04/15/01 == Happy Easter

Catlady catlady at ...
Mon Apr 16 02:59:04 UTC 2001

Connected!  Sending login information...

You see here:

catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away)
agent_starling_1999 enters
agent_starling_1999 says, hey!
catlady_de_los_angeles is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Starling
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (minus excess a)
agent_starling_1999 says, hey
agent_starling_1999 says, too early or its because of easter?
agent_starling_1999 says, oh well, Happy Easter
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Both, I am sure
agent_starling_1999 says, ah well, then its just you and me. How are
you? Enjoying your sunday?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, This is when the early birds would be
arriving, except I expect a slow chat for Easter
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm fine (10:40 am by clock on my
computer, which has been known to be wrong)
agent_starling_1999 says, its 2:45pm here... where do you live?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and even tho' I was doing e-mail for
HOURS yesterday, I've been diong e-mail all morning and not yet returned
to my story
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I did get to work on it a little last
agent_starling_1999 says, tsk tsk... ;-) My inbox is doing fine today...
a bit boring, but I got nice Easter cards
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I live in California. Pacific Daylight
agent_starling_1999 says, ah, the sunny California....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's HPfGU that makes it HUGE (altho'
some other lists are pretty busy too)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw Scott's e-mail that he had his
computer back after just a couple of days in the shop, and he said there
were 700 messages in that time and he wasn't going to read them
Minzzer enters
agent_starling_1999 says, hey!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Minzzer
  Minzzer says, hi
agent_starling_1999 says, another early bird
slytherin_daughter enters
  Minzzer says, yup
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I did read them, but it took three nights

slytherin_daughter says, Oh, good. There are people here. I was afraid
you'd all be off celebrating Easter.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Emily -- this must be the official
unofficial start time
agent_starling_1999 says, hey Em!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I expect chat will be slow with many
people away for Easter
slytherin_daughter says, Hey, everyone.
  Minzzer says, hey
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (maybe I HOPE chat will be slow, so I can
catch up with the posts)
slytherin_daughter says, Yeah, I don't get the concept of "celebrating
Easter".... But then, not even God could tear me away from my
  Minzzer says, finally got my font back
agent_starling_1999 says, lol For me Easter is just one big excuse for
eating lots of chocolate... ;-)
slytherin_daughter says, Hear, hear
  Minzzer says, nods head...well I'm going to go *somewhere*
again...I'll probably be back by chat time is really chat time or
something like that
Minzzer is away (be right back)
slytherin_daughter says, (and the tumbleweeds roll by)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, sorry, I'm on the e-mail window
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and clearly will have no time to bang on
my story with a rock today
slytherin_daughter says, bang on it with a rock? How....interesting.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I got a little time yesterday, typed some
things I've thought of while riding the bus, and got VERY FRUSTRATED
with the Dr. Simon Branford scene r
slytherin_daughter says, O_o
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I describe myself as banging on the story
with a rock as an analogy to banging on a tin cookpot with a rock to
*try* to bang the dents out of it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The connotations of effort, inefficacy,
and frustration sound about right to me
slytherin_daughter says, Ah. Gotcha.
slytherin_daughter says, I need to leave for a moment, but I shall
slytherin_daughter leaves
slytherin_daughter enters
agent_starling_1999 is away (Auto-Away)
  slytherin_daughter says, *trying out cheeta chat*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the Avatars are on the Preferences menu
which is on the Settings menu on the word menu bar
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the Yahoo/Cheetchat tab

New look.  Same great taste!  Try the Yahoo! Chat Client -

  slytherin_daughter says, Heh
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Text Fader is on the picture of a
artists palette on the icon menu bar
  slytherin_daughter says, This is rather spiffy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The middle column of the default Cheetash
window has EMotions on the top and Macros on the bottom
slytherin_daughter nods
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, you can edit an Emotion or a Macro by
single left click single right click
slytherin_daughter goes "ACK".
  slytherin_daughter says, Heh
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, In Settings, there is an Edit Macros and
an Edit Emotions choice, by which you save whole new Emotions/Macros,
perhaps starting out by copying an existing one.
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
catlady_de_los_angeles :  //\X    A Rose For The
catlady_de_los_angeles : / /\ \ \X__\___\___
catlady_de_los_angeles : \ \ \_/ /X//
catlady_de_los_angeles :  \_\__/X   Ravenclaw Team
slytherin_daughter :bbb______//____//
slytherin_daughter :b ( KaBooM BoMB 1=--
slytherin_daughter :bbb\_\\_\
slytherin_daughter : You've Just been nuked.
  slytherin_daughter is having way too much fun
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee has all sorts of macros for bonking
people with pillows and sending goose down flying all over the room --
not good for people with an allergy
  slytherin_daughter says, LOL!
slytherin_daughter :   /\        /\
slytherin_daughter :     \ _____\
slytherin_daughter :       (_)--(_)
slytherin_daughter :   Puts on his sunglasses for high colors
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the way to point an Emotion at a person
invovles clicking the person on the list of people until they get a red
checkmark, but I haven't figure out yet how it is done
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, You might want to edit Sunglasses to say
HER sunglasses
slytherin_daughter apologizes.
catlady_de_los_angeles :   /\        /\
catlady_de_los_angeles :     \ _____\
catlady_de_los_angeles :       (_)--(_)
catlady_de_los_angeles :   Puts on her sunglasses for high colors
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, actually, we don't have any high colors
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, actually, I don't know how I editted that
-- there has been a lot of random trial and error over here
  slytherin_daughter says, High color?
agent_starling_1999 leaves
  slytherin_daughter says, She left
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, When people make a color fade of bright
red bright green magenta
  slytherin_daughter says, Right.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she'll be back
  slytherin_daughter says, They always come back.
  slytherin_daughter says, </creepyness>
slytherin_daughter :  )\ \|/ /(  Oh what wicked webs
slytherin_daughter :  ))\ | /((    we  weave
slytherin_daughter :  ))/ | \(( When first we practice
slytherin_daughter :  )/ /|\ \(     to deceive!
slytherin_daughter blushes in embarassment.
slytherin_daughter boggles at the concept.
slytherin_daughter  kisses and hugs
slytherin_daughter yahoos.
slytherin_daughter Yahoo!s loudly.
  slytherin_daughter says, Erm. Sorry.
slytherin_daughter slaps himself awake.
sjbranford enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Simon!
 slytherin_daughter says, Hey, it's Simon.
sjbranford says, Hello
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am having one hell of a time writing
your scene (the one you saw the rotten first draft of mnths ago)
sjbranford says, I am only stopping in for a couple of minutes
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I found some time to work on it last
night, altho; e-mail and chat left me no time this morning
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Happy Easter, Simon
 slytherin_daughter says, Easter bites.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'd say the Ukrainean for 'Christ is
Risen' except I can't remember it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm not Ukrainean and not Christian but I
love pysankhy
  slytherin_daughter says, That's a good reason to not say it.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Emily, what's wrong with Easter?
  slytherin_daughter says, It's so... Springy. And flowery. And...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, in some countries, Easter Monday is a
public holiday. A 3 day weekend
  slytherin_daughter says, I remember when it used to be like that here.

