
Denise R gypsycaine at ...
Mon Apr 9 03:16:01 UTC 2001

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You see here:
al_ffn says, At least we're ontopic, Emily
lupinesque says, Only just, Em.
slytherin_daughter says, Must count my blessings, I suppose
al_ffn says, hmm
lupinesque says, I mean, only just got back to it.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Porn IM Count: 10
?  Father_Ian says, bless you my child, lol.
al_ffn says, ooh, weird font
skaprincess27 double browser window with SportsCenter... oyyy.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL Eb was annoying until she found out
that Ron was also annoyed.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *annoyed
lupinesque says, Father Ian can take over on Easter
lupinesque says, Who are you?
skaprincess27 says, Oh, I love the music, Amy.  ^_^
?  Father_Ian says, LOL
lupinesque says, I figured!
?  Father_Ian says, well, I am a legal minister.
selah_1977 says, Right!  Jana--I was agreeing with Ron.  We couldn't have
that, now could we?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Course not.
?  Father_Ian says, Ordained via internet in the Church of Life.
al_ffn says, The chatter list needs updating, IMO ... hey ... *realises*
something ... I'm on it.  Yay :-D
catorman says, Who is Father Ian?  It isn't John again, is it?
selah_1977 says, Amy, but that's the problem.  A lot of fans are growing
annoyed with Harry because he IS unassuming.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's Dee
lupinesque says, I should've done that.  Would've saved me 5 years' study
and thousands of dollars in student loans.
skaprincess27 says, Wahoo!
?  Father_Ian waves at Rita!
?  Father_Ian says, bingo.
lupinesque says, Which fans would these be?
selah_1977 says, Uh...
al_ffn says, I'm not annoyed with Harry.
rohinee16 is back.
al_ffn says, At all
selah_1977 says, *could name names*
slytherin_daughter says, Why are we annoyed?
lupinesque says, Quick poll:  anyone think Harry is TOO unassuming?
skaprincess27 says, I'd be a member of an order, but I rarely go to church
and sin like it's going out of style.  Bye bye, seminary.
catorman says, Neither am I.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, rohinee16, do you have another name?
al_ffn says, No.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Define "unassuming"
?  heiditandy  could never be annoyed with Harry. "Have an urge to send
child into therapy, maybe..."
skaprincess27 says, *schnoogles Harry*
rohinee16 says, Just Rohinee, I'm new, this is my first time, you can call
me Ro
selah_1977 says, Along with Draco, Heidi?
al_ffn says, Gives Harry hot chocolate.
selah_1977 says, Hi, Ro!
?  Father_Ian says, Lol.
catorman says, Definitely unassuming, but not too mcy.
lupinesque says, Hi Ro!  (as in Ensign?)
al_ffn says, According to Cassie's wishes
?  Father_Ian says, I'll find the link, and post it in a sec.
catorman says, much, not mcy
lupinesque says, Group therapy for Draco and Harry.  Hope the therapist
knows a lot of DADA.
rohinee16 says, Of course, though i'm not as brash as her ! (no its short
for Rohini)
skaprincess27 says, Must change shoes... BRB
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL @ Amy
al_ffn says, Group therapy was in ToT
lupinesque says, I agree, Cath.  He's very together.
catorman says, Has to be, otherwise all his friends would hate him.  BTW,
doesn't have many friends.
al_ffn says, plug plug
selah_1977 says, *could REALLY name names of HP fans who really dislike
slytherin_daughter says, Why don't you, Eb?
slytherin_daughter says, Get us all against some poor souls
lupinesque says, Ebony, fess up or cut it out.  I'm dying of curiosity
selah_1977 says, Because I want to plan Hagrid and Maxime's wedding again.
selah_1977 says,
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Who dislikes Harry?  ::steps protectively
in front of Potter::
lupinesque says, Now I'm lost
?  Father_Ian says, http://www.ulc.net/
al_ffn says, Jenny, I do *not* want to see your damn movies!
keithfras leaves
keithfras enters
selah_1977 says, LOL, Amy!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
?  Father_Ian says, Lol.
?  Father_Ian says, is that some lady with an A-- name?
lupinesque says, Harry has plenty of friends.  Two very close ones and a
bunch of pally ones (mostly F&G)
selah_1977 says, About 6 or 7 months ago, we planned out a wedding for
Hagrid and Madame Maxime.
selah_1977 says, In chat.
slytherin_daughter says, <giggles> Why am I not getting porn ads?
al_ffn says, *shudders*
?  Father_Ian says, Al, you can report her via abuse at ... as a
violation of the ToS.
?  Father_Ian says, They'll yank her account.
selah_1977 says, It was FUN.
al_ffn says, *is not a fan of Hagrid in fanfic*
selah_1977 says, We tossed in all the canon characters.
rohinee16 says, sounds like fun
lupinesque says, What'd they serve, an entire roast ox?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Go George!  ::cheers::  Well, the twins did
make him feel better about the CoS thing.  Well, the heir of Slyth thing.
selah_1977 says, LOL!
selah_1977 says, Al, I'm not either, but we had a LOT of fun.
yael_pou says, Jana - set 'no IM from strangers' in preferences
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Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is in chat and on pager
Your buddy toran_silverstrike is on pager
Your buddy ancientstarchild is in chat
Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
Your buddy katdoug77 is on pager

You see here:
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *blinkblink*  Huh, Yael?
al_ffn says, I wanna see this story now, Eb
catorman says, yes, but apart from Hermione, the Weasleys and Hagrid, the
rest seem more acquaintances - at least not very close, intimate friends (I
don't think I'd even include Neville, much as I love him)
selah_1977 says, It's in the chat archives.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah... and George's first words to Harry
were "want a hand?"
lupinesque says, Is Cassie's absence a good sign?  i.e. she's finishing DS
lupinesque says, pants from DS deprivation
al_ffn says, It takes an hour to read the average chat script.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I could go into a whole lecture on how
great George is with quotes to back it up.  )
skaprincess27 says, Oh, God.  Drama this weekend... the 8th grade "special"
class put on an HP production.  I had to leave the auditorium and get
costumed half an hour early because I just couldn't watch them butcher it.
selah_1977 says, We've already discussed Harry's friendship and intimacy
yael_pou says, If you're in yahoo!chat, press the pencil.
al_ffn says, I need DS
lupinesque says, Oh, Jana, that's so sweet! You're right!
al_ffn says, Ooh, Yael, a box pops up ... cool
al_ffn says, this is a Brit being pathetic with computers thing again
al_ffn says, *explores new box*
skaprincess27 says, It was sort of cute, but then... argh.  I just couldn't
watch it.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *grins at Amy*
selah_1977 says, George is great but Fred is better.
lupinesque says, He's 14 and he has 3 close friends.  I think that's fine.
?  heiditandy says, DS14 will be done this month...
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, Fred's not better.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George is.
lupinesque says, It seems to be my role today to defend the mental health of
Our HEroes.
slytherin_daughter says, George kicks Fred's butt all over the place.
yael_pou says, Al, this is the fourth time you balem Brits for your
disfunctions (i'm keeping a score).
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Thanks, Em.
selah_1977 says, Sure he does, Em.
al_ffn says, I happen to have severe issues with my country right now
slytherin_daughter says, But of course
selah_1977 says, Em just wants me to kill Ginny off, doesn't she?
lupinesque says, I realized the other day that there are three instances of
a nasty childhood incident from twins to Ron--all three were Fred
yael_pou says, Heidi - whatdo you mean 'this month'?
slytherin_daughter says, Hey-hey-hey! I just got a porn ad!
catorman says, You are right, but what I meant was that he isn't
indiscriminate with his friendships.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I like how JKR does the subtle differences
between the twins... instead of blatant ones.
selah_1977 says, Amy--Fred's not nasty?
lupinesque says, (1) puffskein (2) spider (3) I forget
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, turned his teddy to a sprider. What else?
selah_1977 says, change the ? to a !
al_ffn says, I like puffskeins very much
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I want a puffskein.
