Fw: 9.32 after which yahoo kicked me out and told me they didn' t exist anymore.
Denise R
gypsycaine at ...
Mon Apr 9 03:27:19 UTC 2001
Get ICQ'd! 21282374
>From there to here,
from here to there,
funny things
are everywhere
Dr. Seuss
----- Original Message -----
From: "Denise R" <gypsycaine at ...>
To: <HPforGrownupsChatScripts-owner at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 11:21 PM
Subject: 9.32 after which yahoo kicked me out and told me they didn' t exist
> Connecting...
> Connected! Sending login information...
> You see here:
> ffn,yael_pou,keithfras,Minzzer,catorman
> al_ffn says, At least we're ontopic, Emily
> lupinesque says, Only just, Em.
> slytherin_daughter says, Must count my blessings, I suppose
> al_ffn says, hmm
> lupinesque says, I mean, only just got back to it.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Porn IM Count: 10
> ? Father_Ian says, bless you my child, lol.
> al_ffn says, ooh, weird font
> skaprincess27 double browser window with SportsCenter... oyyy.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL Eb was annoying until she found out
> that Ron was also annoyed.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *annoyed
> lupinesque says, Father Ian can take over on Easter
> lupinesque says, Who are you?
> skaprincess27 says, Oh, I love the music, Amy. ^_^
> ? Father_Ian says, LOL
> lupinesque says, I figured!
> ? Father_Ian says, well, I am a legal minister.
> selah_1977 says, Right! Jana--I was agreeing with Ron. We couldn't have
> that, now could we?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Course not.
> ? Father_Ian says, Ordained via internet in the Church of Life.
> al_ffn says, The chatter list needs updating, IMO ... hey ... *realises*
> something ... I'm on it. Yay :-D
> catorman says, Who is Father Ian? It isn't John again, is it?
> selah_1977 says, Amy, but that's the problem. A lot of fans are growing
> annoyed with Harry because he IS unassuming.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's Dee
> lupinesque says, I should've done that. Would've saved me 5 years' study
> and thousands of dollars in student loans.
> skaprincess27 says, Wahoo!
> ? Father_Ian waves at Rita!
> ? Father_Ian says, bingo.
> lupinesque says, Which fans would these be?
> selah_1977 says, Uh...
> al_ffn says, I'm not annoyed with Harry.
> rohinee16 is back.
> al_ffn says, At all
> selah_1977 says, *could name names*
> slytherin_daughter says, Why are we annoyed?
> lupinesque says, Quick poll: anyone think Harry is TOO unassuming?
> skaprincess27 says, I'd be a member of an order, but I rarely go to church
> and sin like it's going out of style. Bye bye, seminary.
> catorman says, Neither am I.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, rohinee16, do you have another name?
> al_ffn says, No.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Define "unassuming"
> ? heiditandy could never be annoyed with Harry. "Have an urge to send
> child into therapy, maybe..."
> skaprincess27 says, *schnoogles Harry*
> rohinee16 says, Just Rohinee, I'm new, this is my first time, you can call
> me Ro
> selah_1977 says, Along with Draco, Heidi?
> al_ffn says, Gives Harry hot chocolate.
> selah_1977 says, Hi, Ro!
> ? Father_Ian says, Lol.
> catorman says, Definitely unassuming, but not too mcy.
> lupinesque says, Hi Ro! (as in Ensign?)
> al_ffn says, According to Cassie's wishes
> ? Father_Ian says, I'll find the link, and post it in a sec.
> catorman says, much, not mcy
> lupinesque says, Group therapy for Draco and Harry. Hope the therapist
> knows a lot of DADA.
> rohinee16 says, Of course, though i'm not as brash as her ! (no its short
> for Rohini)
> skaprincess27 says, Must change shoes... BRB
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL @ Amy
> al_ffn says, Group therapy was in ToT
> lupinesque says, I agree, Cath. He's very together.
> catorman says, Has to be, otherwise all his friends would hate him. BTW,
> doesn't have many friends.
> al_ffn says, plug plug
> selah_1977 says, *could REALLY name names of HP fans who really dislike
> Harry*
> slytherin_daughter says, Why don't you, Eb?
> slytherin_daughter says, Get us all against some poor souls
> lupinesque says, Ebony, fess up or cut it out. I'm dying of curiosity
> selah_1977 says, Because I want to plan Hagrid and Maxime's wedding again.
