Chat for 02-11-01
Simon Branford
simon.branford at ...
Tue Feb 13 11:33:19 UTC 2001
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dr_simon_branford says, Hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, I'm just waiting around to see if
it starts an hour early today too
dr_simon_branford says, First week in ages that there wasn't at
least 5 people here by now
voicelady_2000 enters
voicelady_2000 says, Hello - anyone here? Thought I'd try again.
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
dr_simon_branford says, I am in the middle of sorting out some
dr_simon_branford says, Will need to go and do some washing up at
some stage
voicelady_2000 says, How ya feeling today?
dr_simon_branford says, the cough is still fairly bad, but have
lost the cold (nearly)
voicelady_2000 says, You poor thing.
dr_simon_branford says, I know - keep getting sympathy from people
voicelady_2000 says, I've been lucky this year. Everyone around me
is dying - flu, bronchitis, pneumonia - and miraculously, I haven't
caught even a symptom.
voicelady_2000 says, And I usually catch everything that comes down
the pike!
dr_simon_branford says, can't decide whether to glare at you for
that or just cough over you instead!
voicelady_2000 says, I'm sorry. Cough away - as long as it doesn
voicelady_2000 says, t hurt you.
dr_simon_branford says, my first three years here I got nearly no
dr_simon_branford says, this year I have been ill twice
voicelady_2000 says, When will you be graduating?
dr_simon_branford says, Sinead says she will be in in around an
hours time
voicelady_2000 says, Haven't seen her around lately.
dr_simon_branford says, All be well I finish this summer. I then
have to choose a day to do the fancy gown thing
voicelady_2000 says, Choose a day?
dr_simon_branford says, she has been posting on teh fanfiction
group today - we have just started a round robin
voicelady_2000 says, 'Kay.
dr_simon_branford says, I get to choose which, out of several
possibilities throughout the year, I choose to graduate on (go get
dressed up and say hi to some bigwig of the uni)
voicelady_2000 says, Cool! We didn't have a choice.
dr_simon_branford says, it doesn't even have to be anytime soon.
Any of teh dates that fit are ok, however many years in teh future!
This is one of the few places that I know about where you do get a
dr_simon_branford says, my bro graduated midweek
voicelady_2000 says, How old is your brother, and how many sibs do
you have?
dr_simon_branford says, which was a pain for my dad, who is a
teacher, to get off
catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away)
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, *my* dad was a teacher, too!
dr_simon_branford says, Mark is 25 this year - my only sib.
voicelady_2000 says, You're 21, right? Or did I remember that wrong?
dr_simon_branford says, yep - sibling yourself?
destinymalzen enters
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
destinymalzen says, hi everyone
voicelady_2000 says, 2 brothers - I'm the middle child. The only
girl. I was the special one.
voicelady_2000 says, Hello!
dr_simon_branford says, ah...... the special one!
destinymalzen says, This is the first time I've been in this chat...
voicelady_2000 says, Welcome!
destinymalzen says, thanks!
dr_simon_branford says, it is quite quiet at the moment - will get
busier later
voicelady_2000 says, Go ahead - make the jokes. I've heard them all.
voicelady_2000 chuckles in amusement
dr_simon_branford Schnoogles voicelady_2000.
voicelady_2000 says, Aaaawww, thanks.
voicelady_2000 says, schnoogle back atcha!
destinymalzen says, how do you do actions?
dr_simon_branford coughs
voicelady_2000 says, You mean like my "chuckles in amusement"?
destinymalzen says, yeah, and simon's schnoogles
dr_simon_branford says, type a : at the beginning of teh sentence -
well that is how I do them on cheeta chat (the programme I am using
to be in this chat)
voicelady_2000 says, Hit your Emotions button, and a list will come
destinymalzen says, thanks again
voicelady_2000 waves goodbye to her husband who's going to
destinymalzen screams, "They killed kenny!"
destinymalzen says, interesting....
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, thats cool!
destinymalzen tries other kind of action
voicelady_2000 says, You can use the : on the regular chat, too.
destinymalzen says, ooo, yay, it worked!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Destiny Mal Zen
catlady_de_los_angeles is back.
destinymalzen says, hi
minzzer enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Minzzer
minzzer says, hi
voicelady_2000 says, Hi, guys!
destinymalzen says, Okay, I think I know most of your names...but who
is catlady?
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
dr_simon_branford says, Catlady = Rita
catlady_de_los_angeles likes being called Catlady, altho' her name
is Rita
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
destinymalzen says, oooh, okay. Hi Rita!
rinad81 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Rina. Stewart?
rinad81 says, Hi, guys. : )
rinad81 says, Yep, that's me.
voicelady_2000 says, Hello!
minzzer says, hi
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, I won a golden snitch fossil watch on ebay
this week. Woo hoo!
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
rinad81 says, How do you save it? Is there a logging feature?
destinymalzen says, Simon, could you add me to the chatter list?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 'won' on ebay? How much do the lottery
tickets cost?
minzzer says, add me too
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Destiny, you have to tell him your
name to be on the list
dr_simon_branford says, Yes - what name would you like to be put
on it?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rina, we are in Cheetah Chat
destinymalzen says, Real name is Lily, pen name is Destiny
voicelady_2000 says, I won the auction - and it was very reasonable -
less than what I would have paid in the store.
rinad81 says, So there's a logging feature on cheetah chat? I have to
unearth my copy, then, because that would be useful for my other list
chat. LOL
minzzer says, Minzzer wants to know if he can add Minzzer on the
chatters list...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In Cheetah, the first word on the menu
toolbar is Chat. One of the options on Chat's drop-down menus is
Save Transcript
destinymalzen is most likely the youngest here, feels little
rinad81 says, Awesome. Thanks. : )
voicelady_2000 says, How old/young are you?
destinymalzen says, 14
minzzer says, you can join me in the underage seat
harpdreamer enters
voicelady_2000 says, Nothing wrong with being young.
rinad81 says, Good, Destiny, because I'm getting annoyed at always
being the youngest on so many lists.
rinad81 says, <g>
minzzer says, I'm usually the youngest too....and the oddest
destinymalzen says, how old are you, rina?
destinymalzen says, and minzzer?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but first you hae to go to the
Settings drop down menu and click on Preferencs and choose the
General Tab and find Buffer Up To [ ] Lines on Screen, and choose
Unlimited in the [ ] box
rinad81 says, 19, Destiny.
minzzer says, yup its official....I get to be the youngest coming at
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer -- are your parents afraid
that we will corrupt you?
dr_simon_branford says, minzzer - do you want to be on the list
under that name or anotehr?
destinymalzen says, Oh, so I'm not the youngest. Okay then.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC joe_from_button_factory is 13
minzzer says, I'm known as Minzzer but u can also put Vickie
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think I'm the oldest logged on right
now: 43
destinymalzen doesn't feel quite so awkward anymore
minzzer says, yup we were sitting in the underage seats last week
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I calculated that the Marauder
generation were born the same year as me.
