
Catlady catlady at ...
Mon Mar 19 07:57:28 UTC 2001

Connected!  Sending login information...
Your buddy gypsycaine is in chat
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
Your buddy hert0661isme is in chat

You see here:
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Persephone, Dee, Elven Wren
pippin_999 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, PIppin!
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
pippin_999 says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I just got here myself
elvenwren says, hello
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
group.  Can't for the life of recall the addy right now, but I am sure
Simon will help me.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, first it tried to send me to a site named
Gator to which it wanted me to give my password!
  gypsycaine says, that's better.
  gypsycaine says, oh no, you've been "GATOR'd!"
  gypsycaine says, it's a tag-a-long dl with the CChat.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, At least I recovered!
elvenwren says, What's CChat?
  gypsycaine says, I just was careful to hit the check mark that didn't
have it installed.  To get rid of it you have to Control-Panel it off.
hermitchick is back.
  hermitchick says, hello
pippin_999 says, Hi Persephone
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Pippin, do you think Lucius was in
school with Tom M. Riddle?
gypsycaine : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for Yahoo - With
text blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be sorry! -
  hermitchick says, sorry, I left for awhile when no one was here
pippin_999 says, It's possible, but I lean more toward Arthur Weasley,
considering the way they act in CoS
pippin_999 says, Like they are still playground enemies
  gypsycaine says, is it possible that Arthur went to school with
  hermitchick says, I agrre with Pippin
  gypsycaine says, and Lucius had an upperclass man in Voldie?
  gypsycaine says, sorta, the nice Tom the prefect takes Lucius under
his wing....
elvenwren says, If  Lucius went to school with TMR, wouldn't Draco be a
whole lot older?
  hermitchick says, How was everyone's week?
elvenwren says, Most likely, anyway?
  gypsycaine says, and then Arthur came along after Tom graduated?
  hermitchick says, Lucius could be really old?
pippin_999 says, I think there's probably several generations of Malfoy
that Hagrid is referring to,
sineadsiobhan enters
  hermitchick says, Maybe
pippin_999 says, When he says none of the Malfoys are any good
  hermitchick says, hello!
sineadsiobhan says, hola!
pippin_999 says, Hi Sinead
elvenwren says, Here's the question I've wondered about..
sineadsiobhan says, hows your sunday?
owlfriend_of_hedwig enters
elvenwren says, If when Molly was at school, the gamekeeper was Ogg..
  gypsycaine says, Maybe, he even went to school with the accountant?
  hermitchick says, Sunday good, Saturday sucked
  gypsycaine says, seriously, here's a thought.
elvenwren says, but Hagrid became the gamekeeper  fifty years ago..
pippin_999 says, Went to hear a pipe band yesterday...they could be
swapped for British pizza
elvenwren says, So are the Weasleys older than I think?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lucius could be older than he looks --
Dumbledore and mcGonagall ARE older than they look
  gypsycaine says, Lucius was one of the DE's "forced" into murdering
Arthur and Molly's other child?
pippin_999 says, Ohhh Dee, good one
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Arthur and Molly could also have been at
the school at the same time as Lucius at the same time as Tom
pippin_999 says, I think Hagrid was Ogg's assistant...,Rita got her
facts wrong as usual
elvenwren says, Wouldn't they then know who Tom Riddle was?
  gypsycaine says, when (using you guys' timeline, argh, I still don't
agree with it) in 1970 Voldie was vanghished (sp)
  gypsycaine says, Lucius realized "oh, I did wrong!"
sineadsiobhan says, vanquished?
elvenwren says, Rita said Ogg was the gamekeeper?
  hermitchick says, I'm lost again
sineadsiobhan lurking in the corner
pippin_999 says, Rita said Hagrid had been gamekeeper for fifty years,
sineadsiobhan says, ooh I like this chat better than Netscape chat...
pippin_999 says, but we only know that Dumble had him trained as a
  gypsycaine says, we have Dumbledore's defeat of G~ there too.
elvenwren says, But Hagrid said Dumbledore give him the job right after
he got expelled..
  hermitchick says, Netscape chat?
pippin_999 says, somebody had to do that.
pippin_999 says, Gave him a job, but not neccessarily senior game keeper

sineadsiobhan says, I'm using IE instead of Netscape and the typing
actually keeps up with me
elvenwren says, ok
  gypsycaine says, you need cheeta, dear.
pippin_999 says, Would he really have been ready to be gamekeeper at age
gypsycaine : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for Yahoo - With
text blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be sorry! -
  hermitchick says, Netscape gets crappy sometimes
  gypsycaine says, I agree with Pippin.
sineadsiobhan says, but it doesn't tell me when someone entres or leaves

owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles sineadsiobhan.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Whch facts? In my fic I made Lucius young
(born 1949-50) in order to make him even more irressisbtablye
sineadsiobhan says, Yikes!
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
group.  Can't for the life of recall the addy right now, but I am sure
Simon will help me.
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
owlfriend_of_hedwig The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

sineadsiobhan says, I can't believe it....
elvenwren says, Do we have any idea how old Arthur and Molly are?
sineadsiobhan says, I'm the first person Simon schnoogles
rhysenn_s enters
sineadsiobhan feels honoured
  hermitchick says, hello
gypsycaine bonks Simon with a feather-pillow and watches the feathers
fly down into folks cans of pop.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Yes Sinead. Cass is not here
elvenwren says, Because Hagrid might not have been gamekeeper at 13, but
surely after a few years he would be.
sineadsiobhan says, Aw
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, And then I get bonked!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Rhsenne!
sineadsiobhan gets mad
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello Rhysenn
pippin_999 says, Hi simon and rhysenn
rhysenn_s says, hello
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Rhysenn!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Possibly I should also say Hello!
rhysenn_s says, sneaks in and waves cautiously
elvenwren says, anyway maybe I should say hi to everyone
gypsycaine :.
gypsycaine :|~~~~| a toast
gypsycaine : \ ___/ to all
gypsycaine : __|__ cheers
hermitchick Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
  gypsycaine chases the m&ms!
gypsycaine |||||||||||||||||||||||||
gypsycaine |LIFESAVERS |
gypsycaine |_|||||||||||||||||||||||_|
gypsycaine offers you some Candy
  gypsycaine stops playing with macros.
sineadsiobhan says, how did everyone's st patricks go?
  gypsycaine says, normal.
sineadsiobhan says, I went out for a walk around the city
sineadsiobhan says, no drinks
  gypsycaine says, headache, quiet, drip in the tub...
  gypsycaine says, (should that read drip from the tub? aka to the
neighbor, the carpet...)
pippin_999 says, Went to a concert: good folk group, terrible pipe band
  hermitchick says, A block of the city burt down, car broke down in the
middle of no where, broke crewfew, got in trouble, and played Wearwolf
  gypsycaine says, wearwolf?
  hermitchick says, RPG game
sineadsiobhan says, wearing a wolf...
  gypsycaine says, that's a new one.  I've tried WtM.
rhysenn_s says, be back in a moment... get something to nibble.
rhysenn_s says, *disapparates*
  gypsycaine says, actually, is it WtA or WtM...
pippin_999 says, What's your favorite critter from FanBeasts?
rhysenn_s leaves
  gypsycaine gives up.  Plays WoD.  There that covers all.
  hermitchick says, D&D?
  gypsycaine says, mine?
  gypsycaine says, no. World Of Darkness, White-Wolf.com
  hermitchick says, huh?
pippin_999 says, Everybody's favorite?
cassandraclaire73 enters
pippin_999 says, Hi Cass!
  hermitchick says, favorit what?
  hermitchick says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lucius could be fairly old (born 1929-30)
and not have bothered to have a son for for many many years
sineadsiobhan says, Simon, here's cassie, schnoogle her!
  gypsycaine says, I don't know
cassandraclaire73 says, waves...this is a driveby chat visit.
saitaina enters
sineadsiobhan says,
  gypsycaine says, I'll get the books Apr 1st.
pippin_999 says, What is everyone's favorite critter from FanBeasts?
  gypsycaine says, or second, actually.
cassandraclaire73 says, *waits to be schnoogled by simon.*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Especially if Malfoys have a family
heistory of mrudering their fathres
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Cassie
elvenwren says, I like the Ramora and the Kneazles..
pippin_999 says, Oh---then no spoilers, I guess
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kneazles, I guess.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wasn't really thrilled with any of them