?  heiditandy says, I know it's almost done...but she's got some
work/preoccupations right now, so it might take a little longer for it to
get wrapped up
lupinesque says, This month?  Last I heard was this week!
catorman leaves
slytherin_daughter says, puffskeins are gross...
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
catorman enters
  gypsycaine says, is that a real life animal or a FB one?
slytherin_daughter says, Nastly little freaky tings
al_ffn says, agrees with Jana ... glares at Emily
keithfras leaves
keithfras enters
slytherin_daughter says, *things
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I want a pet Ashwinder.
Your buddy ladyadamned is on pager
?  heiditandy says, guys, PLEASE PLEASE PKLEASE don't email her about it,
slytherin_daughter glares back at Al
keithfras says, I swear, someone IS going to pay for this.
al_ffn says, *still glaring* :-D
catorman says, I am getting annoyed now.  Porn no 11 and I get disconnected
slytherin_daughter says,
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah, I'm sure Cass gets all the annoyance
she can take with people e-mailing her about DS14.
catorman says, What is going on?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ron wrote in teh margin of Harry;s text book
at that he used to have a puffskin but Ron killed i. that is cruelty to
selah_1977 says, If Jana makes any more comments at Fred's expense... G/P.
:::makes slashing motion with hand:::
gypsycaine : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for Yahoo - With text
blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be sorry! -
keithfras says, Yeah, I just got a porn message.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's in FB
lupinesque says, going to look up the spider thing, BRB
lupinesque is away (be right back)
al_ffn says, It wasn't specific that Fred actually killed 'Puffy'
slytherin_daughter says, G/P?
skaprincess27 says, George/Percy!
selah_1977 says, Oh, Jana knows.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *whimpers softly and hides beneath covers
with George*  Let's not get crazy now...
al_ffn says, George/Puffskein?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, NO!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George/uffskein?!
selah_1977 says, Muwhahahahaha!
  gypsycaine says, haven't read FB yet.
  gypsycaine says, finished QTA friday
al_ffn says, sorry, that just slipped out
yael_pou says, Jana - it's not that annoying. Rather flattering, i'd guess.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George/Presh in TiP is what she's
al_ffn says, the word i mean
keithfras says, Uh-oh...is this the weird pairings section already? But I
haven't dissed myself at all yet!
slytherin_daughter says, <faint gagging noises can be heard in the back
al_ffn says, Quick, diss Keith!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What's not annoying?
skaprincess27 says, And I haven't ranted about my awful life yet!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Whatcha gagging about, Em?
Minzzer is back.
  Minzzer says, oh eb voted for george/Presh too.
selah_1977 says, LOL!
keithfras says, Me neither, Sue! You go first.
slytherin_daughter says, George/ Random gross thing
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC the Ashwinder only lives an hour after
it is sponstanoeously ygenerated from teh ashes of a wizarding fire
rohinee16 leaves
keithfras says, LOL at Emily
skaprincess27 says, You sure, Keith?
al_ffn says, Is there a new poll, or something?
selah_1977 says, Go on, rant!
keithfras says, Or whoever you are this week.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue, is it still an awful life?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I know.  But I'd come up with something to
keep them alive longer, Cat.
yael_pou says, Jana - getting mail "when is the next chapter?"
slytherin_daughter says, She Who Must Not Be Named, Keith
keithfras says, 'It's An Awful Life', brought to you by Sue.
lupinesque is back.
  gypsycaine says, She Who must be Obeyed?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HEY HERMITCHICK!!!!!
skaprincess27 says, Not really.  My awful ex-friend ordered me roughly half
a truckload of flowers for opening night and the other half for closing
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Oh, gotcha Yael.
lupinesque says, Okay, I have owned CoS for 48 hours and I've already lost
selah_1977 says, At least you guys get prodding e-mails.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
keithfras says, Ex-friend? Is this Matt?
selah_1977 says, Nobody loves me... WAAAAAAAAAAAH!
al_ffn says, I once got a prodding email ... *sighs*
skaprincess27 says, Yeah.
slytherin_daughter says, Jee, Sue, that's so....bad....?
lupinesque says, I was going to say, Fred was pretty small when he did the
bear/spider thing, so I'll let that slide
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I've never gotten a proddnig e-mail.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Sue, which one is hte ex-friend, and is the
boyfiend Football Guy)
lupinesque says, But the Puffskein I will not forgive
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I give you prodding IMs, Eb.
yael_pou says, Eb - huh?
selah_1977 morphs into Moaning Myrtle.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And you get prodding reviews.
skaprincess27 says, He ran on stage and showered me with them.  It was
lupinesque says, And yes, it must have died.  It's about the size of a
hamster and he took a bat to it.  What do you think happened?
  Minzzer says, hey I give you IMs
lupinesque says, <--gets very huffy where animals are concerned
al_ffn says, *gives Ron's puffskein a hug*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I can't believe Fred killed a puffskein.
*sniffles*  Maybe he used a foam bat or something.  It *was* only practice.
skaprincess27 says, I'm like, "Hello!  I had a supporting role!  Not the
lead!  Hey!  Stop it with these things!"
selah_1977 says, So now FRED is the Weasley who is going to go to the Dark
keithfras watches as Lupinesque hits George with an animal cruelty suit
slytherin_daughter is glad Ron's Puffskein died
keithfras says, or Fred
yael_pou says, Eb - I'm quite sure your 'people who have you on AuthorAlert'
number is bigger than mine.
al_ffn says, *is on the verge of chasing Emily*
selah_1977 gags for the tenth time this chat!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey, Keith!!!  Fred used it for practice,
not George!
selah_1977 says, I get VERY defensive about Fred.
keithfras says, 35+ people have me on Author Alert
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, As I about George.
slytherin_daughter says, Puffskeins are Satan's spawn.
keithfras looks proud
slytherin_daughter hides from AL
al_ffn says, grr
lupinesque says, No, Keith:  Fred
selah_1977 says, And I'm not a big animal lover.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Just beause you married him....
slytherin_daughter says, In caps, no lesss
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't think Fred would've killed the
al_ffn says, why'd you think i put one in tot
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, puffskins sound like tribbles
selah_1977 says, I didn't marry him, Rita!  Ange did.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He probably used some sort of foam bat to
  gypsycaine says, love tribbles
selah_1977 says, Do wizards have foam?
skaprincess27 says, OK, Keith, your turn!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Some sort of foamish material, I'm sure.
lupinesque says, *not talking to Emily until she takes back the Puffskein
yael_pou says, foam?
keithfras says, Some equivalent.
slytherin_daughter says, foam?
selah_1977 says, foam for BATS and toys, you guys.
al_ffn says, Heidi, you had the nerf snitches didn't you?  Perhaps they have
foam bats too
keithfras says, Weeeel....who remembers Possibly But Probably Not Looking At
Me Girl?
slytherin_daughter sticks tongue out at puffskein fans
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Foam sucks.  You don't know the hell of
styrofoam until you have to make two entire sets out of the ****
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, Keith, did you finally talk to her????:?
catorman says, Yes, Amy, and do you notice that neither Fred and George have
lupinesque says, But Ron implies he doesn't have it anymore.  I would love
to be convinced that nothing bad happened.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Are we discussing Keith's love life?
