Chat for 02-18-01

Simon Branford simon.branford at ...
Mon Feb 19 14:37:46 UTC 2001

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€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
tygrestick says, hi!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Shocked that so many are already here
tygrestick says, yeah, but they aren't talking
astraevirgo says, I said something, but no one answered.
tygrestick says, so did I!
€  dr_simon_branford says, they probably have done what I was about 
to do which was log in and wander off for a while
sineadsiobhan is back.
sineadsiobhan says, back..
tygrestick says, Ahhh! I like doing that. Hey, Sinead!
astraevirgo waves:
sineadsiobhan says, oooh! sorry for not answering... even got IMS...a 
pissed off friend of mine
tygrestick says, heh...
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
sineadsiobhan says, Sunday..... lazy days...
€  dr_simon_branford says, I am sort of hard at work
tygrestick says, I like them. And I don't have school tommorow! 
*anglels sing in the background*
€  dr_simon_branford says, did nothing yesterday so can hardly 
tygrestick says, are you really? that sucks
sineadsiobhan says, ditto
sineadsiobhan says, Presidents day tomorrow
tygrestick says, yup! alleluja.
astraevirgo says, I have the week off.
astraevirgo says, Yay.
sineadsiobhan says, Cool!
tygrestick says, you do? lucky!
sineadsiobhan says, i get the week off in two weeks!
astraevirgo says, Gotta love Midwinter break.
sineadsiobhan says, :-D
€  dr_simon_branford says, lucky you lot I have to work tomorrow 
(though have no lectures so it is only my assignmetns that I need to 
get done by Tue.)
heiditandy enters
sineadsiobhan says, hi heidi!
selah_1977 enters
tygrestick says, Hi heidi!
sineadsiobhan says, hey ebony!
heiditandy says, hi all - I am chatting from my parents' house today
heiditandy says, Hi eb!
sineadsiobhan says, H/H Secail Agent!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello Heidi and Ebony
tygrestick says, hi ebony!
sineadsiobhan says, Special*
selah_1977 says, Chat doesn't start for an hour!
heiditandy  is downloading cheetachat & will switch to that shortly
astraevirgo says, Ebony, she who sais she wouldn't be coming.
selah_1977 says, Hi Heidi!
selah_1977 says, LOL!
selah_1977 says, I wasn't coming... I have to get my hair done and 
astraevirgo says, Then again, I said I would be sleeping and I'm not 
doing that either.
selah_1977 says, Hi everyone...
tygrestick says, getting your hair done is fun!
tygrestick says, oi.. I'm hyper today,dont mind me
selah_1977 says, Hi, Doreen... no it isn't, Lizzy...  
heiditandy  asks dr simon if he wants to be a Dr of Massage Therapy
sineadsiobhan says, darn P key.... it never seems to work.. hasn't 
been working since I got this laptop
€  dr_simon_branford says, in which story?
tygrestick says, I think it is! OH< WELL>>>
selah_1977 says, Simon are you still mad at me?
heiditandy says, SoC - not the Confrontation/Homage thing. No 
masseusses in the time of Jane Austen
sineadsiobhan says, What did you think of the RR on HP_FanFic?
selah_1977 says, Ooh... masseuses at Hogwarts?
€  dr_simon_branford says, Heidi - sounds cool, a different spin on 
this doctor thing
heiditandy says, not at hogwarts - remember, simon has his own spa 
(and his own curse) in SoC
sineadsiobhan gets in line for a Dr. Simon Branford massage
<snip - by Simon>
€  dr_simon_branford says, still had to make some comment about it
selah_1977 says, If it's any consolation, your part in the RR nearly 
converted me to Harry/Hedwig.
€  dr_simon_branford says, I just saw the opportunity and went for it!
heiditandy says, the *other* H/H ship
astraevirgo says, RR?
heiditandy says, poor simon - that must've been the worst date in 
sineadsiobhan says, Harry/Hedwig seems likely.. thanks to Simon  
€  dr_simon_branford says, I was going to do dr b. and Hedwig at the 
end, but decided to stop the madness instead
heiditandy says, having one's date get engaged to another guy halfway 
thru the evening
heiditandy says, and just when things were going so well!
tygrestick says, ouch, thts gotta hurt
€  dr_simon_branford says, I wished I had punched him - would have 
been more fun (though I knew she loved him and let her go)
sineadsiobhan says, Kiltage abound
sineadsiobhan zones
destinymalzen enters
astraevirgo says, Explicar RR por favor?
selah_1977 says, Your idea flared my imagination... I want to write a 
Harry/Hedwig out so badly... but I'd get thrown out the fandom...
selah_1977 says, Hi, Dest!
sineadsiobhan says, harryetmolly could do it
astraevirgo says, Keep it for youself then Eb.
destinymalzen waves
€  dr_simon_branford says, it is something silly that has always 
amused me as an idea
sineadsiobhan says, :-D
heiditandy says, hi desti!
destinymalzen says, sorry, my computer is being really evil right now
destinymalzen says, hey everyone!
€  dr_simon_branford says, hide it away under a different user name
astraevirgo poke ebony:
selah_1977 says, I'd do it too--but there are already some TiP scenes 
that only me and my betas will ever see.
tygrestick says, HarryetMolly and do anything
tygrestick says, right, Sinead?
destinymalzen says, ebony....*whines* I want the next chapter!
sineadsiobhan says, Right on Lizzy!
tygrestick says, LoL!
selah_1977 says, Teachers can lose their licences for posting 
questionable material on the Net.
harpdreamer enters
selah_1977 says, Parker!
sineadsiobhan says, hey parker!
destinymalzen says, hi parker!
sineadsiobhan says, Eek, really..
selah_1977 pokes Virgo right back!
harpdreamer says, Hello, everyone!
heiditandy says, I can't see how anything you've done is 
questionable, eb!
heiditandy says, hiParker!
tygrestick says, hi!
sineadsiobhan says, Hey now! no poking!
heiditandy  will brb - " I have to install my cheetachat"
tygrestick says, okles!
selah_1977 says, Heidi--you haven't seen some of the stuff on my hard 
drive... the stuff A. can't know.  Woo, boy.
destinymalzen says, What's Cheetachat? No one ever explains it to me
sineadsiobhan secretly pokes Lizzy on the head and runs away
sineadsiobhan snickers
heiditandy says, eb- send it to me, then - at heidiandaaron at ...
selah_1977 says, I'll put it in the Paradise list files after TiP is 
over and done with.  In a discreet corner of my folder.  With full 
heiditandy waves - BRB!
heiditandy leaves
tygrestick says, *whacks Sinead over the head thrice*
astraevirgo says, How do you give folders corners?
sineadsiobhan cries
astraevirgo says, Especially perveribal folders.
destinymalzen says, Okay, guys, I'm leaving, coming back in about 45 
min. bye!
tygrestick says, *tells her she's a bad dog*
destinymalzen waves
tygrestick says, bye!
destinymalzen leaves
sineadsiobhan whimpers
tygrestick says, You'd better whimper! Go to your cage!
tygrestick says, lol, that sounds wrong
selah_1977 says, LOL!
harpdreamer says, Eb, did you read my review of TiP before 
died the other day?
sineadsiobhan crawls to cage never to come out again.. not even to 
selah_1977 says, No, I didn't...
selah_1977 says, What did you say?
tygrestick says, *laughs evilly*
sineadsiobhan points the blame at Lizzy
skaprincess27 enters
selah_1977  is undoing braids and screaming in frustration
selah_1977 says, Hey, Sue!