sjbranford says, It is here
sjbranford says, 4 day weekend as Good Friday was a day off
  slytherin_daughter says, Sheesh.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hmmmm.  Emily, do you enjoy Good Friday?
  slytherin_daughter says, Oh, yes. That's quite the shindig.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do you cry your eyes out for Lugh at
Lughnasadh (Lammas)? That's almost my favorite
sjbranford leaves
sjbranford enters
  slytherin_daughter says, Not familer with that one. Sorry. Shoot me.
  Minzzer says, back
Minzzer is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, it's a Wiccan holiday
  Minzzer says, what I miss?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, started at Irish holiday on Aug 1l
  slytherin_daughter says, Ah. I avoid all religions. One of my happy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb Minzzer, Smion stopped in just to say
Hi. Emily hates Easter because it is spring and flowery and happy.
sjbranford says, will possibly see people again later - have some
e-mails and fanfic to read
  slytherin_daughter says, But of course. Enter and then leave.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, where the skull go?
sjbranford says, I only entered while my e-mail downloaded and I opened
up some fanfic to read
sjbranford says, going offline now for an hour or so
  slytherin_daughter says, Harrmph.
sjbranford says, what skull
sjbranford says, ?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, an avatar
  Minzzer says, Easter: it's nice to have a holiday from school...but
one can only take so much church
sjbranford says, I am through the website not cheeta
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I see I missed her penguin and Pikachu
  slytherin_daughter says, Well, it *should* be there....
sjbranford says, see people later
sjbranford says, Simon
sjbranford leaves
  slytherin_daughter says, Huh.
  Minzzer says, or we early or is everyone out celebrating?
  slytherin_daughter says, we are early, I think.
bludger_witch enters
slytherin_daughter :          ^  ^    The DEVIL
slytherin_daughter :     |    (  )     Made Me
slytherin_daughter : _oOOo-(_)-oOOo_     Do It!!!!!!!!
slytherin_daughter :  |___|____|___|___|========>
  Minzzer says,
synaesthete7 enters
bludger_witch says, How? did he pay you?`Tickle you? Gave you willing
bludger_witch says, BTW. Hi
bludger_witch says, <g>
  slytherin_daughter says, Hey there.
synaesthete7 says, Hi all!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Rebecca
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Dinah, I didn't see you come in!
slytherin_daughter blinks in disbelief.
  Minzzer says, hi
bludger_witch says, Hiya kitten
synaesthete7 leaves
synaesthete7 enters
synaesthete7 says, Oops.
synaesthete7 says, Is this a conversational lull?
  slytherin_daughter says, Boo. I have the distinct feeling that few
people are going to come to the chat today. Damn Easter.
synaesthete7 says, Oh, yeah, forgot about that.  We already did all our
Easter stuff on Friday and Saturday.
bludger_witch says, Yes, all still searching the easter eggs that
haven't been found yet. Those start to stink when they rot
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There have been many lulls this morning.
but its is stil 40 mniutes (according to unreliable clock onmy PC) until
official start time of chat
synaesthete7 says, I really should have remembered, with a bunch of
Kinder Egg toys sitting around the house.
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
bludger_witch says, yael said she'd come, though.
quill_and_feather enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jamieson
quill_and_feather says, Hello everyone!
  Minzzer says, hi
quill_and_feather says, How is everyone on this lovely day?
bludger_witch says, Oooh, kinder Egg! i got one, too. And my brother got
this cute little airplane
synaesthete7 says, Yeah, Rita, I30 minutes by my equally unreliable
bludger_witch says, Hi!!!
synaesthete7 says, *30
bludger_witch says, 27 minutes here
synaesthete7 says, "One" Kinder Egg?  We have about twelve <g>
quill_and_feather says, All I got for easter was a small chocolate bunny
from my partneer...sigh...
bludger_witch says, Well, it were two. Although i go for the chocolate,
not for the trashy toys
synaesthete7 says, Me too.  The toys USED to be cool.  Now they're all
cheap junk.
bludger_witch says, Jamieson, just say the word and you can get loads of
choc from me. I'm nearly retching here <g>
  slytherin_daughter says, Chocolate is nasty stuff.
quill_and_feather says, I remember getting a little tin train from a
Kinder egg...my step kids got one today, and they were little cheap
plastic toys...
bludger_witch says, *starts to throw out virtual chocolate easter eggs*
synaesthete7 says, BTW, Jamieson, we wouldn't have half as much easter
stuff if it weren't for Grandma going overboard for Nicholas (who can't
eat chocolate yet, or at least not much of it, being less than a year
old).  So we're eating it on his behalf.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tim gave me two bags of Dove chocolate
miniature easter eggs, and I gave them to Regina for her birthday April
6, as I am stil eating my Xmas and Valentine choclates
  slytherin_daughter says, *dodges virtual chocolate easter eggs*
quill_and_feather says, Bludger Witch, gimme gimme gimme!!! Please?
synaesthete7 says, NASTY stuff?!?!?!  Now *coffee*, that's nasty.
  slytherin_daughter says,
quill_and_feather says, Aren't Grandmothers good for that?
bludger_witch says, Let's see. We have one big choc bunny, about three
small ones, 20 to 30 eggs...
synaesthete7 says, Hoo yeah.  My MIL always goes nuts at Easter.  The
grandkids all get soccer balls and about 20 chocolate eggs each.
quill_and_feather says, Does anyone remember the toys that we got from
Cracker Jacks? I picked some up the other day to reminise, and they toy
was just a crappy temporary tattoo...I felt jipped.
bludger_witch says, Shall i go on? One packet of pralinees, chocolate
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, stop making me hungry for chocolate
synaesthete7 says, YEAH!  They used to have little horns and kazoos and
stuff like that...
  Minzzer says,
synaesthete7 says, Or am I thinking of the pink candy popcorn?
bludger_witch says, I love chocolate but I'm quite fat as it is and I
know I can't resist chocolate *sigh*
quill_and_feather says, Stop! Please! I can't stand the agony! I'm
trying to make my bunny last! ::wails melodramitically::
synaesthete7 says, When I was pregnant with Nicholas I could not even
*look* at chocolate for the first trimester.  It was awful.  I was
afraid I'd never eat chocolate again... fortunately, I recovered.
bludger_witch says, Awww, shucks, poor honey
synaesthete7 says, *lobs virtual bunny at Jamieson*
quill_and_feather says, No, bludger witch, your thinking of Cracker
Jacks. They used to have little whistles, and toy cars,
bludger_witch says, lol When my Mom was pregnant with me she always had
the cravings for cheese cake
synaesthete7 says, That wasn't her, it was me.  But the pink candy
popcorn had a prize at the bottom too.
quill_and_feather says, YAY!!! OUCH! :: virtual bunny has smacked
Jamieson in the head::....shees, no one ever said chocolate hurt...
synaesthete7 says, Sorry, next time I'll make it a hollow bunny.
quill_and_feather says, lol...
bludger_witch says, So she would go and bake one, nearly each week, but
then never eat it. people were sick of cheese cake after I was born
  slytherin_daughter says, I loathe bunnies
synaesthete7 says, I have half a Bavarian apple cheesecake sittingin the
fridge right now...
bludger_witch says, Bunnies are cute
bludger_witch says, Chocolate bunnies are sweet
quill_and_feather says, You don't like the choclate bunnies?
synaesthete7 says, I like all kinds of bunnies.  Boing, boing, boing.
bludger_witch says, My bro got some kind of Bertie Botts evera flavour
easter eggs. it was rather funny
synaesthete7 says, I have never seen any HP candy here yet (Ontario).
  slytherin_daughter says, I dislike all rabbits. Just because I'm in a
baaaad mood.
  Minzzer says, bad chocolate bunnies...I like bunnies but not chocolate
quill_and_feather says, My mum used to make these homemade bunnies. They
were made with spun sugar and cornsyrup. She used to make candy all the
time...sigh, I miss my Mum...
bludger_witch says, They were just supposed to be easter eggs, but every
olour tasted different, so there...
synaesthete7 says, Jamieson:  wow, sounds yummy.
bludger_witch says, *colour
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, one time at a company potlucks this guy
made this wonderful dessert, chocalate candy shells with chocolate
mousse instead
quill_and_feather says, Why are you in a bad mood?
  slytherin_daughter says, I......well....grrr.
bludger_witch says, Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, he said he used shells of blown eggs as
molds to pour the molten chocolate inside of
synaesthete7 says, Yeah, Emily, fess up.
quill_and_feather says, (I'm having trouble remembering everyones
names...not the handles but the names...I'm bad with names...sigh)
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
quill_and_feather says, Cool. Yay!!!
synaesthete7 says, Yeah, Jamieson, i'm looking at that list too.
Otherwise I'd be hopelessly lost.
  slytherin_daughter says, Well, I'm Emily, AKA MC, or Morsus Crustum.
Just for the record.
bludger_witch says, I'm Dinah. I haven't been around very often lately,
due to school and other stress. But now I'm back...
synaesthete7 says, And I'm Rebecca.
bludger_witch says, That's not a threat!
synaesthete7 says, <Ahnold voice>  "I'll be back..."
bludger_witch says, Igitt
  slytherin_daughter says, However, I'm thinking of changing my name to
  Minzzer says, Minzzer says she is Minzzer and that her evil twin is
Rezznim and that she speaks in third person...other names will leave
unknown for the moment
synaesthete7 says, After the disciple everybody forgets?
quill_and_feather says, Sigh...I'm not on the list...::puts hand to
forehead in a Scarlett O'Hara fashion::
  slytherin_daughter says, (the fact my name is over-used is part of the
reason I'm so hacked off)
bludger_witch says, They have thios terrible comercial for a electricity
company here. He shakes his blender, his toaster and even his fridge
synaesthete7 says, You will be after this week.
  slytherin_daughter says, Scarlett never did that.
bludger_witch says, Pretty bizzarre
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I thought you were on the list!!!
quill_and_feather says, How is your name overuse, em?
bludger_witch says, But you are on HPOTChatter - I noticed you
synaesthete7 says, Emily is the #1 name in the US right now.
  slytherin_daughter says, Everyone is "Emily" these names. I'm mad
bludger_witch says, Emily - I love the name
bludger_witch says, You can shorten it to Emma, which is pretty too
quill_and_feather says, Yay!
bludger_witch says, And I'm a fan of Emily Dickonson,
synaesthete7 says, I think Emma is #2.
  slytherin_daughter says, No one was calling themselves that
before...and now they all are. Blech. I don't like "Emma"... I don't
really even like "Emily"
bludger_witch says, *Dickinson
quill_and_feather says, Well, Okay, Scarlett MAY have done that, but one
never knows....you can see her doing that, though, right?
  slytherin_daughter says, My real full name is Emily-Elizabeth
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If "Emily" is the most popular name for
little girls born this year, when they grow up, everyone will assume
that our Emily is as young as they are.
siriusgeologist enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Carole
quill_and_feather says, Oh. Maybe I wasn't looking for my name
slytherin_daughter sobs.
siriusgeologist says, Hi there
synaesthete7 says, Just like there are all these little bitty Rebeccas
running around, and hardly any my age.  Hi, Carole!
  Minzzer says, Hi Carole
  slytherin_daughter says, Hey, Carole!
siriusgeologist says, how's it going
quill_and_feather says, I actually change my entire name...first middle
and last.
  Minzzer says, hands Em a box of tissues
bludger_witch says, I think Scarlett sometimes does that... but i bet
you look more harrassed when you do it <g>
bludger_witch says, Hi Carole!#
quill_and_feather says, Hey Carole!
  slytherin_daughter says, Everyone is off celebrating Easter...
synaesthete7 says, Jamieson:  when?
  catlady_de_los_angeles  asks Jamieson : change or changed?
quill_and_feather says, Yeah, Dinah, I do.
synaesthete7 says, Oh, drat, baby just woke up.  <disappears
siriusgeologist says, I know...its the same on my street...noone for the
kids to play with
quill_and_feather says, Well, my name used to be Jamie William
bludger_witch says, Hah, I knew it
  slytherin_daughter says, I loathe holidays like this...
siriusgeologist says, we are the token heathens everyone else is
  slytherin_daughter says, They just...arrrrgh.
quill_and_feather says, I changed it to Jamieson Wolf Villeneuve before
I went to university...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Harsh ... a name for JKR to give an Auror