  hermitchick says, I don't remember
gypsycaine bonks Simon with a feather-pillow and watches the feathers
fly down into folks cans of pop.
pippin_999 says, I want to see Snape on the black flying horse
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Snape, black flyng horse?
saitaina says, Morning all
elvenwren says, I'd like to see all of the critters
  hermitchick is amused
sineadsiobhan says, Simon schnoogled me because you weren't here...
  gypsycaine says, there's an article in the ABJ today about the
  hermitchick says, twosome?
  gypsycaine says, I'm going to post it on the main list... (Simon, it
does goes on the main list, right?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ABJ? twosome
  gypsycaine says,  I keep getting mixed up)
pippin_999 says, Which twosome? Snape and the flying horse?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ?
  hermitchick says, ;Is lost
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A link to a news article goes on the
Anoucnments  List
  gypsycaine says, FB/QttA
  gypsycaine says, I might have to type the article up.
pippin_999 says, Ohh, that twosome
  gypsycaine says, is that still announcement?
owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles cassandraclaire73.
cassandraclaire73 hugs Simon
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Ready Randy's fic
pippin_999 says, What is the ABJ
  hermitchick says, I'm still lost, and I read the damn book.  I feel
sineadsiobhan says, there ya go
  gypsycaine says, Akron Beacon Journal.
pippin_999 says, I knew that (not)
  gypsycaine says, (we call it the Beacon, if you like it, and the
Urinal if you don't)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I suspect taht typescripts of news
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, about public reaction to JKR books
  gypsycaine listens....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or publishers describing how they kept
them secret to ta cretain datei
  gypsycaine wonders if Dai is channeling through Rita?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, orhow much money Comic Relife raise d
iwht them
sineadsiobhan says, oh I met someone in school that I didn't know that
liked HP and we spent the whole of the science lab talking about HP
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, goes to OT= List-
  gypsycaine says, now you see why this new way confuses me.
  gypsycaine says, some things make sense...others are cloudy.
  gypsycaine says, Food, that I understand.
  gypsycaine says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can be the world's worst yptist without
Dai and without alcholohol and even tho' the cat who was sleeping on the
monirot with his tail having over the screen
  gypsycaine says, goes on the food-list!
pippin_999 says, We need the Moder 8 ter ball
saitaina is away (HARRY:  Saitaina has left the chat  NEVILLE: But
she'll be back!  DRACO: Sadly  NEVILLE: *whaps Draco with a broomstick
before looking around innocently*)
  hermitchick says, I'm having a bad week!    Anyone ever have a panic
attack in front of a class of freshmen?  I hate freshmen!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, woke up and went to his food dish
sineadsiobhan says, and told her how I think Harry and Draco (starting
to get to me how cute Draco is) and she was like why is Draco cute?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone, did you have to Speak to the
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco is only cute when he grows up a
sineadsiobhan says, I said...
sineadsiobhan says, You mean you haven't read Draco Dormiens/Sinister?
She: No
  gypsycaine says, I wonder if I'll  be considered a freshman Jr?
  gypsycaine says, chuckles...
  hermitchick says, yup, I give up on ever voulenteering for anything
ever again!  And I've never studdered in my life befor that!
sineadsiobhan says, "Read it"
cassandraclaire73 wants to be Official Draco Converter.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, havaing  a panic attack becaue of public
speaking is Absolutely Normal
pippin_999 says, dubs Cassie official Draco Converter
  gypsycaine says, Is a soph, but going to a private school instead of
Com, so will be a freshman-like.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Public Speaking is the biggest fear of
more people polled than Death
  gypsycaine says, (will be considered Junior)
  hermitchick says, Adults don't bother me, just younger kids, freshmen
and the middle schoolers
sineadsiobhan says, and she, only reading the canon, said "harry and
Hermione? They're too young now!"
  hermitchick says, what grade?
selah_1977 enters
  gypsycaine says, ebony!
pippin_999 says, Ebony!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Ebony
  gypsycaine says, I ran across a website that reminded me of you, and
would have fit your old class well.
sineadsiobhan irons ODC badge onto Cassie's jeans and hands them to her
yael_pou enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If you;re not going to write more TiP,
selah_1977 says, Whoo-hoo!  I'm early today!  Hey, everyone...
  hermitchick says, I alienated the last person that I found at school
who liked HP.  Never insult a person that you don't know
pippin_999 says, Hi Yael
yael_pou says, hi!
selah_1977 says, Hi, Yael!
sineadsiobhan says, hey Eb, hey Yael!
cassandraclaire73 says, hey ebony!
gypsycaine goes AFK (Away From Keyboard)..
  hermitchick says, website?
  gypsycaine says, (laundry load change...)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, you must write an epilogue explaining
what the Hell is Danae Project
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello girlies
sineadsiobhan says, Yael, congrats on the moderator position on HP_FF
yael_pou says, thank Sinead!
sineadsiobhan says, I'm liking the Round robin now
pippin_999 says, Yes, the RR is cute
selah_1977 says, Hi, Cassie!  Rita--I wrote like 25 pages of TiP8 last
night!  So it'll be to the betas by tomorrow or Tuesday...
cassandraclaire73 says, ebony hasn't given up on TIP. *is shocked*
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Be grateful, I was going to kill you and
then just wrote you out of it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and why it involves a long mailing tube
from Gladrags and people meting in a bar in Polyjuice disguises
yael_pou says, i'm just back from work. haven't had a chance to read the
RR yet.
pippin_999 says, Yay, Ebony!
yael_pou says, yey! TiP8!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Yael, thank you, I see today the
HPff site is dignified blue-gray
selah_1977 says, Haven't checked the RR yet... is anyone in the SSSRs
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, before next weekend please?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no SSSR's
pippin_999 says, There is a rule no ssr's in that RR
selah_1977 says, YAY!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, some attempots at going inside which I got
away from
yael_pou says, Rita - yeah, Shay did that. I talked to her.
elvenwren is away (Auto-Away)
sineadsiobhan says, I think there should be Leprechauns wearing little
leather breeches and macaroni hats parading down..
cassandraclaire73 is away (on vacation)
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, some caemos which I am doing my best to
kill off
selah_1977 says, Pippin--thanks for the beta-read of the YA MS.  I owe
you an e-mail...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but someone cast a "gay" sepll on Draco
and harry so they kissed each other with everyone watching!
elvenwren is back.
sineadsiobhan says, who cast the spell on H and D?
pippin_999 says, Oh, I was afraid i said something to tick you off Ebony