al_ffn says, polystyrene ... great fun for destructive kids
yael_pou says, They probably use wood with 'no-pain' spell on it.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, They might have pets... we don't know.
keithfras says, I have actually spoken to her several times, that's not the
selah_1977 says, I don't believe that Fred is a bully.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, They have to have something... a cat, an
own or a toad, remember?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *owl
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what is the point, Keith?
lupinesque says, What's the point, KF?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Still don't know how Ron got away with
having a rat...
selah_1977 says, They don't HAVE to have it.  They just can.
catorman says, True, but everyone else's are mentioned - even Percy's owl
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, They don't HAVE to hae a pet, they just can
selah_1977 says, Pets are optional.
al_ffn says, It shows Ron's ... um ... creative ... side ... yeah, I think.
slytherin_daughter says, Just a rule breaker
catorman says, But...lack of empathy for animals?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Maybe they go... they never mention Ginny
having a pet... or do they?
lupinesque says, They know he has to take what he can get.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ut's easy to get away with ahving a rat: you
keep it in your opocket or your bookbag and the teachers never notice
al_ffn says, Isn't Pig kinda Ginny's
al_ffn says, ?
lupinesque says, No, Sirius gave him to Ron.
catorman says, That is true as well ( and I am sure Ginny is kind to
selah_1977 says, I'd better hide... :::hides!::::
lupinesque says, She just named him.
slytherin_daughter says, Not really. He's Ron's owl, but Ginny named him
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Fred's not a bully... he's just... hmm...
less... hmm... not quite as... he's an older brother behaving like an o9lder
brother, you know.
al_ffn says, They sort of shared him though.
lupinesque says, Ginny is a cat lover.  CoS.
al_ffn says, Just a thought.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It used to be Percy's rat but was given to
Ron because his family couldn't afford to buy him a pet
keithfras says, I was talking to her near the end of term as we were waiting
to get practicals marked, and she was talking about celebrating the end of
her finals (in 2-3 yrs time) with someone who must surely be her boyfriend.
So I was evidently right with the Probably Not - she seems to be in a pretty
serious relationship already.
  gypsycaine says, We never learned what Gred and Forge had.
keithfras says, So that's the end of that.
  Minzzer says, is it just me or what...Percy has the owl..,the rat used to
be Percy's...why does Percy get the pets?
lupinesque says, Catch her on the rebound, Keith.
selah_1977 says, Oh, Keith... I'm sorry.
al_ffn says, Because Percy's a prefect.
  gypsycaine says, sounds about right, Minzzer.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Percy's Head Boy and prefect and all around
Golden Child.
slytherin_daughter says, Because's he's Perfect Percy
yael_pou says, and they didn't think Harry having a dog is weird.
selah_1977 says, Because parents with less tend to give the Star Child
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Percy started school after Bill and Charlie
had finished.
  gypsycaine says, and I bet that Ron's robes are Percy's!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Perfect Prefect Percy.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Exactly, Eb.
slytherin_daughter says, He's a Mama's boy
catorman says, I don't think they are bullies.  Just pranksters.  And they
are not malicious and they look after Harry  (and they gave him the map)
QED very good natured
selah_1977 says, Just like I got a car and my sister didn't.
al_ffn says, Ron's robes were Charlies, see PS
lupinesque says, I wonder how Scabbers wormed his way into the Burrow (pun
al_ffn says, *sniffs* I didn't get a car
keithfras says, I'm sure all the girls seem to be going out with older guys,
like in the year above. Maybe I should wait till next year's freshers
lupinesque says, Cath:  that's what I thought until the Puffskein thing.
Now I'm upset.
  gypsycaine says, ok. thanks Al.
slytherin_daughter says, I have a car....
  gypsycaine says, Been awhile since I read that chapter
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, He was the only Weasley at Hogwarts at that
time, so the family school expenses were lighter than when more kids are at
al_ffn says, I have the *use* of a car
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Maybe Fred bonded with the puffskein and
kept it... that's why Ron doesn't have it anymore.
keithfras says, Either that or hope to meet someone on the Net. Or both.
selah_1977 says, I've never had hand-me-downs.  I'm the oldest and I always
got good grades.  Maybe that's why I don't identify with Ron.
catorman is away (be right back)
slytherin_daughter says, George was really doing Ron a favor by killing the
puffskein. It was creepy.
catorman says, But there's nothing to say they killed the Puffskein is
there?  Upset.  Must go and check
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, IN PS/S, Ron said he had Percy;s old rat,
Bils old robes, and Charlies's old wand
selah_1977 says, And I'm allergic to most animals.
al_ffn says, I think we're reading too much into the Puffskein thing
keithfras says, I actually know people on a Tolkien site who met there.
  gypsycaine says, I am the oldest, and I still got hand-me-downs.
heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
selah_1977 says, at least the pet-kind with hair...
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, GEORGE DID NOT KILL ANY PUFFSKEINS!   FRED
USED IT FOR BLUDGER PRACTICE!  ::falls down and weeps::
slytherin_daughter pats Jana on the back
al_ffn says, I never got hand me downs ... you can see the same clothes
making their way through my family.
keithfras says, This concludes this week's episode of Keith's Love Life Or
Lack Thereof Update
selah_1977 says, They just want to hate Fred.
lupinesque says, I wonder about the salamander thing too.  Did it blow up
when the firecracker went off in the fire?
al_ffn says, *is the oldest*
catorman is back.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't wanna hate Fred.  *sniffles*
  Minzzer says, *hands a box of tissues*
lupinesque says, I 'm serious, I can't sympathize with characters who
torture animals.
keithfras is the oldest, the youngest and the middle child
selah_1977 thumbs her nose at Fred-hates.
  gypsycaine says, lol Keith.
selah_1977 says, Fred-haters, rather.
slytherin_daughter says, Fred-Haties?
al_ffn says, Very old 80's babygrows waiting to be handed on to the next
person to have a baby.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *takes a tissue*  Thanks, Minz.  Thanks,
  gypsycaine says, Gramma used to bring the "rich kids" she cleaned for
clothes for me to wear.
  gypsycaine says, they usually fit mom and not me
catorman says, Oh. you are right Bludger practice.  Very disappointed in
him.   *Brightens* but just Ron's POV.  Could have been joking?
skaprincess27 says, *is also the oldest, youngest, and middle*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Mm... doubtful.
selah_1977 says, I pulled legs off of bugs as a kid.  So does that mean I'm
on everyone's hate list?
lupinesque says, I don't want to hate Fred.  But he's changed in canon since
you started TiP.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, But you never know.
slytherin_daughter says, *youngest*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, You pulled legs off bugs?!  Eww.
keithfras wonders if anyone noticed the last parts of the Update.
  gypsycaine says, if their jeans weren't in style, they'd pitch them.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ewwy even.
al_ffn says, My cousin did a very sad speech about being the middle child at
his barmitzvah ... oh how we laughed
slytherin_daughter says, Ewww, Eb. You're eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
keithfras says, Life's evil.
lupinesque says, Cath, maybe Ron was joking.  MAybe it died a natural death
and he's just bashing Fred.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the last part ofUpdate -- about hoping tomeet
someone on-line?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I feel bad about stepping on worms after it
  Minzzer says, *youngest, oldest, and middle*
selah_1977 says, Can we change the subject?
  gypsycaine says, I dislike stepping on ants.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *ain falls
catorman says, I hope so Amy
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *rain falls
skaprincess27 says, Oh, God, bar mitzvah... I have to go to one next weekend
and I'm a little nervous.
selah_1977 says, Why, Sue?
