Fw: chat 4/8/01 from begiing to 4:45 PST

Denise R gypsycaine at ...
Mon Apr 9 02:58:27 UTC 2001

Get ICQ'd!  21282374
>From there to here,
from here to there,
funny things
are everywhere
         Dr. Seuss
----- Original Message -----
From: "Catlady" <catlady at ...>
To: "Denise" <gypsycaine at ...>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 7:55 PM
Subject: chat 4/8/01 from begiing to 4:45 PST

> --
>           /\ /\
>            + +     Mews and views
>          >> = <<         from Rita Prince Winston
>                      ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
>                      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
>                      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
>                     _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
>                    ((('   (((-(((''  ((((


> Connecting...
> Connected!  Sending login information...
> Your buddy hert0661isme is in chat
> You see here:
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> Minzzer enters
>   Minzzer says, hi Rita
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Minzzer, you're early
>   Minzzer says, nods head
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I pride myself that I succeeded in logging
on in time to catch all the chat
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I am REALLY still reading e-mail
>   Minzzer says, I reall am not here...just logged on and doing homework
and food
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yup
> catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away)
> Minzzer is away (Auto-Away)
> Minzzer leaves
> Minzzer enters
> pippin_999 enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Pippin!
> catlady_de_los_angeles is back.
> pippin_999 says, Hi
>   Minzzer says, hi
> pippin_999 says, We are the early birds
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I succeeded in arriving before anyone else,
Minzzer arrived RIGHT AFTER me
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer is off doing homework
> pippin_999 says, awards an official HP worm to Rita
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am typing a post for OT replying to Joan
about slash
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Gummi Worm?
> pippin_999 says, Are Gummi worms official?
> pippin_999 says, What did Joan ask about slash?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was just suggesting McGonagall and Hooch,
out of school, run into each other on Diagon ALley, and waas just wondering
whether to say "McGonagall had just returend from her Egyptian adventure"
> pippin_999 says, Ahh, where she acquired her Animaga abilities
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Joan said she only reads slash but has no
trouble distinguishing it from canon
> pippin_999 says, And was coming off her broken heart over Riddle
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Yup, your idea -- shall I borrow it for my
> pippin_999 says, Why not?
> This voice chat rocks!
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Joan said she isn't interested in
Hermione slash, so I was suggesting Hoooch/McGonagall instead
> pippin_999 says, But she said she didn't see Hermione as a sexual figure,
and if you don
> pippin_999 says, t think Hermi is, why would you think McG is
> pippin_999 says, ?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, She's a cat
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, anyway, she was younger then
> pippin_999 says, And Hooch? Why is Hooch sexy?
> pippin_999 says, Of course there's that whole broomstick metaphor thing
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, (maybe I won't post such a rambling message
> pippin_999 says, But I think the only female char's described as
attractive are Lily, H at the ball, Cho and Mme Lestrange
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Parvati and Padma are called the prettiest
girls in their year by Ron
> pippin_999 says, Right you are, I forgot
> pippin_999 says, Hard to slash Lily, she being dead and all...
> pippin_999 says, Maybe she had a fling with Mme Lestrange
> pippin_999 says, Oh we are at weird pairings again,oops
> Minzzer is away (Auto-Away)
> pippin_999 says, I don't like slash that much (except yours)
> pippin_999 says, It all starts to sound the same after a while
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lee Jordan, commentating, said Angelina is
attractive as well as a good player
> agent_starling_1999 enters
> pippin_999 says, Blah, I guess I better go read the books again
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, (slash -- doesn't need to sound all the
same anymore than het romance/erotica/porm does)
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Starling
> agent_starling_1999 says, hey!
> pippin_999 says, Hi Starling
> agent_starling_1999 says, what´s up¿
> pippin_999 says, I agree, Rita, it is I guess the writing, not the subject
> pippin_999 says, But a lot of het sounds the same too.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, on the OT list, Joanne Collins (isn't that
a celebrity's name) said she only reads slash but is not interested in
Hermione slash
> pippin_999 says, There was a ridiculous flame war over on Snape fans,
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, go on....
> pippin_999 says, because one person said another person had ripped off her
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, ripped off her NC-17 -- copying the sex
> pippin_999 says, and a third person thought she was beiing accused
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, copying the descriptions of how arousal
> pippin_999 says, and it wasn't the same story
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, copyng the plot, which could be as original
as any plot?
> pippin_999 says, She wasn't specific enough to tell, that's what was so
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL
> pippin_999 says, There were about 3 NC-17's out that weekend
> pippin_999 says, It could have been any of them, really
> dai_evans enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dai
> pippin_999 says, I think the more explicit you get, the harder it is to be
> pippin_999 says, Hi Dai
> agent_starling_1999 says, Hey!
>   dai_evans says, Hello all
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, damn, what was I just one hour ago thinking
of asking Dai... oh, yes, Hey, Dai, what was that name you sued to mean
'Rosey Palm and her five sisters"?
>   dai_evans says, eh?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, Ebony said something on one of the
list about she and her college friends used to challenge each other to write
a sex scene making use of a particular unlikely prop
> pippin_999 says, LOL
> agent_starling_1999 says, lol!
> agent_starling_1999 says, interesting...
>   dai_evans says, Oh, I get you. Pamela Hand
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yup. that one.
> agent_starling_1999 says, ouch, I gotta go
>   dai_evans says, But it's ooo early
>   dai_evans says, *sooo
> agent_starling_1999 says, oh well, I´ll come back later
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tragedy, Starling leaves us!!
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by
> pippin_999 says, Bye
>   dai_evans says, bye
> agent_starling_1999 says, I´ll be back
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, if I could type as fast as I talk
(and if I could talk as fast as I can think of things I want to say!) I
would have said that **I** am really not totally thrilled about my slashfic.
> agent_starling_1999 leaves
> pippin_999 says, Why, Rita?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, As I think I emailed you, I keep thinking
about things I wish I could have shoehorned into installment 2, instead of
getting on with installment 3
> pippin_999 says, So, finish this one, and write another.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, things that relate to THIS one
> pippin_999 says, I mean, you can tell the same story in different ways
> pippin_999 says, I don't think we need to know any of the stuff you told
me in order to understand what happens next
>   catlady_de_los_angeles grumbles
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe I will be a good kitten and get back
to my grindstone....
> pippin_999 says, LoL to image of kitty with a grindstone
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, (the voluntary one, not the one that
supports my household)
>   dai_evans says, ground kitty
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, kitty would push grindstone around and
chase it
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cruel Dai
> pippin_999 says, That Egyptian knife wielding cat might need a grindstone
>   dai_evans says, we've had mince beef, pork and lamb. It's the next
logical step
> pippin_999 says, Meat eating crisis in UK must be worse than I thought!
>   Minzzer says, lol
> Minzzer is back.
