Chat for 03-11-01 (apologies for earlier problems)

Simon Branford simon at ...
Mon Mar 12 21:51:00 UTC 2001

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selah_1977 says, Hi, Rita!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Haah, it's early and you are all here 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, everyone
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello
heiditandy says, hi rita!
heiditandy says, everyone is *always* early
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, you were here first Heidi
selah_1977 says, I wonder if anyone has capitalized on the HP 
phenomenon yet by offering a HP/JKR tour... there's a business idea.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Our group thought of arranging one for 
ourselves, and even started an egroup for it, but 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, people are too overscheduled
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I only got in early to work out what a 
cup was so I could cook myself some dinner
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mlle Elizabeth (if I recall correctly) 
used to be in the travel business and spoke of contacting 
acquanitances stil in it...
selah_1977 says, LOL!  I came early to discuss going to England this 
summer... our program directors have gotten us all pumped up about 
Lady__Nightfall enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, two cups in a liquid pint
selah_1977 says, The group was too slow making plans... so I switched 
my exchange plans from Spain to England.  Spain'll be there.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, The ingredients that I have mean that 
pancakes are the only option and the recipe I want to try out (again) 
uses cup measures and I had some last time I did it
selah_1977 says, Hello
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, eight liquid ounces in a cup
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, ah - that would be a US pint?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, dang it.  I forgot about that grp thing.
Lady__Nightfall is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Lady Nightfall
€  Lady__Nightfall says, been sitting for the last two hours in g*~~~
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hi Dee
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee
€  Lady__Nightfall says, hi Rita, Hi Ebony, Hi Simon.
selah_1977 says, Oh, it's you, Dee... Hello!
heiditandy says, oh! dee! good to see you!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Chuckles.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Hi Heidi.
selah_1977 says, Do you live off-campus, Simon?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon wants to know what is a cup (us 
liquid measure) in metric
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I thought that at 1:00 I'd sneak in, be the 
first in the room, and lurk-record.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Yes, but not far away
€  Lady__Nightfall says, give me a second, I'll go check.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I live 10 minutes from my college, and 
Corpus is about halfway between teh two
selah_1977 says, OH!  Just wondered...we were told this morning that 
students at CC had three meals prepared a day and full maid service.  
We were shocked.
selah_1977 says, I know you told me... which is it?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hertford
selah_1977 says, Ah!
selah_1977 says, It's one of the larger ones, right?
heiditandy says, Dee - I was once on a mailing list where we had a 
MUSH, and people set records by staying in the MUSH chat for 24 hours 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Where I have live ther is only evening 
meal prepared, but in college it is the three meals a day (I will add 
that we have to pay for them)
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I can do that now. Grins.  DSL
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, It is fairly small in physical size, but 
has lots of students
€  Lady__Nightfall says, 1 cup = 16 tablespoons or 48 teaspoons
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have my room vacuumed once a week, my 
bins empties each week day
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I'll find the rest, trust me Simon.  I 
thought this document had the other.
selah_1977 says, Everything seems very expensive over there.  We're 
next door to Christ Church, I think.  What credit cards are accepted?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, my sink cleaned a couple of times a week 
and am supplied with fresh bedding once a fortnight (have to put it 
on myself)
selah_1977 says, Most American colleges do not have maid service... 
it's considered a luxury!  And the dorm food is awful at most 
colleges here...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, that will be fine Dee - I can convert 
from tsps or tsbp
€  Lady__Nightfall says, remind me btw to post the "fluffy bunny 
stew" recipe in HP Food.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, kewl.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I know I used to have the other.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, That was from what I posted in C&A a while 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, we are very lucky in terms of services 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm up to msg 555 in HPfGU-OTC, did 
the food talk reduce after Dee started HPFood?
heiditandy says, has anyone joined HP Food?
selah_1977 says, I have not.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Yah know, not too many have.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, the food did reduce, though.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have had to unsub - I need to reduce 
lists so I do not get too many messages while revising
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I posted about 8 recipes today, on one post 
today, though.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Things like Strawberry Pizza, and Peppermint 
Patty Brownies.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, An article on chocolate.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, credit cards - i think American Express 
is the main one, beyond that it may be best to talk to someone else 
as I am not sure as I know mine works
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, being getting a full mailbox 
and unsubbing, there is a middle ground: Web-only
€  Lady__Nightfall says, another on coffee.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, is the article on chocolate about 
its history or its modern uses?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I like my compromise--delegating with 
Message Rules.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, yes.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, The problem I find is I end up sitting on 
my computer reading and checking for new messages on web view
selah_1977 says, Yes, you are lucky there... according to our program 
director, at most of the Oxford colleges, the focus is upon 
studying.  Whereas here, this is not necessarily this case.  I was 
told Visa is good too...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have little self discipline
€  Lady__Nightfall says, (lol, seriously Rita, it's a short paragraph)
€  Lady__Nightfall says, btw folks, I'm heading to Walsh University, 
or Malone University for my BA.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, visa - I did not know if that was US, but 
as it is my card I know it is accepted
selah_1977 says, Unless I moderate the list, it is on webview.  
Webview also lets me pick and choose what I read.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, figured that while I was sitting on my butt, 
I could be expanding my mind more.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, the food at my college is not great, but 
at the accom block I am at it is much better
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I get EVERYTHING via post.
selah_1977 says, We were warned away from ATMs over there... and 
warned about crossing the street as well, since we're American.
heiditandy says, I get all my email on my wireless blackberry, which 
I have unlimited email on.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Clubs, Groups, Recipe Lists, Freebie Lists, 
heiditandy says, it's the only way I stay up to date : )
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I delete ots by skim reading / subject 
€  Lady__Nightfall says, my friend laughed at me.  I hit my 6mb daily.
selah_1977 admires Heidi a great deal
€  Lady__Nightfall says, that's what I do.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, (I like your little unit, Heidi--it sounds 
heiditandy says, brb...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have to decide on a new e-mail system 
for next year when I lose my nice uni one.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, (I don't need anymore electronics, though!)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Heidi -- doesn't gettng e-mail on 
wireless run up the minutes for cel phone bill?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, can you go DSL?
selah_1977 says, Are you searching for a job, Simon?  Will you remain 
in England or move elsewhere?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I will stay in England, or definitely an 
English speaking country (hopeless at languages)
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am sort of searching, but have really 
put this on hold until I have finished my exams
keithfras enters
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello Keith
keithfras says, Evenin' all
€  Lady__Nightfall says, hello!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, are you home or still in Oxford?
selah_1977 says, I understand..hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Keith
€  Lady__Nightfall says, (anyone know the correct spelling for Repar" 
where two folks hit it off instantly?)
keithfras says, Where is everyone? Usually it's seething at this time
selah_1977 says, The "hi" was for Keith.
keithfras says, Rapport
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, rapport rah-poor
€  Lady__Nightfall says, thanks.
selah_1977 says, Everyone else has lives...   