> selah_1977 says,
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Who dislikes Harry? ::steps protectively
> in front of Potter::
> lupinesque says, Now I'm lost
> ? Father_Ian says, http://www.ulc.net/
> al_ffn says, Jenny, I do *not* want to see your damn movies!
> keithfras leaves
> keithfras enters
> selah_1977 says, LOL, Amy!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
> ? Father_Ian says, Lol.
> ? Father_Ian says, is that some lady with an A-- name?
> lupinesque says, Harry has plenty of friends. Two very close ones and a
> bunch of pally ones (mostly F&G)
> selah_1977 says, About 6 or 7 months ago, we planned out a wedding for
> Hagrid and Madame Maxime.
> selah_1977 says, In chat.
> slytherin_daughter says, <giggles> Why am I not getting porn ads?
> al_ffn says, *shudders*
> ? Father_Ian says, Al, you can report her via abuse at ... as a
> violation of the ToS.
> ? Father_Ian says, They'll yank her account.
> selah_1977 says, It was FUN.
> al_ffn says, *is not a fan of Hagrid in fanfic*
> selah_1977 says, We tossed in all the canon characters.
> rohinee16 says, sounds like fun
> lupinesque says, What'd they serve, an entire roast ox?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Go George! ::cheers:: Well, the twins
> make him feel better about the CoS thing. Well, the heir of Slyth thing.
> selah_1977 says, LOL!
> selah_1977 says, Al, I'm not either, but we had a LOT of fun.
> yael_pou says, Jana - set 'no IM from strangers' in preferences
> Connecting...
> Connected! Sending login information...
> Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is in chat and on pager
> Your buddy toran_silverstrike is on pager
> Your buddy ancientstarchild is in chat
> Your buddy catlady_de_los_angeles is in chat
> Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
> Your buddy katdoug77 is on pager
> You see here:
> ffn,yael_pou,keithfras,Minzzer,catorman
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *blinkblink* Huh, Yael?
> al_ffn says, I wanna see this story now, Eb
> catorman says, yes, but apart from Hermione, the Weasleys and Hagrid, the
> rest seem more acquaintances - at least not very close, intimate friends
> don't think I'd even include Neville, much as I love him)
> selah_1977 says, It's in the chat archives.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah... and George's first words to Harry
> were "want a hand?"
> lupinesque says, Is Cassie's absence a good sign? i.e. she's finishing DS
> chapter?
> lupinesque says, pants from DS deprivation
> al_ffn says, It takes an hour to read the average chat script.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I could go into a whole lecture on how
> great George is with quotes to back it up. )
> skaprincess27 says, Oh, God. Drama this weekend... the 8th grade
> class put on an HP production. I had to leave the auditorium and get
> costumed half an hour early because I just couldn't watch them butcher it.
> selah_1977 says, We've already discussed Harry's friendship and intimacy
> issue.
> yael_pou says, If you're in yahoo!chat, press the pencil.
> al_ffn says, I need DS
> lupinesque says, Oh, Jana, that's so sweet! You're right!
> al_ffn says, Ooh, Yael, a box pops up ... cool
> al_ffn says, this is a Brit being pathetic with computers thing again
> al_ffn says, *explores new box*
> skaprincess27 says, It was sort of cute, but then... argh. I just
> watch it.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *grins at Amy*
> selah_1977 says, George is great but Fred is better.
> lupinesque says, He's 14 and he has 3 close friends. I think that's fine.
> ? heiditandy says, DS14 will be done this month...
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, Fred's not better.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George is.
> lupinesque says, It seems to be my role today to defend the mental health
> Our HEroes.
> slytherin_daughter says, George kicks Fred's butt all over the place.
> yael_pou says, Al, this is the fourth time you balem Brits for your
> disfunctions (i'm keeping a score).
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Thanks, Em.
> selah_1977 says, Sure he does, Em.
> al_ffn says, I happen to have severe issues with my country right now
> slytherin_daughter says, But of course
> selah_1977 says, Em just wants me to kill Ginny off, doesn't she?
> lupinesque says, I realized the other day that there are three instances
> a nasty childhood incident from twins to Ron--all three were Fred
> yael_pou says, Heidi - whatdo you mean 'this month'?
> slytherin_daughter says, Hey-hey-hey! I just got a porn ad!