  hermitchick says, what are we talking about now?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, As far as I know there was no spell and I
wote that bit
yael_pou is away (be right back)
cassandraclaire73 is away (talking to Rhysenn)
selah_1977 says, No, Pippin!  It's just that this was Grade Week, and I
wanted to tell you the True Story behind the fiction.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Keith couldn't handle the slash so wrote it
out as being a spell
rhysenn_s enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dr. Branford -- he was tyring to remove
the competion for Hermione, whom he wished to persue
sineadsiobhan says, Oh dee... the cheeta doesn't work for me...
selah_1977 says, Hi, Rhysenn
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am not in it
cassandraclaire73 says, HA! *glomps rhysenn*
sineadsiobhan says, I'm a hapless mac user
saitaina is back.
pippin_999 says, Another Hapless MacUser
rhysenn_s says, ello everyone
elvenwren says, Chat's pretty slow on Macs.
saitaina says, Hey all who entered while I was working on my site
rhysenn_s says, *hugs cassie very tightly*
selah_1977 says, EVERYTHING'S slow on Macs.
elvenwren says, I only wish it were IRC compatable..
sineadsiobhan says, :-P
cassandraclaire73 says, simon?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Yes Cass
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but he was evicted from Hogwrts ground
for being a dirty old man
rhysenn_s says, hey ebony
sineadsiobhan says, Don't heckle Calvin.. he has feelings...
cassandraclaire73 says, you joined our list!
rhysenn_s says, yes simon! what a surprise
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, decided to see what it was about
  hermitchick says, Dirty old man?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, might leave again soon
cassandraclaire73 says, simon, you are a list slut.
selah_1977 says, Who was a Dirty Old Man?
cassandraclaire73 says, you get around like a record.
sineadsiobhan says, Simon, a dirty old man?
sineadsiobhan says, right
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dr Branford, the character
rhysenn_s says, you seem all right with slashyness now Simon
slytherin_daughter enters
rhysenn_s says, <g>
pippin_999 says, Simon is too young to be a DOM
cassandraclaire73 says, not that i sdon't want you to stay on the list.
it's slash, though! no gurgle penguins!
sineadsiobhan says, A DYM then?
rhysenn_s says, 'lo Emily!
cassandraclaire73 says, hey emily!
slytherin_daughter says, Hullo
sineadsiobhan says, hi Emily!
  hermitchick says, doesn't like slash?!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Emily
pippin_999 says, Hi Emily
  hermitchick says, hello
slytherin_daughter says, *waves*
saitaina says, Hey
selah_1977 ::waves at Em:::
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon used to say he doesn't like slash
selah_1977 is away (busy)
rhysenn_s says, struts slash proudly
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, het men often don't
cassandraclaire73 says, *waves slash sign around*
saitaina says, *sniffles*  I lost my chat id list...
rhysenn_s says, not true. Al does slash fine
selah_1977 says, Oh, darn it--my mother's back and this is her
slytherin_daughter says, slash is good.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I said 'often', not '
selah_1977 says, I ought to go home.
cassandraclaire73 says, pokes emily to join the list.
sineadsiobhan says, I like slash.. Snitch is really good...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, always"
saitaina says, Slash is very good *hides from those in HP_Fanfiction*
  hermitchick says, But everyone likes slash, well i do anyhow, and my
opinion is all that matters
cassandraclaire73 says, ebony, that was the shortest chat visit ever
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no gurgle penguins
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, ?
elvenwren says, some slash is good
pippin_999 says, Bye Eb.
slytherin_daughter says, I did join the list, Cass
slytherin_daughter says, <g>
cassandraclaire73 says, yay! *glopms emily*
quill_and_feather enters
slytherin_daughter says, You already have 12 members. And I thought I
was special...
rhysenn_s says, lol
slytherin_daughter says, *feels glomped*
sineadsiobhan says, the list? DD?
rhysenn_s says, it's a new list, you're among the first few!
cassandraclaire73 says, oh dear. i cannot do anything right.
saitaina says, Is confused again
  hermitchick says, 12 members of what?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Quill Feather
quill_and_feather says, Hello!!
cassandraclaire73 says, no, Rhyseen and I have a list together now. For
our fics.
rhysenn_s says, Cass and I have a new list
saitaina says, WHERE?!@
slytherin_daughter says, Our secret sociaty, don't you know
sineadsiobhan says, Ah..
rhysenn_s says, yep. *dances happily*
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am still not really a fan of slash. I
have only read some of Snitch
cassandraclaire73 says, get the link, Rhysenn?
rhysenn_s says, okay
sineadsiobhan gets out money to bribe Cass and Rhysenn
cassandraclaire73 says, ah but wait until the soon to be infamous
Draco/Simon Branford slash
rhysenn_s says, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cassie_and_rhysenn
saitaina says, *sniffles* must have link...must know when Rhysenn has
new fic...ooo, tanks!
slytherin_daughter says, *is horrified* Your kidding, right, Cass?
slytherin_daughter says, Right?
cassandraclaire73 says, mebbe. depends if Simon behaves himself.
selah_1977 says, How neat!  (is going to join her *sixteenth* HP list!)
quill_and_feather says, So, what does everyone here think about the two
new books?
slytherin_daughter says, *faint gagging noises can be heard in the
cassandraclaire73 says, definitely ljoin ebony!
saitaina says, New Books-cool
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think they';re short
cassandraclaire73 says, new books: cut. rather have book 5.
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
rhysenn_s says, what's wrong emily?
saitaina says, Yes!  Rather have book five
pippin_999 says, I like the new books
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I disagree with the Galleon conversion
rate they supply
cassandraclaire73 says, emily is grossed out by simon/drao slash
slytherin_daughter says, Yup
quill_and_feather says, They're too short, but cute. It's like fan
fiction by the author I guess...
sineadsiobhan says, yay! Simon/Draco!
  hermitchick says, I'm on 19 Hp lists now, plus the ones I own
selah_1977 says, I will... g2g... mom wants her phone and computer...
see you on the Cassie/Rhysenn list!
slytherin_daughter says, Sorry, bad mental image
cassandraclaire73 says, by eb!
selah_1977 ::Disapparates:::
selah_1977 says, Disapparates, Yahoo!
selah_1977 leaves
saitaina says, Simon/Draco?  Huh?
rhysenn_s says, eww
rhysenn_s says, sorry simon. but I'm a H/D shipper
pippin_999 says, Ahh---weird pairings time
sineadsiobhan says, I'll read it.. s/d
cassandraclaire73 says, picture it...draco breaks his leg..has to go to
the hopsital where he meets Simon Branford, the handsome physician...
yael_pou is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am saddened by the information about
wizarding America, which is different than I wanted it to be
rhysenn_s says, pippin hello!
saitaina says, hahaha!
sineadsiobhan says, Ooh.. yes...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig glomps Cass
pippin_999 says, Hi rhysenn
  hermitchick says, ;is scared again
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The handsome physician who wants to
amputate his leg. I remember that
cassandraclaire73 says, i am hugely happy about soemthing in FBAWTF that
supports a very weird plot point in DS.
elvenwren says, The new books are fun bewho could like Quodpot
slytherin_daughter says, such a dirty mind, Cass
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine sits down.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, leg
saitaina says, no giving me ideas guys!  last time we ended up with
"Voldie's Harley Vacation"
cassandraclaire73 says, yes simon wanted to amputate draco's leg. that's
how he got his cameo.
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, )I hate laundry)
  gypsycaine says, which leg? not his third one?
  hermitchick says, laundry is evil
sineadsiobhan says, whats to like about laundry?
cassandraclaire73 says, *throws up quietly.* deeeeee!
quill_and_feather says, You know, I tried writing a story with the HP
characters, and I found it pretty difficult....
yael_pou says, Simon - did you really mean me to eat octopuses?
  catlady_de_los_angeles agrees with Hermitchick
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, No
pippin_999 says, What was difficult, Quill?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, just my review
rhysenn_s says, I am stuck on IP *sigh*
rhysenn_s says, bargh
cassandraclaire73 says, i am stuck on DS. *pats rhysenn in sympathy*
slytherin_daughter says, It's octopi, not octopuses
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, it can be either
  hermitchick says, DS?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Quill, doyou write stories with other
non-original characters?
sineadsiobhan says, I read about those reviews.... Simon.. do you have a
taste for all animals now?
yael_pou says, than, were you angry for having to read 76,000+ words?
quill_and_feather says, I don't know...I just couldn't start it. I
wanted to write a story with Hermione as the central character, but it
just kind of felt wierd writing a story with the HP characters.
cassandraclaire73 says, uh huh
rhysenn_s says, writer's blocks love company
pippin_999 says, Stuck on Rough Magic and ADATAOS
slytherin_daughter says, This must be writer's block week
quill_and_feather says, And yeah, I write other stuff....!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, No - read the story over a few days
saitaina says, yup, writer's block month for me...
quill_and_feather says, with origional characters.
sineadsiobhan says, ditto
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, could not be bothered to write a proper
review (bad reader I know)
  hermitchick says, I don't write, I just bug others to write
yael_pou says, well, you did increase my counter
sineadsiobhan says, i think the brain knows it's March so....
slytherin_daughter says, I seem to be able to write first chapters, and
not follow them up with anything...
cassandraclaire73 is away (must go get a bagel)
pippin_999 says, It's easier to beta
  gypsycaine says, i'm still working on the Lily/Vernon tale.
saitaina says, Same here...can't finish any of my series's
pippin_999 says, Yes, emily on first chapters
yael_pou says, pippin - you're always welcome to beta me...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, can't start any of mine at the moment
pippin_999 says, Maybe I should start with the last chapter
slytherin_daughter says, It's so bloody aggrivating!
hermitchick leaves
Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat
rhysenn_s says, I am determined to finish IP
gypsycaine . o O ( did i scare her away? )
slytherin_daughter says, I know my last, and some in the middle, but
it's getting there that's a problem
quill_and_feather says, I'd just like to try one short story...maybe
about life with Hermione's parents...perhaps a satiric take on dentists?