destinymalzen has spelled akward really strangely, has had a mind
catlady_de_los_angeles says, awkward is correct
destinymalzen says, Really?
minzzer says, no I seem corrupted enough....j/k
harpdreamer says, Me, too, Catlady--almost 44 Hi, everybody!
destinymalzen sighs
destinymalzen fiddles with actions
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
voicelady_2000 leaves
voicelady_2000 enters
rinad81 says, The current gang is actually older than me. That's sad.
voicelady_2000 says, Why is that sad?
destinymalzen says, This is really random, but does anyone know where
I can find a good picture of a fairy? Need it for art class...
harpdreamer says, Back issue of Rennaisance magazine for fairies
minzzer says, fairies??? Minzzer wishes she could have art
class...nope don't know
catlady_de_los_angeles says, when I web searched for figurines of
wizards, I found a zillion pictures of figurines of fairies.
voicelady_2000 says, Check the cover of the Pelican version of
Midsummer Night's Dream.
destinymalzen says, I need I need it by tomorrow...
destinymalzen says, Whoops....
minzzer says, u can try using google to search for one
voicelady_2000 says, I love google. Dogpile and mamma are good, too.
destinymalzen says, I tried Altavista, Google, and I'm using Ditto
now. Most of the pictures are way too small.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I have a friend who swears by (not at)
dr_simon_branford says, Chatters list updated
destinymalzen says, Do gpi le?
harpdreamer says, No way to enlarge them?
destinymalzen says, Thanks, Simon.
destinymalzen says, When I enlarge them, they get fuzzy.
minzzer says, thanks
voicelady_2000 says, Yup. Try it.
minzzer says, that's computers
catlady_de_los_angeles says,
rinad81 says, I have a link, Destiny, but it's on my other AOL sn.
destinymalzen scampers off to dogpile
harpdreamer says, what a name!
destinymalzen says, That's okay, Rina, thanks anyway.
voicelady_2000 says, Don't you just love it, though?
minzzer says, yup
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's called Dogpile because it's meta-
search -- a pile of results from ten other search engines
minzzer says, they also have
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and it allows them puns, like you
click on 'Fetch' instead of 'Search' or 'Execute'
minzzer says, though I don't use it I'm more of a google person
harpdreamer says, cute
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend like metacrawler until she
met dogpile
destinymalzen says, Everyone who is tired, raise their hands.
voicelady_2000 says, Hey, I have an HP question. I'm re-reading
Philosopher's Stone, and I've decided that in the later books that
Hagrid's character has completely changed from what he started out
as. Did anyone else think this, too?
destinymalzen raises hand
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like metacrawler's results page
voicelady_2000 raises both hands.
harpdreamer says, how has he changed?
minzzer says, raises hands plus her banged up head from boredom
voicelady_2000 says, He's become much more mild.
voicelady_2000 says, He is almost overwhelming in PS, but he's a
marshmallow in the later books.
destinymalzen says, I don't really see that....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, He's become more mild (examples?) only
in Harry's perception, because Harry is less intimidated now he's
used to him?????
harpdreamer says, Me neither
voicelady_2000 says, Read the chapter where he meets Harry and the
destinymalzen says, That's probably it, Catlady
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Or he's become more mild after being
subjected to Azkaban in CoS?
destinymalzen says, But in that scene, Hagrid was angry because they
insulted Dumbledore.
rinad81 says, I think harry was about as terrified of him at first
asthe Dursley's were, though. <g>
minzzer says, maybe because of the later burden of Voldemort
voicelady_2000 says, Yeah, but even before that, he is a completely
take-charge character.
harpdreamer says, I didn't get that at all. Confused maybe
voicelady_2000 says, His dialogue is completely different.
harpdreamer says, Well, maybe the incident with Norbert & Bucky tamed
him down a bit
destinymalzen says, May I pose a theory about the books that I worked
destinymalzen says, I'm not sure if it actually works or not.
minzzer says, maybe I need to go reread my books
catlady_de_los_angeles says, tell us the theory!!
harpdreamer says, Sure
voicelady_2000 says, Jo did a complete 180 wioth his speech patterns.
destinymalzen says, You know how everyone's wondering who Crookshanks
really is?
spottydog02 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hoo is Crookshanks???
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi spottydog
harpdreamer says, Hermione's cat
minzzer says, hi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think I saw a post from you yesterday
voicelady_2000 says, Hi.
destinymalzen says, Crookshanks is Hermi's cat.
spottydog02 says, Hi room
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
destinymalzen says, What if Crookshanks is Mrs. Figg?
minzzer says, why are we talking about Crookshanks
agassizde enters
destinymalzen waits to hear people's opinions
rinad81 says, Rats - sorry, guys. Where can I download cheetah chat?
<g> My copy isn't quite all there....
catlady_de_los_angeles knows that Crookshanks is Hermione's orange
cat with pushed in face and unusual intelligence, I was encouraging
Destiny (Lily?) to tell us that Crookshanks is an owl.
agassizde says, Hi all
minzzer says, Chrookshanks=Mrs. Figg??? never came to my mind
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Monika
voicelady_2000 says, I don't know. I think Crookshanks is just
Crookshanks. He's special all on his own.
minzzer says, hi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Isn't Crookshanks a MALE cat?
harpdreamer says, Hi Monika
minzzer says, maybe he can read minds
destinymalzen says, But JK herself said there's more to Crookshanks
then what meets the eye.
voicelady_2000 says, Yeah. He's male.
destinymalzen says, And that's one of the problems with my theory,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think we've seen any wizarding
sex changes
minzzer says, she did when
bludger_witch enters
dr_simon_branford says,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dinah
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
agassizde says, Hi Dinah
voicelady_2000 says, Hey Dinah.
bludger_witch says, Hi!
minzzer says, hi
harpdreamer says, Hi, Dinah
pippin_999 enters
destinymalzen says, But maybe when they're Animagus', they can become
a different gender...
pippin_999 says, hi
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
rinad81 says, Thanks. : )
voicelady_2000 says, Hullo!
minzzer says, hi
destinymalzen says, Like I said, it's only a theory, but we all know
how Mrs. Figg loves cats
harpdreamer says, But I get the impression "Snuffles" stays male
bludger_witch says, Say, Simon, could it be that you have some
kind of "Cyberflu"??? I'm nearly dying here. *sneeze*
bludger_witch says, Hi Pippin!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I keep pushing my theory that
Crookshanks is McGonagall's offspring when she was in cat form
destinymalzen says, And she could be Crookshanks to keep an eye on
Harry at school, like she did when he was at the Dursley's.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Prongs was male: female deer (does)
don't have antlers
agassizde says, But why only keep an eye on him in his 3rd year?
destinymalzen says, Maybe she just finished becoming an Animagus...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Me? Not Pippin, Rita. Pippin is
pippin_999 says, Changed my name
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, when did you come in????
pippin_999 says, I am the Pippin formerly known as Fisswhizbee
agassizde says, Another unregistered animagus, and I'll scream.