>   dai_evans says, I think cats are going to be all we can get soon.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think flint knives are sharpened by
chipping ratehr than grinding
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, but agree with the basic idea
>   dai_evans says, They keep burning the dead cattle instead of letting me
eat them
> pippin_999 says, Was it a flint knife? I thought it was ivory
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it was a flint knife
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, they still used flint when they wanted
Sharp, as in mummification
> pippin_999 says, I made it ivory in my story...oh well
> pippin_999 says, The bad guy is using it as a letter opener
>   catlady_de_los_angeles makes a face
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, evil bad guy'
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Grindelwald?
> pippin_999 says, No, the Muggle baddie
> pippin_999 says, He doesn't have a name yet
> sjbranford enters
> pippin_999 says, Simon!
>   dai_evans says, hi Simon
> sjbranford says, Hello
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Simon
> sjbranford says, Just stopping in  for a few minutes
> sjbranford says, and to confess about something
> pippin_999 says, pricks up her ears
>   dai_evans says, Rita, you are recording this arn't you
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes
>   dai_evans says, good.
> catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
> catlady_de_los_angeles
>   dai_evans says,  Now come on Simon, out with it...
> sjbranford says, you know last week there was a joanne_rowling2001
> sjbranford says, and you all seemed to be pointing the finger at John
>   dai_evans says, Ah! It was you, you bastard
>   Minzzer says, nods head
> sjbranford says, well that was me
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, i didn't point at JOhn!
>   dai_evans says, That was waaay after 12
> pippin_999 says, giggle
>   dai_evans says, The fools on you.
> sjbranford says, would have owned up earlier, but was having fun watching
teh fingers point at John
>   Minzzer says, I was pointing at earth
> why_sinead enters
> sjbranford says, I do not work by the 12 thing
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' I admire the posts that say John is
a troll
>   dai_evans says, Hello honey
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Sinead
> sjbranford says, or I was working by some weird time zone
>   Minzzer says, hi
> pippin_999 says, Hi Sinead
>   dai_evans says, Try using the timezone you're in (GMT), it works for me.
> why_sinead says, hey there!
>   Minzzer says, that guy wouldn't happen to be annoying you again, sinead?
> sjbranford says, we are in BST now
> sjbranford says, Hello Sinead
>   dai_evans says, Oh, yeah.
>   dai_evans says, That's why I keep turning up an hour late
> why_sinead says, I forgot to change my name... I just realized that I came
in on this name...
> why_sinead says, BRB
>   dai_evans says, OK, GMT doesn't work for me
> why_sinead leaves
> pippin_999 says, We are PDT here
> sjbranford says, I would have found it difficult to do an April Fools
thing properly
> spottydog02 enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Actually, I think we are still half an hour
before Start Time, so no one is late yet
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, spottydog
> sjbranford says, I was busy until 2am and then did not get up until after
>   dai_evans says, Yeah, there is still half an hour
>   dai_evans says, I got blitzed last night, rolled into bed roughly 2-3
am, and then woke up in time for the match
>   Minzzer says, more time for lunch then
> sjbranford says, rugby?
> creyentex enters
> spottydog02 says, Hi catlady, what are we talking about?
>   dai_evans says, Yeah.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nichole
>   dai_evans says, It was a scrappy game, not very impressive.
> sjbranford says, was not a good game
> creyentex says, hello! i should SOO not be here...
> pippin_999 says, Simon confessed to impersonating JKR at chat last time
> creyentex says, lol
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, dalmatian doggy, we were talking about
last chat's April Fool
> sjbranford says, http://www.hpgalleries.com/d109.htm
> sjbranford says, list of hp songs
>   dai_evans says, Yesterdays England v France was good
> sineadsiobhan enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, before that, something about fanfic
> sjbranford says, I only saw highlights
> sineadsiobhan says, there we go
> creyentex says, hi sinead
> sjbranford says, was busy sorting out stuff at home and we do not have
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi again, Sinead
> sineadsiobhan says, hey! I thought you were working on your paper,
>   dai_evans says, I saw the lot, down at the pub, the start of yesterdays
12 hour drinkning binge
>   dai_evans says, It was a really good game.
> sjbranford says, good result
> creyentex says, ummmm
> creyentex says, paper?
> sjbranford says, then watched Liverpool win this afternoon
> creyentex :feigns ingnorence::
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, How can you remember the match if you were
on a 12hr drinking binge?
>   dai_evans says, I can't be arsed with socca.
> sjbranford says, I had little else to do
>   dai_evans says, It was the start. Plus I had a break and tea after the
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, write fanfic
> sineadsiobhan says, I just saw a message before I went in about the
translations of the US/UK books
> spottydog02 says, 12 hour drinking binge! How's the hangover?
> sjbranford says, I do not have time to write fanfic at teh moment
>   dai_evans says, It clashed with the Wales Italy game, you could have
watched that and seen some real sport.
> sjbranford says, no watched the rugby, then the football
>   dai_evans says, Hangover's been with me since I got up and hasn't abated
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, you just said you have little else
to do but watch sport!
> sineadsiobhan says, What do you think? Is it bad, the US translations?
> sineadsiobhan says, Dai? You drank all day yesterday?
> sineadsiobhan says, 12 hours?!
> sjbranford says, that was only a few hours in the last couple of days
> hermitchick enters
> Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
>   dai_evans says, Pretty much.
>   dai_evans says, Hi Kate
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, In general, I don't care very much about
the USA translations -- I like the stories both ways
>   hermitchick says, ami on time?
> sineadsiobhan says, tsk tsk...
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I do think the title should ahve stayed
Philosiphers Stone
> sineadsiobhan says, Pretty much on time Kate
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Kate, you are technicall 25 min early
>   dai_evans says, I don't remember e-mailing you yesterday, Sinead.
> catorman enters
>   hermitchick says, why did they change it?
> sineadsiobhan says, You did though
> spottydog02 says, Useful trick to avoid hangovers..before going to bed
take 1000mg ibuprofen with a large glass of milk
>   dai_evans says, Yeah, so I found out when your reply dreopped onto the
> pippin_999 says, They thought no one would understand what a philosopher
> sineadsiobhan says, I got the email yesterday... hmm...
>   hermitchick says, umm..Ok
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, The American publisher thought American
children would reject a book withPhilosopher in the title for fear it would
be school like
> creyentex says, thats dumb.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, preachy
> catorman leaves
> sineadsiobhan says, I've been pretty busy all week.. tests blah
>   dai_evans says, Well, they've got a point. Americans aren't renowned
>   hermitchick says, Though I've been around HS kids, and their stupidity
is scary
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Then it could have bene The ALchemists
> spottydog02 says, Hey, we know what philosophers are. The publishers just
made a bad decision. Not the first time that has happened.
> sineadsiobhan says, I dunno...
> creyentex says, <--high school kid!
>   hermitchick says, doubt they'd know what that is either
>   Minzzer says, nods head
> pippin_999 says, Americans are well renowned <g>
>   hermitchick says, dumb people bother me
>   dai_evans says, Hey, Sinead, don't you study History?
> sineadsiobhan says, Yes I do.
>   dai_evans says, How come you have to do tests on Quantum Mechanics?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nichole, Persephone (hermitchick) is a high
school kid, too, that's what she's condemned/doomed to associate with them
> sineadsiobhan says, It's required
> sjbranford says, QM?
