgeologist says, hey dai
kmantovani leaves
sineadsiobhan says, hey Dai.. just sitting here and tidyingup
uboat_noship enters
selah_1977 says, Hello Marvin!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
voicelady_2000 says, Is that marvin?
siriusgeologist says, write long hand...
johnwalton_crazyivan says, LMAO, who's that?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, uboat_noship
keithfras says, I've only heard it said in the rubbish animated LOTR, 
but it's something like 'May Go-Van-On'
selah_1977 says, Carole!  You are a GENIUS!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, rotfl
selah_1977 says, I bet that's Marvin...
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
uboat_noship says, That's me...why is it giving me a star by my 
name?  I'm no moderator....
siriusgeologist says, but then you have to type later
keithfras says, Least, I think I've only heard it there
selah_1977 says, The star means that it's you.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Everyone gets a star.
siriusgeologist says, hi marvin
minnesota_girlie17 enters
sineadsiobhan says, We're all stars
selah_1977 says, That's OK, Carole... the best scenes are longhand.
harpdreamer says, Hi, Marvin
keithfras says, Mae govannon!
voicelady_2000 says, Margarita, Marvin?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, I storyboard by hand with a lovely 
fountain pen and then type.
sineadsiobhan says, we're special:-D
selah_1977 says, Hi, Minnesota Girlie...
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (vomits at Sinead)  
uboat_noship says, God yes, voicelady.  Thank you!  Brownie?
keithfras says, I just sit in front of my keyboard and let the words 
flow....or not as the case may be
€  bludger_witch says, I can't think if I don't write ideas longhand
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hermione and Ginny are the first to on the 
character quiz for me - is this good or bad?
selah_1977 says, Don't vomit, John--we save the vomiting for special 
sineadsiobhan says, Tshush John
uboat_noship says, The star means it's me, eh?  But I already *know* 
I'm me...(usually)
siriusgeologist says, I write long hand so I'm not huddled over the 
keithfras says, The ideas are all in my head
jag624 enters
€  bludger_witch says, John, who's gonna clean up the mess?
selah_1977 says, Good!  They're both cool characters.
harpdreamer says, And just what's in those brownies, may I ask?
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
keithfras says, Next you'll be whacking each other with salmon - 
actually that would be tidier
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
johnwalton_crazyivan says, I'm sure we have a house elf 
somewhere.... ::snape leer::
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- is the singer, so is expected to puke 
keithfras says, Mae govannon!
heiditandy is back.
heiditandy says, hi all - i am mostly lurking today - harry has a 
fever so we're being quiet...
sineadsiobhan says, You have house elves here? I'm appalled!
selah_1977 says, No-Ship Powdered Sugar on top of the u-boat 
brownies... bleah!
siriusgeologist says, poor harry...yuck
€  bludger_witch says, Huh? Singers don't puke! i sing but don't puke!
pippin_999 enters
uboat_noship says, to harpdreamer:  we have to power this yellow 
submarine *somehow!*
selah_1977 says, No House-Elves allowed on our ship.
keithfras says, Is there a Good Ship H/G?
pippin_999 leaves
selah_1977 says, I don't know.  I'm vacationing on the SS R/H...  
keithfras says, If not, I'll set it up as a pirate ship
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Dinah, me neither, but there's a UK joke 
that certain waifesque popsters are bulimic...
sineadsiobhan points at the small tugboat H/G
pippin_999 enters
selah_1977 says, PIPPIN!
minnesota_girlie17 says, hi everyone  
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Can we possibly be on more than 
one ship at once?
keithfras says, Fool of a Took!
jag624 leaves
selah_1977 :::schnoogles Pippin:::
€  bludger_witch says, But it's probably the Celine Dion drag? To get 
into those anorexia-dresses you have to wera a corset
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Sinead, don't worry, they have paid 
holidays and 401k plans.
keithfras says,  
heiditandy says, khk7yu8ihu
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (nodnod)
heiditandy says, that was harry...
€  bludger_witch says, Ack, you said that already. Sorry, bit slow
pippin_999 says, Hi! Yes, it's me
selah_1977 says, We figured, Heidi.   
johnwalton_crazyivan says, g;fadhgkjhklj Harry!
siriusgeologist says, I recognize baby typing!
selah_1977 says, LOL!  Don't you love kids?  I do!
heiditandy says, he has his own keyboard so...
keithfras says, Be interesting if he accidentally wrote 'to be or not 
to be'
heiditandy says, pippin - brill story!
siriusgeologist says, in fact he said he likes Harr and Hermione
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Kids are great, just as long as 
they aren't your siblings
siriusgeologist says, great story pippin
selah_1977 says, Yes he did, Carole!  I understood that too...