spottydog02 says, Actually, you are incorrect. Some species of female
deer, ie reindeer, do have antlers at certain times of the year
harpdreamer says, that was the year Sirius escaped & everybody
thought he was after Harry
bludger_witch says, But the witch in the shop said that
Crookshanks had been in the shop for years.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I read an article about reindeer on
Friday and it said they are the only deer whose females have antlers
destinymalzen says, Maybe the witch just knew about who Crookshanks
agassizde says, Yes, and nobody wanted him...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Prongs is not a reindeer
harpdreamer says, I think Crookshanks is just a very smart cat--not
an animagus
voicelady_2000 says, Me too.
agassizde says, Agree
destinymalzen shrinks into background
bludger_witch says, Kinda OT: Reindeer doesn't taste good.
minzzer leaves
agassizde says, Dinah: Did you try it?
harpdreamer says, Sometimes my cat looks at me like she knows what
I'm thinking.
pippin_999 says, Maybe animagus is llike prohibition. it's supposed
to bel eal but everybody does it
catlady_de_los_angeles tries to remember what we are supposed to
call Lapps nowadays
bludger_witch says, We were in Finland on this Reindeer farm and
then they served it for linch and I nearly cried my eyes out when
they forced me to try it.
pippin_999 says, *illegal
bludger_witch says, *lunch
harpdreamer says, Saani
pippin_999 says, I like reindeer to eat
harpdreamer says, Oops--Saami
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lapps (Suomi?) and some Swedes think
reindeer meat tastes great
destinymalzen says, Simon, could you send a link to the chatter list
agassizde says, Dinah: So doesn't it taste good or don't you just
like it?
bludger_witch says, I mean, I eat meat, but when you see just saw
them upclose - aah, those brown, trusty eyes. I'm sooo mushy
pippin_999 says, Saami are Lapps
bludger_witch says, And it didn't taste good, either.
harpdreamer says, I've never tried reindeer--I'd like to though
harpdreamer says, Oh, they're not?
pippin_999 says, Suomi are Finns I think
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tm's family hunts
voicelady_2000 says Oh my god, they killed Rudolph!
bludger_witch says, lol
agassizde says,
destinymalzen is turning into a vegetarian as we speak
catlady_de_los_angeles says, He calls it 'Bambi Syndrome' when
voicelady_2000 says, Ha!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, some softy says
harpdreamer says, I get a lot of how can you shoot Bambi
spottydog02 says, back to HP, I read an article where JK says that
Harry will not become an animagi. Did anyone else hear that?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 'Oh, those big brown eyes, I can't
shoot it!'
bludger_witch says, No, didn't read that.
agassizde says, Yes, I read that too.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, I saw that chat transcript too.
Harry will not become an Animagus
voicelady_2000 says, I remember reading that somewhere.
rinad81 leaves
harpdreamer says, Could if it were the only thing between you &
bludger_witch says, But I think it's a good idea. So that Harry
isn't completely turning out like his father.
spottydog02 says, i'm kind of disappointed, he'd make a great animagi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Destiny -- you can get much vegetarian
cooking advice from Neil (flying ford anglia)
harpdreamer says, Yeah, he would
bludger_witch says, What animal do you think he'd turn into?
voicelady_2000 says, Phoenix!
dr_simon_branford says, Harry would become an owl and then....
catlady_de_los_angeles wonders if spottydog is a Dalmatian
harpdreamer says, Maybe an owl
agassizde leaves
agassizde enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Can an Animagus has a form of a
magical creature, such as Phoenix???
destinymalzen leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, do the scientific laws of Animagery
allow only Muggle type animals?
harpdreamer says, Don't know--wish someone would come out with a book
on it
heiditandy enters
pippin_999 says, If they turn into non-magical animals it's more
heiditandy says, hi all! Baby is napping!!
harpdreamer says, Hi, Heidi
dr_simon_branford says, Hello Heidi
agassizde says, Hi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Some people speculate that an Animagus
can only receive the form of an animal who is still extant in the
country where heesh becomes an Animagus
bludger_witch says, Why are Animagi registered at the *improper*
use of magic office, anyway? Maybe wizrads aren't supposed to turn
into animals?
heiditandy says, merchandise update - went to Suncoast Video -
they had a necklace with 4 rings on it, one for each house.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, So the Brits become cats, dogs, rats,
dai_evans enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi
bludger_witch says, Hi!
harpdreamer says, Did we ever decide whether an Animagus chooses the
animal or not
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Dai
agassizde says, Hi
dai_evans says, Hi Everyone
harpdreamer says, Hi, Dai
sineadsiobhan enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think it is the 'improper' use
office that Animagi register at, where is your citation?
bludger_witch says, Hi!
heiditandy says, Dai! Hai!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Sinead
agassizde says, I don't think they choose the animal they become. It
reflects their character.
dai_evans says, Hi Sinead
sineadsiobhan says, Hi there.....
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Dai
harpdreamer says, Hi, Sinead!
sineadsiobhan says, Hey... I see new people!
bludger_witch says, Sinead, I just saw a documentary about
Scotland!!! Many, many guys in kilts...
dr_simon_branford says, Hello Dai and Sinead
pippin_999 says, I don't think they choose the animal, because of
something Jo said in a chat, that she'd probably end up a cockroach
or something
spottydog02 says, I have noticed that when a witch or a wizard
becomes an animagi, the form they take uses some of their human
characteristics. For example: Rita Skeeter is an insect which aligns
with her name, and Sirius becomes a dog. Astronomers have long called
the star Sirius, the dog star.
rinad81 enters
sineadsiobhan says, Ah! kiltage...
rinad81 says, Am I here? <g>
dr_simon_branford says, You are
bludger_witch says, Yes, you are here lol
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In a chat, JKR was asked when animal
she would like to become as an Animagus. She said she would love to
become an otter, but she might not be willing to risk becoming a
catlady_de_los_angeles says, which implies that the Animagus
doesn't get a choice
rinad81 says, Good. I managed that with only a little bit of
complete confusion, then. LOL
sineadsiobhan says, although..... violent 15th century european
politics has me swamped at the moment!
bludger_witch says, I'd love to be a hawk or a raven.
agassizde says, I wouldn't like to become an insect. People use to
step on them...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think that the animal form
comes from the animagus's name, but rather wizarding folk often have
names that predeict their destiny
heiditandy says, only the violent type?
sineadsiobhan says, Oh yeah....
harpdreamer says, I like violent 15th c. European politics
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Remus Lupin -- Remus and Romulus were
raised by a wolf as their foster mother
sineadsiobhan says, The kind that has you being burnt at stake or
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
heiditandy says, Which makes me wonder about how they do namings -
I'll be having more on Draco's naming ceremony from the Prologue in a
later chapter of Surfeit of Curses...
rinad81 says, Playing with fading....rather fun.
sineadsiobhan says, Nice....