> catorman says, You are right, but what I meant was that he isn't
> indiscriminate with his friendships.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I like how JKR does the subtle
> between the twins... instead of blatant ones.
> selah_1977 says, Amy--Fred's not nasty?
> lupinesque says, (1) puffskein (2) spider (3) I forget
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, turned his teddy to a sprider. What else?
> selah_1977 says, change the ? to a !
> al_ffn says, I like puffskeins very much
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I want a puffskein.
> ? heiditandy says, I know it's almost done...but she's got some
> work/preoccupations right now, so it might take a little longer for it to
> get wrapped up
> lupinesque says, This month? Last I heard was this week!
> catorman leaves
> slytherin_daughter says, puffskeins are gross...
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
> catorman enters
> gypsycaine says, is that a real life animal or a FB one?
> slytherin_daughter says, Nastly little freaky tings
> al_ffn says, agrees with Jana ... glares at Emily
> keithfras leaves
> keithfras enters
> slytherin_daughter says, *things
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I want a pet Ashwinder.
> Your buddy ladyadamned is on pager
> ? heiditandy says, guys, PLEASE PLEASE PKLEASE don't email her about it,
> ok?
> slytherin_daughter glares back at Al
> keithfras says, I swear, someone IS going to pay for this.
> al_ffn says, *still glaring* :-D
> catorman says, I am getting annoyed now. Porn no 11 and I get
> again.
> slytherin_daughter says,
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah, I'm sure Cass gets all the
> she can take with people e-mailing her about DS14.
> catorman says, What is going on?
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ron wrote in teh margin of Harry;s text
> at that he used to have a puffskin but Ron killed i. that is cruelty to
> animalse
> selah_1977 says, If Jana makes any more comments at Fred's expense... G/P.
> :::makes slashing motion with hand:::
> gypsycaine : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for Yahoo - With text
> blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be sorry! -
> http://www.cheetachat.com
> keithfras says, Yeah, I just got a porn message.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's in FB
> lupinesque says, going to look up the spider thing, BRB
> lupinesque is away (be right back)
> al_ffn says, It wasn't specific that Fred actually killed 'Puffy'
> slytherin_daughter says, G/P?
> skaprincess27 says, George/Percy!
> selah_1977 says, Oh, Jana knows.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *whimpers softly and hides beneath covers
> with George* Let's not get crazy now...
> al_ffn says, George/Puffskein?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, NO!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George/uffskein?!
> selah_1977 says, Muwhahahahaha!
> gypsycaine says, haven't read FB yet.
> gypsycaine says, finished QTA friday
> al_ffn says, sorry, that just slipped out
> yael_pou says, Jana - it's not that annoying. Rather flattering, i'd
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George/Presh in TiP is what she's
> threatening.
> al_ffn says, the word i mean
> keithfras says, Uh-oh...is this the weird pairings section already? But I
> haven't dissed myself at all yet!
> slytherin_daughter says, <faint gagging noises can be heard in the back
> ground>
> al_ffn says, Quick, diss Keith!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What's not annoying?
> skaprincess27 says, And I haven't ranted about my awful life yet!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Whatcha gagging about, Em?
> Minzzer is back.
> Minzzer says, oh eb voted for george/Presh too.
> selah_1977 says, LOL!
> keithfras says, Me neither, Sue! You go first.
> slytherin_daughter says, George/ Random gross thing
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, IIRC the Ashwinder only lives an hour after
> it is sponstanoeously ygenerated from teh ashes of a wizarding fire
> rohinee16 leaves
> keithfras says, LOL at Emily
> skaprincess27 says, You sure, Keith?
> al_ffn says, Is there a new poll, or something?
> selah_1977 says, Go on, rant!
> keithfras says, Or whoever you are this week.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue, is it still an awful life?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I know. But I'd come up with something
> keep them alive longer, Cat.
> yael_pou says, Jana - getting mail "when is the next chapter?"
> slytherin_daughter says, She Who Must Not Be Named, Keith
> keithfras says, 'It's An Awful Life', brought to you by Sue.
> lupinesque is back.
> gypsycaine says, She Who must be Obeyed?
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, HEY HERMITCHICK!!!!!
> skaprincess27 says, Not really. My awful ex-friend ordered me roughly
> a truckload of flowers for opening night and the other half for closing
> night.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Oh, gotcha Yael.