synaesthete7 says, Em seems to be fulfilling the role that Dai did last
synaesthete7 says, Wolf?!
bludger_witch says, Villeneuve??? Do you have a racing car ???
  slytherin_daughter says, Jamieson....strange name.
quill_and_feather says, Sounds like it, huh? huh, cat lady...
quill_and_feather says, Well, I added "son" on the end, cus my
Grandfathers name is Jamie. Wolf, because I have an affinity with them,
and Villeneuve because it's my Mums married name.
bludger_witch says, I've heard it before - but I guess it's not very
bludger_witch says, But then, common names are shit IMO
quill_and_feather says, Wow, someone knows the name! that's so cool...I
say villeneuve, and people are like "who?"
  slytherin_daughter says, Harrmph
  Minzzer says, *bangs head against the wall*
bludger_witch says, I think about changing my last name. Firts because I
don't like my father very much and secondly because it's similare to a
German word, but with one letter less
quill_and_feather says, What would you change it to?
  Minzzer says, *bounces* *bounces* *somewhere*
bludger_witch says, So i say "MY name's Zettl". And everyone goes
"Zettel???" And it takes at least fivev minutes to explain
  slytherin_daughter says, I was thinking of chaning my last name to
jenp_97 enters
bludger_witch says, Lately I nearly ended up ass Zette
  slytherin_daughter says, *Smith
bludger_witch says, *as
jenp_97 says, hi
bludger_witch says, *blushes*
bludger_witch says, Hey!
  Minzzer says, hi
quill_and_feather says, Smith? Isn't that a little plain?... <g>
synaesthete7 says, Yo!
  slytherin_daughter says, Exactly.
quill_and_feather says, Ah, that would be the point, I take it?
  slytherin_daughter says, (my last name is a nasty conglomeration of
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, E, E, Smith, the revered author of the
Lensman and Skylark series of old-time science fiction space opera
  Minzzer says, I probably going to end up wearing a sign saying "don't
bludger_witch says, If I lived in an english speaking country I'd change
my name officially to Dinah Gordon
  slytherin_daughter says, an "English speaking conunty"?
synaesthete7 says, I went from Anderson to Bohner... and my husband
pretends he can't understand why I use my maiden name for writing...
  slytherin_daughter says, crikey. That's as bad as "english speaking
bludger_witch says, Dinah because that's what I call myself online
(after the cat in Alice in Wonderland) and Gordon beacuse I love Lord
jenp_97 says, Can I just say that Easter is stressing me out?
bludger_witch says, I'm from Germany - walking around being named Dinah
Gordon in Germany would be really confuisnf
bludger_witch says, confusing
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Byron was actually his family name,
surname ... Gordon was his middle name
synaesthete7 says, Where in Germany?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or am I all screwed up again?
quill_and_feather says, BTW, everyone, I need other beta readers for my
story...Penny Dredfule. Sheryll is betaing it, but I need to get more
criticism on the story....any takers?
bludger_witch says, "Really, you speak German very well. How long have
you been here?" I'd end up in the loony bin for sure
bludger_witch says, Germany is in Central Europe
  slytherin_daughter says, Beta readers bite. Well, most of them do.
synaesthete7 says, Where IN not where IS...
quill_and_feather :shrugs:: I don't mind a little biting....<beg>
bludger_witch says, His name was Georde Gordon - his title was lord
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Good beta readers are saints and miracle
  slytherin_daughter says, <g>
  Minzzer says, what's your story about?
bludger_witch says, No, they don't. At least I don't... normally <G>
synaesthete7 says, I ask because my husband's family was from Bavaria.
quill_and_feather says, Well, I just want to get more than one persons
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *think* he was a Baron, and Barons have
their surname for title. Lord Surname of Place
bludger_witch says, I'm from Bavaria, too. shucks I understood you Q
wrong, sorry <g>
synaesthete7 says, George Gordon, Lord Byron was correct.
jenp_97 says, well, I've got to go.  Sorry I couldn'st stay longer.
synaesthete7 says, Dinah:  no prob.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Jen
synaesthete7 says, Bye, Jen...
bludger_witch says, BYe!
jenp_97 says, I'll have more time to hang out next weekend, I'm sure.
  Minzzer says, bye
quill_and_feather says, My story is about a woman named Penny Dredfule,
a Muggle, that is asked to be the new DADA teacher. Parts one through
five are up on ff.net. and I believe they're on HP fanfiction too. You
can read up on it if you want to....
synaesthete7 says, A muggle teaching DADA?!  Now I'm intrigued...
  Minzzer says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it is Lawrence, Lord Olivier of
(some district in London knwn for theaters)l
bludger_witch says, If i have the time I'd love to help out Jamieson
synaesthete7 says, She can't be any worse thanLockhart!
jenp_97 leaves
quill_and_feather says, Well, give it a whirl, and you can email me on
it if you'd like...if your searching on ff.net, it's under Penny
Dredfule, or my name, Jamieson.
synaesthete7 says, I am suffering from severe lack of time to write, as
well as awful writer's block, on my latest fic.  I hate everything I've
written so far, that doesn't help either.
bludger_witch says, Uhuuu. *giggle* That tart. But I'd like him if he
was full of himself in a more pleassant way
synaesthete7 says, *far;
bludger_witch says, I just don't like the way he patronizes Harry
babynick34 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nick!
bludger_witch says, Hi!
  Minzzer says, I'd help...but I've been known to be a beta-reader that
does not follow the 24-48 hour period
quill_and_feather says, I'd be honoured Dinah....
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
quill_and_feather says, Hi Nick!
babynick34 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm not sure Lockhart can be called a
bludger_witch says, Oh, and Jamieson, as for credits - just ask yael
when she comes in later on, she'll tell you that I don't bite... hard
synaesthete7 says, Locktart?
bludger_witch says, lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A tart sleeps around.  there is no
evidence that Lockhart ever sleeps with anyone
quill_and_feather says, Awwww...did you say you DONT bite hard? Sigh...
babynick34 enters
synaesthete7 says, With a mirror, maybe.
  Minzzer says,
  slytherin_daughter says, lol! It made a link out of the three 'w's
bludger_witch says, Anyone seen "Father of the Bride" with Steve Martin,
and the role Martin Short plays there? He acts just that way
bludger_witch says, And I'd call him a tart <G>
babynick34 leaves
quill_and_feather says, Did it? Cool...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, literally, sleeps around for profit,
rather than for lust
synaesthete7 says, "The chipper chicken"?
bludger_witch says, I wouldn't dare to bite your fingers off, e.g. You
need them to type
  slytherin_daughter says, Huh? Chipper chicken?
synaesthete7 says, That's what Martin Short says for "cheaper" in FOTB.
  slytherin_daughter says, hmm
bludger_witch says, I love Martin Short. I mean, I couldn't watch a
movie where he plays the main character, but in Alice in Wonderlanmd he
was good. Or in that movie with Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid
  slytherin_daughter has no clue who Martin Short is
synaesthete7 says, He's Canadian, too.
quill_and_feather says, A Canadian actor...what was he in?
bludger_witch says, Canada has the best musicians, IMO.
quill_and_feather says, He was on SNL for a while...
bludger_witch says, Bryan Adams, Loreena McKennitt, Alanis Morissette,
Holly Cole, Shania Twain, just to name a few
synaesthete7 says, Father of the Bride as the wedding planner; he was in