saitaina says, I keep starting a new series unable to finish the
others...though I did write a new chapter for one of mine
cassandraclaire73 says, you had BETTER finish IP.
rhysenn_s says, *grin*
  gypsycaine says, OOoooh. Threats.
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
hermitchick enters
saitaina says, I agree with Cass about IP
  gypsycaine says, btw, I'll be in and out alot.
cassandraclaire73 says, threats and a big stick.
rhysenn_s says, with cass and Kei pushing me on I should finish it
pippin_999 says, Send me a chapter, Yael
slytherin_daughter says, death to Rhysenn if she doesn't finsh it. We
will find you.
saitaina says, hehehe
cassandraclaire73 says, she lives pretty far away.
  gypsycaine says, Cass, I can find you the name of an excellent hacker.

cassandraclaire73 says, yes?/
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I'll be off soon - need to FAQ
rhysenn_s says, why does everyone threaten with violence and not
chocolates these days? *sigh*
slytherin_daughter says, I know where you sleep. *cue ominous music*
Okay, I don't, but sitll...
  hermitchick says, damn it disconnected me!
saitaina says, YAEL!!!!  *Schnoggles Yael for my two line cameo)
yael_pou says, pippin - will do so tonight. thanks. all my betas seemed
to have deserted me
  gypsycaine says, i recently sent him on a task... he took one look at
the page, and volunteered!
sinead_siobhan enters
pippin_999 says,   to Yael's betas
yael_pou says, hi Sinead!
saitaina says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe Quill feels weird writing about
characlters whom she didn't create -- they didn't come out of her mind
(she? he?)
cassandraclaire73 says, doesn't chat like not start for an hour or
  gypsycaine says, www.jesushatessmut.com
sineadsiobhan says, huh?
cassandraclaire73 says, good lord what's that?
slytherin_daughter says, That's what I thought, Cass...I was shocked you
were all here
saitaina says, he can hate it all he want but I still like it.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Sinead?
  gypsycaine says, my comment in green above.
cassandraclaire73 says, i was going to play around the empty chat room.
  gypsycaine says, the page that Wulfy saw, and disliked instantly.
quill_and_feather says, He...I'm a guy...yeah, and maybe that's it Cat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, They switched to starting Chat an hour or
more early about a month ago
slytherin_daughter says, Play around it?
  gypsycaine says, he's going to get it shut down.
pippin_999 says, One of the info things says chat starts at 11:00 PST
slytherin_daughter says, that sound...hard.
cassandraclaire73 says, quill, hast thou a name or do you want to be
called quill?
  gypsycaine says, is that like sleeping around?
quill_and_feather says, Jamieson. That's my name...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, now who wrote that Dee?
yael_pou says, Simon said he's sleeping around
cassandraclaire73 says, no i usually wait till other people arrive for
the sleeping around part.
saitaina says, hehehe
sineadsiobhan says, know who that is? the other... urgh...
  gypsycaine says, knew it was only a matter of time.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, are you in here twice Sinead?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, who what is?
pippin_999 says, I'm lost
yael_pou says,   at Simon, who will chew on Octopuses
  gypsycaine says, we went from bonking, to snoogling to sleeping
saitaina says, isnt' that what normally happens?
cassandraclaire73 says, totally confused. wonders if she missed the
weird pairings portion of chat.
sineadsiobhan says, seems I am but that isn't me...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Today's weird pairing was Draco/Simon
  owlfriend_of_hedwig glomps Cat
sinead_siobhan says, hi!
cassandraclaire73 says, rhysenn turned me on to Lucius/Hagrid.
  gypsycaine walks over to the clone...
rhysenn_s says, barrrgh! I did not!
yael_pou says, Oh lord!
  gypsycaine says, ok, hello.
rhysenn_s says, squeals in protest
cassandraclaire73 says, did too.
pippin_999 says, Lucius/Hagrid!!!!!
cassandraclaire73 says, yep, it's verrry popular.
saitaina says, NOOOO
sineadsiobhan says, lucius hagrid?
yael_pou says, poor Hagrid...
rhysenn_s says, I said I almost died when i read a lucius/hagrid
  gypsycaine says, ick!
  gypsycaine says, Hagrid would have died too, I think.
pippin_999 says, snerk!
sineadsiobhan says, I was talking about Hagrid/Hedwig...
rhysenn_s says, it was gross
cassandraclaire73 says, you said it was really romantic too.
  gypsycaine says, of shame.
saitaina says, icky!!!  *goes to hide*
slytherin_daughter says, Draco/Skewrt
rhysenn_s says, EMILY!
saitaina says, Poor Dracy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL at Emily
sineadsiobhan says, how can it be draco skrewt?
cassandraclaire73 says, *faints* poor draco.
rhysenn_s says, Next thing it's Draco/Buckbeak
slytherin_daughter says, *g*
yael_pou says, slytherin_daughter - now you're talking!
saitaina says, wait...umm...how can that work?  oh..the suckers.
  gypsycaine says, beastility.  Come on, now, if they can involve
cassandraclaire73 says, leave buckbeak out of it!
rhysenn_s says, that's got canon support too hmm?
cassandraclaire73 says, Yael hates draco. *whaps yael*
  gypsycaine says, ..the whole FB is up for grabs!
slytherin_daughter says, Oh, so now I'm slytherin_daughter, yael?
slytherin_daughter says, *is hurt*
sineadsiobhan says, OOh that's an idea now, Cassie...
cassandraclaire73 says, yes, if Hermione glaring at Ron means she likes
him, certainly Buckbeak biting Draco means soething?
sineadsiobhan says, Buckbeak/Harry/Hermione?
saitaina says, hehehe
slytherin_daughter says, exactly! sexual tension!
rhysenn_s says, precisely
yael_pou says, what's 'whap'?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but Buckbeak is now with Sirius
rhysenn_s says, now cassie, where's that H/D flag of yours
quill_and_feather says, something I just though of...does anyone else
think that Harry and Cho will get together?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, whap is slap
cassandraclaire73 says, This. *whaps yale.*
  gypsycaine says, whap is bonk.
rhysenn_s says, bleah
cassandraclaire73 says, oh dear. harry and cho.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig hides quietly in the corner
saitaina says, Quill-Yes but I don't like it.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Harry and Cho COULD get together,