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Sue!
skaprincess27 says, Aloha, everyone!
tygrestick says, hey Su!
harpdreamer says, I was 2nd to review TiP over at ffnet the day it 
died so much--
tygrestick says, *Su
selah_1977 says, Parker--what did you say?  Did you see my note?
tygrestick says, God....
tygrestick says, *sue
sineadsiobhan screams as sister FINALLY Ims her
skaprincess27 hums quietly to self
harpdreamer says, What note?  when?  where? *looks confused*
tygrestick flirts with the room
harpdreamer says, Saw your author's note--thanks for the mention!
skaprincess27 gives lizzy a weird look and says "geroff, wench"
sineadsiobhan is away (Talking to sister for a few moments)
tygrestick says, LoL!
selah_1977 says, At the end of the chapter... I always write to my 
reviewers.  My grad advisor:  "Writing is a conversation..."
selah_1977 says, OH!  Cool.
selah_1977  screams s'more
harpdreamer says, I love reviewing fics--although I never know what 
to say
skaprincess27 is finally on midwinter break and plans to spend the 
week re-reading every good fic she's ever read
tygrestick says, reviwing fic's rules!
sineadsiobhan is back.
harpdreamer says, I recommend TiP to people when they ask me for good 
selah_1977 says, me neither, Parker... which is scary, seeing as I do 
something like that every day.
sineadsiobhan says, Sister is far too slow to respond
astraevirgo says, Sue, you could spend it writing.
tygrestick says, you have midwinter break? Lucky! I don't get a break 
till April
astraevirgo says, That's what I'm going to do for the next week.
selah_1977 says, Thanks, Parker!  I recommend the 20-25 authors on my page.
heiditandy enters
sineadsiobhan wonders if big sisters deliberately annoy little 
sisters before they turn 20...
harpdreamer says, I don't get a break until September!!!
€  heiditandy  waves, is glad to be back!
selah_1977 says, wb Heidi
tygrestick says, hi Heidi!
astraevirgo says, wb.
harpdreamer says, Hello Heidi
€  heiditandy says, Alicia! hi!
sineadsiobhan says, wb Heidi!
€  heiditandy says, hi all!
selah_1977 says, I sent a prelim note to your box, Heidi... just 
letting you know what you're getting into...
selah_1977 says, LOL!
dr_simon_branford is away (Auto-Away)
€  heiditandy says, ok, thanks eb! will check it now
€  heiditandy  huhs at her colours
sineadsiobhan says, Oh ho! yo:schnoogles room
skaprincess27 says, I'm thrilled.  After a week that included four 
term projects, my English thesis developed, a District Orchestra 
rehearsal, and a nice happy COLD, I need this break...
skaprincess27 says, Hi, Heidi!
selah_1977 says, Let me guess--she's on Cheetah Chat!
sineadsiobhan schoogles room
tygrestick says, Schnoogles are evil!
sineadsiobhan says, I likes chnoogles
sineadsiobhan says, schnoogles!
harpdreamer says, Schnoogles Sinead
€  heiditandy says, yeah - just installed the Cheeta on my mom's 
selah_1977  schnoogles Sue and is glad she's on vacation
skaprincess27 is undecided on the schnoogle issue
tygrestick says, no, they're evil! I tell you, evil!
selah_1977  is glad Sue's on vacation
skaprincess27 decides to go with the flow
sineadsiobhan blushes as parker schnoogles her
tygrestick says, evil evil evil
dr_simon_branford  Schnoogles tygrestick.
skaprincess27 is extremely glad she's on vacation! ^_^
sineadsiobhan says, Lucky Sue! I've got school this week!
hermitchick enters
dr_simon_branford is back.
€  dr_simon_branford glares at all those on vacation
astraevirgo says, I want my people. I need to force stuff down their 
selah_1977  sings "Schnoogles make the world go 'round"...
  hermitchick says, hello all
tygrestick says, *whacks Simon and tell him that schnoogles are evil*
sineadsiobhan pats simon on the head
selah_1977  glares along with Simon
sineadsiobhan says, Sorry
harpdreamer says, Hi, Persephone!
€  heiditandy says, I'd like to teach the world to schnoogle in 
perfect harnmony
tygrestick says, LoL!
skaprincess27 schnoogles sin head and tell her that it'll be aiight
  hermitchick says, Sorry bout not being here last week, hate family
selah_1977  won't be on vacation until next week this time... but 
just finished a 3-week medical leave
sineadsiobhan gives Sue a weird look and inches away from her
tygrestick says, No! Don't you see? Schnoogles are EVIL!
skaprincess27 schnoogle me once, schnoogle me twice, come on pretty 
baby, schnoogle me deadly
skaprincess27 feels bad for schoolboud sin head
skaprincess27 says, *schoolbound
tygrestick says, nooooooooo! *dies a horrible death*
selah_1977 says, LOL!  Heidi!
€  heiditandy says, okay, when Lita Ford starts schnoogling, I get a 
little nervous...
selah_1977 says, Just saw your instant filk...
astraevirgo says, Ebony has it alllll figured out.
skaprincess27 says, ^_^
sineadsiobhan says, I'm in *college* what'd you expect! ::ponders her 
future week break in two weeks:::
keithfras enters
skaprincess27 ponders college!
selah_1977 says, Hey Keith!
keithfras says, Mae govannon everyone!
harpdreamer says, Hi, Keith!
sineadsiobhan says, That was supposed to be Ponders
skaprincess27 says, aloha, keith!
selah_1977 is away (be right back)
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Keith!
€  heiditandy says, spring break?
tygrestick says, hola Keith!
sineadsiobhan says, Oh yes
€  heiditandy  has fond memories of such things...
keithfras says, And to Sue's cabana boys  
€  heiditandy says, hi keith!
€  dr_simon_branford says, 3 weeks til I get a holiday
€  heiditandy  slays vampire coming after keith
skaprincess27 says, ohh dear, those crazy cabana boys
sineadsiobhan says, Hows my fellow RRer!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello Keith the madness man
tygrestick says, 2 months till I get one
sineadsiobhan says, That was a great RR!
selah_1977 is back.
keithfras says, I meant to put cabana boys in the RR, but I forgot! 
€  heiditandy  gets no vacation for a while, but is being sent to 
Disney World for work in April.
astraevirgo says, What is RR to you people? Someone please tell me?
€  dr_simon_branford wont say how long break is - likely to get 
killed if I do
selah_1977 says, I take credit for it!
€  heiditandy says, Round RObin
harpdreamer says, Yes, it was--absolutely histerical  RR
tygrestick says, Round Robin
keithfras says, It was indeed a great round robin
sineadsiobhan says, My  wet-t-shirted scotsman!
astraevirgo says, Thank you.
sineadsiobhan says, :-D
tygrestick says, LoL!
keithfras says, A round robin that will live in infamy
tygrestick says, that it will, matey
€  dr_simon_branford says, The perfect start by me!
tygrestick says, Of course!
sineadsiobhan  pounds fist on table
sineadsiobhan says, It shall!
keithfras says, Quickly corrupted by people mentioning sex
tygrestick says, Right!
sineadsiobhan points at Keith
harpdreamer says, Can hardly wait to see what the next one's like
tygrestick says, when're we doing another?
sineadsiobhan says, who started all the sexual innuendo?
tygrestick says, not me.
€  dr_simon_branford says, It was nice and serious when I started and 
I got H/H (the proper one) in to it!
keithfras says, Ginny's ripped robes led to me mentioning hummus, 
which led to somebody (Minx?) bringing in the SSSRs
astraevirgo is away (Groceries= Food. )
skaprincess27 is back... and confused
€  heiditandy says, has anyone done a RR which didn't include (a) 
secret secluded sex rooms or (b) Sexy!Draco?
keithfras says, Then I created the Time of Madness
skaprincess27 says, I brought in the SSSRs... *sheepish*
€  dr_simon_branford says, about a months time, so we can all recover 
keithfras says, Yes, we've done one here I think and one at PoU
selah_1977 says, Yes--I wSimon started the fic, but I requested it.  