€  Lady__Nightfall says, (goes back to post....)
keithfras says, I'm only on for about an hour and a half...don't want 
to scare my parents with the phone bill!
keithfras says, In answer to the question, yes, I'm at home now
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am still inhabiting Oxford.
keithfras says, Ah, you're Simon I take it?
selah_1977 says, I'm afraid that my Midwestern accent may be 
incomprehensible over there.  We'll see how I fare... most former 
participants have higly commended the program.
keithfras says, You coming to Brit-land, Ebony?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, someday, Simon, I WILL be over to visit you.
selah_1977 says, Yes, from July 1 to August 11 I'll be studying at 
Corpus Christi.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Yes Keith, had forgotten about which 
profile I was on!
keithfras says, Wow! Unfortunately I won't be around...Simon might be 
selah_1977 says, Simon, I am sorry if my comments earlier this week 
offended you.  I do love Hedwig.   
selah_1977 says, I know... going to New Zealand, right?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Do not worry - I was being silly  
keithfras says, Harry/Hedwig 4eva!
keithfras says, Hopefully
selah_1977 says, Woo-hoo!
keithfras says,  
selah_1977 says, I'm a no-shipper now as far as HP4GU is concerned.  
Being a rabid shipper makes you highly unpopular, it seems.
keithfras says, Has everyone seen the trailer for the movie?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am a silly shipper - seems to please all
keithfras says, It looks really good
selah_1977 says, YES!  Isn't it fabulous?
keithfras says, (though I had to view it using this slow home 
computer not my speedy laptop)
selah_1977 says, Where are they shooting it?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, trailer looks good and the new <rest of 
comment banned for spoiler reasons>
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am pretty sure that none of it is Oxford
selah_1977 says, and the new what?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, books
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ebony, being a rabid ANYTHING makes a 
person unpopular
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have some clues on some of the shots 
but not all
selah_1977 says, Duh, Simon!  I didn't think so... LOL!
selah_1977 says, Too far south for Hogwarts.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (well, with the exception of Penny 
versus the NYT Bestseller list, which just amuses people)
keithfras says, England. Some of my relatives live in a town where 
some of it was filmed - my cousin auditioned to be an extra.
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
hermitchick enters
keithfras says, Not rabid Draco lovers...they stick together
selah_1977 says, Rita, then I suppose I'll have to be unpopular.  I'm 
keithfras says, They did do some filming in Oxford
  hermitchick says, hello
€  Lady__Nightfall says, my friend thinks I'm wacked for being a VtM, 
DS and HP fan.
keithfras says, VtM?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Durham Cathedral is the classroom they 
run  through (IIRC)
  hermitchick says, VtM?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Persephone 
€  Lady__Nightfall bows.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, this is one of my characters.
selah_1977 says, There are three Character Cults thus far in HP 
fandom--the Cult of Ron, the Cult of Draco, and the Cult of Snape.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, none of the Ox stuff is in the trailer 
keithfras says, BTW, hi Persephone. Mae govannen.
selah_1977 says, Hi, Persephone!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Vampire the Masquerade RP game.
  hermitchick says, What's up?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not a Cult of Weasley Twins?
selah_1977 says, Nope.
  hermitchick says, Oh, I love RPGs, ever play werewolf?
keithfras says, Filming was done in the cloisters of Christ Church 
college I think, and the Bodleian Library.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, BtW, Rita, I have to reload my avatars.  
Lost in the sea of formatting.
selah_1977 says, Those three characters' defenders are SCARY.  ;-)
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Own a few of the books, but I love vampires.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, that's why I like Snape as Vampire the 
keithfras says, I play a cool social RPG at Oxford called 
Inheritance. We all play immortals a la Sandman.
  hermitchick says, vampires are cool, I get called one from time to 
time- everyday
selah_1977 says, Rickman wasn't how I pictured Snape... but I'll get 
over it.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Rickman is perfect.
selah_1977 says, Rickman looks far better than I thought Snape should 
keithfras says, No, wait, we have had some mortal visitors at the 
meetings...and one last turn drank cider with apples from the garden 
of the Hesperides in it and became an immortal!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, and Galaxy Quest just confirmed it in my 
  hermitchick says, me neither, but he does look pretty good
keithfras says, Galaxy Quest was brilliant!
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, enjoy chatting for a while - I am off to 
make some dinner!
heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
  hermitchick says, that was an amusing movie, I say it last summer
  hermitchick says, I having a sucky week!
keithfras says, It's particularly funny if you know a bit about Star 
selah_1977 says, It would be cool to have a HP convention some day in 
that SF/fantasy vein.
  hermitchick says, I love star trek!
selah_1977 says, Aw!  Tell us about it, Persephone...
keithfras says, like the captain always getting the girl, extras 
dying, etc.
  hermitchick says, die red shirt! die!
selah_1977 says, Bye, Simon!
keithfras says, LOL!
keithfras says, Namarie, Simon
€  Lady__Nightfall says, lol/
This voice chat rocks!

keithfras says, Returning to the RPG topic, I had never played a 
social RPG until I started at Oxford and I'm loving 
Inheritance...actually learning a bit about politics in the process!
  hermitchick says, I think I ruptured a bloodvessle in my eyes one 
Tuesday, the whites of my eyes are now crimson!  I got called a 
deamon by a damn freshman.  We shold be allowed to torture/maine/kill 
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I saw a few other series in there too, 
though.  Mainly it did pick on ST.
owlfriend_of_hedwig is away (Making dinner)
keithfras says, Oi! I'm a fresher/freshman!  
selah_1977 says, Ouch, Persephone... I'm so sorry about taht.
selah_1977 says, that
  hermitchick says, in HS?
keithfras says, Sounds unpleasant
selah_1977 says, Why can't I type today?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesephone meant Hitgh SAchool freshers
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I've played Rolemaster (also called 
Chartmaster), Villians and Vigilantes, AD&D (and D&D), Rifts, and 
keithfras says, Oh, right. Good.
  hermitchick says, yup, evil bastards
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, minus g minus A 
selah_1977 says, 12 to 14 year old are very unhappy people... pay 
them no attention.
selah_1977  teaches kids in that age bracket
  hermitchick says, D&D is fun, AD&D gets too complex
keithfras says, I'm trying to set up a D&D group. I'm confused as to 
the distinction between D&D and Advanced D&D
  hermitchick says, I feel sorry for you
selah_1977 says, I should have said "can be".  Some are surprisingly 
heiditandy is back.
heiditandy says, hi all. baby just woke from nap.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, used to be hard-back and softback. lol.
keithfras says, Someone leant me the most recent D&D players' 
selah_1977 says, So you have to go, right, Heidi?
  hermitchick says, I'm happy to say I'm well UNadjusted
keithfras says, I'm not sure if the current edition is Advanced or 
heiditandy says, no, I was with him for the past 15 minutes. He is 
now playing puppets with my mom & my grandma
selah_1977 says, What grade are you in, Persephone?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, depends, what's the name of the book?
selah_1977 says, LOL!  Is Harry a first grandchild?
  hermitchick says, I have all the D&D books, AD&D there are too 
many, I'd go broke
keithfras says, Just D&D 3rd Edition Players' Handbook
€  Lady__Nightfall says, shudders at the words 3rd edition.