  Minzzer says, Change it to what?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Better'n going to a bris, Sue.
  gypsycaine says, Proverbs 6--go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her
ways and be wise.
lupinesque says, No, Eb, I officially offer you absolution.  But sin no
al_ffn says, My cousin's nearest synagogue is an orthodox one ... v scary
keithfras says, Because Flower Boy might be there?
lupinesque says, And no hurting mammals.
selah_1977 says, Oh, Amy...
selah_1977 says, Of course not!
lupinesque says, Why nervous, Sue?
  gypsycaine says, there's a good sermon Ames
slytherin_daughter says, i don't understand why children like to hurt
lupinesque says, Go late, they are very very long and you aren't expected to
be on time
lupinesque says, Unless it's Reform?
keithfras says, I don't understand quite a lot of things.
al_ffn says, And you get food afterwards.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, proabkly the same reason adults like to hurt
skaprincess27 says, Argh.  Yeah, flower boy invited me to go with him.
Matt's Jewish cousin's turning 13, and the last time I went to one of their
functions I made an idiot out of myself.
catorman says, There's nothing crueler than children.
lupinesque says, Ah, sermon material at last.  Can I call this work time
now?  ;-)
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Counting Crows did a song called "Mrs.
Potter's Lullaby."  Should they sue Rowling for using "Mrs. Potter?"
selah_1977 says, I didn't see a bug as a thing.
slytherin_daughter says, How did you make an idiot out of yourself?
slytherin_daughter says, Right. Bugs aren't alive
lupinesque says, What are the words?  Is it Lily?  Ooh!
keithfras says, I missed some chunks. What exactly happened with the
selah_1977 says, Okay, I'm really annoyed now.
al_ffn says, *wonders what chat Keith was in*
selah_1977 is away (be right back)
skaprincess27 says, It was entirely in Hebrew and I didn't know anything
that was going on.  Even Matt, who's not Jewish, knew what was going on.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Louis Armstrong did a song called
"Muggles."  LAW SUIT!
  Minzzer says, what happened to Kate?
  gypsycaine says, We had a nice discussion about Ants and such when I went
to church last in '90
heiditandy is back.
?  heiditandy says, oh! am I missing stouffer-dissing?
?  heiditandy says, Damn!
al_ffn says, We had a glaring rabbi.  It was scary
keithfras is being ignored
keithfras sobs
lupinesque says, Sue, when I was growing up and going to synagoge every
week, I killed time reading the Bible.  It's sitting right there.  I got a
very good education.
skaprincess27 says, I mumbled a bit...
yael_pou says, I used to beat up kids who pulled on cats' tails.
catorman says, Sorry Keith, I was out then too.
skaprincess27 says, I was so nervous I didn't notice a thing when I last
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, we're nto ignorning you
slytherin_daughter says, I don't go to religious functions
lupinesque says, We should do a religion poll.  Everyone seems to be Jewish
or Pagan or both.
selah_1977 says, I am not a cat lover, either.
  gypsycaine says, I have my own religious functions. lol
skaprincess27 says, What exactly happens at a Bar Mitzvah?  So that I don't
screw up this time.
slytherin_daughter says, I'm neither. I dislike cats, too.
keithfras says, I guess no comments doesn't necessarily mean no reading of
selah_1977 says, I'm neither Jewish nor Pagan.
selah_1977 says, I like dogs A LOT.
al_ffn says, Half my family is Jewish ... I'm in the not half ... we sort of
share functions, so do Christmas and Hanukah rolled into one.
skaprincess27 says, I'm neither Jewish or Pagan.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Porn IM Count: 11
keithfras says, I'm an agnostic (I think)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue said her ex-friend sent half a truck load
of flowers on popening n ight and another half trucklload on closing night
and he
lupinesque says, I know, Ebony and Sue!  Hyperbole!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ran up on stage carrying them t oher and it
was embarrasssing because
  gypsycaine says, I'm getting the porn now too.
al_ffn says, Hasn't had any porn for 20 minutes
  gypsycaine says, and when I tell them I'm going to report them, I get
"this session has ended"
catorman says, I am half Jewish, half Anglican (my grandmother ran the local
Sunday school) and I am now happily agnostic.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Well I woke up in mid-afternoon cause
that's when it all hurts the most
slytherin_daughter says, I just got some more porn. It's kind of
keithfras says, Just set your preferences to 'ignore personal messages from
al_ffn says, I dunno what I am
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she is only a sepporting actress not the star
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I dream I never know anyone at the party
and I'm always the host
keithfras says, I yam what I yam!
slytherin_daughter says, I'm an atheist
  gypsycaine says, oh, I don't mind them Keith.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, If dreams are like movies, then memories
are films about ghosts
  gypsycaine says, I need to get them to report their butts!
lupinesque says, Jana: what hurts?
slytherin_daughter says, I sweet potato what I sweet potato
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, what hurst the most
keithfras says, I'm strong to the finish, cos I eats me spinach, I'm Popeye
the sailor man!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, You can never escape, you can only move
south down the coast
keithfras says, Toot toot
selah_1977 says, I'm a Christian who likes HP...
lupinesque says, LOL Em!
al_ffn says, Not atheist ... just ... unsure.  People seem to think Draco's
religion spiel in Snitch! was my opinion, which it wasn't.
skaprincess27 says, Matt's aunt married a lapsed Jewish guy five years ago
and now I have to go to her stepson's Bar Mitzvah and the last time I went
to a synagogue I made a fool out of myself.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Oh, sorry, guys.  Nothing hurts... am
C&Ping the lyrics to Mrs. Potter's Lullaby.
  Minzzer says, I second Eb's statement
keithfras hasn't read Snitch!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sorry for freakin' ya out!
catorman says, I don't want to look at "lookinhot."  Porn no.12. (i'll
probably crash now)
al_ffn says, The gay rant was my opinion.
slytherin_daughter raises eyebrows at Al
al_ffn says, Keith, you probably don't want to.
lupinesque says, I'm gonna start sending you people pamphlets.  You all
sound like you belong in my church.
  gypsycaine says, Lol!
lupinesque says, St. Harry
  Minzzer says,
al_ffn says, why rais eyebrows?
selah_1977 says, I'm sure about my faith.  If I wasn't, I couldn't read
HP... those who aren't sure are the Muggles causing all the trouble!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but UU is boring
  gypsycaine says, Ames, you really don't want me in your church.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I myself practice Janaism.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says,
?  heiditandy says, baby is awake...ttyl....
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, brb
heiditandy leaves
  gypsycaine says, I'm an ex-sunday teacher who saw the light.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Gotta go for now...
skaprincess27 says, I'm supposed to go to church, but I don't... making my
confirmation for the interesting middle names and the aprty.
skaprincess27 says, *party
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Later guys!
lupinesque says, Ouch, Rita.
george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves
skaprincess27 says, ta!
al_ffn says, later
al_ffn says, missed ... darn
slytherin_daughter says, You think being gay is alright, but you don't think
that the bit in the bible about it being a sin is wrong?
slytherin_daughter has no punctuation
lupinesque says, Who are you talking to, Em?
slytherin_daughter says, Al.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she;st alking to Al
yael_pou says, My chat is stuck. I'm too tired to fight it. Going to write a
little, and then head to bed. Good Night!
al_ffn says, I think the bit in the bible about it being a sin is wrong.