> creyentex says, lol....that makes lots of sense...
> sineadsiobhan sighs
> sjbranford runs away screaming and hides#
> sineadsiobhan says, I have to take that class at the college I'm at at
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, American Universities have distribrution
rquirements, meaning tht every student is required to take classes outside
their major
>   dai_evans says, I hated quantum mechanics. Havn't touched it since
physics a-level.
> sineadsiobhan says, I go to CGS (College of General Studies)
>   hermitchick says, I like that one, "condemned to associate wioth them"
> sineadsiobhan says, 5 classes
> sjbranford says, I tried it last year and did ok
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, some specific ones like Freshman English or
Calculus or one foreign language
> sineadsiobhan says, it's hell
> sineadsiobhan says,
> spottydog02 says, I kind of liked the title "Doomspell Tournament" rather
than "Goblet of Fire"
>   dai_evans says, I'm glad I'm in britain. I only have to study what I
signed up for - aeroplanes.
>   dai_evans says, It's cool
> sineadsiobhan says, But the people are nicer than HS
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, some general one like 'one course each in
lab science, social science, literature'
> creyentex says, sighs and resigns herself to work on her term
> sineadsiobhan says, after 2 years I can take whatever I want
> creyentex says, :-(
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, good luch Nichole
> creyentex says, see you later (i hope). thanks!
> creyentex leaves
>   hermitchick says, our high school has really high requirments for
>   dai_evans says, how long is the degree?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai, 4 years,
> has anyone tried using the new messenger chat client?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, in theory age 18,19,20,21
>   dai_evans says, you get a masters in 4 years over here
> pippin_999 says, A lot of places will let you take the non-major courses
off campus
> sineadsiobhan says, I go to CGS first for 2 years then transfer to CAS
(College of Arts and Sciences) for 2 more years then go to Graduate CAS (4
more years)
> pippin_999 says, Distance learning or community college over summer
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, with good enough test scores, a lot of
places will let you into a 5 year combined Bachelors and Masters program
>   hermitchick says, I'll be almost 19 befor college, that's not fun
>   dai_evans says, 8 years of uni?
>   dai_evans says, I'm pissed at having to do 3
> pippin_999 says, I think you get more out of college if you are older
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, 8 years of uni would be for Bachlelors
followed by a professional degree such as MD or LLB
> synaesthete7 enters
> sineadsiobhan says, I'm 19!
>   dai_evans says, I'm going straight into work after my bachelors
> sineadsiobhan says, and I'm going to be 20 in a month
>   hermitchick says, yeah probably, but dealing with HS students is driving
me nuts, more than before
>   dai_evans says, define a proffessional degree?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Normal people go straight into work after
their Bachelors
> sjbranford says, Bye
> sineadsiobhan says, I want to get my master's in history
> sjbranford says, I have gotta go and do otehr things
> sineadsiobhan says, leaving simon?
> pippin_999 says, Kate, can you take some courses at community college?
> sjbranford says, may return later
>   dai_evans says, bye si
> sineadsiobhan says, see ya si
> pippin_999 says, Bye Simon
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Prefessional degree -- you have to get an
MD to become a physican, DDS to become a dentist, LLB (or JD) to become a
> sjbranford says, I am at home, so do not want to spend all night online
> sjbranford says, parents would moan
>   hermitchick says, not really
> sjbranford says, gurgle penguins
> sjbranford leaves
> sineadsiobhan says, i might leave early... I want to go out for dinner
>   dai_evans says, I started off on the masters course, but realised it was
a reach too far at the end of the first year.
> synaesthete7 says, Not too many people here yet, I see... or did I miss
> sineadsiobhan says, its a nice day
> pippin_999 says, My son wanted to take Latin, so he did that at a CC,
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, MBA (master of Business aASdministration)
and ME (Master of Engineering) are not requried by law
> sineadsiobhan says, Latin rules!
>   dai_evans says, It's been pissing it down all afternoon here.
>   dai_evans says, Was nice this morning though.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, synaesthete -- Rebecca? -- if still 17 min
to offical start time
> sineadsiobhan says, Might go to Baldini's
>   hermitchick says, My uncle has an MBA, he's an idiot
> pippin_999 says, Sunny and clear here in Los Angeles County
> sineadsiobhan says, My god the pizza is great
> pippin_999 says, what else?
> sineadsiobhan says, Ugh.. I don't want to watch your movies Julias3x
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, what degree do Divinity Schools give?
>   hermitchick says, it was 20 on thursday and it was 75 on Friday, it's 70
something now
> pippin_999 says, ThD, catlady
> spottydog02 says, A professional degree means a The worst part of the
Masters Degree is the #&@* thesis.
> sineadsiobhan says, Might go for more school this summer
> synaesthete7 says, Oh, I thought it started at 2.  Yep, Rebecca.  Although
there are a couple of Rebeccas on the list, aren't there?
> sineadsiobhan says, at COM (College of Communications)
> spottydog02 says, oops sorry 2 thoughts at once
> sineadsiobhan says, Study film and deaf culture
> sineadsiobhan says, the classes sound really fun!
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, There are some professional degrees (e,g
Optometry, Pharmacy) tht are the last two years of Bachelors plus two years
of grad school
> pippin_999 says, Film study is fun, you get to watch movies in class
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Or, Sinead, are you aiming at a PhD in only
4 years after BA?
> synaesthete7 says, If I'd known that I wouldn't have been so mean to the
baby and made him go to bed when he wasn't totally tired out yet.  BAD
> sineadsiobhan says, I got my schedule for next fall! 8 am Archeology class
fun fun fun!
> Minzzer is away (Auto-Away)
> sineadsiobhan says, I would like to do history as a major.. maybe even
double major
> sineadsiobhan says, at COM and CAS
> synaesthete7 says, My brother's studying THE MATRIX with his gifted class
in HS at the moment.  They're talking about the limits of human plasticity
and messianic aspirations... makes me want to go back to HS.
> spottydog02 chuckles in amusement
> pippin_999 leaves
>   hermitchick says, Oh god!  I just saw the Sunday papper, Dad's pic is on
the fron page.  Damn I'm not going to sleep this week.  Damn Easter, and
Damn Candy shop!!!
>   dai_evans says, I'm fed up to the back teeth with education, I want to
get out ASAFP.
>   hermitchick says, We're reading the scarlet letter, I'm the only one
who's read it in my class
> sineadsiobhan says, Speaking of film studies we watched the Piano last
> pippin_999 enters
> sineadsiobhan says, and the week before Ju Dou
>   dai_evans says, I didn't like the piano.
>   hermitchick says, Why are they studying "the Matrix" in school?
> synaesthete7 leaves
> synaesthete7 enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kate, what will happen because of Dad's pic
on front page: his ego will swell? evil HS students will make fun of you?