pippin_999 says, Agree with Catlady, some wizards must use naming
spells to name their offspring
harpdreamer says, In 15th c. there was no other type of politics!
sineadsiobhan says, Can't see the fading...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lupin comes from 'lupus', Latin for
wolf, which gives us English adjective 'lupine'
sineadsiobhan says, eyes going buggy
sineadsiobhan says, so.. if I go quiet.. it's because I'
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like Rina's fading, but it would be
hard for people with less good monitors to read her pale colors
sineadsiobhan says, m making my outlines
harpdreamer says, Jo reminds me a lot of Dickens in her use of
desriptive names
sineadsiobhan says, Dang enter button!
bludger_witch says, I read a wonderful story about a woman who
wanted to become like her cat, all black and sleek. Then she really
transformed and turned into a puma because she had unruly sandish
hair and was rather chubby as a human.
spottydog02 says, Sort of like Remus Lupin being predestined to
become a werewolf because Remus is a name from ancient Mythology
depicting a wolf and Lupin is a derivative of the Latin name for wolf?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Puma are sleek and powerful and can be
black, they are not chubby
starling_luv enters
pippin_999 says, Yes, it must be bad luck to change your name once
its been chosen for you by a spell
rinad81 says, Sorry, I had no idea what it would look like! : )
harpdreamer says, Makes you kind of wonder where the name of the
disease Lupus comes from
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Star
bludger_witch says, I guess I'm using the wrong word here.
Mountain lion???
starling_luv says, hey
heiditandy says, but what about women who change their names when
they marry?
dai_evans says, Hi there
bludger_witch says, Hi Star!
starling_luv says, Hello everyone!
harpdreamer says, No cat is fat except those whose owners overfeed
starling_luv says, so what's up
catlady_de_los_angeles says, mountain lion = puma = cougar =
catamount = panther (pronounced 'painter') in Florida
starling_luv says, my cat is fat!
pippin_999 says, It's only first name that is chosen by spel
heiditandy says, or is it like midievel europe when the man
sometimes changed his name if he married a more powerful family
(usually by being adopted by some distant cousin with the name
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
sineadsiobhan is away (busy)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Japan does the adopted son-in-law name
changing thing too
catlady_de_los_angeles says, if a family has only daughters and no
son to be the heir
starling_luv says, ok, what are we talking about?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We're talking abaout Animagus and
wizards having names that reflect their futures
spottydog02 says, Back to HP. Does anyone know the latest about the
new publishing date for Book 5?
starling_luv says, oh,
pippin_999 says, nheritance in Wizard world can be from the female --
Tom is heir of Slytherin through his mother
harpdreamer says, Last I heard sometime in 2002
rinad81 leaves
bluesoliloquy enters
starling_luv says, that's neat, I've always liked the last names of
wizards their neat, I couldn't come up with them like J.K. does
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Remus Lupin, werewolf. Sirius Black,
big black dog. How could parents stand to name their son Remus Lupin
when it leads to such a bad fate?
rinad81 enters
voicelady_2000 leaves
rinad81 says, I'll figure this out eventually. LOL
catlady_de_los_angeles says, In fact, how can they stand NOT to
have changed their surname from Lupin generations ago?
starling_luv says, viocelady left us
spottydog02 says, I predict that Hermione will become an animagi.
pippin_999 says, They have no choice once the spell picks the name,
which is why some families, like Weasley and Potter don't use them
heiditandy says, The same way tons of people have the last name
Wolf or Wolff. I went to school with at least 3 people with that last
dai_evans says, Hey Simon, what does boustrophedonically mean?
starling_luv says, I agree though we might not see it
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin says, some wizarding parents
use a spell that gives children their name
bluesoliloquy says, hello everyone
harpdreamer says, Lupin is also where we get the lupine flower
sineadsiobhan says, Didn't JKR say that none of them would becfome
heiditandy says, Then again, my sister's fiance changed his last
name from Lifschitz to Mitchell.
sineadsiobhan is back.
pippin_999 says, Blue, do you have another name?
sineadsiobhan says, Back by the way... doing outlines as well...
dai_evans says, She said HArry would not become an animagi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I looked it up and it said Romans
named teh lupine flower beucase its 'throat' (which is the throat of
a flower) looked to them like a wolf's head
starling_luv says, I know that J.K> said Harry wont but I don't know
about the resty
starling_luv says, rest
sineadsiobhan says, Ah...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, someone asked about the disease lupus,
it was given that name on the ground that it devours its victim as
does a wolf
starling_luv says,
destinymalzen enters
sineadsiobhan says, I haven't been reading up on JKR.. thanks to
school :::scowls:::
destinymalzen waves
sineadsiobhan says, hi!
destinymalzen says, Hi again, everyone.
dai_evans says, hi
harpdreamer says, Hi, Destiny
starling_luv says, hello destiny
bluesoliloquy says, i'm michelle brose, pippen... i've posted a
couple of times, but i'm new to the chat
destinymalzen growls at computer for freezing
pippin_999 says, Hi
heiditandy says, for those of you who read Draco Dormiens - JKR is
from Chipping Sodbury (but Cass didn't know that when she made Malfoy
Manor there)
harpdreamer says, Hi, Michelle--welcome!
starling_luv says, really?
dai_evans says, My dad met thew queen in a pub in chipping sodbury
sineadsiobhan says, really? what was cass's reaction?
starling_luv says, my thoughts exactly
bluesoliloquy says, i have no luck with java chatrooms... for some
reason i can never use capital letters
sineadsiobhan says, wow! my grandad met the queen in Africa...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, A lot of our good surnames in America
come from Germany, i think specifically by Ashkenazi Jews, like Wolf
and Goldberg (Gold Mountain)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and therefore less common in Britain
than here
sineadsiobhan says, don't know where though
destinymalzen says, Who here is from/currently in England?
heiditandy says, I seem to remember it
being "Ohmygodthatishteweirdestthingiveheardofever" but that's
dai_evans says, I think it was by the bar
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but there are sure a mess of real UK
surnames that are strange in their own right
starling_luv says, I want to live in England but never been there as
of yet
sineadsiobhan says, I'm american but parents are Irish:-D
catlady_de_los_angeles says, One of the chlidren interviewed while
queued up to apply for a role in the movie was named Simon Deadman
pippin_999 says, Jewish surnames were picked for them by bureaucrats
in 18th/19th century. If you couldn't afford a bribe you got a silly
harpdreamer says, I do too Starling--born in the wrong place
starling_luv says, really, I'm part Irish too
agassizde is away (Auto-Away)
destinymalzen says, Same here, Star....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and I always wish MY surname were
sineadsiobhan says, Deadman?
agassizde is back.
destinymalzen says, I want to go to England soooo badly.
sineadsiobhan says, I thought Dick Assman was a bad name to have...
destinymalzen sighs
destinymalzen chuckles at Dick Assman
dai_evans says, lol
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
starling_luv says, I want to be a lawyer in Britian
sineadsiobhan says, There is a guy named that!