But Draco went on to exclude all possibility of religion being right ...
that bit's not my opinion.
keithfras says, Well, Tiger Woods just won the US Masters, for anyone who
al_ffn says, Night Yael!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, good night Yael, get some skeep for a change
  gypsycaine says, night ngiht!
slytherin_daughter says, Bye, Yael!
al_ffn says, The bit is wrong ... not the sin ... which it isn't ... a sin,
I mean.
  gypsycaine says, is that 4 in a row?
selah_1977 says, Go Tiger...
al_ffn says, Damn, confuse myself sometimes
  Minzzer says, no one has yet to answer me what sleep is?
catorman leaves
lupinesque says, <--clearly has to read Al's fic.  HP and religion in one
lupinesque says, bye yael
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, when the letter t in that font appears
all my itself, it looks like a christian cross
slytherin_daughter says, You lost me, Al
selah_1977 says, LOL, Amy!
al_ffn says, Snitch! ... but be warned, is slash
catorman enters
yael_pou leaves
slytherin_daughter says, That one bit of the bible is wrong, but....it was a
lupinesque says, <--likes slash
al_ffn says, I thought I did.
catorman says, See, I knew I would crash.
keithfras says, The Bible may say being gay is a sin...but it also says the
Earth was created in 6 days and people used to live for like 700 years.
lupinesque says, Lots of the Bible is wrong.  Lots of Christians think so.
  gypsycaine says, that's one reason I'm not a Christian any longer.
  gypsycaine says, I think so too
slytherin_daughter says, But there are parts that are right. And we should
ignore the silly parts and follow the right ones.
selah_1977 says, Hmm...
al_ffn says, No, no.  I disagree with that whole Bible overstatement thing.
I just don't disagree with religion per se.
catorman says, I have a problem with my born again christian friends who
take the Bible literally#
lupinesque says, Sounds right to me, Em.  What else do we do with the books
we read?
selah_1977 says, I don't think the Bible is wrong so much as it's
slytherin_daughter says, Okay. I think I'm getting this.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, some of the people who think they are
ignore the silly parts and following trhe right parts are ignoring all the
good parts and following the
catorman says, They don't believe in evolution or dinosaurs
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bad parts
al_ffn says, The Bible has some worthwhile stuff to say, if you take bits of
it as an instruction manual.  Bits of it, like the discrimination against
gay people thing, *is* wrong.
lupinesque says, Take the best, forget the rest, do a lot of
praying/thinking/meditating/whatever you do to discern in order to know
which is which.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and run around murdering people for haviang
worked on the Sabbath
catorman says, they don't like my gay friends, because they believe that
they can help being gay
keithfras says, People who have no probleI agree with lots of stuff
religions in general say. But I don't see the need to wrap it up with stuff
like 'men are better than woman because some MAN 5000 years ago said so'
slytherin_daughter says, I just don't get how we pick out what's right and
what's wrong. Too damn confusing.
lupinesque says, Good point, Catlady.  And they're all in Vermont trying to
bash gay rights.
  Minzzer says, now thie is where my contemplating life comes into play
al_ffn says, An Iranian mullah said on a documentary last week, 'it doesn't
matter, as long as you're a good person.'
selah_1977 says, I think the Bible is worthwhile from cover to cover,
slytherin_daughter says, It's a fun novel.
  Minzzer says, *this
al_ffn says, You agree it's open to interpretation, though, Eb?
  gypsycaine says, I grew up with King James. (SBC)
selah_1977 says, And you guys do NOT want to know what I spent my last two
years of college doing.  And still support now.
selah_1977 says, Sure, it is, Al.
selah_1977 says,
slytherin_daughter says, Interesting stories.... except we all know about
the snake thing, so there's no suspence
keithfras is worried about the direction this conversation is taking.
selah_1977 is worried too.
al_ffn says, I mean, you can justify any opinion you want in there.  If I
wanted to say 'I hate cheese' I *could* find a passage in there that would
back me up.
  gypsycaine says, I discovered that he influenced the writing (he was
lobbied by physicians) of it.
lupinesque says, It's pretty hard to reinterpret the gay parts in Leviticus.
You have to throw them out, say they're a product of their time, or be
anti-gay.  Am I missing an option?
catorman says, and I really object, more than anything else, to how religion
has been abused over the centuries and used to keep people in power (divine
right of kings) and people subdued.
selah_1977 says, I vote for a subject change.
slytherin_daughter says, Wait, Eb.
al_ffn says, Is with Eb here.
slytherin_daughter says, What *did* you do in collage?
keithfras says, I don't like 'modernised' religion, like TV evangelists and
rave services.
al_ffn says, Has said all he needs to say.
slytherin_daughter is interested
selah_1977 says, I REALLY vote for a subject change.
lupinesque says, I'm with Ebony.
slytherin_daughter says, <sigh>
lupinesque says, OR at least, uphold her right to not say what she did in
slytherin_daughter says, So, how about them Cannons?
  Minzzer says, I'm with Eb
selah_1977 says, Sorry I brought it up, Em... I shouldn't have.
skaprincess27 says, Okay.  Subject changed to "Why Sue Hates Everything".
^_^  Or not.
al_ffn says, Ooh, you saw their game against Wigtown?
selah_1977 says, YAY!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith does't want us to talk sports
keithfras says, I'll change the subject.....Simon/Hedwig!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue, is Flower Boy Matt?
lupinesque says, Quidditch isn't sports!
keithfras says, No, I don't mind that much
al_ffn says, I voted for Simon/Draco on the TiP poll.
slytherin_daughter says, So did I.
  gypsycaine says, that was a kewl book, btw.
lupinesque says, TiP poll?
al_ffn says, *glomps Emily*
skaprincess27 says, Yeah, Flower Boy's Matt.
slytherin_daughter says, *glomps Al*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL at Simon/Draco
keithfras says, I noticed the two polls I put up on HPFF got some votes.
al_ffn says, Yup, I voted on those.
*** You have exceeded the maximum length of a message.  Try typing something
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, is boyfirnd Football Guy?
  gypsycaine says, No one grabbed onto my post though
lupinesque says, Keith, I read GtVS.  I liked it even though I am totally
clueless about Buffy.
  gypsycaine says,  about the location of the gentleman who created the
skaprincess27 says, Yup, sort-of-maybe-type boyfriend is football boy.
al_ffn says, I need to catch up on GtVS ... have missed bits.
sjbranford enters
keithfras says, Ah, you must have been the 1 vote for GoodWillHunting!Draco.
al_ffn says, That was me
keithfras says, Part 5 is good, I think.
keithfras says, (of GtVS)
lupinesque says, What, gypsy?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Snithc invented in Godric's Hollow
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ?
catorman says, I think Buffy is great.  All the pseudo English characters...
  gypsycaine says, yep.
lupinesque says, what about snitch, I mean?
  gypsycaine says, it was interesting as far as coincidence.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw that in the book, I saw that in your
post, I don't have anything to say about it
al_ffn says, Are they actually English ... or is it like Daphne on Frasier?
keithfras says, Well, I'm planning to have Giles, Buffy and Willow turn up
in the next episode.
  gypsycaine says, I can't help but wonder if that's going to be important?
keithfras says, Giles is played by an English guy.
lupinesque says, I'm wondering about the private collector who now has his
paperwork.  That seemed like a very cagey aside.
skaprincess27 says, Argh.  Must go.
catorman says, Well, Spike and Giles are, but no one who has heard Drusilla
(who has an accent worse than Dick van Dyke) can think whe is English
sjbranford says, Al did you say you voted good will hunting draco?
skaprincess27 says, Bye bye!
lupinesque says, Bowman Wright's paperwork.