€  Lady__Nightfall tosses a colon up there to make it an action.
keithfras says, If it's not Advanced, I dread to think what Advanced 
is like!
heiditandy says, harry is a first grandchild on both sides AND a 
first great grandchild for 5 of our 6 living grandparents.
  hermitchick says, 11th grade, but in most districts I'm old enough 
to be a senor
€  Lady__Nightfall says, it's AD&D>
  hermitchick says, I have 4th addition
€  Lady__Nightfall says, 4th edition?
keithfras says, The one I borrowed is AD&D?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, it's not out yet, that I know of.
keithfras says, The edition that came out over the last year
€  Lady__Nightfall says, 3rd was just published within the 6 mos.
keithfras says, A 4th edition already?!
  hermitchick says, I'm pretty sure, hold on a min
selah_1977 says, Wow, Heidi!  Your Harry is like me... I was 
the "first"everything as well!  And speaking of Harry-as-a-
grandchild, any theories on why the Potters' only living relatives 
are the Dursleys?  Do they have hereditary diseases, or tend to die 
keithfras goes to fetch book to check stuff
selah_1977 says, Whoa, that was long.
keithfras says, Right, got it
€  Lady__Nightfall says, we've dissected the book in KoDT (another 
list that's almost as bad as HP, lol, just more geeky)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I magine that the absence of the 
famous old pureblood family of Potter has something to do with the 
Voldemort massacres
selah_1977 says, What's KoDT?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, most folks hate that edition.  It's a 
tossup  between 1st and 2nd, though.
selah_1977 says, Rita, I agree.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Knights of the Dinner Table.
selah_1977 says, Ah!
keithfras says, It's the one with the metal stuff and gems on the 
cover, and sort of spiky art inside
selah_1977 is away (reading a book on Pocahontas since chat's quiet)
€  Lady__Nightfall says, to be honest, Keith, that doesn't help me 
too much.  Smiles.  I have covers on mine to keep them pristine.
heiditandy says, well, the evanses, not being wizards, may just have 
died, regular ordinary...
keithfras says, I don't know what edition to play when I set up the 
group...guess I'll have to consult with the people who're interested 
and see what books are availiable from OU RPGSoc's archive
heiditandy  always thought James' parents were killed somehow, and he 
was an only child.
  hermitchick says, I have no idea where it says what addition it 
is.  G and Josh sayed thay had 4th addition, and I bought the smae 
set as they had
selah_1977 says, But what about James' parents?  Were they both only 
selah_1977 says, And why are there so darn many only children in this 
€  Lady__Nightfall says, 2nd edition has two versions.
keithfras says, It's the one that came out last year and describes 
itself as 3rd edition, that's all I know.  
  hermitchick says, I can only find the monser manual!  My room is a 
hell hole!
heiditandy says, one of my grandmothers was, so was one of aaron's. 
it's not so unusual, even in the 1920s.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, the old, blue print one, and the nicer, 
colorful one.  I have them both.
keithfras says, Ah, perhaps the one I have is described as 3rd 
edition yet is in fact the 4th, since 2 hand 2 versions.
keithfras says, *had
heiditandy says, well, harry is easy. No time for another, after him.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, 3rd edition has the title you spoke.
heiditandy says, Probably teh same with neville's family.
selah_1977 says, Right--but most of his schoolmates seem to be only 
keithfras says, Still not sure if it's Advanced or not
  hermitchick says, I have the ones with the ugly covers that are 
supposed to look decroitive or something
selah_1977 says, Although I'll LOVE it if Draco has a younger sister 
or brother.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do we know that the schoolmates are 
only children, or just that they are the only ones currently at 
heiditandy says, Or, God, can you imagine what happens to a fetus 
when crucio or imperio is performed on the pregnant mummy?
phoenix_lance_blade enters
selah_1977 says, Or Hermione, or someone else we would have never 
dreamed of...
selah_1977 says, Ouch, Heidi.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Rob, sweetie, this is a Harry Potter chat.
keithfras says, It's just we haven't seen any siblings yet.
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the longer lived wizarding folk could 
space their children 20 years apart
selah_1977 says, Perhaps magical women aren't all that fertile, or 
have great contraception.
heiditandy says, Hermi has a younger sister named Dawn who will 
randomly show up in the next book, and everyone will have=years of 
memories about her...
keithfras says, Ebony pre-empts me.... 
€  Lady__Nightfall says, folks Blade is Rob irl.
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, since when Dee?
owlfriend_of_hedwig is back.
keithfras says, LOL Heidi!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Rob, these are the folks.
selah_1977 says, LOL!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione has a sister named Cressida 
who is 17 years older than she is, and a Muggle 
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Rob, this is a ooc chat about the book 
series Harry Potter.
selah_1977 says, Well, no one knew Colin had a brother until GoF...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, this is **my** rabid topic
heiditandy says, didn't we see other Finnegans at the World Cup?
selah_1977 says, What is, Rita?  Sibs?
selah_1977 says, I think so... let me check... GoF's right here.
keithfras says, Yeah, Hermion and other Muggle-borns could have 
nonmagical siblings for all we know.
keithfras says, *Hermione
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cressida Granger, who owns the company 
(Mathmos) that makes Lava Lite, is Hermione Granger's older sister
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Finneagan side of Seamus family is 
selah_1977 says, BTW, the book fell open to Hermione's first 
impression of Krum:  "He looks really grumpy."  LOL!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, we heard that Muggles are not allowed 
to attend the World Cup
keithfras says, That's right, his dad's a Muggle.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, perhaps this applies even to ones who 
married in 
selah_1977 says, Hmm... all we see is Seamus' mom and Dean.
heiditandy says, No, Finnegan siblings. Seamus' "finnegan" relatives 
who are magic would be siblings.
keithfras says, "I'm half-and-half. Me dad's a Muggle. Mum didn't 
tell him she was a witch until after they were married. Bit of a 
shock for him."
heiditandy says, Rita - is that all muggles? or just muggles who are 
outside the magic world?
heiditandy  doesn't think it was ever deliniated.
selah_1977 says, Ah!  No WONDER Seamus' dad isn't there!
keithfras says, Oh PTB, I'm a complete geek. I can recite passages 
from favourite things verbatim....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC Harry saw people he recognized, 
Seamus and Dean, in a crowd of Ireland supporters ... maybe some of 
the people in the crowd were Seamus siblings
  hermitchick says, I feel like an idiot!  I haven't been reading the 
book lately, and my mind is going to mush!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, brb my son is having problems.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, older siblings who pass as adults
discords_child14456 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, younger siblings who weren't doing 
anything interesting enough to mention
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Erich'
selah_1977 says, I'm looking at the page right now... it makes 
specific mention of Seamus' mom.