> lupinesque says, Okay, I have owned CoS for 48 hours and I've already lost
> it.
> selah_1977 says, At least you guys get prodding e-mails.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL
> keithfras says, Ex-friend? Is this Matt?
> selah_1977 says, Nobody loves me... WAAAAAAAAAAAH!
> al_ffn says, I once got a prodding email ... *sighs*
> skaprincess27 says, Yeah.
> slytherin_daughter says, Jee, Sue, that's so....bad....?
> lupinesque says, I was going to say, Fred was pretty small when he did the
> bear/spider thing, so I'll let that slide
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I've never gotten a proddnig e-mail.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, (Sue, which one is hte ex-friend, and is
> boyfiend Football Guy)
> lupinesque says, But the Puffskein I will not forgive
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I give you prodding IMs, Eb.
> yael_pou says, Eb - huh?
> selah_1977 morphs into Moaning Myrtle.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And you get prodding reviews.
> skaprincess27 says, He ran on stage and showered me with them. It was
> embarrassing.
> lupinesque says, And yes, it must have died. It's about the size of a
> hamster and he took a bat to it. What do you think happened?
> Minzzer says, hey I give you IMs
> lupinesque says, <--gets very huffy where animals are concerned
> al_ffn says, *gives Ron's puffskein a hug*
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I can't believe Fred killed a puffskein.
> *sniffles* Maybe he used a foam bat or something. It *was* only
> skaprincess27 says, I'm like, "Hello! I had a supporting role! Not the
> lead! Hey! Stop it with these things!"
> selah_1977 says, So now FRED is the Weasley who is going to go to the Dark
> Side.
> keithfras watches as Lupinesque hits George with an animal cruelty suit
> slytherin_daughter is glad Ron's Puffskein died
> keithfras says, or Fred
> yael_pou says, Eb - I'm quite sure your 'people who have you on
> number is bigger than mine.
> al_ffn says, *is on the verge of chasing Emily*
> selah_1977 gags for the tenth time this chat!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey, Keith!!! Fred used it for practice,
> not George!
> selah_1977 says, I get VERY defensive about Fred.
> keithfras says, 35+ people have me on Author Alert
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, As I about George.
> slytherin_daughter says, Puffskeins are Satan's spawn.
> keithfras looks proud
> slytherin_daughter hides from AL
> al_ffn says, grr
> lupinesque says, No, Keith: Fred
> selah_1977 says, And I'm not a big animal lover.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Just beause you married him....
> slytherin_daughter says, In caps, no lesss
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't think Fred would've killed the
> puff.
> al_ffn says, why'd you think i put one in tot
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, puffskins sound like tribbles
> selah_1977 says, I didn't marry him, Rita! Ange did.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He probably used some sort of foam bat to
> practice.
> gypsycaine says, love tribbles
> selah_1977 says, Do wizards have foam?
> skaprincess27 says, OK, Keith, your turn!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Some sort of foamish material, I'm sure.
> lupinesque says, *not talking to Emily until she takes back the Puffskein
> comment*
> yael_pou says, foam?
> keithfras says, Some equivalent.
> slytherin_daughter says, foam?
> selah_1977 says, foam for BATS and toys, you guys.
> al_ffn says, Heidi, you had the nerf snitches didn't you? Perhaps they
> foam bats too
> keithfras says, Weeeel....who remembers Possibly But Probably Not Looking
> Me Girl?
> slytherin_daughter sticks tongue out at puffskein fans
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Foam sucks. You don't know the hell of
> styrofoam until you have to make two entire sets out of the ****
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, Keith, did you finally talk to
> catorman says, Yes, Amy, and do you notice that neither Fred and George
> pets?
> lupinesque says, But Ron implies he doesn't have it anymore. I would love
> to be convinced that nothing bad happened.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Are we discussing Keith's love life?
> al_ffn says, polystyrene ... great fun for destructive kids
> yael_pou says, They probably use wood with 'no-pain' spell on it.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, They might have pets... we don't know.
> keithfras says, I have actually spoken to her several times, that's not
> point.
> selah_1977 says, I don't believe that Fred is a bully.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, They have to have something... a cat, an
> own or a toad, remember?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *owl
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, what is the point, Keith?
> lupinesque says, What's the point, KF?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Still don't know how Ron got away with
> having a rat...
> selah_1977 says, They don't HAVE to have it. They just can.