skaprincess27 leaves
  Minzzer says, bye
  gypsycaine says, bye SUe!
keithfras says, Namarie, Sue
al_ffn says, Yup
catlady_de_los_angeles :  //\X    A Rose For The
catlady_de_los_angeles : / /\ \ \X__\___\___
catlady_de_los_angeles : \ \ \_/ /X//
catlady_de_los_angeles :  \_\__/X       Gypsy Dee
sjbranford says, I query yahoos poll then, that was my vote
sjbranford says, 1+1=1?
al_ffn says, I'll change my vote if you think Simon/Draco is too offensive
for words.
lupinesque says, I'm never going to enjoy Mary Poppins again after all this
DvanD bashing.
  gypsycaine says, (btw, it doesn't show me  's.
catorman says, and Daphne is English isn't she?  Just not, as supposed, from
Manchester.  Correct if wrong
  gypsycaine says, chuckles.
al_ffn says, Her accent sounds phoney to me.
selah_1977 says, I voted Simon/Hedwig.
keithfras says, Maybe one of you voted since I looked.
catorman says, Sorry Amy, but it is pitiful.
slytherin_daughter says, What? We're bashing Dick Van Dyke?
lupinesque says, Do I give off "I want to have sex with lots of teenage
girls" vibes?
al_ffn says, As for her brother ... yeuch!
  gypsycaine says, oh goodness.
Your buddy goddess_of_love6969 is on pager
  gypsycaine says, you say Daphne, and I think of Kate Jackson!
lupinesque says, 'Cause I keep getting offers.
keithfras says, I really couldn't say, Lupinesque.
keithfras says, Has Sinead been back?
  Minzzer says, I voted for Yahoo is mean because it didn't give me more
al_ffn says, Only 25 ... I know
slytherin_daughter is too confused for words
lupinesque says, Cath:  it's okay.  I knew he didn't have a good accent.
I'll try to ignore it.
catorman says, Yes, well didn't he sound cockney?  Wrong accents all round.
But I am positive Daphne is English.  Perhaps she decided on Mancunian for a
lupinesque says, Thanks, Keith.  That's a vote of confidence.
  gypsycaine says, Will help.  Daphne, Kate Jackson, Dark Shadows...
al_ffn says, He sounded *nothing* like a Londoner
keithfras says, Has Sinead been back?
al_ffn says, My Grandfather is a *true* Cockney ... ie, born within the
sound of Bow Bells
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Thee people who saend all these porn messagse
didn't put any Artificaial Intelligence, into their e-mass-nmaioL
  gypsycaine says, hope that helps SD with my side-line
selah_1977 says, Going to check the poll now...
catorman says, Oh well, can't remember anyway, but it was crap.
  gypsycaine says,
  Minzzer says, Eb....tell me how its going
  gypsycaine says, it's ok.
keithfras says, I really wanted to tease her about ToT and mention some
stuff about the Sinead/Kendo-Chin business.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, they send me the  stuff and my handle
inclueds  "lady"
  gypsycaine says, if you click ignore they never come again.
catorman says, Message from "Cute Sarah"  Porn no 12 ( the magical figure)
Clue me in if I crash.
lupinesque says, Catlady: Nope.  If they did, they'd be sending me "hot pix
of Remus" posts instead.
  gypsycaine says, LOL!
al_ffn says, If I watch all dave_starka's videos, it could take close to 20
YEARS!  Gosh.
keithfras says, Oh, I almost forgot. I may have my kilt picture up fairly
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, eaerlier I was asking why noone of them
offer pics of Sirius nakes and Draco inleather
  gypsycaine says, I'm just waiting. I have an open NEW-letter ready.
al_ffn says, Bugger off, dave_starka
sjbranford says, Simon/Hedwig has 10 votes
slytherin_daughter weeps quietly
  gypsycaine hands SD a hankie.
sjbranford says, and 4 have voted S/D
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon/Draco is stranger than SImon/Hedwig
lupinesque says, Ebony, come back!  We won't talk religion anymore!   And i
tell everyone that I've met this really cool evangelical Christian on HP!
(I do know people who think evang.=nutcase, so they need to hear this!)
al_ffn says, *grins maliciously*
slytherin_daughter accepts the hankie
keithfras says, Assuming I can find it, my mum can scan it at work, and I
can get it posted.
keithfras says, What's up, Emily?
  gypsycaine says, need to check kid again.
slytherin_daughter says, I'm...so....lost....
  Minzzer says, Eb..went to go see the poll results
keithfras says, Lost In Cyberspace?
al_ffn says, Ooh ... midnight
al_ffn says, Excuse me whilst I undergo the change
sjbranford says, I just voted him as the character that could be killed off
in teh tip world
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Al going bynies?
slytherin_daughter says, The Change?
  gypsycaine says, Ok.  won't kill. won't kill.
catorman says, Already!  Bedtime soon.
keithfras says, Werewolf
slytherin_daughter says, Do I *want* to know?
al_ffn says,
lupinesque says, It's only 7 here and IT'S STILL LIGHT!  Yay Daylight
keithfras says, How are you lost, She Of Many Names?
  gypsycaine says,  I love it!
catorman says, Is it a full moon tonight?
al_ffn says, Yes
slytherin_daughter says, Very lost.
keithfras says, Awoo
  gypsycaine says, yep
  gypsycaine says, full moon.
slytherin_daughter says, It's only four here....
  gypsycaine says, the celebration of Ostara.
catorman says, Excuse me while I rush outside and look....
keithfras says, I'd rather be a vampire than a werewolf
catorman is away (be right back)
sjbranford says, ah it is Monday here
catorman is back.
selah_1977 says, hurrahs for Daylight Savings too!
  gypsycaine says, Me too Keith.
al_ffn says, Couldn't cope with all the excess body hair, myself.
slytherin_daughter says, Yes, because then you get to suck blood.
keithfras says, At least some of them are sex symbols
Your buddy lil_starr_nightfall is on pager
lupinesque says, Full moon.  I love it.  I guess I 'm not Lupinesque after
slytherin_daughter says, That pale, secretive, sexy charm...
keithfras says, I saw Interview with the Vampire a fortnight ago
selah_1977 says, It's still VERY light here...
  gypsycaine says, I downloaded it.
al_ffn says, Have you noticed, how, when you're in a car, and the moon's out
... it seems to follow you around?
  gypsycaine says, it's a good movie.
al_ffn says, Just me?
lupinesque says, <--who now knows where Sirius is....HP is giving me an
slytherin_daughter says, Just you, Al.
catorman says, So would I Keith.  Especially in a Laurell K Hamilton mode
al_ffn says, Thought so.
slytherin_daughter giggles
al_ffn says, *bangs head on wall*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Al, the oon follows me around too
Your buddy ladyfaythe is on pager
al_ffn says, Yay!
  gypsycaine says, dang. No more pornos since I opened the letter.....
  gypsycaine says, they must have got wise to the trap!
slytherin_daughter says, You're all crazy, you know this?
lupinesque says, Me too, Al.  Don't panic.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Amy: where SIrius is?
keithfras says, Emily, are you feeling all right this evening?
al_ffn says, *bad Al ... no more porn*
  gypsycaine says, me? crazy?
al_ffn says, *smacks self*
lupinesque says, In the sky.
keithfras says, Or rather morning over here.
slytherin_daughter says, Porn? Where?
  gypsycaine says, dang.  need a "dash".  won't take long.
catorman says, *mournfully* can't see the moon - cloudy and wet.
keithfras says, Being sent to some of us repeatedly
lupinesque says, Close to Orion, which is one of the few constellations I
can identify.