selah_1977 says, Hello
discords_child14456 says, hello
  hermitchick says, hello!
  catlady_de_los_angeles likes Persephone's color fade!
selah_1977 says, Now I'm wondering if the MoM sometime in the 20th 
century had population control laws for some reason.
  hermitchick says, I like it too, my 3 favorite colours: green, 
blue, and black
selah_1977 says, Why they'd do this, I have no idea.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ebony: maybe Harrry recognized 
Seamus's mom from picking him up at King's Croxx
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so that's why he noted that she was 
  hermitchick says, perhapse
heiditandy says, but MOM population control would be bad, because 
they were marrying muggles to keep from dying out. the twain don't 
keithfras says, Hi, I'm back. Just looking at the transcript from 2 
weeks ago.
discords_child14456 says, hit catlady
discords_child14456 says, hi
  hermitchick says, ouch
discords_child14456 says, sorry about that
keithfras says, LOL!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, MoM population control should be 
designed to  Increase the population after the Bad Years
discords_child14456 says, im usually not that aggresive so early in 
the afternoon
keithfras says, More family allowance, stuff like that?
phoenix_lance_blade leaves
selah_1977 says, You're right, Rita, which is why the number of only 
children is astounding.
keithfras says, Well, we all know the Ministry are mostly idiots.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes! If they did give more family 
allowance to bigger families, the Weasleys wouldn't ahve to be poor!
selah_1977 says, Or perhaps during the Voldemort years the DEs did a 
King Herod thing--especially if there was a prophecy surrounding 
Harry's birth.  It's been mentioned on list.
selah_1977 says, LOL, Keith!
keithfras says, The Weasleys are single-handedly renewing the wizard 
  hermitchick says, intresting idea
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, but the children starting in 
Ginny's year should be more numerous
selah_1977 says, Killed a lot of the babies in this Hogwarts-aged 
generation, I mean...
pippin_999 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and even more numerous starting the 
year after Ginny
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Pippin
heiditandy says, h ipippin
pippin_999 says, Hi
  hermitchick says, hello!
selah_1977 says, Hi, Pippin...
keithfras says, Mae govannen (don't have the bit of paper with the 
longer greeting)!
george_weasleys_girlfriend enters
pippin_999 says, Elen sil lummen omentielvo, Keith
selah_1977 says, Hi, Jana...
keithfras says, Mae govannen!
  catlady_de_los_angeles sulks because Lee didn't like Installment 2 
of Bad Dreams
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Good afternoon everyone!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey Eb!
keithfras says, Thanks, I was just about to ask about that, Pippin.
  hermitchick says, Bad drems?
heiditandy  liked it. WOndered about the end, but accepts Rita's 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, my snapefic
pippin_999 says, *sila
heiditandy  says, "It's her universe!"
  hermitchick says, what's it about?  not been on net in a couple 
keithfras says, It sure ain't afternoon here....
owlfriend_of_hedwig is away (Auto-Away)
keithfras says,  
pippin_999 says, What didn't he like about the end?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lee says Draco is OOC too nice and OOC 
to disapprove of his father
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ah, across the pond, are we?  Well, 
good evening then, Keith.   
keithfras says,  
  hermitchick says, I don't think I've ever read a fic that didn't 
have an OCC character or so
selah_1977 says, Ah, Rita, don't worry about it.  It's your thing... 
do what you want to do...
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey - I went and reserved those two 
new HP books this morning.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I said all Draco disapproves of is the 
bimbos, the way he treats them, and she said he disapproves of the 
way he treated Snape, too, and I said he was just reciting what Mrs. 
Nott told him
selah_1977 says, Exactly, Persephone.
  hermitchick says, sounds cool
  catlady_de_los_angeles is not ignoring Persephone
yael_pou enters
  hermitchick says, people agree with me?  wierd
keithfras says, Everyone sees Lucius as a cold nasty womanizer....
selah_1977 says, Hi, Yael!
yael_pou says, hi!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey Yael!
keithfras says, Elen sil lummen omentielvo, Yael!
pippin_999 says, Hi Yael
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the subtitle is A Snape/Draco Romance 
  hermitchick says, I agree with keith
selah_1977 says, Of course, Keith... Lucius might be warmhearted and 
kind... RIGHT!
  hermitchick says, really?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, do you dissagree with the 
assessment of Luvius?
keithfras says, (Pippin, is that phrase in Sindarin or is it High-
heiditandy says, not outside any AU!
pippin_999 says, It is High-Elven Keith
discords_child14456 says, snape and drago.....thats kind of Icky
heiditandy says, I'm not sure about the "cold" part.
discords_child14456 says, when I think of snape you know who pops 
into my head
  hermitchick says, I like it already
keithfras says, No, it's just that everyone seems to be in agreement 
about it. Surprising really.
selah_1977 says, Right.
  hermitchick says, who?
pippin_999 says, I thought S/D was icky too at first, but...
heiditandy says, I've made him a little more hot tempered. He was, 
with DObby, to some extent.
pippin_999 says, Catlady won me over
  catlady_de_los_angeles reassures Erich that THIS Draco is 16 and 
the more adult of the pair 
keithfras says, Who has read Stinkerbell's Dark Days are coming?
george_weasleys_girlfriend :sneezes::  Oh dear.  Am I the only one 
who's extremely lost?
discords_child14456 says, the guy from chitty chitty bang bang....he 
was like dog catcher but was after the kids
selah_1977 says, I have, Keith.
heiditandy says, Someone cold wouldn't've said or done anything 
critical in public.
keithfras says, The Lucius in that is very creepy. Al's Lucius is 
good too.
  hermitchick says, True, I'm confused now!
yael_pou says, I like Heidi's Lucius the best
pippin_999 says, Canon Lucius is creepy
heiditandy says, How do you mean "like" yael?
selah_1977 says, Yes, she really does a good Lucius, I think.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Heidi -- "wouldn't have said or done 
anything critical in public" -- is that SoC or CoS?
keithfras says, Cold when it comes to showing pleasant emotion, I 
suppose I meant.
heiditandy says, (if you mean it in the "would like to hang out with" 
way., I'll give you a number of a good psychologist!)
  hermitchick says, Lucius is just creapy, he screams creapy bastard!
heiditandy says, CoS
yael_pou says, I think he's the best characterized Lucius. I dont 
*like* like him.
heiditandy says, it just didn't seem very cold & calculating.
heiditandy  blushes towards yael (thanks for clarifying!)