spottydog02 says, I know that James' and Lilys' professions have
something to do with "charms" but I can't figure out what. Any ideas?
dr_simon_branford says, Did someone ask me a question Dai?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin -- yes. But many of the people
who COULD afford bribes got names about Gold and Silver and gemstones
and flowers, which would benice for wizards to hae good fates
dr_simon_branford says, just been washiong up
pippin_999 says, My grandparents were named Fishbein = fishlegs
dai_evans says, Yeah, what does boustrophedonically mean?
harpdreamer says, Mine is good old Brown
sineadsiobhan says, He was on David Letterman a couple of times!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fishbein = Fishbone, no?
starling_luv says, fishlegs? that's interesting
destinymalzen says, They were most likely Aurors, spotty.
dr_simon_branford says, alternatively from left to right then
right to left
dai_evans says, Cheers
bludger_witch is away (Auto-Away)
rinad81 says, Nope, bein is leg. <g> That's a very interesting
name. LOL
bludger_witch says, My last name (if you add one letter)
means "scrap of paper"
bludger_witch is back.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dick Assman LOL, A friend of mine once
worked for a messenger service and revealed the stranger name to whch
he delivered packages. One was Dr. Harden Long
pippin_999 says, No, bone is different word, can't remember what now
harpdreamer says, Someone on a website had the idea that they were
trying to find a way to counteract Avada Kedavra
agassizde says, Knochen
destinymalzen says, Harden Long? Oh my....
starling_luv says, my name is boring but i hope to change it before
too long into something really neat
dr_simon_branford says, like the action of a plough in a field
sineadsiobhan says, My last name means merciful... I read it in Latin
sineadsiobhan laughs to Harden Long
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Star is nto a borning name
destinymalzen says, My friend's uncle is named Harry Guy Smith. If
you have a Californian accent, Harry sounds extraordinarily like
heiditandy says, In greetings, Hi Heidi is redundant - in college,
it became Hi, Dee!
destinymalzen says, Not quite as bad as Dick Assman and Harden Long,
harpdreamer says, I had an acquaintence in school named Starlyn
catlady_de_los_angeles says, We have a Dave Hardenbrook on our
list. Shouldn't he live somewhere that is frozen all year long
instead of Souther California?
starling_luv says, Star is not my *real* name though it might become
sineadsiobhan says, There was a proctologist that I knew.. Dr. Butt
bludger_witch says, Ungh, Sinead
harpdreamer says, LOL, Sinead
bludger_witch says, I'd be afraid to go to him.
sineadsiobhan nods
starling_luv says, I'I like that last name Loveless, that's my
friends last name
bludger_witch says, But we here have a dentist whose first name
is "Oral".
sineadsiobhan says, He's my neighbor so I should know :-D
starling_luv says, hehe, really
catlady_de_los_angeles says, A famous 'outplacement' firm is named
by the founders' surnames Challenger, Gray, and Christmas
starling_luv says, Christmas, now that's interesting
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Loveless - Lovelass = Lovelace, all
alternate spellings
pippin_999 says, A florist in my old neighborhood was Budlong and
starling_luv says, I know someone by Lovelace aswell
harpdreamer says, Had a friend with the last name Christmas
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but witches named Loveless would have
lonely lives, with JKR's naming magic
starling_luv says, hehe, well my friend doesn't have that problem
destinymalzen is away (be right back)
starling_luv says, hurry back
harpdreamer says, My married name is Nesbit--nose piece
pippin_999 says, Until they get married and change their names!
spottydog02 says, Is there another meaning for the name Potter,
besides the obvious one?
starling_luv says, hm, don't know
dai_evans says, One whom is a good shot?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Which seems to include the surname,
which comes from inheritance, not the hypothetical naming spell
sineadsiobhan says, one of my auditoriums that I test in... Sleeper
harpdreamer says, not that I know of
destinymalzen is back.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, potter about = mess around just
wasting time
starling_luv says, where does the last name Smith come from?
dai_evans says, Yes
catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, Smith comes frmo blacksmith
harpdreamer says, Any kind of smith--white or black
starling_luv says, thought so
dai_evans says, Or gold
flyingfordanglia enters
bludger_witch says, Hi Neil!
dai_evans says, Hi Neil
harpdreamer says, oops, forgot that one, Dai
starling_luv says, man, to think that with the family on my dads side
we come from a blacksmith
catlady_de_los_angeles says, there are people named from the rarer
types of meta workers: Goldsmith (Oliver Goldsmith was an 18th
century novelist),
harpdreamer says, Hi, Neil!
pippin_999 says, Hi Neil
starling_luv says, Hi Neil!
flyingfordanglia says, Hello....I'm just checking that this is
agassizde says, Hi
starling_luv says, well it's working
harpdreamer says, I love Oliver Goldsmith!
dr_simon_branford says, Hello
flyingfordanglia says, Save your salvo of hellos
bluesoliloquy says, doesn't 'potter' refer to a poor person, as
in 'potter's field' graveyards for paupers/
sineadsiobhan says, Is down?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Whitesmith (tin) (an article i read on
the history of the Tin Man said tinsmiths made plate armor and
therefore hung up a tin Man as their business sign)
dai_evans says, Isn't that because the field is full of pot-holes
heiditandy says, hi neil
sineadsiobhan says, (random question, sorry)
starling_luv says, hehe, funny
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but plate armor is iron or steel, not
destinymalzen says, Yes it is, sinead
harpdreamer says, potter's fields for graveyards were leavings from
clay fields
destinymalzen says, Again.
starling_luv says, tim armor, that would be, er, inconvinent
starling_luv says, tin
sineadsiobhan says, it seems to go down when a DS comes out :-D
destinymalzen says, Very true!
starling_luv says, why is that
destinymalzen says, Probably gets overloaded from all the reviews.
agassizde says, Just finished it...
starling_luv says, ah, I read it right when it came out, i was on at
the time
spottydog02 leaves
destinymalzen says, I read it yesterday....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the 'potter's field' as public burying
ground for the poor or unidentified is named after the specific
field, Akedama, in Jerusalem, where Judas hanged himself
flyingfordanglia leaves
dr_simon_branford says, is up
catlady_de_los_angeles says, after which his 30 pieces of silver
were used to buy the field to bury him in
destinymalzen says, It is? Last time I went there it wasn't...
harpdreamer says, I'd forgotten that, Rita
starling_luv says, you are quite the history book
heiditandy says, Xing keeps saying it's not cassandra, but he also
said that Chaptering would solve all sorts of problems...
destinymalzen snorts
destinymalzen says, I hate chaptering.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm good at archaeology trivia and
Utterly Hopeless at movie or music trivia
bluesoliloquy says, interesting tidbit, catlady
harpdreamer says, What's going to happen to the folks who haven't
chaptered, like Blaise?
rinad81 is away (Auto-Away)
sineadsiobhan says, I kind of like chaptering....