sineadsiobhan waits for clone to speak...
pippin_999 says, I think Snape should have one of those black flying
horses, but just to ride on, they could be just good friends
yael_pou says, Sorry Emily. Was too excited to check...
slytherin_daughter says, H/C is nasty, nasty, nasty
cassandraclaire73 says, chases simon into the corner.
rhysenn_s says, squeals no way
cassandraclaire73 says, I think Dead Cedric is a problem for Harry and
rhysenn_s says, Harry is for Draco
slytherin_daughter says, Okay, I feel better.
quill_and_feather says, Why don't you like IT?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, starting by sharing their grief over
  owlfriend_of_hedwig glomps Cass on the way to the corner
saitaina says, agrees with rhysenn
rhysenn_s says, *looks adamant*
  gypsycaine says, you might want to see if it's an ID-stealing clone,
SInead.  What it's profile says.
sineadsiobhan says, H/C rules! (starts howling in laughter as she lies
very badly)
cassandraclaire73 says, yech, no Cho.
slytherin_daughter says, Cho has emotional baggage
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, if Harry was ever willing to open up
enough to SHARE his feelings with anyone
yael_pou says, la la la ! Cho too!
quill_and_feather says, lol
rhysenn_s says, H/C = Harry/Cedric, more likely
cassandraclaire73 says, Cho is soooo booooring....and she'll graduate
before Harry's last year.
slytherin_daughter says, And Harry saw her boyfriend die....
sineadsiobhan says, I think V/C could....
cassandraclaire73 says, Harry/Cedric has possibilities.
sineadsiobhan says, be possible
saitaina says, I'm a firm belive in C/C and it shall stay that way!
sineadsiobhan says, Cedric as a ghost?
rhysenn_s says, Cho is so bimbo-ish
slytherin_daughter says, Necromancy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wrote Cedric's Funeral (in my folder in
cassandraclaire73 says, thinks cedric and cho are welcome to each other.

  gypsycaine says, depends on how good she is at DA.
yael_pou says, er... Saitain... the boy's DEAD!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cho is NOT a bimbo. She's a studious
rhysenn_s says, well put, yael!
slytherin_daughter says, Cho giggles....giggling is...just....bad....
cassandraclaire73 says, now if Cho raised Cedirc from the grave and he
became her faithful zombie servant...
saitaina says, So?  Love conquors death!
sineadsiobhan says, Pre-dead Cedric
quill_and_feather says, I don't know...I just think Harry and Hermione
should get together...but that might be a little wierd...More probably
pippin_999 says, Agrees with Rita
yael_pou says, yey Rita!
cassandraclaire73 says, cho giggles. she goes everywhere with giggly
girls. she does nothing for me.
yael_pou says, Rita - you're now my official spokeswoman!
cassandraclaire73 says, heh heh. *glomps jamieson* another h/h ER!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, but what does she do for the blokes?
slytherin_daughter says, I don't care about Ron or Hermione..just as
long as Harry and Draco are together, everything is fine
rhysenn_s says, aye Em!
sineadsiobhan says, shh simon, it's Cho's Secret
cassandraclaire73 says, pretty much agrees with emily
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yael, I love Cassie's Draco
  gypsycaine says, i resemble that remark--studious ravenclaw.
quill_and_feather says, Ah, Harry and Draco would make the perfect
love/hate relationship couple.
saitaina says, It should be R/Herm, Harry/Draco, and the rest get a
little too complicated for me to state now
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, but Harry is destined to be with Hedwig
cassandraclaire73 says, I think he likes you too, Rita. <g>
sineadsiobhan says, r/h? ew!
sineadsiobhan says, I can't see Ron/Hermione
  gypsycaine says, lol Simon.
saitaina says, Ooo, Ginny/Neville!  or Ginny and Collin, take your pick
  catlady_de_los_angeles blushes
rhysenn_s says, Harry/Draco and I'm a satisfied girl.
  gypsycaine says, I'm stil Harry/Ron
yael_pou says, Okay, Rita. you're fired.
yael_pou says,
sineadsiobhan says, how about Harry/Hermione/Draco?
rhysenn_s says, Harry/Ron is nice and fluffy
cassandraclaire73 says, Harry/Draco in fanon. In canon, they can all
find other people.
slytherin_daughter says, I can't even remember why I started reading
H/D....at all....
rhysenn_s says, oh deear sinead! threesomes!
cassandraclaire73 says, H/D or Ha/D/
slytherin_daughter says, I'
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco "I am not gay" Malfoy would cease
to like me if he found out that I was writing Draco/Severus
rhysenn_s says, Em: because they're meant to be together?
sineadsiobhan says, Satisfy the H/H and H/D shippers
hermitchick is away (Auto-Away)
pippin_999 says, Canon support for threesomes in handcuffs in PoA
slytherin_daughter says, I've read a lot of H/H/R...all
together...having sex....
rhysenn_s says, I did that before. Draco/Snape
cassandraclaire73 says, I won't tell him if you don't
saitaina says, No, H/H/D is icky...just like H/H/H
  gypsycaine says, people seem to hate my L/V
sineadsiobhan says, or H/H/H/H/H
slytherin_daughter says, Who's the other H? Hagrid?
cassandraclaire73 says, WHERE do you find this threesome porn, Em?
slytherin_daughter says, Hedwig?
  gypsycaine says, it could work.  There has to be some reason Petunia
hates her sister so badly.
saitaina says, Hagrid...soneone once asked me to write that
rhysenn_s says, bad bad mental place! hagrid slash!
slytherin_daughter says, Um....*blush*...
slytherin_daughter says, On ff.net, actually
rhysenn_s says, there was talk of Hagrid/Riddle before
cassandraclaire73 says, eew....Hagrid./Tom Riddle, bad
sineadsiobhan says, Harry/Hermione/Hagrid/Helga/Hedwig
  gypsycaine says, hooch?
saitaina says, Eww, that should be Harry/Riddle *giggles at the image*
rhysenn_s says, *faintly* help
sineadsiobhan says, that too
  gypsycaine chuckles.
slytherin_daughter says, Well, if you pair anyone and Hagrid, you get to
make some "you're so big" comments.....
saitaina says, oo, too many H's.
cassandraclaire73 says, *fans self with nice collection of Lucius/James
and Harry/Draco fics*
yael_pou says, i don't see why there's absolutely no Pomfrey/Hooch f/f
  gypsycaine says, I want food. sighs.
rhysenn_s says, hurrah! Lucius/James
  gypsycaine says, I have to walk to the store to get food.
cassandraclaire73 says, there's not much f/f slash at all.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, McGonagall/Hooch
  gypsycaine says, I can't walk for another hour.
quill_and_feather says, Has anyone ever tried to write Hagrids life
story?...I think that would be fun to do..or at least read...
cassandraclaire73 says, tries to remember the last time anyone talked
about the actual books.
  gypsycaine says, (Ian's coat is in the dryer)
slytherin_daughter says, L/J (the other L) is my second favorite
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, minx wrote Hermione/Cho
rhysenn_s says, minx does great f.f
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, the what Cass?
cassandraclaire73 says, minx writes Ginny/Herm and Parvati/Lavender too.