Lady__Nightfall is away (Auto-Away)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, In CoS, Lucius xriticizeing Draco in 
Borgin & Burkes is not in public, it is only in front of a 
*shopkeeper*, that's almost like in front of the servants
pippin_999 says, People can be cold and calculating in part...
heiditandy says, No Cult of Lucius out there? Except maybe RHysenn 
has tried to start one.
  hermitchick says, so it's aggreed?  Everyone here not like Lucius?
heiditandy says, Rita - yes, that's true - I was meaning the bits 
with Dobby.
selah_1977 says, Not yet.  No one clamoring for Lucius in Leather.
keithfras says, In some ways, Voldemort is a less interesting 
villain..he's just pure evil, like Sauron in LOTR, but we don't see 
much of him. I hope he gets developed as a villain character soon so 
we can see how cruel he is rather than just having him as the 
pippin_999 says, I don't like Lucius
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I think Voldie is pretty 2D, as well.
pippin_999 says, as a person, I mean, as a character is ok
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, remind me. was that Mr Burke or Mr 
Borgin? The complicated theory I posted on HPff would have Mr. Borgin 
as Lucius's relative
selah_1977 says, Voldemort seemed 2D until GoF.  He's terrifying 
pippin_999 says, I believe it was Mr. Borgin in the shop
keithfras says, We haven't seen calls for Dobby in leather, Voldemort 
in leather or even Snape in leather either.
heiditandy says, lucius? related to shopkeepers? in your universe?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, But at the same time, he's got more 
motivation than a lot of other supervillains.  At least he had the 
runaway Muggle father to back it up, but there's got to be something 
more than that.
heiditandy  has seen pics of Snape in Leather.
keithfras says, Yeah, Voldemort becomes more real in GoF
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Dobby in leather?!  Be still my 
selah_1977 says, Keith--yes, there have been calls for Snape in 
Leather!  :::shudders:::
  hermitchick says, I like the bad guys, and I don't like Lucius.  Is 
that wrong?
keithfras says, Ah.....
heiditandy says, there was a fanfic of Snape & Lupin starting a rock 
band. Drawings of them in leather accompanied it.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesephone, it means you don't really 
like the bad guys
keithfras says, Snape and the Mundwinkles?
selah_1977 says, As I've said, the three characters with passionate 
fans are Draco, Snape and Ron.
heiditandy says, Gryfnslyth.
selah_1977 says, LOL, Jana...
heiditandy says, ^ was the band name
yael_pou says, Cassie even suggested a sexy!Snape once.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says,  
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Thanks, Eb.
heiditandy says, cassie's snape has a fridge filled with tupperware & 
wears pjs with hearts on them & sings Bay CIty Rollers songs.
keithfras says, We need more Grownup!Ginny
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm sure there are ladies in the group 
who would say that canon Snape IS sexy
pippin_999 says, Snape is sexy, esp. if he's Alan Rickman
heiditandy  runs from Cassie's snape.
selah_1977 says, To be quite honest, I don't like the bad guys in 
canon either.  In order for me to like bad guys, I need to see their 
heiditandy  adores alan rickman.
  hermitchick says, I like semi bad/ semi good characters. they 
remind me of myself
selah_1977 says, Keith--that's what fanfic is for.
heiditandy  thinks Draco's persepctive is a sad little place. But he 
doesn't really know it.
keithfras says, The only bad guys I've ever sympathised with are 
Captain Pellaeon and Grand Admiral Thrawn in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars 
keithfras says, Thrawn is really cool.
heiditandy  would love to see a non-shippy fic from Hermione's 
pippin_999 says, Agree Thrawn and Pellaeon are cool
heiditandy says, Would love to see a Hermi's Perspective of PS/SS.
keithfras says, Hannibal Lector is cool too, but I don't really 
sympathise with him.
selah_1977 says, There are plenty, Heidi.
selah_1977 says, Just have to do some digging.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco says That's how my grandfather 
Malaspina Malfoy became head of the family when he was only 19. He 
keithfras says, Elanor Gamgee is doing GoF from Hermione's perspective
  hermitchick says, why not canobolism  can be fun too
pippin_999 says, Sympathises with Darth Vader
selah_1977  is silent.
heiditandy says, But it's all shippy!
keithfras says, Darth Vader maybe...
  hermitchick says, I like Darth Vader!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, married the daughter of the then-
Minister of Magic and had a son,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mercutio, and one does tend to infer 
that his promptness in grafting
pippin_999 says, LOL to man-hating Hermione
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, himself onto the Minster's family 
might be connected with aspects of
yael_pou says, hey, Eb - did you get my mail about the Paradise list?
selah_1977 says, LOL, Pippin...
selah_1977 says, No, Yael, I didn't...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rhadamanthus's madness that would be 
better left uninvestigated.
keithfras says, I didn't see his redemption coming when I saw ROTJ, 
so I didn't sympathise with him while he was a villain.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Malaspina eventually fell in love with 
a very beautiful woman, my
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, grandmama Lucretia, and gave his wife 
a house of her own and a generous
yael_pou says, really? and i thought you were just taking time to 
consider *sulk*
pippin_999 says, Keith, how could you not see it coming???
  hermitchick says, I lost, really lost
selah_1977 says, What was it about, Yael?
keithfras says, Speaking of non-ship Hermione fics, I've considered 
writing a fic about Hermione studying Advanced Magical Theory at 
selah_1977 says, Do it, Keith!
keithfras says, Possibly with a guest appearance by me....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, grandmama Lucretia, and gave his wife 
a house of her own and a generous
pippin_999 says, Yes, please, Keith
heiditandy says, keith - that would be great!
yael_pou says, i asked permission to post fics to the list. Oh, well, 
i'll re-send it, and you can answer off-line...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, allowance to live her own life while 
he installed Lucretia as the lady
synaesthete7 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, of Malfoy Manor. That's why my father 
is named Lucius, because his
  hermitchick says, I like your idea
selah_1977 says, Cool, Yael--I'll fwd to the mods, and I'm sure none 
of them will mind.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, mother was named Lucretia. 
heiditandy  votes for yael, publicly & happily.
keithfras says, The department is magically shielded, but she stays 
at one of the regular colleges and tells everyone she studies Applied 
  hermitchick says, And anyone else lost?
yael_pou says, good vote for me. what for?  
pippin_999 says, LOL Applied metaphysics
selah_1977 says, No, I'm not lost at all.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *raises hand*
discords_child14456 is away (Auto-Away)
discords_child14456 is back.
discords_child14456 says, raises hand also
heiditandy says, as a moderator, have to approve adding new fic 
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
  hermitchick says, Do they have wizard colleges?
synaesthete7 waves at everyone in the room
selah_1977 says, Yael--some Paradise list mods are here, and they're 
letting me know that they want you...  
pippin_999 says, Pippin wonders if this multitasking is easier for 
older people
heiditandy  thinks the wizard college is Merlin College at Cambridge, 
where Newton taught.
keithfras says, Someone (can't currently recall who) had Arabella 
Figg saying she did magic at Oxford and said she was doing Metallurgy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I couldn't resist naming her Lucretia 
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm list owner and you've got my 
thumbs up, Yael.
heiditandy says, rita - makes sense!
keithfras says, That was in response to me saying no-one ever knew 
what my course title meant!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone said there are no wizard 
selah_1977  laughs at Jana pulling rank...