sineadsiobhan says, they'll be taken off
starling_luv says, same here, i never pay attention to which actor is
who or which singer is who
pippin_999 says, I don't mind the chaptering
catlady_de_los_angeles says, btw, does anyone have any idea whther
the wizarding folk have some kind of recorded music?
destinymalzen says, At least the ReviewAlerts are showing the names
on signed reviews now...
harpdreamer says, Oh, no!
rinad81 is back.
rinad81 says, Archeology trivia is good - I could use some of that
for my class this semester. LOL
destinymalzen says, Probably, Catlady...what with the Weird Sisters
and all.
sineadsiobhan says, I know/// there is one guy that I particularly
like.. Wordsmith
starling_luv says, does everyone review on fanfiction of just over
egroups, i've only done egroups but now i'm thinking i should do both
sineadsiobhan says, but he hasn't veritified his e-mail
sineadsiobhan says, and he does write good stories!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Weird Sisters could have gained
their desperate popularity entirely from live appearances and live
on 'wizarding wireless'
harpdreamer says, I do both--depends on where I read it
destinymalzen says, True.
starling_luv says, oh
destinymalzen says, who here has read Stolen Stars?
starling_luv says, dear, the niose behind me is distracting
destinymalzen says, by someone the first
catlady_de_los_angeles says, the wizarding population is small
enough that everyone could see them perform live a couple of times a
year (if they wanted to and could get leave from boarding school)
heiditandy says, catlady - I've theorized that they can just
record sounds onto paper, via spells.
pippin_999 says, Stolen Stars?.
heiditandy says, And there's a way to create sheet music that
actually plays the notes.
harpdreamer says, What's Stolen Stars about?--Who, rather
starling_luv says, Stolen Stars, dear i don't like the idea of been
destinymalzen says, It's not Harry Potter, but it's a book by Narri
(Someone the First) that she's posted on
sineadsiobhan says, I've read someone the first but not the fic
destinymalzen says, It's based on Columbine
destinymalzen says, and made me cry....
sineadsiobhan says, I think her Digging the Hole and Climbing Out is
so good
destinymalzen says, So is her the Parents Who Died
catlady_de_los_angeles says, 20,000 wizards and witches in UK could
ALL fit into one Muggle arena for the concert, but probably doesn't
use Muggle arenas
starling_luv says, I like Circe's series
harpdreamer says, I've thought about reading the Parents Who Died,
but haven't yet...
destinymalzen says, You HAVE to!
sineadsiobhan says, Circe is good!
harpdreamer says, My keyboard hates getting wet, thouigh
destinymalzen says, And Heidi, when is the next chapter of SoC coming
starling_luv says, yep, she did beta reading for me too for a while
heiditandy says, need more chapters of PWD
pippin_999 says, Internationally popular wizarding concerts are
probably just as bad as The quidditch world cup, for the
MOMInternationally popular wizarding concerts are probably just as
bad as The quidditch world cup, for the MOM
heiditandy says, Next?!?!? I just posted on Friday - do you mean
that one, or another one!
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
flying_ford_anglia enters
destinymalzen says, You did?
heiditandy says, I should have another done by the end of the week.
harpdreamer says, Has anyone read His Majesty's Secret Service?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Small arenas - 1000 seats - 20
concerts goes the whole population - 20 concerts in a month leave
plenty of time for travelling
destinymalzen says, You posted another chapter?
heiditandy says, I Love HMSS
destinymalzen scampers off to find it
flying_ford_anglia says, Okay, I'm really here now...
pippin_999 says, Glah, I hate this chat program. mods, can we go
backkto the other one???
starling_luv says, Heidi, what' your fanfiction?
destinymalzen is away (be right back)
heiditandy says, Destiny - if you can't get tto, it's also
on HP_Paradise on yahoogroups. do you need the url?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Neil
starling_luv says, otherone?
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi...
bludger_witch says, WB
harpdreamer says, Hi again, Neil
pippin_999 says, Yes, I enjoy His Majestys secret service
starling_luv says, is everyone on HP_Paradise too
flying_ford_anglia says, Pippin - are you using Yahoo or Cheeta?
destinymalzen is back.
destinymalzen says, is working, but thanks
starling_luv says,
starling_luv says, I like smiles
flying_ford_anglia says, I've joined Paradise, but haven't read any
of the fics yet
pippin_999 says, I am a Mac User, I can't use Cheetah (screams)
harpdreamer says, Yeah, I belong to 'em all--Paradise, PoU, Snapefans
sineadsiobhan says, ditto
starling_luv says, I've read one, but that's it
heiditandy stamps foot at neil
destinymalzen says, I just started Dreamwalk Blue yesterday
sineadsiobhan says, <---ison paradise
catlady_de_los_angeles says, You missed the person who said we were
turning (her?) into a vegetarian by talking about shooting deer with
big brown eyes
flying_ford_anglia says, Sorry Heidi...
bludger_witch says, Me too. but have been quiet lately
flying_ford_anglia says, Oh...
pippin_999 says, Dreamwalk blue !!! good fic
heiditandy says, Dreamwalk is on my favorites list - somethinng
abotu a swing-dancing-Tom-Riddle is just enchanting
dai_evans is away (Auto-Away)
destinymalzen says, Catlady, that was me. I think. I didn't know the
message sent, because I got signed off right then...
flying_ford_anglia says, I am a member of 14 HP clubs - most of
them linked to HPfGU!
sineadsiobhan says, <--now has piles of finished homework on bed
starling_luv says, hm, does everyone write fanfiction here?
destinymalzen says, I do....
destinymalzen says, No one reads it though.
sineadsiobhan wipes brow
destinymalzen is sad
bludger_witch says, I do. But haven't posted yet.
starling_luv says, I do but don't post em
starling_luv says, either
harpdreamer says, I'm working on a fanfic
pippin_999 says, I do
rinad81 says, Working on an HP one, write for many other fandoms.
starling_luv says, 14 clubs, geeze
sineadsiobhan says, I write fanfic but is too quiet about it :-D
catlady_de_los_angeles confesses that HP4GU seduced her into
writing fanfiction, something she had known better than to try since
junior high.....
starling_luv says, I'm on 4 i think
sineadsiobhan says, is=am
destinymalzen finds the latest chapter of SoC, jumps up and down
starling_luv says, SoC?
destinymalzen says, Surfeit of Curses
flying_ford_anglia says, I have ideas... nothing more
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by Heiditandyt
harpdreamer says, Surfiet of Curses--Read it it's great!!
starling_luv says, oh, haven't read that one yet but it's on the list
destinymalzen says, Will anyone here pleeease read/review my fics?
destinymalzen makes puppy dog face
starling_luv says, sure, what are they called?
agassizde is away (Auto-Away)
selah_1977 enters
dr_simon_branford says, Hello Ebony
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Your fics are posted under what name,
where (ffnet)?
flying_ford_anglia says, Hi Ebony!
destinymalzen says, Series that I just finished- Deepest, Most
Desperate Desire of our Hearts
harpdreamer says, Hi, Ebony
starling_luv says, Ebony!