€  bludger_witch says, Yup, that's right - esp.little bro's
keithfras is an only child
€  dr_simon_branford says, siblings are fine
pippin_999 says, Thanks, Heidi and Carole
sineadsiobhan says, my sibling is cool
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- happy only child
€  joe_from_the_button_factory has a brother and a sister
harpdreamer says, I'm an only child too
€  joe_from_the_button_factory and is the eldest
selah_1977 says, Pippin, I've gushed already... you don't know how 
much it meant to me...
€  dr_simon_branford says, Story was funny - Pip
€  bludger_witch says, Sometimes. If they aren't on a crusade to vex 
and harrass you with their stubborness.
dai_evans says, < Has two sisters and a brother.
sineadsiobhan says, I'm the youngest in the family... wonder what 
that means
pippin_999 says, Thanks Ebony and Simon
selah_1977 says, I used to want an older sib, but I like bossing my 
little sibs and cousins around.   
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, brothers are the devil
minnesota_girlie17 says, <- has  three brothers
voicelady_2000 says, I still need to read it.
pippin_999 says, two bros and a sister
sineadsiobhan says, one older sister
keithfras says, Did you write Stranger Than Paradise, pippin?
harpdreamer says, I wanted an older brother, but that didn't quite 
work out
selah_1977 says, Don't drink or eat anything while you're doing so, 
agassizde says, I have also 3 brothers (older)...
siriusgeologist says, I have an older sister...I'll sell her to you, 
€  dr_simon_branford says, one older botehr
pippin_999 says, Yes, guilty of Stranger
voicelady_2000 says, 2 brothers - I'm the middle child.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I hate being the eldest
€  bludger_witch says, I wanted an older brother, too. But my bro's 
10 1/2 years younger, that's the problem
keithfras says, The Pettigrew thing was disturbing
selah_1977 says, you said she's a Hermione-type, right?  Don't you 
think Hermione would strangle a double of herself?   
€  dr_simon_branford says, youngest
keithfras says, The story was funny though
selah_1977 says, my last comment was to Carole
siriusgeologist says, Yes she would
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (UPDATING CHATTER LIST) 
minnesota_girlie17, who would we know you as?
uboat_noship says, I'm the older brother, and yes, I was the devil.  
Bwa ha ha
keithfras is youngest, oldest and middle
minnesota_girlie17 says, minnesota girlie
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, keithfras is lucky
siriusgeologist says, very true if you and she were in the same house
voicelady_2000 says, Older brothers always are!
selah_1977 says, Hi, Jim!  I've enjoyed your posts!
€  bludger_witch says, Multiple personalities problem, Keith?
harpdreamer says, Pippin, check ff.net for my comments
minnesota_girlie17 says, (minnesotagirlie7 at ...)
minnesota_girlie17 says, com*, oopss
€  bludger_witch says, Ack, only one.
pippin_999 says, Eb said it was twisted mind behind it
€  bludger_witch says, Stupid me.,
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Real name?
keithfras says, If we were all only children the human race would die 
out. It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it
keithfras says,  
selah_1977 says, What I don't understand is why the no-shippers can 
be a submarine  and we can't be a destroyer!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, *grumbles*
minnesota_girlie17 says, stephanie
keithfras says, H/H ought to be a battleship if you ask me
voicelady_2000 says, We're a party submarine staying below the 
siriusgeologist says, Well I have 3 kids so I'm doing my part for the 
next generation
selah_1977 says, LOL, Pippin!  Someone else has to do the double of 
Hermione in a serious fanfic!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Can we belong to more than one 
ship at a time
uboat_noship says, I think somebody declared that the shipper boats 
were all cruise ships.  But hey, be a destroyer if you want.  No room 
for margarita machines on destroyers, though.
sineadsiobhan says, I agree with Keith... H/H is a battleship
selah_1977 says, Yes, you can!  I have citizenship on three ships and 
vacation on all of them.
dai_evans says, Only if you've got really long legs
€  dr_simon_branford says, John - are you updating the chatters list 
as we speak or just taking notes for later?
keithfras says, If they were totally different...something like H/H 
and D/G
heiditandy says, h/h is a malfoy yacht b.c draco is pleased that it 
leaves ginny for him whereas r/h....
€  bludger_witch says, At lest we are not H/H  the formidable dumb 
barge ;-)
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Updating it on my computer, not online.
harpdreamer says, Don't see why not--I like H/H & H/G (sort of)
siriusgeologist says, I do...the SS H/H and the luxury yacht...SS 
Sirius and me
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Hey!