the recent Sam Neill MERLIN as... drawing a blank here...
babynick34 enters
siriusgeologist is back.
siriusgeologist says, joni mitchell
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb carole
synaesthete7 says, A couple of my friends opened for Loreena McKennitt
ten years ago... I now live in Loreena's home town of Stratford... my
mom was born in Shania Twain's home town of Timmins.  (which is the end
of the WORLD pretty much).
alyeskakc enters
bludger_witch says, He plaid that strange Goblin that, wehen mab was in
a good mood, suddenly looked... whew, I'm starting to sweat here <g>
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Alyeska C
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi
babynick34 leaves
alyeskakc says, Hello
synaesthete7 says, I have GOT to teach Nicholas not to play in the
bludger_witch says, Dare I mnetion Celine Dion? I actually like her
music, in an easy listening way
quill_and_feather says, Usually not a good place to play...
babynick34 has been invited to join this room.
babynick34 enters
bludger_witch says, lol. Did he fall in the pot?
synaesthete7 says, In a good way, Dinah?  Kind of like Rowan Atkinson
playing the Ninth Doctor was suddenly and inexplicably gorgeous?  THAT
was weird.
  babynick34 says, Thanks Catlady... I was having problems getting in
using Cheeta.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, we saw
synaesthete7 says, Dinah:  no, he didn't fall in, but he was paddling
quite happily.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick, do you think Lockhart can be
described as a tart?
bludger_witch says, Yes, just that way. I coudln't stand him before, but
with that klong blond hair and that sword...
bludger_witch says, uh, double-meaning unintended
  babynick34 says, Don't think so... a bit excentric might fit the bill
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My theory is a tart is a person who
sleeps around and we have no evidence that Lockhart EVER sleeps with
synaesthete7 says, Dinah:  Gotcha.  :)
quill_and_feather says, A tart? I don't know, I would have just called
him annoying myself...<g>
synaesthete7 says, Yeah, "tart" is not the right word.
  slytherin_daughter says, <yawns>
alyeskakc leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
bludger_witch says, Awww, everybody's picking on me
synaesthete7 says, *lobs a chocolate bunny at Em*
bludger_witch says, J/K
  slytherin_daughter says, Harrmph
synaesthete7 says, James / Karkaroff?
  babynick34 says, Did you see the picture of Jo's flat I posted (in
graphics)?  I think she still lives there some of the time.
synaesthete7 says, Now there's a slash whose time has NOT come...
bludger_witch says, That's just why I love you guys: You help me
increase my knowledge of english tremendously
quill_and_feather says, Haven't seen it.... must take a peek...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not picking on Dinah, just speculaating
on the English language
bludger_witch says, Weird pairings again?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, James/Karkaroff -- is it a rule that
there must be a strange pairings section of each chat?.
synaesthete7 says, "Tart" is British slang, also, so the Americans
wouldn't know either.
bludger_witch says, Lockhart/Karkaroff, that's better
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lo/Ka LOL
synaesthete7 says, Lockhart wouldn't be caught dead with Karkaroff.
synaesthete7 says, Lo/Ka?  Sounds like a diet drink.
bludger_witch says, What do you say, was Lockhart at the school with
Harry's parents?
quill_and_feather says, I'm getting wierd visuals on that
pairing....they'd be doing something nasty, and Lockheart would stop to
fix his hair...he he he
synaesthete7 says, Dinah:  don't feed the plot bunnies!
bludger_witch says, Or is he younger?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lockhart/Skeeter -- they could help each
others careers so much
  babynick34 says, Lockhart could have been there at the same time...
but I suspect in a younger year.
synaesthete7 says, Now THAT I could see.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lockhart woldn't have pubbed moer than
one book a year: that would limit sales
synaesthete7 says, Lockhart is probably older than he looks.
  slytherin_daughter says, You think Lockhart is young? Really?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by cutting down the anticipation
bludger_witch says, And Molly has a crush on him? That
cradle-snatcher!!! *snicker*
synaesthete7 says, He's probably had a few facelifts by now.
synaesthete7 says, Maybe he went to school with Molly!
quill_and_feather says, I got the impression that he was an older person
trying to keep his good looks....
synaesthete7 says, Jamieson:  yes, exactly.
synaesthete7 says, Those curlers were a dead giveaway...
quill_and_feather :side note, I know a lot of gay guys like
synaesthete7 says, 'Scuse me, my son is trashing the living room.
<ducks out>
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, count how many books he's had published
and guess at least one year since gaduation per book.
bludger_witch says, I can see that. Molly's youth crush, and Arthur all
gettin angry and he has to claim her with bravery and fervor...
bludger_witch says, Oh my gawd - as Rebecca said, don't feed the
Minzzer is away (Auto-Away)
quill_and_feather says, silence...someone say something....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, molly won't admit she has a crush on him,
just that he's a nice young man and SO knowledgeable and brave, why
cna't her sns be more loike him
synaesthete7 says, Except Fred, as usual, knows the truth:  "Mum fancies
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, everyone knows the truth except Molly is
in denial. It doesn't do any harm
bludger_witch says, Yes. denial is not a river in egypt
synaesthete7 says, <singing> "Cleopatra / Queen of Denial..."
synaesthete7 says, Aargh!  I just sang a country song!  Shoot me now!
  slytherin_daughter says, Arrgh.
  slytherin_daughter :sounds like a pirate
Minzzer is back.
  Minzzer says,
bludger_witch says, *gets out her rifle - filled with... cream TARTS*
bludger_witch says, BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!
synaesthete7 says, SPLOTCH!!!
bludger_witch says, sorry <g>
synaesthete7 says, Yum, custard.
  babynick34 says, Having now been to Edinburgh - I can see how living
up there can affect things in the books... the buildings are great up
bludger_witch says, Canary custard <g>
  babynick34 says, Many are like miniture castles.
synaesthete7 says, Tweet!!!
bludger_witch says, Sorry for the feather mess
synaesthete7 says, Nick:  Yes, Edinburgh is gorgeous.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, licks cream from splashed tart off the
  slytherin_daughter says, Ewww
mgrantwich enters
  slytherin_daughter says, Cream? Nasty.
bludger_witch says, gets out a tissue and wipes Rita's mundwinkels
quill_and_feather says, Gross Rita, but kinky. Very kinky...
synaesthete7 says, I had a major rental car accident in downtown
Edinburgh:  NEVER drive there.  Espeically if you are used to driving on
the opposied side of the road...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Magda
  slytherin_daughter does dance of repulsion
  babynick34 says, Mind you, Edinburgh is a long way from my house...
took me 9 hours to drive home!
synaesthete7 says, *Especially / *opposite
mgrantwich says, hello
bludger_witch says, Hi!
synaesthete7 says, Nick:  where are you from?
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
  babynick34 says, I'm about 30 miles South West of London, England -
not far from Windsor Castle.
  Minzzer says, nine hours...collapses
quill_and_feather says, BRB...going to make something for lunch.....
quill_and_feather is away (be right back)
  babynick34 says, Driving in downtown Edinburgh is a nightmare... I
tried it, and quickly found it better to park and walk around the place.