Wanted a good read for a (boyfriend-less) Valentine's Day.
sineadsiobhan says, Very handy invention Sue!
sineadsiobhan says, ;-)
skaprincess27 says, ^_^
skaprincess27 had a nice, love-free V-Day
€  dr_simon_branford says, two at HPff and one at PoU
keithfras says, Did you invent them in Draco Dexter as well, Sue?
tygrestick says, Ahhh..... but SSSR's are draco Dexters first, who 
inveted the there?
skaprincess27 says, Yup.  *sheepish*
tygrestick says, Go Sue! i wasn't there for that
sineadsiobhan says, I had a nice-choccie laden V-Day
€  heiditandy  bows in the general direction of Brilliant Sue
keithfras says, Speaking of which, when's DD6 coming?
skaprincess27 says, <-- plans on copyrighting the SSSRs...
tygrestick says, today, I hope
€  dr_simon_branford says, I had dinner with Ben on Wednesday (DS Ben)
€  heiditandy says, TRADEMARK!
harpdreamer says, I had a nice Harry Potter V-Day
keithfras says, Yay!
skaprincess27 says, Cassie's editing it as we speak.
€  heiditandy says, doesn't cassie teach you teenage witches 
anything ? : )
tygrestick says, isn't she done?
€  heiditandy says, harp - why HP?
keithfras says, Lizzy was most upset when someone created the 
Medieval Torture room
skaprincess27 says, she won't give me Lit Bloat Syndrome
tygrestick says, I was? Oh...
tygrestick says, I was!
selah_1977 says, Uh-oh... you've alerted the resident Intellectual 
Properties expert!
€  heiditandy says, ben who isn't 12, or the son of a hogwarts 
harpdreamer says, Hubby knows I'm obsessed--bless his heart
keithfras says, Didn't you growl at it being taken from DD?
tygrestick says, but Cassie is done ediing, she just needs to post it
skaprincess27 says, I love the SSSRs.
tygrestick says, yah, but who cares!
€  heiditandy says, Please, cassie & I have long conversations 
consisting of the words Patent and Tradermark...
keithfras says, Does Draco get his mojo back?
tygrestick says, Do you post the rr'son
skaprincess27 says, *zips lips*
sineadsiobhan schnoogles the SSSRs
gypsycaine enters
tygrestick says, *mysterious voice* doooess he?
€  dr_simon_branford says, no - ben is older than I am and I am 
pretty sure he is not related to any of Hogs. founders
skaprincess27 says, some things must be secret.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves. 
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
keithfras says, I was foolish to say there were only 7 SSSRs at 
Hogwarts - predictably people created another one
tygrestick says, Right
€  dr_simon_branford says, I will have to see about posting it on as I cannot log on
skaprincess27 says, unlimited SSSRs!
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello Dee
keithfras says, 12 or 13 or something might have been better. Or just 
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
sineadsiobhan says, I vant the Sock Hop SSSR!
harpdreamer says, It's a *big* castle anyway
€  heiditandy says, which are all magically expanded to look smaller 
from the outside than they are inside...
keithfras says, Like Malfoy Manor
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello Cat - got up then?
keithfras says, What exactly would a Sock Hop SSSR entail?
harpdreamer says, Hi, Catlady!
€  heiditandy says, Rita! Hi!
skaprincess27 says, I want the Mosh Pit SSSR.
skaprincess27 says, Hi, Rita!
keithfras says, Mae govannon
  gypsycaine says, Hi, Simon, hi Rita.
sineadsiobhan says, hey Rita! Saw your post on the FanFic board
harpdreamer says, Hi, Dee
keithfras says, Ack! Just realised I forgot to mention Sue and Matt 
as well as the cabana boys!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Him Simon, Tim somehow was able to 
shove me awake and say "It's almost noon' even tho' he went to bed 
later than I did.
skaprincess27 says, Yikes.  *hides*
bludger_witch enters
tygrestick says, Mosh Pit? Thats a good one...
€  heiditandy says, hi dee!
  gypsycaine says, thought I'd sneak in and try this....  I can't 
stay the whole time, but at least pop in..
harpdreamer says, Hello, Dinah
€  bludger_witch says, Hiya!
keithfras says, Sinead? What was in the Sock Hop SSSR?
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hello
sineadsiobhan says, I just realized that Sue wasn't revived from Matt 
Malfoy's request
  gypsycaine says, Hi and Hi...smiles.
  hermitchick says, SSSR?
skaprincess27 is still unconcious
keithfras says, She was unconscious the whole time...poor Sue!
  gypsycaine says, sssr?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, everyone, hi Sinead, I must look 
and see if anyone replied to my Hpff post
€  dr_simon_branford says, I was left outside talking ot an owl (my 
own fault I know)
sineadsiobhan says, That's for me to know and for you to find out  
harpdreamer says, I just read Draco Dexter & loved it
skaprincess27 says, Yes, Cassie and I have a trademarked character.
keithfras says, Secret Secluded Sex Room!
keithfras says, Or Rooms
€  dr_simon_branford says, not yet Rita, but may do soon
€  bludger_witch says, Nah, she woke up, they had gratitous sex in an 
SSSR and live happily ever after! Right Sue?
tygrestick says, right!
skaprincess27 says, YIKES!
€  heiditandy  is off to play raquetball - will be back in about an 
tygrestick says, oh,Sue... ok
sineadsiobhan says, ROFL
tygrestick says, ta!
  gypsycaine says, that's ok.  I went looking for a SW club on yahoo 
and pulled up a naked side of the force club.
keithfras says, It must have been the Durmstrang SSSR...all the 
others were mentioned at some point
skaprincess27 runs off and tries to find a hole to curl up in
keithfras says, Namarie Heidi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Persephone, they are tallking 
about Secret Secluded Sex rooms, an idea used in Draco Dexter, a 
parody/sex humor story on ffnet
keithfras pulls Sue out of her hole
sineadsiobhan pats Sue on head
harpdreamer says, Later, Heidi
  hermitchick says, read part of that
tygrestick says, *schnoogles Sue*
sineadsiobhan says, You'll be okay rhetorically
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and re-used in a round robin on 
HPfanfic egroup 
skaprincess27 says, ohhh dear.
keithfras winks at Sinead
tygrestick says, LoL!
Chat faster with Yahoo! Messenger with Chat Client -

heiditandy leaves
selah_1977 says, see you, Heidi!
skaprincess27 is slightly frightened now... ^_^
keithfras says, I did quite well out of the RR...largely through 
writing about half of it
keithfras says,  
sineadsiobhan winks back at Keith
keithfras says,  
tygrestick flirts with skaprincess27
€  dr_simon_branford says, I did well out of the rr without having to 
do anything
tygrestick says, no!
tygrestick says, that didn't work!
selah_1977 says, I was going to participate in the RR, but I'm scared 
of you guys.
sineadsiobhan says, ROFL!
skaprincess27 says "hands off, wench, i'm taken!"
  hermitchick says, I'm Poed, I cant work on the page and chat at the 
same time thanks to evil Yahoo!!!
tygrestick says, LoL!
€  dr_simon_branford says, scared of us after TiP?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If they didn't have so much maple 
syrup and so many vats of jello, the SSSRs would remind me of the 
specialty room s in the superbrothel in CALLAHAN'S LADY, a pubished 
novel by Spider Robinson
skaprincess27 says, Eb, there's not that much to be scared of... 
except maybe Simon and his six billion cameo appearances in fics
selah_1977 says, Yes--TiP's soapish, but it hasn't descended to SSSRs!
tygrestick says, right
gypsycaine . o O ( yah know what's scarey?  There's so many groups 
that haven't taken advantage of the new colors/features.... )
skaprincess27 imagines TiP SSSRs
keithfras says, Yes, I wondered if the multiple sweet substances and 
candles business in TiP was inspired by us....
sineadsiobhan is laughing really hard for no reason
€  dr_simon_branford cant decide whether he should glare at Sue
selah_1977 says, Keith!  Yes!
skaprincess27 grins sweetly
  hermitchick says, The colours are fun to change(group colours)
keithfras says, Since Draco's created a wizard Internet, there could 
be Secret Secluded Sex Chatrooms.
selah_1977 says, Actually--a SSSR wouldn't be such a bad idea... if 
the right person walked in...
skaprincess27 says, *lol*!