yael_pou says,   thanks. I'll send the mail to make it official.
synaesthete7 is away (on the phone)
  hermitchick says, what di i say this time?
pippin_999 says, JKR said there were no wizard unis
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, insert 'jkr' up there
synaesthete7 is back.
keithfras says, Yes, I think JKR's supposed to have said something 
about that.
  hermitchick says, thanx
pippin_999 says, The wizards haven't told her about them
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but there MUST be wizard colleges, in 
the original sense of a guild of scholars who get together to share a 
  hermitchick says, why, though?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yes, pulling rank.  *shines up List 
Owner badge and smiles smugly, Percy-style*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and a lecture hall
synaesthete7 waves at everyone in the room
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and maybe a lab
  hermitchick says, what list do you own?
pippin_999 says, They all transfer to
keithfras says, Is there an actual Merlin College? I looked into 
going to Cambridge and don't recall one...I guess it could be a 
graduate college.
synaesthete7 leaves
pippin_999 says, Discworld and do their advanced studies at UU
p_dumbledore enters
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, HP_PAradise
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *HP_Paradise even
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello all !!  It's a nice day out here in Oregon
keithfras says, Elen sil lummen omentielvo, P_dumbledore
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey P_dumbledore!
  hermitchick says, Oh, I think I belong to that one, too damn many.  
You know it's bad when you own 8 MLs
pippin_999 says, HI
  hermitchick says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I envision Hogwarts grads with 
scholarly talents finding a senior scholar intheir field to 
apprentice with, eventually writting a dissertion, and being elected 
a member of that scholarly guld if the dissertation is good enough, 
equivalent of getting a PhD
keithfras says, 12 people here now
Lady__Nightfall is back.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, hi Dennis, and what are ML's?
  hermitchick says, cool
pippin_999 says, Keith, it's *sila, I typoed
  hermitchick says, Mailing lists
  hermitchick says, groups
keithfras says, Thanks Pippin
synaesthete7 enters
+ p_dumbledore says, thanks
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I'm founder of about 40-50 clubs, and at 
least 8 or more groups.
keithfras says, Connection trouble there
€  Lady__Nightfall says, THAT's bad.
keithfras goggles
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I get them all as Posts, too.
yael_pou leaves
yael_pou enters
pippin_999 says, Nightfall, do you do anything except read your mail?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, ack.  All as email-posts too.
keithfras says, LOL
  hermitchick says, I have 8 groups, most over 30 members, and a 
member to 130 at the moment
discords_child14456 says, LOL
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Annoy you guys on the list?
yael_pou says, *eek* sorry. someone called and had me disconnected
€  Lady__Nightfall says, grins.
  hermitchick says, which list?
+ p_dumbledore says, Anyone get their JKR Books yet..  Got to pick up 
the new ones tomorrow at book store.
keithfras says, And I thought I was commited to too much net stuff!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I wanna get them.  
discords_child14456 says, I thought they weren't out until the 12 or 
  hermitchick says, I'm poor at the moment, and dad's POed at me, so 
not for a while, a long while
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I will have to wait to treat myself when my 
loan check comes for summer school (is heading to get her BA now that 
the AD is done)
heiditandy  is a geek. "I'm taking tomorrow off, in the afternoon, to 
read them!"
pippin_999 says, Give the group something to talk about besides *@##$ 
discords_child14456 says, sorry im bad didn't notice the date
€  Lady__Nightfall says, lol.  Sorry Pippin, I didn't mean to upset 
the founders/owners, but I do agree.
selah_1977 leaves
synaesthete7 says, Okay, I just figured out how to do this... hello, 
everybody, I'm Rebecca Bohner / R.J. Anderson / the Marauder's Map.  
First time I've chatted in a long time...
+ p_dumbledore says, I saw where some of the group found them at a 
few book stores... early.!
keithfras sings: I saw 3 ships come sailing by....
pippin_999 says, Hi Rebecca!, it's me Pippin/Amanita
yael_pou says, hello Rebecca!
heiditandy  went to 4 bookstoresz this weekend. They had 'eb,. but 
wouldn't let me buy them.
  hermitchick says, hello rebecca
heiditandy says, Not even for $10 each.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Rebecca, I think I replied 
yesterday to one of your posts
synaesthete7 says, Glad to see I'm not the only one with too many 
names, Pippin.   
keithfras says, H/H, R/H and H/G. The Big Three.
selah_1977 enters
selah_1977 is away (be right back)
keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo, Rebecca.
jenp_97 enters
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Hmm. I'm About 100 names.
synaesthete7 says, I'm an H/O person myself.  don't think Harry's met 
her yet.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I shan't list them all.
  hermitchick says, Harry/Draco is my fav
keithfras says, Who's O?
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I am sticking with Harry Ron.  It keeps me 
quiet. Smiles.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm a Draco/Pansy shipper, which 
offends the D-Herm D-Har D-Ginny D-Snape shippers
€  Lady__Nightfall says, and I do agree with Rita about the SHIPS!
keithfras says, I wonder if Simon or anyone will get round to doing 
Harry/Hedwig The Owl Animagus
yael_pou says, I'm in the very small minority of Harry/Cho
synaesthete7 says, How on earth did Draco get the reputation of being 
so hunky anyway?  In the books he's a weaselly little git.
discords_child14456 says, I'd like to give a try to writting a fan 
fic and I got an idea, but there are somethings I need help with
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I ordered the JKR books today...  
Well, resserved them at Borders anyway.  Sorry, am still catching up.
  hermitchick says, Draco/snape is cool, it's all happy slash to me
keithfras says, One word: Cassie
synaesthete7 says, Ah.  I should read Cassie one of these days.
jenp_97 leaves
pippin_999 says, Cassandra Claire author of Draco Dormiens
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Draco got the rep from PoU.
keithfras says, What d'you need help with
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And Draco Sinister.
discords_child14456 says, well I got an idea for two objects for the 
story but have no clue what to name them
selah_1977  is a newly confiI'm tired of the criticism about 
shipping.  It makes me angry.  So I've decided not to participate 
synaesthete7 says, Yes, I know.  I have read PoU but I didn't buy it 
(Draco as cool guy in leather pants, I mean).  Oh, well.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco is skinny and blonde and rich 
adn says mean things. One imagines that if he grew up, he would LOOK 
to die over, and the mean things would become
keithfras says, Speaking of DS, loved the D/G! As I said in my 
comments, Ginny+Snogging = Happy Keith
selah_1977 says, LOL!
  hermitchick says, everyone like the fanfiction version of him, 
probably not the book verson
heiditandy says, pansy just reminds me too much of a friend from 
college for me to like her.
selah_1977 says, Be funny if the book version of him turned out 
keithfras says, I get jealous of all the drooling over him
pippin_999 says, PoUis good but I like Cassie's stories better, not a 
dis of POU
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wittily sarcastic rather than 
childishly stupid
synaesthete7 says, I guess I'm a purist -- I'd like to see stories 
that really seem to fit in with JKR's vision.