  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer: nine hours WHA?
synaesthete7 says, Oh, and here I was just opening the last Kinder Egg
and I was going to share it with Jamieson, but he went away... oh well.
synaesthete7 says, Nick:  we got rescued by nice policemen, though.
They gave us tea.  Very civilized...
bludger_witch says, He's gettin dinner, so there's no need to get
worried <g>
  babynick34 says, oh it's bugging me now... what prog was Snarf from?
synaesthete7 says, Program?
  babynick34 says, children's cartoon I think.
  Minzzer says, too long to stay in car...at least in the mood I'm in
synaesthete7 says, I was just being onomatopoeic.
bludger_witch says, I only know SMURF
synaesthete7 says, Were the Snarfs the black Smurfs that gnashed their
bludger_witch says, You are what? stop using those dirty words around me

bludger_witch says,
synaesthete7 says, Dinah:  BANG!
  babynick34 says, Hi Bludger
synaesthete7 says, And inside the Kinder Egg is... *drum roll*
  slytherin_daughter says, onomatopoeia....fun word.
bludger_witch says, Hi Neil, master Moderator and chiquestcar of South
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, onomatopoeic -- Dinah, just INC ASE you
weren't just joking, it means making up a word that sounds like the
thing it is a word for.
bludger_witch says, Akc wrong guy. I'm confues
  Minzzer says,
synaesthete7 says, Oh, my word, what a junky toy!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Well, Rebecca?
  babynick34 says, Neil?  He's not here yet is he?  I'm Nick.
bludger_witch says, There was alcohol in those eggs, can you believe it?
And i got them from my parents, tsk, tsk
bludger_witch says, Hi Nick *hides in shame*
bludger_witch says, Noticed before you told me -  do I get points for
synaesthete7 says, It's a plastic elephant jumping on a tiny plastic
table to get away from a plastic mouse which is lying on a plastic mat
on the floor (can you tell I resent the "plastic" part)?  And it doesn't
even go together properly!
  catlady_de_los_angeles  comforts rebecca
  babynick34 says, I aint got no Kinder eggs... I hve Chocolate Frogs!
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
bludger_witch says, It's always plastic - I think if you melt that down
you maybe build your own light airplane <g>
bludger_witch says, Oooh, Chocolate Frogs!!! I only got Chocolate Bugs
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what are Choc Bugs?
synaesthete7 says, Nick:  lucky you!
synaesthete7 says, Oh, I was wrong, it does snap together after all.  I
was just inept.
bludger_witch says, Little lumps of chocolate that are wrapped in paper
that has ladybugs printed on it - add legs made of cardboard and you
have chocolate bugs
Minzzer is away (be right back)
  babynick34 says, You can make your own Chocolate Bugs -
sineadsiobhan enters
sineadsiobhan says, hi all!
  babynick34 says, Hi
bludger_witch says, Hi Sinead!!!
harry_potter00 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Sinead,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Scott
  harry_potter00 says, Hi
sineadsiobhan says, how are things going?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm surprised so many people are here
despie Easter
bludger_witch says, Hi Scott 
  slytherin_daughter says, Huh? Edible insects?
synaesthete7 says, I have a great recipe for chocolate mice.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jamieson was expressing self-pity over
getting only one choccy bunny
  harry_potter00 says, Hi everyone...Happy Easter to all those who
observe it!
  babynick34 says, Not bad here Sinead... got back from a very quick
trip to Edinburgh on Wednesday, took a pic of Jo's Flat.
  babynick34 says,