€  dr_simon_branford says, I keep changing the chat groups colours
€  bludger_witch says, Oooh! *grins evilly*
tygrestick says, SSCR...
sineadsiobhan says, Ew.. Cyber schnoogling... ew!
keithfras says, I think I once called this chatroom one of those
selah_1977 says, Nah...
€  dr_simon_branford says, no Harry/Hermione in that story
sineadsiobhan says, Geesh I forgot.. we already do that
skaprincess27 looks around suspiciously
tygrestick says, LoL!
selah_1977 says, LOL!
  hermitchick says, I like the ones on one of my groups, but the 
other sucks
  gypsycaine says, you mean that group we work with together, Simon?
€  bludger_witch says, Why? Only we always fail to keep our 
conversations PG?
keithfras says, Yes, I won't mention what you and Dai were up to last 
week, Sinead...oops, I just did
tygrestick says, LoL!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, you're just jealous
selah_1977 says, My story doesn't have any ships save R/H and D/G 
Simon as of Chapter 7.
sineadsiobhan fixes halo above head
skaprincess27 snickers at Captain Kilt-Fetish
sineadsiobhan says, don't ask me :-D
selah_1977 says, Oh, Sinead...
keithfras says, And the various duct tape/kilt incidents
sineadsiobhan says, Yes Ebony?
selah_1977 says, We know what you did last week!
tygrestick says, LOL!
sineadsiobhan says, What?
keithfras says, Is this a movie, Ebony?
skaprincess27 puts on scary voice
keithfras says,  
selah_1977  dons Scream mask
  catlady_de_los_angeles  speculates about matchmaking Persephone and 
sineadsiobhan can't hear Sue's scary voice
harpdreamer says, First Dai, then Keith...I don't know about you, 
  hermitchick says, btw how many like H/D, not herminone
keithfras says, We Still Know What You Did The Week Before Last
  hermitchick says, huh?
gypsycaine . o O ( is watching a three year old bouncing on her 
bed?/? )
€  bludger_witch says, *I am your father, Luke!*
skaprincess27 has a cold and is tryin to avoid talking
keithfras says, Persephone as in a real person?
  gypsycaine says, and we screamed, keith. grins.
€  bludger_witch says, Sue: Don't just talk, schnoogle <g>
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesephone as in hermitchick, who just 
said "Huh?"
keithfras says, Right
€  dr_simon_branford dons Hedwig mask
skaprincess27 ponders schnoogling
  hermitchick says, oh
sineadsiobhan blushes profusely
dr_simon_branford  Schnoogles skaprincess27.
bludger_witch goes "ACK".
keithfras says, Why am I being set up?
tygrestick says, LoL!
selah_1977 says, I don't like Harry/Draco as much as I do 
Harry/Ron... but I'm in the clear minority.
skaprincess27 says, Jailbait!  Jailbait!
skaprincess27 says, ^_^
sineadsiobhan says, because keith, you're the one wearing the kilt :-D
keithfras says, Why, is Persephone under 16?
€  dr_simon_branford says, how are things between you and looking at 
you maybe girl Keith?
tygrestick says, *decideds schnoogling isn't so bad ad schnoogles 
sineadsiobhan becomes cheeky with keith
  hermitchick says, no
€  bludger_witch says, Harry/Ron is cuter   
skaprincess27 feels schnoogled
selah_1977 says, HA!  New convert!
keithfras says, Same as ever, Simon...I am very slowly psyching 
myself up
tygrestick says, Lol1
keithfras schnoogles Sinead
skaprincess27 says, I have fallen in love with the *other* H/D since 
reading Snitch!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie likes Harry/Draco
€  dr_simon_branford says, you'll be a second year soon!
tygrestick says, yes! yes!
  hermitchick says, Thanks to moi, there is now a Harry/Draco group, 
proud of my self
sineadsiobhan whispers seductively in Keith's ear
sineadsiobhan giggles
keithfras can't hear what Sinead said
€  dr_simon_branford says, author alert seems to be back up
skaprincess27 screams, "Get a room!"  at Sinead
selah_1977 says, I know Cassie likes Harry/Draco--it's one of the few 
fandom issues I don't agree with her on!
  catlady_de_los_angeles  can't remember who explains Harry/Draco as 
working because their hair colors are so cute together .... 
keithfras says, A SSS Room, Sue?  
  hermitchick says, lol
sineadsiobhan waves  Sue off
skaprincess27 says, *lol*
sineadsiobhan says, Oh.. not a bad idea..
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, which is an argument I use for 
€  bludger_witch says, You teo should have locked yourself in one. 
100 year of passionate schnoogling!!!
€  bludger_witch says, *two
skaprincess27 says, Meh, felt it was time for a little teenage 
obnoxiousness in the dierction on Sinead
tygrestick says, which SSSroom?
keithfras says, Actually, Dinah never wrote us leaving...we can't be 
certain we weren't left behind in the Beach Room
starling_luv enters
harpdreamer says, I like your fics, Rita--even the slash one & I'm 
not a fan of slash
selah_1977 says, Starling!
€  bludger_witch says, You were in the beach roo - enjoying yourself 
on a beach-towel!
skaprincess27 says, Beach room!
sineadsiobhan wonders if Keith doesn't mind schnoogling a woman a 
year older than him
selah_1977 says, I mean... Star!
starling_luv says, Hey everyone
keithfras says, I vote SSSR7...that's my favourite, except possibly 
the beach room
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
astraevirgo says, I'm going to leave... help with the groceries, 
which I can't seem to spell, and possibly catch up on the sleep I 
harpdreamer says, except I do like Snitch
  hermitchick says, I have free time now!  I'm in normal chem, not 
honours, so I was board, so I made a group for Harry/Draco
keithfras says, Hardly Mrs Robinson and Ben, Sinead
astraevirgo says, Bye!
skaprincess27 runs off to create the Mosh Pit SSSR
selah_1977 says, Bye, Virgo!
starling_luv says, IEbony you always do that
keithfras says, BTW, who here has seen American Pie?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Thank you Harpdreamer!
astraevirgo waves:
skaprincess27 says, *snikcer* me
tygrestick says, Hey starling!
astraevirgo leaves
€  bludger_witch says, ByE!
  hermitchick says, nope
selah_1977 is away (be right back)
sineadsiobhan says, Mosh pit.. that involves alot of people!
keithfras says, Cos Finch looks a bit like me
€  dr_simon_branford says, I have read Snitch but skipped a bit at 
the end of teh last chapter
skaprincess27 says, *lol*
keithfras says, What exactly does Mosh Pit mean? Like a pile-up?
starling_luv says, I read part of Snitch but stopped b/c I had to 
tygrestick says, I'll come!
starling_luv says, sorta
  hermitchick says, I dunno either
skaprincess27 says, Big loud music.  Running around screaming.  
People banging into each other, etc.
sineadsiobhan says, It's a club in which people all dance really 
closey jamming to hard rock bands
starling_luv says, Mosh Pit is when everyone gets into a big group, 
at a dance they all start going crazy and dancing
keithfras says, Oh, right. Is that a sex room?
tygrestick says, right
sineadsiobhan says, Yu!
skaprincess27 says, it is now
  hermitchick says, why would you want to do that?
  gypsycaine says, Mosh Pit--a roped off section where the goal is 
either how much blood you get from the others in the group from 
bashing against them or how many bones you break in your own body 
getting that blood.