> catorman says, True, but everyone else's are mentioned - even Percy's owl
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, They don't HAVE to hae a pet, they just can
> selah_1977 says, Pets are optional.
> al_ffn says, It shows Ron's ... um ... creative ... side ... yeah, I
> slytherin_daughter says, Just a rule breaker
> catorman says, But...lack of empathy for animals?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Maybe they go... they never mention Ginny
> having a pet... or do they?
> lupinesque says, They know he has to take what he can get.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ut's easy to get away with ahving a rat:
> keep it in your opocket or your bookbag and the teachers never notice
> al_ffn says, Isn't Pig kinda Ginny's
> al_ffn says, ?
> lupinesque says, No, Sirius gave him to Ron.
> catorman says, That is true as well ( and I am sure Ginny is kind to
> animals)
> selah_1977 says, I'd better hide... :::hides!::::
> lupinesque says, She just named him.
> slytherin_daughter says, Not really. He's Ron's owl, but Ginny named him
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Fred's not a bully... he's just... hmm...
> less... hmm... not quite as... he's an older brother behaving like an
> brother, you know.
> al_ffn says, They sort of shared him though.
> lupinesque says, Ginny is a cat lover. CoS.
> al_ffn says, Just a thought.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, It used to be Percy's rat but was given to
> Ron because his family couldn't afford to buy him a pet
> keithfras says, I was talking to her near the end of term as we were
> to get practicals marked, and she was talking about celebrating the end of
> her finals (in 2-3 yrs time) with someone who must surely be her
> So I was evidently right with the Probably Not - she seems to be in a
> serious relationship already.
> gypsycaine says, We never learned what Gred and Forge had.
> keithfras says, So that's the end of that.
> Minzzer says, is it just me or what...Percy has the owl..,the rat used
> be Percy's...why does Percy get the pets?
> lupinesque says, Catch her on the rebound, Keith.
> selah_1977 says, Oh, Keith... I'm sorry.
> al_ffn says, Because Percy's a prefect.
> gypsycaine says, sounds about right, Minzzer.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Percy's Head Boy and prefect and all
> Golden Child.
> slytherin_daughter says, Because's he's Perfect Percy
> yael_pou says, and they didn't think Harry having a dog is weird.
> selah_1977 says, Because parents with less tend to give the Star Child
> stuff.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Percy started school after Bill and Charlie
> had finished.
> gypsycaine says, and I bet that Ron's robes are Percy's!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Perfect Prefect Percy.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Exactly, Eb.
> slytherin_daughter says, He's a Mama's boy
> catorman says, I don't think they are bullies. Just pranksters. And they
> are not malicious and they look after Harry (and they gave him the map)
> QED very good natured
> selah_1977 says, Just like I got a car and my sister didn't.
> al_ffn says, Ron's robes were Charlies, see PS
> lupinesque says, I wonder how Scabbers wormed his way into the Burrow (pun
> intended)
> al_ffn says, *sniffs* I didn't get a car
> keithfras says, I'm sure all the girls seem to be going out with older
> like in the year above. Maybe I should wait till next year's freshers
> arrive.
> lupinesque says, Cath: that's what I thought until the Puffskein thing.
> Now I'm upset.
> gypsycaine says, ok. thanks Al.
> slytherin_daughter says, I have a car....
> gypsycaine says, Been awhile since I read that chapter
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, He was the only Weasley at Hogwarts at that
> time, so the family school expenses were lighter than when more kids are
> schhol
> al_ffn says, I have the *use* of a car
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Maybe Fred bonded with the puffskein and
> kept it... that's why Ron doesn't have it anymore.
> keithfras says, Either that or hope to meet someone on the Net. Or both.
> selah_1977 says, I've never had hand-me-downs. I'm the oldest and I
> got good grades. Maybe that's why I don't identify with Ron.
> catorman is away (be right back)
> slytherin_daughter says, George was really doing Ron a favor by killing
> puffskein. It was creepy.
> catorman says, But there's nothing to say they killed the Puffskein is
> there? Upset. Must go and check
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, IN PS/S, Ron said he had Percy;s old rat,
> Bils old robes, and Charlies's old wand
> selah_1977 says, And I'm allergic to most animals.
> al_ffn says, I think we're reading too much into the Puffskein thing
> keithfras says, I actually know people on a Tolkien site who met there.