  harry_potter00 says, Oh did you see her?!?!
synaesthete7 says, Hi, Scott.
bludger_witch says, I don't observe it but I still have to put up with
tons of chocolates and even more relatives - how unfair is that?
sineadsiobhan says, I'm just here alone for Easter... my family's off
other places
quill_and_feather is back.
bludger_witch says, Oh Nick, those bugs do look kinda gross
  babynick34 says, No such luck... if only.
dai_evans enters
quill_and_feather says, I was not expresing self pity, Rita, just saying
that I wish I got more..<g>
synaesthete7 says, Hi, Dai.
bludger_witch says, Hey DAi!
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Dai
  babynick34 says, I'm home alone as well Sinead.
  harry_potter00 says, That's a nice picture of her house.
  dai_evans says, Hi there
synaesthete7 says, Jamieson:  you missed me eating the last Kinder Egg.
I was going to give you some, but...
  harry_potter00 says, I mean her house is nice. Argh
sineadsiobhan says, did you see the new york pictures anyone?
quill_and_feather says, Sigh...maybe next time....
  dai_evans says, Yeah, I saw them
  slytherin_daughter says, That's a very nice house
  harry_potter00 says, New York pics are they up?
  babynick34 says, Her's is the top section... got some nice plants in
  Minzzer says, where are the NY pics?
Minzzer is back.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dai
bludger_witch says, I'll go get some coffee and chocolate <g> *hops off
like the chief easter bunny himself*
  harry_potter00 says, Top section? Isn't the blue door hers?
synaesthete7 says, Bun-Bun?  </Sluggy in-joke>
sineadsiobhan says, in the HPFGU files
  slytherin_daughter says, Oh, good. The room is filling up.
sineadsiobhan says, New York Pictures
  babynick34 says, No... Red door is her's.  At least it is according
to the Electorial Role.
sineadsiobhan says, and nice house!
  harry_potter00 says, Oh.
sineadsiobhan says, reminds me of my gram's when I was young
yael_pou enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Yael
yael_pou says, Hullo!
  harry_potter00 says, Hey you guys don't feel bad I didn't get any
easter candy. ;-)
  dai_evans says, Hi Yael
quill_and_feather says, Hey Yael!!!
  harry_potter00 says, Hi Yael
  dai_evans says, I got a Harry Potter chocolate frogs eater egg
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
synaesthete7 says, Hello, Yael!
  babynick34 says, Her new office address is a 5 min walk away... and
is not an office at all, but just a box at a mailing company.
sineadsiobhan says, me neither.. I went JP Licks
  slytherin_daughter says, Ooh, it's Yael.
sineadsiobhan says, got meself the biggest icecream I could get
  babynick34 says, Thus, I suspect she still lives at the flat, at
least some of the time.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tim gave me two bags of Dove choccy
miniature easter eggs, but I gave them to Regina for her birthday on
april 6
harry_potter00 is away (be right back)
synaesthete7 says, Mmmm.... ice cream.
bludger_witch says, *throws nougat eggs in all directions*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, aecause I'm still eating my xmas and
valentine choccy
mgrantwich is away (Auto-Away)
yael_pou says, *schnoogles all* Dinah! you made it!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, byt the end is in sight and I kind of
regret not keeping the easter choccies
bludger_witch says, OOOoooooooooooooooooh, Hi yael!!!!!!!
synaesthete7 says, Are those like the Cadbury Easter Creme eggs with the
gooey yolk in the centre?
sineadsiobhan says, couldn't finish but its Oreo... one of my weaknesses