al_ffn says, It's Monday morning!  Ha!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, to the left of Oriion
Your buddy ladyfaythe has gone off pager
keithfras says, A new week has dawned.
al_ffn says, can identify only Orion and the Saucepan
keithfras says, Me too.
lupinesque says, Who are these people who are so excited about Monday?  I'm
glad you love your jobs.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Taurus, with Pleaiades and Hyades, is to
the right of Orion
catorman says, Can't see anything
slytherin_daughter says, Orion and the Saucepan? Huh? New Boy Band?
keithfras says, I'm on holiday....aaaaaaah.
al_ffn says, That's just it ... I don't have a job
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I htik they're on break from school
lupinesque says, I'm gonna take an astronomy class one of these days.
keithfras says, LOL at Emily
catorman says, Taurus - my birthday soon
lupinesque says, Should've done it while I was in college.
slytherin_daughter says, <g>
keithfras is a Virgo, which could be regarded as ironic
slytherin_daughter says, Why is that ironic?
al_ffn says, Is a Taurus
jamesf991 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jim'
lupinesque says, When's your b-day Cath?
jamesf991 says, HI
lupinesque says, Don't ask, Emily.
catorman says, 22 April.
keithfras says, I'd rather not comment...think about it.
slytherin_daughter tries to figure this out
catorman says, It's pretty obvious
slytherin_daughter says, ...........
keithfras says, <----born on 12 September
slytherin_daughter says, OH!
slytherin_daughter blushes quite profusely
keithfras says, More kids are born in September than any other month.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL @ emily
keithfras says, I can't believe you didn't get that, SOMN.
lupinesque says, Trelawney speaks:  Ah, you were born on 12 September...you
will not die a virgin!
keithfras (SOMN= She of Many Names)
al_ffn says, What about May 5th?
keithfras dies
keithfras says,
slytherin_daughter says, Look, I'm not that...with it, okay?
selah_1977 says, <-----11 August  (LEOS RULE!)
slytherin_daughter is rapidly turning the color of a beet
catorman says, What about May 5 - still taurus.
sjbranford says, later in may is better
keithfras says, I had you figured for the sort of person who gets jokes like
lupinesque says, Oh,right.  If I want you to get lucky I should have
Trelawney predict that you WILL die a vrigin.  Sorry about that.
slytherin_daughter says, June 20
keithfras says, LOL at lupinesque
lupinesque says, Eb, that's my anniversary!
al_ffn says, Then is Gemini ... apparently I don't get on with Geminis
  Minzzer says, <------  the day where two other members b-days? any
selah_1977 says, AMY!  That was my mom and dad's anniversary!  (Dad died in
sjbranford says, that is a shame al
slytherin_daughter says, You don't get along with Geminis? That's sad.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, JUly 31 like JKR and HP
catorman says, A story about leos.  I am Taurus.  every boyfriend from when
I was 15 to 24 was a leo.  Every single one ended for similar reasons.  I am
now happily married to a libra.
lupinesque says, Sorry, Ebony.  Were they happily married?  Is it good luck?
sjbranford says, guess I will have to flmae one of your stories
selah_1977 says, Uh... Amy....
lupinesque says, I'm a Gemini and I like you, Al
al_ffn says, And in Chinese years, I'm a dog
lupinesque says, I don't want to know, huh?
keithfras says, I'm unhappily unmarried to no-one of no star sign.
slytherin_daughter says, A dog, eh?
al_ffn says, *nods*
al_ffn says, a nodding dog
selah_1977 says, Rita, you're July 31?  I thought you were a Scorpio.
slytherin_daughter says, Like in the back of those cars?
lupinesque says, July 31?  Way cool!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am Nov 7, I was guessing Minnzzer for July
keithfras says, Then you must be a Lord of the Universe, Al.
selah_1977 says, Nah, Amy.  You don't want to know.  It didn't get bad till
the end, though.
  gypsycaine says, Keith, I'm single too
catorman says, I have a horrible suspicion that I am a rat in Chinese years.
al_ffn says, *give the dog a phone*
lupinesque says, August 11 has been good luck for me.  This year is 10 years
keithfras gulps
al_ffn says, sorry ... bad commercial relapse
  Minzzer says, no...its May 16
jamesf991 says, <--- Tiger
selah_1977 says, It's a great birthday.
lupinesque says, <--Monkey
keithfras says, Crouching Tiger
slytherin_daughter says, I never took the time to figure out what chinese
year animal I was....
al_ffn says, Tiger is meant to be good.
  gypsycaine says, monkey.
selah_1977 says, <-------Snake
  gypsycaine says, it fits
keithfras says, Sept. '82 - is that Year of the Dog?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rooster. Why?
al_ffn says, But apparently my house is feng shuid all wrong.
jamesf991 says, Just look on the place mat
  Minzzer says, <--- dragon
  Minzzer says,
selah_1977 says, LOL, Al!
al_ffn says, Dog - Jan 1982-Jan1983
sjbranford says, Penguin
keithfras says, Woof.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I should be Tiger or Cat, right?
slytherin_daughter says, Octopus
catorman leaves
selah_1977 says, LOL!  Is there a Penguin?
lupinesque says, Gypsy, are you 33 this year?  21?  45?
  gypsycaine says, yes.
al_ffn says, You're Sep 1982, Keith?
  gypsycaine says, 33.
  gypsycaine says, Aug 29
lupinesque says, Ooh, I want to be a penguin.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rabit is Cat in Vietnam
catorman enters
keithfras says, In CheetaChat I use Pikachu as my Avatar...guess that's all
wrong then.
slytherin_daughter says, Would you like to be a Pepper, too?
  gypsycaine says, wb
sjbranford says, dont know. I thought we were mentioning animals
lupinesque says, <--same age as Gypsycaine
slytherin_daughter says, Sorry. Al's commercial-ness is rubbing off on me.
catorman says, Rita; because you hate snakes?
sjbranford says, how about...
sjbranford says, owl
al_ffn says, sings - do the shake n'vac, and put the freshness back!
keithfras says, <------18 - for anyone who didn't already work that out
selah_1977 says, The penguins are my favorite zoo animals.
  gypsycaine says, too young for me Keith.
  gypsycaine says, no more young ones.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't hate snakes, I used to have two pet
slytherin_daughter says, 16...too young for....just about everyone.
lupinesque says, I saw an otter at the biodome this weekend.  I totally
relate to JKR--I would like to be one.
catorman says, No way!  Shake 'n' Vac?  Do you remember the Ben Elton sketch
on that?
sjbranford 21 too young for me
lupinesque says, They were wrestling and playing in the water...so adorable
al_ffn says, Vaguely
keithfras says, Depends where you live, Emily
  gypsycaine says, Pip or Pop?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith is 19???
slytherin_daughter says, LOL, Keith.
keithfras says, No, 18.
selah_1977 says, <-------would not want to be an Animagus
sjbranford says, keith sounds interested
sjbranford says,
lupinesque says, Why not, Eb?
al_ffn says, Would want to be an animagus
slytherin_daughter falls over laughing
  Minzzer says,
catorman says, Rita, just making a very poor connection to roosters and
keithfras suspects Catlady may be feeling horrified
selah_1977 says, I told you, I'm not all that into animals.
keithfras says,
slytherin_daughter says, Hey, Keith, wanna get lucky?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith 18, Emlu 16, sounds abaout right
slytherin_daughter says, Emlu? That's a new one.
sjbranford says, no making out in front of the rest of us
al_ffn says, Preferably a horse of some sort.
  gypsycaine says, why not Simon?
keithfras says, I'm not sure I could handle all the name changes.