€  bludger_witch says, When they dance closely while listeing to hard 
music... head-banging gets a new meaning there *ouch*  
tygrestick says, fun!
keithfras says, Oh, this is a more extreme version
skaprincess27 says, because I'm a really big idiot
tygrestick leaves
harpdreamer says, Not my cup of tea--now Irish step dancing, that I 
can get into
sineadsiobhan grabs Keith and drags him to the mosh pit SSSR
starling_luv says, I was in a Mosh Pit once and got lifted up and 
spun around, they're alot of fun
keithfras says, Can you have a mosh pit with 2 people?
€  bludger_witch says, irish step-dancing??? Love that! Got me loads 
of blisters on my feet, though
skaprincess27 says, Probably.
skaprincess27 runs to find out
€  bludger_witch says, And I couldn't walk or three days straight  
keithfras has been clubbing once in his life during Freshers' Week
sineadsiobhan locks door Preventing anyone named Sue in
skaprincess27 went to the local Battle of the Bands last night and is 
having a bit of a hard time seeing straight ^_^
sineadsiobhan snickers
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend said Mosh Pit is an example 
of how much the punkers take care of each other, because a big 
football player slamming against a little 90 pound  girl manages not 
to hurt her
starling_luv says, hehe, hey I have a question when does chatting 
usually start b/c I thought I was going to be early
harpdreamer says, Oh, dear, Dinah--I've been doing it since I was 
young.  Self-taught
skaprincess27 says, no prob, Sinead, I can't see straight
sineadsiobhan says, we start an hour early
keithfras says, It's meant to be 8 but usually people start at 7.
€  bludger_witch says, We did it in sports class. Never done it in my 
life, then for two hours w/o pause. Go figure  
tygrestick enters
harpdreamer says, I can't see straight unless I have my glasses on.
starling_luv says, of
starling_luv says, oh
  gypsycaine says, 8??
sineadsiobhan says, wb Lizzy
€  dr_simon_branford says, i got here at seven and people were 
already here
€  dr_simon_branford says, gmt dee
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and some people get up on stage and 
swan dive into the mosh pit and the people in the pit position 
themselves to catch him, break his fall, and if they wan'ted him to 
be hurt, they could just get out of this way
tygrestick says, back!
selah_1977 says, Star--it starts at 3 p.m. EST, but today people 
started BEFORE two.
tygrestick says, sorry, got disconnected
  gypsycaine says, ahh....
selah_1977 is away (be right back)
sineadsiobhan says, I came in then did an away functionto wash up
keithfras says, All really anxious to discuss SSSRs!
skaprincess27 says, would like to find a slightly tamer mosh pit than 
the average...
  gypsycaine says, was teasing, btw.  (Is 5 hours early for the 
chat..... Imagine how late 8 EDT would be to your GMT guys!)
  hermitchick says, what are we talking about
sineadsiobhan says, then came back and people were here!
starling_luv says, ah, well someone shoulda told me, I've been 
sitting around for an hour waiting for it to start
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, see, Simon, I WAS late...
€  bludger_witch says, I missed a "feathers and silk shalws soft 
bondage SSSR" 
keithfras says, Mostly SSSRs, Persephone
  hermitchick says, didn't it used to start at 2/
sineadsiobhan sneers at Simon for schnoogling her last week when she 
was in the shower....
skaprincess27 says, YIPE!
sineadsiobhan feels so violated
keithfras says, ?!?
tygrestick says, eh, its not supposed to
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it started at 2 for 2 weeks due to an 
error in calendar
tygrestick says, LoL!
  hermitchick says, oh
starling_luv says, um peoples, remember that when one person says a 
time it's for their timezone, somepeople seemed to be getting cunfused
€  dr_simon_branford says, you like it really Sinead
  gypsycaine says, Simon, what do you think of C&A btw?
keithfras says, When did this happen?
selah_1977 says, I was feeling quite smug about not succumbing to the 
SSSRs until Pippin pointed out that I had a SSSG--a Secret Secluded 
Sex Garden.  Damn.  You all have corrupted me and I HATE it!  
skaprincess27 says, Sinead loves it.  *runs in fear of Captain Kilty*
selah_1977 says, WAAAAAAAAAAH!
€  dr_simon_branford says, some good recipies - might try some of 
them out when I get a chance
tygrestick says, LoL~
  gypsycaine says, kewl.
harpdreamer says, I liked the SSSG, Eb
sineadsiobhan says, When Simon and I were the only ones in the room
selah_1977  switches to Gryffindor red
sineadsiobhan says, ;-)
keithfras says, Sue, you have nowt to fear. You are after all the 
Male Chauvinist Slayer
starling_luv says, oh dear, as a minor should I be afraid?
selah_1977 says, Thanks Pippin...
skaprincess27 says, Go me.
selah_1977 says, YES Star!  Be very afraid.
  hermitchick says, didn't sleep at all last night, was reeding back 
messages for this group- alot of them!
  gypsycaine says, good grief--back ones from groups or the club, or 
starling_luv says, oh dear, um I', going to get PJ(my kitten) brb
keithfras says, Poll: which character did best out of the RR?
skaprincess27 says, Keith!
  hermitchick says, group
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, besides 12000 or whatever msgs on 
HPfGU, there are 8000 more on HPfGU-Archive egroup
  gypsycaine says, still has about 800 messages in the clubs to read.
€  bludger_witch says, Draco not
skaprincess27 says, Keith did
keithfras says, Either me, Harry or Draco I reckon. Maybe Ginny or 
Sinead as well
starling_luv says, back
  hermitchick says, Too many, even for me- I keep up with over 100 
groups too!
sineadsiobhan stops whaterver she was doing...
€  bludger_witch says, Keith and Sinead - the new dream-couple. 
Nearly outweighs H/H <g>
sineadsiobhan says, What about Sinead?
  gypsycaine says, Simon, do you know if you can use any of your 
profiles for the chat, or is this like clubs?
selah_1977 screams, "They killed kenny!"
starling_luv says, huh?
skaprincess27 plans a S/K fic
keithfras says, We were discussing who did best out of the round 
  hermitchick says, I liked the character test thingie!  It amused me
sineadsiobhan says, LOL!
tygrestick says, LoL!
starling_luv says, ah
€  dr_simon_branford says, you can use any profile that is linked 
with the registered one (I think)
sineadsiobhan says, Sirius/Keith?
sineadsiobhan says, :-D
keithfras says, Sinead and me were in SSSR7 with Fleur and Al for 2-3 
skaprincess27 says, MEh, why not
€  bludger_witch says, lol Sinead!
keithfras glowers at Sinead
skaprincess27 says, I was passed out for the majority of the fic
  gypsycaine says, all right.  I'll try something then.  be back.
sineadsiobhan pats Keith on head, "poor baby"
gypsycaine leaves
€  bludger_witch says, No, you had fun! we just didn't tell you
keithfras says, And we spent the last 3-4 days in the Beach Room with 
Harry, Hermione, Seamus and Madeleine
tygrestick says, LoL!
lady_vanessa_keer enters
skaprincess27 says, lol
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hi Dee
  lady_vanessa_keer enters quietly.
  hermitchick says, maybe some day I'll even post, I'm a lurker cept 
in my own groups where I never shut up
€  bludger_witch says, Hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Lady Vanessa
  lady_vanessa_keer says, how did you know?
starling_luv says, I have a thought, I was reading about how Ron's 
cousin was suppose to be in GoF but was taken out but might be in 
anouther one, maybe she'll be Harry's love interest if H/H isn't what 
Jo has planned
€  dr_simon_branford says, checke the profile
  lady_vanessa_keer says, looks up.  LOL.