pippin_999 says, What;s your handle Destin
dai_evans is back.
dai_evans says, Hi Ebony
selah_1977 says, hellooooooooooooooooooooooo
selah_1977 says, !
bludger_witch says, Hi Eb!
destinymalzen says, Posted under Destiny....but there are a billion
Destiny's (I was the first!)
heiditandy curtseys in destiny's direction and sends hugs &
chicken soup to Ebony
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Ebony
destinymalzen says, hi ebony
agassizde is back.
agassizde says, Hi
dr_simon_branford says, chicken soup?
selah_1977 thanks heidi for the chicken soup
dr_simon_branford says, that cos Ebony is unwell?
heiditandy says, so, catlady - how's the migraine story coming?
heiditandy says, (sorry! I forget the title!)
bluesoliloquy is away (Auto-Away)
selah_1977 says, Hello to everyone! Are we talking about Harry
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've been working on the second
installment since you asked
destinymalzen says, Not really.
dr_simon_branford says, fanfic
heiditandy looks at ebony, says "Who?"
selah_1977 says, Or just anything that comes to mind?
starling_luv says, no
harpdreamer says, Sorta-
selah_1977 laughs at Heidi
bludger_witch says, About writing FanFic
starling_luv says, does anyone know a good book store in New York?
heiditandy yays at Catlady.
selah_1977 says, Simon are you feeling better?
flying_ford_anglia falls asleep on his keyboard
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Eb!
heiditandy says, Starling! It's the city of vbookstores!
starling_luv says, wake up!
dr_simon_branford says, nearly - need to get rid of a cough now
selah_1977 shakes Neil awake
sineadsiobhan says, didn't see you!
pippin_999 leaves
starling_luv says, well, I know THAT
rinad81 says, So *that's why I was writing in red and green all
this time!
heiditandy sends chicken soup & a masseusse to Dr Simon, the
rinad81 says, Gee, I'm slow. <g>
flying_ford_anglia wakes up suddenly...his scar is hurting
selah_1977 says, Starling, are you Starling or Star?
heiditandy says, To shop in or for t\other reasons?
starling_luv says, who's sick, I make a really good home made soup
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've squeezed out several pages that I
don't mind re-reading, but has an awful high pages to plot-progress
starling_luv says, Star, dear,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, people will object to the mushiness
dr_simon_branford says, it is laughing at things like that that
has hurt this week
starling_luv says, I thought you knew that from before
pippin_999 enters
destinymalzen says, Got to go in about ten minutes, all.
selah_1977 says, Simon--do you mind being a villain?
bludger_witch says, Star, send it to me. My nose is dripping on
the keyboard
destinymalzen smacks science fair report
dr_simon_branford says, what in?
harpdreamer says, I never object to mushiness
starling_luv says, ok!
selah_1977 says, Hey! Who objects to mushiness? I owe Yael a
flying_ford_anglia says, I'm bunged up...
harpdreamer says, Poor Neil
selah_1977 says, I'm with Parker...
bludger_witch says, Mushiness is great!
heiditandy says, The Strand is excellent, on wall street & the
village/soho, and there's an excellent Boarders on Park Ave, a Barnes
& Noble that's huge on the north end of Columbus Circle, near LIncoln
Center & the ABC studios
destinymalzen says, How long do these chats usually go on?
yael_pou enters
sineadsiobhan says, I don't object.. I need mushiness around this
time of year :-D
harpdreamer says, sends a schnoogle Neil's way
destinymalzen says, Hey yael
dr_simon_branford says, for a few hours
catlady_de_los_angeles says, snape/draco mushiness -- ooc
bludger_witch says, The essence of good lovestories. But w/o
kitch, please.
selah_1977 says, Ah! It's Yael--the antiromantic!
dr_simon_branford says, hello
bludger_witch says, hi yael!
heiditandy says, I remember a chat clockin in at 6+ hours...
yael_pou says, hi all
destinymalzen says, Ack...
starling_luv says, geeze
harpdreamer says, Hi, Yael
dr_simon_branford says, i remember 7+
heiditandy says, hey yael!
selah_1977 says, Speaking of which, I LOVE "You've Got Mail"...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Yael
starling_luv says, that is a great movie
flying_ford_anglia accepts the schnoogle without knowing exactly
what it is...
destinymalzen says, Ew, sorry, "You've Got Mail" is sooo boring...
starling_luv says, is not
destinymalzen says, Schnoogle- kiss/cuddle/hug
bludger_witch says, My mother bought the tape months ago and we
didn't have time to watch it yet
selah_1977 says, I would love to own a children's bookstors like the
Shop Around the Corner...
yael_pou says, ebony, i do have a whole section dedicated to you...
rinad81 says, I love YGM! And the original, with Jimmy Stewart.
heiditandy cried during the discussion of Noel Straetfield's
shoes books, and not just 'cause she was 7 weeks pregnant....
bludger_witch says, But I love watching "Notting Hill" Sooo cute.
starling_luv says, Me too, like to be partners?
selah_1977 says, Woo-hoo!
flying_ford_anglia says, Hello Yael...hey, it's really quiet in the
club. COME BACK!
destinymalzen says, Meg Ryan's kid goes to my school....
destinymalzen says, And that was kind of random
starling_luv says, I'd like a book store/coffee shop
catlady_de_los_angeles contemplates scolding Neil for lying to Yael
selah_1977 says, There's an original with JS, Rina? What's the name?
yael_pou says, thanks Neil, i think i will. I used your services in
finding James Potter's house recently
catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Shop on Main Street
rinad81 says, Little Shop Around the Corner, I believe. Let me
destinymalzen says, I have to go, people. I'll be back in an hour or
so (hope you're all still here)
flying_ford_anglia says, Rita - which club are you visiting then?
destinymalzen says, Bye!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It was a play by a Hungarian play write
destinymalzen waves
pippin_999 leaves
sineadsiobhan says, The Little Sho of Horrors?
starling_luv says, bye
sineadsiobhan says, Shop*
harpdreamer says, Bye, Destiny
heiditandy says, And the musical version of Shop around the corner
is She Loves Me
selah_1977 says, Bye, Destiny
yael_pou says, bye
agassizde says, bye
selah_1977 says, Thanks Yael... I was suffering from H/H
heiditandy waves bye at Des
flying_ford_anglia says, My services, Yael?
destinymalzen leaves
bludger_witch says, bye
catlady_de_los_angeles says, in 1970-something, I saw a Musical na
ed I Love You which was based on The Shop on Main Street
starling_luv says, H/H withdrawal? how could that happen
sineadsiobhan says, with the plant that ate humans?
sineadsiobhan says, That was random as well
rinad81 says, Shop Around the Coner - I was close. LOL From 1940.
selah_1977 says, The Shop Around the Corner!
harpdreamer says, That's Liitle Shop of Horrors
starling_luv says, huh?
heiditandy says, catlady - I saw it on broadway in 1994 or 5
sineadsiobhan says, I'm suffering from homework homework overload
selah_1977 says, Thanks... that makes sense... who's the leading lady?
flying_ford_anglia says, Penny goes away for the weekend and the
ships all sink...
sineadsiobhan says, and repetition is killing me
bludger_witch says, "Whap-shoo whap, little shop of Hor-roors"!!
yael_pou says, Neil - the club's - needed to know what house James
potter was in. I was amazed to find that the lexicon put him in
Gryffindor. Posted a question about it.
selah_1977 says, Just 'cause you said that Neil, I'm starting the
shipping thing again tonight after chat. Muwhahahahaha!
starling_luv says, Little Shop of Horrors, is that good?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw it at UCLA, student actors and
professional director, with my mother which is how I know it must
have been in the 70s
rinad81 says, Margaret Sullavan. Lots of fun!
harpdreamer says, Wonderful
bludger_witch says, I love it. We did it with our choir last year.