> sineadsiobhan says, and I think... in a week or so... we watch The Player
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, they're studyng the Matrix for the same
reason a studying any other piece of literature
> sineadsiobhan says, I think Tim Robbins is a great actor
>   dai_evans says, Havn't heard of the Player
> synaesthete7 says, Sorry, I got cut off there.  Did somebody ask something
I missed?
>   hermitchick says, probably both, but it's a pic of him at the candy
shoop, the week befor easter
>   dai_evans says, Tim Robbins is greeat.
> sineadsiobhan says, the players a great movie
> sineadsiobhan says, Tim Robbins is in the movie
>   dai_evans says, The Shawshank redemption is my all time favourite film
> spottydog02 says, Some of the best movies to study are the old black and
white ones, like The Maltese Falcon, The Women, etc. A friend of mine did
their thesis on Alfred Hitchcock movies. Very interesting.
> sineadsiobhan says, Did you se.. you read my mind Dai
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rebecca didn't miss anything
> synaesthete7 says, OK.
> sineadsiobhan says, We did study Psycho earlier this semester
>   hermitchick says, I go to a damn northeastern school, toughest place for
education, plus our principal thinks we should all be honours students
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Spottydog, do you a name that is less
likely for me to type it as god?
> selah_1977 enters
> synaesthete7 says, Speaking of b&w movies... Judgment at Nuremberg is
brill.  So is Twelve Angry Men.  And to think I used to think b&w films were
> sineadsiobhan says, and last semester we studied Chinatown, Citizen Kane,
and Sherlock Junior
>   catlady_de_los_angeles  throw 'have' up there
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Ebony
>   dai_evans says, Hi Eb
> pippin_999 says, Hi Ebony!
> spottydog02 says, Spotty
> sineadsiobhan says, hey eb!
> synaesthete7 says, *lobs a "have" at the screen*
> selah_1977 says, hello!
>   hermitchick says, hi
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, they're somparing their Fil Studies calsses
> selah_1977 is away (Auto-Away)
>   hermitchick says, "fil studies classes?
> selah_1977 is away (Writing... be back soon...)
> pippin_999 is away (be right back)
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, FilM studies
>   hermitchick says, oh, what's a film study class?
> jamesf991 enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, They watch movies and write papers about
>   dai_evans says, I lived with a girl last year who did film studies. She
only had 4 lectures a  week.
>   hermitchick says, why?  what's the point of that?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't know if they have to write papers
about the use of techniques like tracking shots
> synaesthete7 says, A class whWhat's the point of studying anything?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, and how the film stock available in those
days affected the choice of colors in the set and costume dsign
> synaesthete7 says, Sorry if that sounded snide, didn't mean to.
>   dai_evans says, They do here. It's all about the productuion of the
fiolm and stuff
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, or just the Literature stuff about
symbolism and theme and characterization and so on
>   hermitchick says, I had theatre arts one year, it was stupid.  Should
have taken another language or writing class
> synaesthete7 says, I liked the lit stuff.  Could care less about camera
> synaesthete7 says, *Couldn't care less, sorry.
>   dai_evans says, Apparently some girl called laura wants to show me
photos of hot teen pussy.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, when people major in Film at USC, they
spend their time making short films
> synaesthete7 says, Eurgh!
>   hermitchick says, I'm still scared from last night
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, we all get those PMs -- I guess that is how
Yahoo! pay to let us use the chat room free
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesphone, what happened liast night?
> spottydog02 says, What scared you last night?
>   hermitchick says, I'm a makeup person and lacky to the teacher incharge
of the theatre dept.  The actors are wierd!
> synaesthete7 says, Oh, that.  All actors are weird.
>   hermitchick says, they did lots of HS kid like stuff
>   hermitchick says, My sister's friend has a pic of some guy nakid on her
camera because he stripped and had some one take pics with it
> jamesf991 leaves
> synaesthete7 says, Eurgh!
>   dai_evans says, Kate, you upset Jim
> spottydog02 says, Who developed the film?
>   hermitchick says, whops
>   hermitchick says, I dunno
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is he proud of his looks, or just a remote
technology flasher?
> synaesthete7 says, I always feel sorry for people who work in photo
developing places.  The things they must see...
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, (exhibitionist)
>   hermitchick says, he's an exobitionist
> Minzzer is away (busy)
>   hermitchick says, I was supposed to keep them in line, but that didn't
work vey well
>   dai_evans says, Over here they're not allowed to give the customers back
film,s with nudity in them
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, So any one who shoots art pics has to
develop their own?
>   dai_evans says, Yes
> pippin_999 is back.
>   hermitchick says, and the other makeup people didn't care about my
seniority,  I have 3 years experience and this is their 1st year!
>   dai_evans says, Anyone serious about art photography would develop their
own anyway.
> synaesthete7 says, I assume that excludes baby-in-the-bath pictures.
> spottydog02 says, Good policy. That way pictures don't come back to haunt
people years later if the become well known
>   dai_evans says, Yeah. Babies are excepted
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, There have been parents in USA who were
arrested and tried for child pornography for baby-in-the-bath pictures.
>   hermitchick says, I wonder what they do with the conficated pics?
> synaesthete7 says, And women who had their kids taken away because they
were still nursing them at 3+ years.
> spottydog02 says, oops, gotta go. back later
>   dai_evans says, I used to develop my own stuff. When I had use of a dark
> spottydog02 leaves
>   hermitchick says, who was that?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dunno
> synaesthete7 says, Who was who?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, didn't tell us another name
>   hermitchick says, I hate underclassmen, the upperclassmen suck too
>   dai_evans says, Kate, aren't you a senior?
> sineadsiobhan is away (Auto-Away)
>   hermitchick says, Oh, I drew a Harry/Draco pic.  The people on my ML
thought it was cute.  Is that a good thing?
>   hermitchick says, Jounor
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cute is better than 'it sucks'
>   hermitchick says, true
>   dai_evans says, What's a junior exactly?
>   hermitchick says, 11th grade
> synaesthete7 says, I drew Snape last week, but he's a bit too
>   dai_evans says, Which means what?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
>   hermitchick says, did you scan it?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, in high schoo, that is 9th, 10th, 11th,
12th grade
> synaesthete7 says, Yep.
>   dai_evans says, What grade does HS start?
>   hermitchick says, we have 6th ,7th, and 8th at the school too
> sineadsiobhan is back.
> sineadsiobhan says, theres two different types of HS
> sineadsiobhan says, one that starts at 10th and one that starts at 9th
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, a lot of schools of 6-7-8 grade are called
Middle Schools
>   dai_evans says, Oh god. This is way too comlicated
> synaesthete7 says, I thought UK schools were complicated.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, a lot of schools of 7-8-9 grades are called
Junior High Schools
> sineadsiobhan says, Junior High is 7-9th and Middle School is 6-8th
>   dai_evans says, OK, the public school system over here has a similar
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, One of my friends went to a high school
with grades 8 thru 12, and the 8th graders were called "sub-fresh-men"
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai, I gather that your uni years are
Freshman Sophomore, Senior, so that our Junior must have been added because
we have 4 years
> synaesthete7 says, Here in Ontario HS students don't get called anything.