> gypsycaine says, I am the oldest, and I still got hand-me-downs.
> heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
> selah_1977 says, at least the pet-kind with hair...
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, GEORGE DID NOT KILL ANY PUFFSKEINS!
> USED IT FOR BLUDGER PRACTICE! ::falls down and weeps::
> slytherin_daughter pats Jana on the back
> al_ffn says, I never got hand me downs ... you can see the same clothes
> making their way through my family.
> keithfras says, This concludes this week's episode of Keith's Love Life Or
> Lack Thereof Update
> selah_1977 says, They just want to hate Fred.
> lupinesque says, I wonder about the salamander thing too. Did it blow up
> when the firecracker went off in the fire?
> al_ffn says, *is the oldest*
> catorman is back.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't wanna hate Fred. *sniffles*
> Minzzer says, *hands a box of tissues*
> lupinesque says, I 'm serious, I can't sympathize with characters who
> torture animals.
> keithfras is the oldest, the youngest and the middle child
> selah_1977 thumbs her nose at Fred-hates.
> gypsycaine says, lol Keith.
> selah_1977 says, Fred-haters, rather.
> slytherin_daughter says, Fred-Haties?
> al_ffn says, Very old 80's babygrows waiting to be handed on to the next
> person to have a baby.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *takes a tissue* Thanks, Minz. Thanks,
> Em.
> gypsycaine says, Gramma used to bring the "rich kids" she cleaned for
> clothes for me to wear.
> gypsycaine says, they usually fit mom and not me
> catorman says, Oh. you are right Bludger practice. Very disappointed in
> him. *Brightens* but just Ron's POV. Could have been joking?
> skaprincess27 says, *is also the oldest, youngest, and middle*
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Mm... doubtful.
> selah_1977 says, I pulled legs off of bugs as a kid. So does that mean
> on everyone's hate list?
> lupinesque says, I don't want to hate Fred. But he's changed in canon
> you started TiP.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, But you never know.
> slytherin_daughter says, *youngest*
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, You pulled legs off bugs?! Eww.
> keithfras wonders if anyone noticed the last parts of the Update.
> gypsycaine says, if their jeans weren't in style, they'd pitch them.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ewwy even.
> al_ffn says, My cousin did a very sad speech about being the middle child
> his barmitzvah ... oh how we laughed
> slytherin_daughter says, Ewww, Eb. You're eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
> keithfras says, Life's evil.
> lupinesque says, Cath, maybe Ron was joking. MAybe it died a natural
> and he's just bashing Fred.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, the last part ofUpdate -- about hoping
> someone on-line?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I feel bad about stepping on worms after
> falls.
> Minzzer says, *youngest, oldest, and middle*
> selah_1977 says, Can we change the subject?
> gypsycaine says, I dislike stepping on ants.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *ain falls
> catorman says, I hope so Amy
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *rain falls
> skaprincess27 says, Oh, God, bar mitzvah... I have to go to one next
> and I'm a little nervous.
> selah_1977 says, Why, Sue?
> Minzzer says, Change it to what?
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Better'n going to a bris, Sue.
> gypsycaine says, Proverbs 6--go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her
> ways and be wise.
> lupinesque says, No, Eb, I officially offer you absolution. But sin no
> more.
> al_ffn says, My cousin's nearest synagogue is an orthodox one ... v scary
> keithfras says, Because Flower Boy might be there?
> lupinesque says, And no hurting mammals.
> selah_1977 says, Oh, Amy...
> selah_1977 says, Of course not!
> lupinesque says, Why nervous, Sue?
> gypsycaine says, there's a good sermon Ames
> slytherin_daughter says, i don't understand why children like to hurt
> things...
> lupinesque says, Go late, they are very very long and you aren't expected
> be on time
> lupinesque says, Unless it's Reform?
> keithfras says, I don't understand quite a lot of things.
> al_ffn says, And you get food afterwards.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, proabkly the same reason adults like to
> things?
> skaprincess27 says, Argh. Yeah, flower boy invited me to go with him.
> Matt's Jewish cousin's turning 13, and the last time I went to one of
> functions I made an idiot out of myself.
> catorman says, There's nothing crueler than children.
> lupinesque says, Ah, sermon material at last. Can I call this work time
> now? ;-)
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Counting Crows did a song called "Mrs.
> Potter's Lullaby." Should they sue Rowling for using "Mrs. Potter?"