saitaina says, L/J or L/P/V for me...
cassandraclaire73 says, i dunno simon. i read this book once..it was a
good book...
cassandraclaire73 says, i think it was  aseries...
inyron enters
sineadsiobhan says, What about R/L?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, what about
slytherin_daughter says, LOL, Cassie
  gypsycaine says, yeah, someone agrees with me l/v!
sineadsiobhan says, Ron/Lily
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
saitaina says, Kinda hard...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pogonia and collaborator wrote a fairy
tale about Hagrid's father telling him
saitaina says, L/V is SOOOO obvious!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, where his mother and the giants went to
quill_and_feather leaves
  gypsycaine says, exactly.
saitaina says, Wait...which L?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee: Lucius/Voldie?
  gypsycaine says, lily and vernon
slytherin_daughter says, Cass, it says that you are away...why does it
say that?
cassandraclaire73 is back.
slytherin_daughter says, ah
[moderator note: both sineadsiobhan and sinead_siobhan are on chat
participant list]
sineadsiobhan is feeling confused.... two sineads is enough to confuse
yael_pou says, Rita - can they end up killing each other?
saitaina says, ah...now that I think about it...yes that would work...
sinead_siobhan is away (Auto-Away)
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, but who is the second sinead?
  catlady_de_los_angeles wishes they could
  gypsycaine says, and like I said, it would explain petunia's hatred.
sineadsiobhan says, no idea
owlfriend_of_hedwig The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

elvenwren leaves
sineadsiobhan says, but I don't like it
yael_pou says, Cassie - did Lucius really die in DS?
saitaina says, Oh yes, majorly!  Though Vern would have to shad a few
pounds...maybe he was more muscular when he was young?
  gypsycaine says, Female, created Feb 22.
cassandraclaire73 says, Like I'm going to tell you THAT!
  gypsycaine says, that's my view.
  gypsycaine says, before James.
saitaina says,
yael_pou says,
rhysenn_s says, *cackles nastily*
slytherin_daughter says, That's a no! That's a no!
rhysenn_s says, I know I know
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wrote some recent Malfoy genealogy in
which Tom Riddle (not yet a snake man) helped Lucius kill his fatehr and
older borther in order to inherit
sineadsiobhan says, Draco/Petunia?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, [from here there is much playing with
smiley face icons -- moderator note.]
saitaina says, ick
cassandraclaire73 says, *smacks rhysenn( do you want your cameo or not!
rhysenn_s says, *grins* the perks of doing beta
yael_pou says, you did tell us whether Harry lives through DS14!
sineadsiobhan says, how did you get that face Simon?
rhysenn_s says, my lips are sealed
saitaina says, rhysenn...I hate you.
rhysenn_s says, *smacks*
sineadsiobhan says, the devilish face
cassandraclaire73 says, I did not! did I?
  gypsycaine says,
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, > : )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, in Cheetah Chat, there is a smileyface
icon on the took bar, click it for a menu of faces
  gypsycaine says,
slytherin_daughter says, *sigh* Harry lives.
sineadsiobhan says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says,
rhysenn_s says, bows courteously thank you saitana
cassandraclaire73 says, i am such a trollop.
sineadsiobhan says, heh heh
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yep Cass
cassandraclaire73 says, harry, you shexy shexy boy.
  gypsycaine says,
saitaina says, hehehehe, y'all are weird
sineadsiobhan says, everyone is turning into devils
cassandraclaire73 says, he has to live so he can marry Draco.
yael_pou says, hey! how do you make all these faces?
  gypsycaine says, that's my favorite.
sineadsiobhan says, how did you do the red one?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says,
  gypsycaine says, thank you, but depending on who you ask..... I think
I am one.
saitaina says, brb-ciggy is needed before tackling my website
sineadsiobhan -* simon
pippin_999 ponders the meaning of life
sineadsiobhan says, Darn didn't work
  gypsycaine says, it was on the drop-down.  involves an x
  catlady_de_los_angeles says,
gypsycaine :    !Okay!
gypsycaine : Who is First!
gypsycaine : ()---]]]]]]] ( I   )
gypsycaine : Shot In The Butt!
pippin_999 leaves
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, X - (
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says,
  gypsycaine says, I have to edit these macros.
  gypsycaine says, I can't stand half of them.
sineadsiobhan says,
cassandraclaire73 says,
slytherin_daughter says, Stop glaring!
sineadsiobhan snickers
cassandraclaire73 says, oh. fascinating.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says,   = : X
slytherin_daughter says, *kicks computer screen*
  gypsycaine says,
sineadsiobhan says,   Simon
gypsycaine bonks Neil with a feather-pillow and watches the feathers fly
down into folks cans of pop.
cassandraclaire73 says, you can't have simon, he's mine.
slytherin_daughter says, I get enough of that out here, tank you veddy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The faces don't show up n the chat
transcripts, so this part of the chat will be boring to read
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says,   Sinead and Cass
yael_pou says,
cassandraclaire73 says, I mean, he really is mine, I made him up.
sineadsiobhan says,
yael_pou says, hee hee
yael_pou says,
sineadsiobhan says, Which Sinead?
owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles sineadsiobhan.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the one in the Round Robin
  gypsycaine says, do they show at all Cat, as : ) and such, or just
yael_pou says, and the cool one with the glasses?
cassandraclaire73 says, rita, i susect the chat is always boring to
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I htink just blank
sineadsiobhan says,   at Cassie
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says,
slytherin_daughter says, Actually, it's always quite interesting
inyron leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, hands off simon, I say.
gypsycaine . o O ( looks at the door her son just went through. )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The chat transcripts are fascinating but
long, and I am more than a month behind on reading them
gypsycaine . o O ( does anyone know how a three year old thinks? )
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, also I have to skim them when it is my
turn to censor them
yael_pou says, oO
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, a three year old
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Cassie... remember when I told you about last
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' not also
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, censor them?
  gypsycaine says, censor them?
cassandraclaire73 says, that you had a dream with Draco and some tapioca
in it?
  gypsycaine says, we're supposed to censor them?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, are we?
  gypsycaine says, good lord.
sineadsiobhan says, the dream with the "handing me the midterm results"
yael_pou says, :-o
sineadsiobhan says, Hmm
sineadsiobhan says,
cassandraclaire73 says, i do rememer. how come?
yael_pou says, oops. just experimenting
  gypsycaine says, why doesn't someone tell me these things, and I'm
owner. lol
sineadsiobhan says, I actually did well on them!
sineadsiobhan says, :-D
yael_pou -:
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Well done
yael_pou says, :-o
slytherin_daughter is away (away (must read slew of email))
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon knows about it, Dee doesn't. I
removed some libellous sentences,
       Simon removed some libellous sentence, and I removed a LONG sex
sineadsiobhan wipes brow
yael_pou says,
yael_pou says, :-P
  gypsycaine says, sex orgy?
cassandraclaire73 is away (on vacation)
sineadsiobhan says, Sex Orgy?!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have removed a couple of bits, but not
  gypsycaine says, what, was that involving Dai?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, and Sinead?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, Dee, you must know about on-line chat
sex orgies?
sineadsiobhan says, Dai and Sinead?
pippin_999 enters
  gypsycaine says, I started in PUBLIC ORGY: no pms
  gypsycaine says, it got boring in the hottub, though.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello Pippin
sineadsiobhan says,   at sinead_siobhan
yael_pou is away (busy)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, why did the squre next to cassies name
turn turquoise -- a sky image?
pippin_999 says, hi
yael_pou leaves
  gypsycaine says, wb
yael_pou enters
  gypsycaine says, I can't find the article online. sighs.
yael_pou leaves
pippin_999 says, What did I miss ( IE crashed)
  gypsycaine says, I guess I get to type it up.
  gypsycaine says, dedicates this to Yael:
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine is ignored by the whole room.
owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles sineadsiobhan.
owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles cassandraclaire73.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, How long was Pippin away? I was just
confessing to Dee that there have been times
    when the chat transcript was censored before being posted
cassandraclaire73 grabs simon and drags him to Secret Schnoogle Room.
sineadsiobhan says, What have I done to be schnoogled by Simon?
pippin_999 says, I was away about 5 minutes or so, I think
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, be female and the right age
  gypsycaine says, Hmmm.
saitaina leaves
sineadsiobhan says, there's another Sinead in the room...
  gypsycaine says, I have an author's name.
  gypsycaine says, Deepti Hajela.
slytherin_daughter is back.
  gypsycaine says, Associated Press.
pippin_999 says, Yes, when we all go on about fanfics we hated <eg>
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, were you here when we were doing
different smiley face icons?
slytherin_daughter says, ....and very lost
  gypsycaine says, I really don't want to type this out.
  hermitchick says, back, damn laundry!
hermitchick is back.
pippin_999 says, I was trying to do an icon and it crashed
cassandraclaire73 says, fanfics we hate? *looks worried*
sineadsiobhan says,
  gypsycaine says, lol Hermi.
slytherin_daughter says, fanfics we hate?
pippin_999 says, *not yours
  catlady_de_los_angeles reassures Cassie that no one hates her fanfic
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, bowtruckle? Explain it to the Brits please!