Except in some place 9th graders are "gummers" because they're new.
>   hermitchick says, there's ones with 6th-12th, and they are called "scum"
by the bigger kids
>   dai_evans says, UK state schools are easy, just reception then years 1
to 6 in primary school, then years 7-11 in HS then lower 6th form and then
upper sixth form
>   dai_evans says, We don't name them like that.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Does that include Kindergarten
> synaesthete7 says, Or junior kindergarten?
>   dai_evans says, We just have 1st years, second years, third years
(fourth years on a masters, 5th years for medics)
>   hermitchick says, the pic finally opened.  I like
> synaesthete7 says, *nods at Dai* Same here.
>   dai_evans says, Um reception is age 4-5 and is first year primary school
> synaesthete7 says, Thanks!
>   hermitchick is lost, stops thinking to conserve brain cells
>   dai_evans says, There are kidergartens, but they're just pre-school
daycare type places.
> synaesthete7 says, Dai, where in Wales are you from?
> sineadsiobhan says, and didn't realize I was idle...
>   dai_evans says, Cardiff
> synaesthete7 says, Ooh.  Loved Cardiff castle, was bummed that I got stuck
in Swansea for four days instead of getting to stay in Cardiff.
>   dai_evans says, I live just outside Cardiff now in a little town called
>   dai_evans says, Swansea suck ass.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles looked at Rebeca;s pic of Snape, thinks it is
gorgeous, wonders whether nose is promiinent enough
> synaesthete7 says, Wales is dead gorgeous IMO.  Love to go back.  And
yeah, Swansea's dull.
>   hermitchick says, I should be doing home work, but I have noting to all
night so I'll do it then, and stay here getting more confused
> synaesthete7 says, Nose needs to be more hooked, I think.
>   dai_evans says, Cardiff castle's nice. Castell Coch, just outside
Cardiff is nicer
> pippin_999 is away (Auto-Away)
> synaesthete7 says, I'll bet.  I just loved the stone animals around the
walls:  they were so gorgeously lifelike.
>   hermitchick says, I like your pic though, it's coloured!
>   dai_evans says, If you've ever been to Chateau Chinon in france, it's
just like that
>   dai_evans says, .
> hermitchick Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
> sineadsiobhan is gonna leave in an hour and eat.. I've got the munchies
>   dai_evans says, I always look at the animals when I pass them. I nearly
rear ended someone at the lights once doing that
>   hermitchick says, whopse
> catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> synaesthete7 says, I photographed the lioness & the wolf.
>   dai_evans is thinking hard
>   dai_evans says, I don't remeber them
>   hermitchick doesn't know what their talking about, just likes reading it
> yael_pou enters
> synaesthete7 says, Cardiff Castle.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Yael,
>   dai_evans says, Hi Yael
> synaesthete7 says, Hi!
>   hermitchick says, hello
> yael_pou says, hi!
>   dai_evans says, Who are you synaesthete?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, before they strated talking about Cardiff
Cstle, we were talking about the years in school
> synaesthete7 says, Rebecca.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, starting with what grades re Hgh School?
>   dai_evans says, ah
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, you could tell us what they are in Israel
>   hermitchick says, Anyone want to see my ugly pic that people called cute
on the ML?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, of course
>   dai_evans says, no
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think lvoing couples SHOULD look cute
>   hermitchick says, he's mean
>   hermitchick says, Invoing?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, you knew that already
> synaesthete7 says, *lobs a spoon at Dai*
>   dai_evans says, I'm a bastard, what am I?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, loving
>   hermitchick says, oh, and yes
> yael_pou says, Rita - tell you how's what? Grades system?
> selah_1977 is back.
> selah_1977 says, Ugh--GROSS IM!
>   dai_evans says, Show us the drawing
> yael_pou says, Hi Eb!
> selah_1977 says, Hey!
>   dai_evans says, what was it Eb?
> synaesthete7 says, Eugh, baby alert.
> al_ffn enters
> selah_1977 says, Some sick chick named Laura.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, AL
> selah_1977 says, Hi, Al!
> yael_pou says, short for Ebony
> synaesthete7 is away (be right back)
>   dai_evans says, I had that one
> al_ffn says, hello!!
> yael_pou says, hey Al! Where's ToT 5?
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, We al lget tons of GROSS PMs
>   dai_evans says, pussy photos or something
> al_ffn says, ToT5 erm ....
> al_ffn says, *still* at the betas
> selah_1977 says, Yuck, lady... I don't even roll like that.
>   hermitchick says, I have to make it smaller, but it's in pencil
> selah_1977 says, The yuck is for the Laura lady.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it is Yahoos way of paying for
letting us use the chatroom free
>   hermitchick says,
> selah_1977 is away (Writing... be back soon...)
>   hermitchick says, I like that idea
>   hermitchick says, the yahoo paying thing
> sineadsiobhan says, I've used the chat since December and never got one of
those naughty IMs until last week
> al_ffn says, eep ... flying visit here - pudding on table - back soon
>   dai_evans says, I wouldn't call that cute.
> yael_pou says, Sinead - exactly the same here.
>   hermitchick says, this is why I don't draw, but someone challenged me,
and I don't back down.  I get in trouble like that a lot
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, It IS cute
>   hermitchick says, Dai, SHUT UP!!!
>   dai_evans says, shite maybe, but not cute
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's the kind of quick sketch that the
person who drew it never likes but eeryone else does
> sineadsiobhan says, So I think Yahoo's playing a joke on us this month
> yael_pou says, hermichick - that's cute! Are those Harry and Draco?
>   dai_evans says, everyone except me
>   hermitchick says, yup
> p_dumbledore enters
>   hermitchick says, noone cares what you think Dai, I don't
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, The person who drew it KNOWS that it is
just a few lines on the paper, but everyone else just sees how much it
ilooks like the subject
>   hermitchick says, Oh god, psycology
>   dai_evans says, I thought it looked like some kidergarten artwork
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, except I really think you got Harry JUST
RIGHT, but Draco looks a little but too much like a girl
>   hermitchick says, I know
> yael_pou says, Dai, you're evil.
> jamesf991 enters
>   dai_evans says, No, I'm just stating that Kates drawing is utter poo.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jim, did we scare you away before?
> yael_pou says, Hi Jim!
> yael_pou is away (be right back)
> jamesf991 says, Hi, yael
>   hermitchick says, I always draw people looking like girls, I draw too
much anime
> synaesthete7 says, Wake up on the wrong side of the border?
> sineadsiobhan says, Ugh!
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, He spent 12 hrs drinking yesterday
> sineadsiobhan says, I got that IM eb
>   dai_evans says, I would have thought that for someone who draws you
might demonstrate some skill
>   p_dumbledore says, Afternoon All.. or whatever it is in your part of the
world !
> hermitchick sneers at dai_evans disdainfully.
> hermitchick smacks dai_evans.
> dai_evans laughs at hermitchick.
>   hermitchick says, go it that time
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Dennis, how did I miss saing Hi to
> Minzzer is back.
>   Minzzer says, what did I miss?