€  bludger_witch says, That'd hurt.
selah_1977 says, Nah... you can be H/H and R/H at the same time, like 
cassandraclaire73 enters
keithfras says, H/G is a pirate ship
pippin_999 says, Ghost ship snape/lily
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I'm partly H/H
dai_evans says, Hi Cass
selah_1977 says, OK, that was a huge lie.
heiditandy says, cassie!
keithfras says, Cassie! Mae govannon!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hi Cassie  
€  bludger_witch says, Hi cassie!
selah_1977 says, CASSIE!
voicelady_2000 says, Cassie!
pippin_999 says, Hi Cass
siriusgeologist says, hi cassie
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
harpdreamer says, Hi Cassie!
agassizde says, Hi
sineadsiobhan says, and the beachhouse  H/S
cassandraclaire73 says, *hugs everyone* hi!
peeves23 enters
€  dr_simon_branford says, e-mail me the updates as the one on the 
caht group is updated furtehr than the one on HPforGU
sineadsiobhan says, hey Cassie!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
keithfras says, Calling all Teenage Witches: when will we be seeing 
more Draco Dexter?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, People have been posting 
Snape/Dumbledore fics lately
selah_1977 says, You can even travel on two contradictory ships.  
It's not like this is logical or anything.
cassandraclaire73 says,   because it's such a work of literature? 
next week
keithfras says, Some people will write anything
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hi peeves
minnesota_girlie17 says, snape/dumbledore????
harpdreamer says, Uggh!! Don't see that
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
€  bludger_witch says, Ugh. Please, anything, but not *that*
keithfras says, Next week like tomorrow?
sineadsiobhan says, Snape/dumbledore?
cassandraclaire73 says, lol! Snape/Dumbledore is very popular.
sineadsiobhan says, Eeek
peeves23 says, hullo
cassandraclaire73 says, and had been around forever
pippin_999 says, Naaah, Snape Filch!
sineadsiobhan says, hi jeremy!
voicelady_2000 says, Hey!
cassandraclaire73 says, Jeremy!!
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (chuckle)
cassandraclaire73 says, next week like next weekend
selah_1977 says, Hi, Jeremy!
keithfras says, As popular as Harry/Moaning Myrtle?
peeves23 says, yo.
keithfras says, Or Harry/Hedwig?
selah_1977 says, Harry/Hedwig
cassandraclaire73 says, not as popular as Myrtle/Binns
siriusgeologist says, hi jeremy...long time no see
heiditandy says, someone did a dumbledore/giles crossover once. giles 
= slytherin (& dada prof) which makes sense.
cassandraclaire73 says, what? they're ghosts
€  bludger_witch says, And I'm still waving my flag for Draco/Basilisk
uboat_noship smiles happily
uboat_noship says, Lemme guess, Dumbledore keeps Snape as his "house 
keithfras says, I still haven't found that story where Hedwig is an 
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, How do you claim citizenship on 
a non-existant ship? *sniff*
selah_1977 says, Cho/Lily
uboat_noship smiles happily
cassandraclaire73 says, keep that big snake away from Draco thanks
heiditandy says, basilisk is dead. draco isnt anymore
johnwalton_crazyivan says, LOL Eb...
keithfras says, How can you have Cho/Lily?!
selah_1977 says, That's the most ridiculous I can think of.\
minnesota_girlie17 says, cho/lily?
peeves23 says, that is fairly ridiculous
cassandraclaire73 says, Draco/James?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Lily/Ginny is worse
keithfras says, Slytherin/Voldemort?
voicelady_2000 says, Ick!
peeves23 says, somethign convoluted involving the time turner, maybe
keithfras says, ?!?
selah_1977 says, I don't know why I typed that, really.  Sorry.
€  bludger_witch says, How about Harry/Dudley...
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Voldemort/Dumbledore
€  bludger_witch says, Blergh!
sineadsiobhan says, What?!
selah_1977 says, EEW!
peeves23 says, we shall never forgive you for as long as you live
cassandraclaire73 says, Hedwig/Nagini?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (gag), Dinah!
keithfras says, Yuck!
harpdreamer says, Owls eat snakes
cassandraclaire73 says, Draco/Winky?
uboat_noship says, Harry/Dudley?  I need to go wash my brain out with 
selah_1977 says, Buckbeak and ?
keithfras says, I still think Hedwig/Pigwidgeon would be funny
peeves23 says, hagrid
cassandraclaire73 says, Buckbeak/Eloise Midgen?
heiditandy says, time travel - the only practical way for the 2 
sexiest guys in canon sirius/draco, draco sent back in time to 1977
€  dr_simon_branford says, Harry / Hedwig rules
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Winky/James
saitaina enters
sineadsiobhan says, That incurs strange visions...