slytherin_daughter enters
  hermitchick says, besids blone, he sounds cute
keithfras says, I'm sitting on the fence between DS and PoU
selah_1977 says, We don't know what JKR's vision is yet, though.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey MC!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, MC Crusty
keithfras polyjuices self into DS Draco
slytherin_daughter says, Hi
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I think it's MC.  *gets aorried*
heiditandy  pats childishly stupid Draco. It's one of those Children 
Know What They Learn things...
selah_1977 says, Hi
pippin_999 says, One of the things fanfic can do is things that will 
never happen in caonon
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yes, I was right.  A point to the 
chick with the mind of a steel sieve.
keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo!
synaesthete7 says, Well, we do to some extent.  I don't mean that 
Draco isn't redeemable or that he might not turn out to be quite cool 
in the end.  I just don't think he's ever going to show up in black 
selah_1977 says, For all we know, JKR will be turning Neville into a 
real hunk.  Will serve all of us right.
pippin_999 says, HI
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I fear that JKR intends to keep him 
childishly stupid Draco to the end
keithfras says, Neville/Hermione?
selah_1977 says, Why not?
heiditandy says, but childishly stuipid 18 year olds are BORING.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Neville *is* a hunk.   
keithfras says, Neville/Fleur? That happened in the HPFF round robin!
keithfras says, Along with about 1000 other things, I should add.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I've never heard N/F, actually.  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that she hates him and we love him 
could be *politics*
  hermitchick says, I know pleant of chidish stupid 18 year-olds, and 
19, 20, 
synaesthete7 says, But then, I like Snape, so who am I to talk?
selah_1977 says, And it will serve the ?/Hermione shippers right when 
in Book 5, she's gushing about her visit with Krum.  LOL!
keithfras says, I'd never heard that one before the round robin 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, in the 'the personal is poliltical 
selah_1977 says, I know plenty of stupid 40 year olds.  Don't get me 
keithfras says, I wrote far too much in that round robin...urrgh.
flyingfordanglia enters
pippin_999 says, Hi Neil
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, subconscious emotional reaction to 
social class and wealth
selah_1977 says, Hi, Neil!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil
heiditandy  beeps at the car.
keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo, Neil!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, It's the car!
synaesthete7 says, I like Krum.  H/K is OK if you ask me, although I 
think it's going to be H/R.
  hermitchick says, hello
selah_1977 says, I'm serious... I'm sick of shipping.  I've gotten 
€  Lady__Nightfall can't bonk Neil because the macro was destroyed 
with the Avatars.
flyingfordanglia says, Hello - I'm avoiding Cheetachat....
synaesthete7 says, Hey, Neil!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yo tambien, mi madre!
keithfras says, I agree, H/R looks like the outcome (unless it's a 
€  Lady__Nightfall says, avoiding?
heiditandy says, But if Krum is a teacher, or teaching assistant, 
then any Herm/Krum relationshiup is very problematic
  hermitchick says, going to hurt her rich, "boy friend" that makes 
me pay the way
flyingfordanglia says, All these languages...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like Krum, who turned out to be a 
good guy despite his alarming name, but THEREFORE expect JKR will 
kill him in Book 5
keithfras says, Now if only it could be H/G as well....
selah_1977 yawns
pippin_999 says, Eb, how are you going to finish TiP?
+ p_dumbledore says, Hi Neil -
heiditandy  begs Eb not to tell!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
selah_1977 says, Pippin--as if I'd announce it here.
selah_1977 LOL!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hehe - she probably meant "when?"
flyingfordanglia says, Oh... I can't cope with the new room location
pippin_999 says, No, I meant, how *can* you finish it if you don't 
feel shippy anymore?
selah_1977 says, And anyway, TiP is tabled indefinitely.  I have not 
writer's block, but writers' rigamortis.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I think she can do it.
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I've got to go fix mine.  
keithfras says, Hear hear, Krum is a cool character. He seemed like 
this inarticulate macho sports hero guy, but turned out to be quite 
deep and sensitive.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, You're not going to finish TiP??
selah_1977 says, Simple.  They all become celibate Hogwarts 
pippin_999 says, (feels like Ron trying to spring question about the 
Herm's Yule ball date)
keithfras says, I hope we see him again.
  hermitchick says, What's with all the ship posts on the group 
lately? I got annoyed and deleted all my mail to clean out my box
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *begins to cry*
€  Lady__Nightfall sneaks up behind Neil and yells boo, sans pillow.
selah_1977 says, Persephone, please *don't.*
synaesthete7 is away (NAK and the baby's kicking the keyboard...)
pippin_999 says, I got so much mail, Netscape crashed my mailbox
flyingfordanglia says, It's not the same without the pillow, Dee
€  Lady__Nightfall says, no, it's not.
  hermitchick says, d'accord!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, I've got to fix that.
  hermitchick says, mine too
pippin_999 says, without the pillow???
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Krum COULD become a Quidditch coach or 
a grad student, thus eliminating the student/teacher problem
keithfras says, I'm in a hurry to finish Ginny The Vampire Slayer so 
I can do the prequels and write the beginnings of a believable H/G 
selah_1977 says, Right, Rita!
€  Lady__Nightfall says, Waves to Pippin, has a different name today?
pippin_999 says, Pippin is no longer fizzwhizbee
  hermitchick says, I feel stupid
synaesthete7 says, What's the problem with student/teacher?  <eg>
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Pippin is now... Pippin.  Pippin is 
the Pippin.  Don't ask.
keithfras says, You're the Artist Formerly Known As Fizzwhizbee
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, smeone people have a squick about it 
cassandraclaire73 enters
selah_1977 says, I've been anti-romantic lately, though.  I don't 
want to think about lurve.
  Lady__Nightfall says, That better?
pippin_999 says, Hi Cassie
heiditandy  didn't think rita had a aproblem with student/teacher 
cassandraclaire73 leaves
cassandraclaire73 enters
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey Cassie!
heiditandy says, Cassie!
keithfras says, Cassie! Loved DS13!
cassandraclaire73 leaves
cassandraclaire73 enters
slytherin_daughter says, Cassie!
cassandraclaire73 leaves
cassandraclaire73 enters
yael_pou leaves
flyingfordanglia says, Rita - what's a squick?
yael_pou enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and apparently the British law that 
wisely puts age of consent at 16 leaves it at 18 for student/teacher
  hermitchick says, ugh bouncing people!
flyingfordanglia says, Hi Cassie
selah_1977 says, Hello, Cass...
keithfras says, Ginny+Snogging = Happy Keith
synaesthete7 says, I've always been a sucker for May/Dec romances.
  Lady__Nightfall hands Cassie her rope back.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
yael_pou says, *grrr* mother-in-law had me disconnected again
cassandraclaire73 leaves
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I suppose Keith is one who always 
gets to the point, then.  "Ginny+Snogging=Happy Keith"
keithfras squints at Lady_Nightfall
yael_pou says, wasit something i said?
discords_child14456 leaves
flyingfordanglia says, Who is synaesthete7?