>   p_dumbledore says, I snuck in between comments.. ha ha!
> hermitchick smacks dai_evans.
>   hermitchick says, hello all people I didn't notice, which is most of you
> sineadsiobhan is going to leave even earlier.. friend just convinced her
to go to ice cream parlor
> dai_evans pats hermitchick on the head.
> synaesthete7 is away (stepped out)
>   dai_evans says, Are you coming back later?
> yael_pou is back.
>   p_dumbledore says, You didn't have to tell us where you were going..
Sounds delicious... !!
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minnzer missed nothing except Dai being
>   hermitchick says, I'm not a dog, don't pat me on the head bastard
> dai_evans points at hermitchick.
> synaesthete7 is back.
> dai_evans laughs at hermitchick.
> sineadsiobhan says, I dunno... its been a busy weekend..
> Minzzer bonks hermitchick on the head.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I liled, there were also URLs for a good
pic of Snape by Rebeccas and a cute pic of Harry/Draco by Persepehone
>   dai_evans says, Oh.
> sineadsiobhan says, and you two seem to be having fun beating each other
up LOL
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sinead, threaten Dai that you won't
schnoogle with him if he keeps being mnean to Persephone
>   dai_evans says, It won't last.
> pippin_999 is back.
> yael_pou says, hey - could you post the Snape URL again?
>   dai_evans says, Sinead, when are your tests?
> pippin_999 says, What did I miss?
> synaesthete7 says, What, being mean or schnoogling?
>   dai_evans says, being mean
> sineadsiobhan says, Okay. I. Will. Never. Schnoogle. You. If. You. Are.
Being. Mean. To. Kate.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, URLs of pcis of Snape by Rebeccas and
Harry/Draco by Kate
> sineadsiobhan says, ta?
> hermitchick pouts.
> catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> sineadsiobhan says,
> synaesthete7 says, http://home.golden.net/~rebeccaj/img/snapecol2.jpg
>   dai_evans says, Sinead, you're grammer is crap
>   Minzzer says, Kate, why are you pouting?
> al_ffn says, Is back now
>   hermitchick says, because Dai is mean
> sineadsiobhan says, So is yours.. you're not supposed to use "you're" in
that context
> synaesthete7 says, So is "you're's", Dai.
> yael_pou says, Al - ToT 5? Didn't you get it back from the betas during
last week's chat?
>   dai_evans says, ok ok
> yael_pou says, OMG! Rebecca! This is an amazing pic!
>   p_dumbledore says, Found a bunch of new HP coloring books at the local
store today.   Some for doing stained glass sort of pictures..  There seems
to be so much of this stuff and I'm sure more on the way !
>   Minzzer says, bad Dai...Dai should not try to be more evil than
Minzzer's evil twin Rezznim
> synaesthete7 says, Excuse any typos, I'm NAK.
>   hermitchick kickes Dai for no apparent reasion except it was fun
> al_ffn says, yeah, from one of them.  One got back to me today, but forgot
to attach to document
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says,  hermitchick says,
>   dai_evans says, Sinead, when are your tests? When is this silly working
thing going to be over.
>   p_dumbledore says, Sometimes I think you can overdo a good thing !
> selah_1977 says, Love the Snape pic!
> yael_pou says,   Al!
> sineadsiobhan says, My last one is on thursday
> selah_1977 is away (Writing... be back soon...)
> sineadsiobhan says, it's just one but I want to do well on it
>   dai_evans says, ok
> Minzzer leaves
> synaesthete7 says, Thanks!!!
> Minzzer enters
> sineadsiobhan says, Last week I logged 10 hours of study per night
>   dai_evans says, I always want to do well as well. It just never happens
> al_ffn says, hopefully within a day or two ... pleasepleaseplease
> sineadsiobhan says, and by friday came, I was awake for the test and after
I took it I just passed out
>   dai_evans says, Sinead, that's obscene. I'm lucky if I do 10 hours per
half year exam
> sineadsiobhan says, from exhaustion and sleepiness
> dai_evans attempts to comfort sineadsiobhan.
> mgrantwich enters
> sineadsiobhan says, but still went to school rest of day
> yael_pou says, Actually, i'm happy, Al.   This way i'll be able to finish
my chapter with no "disturbance"
> sineadsiobhan says, I don't wanna miss school
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Magda
> mgrantwich says, hello
> al_ffn says, I deleted all of ToT6 today because I hate it, so it really
doesn't matter how long they take on this one.
>   hermitchick says, Why study 10 hours?  If you can't get it in a half
hour, you're not going to get it ever
>   dai_evans says, hi there
> yael_pou says, Sinead - you're gonna sleep through your tests this way.
> synaesthete7 is away (Auto-Away)
>   dai_evans says, Good point
> bludger_witch enters
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dinah!
> sineadsiobhan says, humm.. I revised my sleeping schedule so I could
sleep, study, and go to school
> bludger_witch says, Hi!
> mgrantwich says, Did someone named Cindie just send me a private note?  It
was weird.
>   hermitchick says, Then again I don't study period.  Can remember
anything school related, but nothing alse, very bad
>   Minzzer says, how can you study for that long...ack...I'd go
crazy...scratch that thought I am crazy
> yael_pou says, *chokes* Al - you deleted the chapter? Oh no! The thought
of what's lost makes me shiver.
> al_ffn says, 112KB of it, too
>   dai_evans says, I guess when you live in a country where you're too
young to drink it must be easy to study.
> sineadsiobhan says, I.E. Sleeping at 3 waking up at 8 pm to study
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm only getting the usual number of PMs
advertisining Porn but the rest of the chatters sey they are getting more
than usaual
> yael_pou says, Dinah! *schnoogled Dinah* Here we go.
> sineadsiobhan says, and study throughout the night
>   dai_evans says, Sinead, that's bad
>   hermitchick says, likes taht schedul
> sineadsiobhan says, til the morning and go to school
> bludger_witch says, Ouch. If one of my story-parts'd get deleted, I'd pull
my hair out
> sineadsiobhan says, not to me it's not bad
> mgrantwich says, Oh.  So I shouldn't worry?
> yael_pou says, Al - I'm almost in tears. Next time you want to trash a
chapter, throw it my way.
> sineadsiobhan says, I wanna do well that's all
>   Minzzer says, can't do that...I study all day then I sleep and then cram
in the morning and then school
> jamesf991 is away (Auto-Away)
>   dai_evans says, I hope you do
> sineadsiobhan schnoogles Dai
>   Minzzer says, good luck
>   hermitchick says, I use all my time working on the Archive I just
started, I love it, but it's still stupid looking!
> sineadsiobhan hoping Dai doesn't mind
> al_ffn says, I've been re-writing it all afternoon.  Sometimes - long
theory here, it's better to trash rather than go through and add bits, which
is what I had been doing.
>   dai_evans doesn't mind a bit
> al_ffn says, Plus I need to give Draco some incentives
> bludger_witch says, Ooh!   *schnoogles yael back*
> sineadsiobhan says, Guess where my mum and dad are as we speak?