€  bludger_witch says, I know, I know. Dobby/ron? Anyone?
keithfras says, Buckbeak and one of the other hippogriffs
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Buckbeak/Blast Ended Skrewt #5
minnesota_girlie17 says, nah, would more likely be draco/dobby
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
keithfras says, Hi Saitana
johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- Proud Owner of the Dobby/Winky marriage
selah_1977 says, Hi!
€  bludger_witch says, Hello!
keithfras says, Dobby/Winky is OK
voicelady_2000 says, Hi!
saitaina says, *waves*  Hi all, ignore me if I get weird, I'm half 
cassandraclaire73 says, at least they are the same species.
harpdreamer says, I like Dobby/Winky
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Draco/Mary Sue
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: 
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts
selah_1977 says, I forgot all about the existence of House-Elves for 
some reason.
€  bludger_witch says, that's cute.
minnesota_girlie17 says, i like dobby/winky too.
peeves23 says, cc, what a terribly outmoded view to take! join the 
21st century!!  
keithfras says, ANYONE/Mary Sue
cassandraclaire73 says, I hate hosue eleves, so mating them doesn't 
do it for me, but...
voicelady_2000 says, I like Crazy_Ivan's house elf!
€  bludger_witch says, And herm, harry and Ron as maids of honor
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (Updating CHatter List) Saitaina, would we 
know you as another name/email?
selah_1977 says, LOL! Dinah!
cassandraclaire73 says, I told John I could live with his house elf. 
well, not live with it, but
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, *harry in a maid of honour dress*
harpdreamer says, Dumbledore as the minister
pippin_999 says, Cassie/house elf
keithfras says, Ew!
saitaina says, Johnwalton-Nope, I'm Saitaina everywhere, even in email
€  bludger_witch says, Pink with little roses on it - and glitter
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Cassie, just stop there...
selah_1977 says, I like John's house-elves.  He and JKR are the only 
ones who can use the effectively
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Fudge/DUmbledore
sineadsiobhan says, Cass... I have a question..If John , Keith, and 
Simon make a cameo.. can they allbe in leather?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Okeydoke  
cassandraclaire73 says, Do not put me with a house elf!!!
minnesota_girlie17 says, glitter? on harry?
keithfras says, Raising that ew to a bleeargh
uboat_noship says, I wonder, was there ever a disco craze or 
something analogous in the wizarding world?  Do Sirius and Lupin have 
leisure suits sitting in trunks at home?
€  bludger_witch says, I have a Seventies - Discomusic flashback
sineadsiobhan says, ;-)
agassizde says, Fudge/Dementor?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (attacks Sin Head with a large kipper)
cassandraclaire73 says, If John, Keith and Simon want to be in 
leatehr, they can be.
keithfras says, The Teenage Witches/The Bulgarian Quidditch Team
siriusgeologist says, we know you love house elves...cass
cassandraclaire73 says, *grrr*
heiditandy says, cass- leisure suits & a nahru robe!
keithfras says, In what context, Cass?
selah_1977 says, Just put everyone in leather, then.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, platforms!
sineadsiobhan says, heh heh, John
€  dr_simon_branford says, Have you written Ben into the story?
keithfras says, Then we can get money from Gap
cassandraclaire73 says, Um, perhaps you can abseil into Slytehrin's 
castle and save everyone from naty and prolonged death?
pippin_999 says, No you are with Sirius. But Ebony made you American!
voicelady_2000 says, Mirrored denim hats!
heiditandy says, eb - 1999 gap ad?
selah_1977 says, WHAT did I do?
cassandraclaire73 says, Yeah, I wrote ben in. He has a GOOD part.
keithfras says, No-one commented on Teenage Witches/Bulgarian 
Quidditch Team!
cassandraclaire73 says, He;s the Heir of Gryffindor.
selah_1977 says, Why not the Irish team?
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Sorry, I'll go so far, but...PLATFORMS? 
What's next, Shoulder Pads?
sineadsiobhan says, I'll go witht he irish team!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Wouldn't it be funny if Draco 
turns out to be the heir of Gryffindor
cassandraclaire73 says, that's cos it's nasty! we teenage witches are 
not available.
minnesota_girlie17 says, ewww, shoulder pads
voicelady_2000 says, *I* get the Irish team!
keithfras says, Some of them were female...you can have the Irish as 
well if you want
voicelady_2000 says, Me and Sinead!