cassandraclaire73 says, well i wouldn't bet on that.
  gypsycaine says, I have half an hour,  then I'll have Ian put his coat
on and we'll go get pizza from Fishers, and cook it.
slytherin_daughter says, How about that one with all of those dash
inconsistancies? God, I hate that!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, everyone hates Cass's fic
  catlady_de_los_angeles reassures Cassie that we removed the libellous
cassandraclaire73 says, yes everyone hates it and they are humouring me.

slytherin_daughter says, *dodges blows*
  hermitchick says, huh?
  gypsycaine says, cassie, I can honestly say, I only know one thing
about your fanfic.
sineadsiobhan says, hmm..
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I mean over 3000 reviews - must all be
  gypsycaine says, that one thing intrigues me.
cassandraclaire73 says, umm...it's really long?
  gypsycaine says, Draco in leather.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, one time I remoed a Long Sex Orgy
from the transcript, which was leading to
     discussing of on-line sex when you returned
cassandraclaire73 says, LOL!
  hermitchick says, what are we talking about!?
rhysenn_s says, which one has over 3000 reviews?
slytherin_daughter says, I will forever hate you for tainting all Draco
fans with your evil leather pants, Cass
cassandraclaire73 says, oh. me.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, DS
  hermitchick says, 3000 reviews?
sinead_siobhan is back.
sinead_siobhan says, sorry.. was idle... what are you guys talking
rhysenn_s says, very confused
slytherin_daughter says, They're just so...slutty!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, who said bowtruckle and what does it
rhysenn_s says, oh *you*
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, me
cassandraclaire73 says, they aren't MY evil leather pants. they're his!
  gypsycaine says, i haven't gotten to read anything but PoU and a few
closet editions ...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, well Wotan asked on OT Chatter
pippin_999 says, Cassie loves Draco, said Pippin pantingly
slytherin_daughter says, Sure, that's what they all say...
rhysenn_s says, *points at Cass* She hit 5000 reviews in total
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Whre are there two Sineads?
rhysenn_s says, hurrah and hugs cassie
  hermitchick is confused
cassandraclaire73 says, i did, I hit 5,000 today. *dances on top of a
  gypsycaine says, one's not her, one's a clone.
sineadsiobhan wonders if Leprechauns in RR can wear leather pants
  gypsycaine says, created Feb 22, 2001.
  hermitchick says, 5,000 reviews?!
cassandraclaire73 says, I do love Draco but Rhysenn gives me a run for
my money in the Draco sweepstakes.
  gypsycaine says, Female, and everything else blank.
slytherin_daughter says, *is rather bitter, but loves Cass anyway*
sinead_siobhan says, I'm not a clone!
  gypsycaine says, wonders if Vernon would look right in leather pants?
rhysenn_s says, I am starting to fall in love with Harry too
  hermitchick says, I like draco, Draco/Harry is more fun
  gypsycaine says, ok.
  catlady_de_los_angeles reassures Emily that Catlady's Draco doesn't
have leather trousers ... boots, now.....
pippin_999 says,   Vernon in leather
  gypsycaine says, if you're not a clone, then tell us about it.
sineadsiobhan clears throat and stays out of this cloning thing...
rhysenn_s says, awright, hermitchick
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Can you go to a better profile pic please.
One with a female on?
slytherin_daughter says, I want to see Goyle in leather
slytherin_daughter says, Rrrrrr!
rhysenn_s says, pippin - oh dear!
cassandraclaire73 says, I love Harry as well. they're really equal in my
sineadsiobhan says, Vernon wearing a leather jockstrap?
  hermitchick says, Goyle in leather, why?
cassandraclaire73 says, I LIKE My chained up Harry pic. It stays.
  gypsycaine says, chokes on her cracker.
slytherin_daughter says, Yeah, Harry's so "shexy". What's with the 'h'?
  gypsycaine says, jockstrap?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig glomps Cass
cassandraclaire73 says, I stole the 'shexy' from rave. it's an in-joke.
rhysenn_s says, it's more shexy with the h
slytherin_daughter says, Oh, one of those
  hermitchick says, leather jockstrap, wouldn't that chafe?
cassandraclaire73 says, besides I get all sorts of perverted email about
Bondage!Harry. it's funny.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It isn't THAT bondage
slytherin_daughter says, <g> That sounds like fun, Cass
  gypsycaine says, ask Simon.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, male equality please
cassandraclaire73 says, "I was looking at your page and I wanna tie up
Harry and lick him all over" that kind of thing.
slytherin_daughter says, perverted email! Woo-hoo!
  gypsycaine says, I couldn't tell you--never worn a regular one before.

  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, one with Hermione or Ginny next week
cassandraclaire73 says, It's pretty bondage for Harry!
sinead_siobhan says, HP isn't supposed to be perverted!
slytherin_daughter says, But it is
sinead_siobhan says, it's a kid's book!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, Stinkerbelle has lovely Ginny pic
cassandraclaire73 says, sinead, where HAVE you been?
  hermitchick says, better than being called a pervert that's going to
sinead_siobhan says, unbelievable
  gypsycaine says, you haven't read the "CLOSET" story then.
rhysenn_s says, oh don't get started on the handcuffs
slytherin_daughter says, No, we porn stars know that it was really
written for us. Children's book. Ha!
rhysenn_s says, people want me to do strange things to handcuff!Draco
cassandraclaire73 says, it's NOT a children's book.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, but she aint tied up
  gypsycaine says, I love that story.
cassandraclaire73 says, ooh i bet you get all sorts of suggestions,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone, are you (QUeen of Hell)
collecting all the perverts?
yael_pou enters
cassandraclaire73 says, is the closet one the one with draco and the
sinead_siobhan says, it is!
  gypsycaine says, Simon, you didn't answer about the leather jockstrap.