sineadsiobhan says, Oreeeo
sineadsiobhan says,
  slytherin_daughter says, Yael, I owe you mail. Damn, that rhymed.
synaesthete7 says, Mmmm... Oreos and milk.  Not at all kosher, tho.
yael_pou says, No Easter here *boo hoo* We have cardboard for passover.
quill_and_feather says, Oreos are good with hot chocolate...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like the Oreo cookies, not the Oreo ice
synaesthete7 says, Sorry about that matzoh thing, Yael.
sineadsiobhan says, mm.. they're good as icream from JP Licks
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yael, what about harosset? Yum.
sineadsiobhan says, they make their own Oreo icecream
  slytherin_daughter says, cardboard? Really?
sineadsiobhan says, yogurt
sineadsiobhan says, yum
synaesthete7 says, It might as well be.
yael_pou says, Emily, hon, you don't have to. I just thought you'd want
that D/R scene. I gave you a little teaser in the chapter
  babynick34 says, NY Pics are good, if a little on the large size.
bludger_witch says, Cardboard? Poor you. But at least you don't get sick
from gnawing on it *eyes the puke bucket next to her*
yael_pou says, yeah, rita, you're right.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mahtzot. We eat mahtzah for crackers all
year round here.
  harry_potter00 says, Oh wait I did get some of those peeps
bunnies...I forgot!
harry_potter00 is back.
yael_pou says, oh dear, Dinah!
  Minzzer says, how was the NY trip?
synaesthete7 says, Peeps bunnies?  Yeuch.
  slytherin_daughter says, Argh, I want to do my role of pointing out
faults. It's what I do best. I'm just procrastenating. Yes, I noticed
that little....incident in the chapter. Very funny.
  slytherin_daughter says, (that was full of misspellings)
bludger_witch says, Oh, just kidding - for now <g>#
  harry_potter00 says, They aren't that bad...
  babynick34 says, How many finally met up at NY?
synaesthete7 says, "Bring me a bucket..."
  babynick34 says, Anyone know if there is a UK gathering anytime
soon... or have I missed it?
yael_pou says, harry_potter00?
bludger_witch says, Scott
  harry_potter00 says, I'm Scott
yael_pou says, hi Scott!
synaesthete7 says, Great Scott!
sineadsiobhan says, 4 people came this time... last time it was 6
synaesthete7 says, No Canadian gatherings, I notice...
yael_pou says, I'll be in the UK late May.
  harry_potter00 says, Yeah Nick I think we're going to meet in
July...Ebony and I will be in oxford remember.
  dai_evans says, We had a meet in london last month
  harry_potter00 says, Of course we've not decided anything yet...
bludger_witch says, July.... Maybe I could make it *ponders the
quill_and_feather says, Well, as far as I know, Sheryll and I are the
only two people in Canada...I think....at least in Ottawa....
mgrantwich is back.
mgrantwich says, Canada is a big country
bludger_witch says, yael, care to stop over in Bavaria????
  babynick34 says, I'm off work towards end of May... will be back at
work in July... but could come to an evening meet up.
sineadsiobhan says, We're thinking of having a New England gathering
bludger_witch says, *hopeful puppy dog look*
synaesthete7 says, Jamieson:  you're in Canada?  I thought you were
English... I'm in Stratford, ON.
mgrantwich says, I'm in Ottawa
  harry_potter00 says, That would be fun.
bludger_witch says, I guess not, though <g>
  babynick34 says, New England, sounds nice, I've always wanted to
visit over there - Boston area, or Vermont would be good.
synaesthete7 says, I'm on the wrong side of Toronto, obviously...
yael_pou says, heh heh Dinah. You don't you drob by the UK. We can walk
bang our heads on the 9/10 barrier together
  slytherin_daughter says, I'm afraid of New England.
synaesthete7 says, I've always wanted to go to New England too.
quill_and_feather says, Nope, I'm actually A Canada Boy!
bludger_witch says, Sounds great. I'll bring band-aids *snicker*
  babynick34 says, you mean the 9/10 auto ticket booth!
synaesthete7 says, I... am... Canadian.
  Minzzer says, Min will just have to stay in her lovely secluded
area...and no she is not inviting everyone from Texas over...that would
be too much
  harry_potter00 says, I've always wanted to visit New England. Some
friends of mine are heading up there today.
siriusgeologist is back.
siriusgeologist says, New england isn't too bed...depending on where
(sorry I've been in and out
  harry_potter00 says, Wish I was going!
yael_pou says, Ooh, sorry Nick, didn't pay attention to the details.
bludger_witch says, Too "bed" - are you offering???? *feigns innocence*
  dai_evans says, I'd like to go to New England, There's someone I want
to meet in Boston
  babynick34 says, Reminds me, must dig up the pics of KingsX... don't
think they are in the group archives at the moment.
siriusgeologist says, ooops too bad...eeek
  Minzzer says, Min wishes she were in New England
quill_and_feather says, I think we should set up a Canadian gethering
for HP...anyone interested?
  slytherin_daughter says, LOL!
bludger_witch says, See what I mean? *giggle*
synaesthete7 says, I would be if I didn't have to travel very far.
  harry_potter00 says, There's not a barrier then is there....I've been
to Paddington station but not KingsX
yael_pou says, ha ha Dinah. catching me on typos?
  babynick34 says, Nope scott... just two auto ticket booths and some
railings behind.
sineadsiobhan says, ;-) Dai
yael_pou says, Carole!
  harry_potter00 -9
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, making slighty risque jokes. Because
there was alcohol in the easter eggs.
  dai_evans says,
synaesthete7 says, Is there something I should know?
  babynick34 says, Alcoholic Easter eggs... sound great.
  harry_potter00 says, Alcoholic Easter eggs....
sineadsiobhan says, mm..
  babynick34 says, dai - can you send me that AV?
synaesthete7 says, Eugh.  I hate liqueurs.
bludger_witch says, I have some with Cherry liquor and with Brandy...
  slytherin_daughter says, Alcholic Easter Eggs? How....*wrong*
  dai_evans says, Nick? Eh?
synaesthete7 says, But then, I also hate mocha.  Let me ahve nothing
adulterating my chocolate!
synaesthete7 says, *have
yael_pou says, *sulks* I WANT AN EASTER EGG TOO! </chidish rant>
  slytherin_daughter says, *lobs virtual Eggs at Yael*
bludger_witch says, Awwww, poor little yael *hands over virtual White
Chocolate with Mousse au Chocolat Easter egg*
  Minzzer says, see what happens to people who celebrate Easter...
quill_and_feather :hands yael an easter egg. It's made of wood, and
painted pretty colours::
bludger_witch says, Those are yummy
yael_pou says, Geat Emily, that got me in the eye. Warn next time
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't remember what the hardboiled egg
on the Pesah plate is supposed to stand for.
bludger_witch says, Oooops Not the wood ones
  harry_potter00 says, You could have gotten some Bertie Blotts Beans
for the occasion. However they don't have my favourite flavours...peanut
butter and Marguerita....
  harry_potter00 says, I think I spelt that wrong.
  slytherin_daughter says, Whoopsie....
bludger_witch says, PB AND Marg. or WITH (gross)
sineadsiobhan says, ew peanut butter jelly beans?
sineadsiobhan says, ew
  harry_potter00 says, Not together....
  slytherin_daughter says, ew
quill_and_feather says, The wooden ones are actually what is handed out
in the Ukrain. Easter is a big thing there...
bludger_witch says, Good, I was worried
sineadsiobhan has had too much ice cream so if I'm babbling
nonsensically... its the reason
  dai_evans says, Can't they afford chocolate in thge Ukraine?
  babynick34 says, yael - have a Norbert Egg:

yael_pou says, reading about the puffskin(sp?) I finally found out what
'boggie'(sp?) means. Yuck!
  harry_potter00 says, Aren't you glad my computer was broken on the
snacks of doom thread...I told you I'll eat peanut butter on ANYTHING!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ukraine: the pysankhy are made of shells
from blown eggs
  slytherin_daughter says, Hear, hear. Finally, someone agrees with me
on the puffskein thing.
  dai_evans says, I think chocolate is better
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, damned it I know how they get all that
egg contents out that tiny hole.
yael_pou says, oh, no problem with the puffskein. Just the BBEFB in that
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the pysankhy keep forever (unless your
cat knocks them off the display shelf and chases them areound the romm)
and look gorgeous
  slytherin_daughter says, BBEFB?
harry_potter00 |||||||||||||||||||||||||
harry_potter00 |LIFESAVERS |
harry_potter00 |_|||||||||||||||||||||||_|
harry_potter00 offers you some Candy
bludger_witch says, It's easy - you pick a whole down at the bottom,
then blow the yolk and the white through it
yael_pou says, Barty Bott's Every Flavour Beans (god knows how to spell
sineadsiobhan says, mm...
sineadsiobhan says, I'm thinking about Chocolate Walnut Whips
  slytherin_daughter :sigh::
  dai_evans says, I had chocolate frogs
bludger_witch says, We do it all the time - youi can color them and hang
them on fresh branches
quill_and_feather says, Rita, they poke little holes on either side of
the egg. Just little teeny ones, and blow the contents out throught he
sineadsiobhan says, I sure hope me mum brings some back.. Marks and
Spencer sells a lot of those chocolate walnut whips
  slytherin_daughter says, Okay, I still stand alone in my "Puffskeins
are freaky" camp
  harry_potter00 says, I've seen that before but it seems like such a
tedious process. (I can't even crack and egg)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've tried it. EVent he egg white is
sticky enought atht it sticks together into blobs too big to fit through
thte hole.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Puffskeins are tribbles
bludger_witch says, No, it really works !
sineadsiobhan says, I want to schnoogle a puffskein
yael_pou says, Sinead - just don't fall asleep near one!
bludger_witch says, Tribbles? As in Star trek? But they don't lick at
your bogies *looks sick*
  slytherin_daughter says, I want to use a puffskein for a bludger in
Quiddich practice.
sineadsiobhan says, how come?
Minzzer is away (be right back)
bludger_witch says, Yes, that sounds very, very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
quill_and_feather says, it works, but you have to take it slowly, and
make sure not to crack the egg holes too much...
yael_pou says, hey, Emily, how'd you make that devil?
sineadsiobhan says,
  slytherin_daughter says, >
  slytherin_daughter says, eek.
yael_pou says,
  slytherin_daughter  > )
sineadsiobhan says, > : )
bludger_witch says, <:
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, > : )
  harry_potter00 says, >0
yael_pou says, >
  slytherin_daughter says,
  harry_potter00 says, >)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says,
bludger_witch says,
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:

catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
  slytherin_daughter says, >
  slytherin_daughter says, blah.
  harry_potter00 says, Argh! It didn't work!
bludger_witch says, Ha! I've got it *feels like Eliza Doolittle*?
quill_and_feather says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the little pictures faces won't show on
the transcript
sineadsiobhan says,
synaesthete7 says, <EG>
quill_and_feather says, Cool!!!
  slytherin_daughter says, *bursts into song* By George, she's got it!
sineadsiobhan says, We're all wee devils
bludger_witch says, <   <    <    <    <
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
bludger_witch says, Ack, sh.........
yael_pou says,
synaesthete7 [
yael_pou says,
sineadsiobhan says, LOL everyone has had a bit much sugar
bludger_witch says, Show off
synaesthete7 says,
bludger_witch says,
harry_potter00 is away (be right back)
synaesthete7 says,   :/
quill_and_feather says, I haven't had nearly enough sugar!
yael_pou ?
synaesthete7 ?
  dai_evans says, Has evryoine gone mad?
bludger_witch says,
sineadsiobhan says, that face.. is the most idotic one :-O
synaesthete7 says, I'm still trying to find out how to make that devil!
bludger_witch says,
yael_pou says, how's that one with the ?
bludger_witch says,
synaesthete7 ?
sineadsiobhan says,
quill_and_feather says, We haven't gone mad....just slightly crazy..
synaesthete7 says, :/
bludger_witch ?
  slytherin_daughter says,
yael_pou says, ????
synaesthete7 ]
bludger_witch ?
Minzzer is back.
  Minzzer says,
sineadsiobhan says, Dai... we've had a bit much to eat
synaesthete7 }
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, > : )
  dai_evans says, Have a few too mnay glasses over dinner?
bludger_witch says,   ?
sineadsiobhan says, the bunnies
sineadsiobhan says, look at all the bunnies
synaesthete7 0
yael_pou says, ?)
  slytherin_daughter says, Talk to the snail
synaesthete7 *
synaesthete7 J
bludger_witch says, How - does - that - work???????? *Gnashes her teeth*

  harry_potter00 says, I think we were crazy to begin with...
harry_potter00 is back.
  dai_evans says, talk to the hand, the face doesn't care
synaesthete7 says, This is not working!!!!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah, you had the arrow sign pointing
the wrng direction
  slytherin_daughter says, talk to the snail
synaesthete7 says, ;P
  slytherin_daughter says,
synaesthete7 says,
yael_pou says,
sineadsiobhan says, talk to the puffskein
bludger_witch says,
  slytherin_daughter says, X)
synaesthete7 says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL @sinead
bludger_witch says, And the  ?  one, and the one with the heart?????
synaesthete7 says, WOW!  What was that?
  slytherin_daughter says,
  dai_evans says, Anyone here ever read any Harry Potter?
yael_pou says, X
synaesthete7 <
bludger_witch says, x)
yael_pou X)
  harry_potter00 says, I think so...
synaesthete7 says,
sineadsiobhan says, what's Harry Potter?
  slytherin_daughter )?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ROTFL @ Dai
  Minzzer says, uh...
  slytherin_daughter says, LOL!
sineadsiobhan says, The hot guy with the glasses?
  harry_potter00 says, What was it about again?
synaesthete7 says, Ooh, love that tousled hair...
bludger_witch  )?
  slytherin_daughter says, Some kid....with magic powers... I dunno...
sineadsiobhan says, I just wanna... rip off his clothes
  dai_evans says, I heard someone say it was good.
synaesthete7 says, AAAAA!!!! My son just tore apart the office behind my
  catlady_de_los_angeles says,    : - /
  dai_evans says, Easy there, Sinead
yael_pou says,
  slytherin_daughter says, I think it's Satanic... I read that
bludger_witch says, I'm more for tha tall dark and brooding sexy potions
master, thank you very much
  harry_potter00 says, I have tousled hair...hehe...my comparsion to
harry starts and ends there.
yael_pou -\
yael_pou -
yael_pou says,
  Minzzer says,
  slytherin_daughter says,  :/
  slytherin_daughter -/
  dai_evans says, Yeah, I think it's evil, against Goad, and we should
run a campaign to ban it.
yael_pou says, thanks Rita!
  dai_evans says, *god
bludger_witch \
  babynick34 says, I'm back again... given up trying to get an Avatar
to work using Cheetachat.  Don't think it likes AOL much.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Poor Rebecca. One woman I know just
posted that she still has three slide rule (descrptions snipped). all
slightly gnawed teve ths
  slytherin_daughter ?
synaesthete7 says, With yellow teeth and greasy hair... there has GOT to
be an explanation for that.
bludger_witch says, ?
synaesthete7 says, I like "Goad" better, Dai.
bludger_witch says,  :-?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by a bad dog who opened her desk drawer
and didn't remove anything except the slife rules
bludger_witch says, Ack, I don't know
  slytherin_daughter says, Voldemort means "Flight from death", so it's
obviously Satan-sent. Isn't that obvious?
sineadsiobhan says, Ban HP?
jamesf991 enters
  slytherin_daughter says, (talk to the snail)
mgrantwich says, goodbye everybody.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jim
  dai_evans says, No, it's Flight of Death isn't it, not from.
  dai_evans says, Hi, Jim
yael_pou says, Jim!
  slytherin_daughter says, Oh. Well, it's still evil.
jamesf991 says, Hi everybody
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, can be either, also can be Theft or
yael_pou says, Hey, Jim, are you writing those scenes?
synaesthete7 says, I just read a good HP article, quite balanced I
thought, in a Christian magazine... I keep meaning to post his criticism
of the HP books for feedback.  It has nothing to do with thinking the
books are occultic, Satanic, or anything of that sort... but the author
worries that Harry always seems to succeed by lying or breaking the
mgrantwich leaves
  slytherin_daughter says, Let's face it, no book except the Bible
should ever be read
jamesf991 says, Yael - KDIL 10 looked really good. (only 2 more
chapters, sigh)
bludger_witch says, Hi!
synaesthete7 says, Other than that, though, he really likes the books.
  Minzzer says, which Bible?
  harry_potter00 says, Yes we really should ban HP from all the public
libraries in America. Replace it with real literature like that
wonderful nancy stoufer book!!!
yael_pou says, thanks! are you writing the love scenes?
  dai_evans says, Flourish, you're quite right. Bible's only here.
synaesthete7 says, The KJV, of course!
  dai_evans says, All other books spread discord in gods creation
  slytherin_daughter says, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  babynick34 says, Does this work
  slytherin_daughter goes into convultions
sineadsiobhan says, I wonder why England gets these naff food not
here... why the heck are we selling a scabbers doll?!?
  babynick34 says, Yes, done it... got the Welsh Dragon.
  dai_evans says, Yes, Nick you;ve got it
  dai_evans says, Now, get your own
  harry_potter00 says, hehehe
jamesf991 says, I got a liille confused by the "real" scenes.  I wrote
about half of the first one.
  slytherin_daughter says, You called me "Flourish". Die. Now.,
synaesthete7 says, If it was good enough for King James...
jamesf991 says, But the good ship HH deserves to be heard!
synaesthete7 says, Poor Flourish.
  dai_evans says, Aren't you flourish? I get confused.
quill_and_feather says, I'm gonna run, everybody...still have to find
something for lunch, and want to settle down outside wiht GoF. If anyone
wants to beta my story, just email me....HAPPY EASTER!!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The big green fish opens it mouth to
swallow the red drago like Jonah
  slytherin_daughter says, No, I'm not Flouish. I'm Emily, damn it.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Jamieson
  slytherin_daughter says, Christ.

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