€  dr_simon_branford says, d ---^
keithfras says, Not to mention the shorter bits with just the two of 
us in SSSR7, the brief trip to the Cheerleaders' Locker-room with 
Seamus and Madeleine and Sinead's schnoogles with Seamus
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, You stil have the Dee avatar
keithfras says, Though the cheerleader bit didn't go too well....
keithfras says, I'm sorry about that
  hermitchick says, I like avatars
sineadsiobhan plans on putting Keith in a Latin dance costume
skaprincess27 shimmies
  lady_vanessa_keer says, there we go.
sineadsiobhan says, Heh heh heh
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Now its's the tiny illegible avatar
keithfras does the tango with Sinead
Doreen_Iowa leaves
€  bludger_witch says, Aww, Sinead. You should really get that skirt 
thing out of your head
Doreen_Iowa enters
keithfras says, I can't see any avatars!
sineadsiobhan says, Ew no tango.. lets do the rhumba!
starling_luv says, hey I wanna dance, anyone know salsa?
tygrestick says, nope, sorry
harpdreamer says, Used to--been too long
keithfras says, Never seen the rhumba....
pippin_999 enters
skaprincess27 says, I can't dance.
selah_1977 says, I know several Latin dances... that's said under 
€  bludger_witch says, Mambo. Dirty Dancing!!! 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Pippin
keithfras has done some Scottish dancing
pippin_999 says, Hi
€  bludger_witch says, Hi
starling_luv says, hehe
selah_1977 says, Hi, Pippin...
  hermitchick says, hello
skaprincess27 says, I can jump and yell.  That's it.
harpdreamer says, Hi, Pippin
keithfras says, Here Comes The Snake!
Doreen_Iowa is back.
€  Doreen_Iowa says,    Hi everyone'
skaprincess27 says, Hi, Pippin!
sineadsiobhan says, Took two years of dancing
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, They started before 2 pm!!!!
bludger_witch bounces around.
lady_vanessa_keer leaves
keithfras says, Hi Dr Iowa!
keithfras says,  
keithfras says, ;D
harpdreamer says, Hi, Doreen!
sineadsiobhan won sexy latin dancing
keithfras says, ;D
selah_1977 says, Latin dance is sooooo much fun.  Especially with the 
right partner...
starling_luv says, I can do country swing though I don't perfer it
tygrestick says, fun!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can't even catch up with what they 
said before I came in!
selah_1977  can't country swing at all
sineadsiobhan says, Oh yeah,  Eb!
€  bludger_witch says, I'm kinda stuck on the Cha-Cha here  
skaprincess27 had to do polka and square dancing in Gym
pippin_999 says, I can't dance
€  Doreen_Iowa says, which ones are Neil and Steve VA?
sineadsiobhan says, I danced with a hot med student once :-D
selah_1977  can't polka or square dance
starling_luv says, that'd be fun
  hermitchick says, Don't dance, too social for me
selah_1977  thinks swing dancing is dangerous
sineadsiobhan zones at memory
tygrestick says, I've gotta go, guys! bye!
selah_1977 says, see ya!
keithfras says, Ditto, Persephone!
  hermitchick says, bye
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil is flying ford anglia and no in 
pippin_999 says, Bye
angelique_of_colinsport enters
€  bludger_witch says, Neil is the rusty car
keithfras says, Bye Lizzy!
starling_luv says, I dance but I never said I was good at it, I just 
get in the grove and go
€  bludger_witch says, evil grin
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bybe Lizzie,
skaprincess27 had to do the polka to "Achy Breaky Heart" when psycho 
gym teacher ran out of polka tunes
€  Doreen_Iowa says, so the rusty car is not here yet?
tygrestick leaves
harpdreamer says, I do contra dancing, square dancing, step dancing, 
Scottish country dancing
€  dr_simon_branford says, Hi Dee
  hermitchick says, hate gym teachers
starling_luv says, me too
skaprincess27 says, Hi, Angelique! A Dark Shadows fan?
keithfras says, You seem to have lots of interesting people in your 
school, Sue!
€  bludger_witch says, Parker, you're keeping busy, right?
  angelique_of_colinsport says, chuckles.  Must be the url-email eh, 
keithfras says, BTW, how's the Escape To Britain plan coming along
keithfras says, ?
starling_luv says, k, who is Sue?
selah_1977 says, I love to watch tap and Irish dancing...
harpdreamer says, Always *grins*
€  dr_simon_branford says, you have to add these profiles into teh 
chatters list!
€  Doreen_Iowa says, hermitchick, how do you do that picture icon?
  angelique_of_colinsport says, how can you tell.
keithfras says, skaprinces27
pippin_999 says, Love Irish dance too
sineadsiobhan says, At least  you did the polka.. I did the macareana
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ANgelique -- tiny illegible avatar
€  bludger_witch says, I've seen Riverdance at least ten times <g>
€  dr_simon_branford says, and the profile gives it away again
skaprincess27 says, You don't know the half of it, Keith
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the pitcure Icon thing is called 
keithfras says, No, I don't know any of it!
  angelique_of_colinsport says, nah....  I'll use Gypsycaine normally.
skaprincess27 has done the macarena in gym
starling_luv says, I've never seen Riverdance, well five minutes but 
that was it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it is something that you can do when 
you use CheetahChat to get into Yahoo chatrooms
pippin_999 says, Riverdance is strange...compared to traditional step 
harpdreamer says, Ooo, I'm envious, Dinah--saw it on TV.  Would kill 
to see it live
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee is their missionary 
€  Doreen_Iowa says, I am using Cheetah
skaprincess27 says, I watched Dark Shadows on Sci-Fi for about four 
sineadsiobhan says, I love Riverdance// went to a show in Minneapolis!
€  bludger_witch says, Yeah, it's showdance, not traditional - but 
still better then lord of the Dance IMO
minzzer enters
keithfras says, Voldemort and the Death Eaters did Riverdance in the 
round robin!
  hermitchick says, brb
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
starling_luv says, My class did the macarena in my Spanish class last 
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
minzzer says, hi
keithfras says, Mae govannon, Minzzer
angelique_of_colinsport : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for 
Yahoo - With text blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be 
sorry! -
skaprincess27 says, I had to do the can-can in French.
harpdreamer says, Yeah--I do traditional stepdancing.  Lord of the 
Dance was crap, IMO
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ojkay, Settings on menu barm choose 
Preferences, there is a choice box for Avatars
sineadsiobhan says, I made Dave Parisi blush when I taught him the 
sineadsiobhan says, :-D
€  bludger_witch says, Sineadn you're a busy woman!
sineadsiobhan says, in school
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, on the Yahoo/cheetachat tab
sineadsiobhan blushes profusely
harpdreamer says, I tried to use Cheetachat but it didn't work for 
some reason
bludger_witch attempts to calm herself.
keithfras schnoogles Sinead reassuringly
  angelique_of_colinsport says, you should see my email.... argh.
sineadsiobhan screams as keith schnoogles her..
keithfras says, Hey?!
skaprincess27 is taken aback at all the schnoogling
starling_luv says, oh dear, now have we got to the schnoogling part 
of the chat
keithfras doesn't schnoogle Sue in case he gets in trouble
angelique_of_colinsport picks up a pillow off the couch, and walks 
over to where she bonks Neil in the head with it repeatedly until the 
feathers fly!  <<<<<-----
€  bludger_witch says, I guess Sineads lips are still bruised from 
the RR
  angelique_of_colinsport used to get into trouble from the bonking.
keithfras says, Um, not sure Neil's here.....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Alicia-Sue -- Dai and Sinead were 
schnoogling (and more) all over the chatroom, on the couch and behind 
the couch and in midair last week
selah_1977 says, Sinead, you're almost as popular as Ginny and 
skaprincess27 says, I know.  *hides*
keithfras says, Which meaning of bonking are we using here?!
sineadsiobhan laughs
€  bludger_witch says, Awgh, get your mind out off the gutter
skaprincess27 says, Bonking?  YIPE!
discords_child14456 enters
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
sineadsiobhan says, I got a valentine from Dai..
discords_child14456 says, hello
sineadsiobhan blushes
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, while I tried unscuccessfaully to 
matchmake Keith with Buffy the Vampire Slayer
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
keithfras says, Because in Britain bonking can do I 
put this
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, discord's child
€  bludger_witch says, Sex#
  angelique_of_colinsport says, bonking can be horizontal.