  Lady__Nightfall says, needs to find her hotpepper.
pippin_999 says, Ebony, I read the Orson Scott Card book you 
recommended. Thank you!
selah_1977 is away (Refuses to discuss romance.)
selah_1977 says, OH!
keithfras squints at Lady_Nightfall again
selah_1977 says, Which one?
triner2001 enters
synaesthete7 says, Rebecca Bohner/R.J. Anderson.
keithfras says, It's an invasion!
selah_1977 says, Which one, Pippin?
flyingfordanglia says, Hi Trina...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, I gatehr from author's notes on 
other people's fics that, if there is something that makes a person 
go Yuck, such as sex by people under 18, what it is about that person 
that makes them go Yuck is a squick
  hermitchick says, nobody to annoy today!  I need to bug someone, my 
skin is itchy
selah_1977 says, Hi, Trina!
triner2001 says, Hello!
  Lady__Nightfall says,   Trina~ 
pippin_999 says, Characters and Viewpoint, Ebony
selah_1977 says, Ah!
keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo to all the people who've 
come in
flyingfordanglia says, Okay - Doreen asked me - I had no idea!
pippin_999 says, Hi Trina
cassandraclaire73 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesephone, annoy Neil, he's a moderator
selah_1977 says, I thought you meant one of his novels, Pippin.
slytherin_daughter says, Indesicion, Cass?
cassandraclaire73 says, that was weird.
yael_pou says, hi Cassie!
  Lady__Nightfall hands Cassie her rope back.
pippin_999 says, I like his novels too
synaesthete7 is away (be right back)
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey, I saw the book "Lost Boys" at 
Borders about an hour ago and it was by OSC.  Almsot got it, but 
didn't have enough money.  Maybe tomorrow.
keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo to all the people who've 
come in
keithfras squints at Lady_Nightfall
  hermitchick says, I was a party one and say two 16 years olds 
having sex in the middle of the room, I hate partys and people in 
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Plus, I've got loads of books to 
finish first.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Comp probs, Cassie?
flyingfordanglia wonders if Catlady is planning a mutiny
cassandraclaire73 says, seems that way! hi all!
selah_1977 says, Isn't Card awesome?  Never read Lost Boys...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, pesephone, that sounds abaout right 
keithfras ho-hums in Persephone's direction
pippin_999 says, I haven't read Lost Boys.
keithfras never went to a party like that
  Lady__Nightfall says, Lost Boys?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, I'm sorry I said mean things on 
  hermitchick says, what?
  Lady__Nightfall wants more details???
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, I'm sorry I didn't reply to your 
selah_1977 hugs Cassie for having arrived safely.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Haven't read Card yet.  Was going 
to  byu Lost Boys, but didn't have the moeny with me so I'll probably 
buy tomorrow when I pick up the HP books.
keithfras saw two grasshoppers having sex once.....
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *boy
cassandraclaire73 higs ebony back.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *buy
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Grr...
selah_1977 says, Oh, don't start with "Lost Boys"!  Start with 
Ender's Game!
cassandraclaire73 says, has only read Ender's Game.
  catlady_de_los_angeles was hoping that Neil would volunteer his 
feet for the whole Mod Squad...
flyingfordanglia says, You were tired... I was grouchy... we were all 
moody (SAD?)
yael_pou says, keith - is that slash?
keithfras says, Hig? Is this a new schnoogle-type word?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *schnoogles everyone* -giggles-
keithfras says, I don't know, I can't tell the gender of an insect!
selah_1977  giggles
flyingfordanglia says, I think that deserves a SQUICK, Rita
  Lady__Nightfall huggles Neil.
cassandraclaire73 says, glomps everyone. is tired of schnoogling. 
schnoogling is soo out.
pippin_999 says, we've come to the schnoogles section of the 
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey, how have you guys been doing 
with the fic ship buttons, CC & HT?
heiditandy says, working on them.
slytherin_daughter says, what is a glomp?
keithfras is steering clear of schnoogling
selah_1977 is away (Refuses to discuss romance.)
cassandraclaire73 says, hey Jana! I don't know....I really liked the 
slytherin_daughter says, I thought it was a bad thing
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *whimpers and rubs shoulder from 
getting glomped*
pippin_999 says, 'Scuse me, the glomps section
heiditandy says, We have a website! !
  hermitchick says, schnoogle me and die
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I liked the idea... lol
  Lady__Nightfall says, I pounce and I huggle.
keithfras glares at certain people who know who they are
heiditandy says, we had a lot of pressure on other topics first.
pippin_999 says, LOL to Heidi's site
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *gulps*  Okay, I know who NOT to 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, who said hig, I can't type my remarks 
and keep up with everyone else's, how do people read e-mail at the 
asme time
  Lady__Nightfall says, I don't Glomp or Snoogle.
yael_pou says, Ebony - your posts to the chatter list - i didn't know 
what to say, but they sure made me happy to have been born here and 
not in there.
heiditandy says, Some silly people were asking Cassie to finish DS13, 
and that was, um, a LITTLE TIME CONSUMING  
cassandraclaire73 says, was busy making heidi beta so she probably 
didn't have time
cassandraclaire73 says, oh my, like she said.
Minzzer enters
pengolodh_sc enters
owlfriend_of_hedwig leaves
keithfras says, LOL at
cassandraclaire73 says, hi christian.
€  pengolodh_sc says, Greetings
cassandraclaire73 says, hi minzzer.
selah_1977 says, DS13 was awesome, but I've said it all at PoU...
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I went to check out the site.  
Pretty cool.   
  hermitchick says, for that matter, touch me and die
keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo to the two new arrivals
flyingfordanglia says, Hello Christian
cassandraclaire73 says, you said a mouthful eb!
selah_1977 says, Hi, Min and Christian...
  Lady__Nightfall says, we lost Simon!
cassandraclaire73 says, ill owe you a long review on TIP
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I said it all in my weirdo review of 
selah_1977 says, I had a lot to say, Cassie...   
heiditandy says, (plus, toher people have been asking me when the 
next ch of SoC is going to be done, and I want it out this week, so 
when that's done, Buttons For Everyone!)
cassandraclaire73 says, was hugely amused by jana's review
flyingfordanglia says, Mr Christian could help with a mutiny...
andreahbon enters
slytherin_daughter says, I said all in my too long review of DS13
pippin_999 says, I owe Cassie a review for DS13
slytherin_daughter says, Waaaay too long
cassandraclaire73 says, *pokes pippin*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Really?  I was actually just 
keithfras says, Cass, I loved DS13
heiditandy  gave cassie a long review of DS13 ;P
pippin_999 says, a longer one, anyway
cassandraclaire73 says, thanks keith
€  pengolodh_sc says, Mutiné?  HMS Mutiné?
  Lady__Nightfall says, btw, Heidi, pe

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