rhysenn_s says, yes I do. some really really strange ones
slytherin_daughter says, *is tramatized*
  hermitchick says, childrens books are the most slashable
slytherin_daughter says, *traumatized
  gypsycaine says, no, it's the one with them all in the closet.
cassandraclaire73 says, well you did have him kissing harry while tied
to a tree.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, how would I know Dee?
sineadsiobhan sits and buries face in hands... hates being confused with
other sinead..
slytherin_daughter says, That was kinky
  hermitchick says, Queen of hell collecting perverts, sounds like fun
  gypsycaine says, haven't you worn a regular one?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie, no the one with all the couples
falling out of a closet that isn't big enough for them
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no
cassandraclaire73 says, kinky in a good way though.
sinead_siobhan says, um.. you're talking about chaining up?
sinead_siobhan says, what is that?
slytherin_daughter says, Yes, kinky in a good way.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Ginny and Hermione
  gypsycaine chortles on her crack.
  gypsycaine says, er
slytherin_daughter says, Good kink.
  gypsycaine says, OMG.
  gypsycaine says, will have to share the pm with you folks.
cassandraclaire73 is away (off bothering heidi for a cameo)
  hermitchick says, we're talking about kinks now?
slytherin_daughter is away (needs ice cream)
  gypsycaine says, gypsycaine: in my HP again, recording.
sineadsiobhan says, ooh.... I have a marketing idea...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, had icecream earlier
  gypsycaine says, gypsycaine: the discussion is on leather jockstraps
do they chafe?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Harry/Ron and Hermione/Ginny is sweet,
not kinky
 yael_pou is away (going to read Snitch! 4)
cassandraclaire73 says, Harry/Ron is the cuddly ship
  gypsycaine says, phoenix_lance_blade: the answer is yes
rhysenn_s says, Yes. Draco tied to a tree is quite *grin*
  hermitchick says, Harry/ron good, harry/draco better
cassandraclaire73 says, loves draco tied to a tree.
  gypsycaine says, phoenix_lance_blade: trust me, that is the voice of
experience speaking
  gypsycaine says, hence the chortle.
sineadsiobhan says, I think there should be a deck of cards with naked
harry, ron, draco and anyother male that anyone thinks is hot
cassandraclaire73 says, hermitchick, are you on rhysenn's and my list?
cos you should be!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, sinead: Sirius
cassandraclaire73 says, what about poor little remus? he's sexy
  hermitchick says, I am now
slytherin_daughter is back.
cassandraclaire73 says, Ron is NOT sexy.
cassandraclaire73 is back.
slytherin_daughter says, Ron *can* be sexy
rhysenn_s says, yes for a deluge of harry/draco fics come on over
sineadsiobhan says, Go ahead... Sirius is in the deck in all his
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I have the hots for Remus for himself,
not his looks
cassandraclaire73 says, when is Ron sexy?
  gypsycaine says, Ron is cute in a Opie sorta way
rhysenn_s says, remus gets it on with sirius
saitaina enters
cassandraclaire73 says, remus and sirius. soo cute.
sineadsiobhan says, Remus too
sineadsiobhan says, Why not Ron?
  hermitchick says, opie!RON Lol
slytherin_daughter says, When he's seventeen, quiddich-toaned, and his
hair is windblown/spiked with gel
rhysenn_s says, definitely S/R!
sineadsiobhan says, Get ron naked and play connect the dots
sineadsiobhan says,
  hermitchick says, Ohh sirius/Remus nice
cassandraclaire73 says, I never get the quidditch-toned thing. All
quidditch players do is sit on a broom. All I can see that doing is
making you bowlegged.
slytherin_daughter says, LOL!
rhysenn_s says, lol
rhysenn_s says, don't overthink things, woman
  hermitchick says, lol
pippin_999 says, Cassie, aerobatic flight is quite strenuous
slytherin_daughter says, seekers must weave and bob
rhysenn_s says, <g>
cassandraclaire73 says, it's true. every time I see a mention of
"harry's firm quidditch muscles" in a fic I start eye-rolling
destinymalzen enters
sineadsiobhan says, in the quidditch through the ages... they have a
invisible cushion...
cassandraclaire73 says, Pippin, you made that up.
destinymalzen says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, They have to do tricks *disclaimer* on
their broomsticks, like teh Seeker
 hanging on by one knee to reach far enough for the Snitch
destinymalzen waves
slytherin_daughter says, Cass, your Ron is quite sexy.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dsinty
  hermitchick says, hello
sineadsiobhan snickering at Cassies comment on Harry's firm quidditch
destinymalzen says, Cass, i joined the slash DS group
cassandraclaire73 says, is he really? *is pleased with Sexy!Ron*
  hermitchick ))
pippin_999 says, The broom goes 120 mph, needs some strength to steer it
one handed
  hermitchick says, DS?
slytherin_daughter says, Nothing is better than bondage!Harry, but
cassandraclaire73 says, lol! yes, another member for mine and Rhyseen's
dungeon of Harry/Draco slash
destinymalzen says, When are you going to start posting stuff?
slytherin_daughter says, *is amused*
sineadsiobhan says, now we need Cassie's Ron to gettogether with
Cassie's Hermione
pippin_999 says, And you need strength to hit bludger
  hermitchick says, brb
sineadsiobhan says, Kill off Harry
sineadsiobhan says,
slytherin_daughter says, Cass, are you guys going to upload the two that
you have done so far to the files, or finish more first?
destinymalzen says, Has anyone here read Lord of the Flies?
cassandraclaire73 says, posting stuff? isn't our joint charisma enough
to keep you on list?
sineadsiobhan says, I did
cassandraclaire73 says, we have 3 scenes done and we will be uploading
them soon
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 27 years ago, in high school. Yuck
pippin_999 says, I have read LoF
cassandraclaire73 says, I read LoF.
slytherin_daughter says, Three, really?
sineadsiobhan says, I saw the movie as well
destinymalzen says, I just started it (just finished the first
chapter)....there are parallels between LoF and HP!
slytherin_daughter says, Lord of The Flies? I didn't like that book. At
destinymalzen says, Well, just with the characters.
destinymalzen says, (I'm reading it for school)
cassandraclaire73 says, well...they're all kids...
slytherin_daughter says, whoa, fancy that!
  gypsycaine says, oh, found an ebook site at the University of Virginia
has all those books-like-that-there.
destinymalzen says, Ralph is blond, calm, and collected....(at least so
sineadsiobhan says, that are half naked?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, similarities? time for a law suits I think!

sineadsiobhan says, all boys, don't forget that
slytherin_daughter says, I see another Stouffer claim on the horizon!
slytherin_daughter says, <g>
destinymalzen says, Jack Merridew has red hair
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wonder if Chasers ever have to hand
stand on broomsticks
 to kick Quaffle because leges have more muscle power than arms.......
destinymalzen says, (very very VAGUE similarities, may i add)
cassandraclaire73 mumbles incoherently
slytherin_daughter says, Issues, Cass?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or catch it with feet that extend further
than hands?
destinymalzen says, And Simon (hehe....) has black hair.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no I do not
cassandraclaire73 is away (on vacation)
destinymalzen says, Simon in LoF
pippin_999 says, I envision them hitting the Quaffle with the broom tail

destinymalzen says, Me too, Pippin.
sineadsiobhan says, I wonder how boys play Quidditch...
destinymalzen says, The cushioning charm!
sineadsiobhan says, so they don't get hurt...
sineadsiobhan says,
destinymalzen says, There's a cushioning charm on the broomstick
sineadsiobhan says, I don't have the books yet
cassandraclaire73 says, they are probably all infertile.
destinymalzen says, ooooo
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Doesn't JKR have a description of a match
and the Chasers catching and
   throwing QWuaffle with their hands?
cassandraclaire73 is back.
pippin_999 says, How did you straddle a bro

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