€  bludger_witch says, We know what that is, keith  
€  Doreen_Iowa says, it means the same in the US too keithfras
discords_child14456 says, hi catlady
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, in USA too, altho' I think it 
is properly spelled boinking
€  bludger_witch says, Or do we? *looks around in panic*
skaprincess27 uses the word boink a bit too loosely
€  bludger_witch says, Anyone need the bees and flowers talk?
keithfras says, Please no bonking! Schnoogling is a good word because 
you can take it to mean lots of things...made it useful for the RR!
€  bludger_witch says, So no bonking - how about....
keithfras says, When one little panda loves another little panda....
sineadsiobhan says, Svchnoogling
sineadsiobhan says, schnoogling*
€  bludger_witch says, Okay, let your brains steam! Anyone have a 
good suggestion?
yael_pou enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, schnuzzlling
skaprincess27 says, are these heterosexual pandas?
€  bludger_witch says, Hi !
  hermitchick says, back, green ketchup is sick
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Yael
harpdreamer says, Hi, Yael!
€  bludger_witch says, schnoogles yael
keithfras says, Schnoogling is fine, if you ask me
yael_pou says, Hello everybody!
pippin_999 says, Hi Yael
skaprincess27 says, hi yael
sineadsiobhan says, Don't use that.. that Dai and my word :-D
keithfras says, Yes, this is a boy panda and a girl panda
  hermitchick says, panda?
sineadsiobhan says, hey Yael!
keithfras says, Mae govannon, Yael
  angelique_of_colinsport says, nah, bonking is one of those can be 
various meanings words.
selah_1977 says, Yael!  Thanks again for Krum--I know it's the last 
good H/H I'll read for a while.
selah_1977 says, Which is why I should start writing H/H.
minzzer says, unless eb changess her mind
keithfras says, I need to read KDIL
  hermitchick says, what's the fun in that
sineadsiobhan says, Ditto!
skaprincess27 says, H/H!
selah_1977 says, Minzzer--don't go there.
keithfras actually made Ebony like an H/G story
sineadsiobhan says, whats the pen name?
keithfras beams proudly
harpdreamer says, I'm writing H/H.  It's a long way from finished 
skaprincess27 shudders
  angelique_of_colinsport says, i will continue to bonk Neil. lol.
skaprincess27 needs H/H
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ebony is AngieJ
selah_1977  says Keith is a great writer
keithfras faints
yael_pou says, Keith - don't, Cassie said you'll have my head for the 
way Ginny is there.
sineadsiobhan says, Minzzer! I didn't see you inthere!
selah_1977  hugs Parker
yael_pou is away (be right back)
keithfras says, Why, how is Ginny in KDIL?
selah_1977 says, hugs Parker for writing H/H
harpdreamer says, hugs Ebony back
  angelique_of_colinsport says, it's tradition now.
skaprincess27 hugs all H/H writers
selah_1977 says, hugs all H/H writers as well
starling_luv says, inching away in fear of being the next to get 
€  bludger_witch says, She's a bit of the damsell in distress that 
stays behind while her sweetheart saves the day
selah_1977  and Keith
keithfras is determined to increase the profile of H/G
minzzer says, I'm here
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, why aren't there any Hooch/McGonagall 
sineadsiobhan is unexpectedly hugged by Sue and Ebony
harpdreamer says, joins in hugging all H/H writers
skaprincess27 says, oh, why not.
  hermitchick says, H/H writers annoy me
  angelique_of_colinsport says, I don't get hugged...    Only has 
written L/V
sineadsiobhan screams
selah_1977  looks around for the R/H writers...
keithfras says, Lily/Voldemort?
  hermitchick says, L/V?
€  bludger_witch says, McGonagall/Poppy!!
keithfras says, Lupin/Voldemort?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone: are there any het ships 
you like?
€  bludger_witch says, Lucius/Vooldemort
minzzer says, Don't give sinead any ideas
€  bludger_witch says, I guess
  hermitchick says, umm.... probably not
  angelique_of_colinsport says, Lily Vernon.
selah_1977 says, ALERT!
skaprincess27 says, Lucky and Voldie!
€  bludger_witch says, Ungh!
keithfras says, Ewwwwww!
keithfras says, Bleeargh!
sineadsiobhan says, Draco/Petunia?
keithfras retches
€  bludger_witch says, Not really
sineadsiobhan snickers
harpdreamer says, Lucius/Voldemort?  I like that
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hooch/McGonagall.  Poppy/Albus.
€  Doreen_Iowa says, ewwwwwwwwww
selah_1977 says, Attention Chatters:  We Are Now Entering the 
Obligator Weird Ships Portion of the HP4gU chat.
keithfras says, Now Draco/Petunia sounds quite good
destinymalzen enters
€  bludger_witch says, Nooooooo! Poppy/McGonagall!!!
skaprincess27 says, *lol*
dai_evans enters
€  bludger_witch says, Hi!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Destiny
keithfras says, Yes, every chat follows a pattern.
destinymalzen says, Hi everyone!
pippin_999 says, Oh we're on weird pairings?
starling_luv says, I noticed Eb
sineadsiobhan ews keith... not going to schnoogle him for a while
sineadsiobhan says, hey Dai
  dai_evans says, Hey Everyone
€  bludger_witch says, Weird pariring and schnoogling
€  bludger_witch says, Hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, weird pairing: Ebony/Ron
minzzer says, me this is not weird
harpdreamer says, Hi, Destiny, Hi, Dai
  dai_evans says, Hey, Sinead
skaprincess27 Decides to throw Snape/Fleur out there
  angelique_of_colinsport says, I stil like H/Ron.
€  Doreen_Iowa says, D/G
keithfras says, Pretty soon everyone'lkl be slagging off my 
patheticness in matters of the heart
skaprincess27 says, D/g!
  hermitchick says, Sirius/Remus/Severus all together
selah_1977 says, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
keithfras says, What for, Sinead?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dai
€  bludger_witch says, I I wren't jealous, I'd actually like 
skaprincess27 says, then cassie will come in and torture me about 
*my* matters of the heart
  dai_evans says, Keith, you're pretty pathetic in matters of the 
keithfras says, Hi Dai, did you see the round robin?
  angelique_of_colinsport says, yah know, I can see that.  And Peter 
would watch,  eh?
  dai_evans says, Yeah. LOL
discords_child14456 leaves
  hermitchick says, which?
skaprincess27 says, all of them...
€  bludger_witch says, Oh - my - gawdess
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
€  bludger_witch says, And were back to videos and sex
starling_luv says, K like I mentioned earlier what about ROn's cousin 
that is to make an appearence sense she was taken out of GoF
€  bludger_witch says, Were are the lies?
destinymalzen says, This is veryyyy interesting
selah_1977 says, Before I met these guys I thought Draco/Ginny was a 
weird ship.
selah_1977 says, When I first read Alicia/Sue, I said "Is she CRAZY?"
  hermitchick says, scary non?
skaprincess27 says, D/G... See the Light...
keithfras says, I thought Draco/Hermione was wild!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, What is Lockhart/Tree? The Whomping 
skaprincess27 says, well, I am, but that's a different story
€  bludger_witch says, Draco/Ginny is not weird, it's cute - and a 
bit roughed up 
  angelique_of_colinsport says, lol.  Rita, Simon, how long has I 
been Harry/Ron?
keithfras says, That was quite a while ago
skaprincess27 says, I thought I was crazy!
starling_luv says, I thought anything but H/H was wierd before I go t 
on this group and, ah those were the days
keithfras says, You are crazy  
skaprincess27 says, I know I am!