> bludger_witch leaves
> al_ffn says, Kenya?
>   dai_evans says, Ireland?
> sineadsiobhan says, In London.. I'm jealous
> al_ffn says, Ooh ... *waves at Sinead's parents*
> sineadsiobhan says, for the week.. I'm jealous
>   dai_evans says, That's mean of them, not to take you. My parents always
offer to take me when they go abroad.
> al_ffn says, *Sinead's parents give Al weird looks*
> sineadsiobhan says, LOL
> yael_pou says, Sinead - will she bump into the barier in King's Cross for
> sineadsiobhan says, No I don't want to miss school
> sineadsiobhan says, I declined Copenhagen one year because I didn't want
to miss school
>   hermitchick says, where is everyone today?
>   dai_evans says, Ah. I always refuse because I need to earn money.
> bludger_witch enters
>   dai_evans says, I turned down Italy this summer
> sineadsiobhan says, my dad and sister went instead
> yael_pou says, Sinead - studing through the night, don't want to miss
school... we should call you Hermione.
> yael_pou says, Dinah - what happened?
> Your buddy heiditandy is on pager
> sineadsiobhan says, Sinead's hard enough to pronounce LOL
>   Minzzer says, I think everyone is enjoying the day...unlike me
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer. what's wrong?
> bludger_witch says, Pc froze and just when I refreshed it worked again -
dumb thing
>   dai_evans says, Sineads not hard to pronounce. Hermione isn't either,
once you've herad it said correctly.
> pippin_999 is away (Auto-Away)
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah, all  you missed is that Sinead's
paretns are llin London without her
> sineadsiobhan says, to the Americans here Sinead is hard to pronounce
> bludger_witch says, Minz, don't worry. I spent the whole day at the
birthday of my uncle, getting bugged by relatives about school, drivers
license and so on
>   dai_evans says, That's because americans are stupid.
>   Minzzer says, I'm craming for something that I know I'll never get...arg
> sineadsiobhan says, had to go through school correcting peoples
pronounciations of my name
>   catlady_de_los_angeles considers that Dai, being Welsh, doesn't know
from easy to pronouncei
>   Minzzer says, and its not even math
>   hermitchick says, what?
> bludger_witch says, Oh   Lucky thing for me my parents wouldn't get along
in London without me <g>
> jamesf991 is back.
> jamesf991 says, sin-AID ?
>   dai_evans says, You should try living in England with my name.
> yael_pou says, Dai, you're a killer today.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer, an exam?
> sineadsiobhan says, they pronunce it Sine- aid.. like the sinus medicine
we have here
>   hermitchick says, of what type?
>   dai_evans says, I'm hung over
>   hermitchick says, why the hell whould thy do that?
> p_dumbledore is away (Auto-Away)
>   Minzzer says, no...I had those...its this really really big test in
science...and its for the upcoming disection
> sineadsiobhan says, 12 hours of drinking.. sheeesh
>   hermitchick says, Of what poor animal?
> mgrantwich says, have to go; someone else wants to use the phone; bye for
>   Minzzer says, and the whole week has been whacked
> sineadsiobhan says, how many glasses is that?
> Your buddy heiditandy is in chat
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Magda
>   dai_evans says, bye
> heiditandy enters
> mgrantwich leaves
>   hermitchick doesn't believe in excuses
>   dai_evans says, Hi Heidi
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi
> yael_pou says, bye
>   Minzzer says, a frog
> bludger_witch says, bye
> al_ffn says, *waves in Heidi's direction*
> yael_pou says, Heidi! Hi!
> jamesf991 says, Bye Yael
> ?  heiditandy says, hi!
> al_ffn says, bye Yael
>   dai_evans says, Bye Yael
> sineadsiobhan says, Hey Heidi!
>   Minzzer says, *waves*
> bludger_witch says, Hi!
> jamesf991 says, Hi Heidi
> yael_pou says, bye Jim
> sineadsiobhan says, Did you get my mail?
>   hermitchick says, frog's easy, the fetal pig is a trip
> ?  heiditandy says, am watching barney w/harry andam typing 1-handed...
> p_dumbledore is back.
>   p_dumbledore says, Ah!  Poor little froggie !!  :-(
> ?  heiditandy says, bye yael!
> yael_pou says, Jim - are you leaving?
> yael_pou says, Heidi, you're here. How can i go away
> ?  heiditandy says, sinead - I don't think so - what address?
> al_ffn says, confusion reigns ...
> jamesf991 leaves
> sineadsiobhan says, via snail mail
>   Minzzer says, o its probably easy if I my mind wasn't brain dead at the
> sineadsiobhan says, the 5 dollars..
>   hermitchick says, what's the proublem?
> ?  heiditandy says, oh! yeah, I think so...
> synaesthete7 is back.
> bludger_witch says, and yael, are you leaving? i think we are a bit
confused right now!
> synaesthete7 says, Am I delusional or did Yael say something about my pic
that I now can't find?
> sineadsiobhan says, and my poor stomache is growling
> synaesthete7 says, Yael's comment, not the pic.
> sineadsiobhan says, I think I'll kip off to an early dinner
>   hermitchick says, Why do they have disections when it gets hot?
Teacher's like the smell of worm dead animals
> yael_pou says, yes Dinah, we were. Jim said bye to me because *he* left.
>   Minzzer says, anyone know how to wake my brain dead brain?
> bludger_witch says, Just why does it take my messages at least a minute to
get through??? Help, computer police!
> synaesthete7 says, The smell of formaldehyde makes me so nauseated I can't
handle it.
> sineadsiobhan says, then get something to eat at night... I know I'll be
hungry later
>   hermitchick says, caffeene?
> ?  heiditandy says, yael - happy passover - and to any other MoTs too
>   dai_evans says, Bye Sinead, have a nice dinner
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer 1) sleep. 2) caffeine 3) something
fast frightens you for real
>   hermitchick likes the smell of formaldryhide
>   p_dumbledore says, Sort of like "Nothing like the smell of warm
formaldahyde in the morning"   Yeeech
> sineadsiobhan says, adios all! talk to you all later
> synaesthete7 says, Bye!
> bludger_witch says, "Brain dead brain" ??? What kind of illness is that?
> al_ffn says, Hasta la vista!
> yael_pou says, Sinead - what picture - i've seen Rebecca's and Hermi's.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Sinead
> sineadsiobhan says, picture?
>   Minzzer says, I'm alreasy bouncing...everyone I talked to has told me to
stop bouncing
>   Minzzer says, sleep...what is that?
>   hermitchick says, Everyone called my Daria today, damn little kids
>   Minzzer says, bye
> yael_pou says, thanks Heidi.
>   dai_evans says, Daria?
> al_ffn says, cartoon series, Dai ... I think
> sineadsiobhan says, adios all!   I'll be by later
>   Minzzer says, that was mean
> yael_pou says, bye Sinead
>   hermitchick says, I'm never taking my sister's sunday school class ever
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, After a vamlire on Buffym, I thihnk
>   p_dumbledore says, I need to run for a few, may be back later !
>   dai_evans says, see ya!