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hmm...shoulder pads with the Celine Dion 
drag, tho'...
saitaina says, Ahh, don't mention shoulder pads, I'll have 80's 
harpdreamer says, Platforms should be outlawed on health grounds!
sineadsiobhan says, they should all wear kilts
€  dr_simon_branford says, It better be a good part - I think he will 
kill me otehrwise
keithfras says, Actually, don't know about the Bulgarians either
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
uboat_noship leaves
uboat_noship enters
selah_1977 says, Whatever floats your boat...
uboat_noship leaves
uboat_noship enters
johnwalton_crazyivan says, (You know you're a child of the 80s 
if..."Shoulder Pads Give You Nightmares")
cassandraclaire73 says, It is! he doesn't get to wear leather though. 
just your basic wizarding robes.
saitaina says, hahahha
voicelady_2000 says, Marvin's having problems.
selah_1977 says, Our boat floats on fates and *true love*.
keithfras says, Which boat's that?
pippin_999 says, This chat is very slow to echo
selah_1977 says, But anyway... on to ridiculous pairings.
€  bludger_witch says, And snogging.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Shoulder pads give me ightmares 
and i'm not a child of the 80s
€  bludger_witch says, H/H
sineadsiobhan says, darn... a male in DS.. no leather.....
sineadsiobhan says, darn
peeves23 says, quick poll: which is better, oranges or swimming?
cassandraclaire73 says, If I didn't think the HH ship needed me, I 
would retire to the H/D ship.
peeves23 leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, oranges.
peeves23 enters
dai_evans says, Oranges
sineadsiobhan says, swimming
voicelady_2000 says, Oranges.
cassandraclaire73 says, oranges.
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Swimming.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, swimming
heiditandy says, harry or hermione, cass
uboat_noship says, Ooops, tried to open another browser window and 
got knocked around a bit
keithfras says, Why were you talking about putting the 3 Stooges of 
PoU in leather, Cass?
saitaina says, Shoulder pads and Madonna's hair gives me night mares 
(obvious signs I'm a child of the 80's)
harpdreamer says, Shoulder pads--been there done that.  Once was 
€  dr_simon_branford says, I thiink no leatehr will help me to live
selah_1977 says, The H/H ship is dying a valiant death on list.   
johnwalton_crazyivan says, Although if the orange was changed to a 
mandarin I'd have to say mandarin.
cassandraclaire73 says, Harry/Draco of course.
cassandraclaire73 says, we are NOT dying.
€  dr_simon_branford says, I am just glad he is in Ireland and I am 
heiditandy  grins...
peeves23 says, a victory for swimming then
cassandraclaire73 says, somebody asked, me Keith.
sineadsiobhan says, tube socks give me nightmares... 1980's
keithfras watches as Slayer Ginny wrecks the H/H ship in a fit of rage
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, What is the signature  of the 
selah_1977 says, Yes we are... LOL!
cassandraclaire73 says, how about swmming in orange juice?
keithfras says, Cynicism
€  bludger_witch says, Alive and thrivin' - arranging the Marrage, 
peeves23 says, lol
€  bludger_witch says, Marriage. Duh.
keithfras says, That'd be a bit sticky if you ask me
voicelady_2000 says, Bulls & bears.
saitaina says, Early 90's, big pants (think MC Hammer)
sineadsiobhan says, actually we H/Hers are the party crowd
cassandraclaire73 says, drying--we are not. they're louder but have 
less good arguments.
peeves23 leaves
sineadsiobhan says, so whatever you do we still party
keithfras says, Why did they ask you about putting us in leather?
cassandraclaire73 says, dying, not drying
johnwalton_crazyivan says, YKYACOT90s if..."You can point to at least 
8 Hillary Clinton hairstyles".
€  bludger_witch says, House and HipHop music? 
cassandraclaire73 says, i dunno, Sinead asked me.
cassandraclaire73 says, ask her. <g>
minnesota_girlie17 says, okay -- example of a good H/H argument
selah_1977 says, Right, Cass... But even if we die, we'll just have 
to resurrect ourselves.
sineadsiobhan says, ask me what?
minnesota_girlie17 says, forgive me -- i'm new
cassandraclaire73 says, lol! no arguing in chat.
selah_1977 says, I'm a child of the 80s.
keithfras says, Sinead? What's this about putting me, John and Simon 
in leather?
selah_1977 says, Chat is a war-free zone.  Arguing is for posts!   
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I was born in the 
sineadsiobhan says, because you're men!
dai_evans says, I think they just wanted a good laugh at your expense 
sineadsiobhan says, We ladies love men in leather
€  bludger_witch says, Why not? That'd be not too bad <g>

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