€  bludger_witch says, I can see Ginny slapping Draco senseless for 
being a mean git *cackles evilly*
harpdreamer says, I like D/G--once Ginny grows up a bit
  hermitchick says, Snape/lockhart, if he didn't kill him first
yael_pou is back.
selah_1977 says, Dee--I'm slightly Harry/Ron too, if both are so 
keithfras says, Why not H/G once that happens?
starling_luv says,  
yael_pou says, sorry about that
harpdreamer says, Snape would kill Lockhart in a second!
€  bludger_witch says, No! Not Snape/Lockhart
keithfras says, Yael, what wouldn't I like about Ginny in KDIL?
  angelique_of_colinsport says, my computer and I are arguing, btw, 
so forgive typos....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Skeeter/Lockhart
keithfras says, BTW, what did I say to upset Sinead?
  hermitchick says, Hmm..blood, cool!
minzzer says, everyone would kill Lockhart
skaprincess27 says, blood..
  angelique_of_colinsport says, i don't come back to the bar again 
when I hit return, I have to mouse back.
  hermitchick says, skeeter?
starling_luv says, I wouldn't kill Lockhart
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, minzzer: maybe not if he were gagged
sineadsiobhan says, Retching isn't my alley :-D
skaprincess27 says, draco/sinistra!
dr_simon_branford is away (Auto-Away)
keithfras says, I was about to say Lockhart was HP's Jar Jar Binks, 
but no, that's Dobby!
starling_luv says, just hurt him over and over and over and....
harpdreamer says, Skeeter/Lockhart I could see--he'd love all the 
publicity she could give him
yael_pou says, keith - Ginny's okay in the end, but she's a bit 
overwhelmed by Harry in the first few chapters
  hermitchick says, Lockhart reminds me of Cathy, got yelled at for 
threatning to gag her, teachers are no fun!
selah_1977 says, D/G could bring out the best in each other, under 
the right set of circumtsances.  She'd soften him, and he'd help her 
develop an identity separate from her family's.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, he'd help her career too
€  bludger_witch says, How could anyone stand to be withing Lockharts 
presence and not kill him???
€  bludger_witch says, *looks bewildered*
skaprincess27 says, Eb has it much more developed than I do..
keithfras says, What's wrong with Ginny liking Harry?
  angelique_of_colinsport says, so who's Queen A?
sineadsiobhan says, Hermione?
selah_1977 says, Sue--you were the FIRST!  My role model!
skaprincess27 says, *lol*
  angelique_of_colinsport says, Hermione or Ginny?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Queen A?????
skaprincess27 says, Ohh, dear. ^_^
minzzer says, this a hint on how the relationship is going
keithfras says, It's not an exact analogy, angelique
  hermitchick says, Queen A?
selah_1977 says, I love your fic, really, Sue!
keithfras says, Queen Amidala
selah_1977 says, Minzzer--what relationship?
  hermitchick says, Oh
keithfras says, >From Star Wars Episode I
sineadsiobhan says, harry/molly:-D
  hermitchick says, I like SW
skaprincess27 says, ^_^
skaprincess27 says, thanks.
€  bludger_witch says, Not that again
  angelique_of_colinsport says, I'm the one who brought it in in the 
OS-SW in the list.
yael_pou says, Ginny liking Harry is one thing, but giving him 
disoriented gazes is quite another
€  Doreen_Iowa says, how do I change my screen background color? at 
the moment, it is gray
€  bludger_witch says, Arthur - Lavender
sineadsiobhan says, harry's mollys superhero :-D
skaprincess27 says, Anyone now who wrote Draco Sinistra?
minzzer says, I don't know....probably the one I'm going to use Mr. 
Pepto for
skaprincess27 says, *know
starling_luv says, um, k I'm a bit lost, and overwhelmed and a bit 
€  bludger_witch says, Star, that's normal around here
minzzer says, fics are scaring me
  dai_evans says, My head hurts
starling_luv says, I"ve noticed from being on here before
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco Sinistra -- is that a title or a 
sineadsiobhan says, what fics?
sineadsiobhan looks around
starling_luv says, title
minzzer says, you know which ones
  hermitchick says, happens to me a lot, but usually because of the 
skaprincess27 says, It's technically "Detention, Drama, and a Whole 
Lot of Draco"
€  bludger_witch says, lol
selah_1977 says, I read an interesting fic this morning--H/H, Ginny 
was in love with one of them--it was Hermione. Hermione broke it off 
with Harry to be with Ginny, Harry hits the roof.  OOC, but then 
again, all fanfic writers succumb to the OOC beast.
keithfras says, Right...Sinead ewwed me for saying I liked the idea 
of Draco/ why is Harry/Molly OK?
sineadsiobhan  ats daid on back, "poor baby"
€  bludger_witch says, Oh, Ebony, how's the story called?
sineadsiobhan says, Pats*
keithfras says, That sounds like Minx's Hermione/Cho, Ebony
€  bludger_witch says, Finally a f/f story that sounds good
skaprincess27 says, *lol*
  hermitchick says,  
minzzer says, I need to find some h/h by the way
  dai_evans says, cheers, but it's self inflicted, I'm sorry to say
keithfras says, Minx's f/f ones are quite good
selah_1977 says, Dinah--I can't remember. I know it's in the Drama 
section and was posted yesterday or today.
skaprincess27 says, I need some H/H
starling_luv says, me too
€  bludger_witch says, Okay *hops off to look at ffnet*
keithfras says, She did a good Parvati/Lavender one as well
starling_luv says, or three
minzzer says, uh huh
keithfras checks to see if Draco Dexter 6 is up yet!
sineadsiobhan has some H/H but isn't finished
€  bludger_witch says, I only read hermione's heart (Cho/herm) and 
that was really good
keithfras says, It isn't.
skaprincess27 says, Needs H/H desperately
selah_1977 says, As I said before, I've written and am writing some 
missing scenes from TiP... will post after the fic is over.
keithfras says, IE DD6 isn't up
destinymalzen leaves
skaprincess27 says, Eb!
keithfras says, What sort of scenes?
keithfras says,  
sineadsiobhan wants to look for Cassie and make her post DD
selah_1977 says, Alicia--doesn't Cassie send you some DS missing H/H?
  hermitchick says, I hate family, between my dad, sister, and 
cousins, don't know who's gonna go first when I finally flip
minzzer says, Eb....what are you trying to do
starling_luv says, brb
€  Doreen_Iowa says, so ... how long does the fanfic discussion go on?
skaprincess27 says, No!  *whimper*
triner2001 enters
keithfras says, You said you were going to do a R/H scene from their 
POV but didn' it going in the deleted scenes?
yael_pou says, Eb - you could still turn TiP to H/H
skaprincess27 says, I wish she did.  ^_^
selah_1977 says, Keith--yes.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Doreen: it never stops, just 
occasionally pauses
skaprincess27 says, Yeah, you could, Eb.
  angelique_of_colinsport says, ignores the fan fic...
selah_1977 says, Yael--no I can't.
€  Doreen_Iowa says, LOL
€  Doreen_Iowa says, ok
harpdreamer says, Hi, Trina!
minzzer says, know Mr. Pepto is still here
skaprincess27 says, *grits teeth* Yes... you... can...
selah_1977 says, Dee and Doreen--start a canon topic, then.
minzzer says, yes you can eb
€  Doreen_Iowa says, just curious .. not complaining
keithfras says, BTW Eb, according to the chatters box you're not here.
€  Doreen_Iowa says, I am newer than new here
  hermitchick says, that must suck
  hermitchick says, really?
  angelique_of_colinsport says, nah, it's ok.  It'll too pass, and 
I'm eating cheese and koolaid while it does.
yael_pou says, Keith - she is in mine.
selah_1977 says, Sue and Minzzer... no I can't... Harry would 

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