Was fun
sineadsiobhan says, it's sort of camy but it's good
selah_1977 says, I love Little Shop! I've directed it...
sineadsiobhan says, campy*
starling_luv says, I'll have to see it
starling_luv says, fidaifop
selah_1977 says, I was chatting with someone re: a Little Shop/HP
heiditandy says, little shop is bizarrely fun - but the endings
of the stage version & movie version are different.
starling_luv says, oppse, cat sorry
flying_ford_anglia says, No one responded to my ship post (apart
from Naama)
heiditandy thinks that what the HP books need are palnts that
sing like Levi Stubbs
sineadsiobhan says, darn p key doesn't work too well.. so if any ps
are missing...
selah_1977 says, Harry would be Seymour--Ginny would be Audrey--
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw the Little Shop of Horrors
musical when it was on Off Broadway
sineadsiobhan says, Why Ginny?
selah_1977 says, and the dentist would be Draco!
sineadsiobhan :sniffles... not Hermione?
bludger_witch says, Yeah, why Ginny? Why not Herm!!!!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, only because my brother and his
girlfriend came to NYC and took me to see it
starling_luv says, I', going to see 2 Broadway shows, I'm sooo happy
dai_evans says, Which ones, Star?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Audry is the plant, not the girl,
pippin_999 enters
selah_1977 says, Because Hermione's not FLIGHTY enough for Audrey...
that's why!
bludger_witch says, And Voldy can be Audrey II
heiditandy says, lucius - dentist. masochistic patient played by
bill murray in movie = draco (in my universe, at least)
yael_pou says, heidi - i do have singing flowers in my fic
starling_luv says, don't know yet
selah_1977 says, LOL, Dinah!
heiditandy says, but are they from outer space?
sineadsiobhan says, Audrey is the plant right?
selah_1977 says, Audrey Two is the plant.
selah_1977 says, Audrey's the girl.
yael_pou says, nop. from Bulgaria
starling_luv says, hehe, now i really have to see this
sineadsiobhan says, I haven't seen the movie in such a long time
selah_1977 says, LOL @ Heidi's Draco being Bill Murray...
bludger_witch says, Blond and stupid. Yeah, better make that
Ginny, not Hermione.
bludger_witch says, But wait... Fleur would be even better
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, summary: mention of mushiness
in fic led to You've Got Mail, the Shop around the Corner, the Little
Shop of Horrors
yael_pou says, OH MAMA!
flying_ford_anglia is nodding appreciatively, but knows nothing of
which you speak...
sineadsiobhan says, not since it came out in the late 1980's
starling_luv says, oh, dear, people at the door, be right back
sineadsiobhan says, ROFL dinah
bludger_witch says, Yes, yael, m'dear? did the bad boy hurt you?
selah_1977 says, Well, Ginny's not stupid. Just more of an audrey
flying_ford_anglia says, Oh... Shope Around The Corner I know...and
flying_ford_anglia says, Shope... er, Shap
yael_pou says, don't you remember that song (the dentist)? it was the
funniest part!
flying_ford_anglia says, Shope, that is
harpdreamer says, Yael, when is KDIL 8 coming?
flying_ford_anglia says, Shop
dai_evans says, A talent for causing pain...
flying_ford_anglia is all fingers
selah_1977 says, I love "Krum"... it's on my faves page...
starling_luv says, back, had anyone see PurplePeopleEater?
bludger_witch says, Yeah. With the hairdo and the motorbike <g>
selah_1977 singing "Son Be A Dentist..."
yael_pou says, harpdreamer? When i get it back from the beta. it's
been there over a week. problems with the mail...
pippin_999 says, Switched software, maybe now I can talk
pippin_999 says, Ahhh, that 's better
selah_1977 says, Hey, Pippin... got your mail!
flying_ford_anglia says, You look the same, Pippin...
starling_luv says, I've got, 200 some odd mail
pippin_999 says, Oh good, Ebony, thank you
heiditandy says, steve martin even had a video for dentist which
Mtv played!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My borther told met hat the original
cheap movei verseion was more complicated
pippin_999 says, Netscape wouldn't let me type
harpdreamer says, Yeah, Yael--I didn't get it from you to beta--
wondered why
catlady_de_los_angeles says, with a masochistic patient
bludger_witch says, I'm not telling anything, just that KDIL 8 is
great! And has some... eye-candy for the girls
heiditandy says, the cheap version with jack nicholson?
flying_ford_anglia says, Are we going to see this Tempest thing?
pippin_999 says, IE lets me type
yael_pou says, starling - did you get my mail with the 'cleaned up'
catlady_de_los_angeles says, who travelled from dentitst to dentist
seeking pain
catlady_de_los_angeles says, instead of a sadistic dentist
starling_luv says, Tempoest rules, not
selah_1977 says, Dinah--I'm jealous! You got to beta "Krum"...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Roger Korman. Trained all the best
directors in Hollywood and Burbank..
dr_simon_branford is away (Auto-Away)
flying_ford_anglia says, Poor Doreen hasn't made it here yet...
selah_1977 says, Yael--I can't believe you're anti-romantic! You
write great romance... and draw such CUTE romance pics!
flying_ford_anglia says, she was having problems with Netscape...
starling_luv says, someone have an asprin, I'm out
yael_pou says, harpdreamer - can't tell who you are...
bludger_witch says, Good thing I saw KDIL 8 already, too, or I'd
died. I hate cliffhangers.
sineadsiobhan wants some mushy H/H right now!
agassizde says, Have to go, bye and good night...
pippin_999 says, Bye
selah_1977 says, See you later!
starling_luv says, me too
bludger_witch says, Bye!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, never lost money on a movie (except a
pro-desegeration one with William Shatner during the school
desegregaton riots)
dai_evans says, Byeee
harpdreamer says, I'm Parker, Yael
agassizde is away (stepped out)
flying_ford_anglia says, Cheerio
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Mokia
agassizde leaves
starling_luv says, Cheerio
catlady_de_los_angeles says, wo is Dorren???
pippin_999 says, Ebony, are your character
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