> sineadsiobhan leaves
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Dennis
>   Minzzer says, bye
> p_dumbledore leaves
> synaesthete7 says, Oh, I found it.  Thanks, Yael.
>   hermitchick says, anyone else want to torture 10 year-olds at the
>   Minzzer says, I can send Rezznim over for you
> synaesthete7 says, No, Daria was a spinoff of "Beavis & Butthead".  No
Buffy link.
> ?  heiditandy says, daria= mtv caroon = v. good
> ?  heiditandy says, darla = buffy vampire = very bad
> al_ffn says, I believe we have it on Channel 5 ... Daria that is.
> bludger_witch says, But Daira had lots of brains - B/B hadn't
> yael_pou says, Brits - do you see the moon already? Seems like a full moon
tonight. Poor Lupin.
> al_ffn says, But nobody watches Channel 5, which explains it
> ?  heiditandy says, daria rules!
>   hermitchick says, it was friday
> bludger_witch says, Yeah, it is full moon
>   hermitchick says, the full moon
> ?  heiditandy says, she's like veronica on heathers
> al_ffn says, Cloudy and raining here, Yael ... no moon today
> yael_pou says, Daria also has lots of attitude.
> bludger_witch says, Time for my grandma to wander through the house and
sit on the toilet the whole night
>   dai_evans says, It's too cloudy to see the moon rigfht now
>   dai_evans says, but it was pretty much full last night.
>   dai_evans says, I dunno how I remember that though.
> yael_pou says,   at Al. No cloud in the sky here.
> al_ffn says, Time for my Dad to try and read everything that's going on
over my shoulder.
> yael_pou says, Dinah? Huh?
> al_ffn says, Wave to him, people
>   hermitchick says, it was nice friday, very bright, skipped out of back
stage to watch the sky
> ?  heiditandy says, hi al's dad!
>   dai_evans says, Hi Als dad.
> synaesthete7 says, Reminds me of when our class went to Israel and when we
got off the plane at night one of my classmates, who is a bit of a ditz,
said, "I don't see the moon," and another classmate said, "There is no moon
in Israel, Kelly.  You can't see it from this part of the world," and she
said "Really?"  BD
> bludger_witch says, Hi Al-Dad
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, I assume the office of Werewolf Support
services makes sure to supply them with Wolfbane
>   dai_evans says, This isn't a harry potter list, it's a gay community
>   Minzzer says, hi Al's Dad
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Potion even if
>   hermitchick says, what?
> yael_pou says, Al - tell you're father i think your one of the best
authors around.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, they have ni money to buy ot
>   Minzzer says, Dai...in your world or mine?
> hermitchick waves at everyone.
> al_ffn says, He's sick of Harry Potter m'afraid.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, and no friends talenyed at potion making
>   dai_evans says, Has he gone then?
> bludger_witch says, Yes, we are all wearing our rainbow-shirts and listen
to Melissa Etheridge <g>
> yael_pou says,   Rebecca!
> synaesthete7 says, If I wasn't already an HP fan I'd probably be sick of
HP too.  Do you know they're selling the books at STAPLES, of all places?!?
What next -- hardware stores?
>   hermitchick says, yup
> synaesthete7 says, Thought you'd like that, Yael.
> al_ffn says, He just unplugged my computer ... dagnammit
> synaesthete7 says, Loved Israel BTW -- when I got to Tiberias I said,
"Send my luggage -- I'm staying!"
> yael_pou says, 'STAPLES'?
> bludger_witch says, btw, yael, about the moon: My grandma always has an
olveractive bladder and sleeping problems at full moon
>   dai_evans says, If he's still looking, tell him he's an attractive man.
> bludger_witch says, Just don't ask me why, I love full moon
>   hermitchick says, ditto
> synaesthete7 says, STAPLES is a business supply store.  They don't sell
books.  Well, except for the JKR charity books for some strange reason.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Staokes is the bif office supply warehous
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, i love it
> al_ffn says, We have HP on permanent display at Sainsbury's ... but nobody
ever buys it.
> synaesthete7 says, It is kind of fun to browse.
> synaesthete7 says, why not, Al?
> yael_pou says, funny, Dinah - you know that more babies are born on full
> al_ffn says, I'm pretty sure we have Staples in the UK too
> al_ffn says, *shrugs*
>   dai_evans says, We have Staples.
> bludger_witch says, I got the charity books on Friday and finished them
today- Way cool, though there were a few things that puzzled me.
> bludger_witch says, Can't remember which, though
>   dai_evans says, There's one behind Asda in Southampton. next to Halfords
> synaesthete7 says, Oh, sure, Dinah, just lead us on.
> synaesthete7 says, Oops, doorbell.
> synaesthete7 is away (be right back)
> selah_1977 says, It's 77 degrees here today!  Nice and sunny, too...
> selah_1977 is away (Writing... be back soon...)
> keithfras enters
>   dai_evans says, Hi Keith
> bludger_witch says, All those babies probably are very outdoor active in
their later life - the moon just screams for romantic nightwalks and some
outdoor... activity (of a different kind  )
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Keith
> keithfras says, Evening, all.
>   Minzzer says, hi Keith
> yael_pou says, hey Keith!
> bludger_witch says, HI!
> keithfras says, Elen sila lumenn omentielvo.
>   hermitchick says, I snuck out side at 9 on friday night to watch the
moon and Monica came and dragged me backin at 11.30 so the teacher would
yell at me for not being there.
> yael_pou says, Keith - watch out for Dai. He's evil tonight.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles sings (badly) its's a marvelous night for a moon
dance, with the stars up above and your eyes....
> keithfras says, Oh? In what way?
> al_ffn says, My dog has no nose ...
>   hermitchick says, ?
> keithfras says, Al, loved my appearance in Time of Trial.
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, 11:30 at night: what does that have to do
with a teacher?
> bludger_witch says, Moon River.... *sigh* always loved that song
> bludger_witch says, Al - what? No nose?
> al_ffn says, a load of messages didn't just come through for me, I thought
it had frozen, so started to tell a joke ... sorry
> synaesthete7 says, Ha ha!!!  Girl guide cookies!  We bought two boxes.
> keithfras says, How does he smell (the dog that is)?
> synaesthete7 says, Darn, the baby woke up again.
> al_ffn says, Awful
>   Minzzer says, Min is confused
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, the girl scout cookies awoke the baby
> keithfras says, Life's confused.
>   hermitchick says, I'm the person incharge of makeup, the play was over
at 11;45 and the teacher comes back to check on up then
>   Minzzer says, o
> al_ffn says, I won't spoil the K/S in ToT5
>   catlady_de_los_angeles says, so if you ame in at 11:30, the teacher
wouldn't yell at you for not being there at 11:45?
> keithfras says, Persephone, have you read Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics?
>   hermitchick says, I was supposed to baby sit them, but I got bord and
>   hermitchick says, basically
> keithfras says, Because I think you'd like Death.
>   hermitchick says, no
> keithfras says, Oh well. They kick posterior, especially Death the cute
goth chick.

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