  Minzzer says, <----- no comment on age
  gypsycaine says, happens at leat once a week!
sjbranford says, leave that to Dai and Sinead
al_ffn says, Quick poll : everyone else's animagus forms?
keithfras says, Ah, good, has a ban been put on that sort of thing.
lupinesque says, My daemon could be an otter.  Then I'd have to live by a
river.  Okay by me.
sjbranford says, Owl
slytherin_daughter says, A Golden Snidgit
lupinesque says, His Dark Materials
sjbranford says, but that was a cert
  gypsycaine says, Grins
  gypsycaine says, O
keithfras says, Sinead schnoogles Dai madly in here and me in fanfics
keithfras says,
al_ffn says, I started rading Northern Lights today - long overdue.
al_ffn says, reading
  gypsycaine says, I think I'd like Cat or Raven.
lupinesque says, Simon, I haven't forgotten that I'm suposed to write
something on the Amber Spyglass
catorman says, Someone like manimal, who was a panther, a bird of prey, a
dolphin (or somehting in the water)  For me, definitely a golden eagle.
lupinesque says, I'm just lazy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am very much afriad that my ANimagus form,
as we don't get to pick our own, would be a Hog
  gypsycaine says, prolly Panther.
sjbranford says, dont worry, whenever
keithfras says, A mouse, going by self-confidence
sjbranford says, that was one of the first topics on OTChatter
sjbranford says, and how things have gone form there!
slytherin_daughter is away (Must go look at Jenny's pix)
keithfras says, I wouldn't mind being a bird of some kind
lupinesque says, Food, food, and yet more food
  gypsycaine says, a Gerbil?
al_ffn says, Oh, if we're going by self-confidence, then I'm a small
slytherin_daughter is back.
catorman says, What do you have to write on the Amber Spyglass?  (got a
signed copy from Harrods when it came out)
  gypsycaine says, ok. Keith's a chicken!
slytherin_daughter says, Just kidding.
al_ffn says, I do quite like hamsters, though.
keithfras says, Oh, thanks
lupinesque says, SJB and I were talking about it on OT-chatter
slytherin_daughter says, Hamsters? Weird little things
lupinesque says, He wrote a long thoughtful piece and I said urgh, now I
have to go think and reread
sjbranford says, fairly near the beginning
Your buddy kylia_moonshadow is on pager
  gypsycaine says, was it here someone posted the link to the "church of the
lupinesque says, HP is easier ;-)
al_ffn says, used to keep hamsters.  Liked them.  hamsters=muggle puffskeins
slytherin_daughter Now hates hamsters
lupinesque says, I gotta go.  See you all on list!
sjbranford says, if you are going ot ask for such things, tehn I will write
al_ffn says, I'll just change my email adress then,
keithfras says, I wrote a glowing review of Amber Spyglass on Amazon, not
sure now whether I like it so much.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If I did get to pick, I would be dithering
among White Tiger, Black Panther, Cougar, grey tabby housecat, raccoon ,,,,
lupinesque says, Enjoy NL, Al.
slytherin_daughter says, Puffskein8?
catorman says, That is right.  I don't quite understand how the Philip
Pullman's can  be children's books
keithfras says, Namarie, lupinesque.
al_ffn says, will try!
al_ffn says, adios!
lupinesque leaves
  Minzzer says, bye
keithfras says, My uncle is reading HDM to my 7 and 9 yo cousins...hmmmmm
catorman says, Back to food.  I hope I didn't upset anyone too much this
week by dissing American food.
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group
chinachick1616 enters
sjbranford says, probably not, everyone disses food over there
al_ffn says, My brother tried to get me into HDM, I tried to get him into
HP - he suceeded and I failed.
catorman says, True.  What is HDM???
keithfras says, He sent me the first one as a prezzie (I already had the
whole series) and I sent him an email warning him about the content of the
third book.
  gypsycaine says, is anyone else logged in as a life is beautiful?
al_ffn says, Strong willed little bugger
keithfras says, His Dark Materials
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, His Dark Material
keithfras says, I got in first!
al_ffn says, No spoilers please!
keithfras dances
catorman says, Of course.  Now I feel stupid, as I have the lot.
keithfras says,
  gypsycaine says, I just sent in the first of many Porno-violations!
  gypsycaine says, dances...
slytherin_daughter says, I never got that into HDM
sjbranford says, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPFGU-OTChatter/message/116
keithfras says, You what?
slytherin_daughter says, Just didn't grip me
catorman says, Anyone read the ones set in Victorian England?   Can't
remember the names.
sjbranford says, is my thoughts on teh books
  gypsycaine says, It's a violation to solicit on IM.
  gypsycaine says, (ToS)
sjbranford says, put me off reading any more of his stuff
keithfras says, Ah, right.
al_ffn says, on Victorian England - was watching new Dickens adaptation
earlier.  *very* good indeed.
slytherin_daughter whistles
  gypsycaine says, you copy/paste into an email to abuse at ...
  gypsycaine says, They delete abuser.
keithfras says, I think the third book should have explained more
catorman says, Which new Dickens adaptation?
slytherin_daughter says, .....and you think that stops them?
  Minzzer says, so that's how it goes
al_ffn says, Nicholas Nickleby
al_ffn says, Funnier than David Copperfield
sjbranford says, the third book is a failure in my view,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The sevenhour play with 45 min dinner break
sjbranford says, totally ruins the series
  gypsycaine says, no, but if you do it enough, they have to make up new
al_ffn says, On ITV ... the Daily Mail of TV stations.
  gypsycaine says, and it gets them mad.
catorman says, Oh no, and I've missed it!  I wasn't that impressed with
David Copperfield.
slytherin_daughter says, futile
catorman says, Or Great Expectations.
keithfras says, It's fun to read but the philosophy is all over the place.
slytherin_daughter can't speel aat alll
al_ffn says, David Copperfield was too chocolate-boxy and schmaltzy + cute
kid actors irritate the hell out of me, so cringed whenever Dan did
something on screen.
jamesf991 is away (Auto-Away)
sjbranford says, it is fun in places but...
selah_1977 has never seen Dan act and had big doubts until she saw the
slytherin_daughter says, Here, here
  Minzzer says, nods head
sjbranford says, I have to go
al_ffn says, Eb, you may get David Copperfield on PBS at some point.  Watch
it ... he *can* act.
keithfras says, The final volumes of the Hyperion quartet by Dan Simmons are
full of plotholes and inconsistencies that could have easily been sorted out
to bring the series to a perfect conclusion.
sjbranford says, see people again soon
slytherin_daughter says, I'll be interested in how Tom Felton does
keithfras says, Namarie, Simon.
al_ffn says, I posted about Tom felton on draconian earlier.
sjbranford says, the what keith?
catorman says, I don't actually remember Dan very well in that.  I thought
Nicholas Lyndhurst was excellent, but the whole Copperfield becoming the
successful writere etc - too rose tinted spectacles.
sjbranford says, never read it!
sjbranford leaves
al_ffn says, Dan just functioned to be the cute kid abused by wicked aunt in
the beginning.
slytherin_daughter says, Huh, that sounds familer...
selah_1977 says, LOL, Em!
keithfras says, Hyperion, Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, Rise of Endymion (the
last title is stupid and doesn't describe the story at all)
keithfras says, Brilliant far-future SF.
slytherin_daughter says, Hey, yet another law suit!
al_ffn says, A great writer once said 'plagiarise ... let (something or
other something) eyes.'
keithfras says, Shame the later books throw continuity to the winds.
  gypsycaine says, My one ta

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