> ::giggles::
> selah_1977 says, I didn't see a bug as a thing.
> slytherin_daughter says, How did you make an idiot out of yourself?
> slytherin_daughter says, Right. Bugs aren't alive
> lupinesque says, What are the words? Is it Lily? Ooh!
> keithfras says, I missed some chunks. What exactly happened with the
> flower-throwing?
> selah_1977 says, Okay, I'm really annoyed now.
> al_ffn says, *wonders what chat Keith was in*
> selah_1977 is away (be right back)
> skaprincess27 says, It was entirely in Hebrew and I didn't know anything
> that was going on. Even Matt, who's not Jewish, knew what was going on.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Louis Armstrong did a song called
> "Muggles." LAW SUIT!
> Minzzer says, what happened to Kate?
> gypsycaine says, We had a nice discussion about Ants and such when I
> to church last in '90
> heiditandy is back.
> ? heiditandy says, oh! am I missing stouffer-dissing?
> ? heiditandy says, Damn!
> al_ffn says, We had a glaring rabbi. It was scary
> keithfras is being ignored
> keithfras sobs
> lupinesque says, Sue, when I was growing up and going to synagoge every
> week, I killed time reading the Bible. It's sitting right there. I got a
> very good education.
> skaprincess27 says, I mumbled a bit...
> yael_pou says, I used to beat up kids who pulled on cats' tails.
> catorman says, Sorry Keith, I was out then too.
> skaprincess27 says, I was so nervous I didn't notice a thing when I last
> went.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, we're nto ignorning you
> slytherin_daughter says, I don't go to religious functions
> lupinesque says, We should do a religion poll. Everyone seems to be
> or Pagan or both.
> selah_1977 says, I am not a cat lover, either.
> gypsycaine says, I have my own religious functions. lol
> skaprincess27 says, What exactly happens at a Bar Mitzvah? So that I
> screw up this time.
> slytherin_daughter says, I'm neither. I dislike cats, too.
> keithfras says, I guess no comments doesn't necessarily mean no reading of
> messages.
> selah_1977 says, I'm neither Jewish nor Pagan.
> selah_1977 says, I like dogs A LOT.
> al_ffn says, Half my family is Jewish ... I'm in the not half ... we sort
> share functions, so do Christmas and Hanukah rolled into one.
> skaprincess27 says, I'm neither Jewish or Pagan.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Porn IM Count: 11
> keithfras says, I'm an agnostic (I think)
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue said her ex-friend sent half a truck
> of flowers on popening n ight and another half trucklload on closing night
> and he
> lupinesque says, I know, Ebony and Sue! Hyperbole!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, ran up on stage carrying them t oher and it
> was embarrasssing because
> gypsycaine says, I'm getting the porn now too.
> al_ffn says, Hasn't had any porn for 20 minutes
> gypsycaine says, and when I tell them I'm going to report them, I get
> "this session has ended"
> catorman says, I am half Jewish, half Anglican (my grandmother ran the
> Sunday school) and I am now happily agnostic.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Well I woke up in mid-afternoon cause
> that's when it all hurts the most
> slytherin_daughter says, I just got some more porn. It's kind of
> interesting.
> keithfras says, Just set your preferences to 'ignore personal messages
> strangers'
> al_ffn says, I dunno what I am
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, she is only a sepporting actress not the
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I dream I never know anyone at the party
> and I'm always the host
> keithfras says, I yam what I yam!
> slytherin_daughter says, I'm an atheist
> gypsycaine says, oh, I don't mind them Keith.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, If dreams are like movies, then memories
> are films about ghosts
> gypsycaine says, I need to get them to report their butts!
> lupinesque says, Jana: what hurts?
> slytherin_daughter says, I sweet potato what I sweet potato
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, what hurst the most
> keithfras says, I'm strong to the finish, cos I eats me spinach, I'm
> the sailor man!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, You can never escape, you can only move
> south down the coast
> keithfras says, Toot toot
> selah_1977 says, I'm a Christian who likes HP...
> lupinesque says, LOL Em!
> al_ffn says, Not atheist ... just ... unsure. People seem to think
> religion spiel in Snitch! was my opinion, which it wasn't.
> skaprincess27 says, Matt's aunt married a lapsed Jewish guy five years ago
> and now I have to go to her stepson's Bar Mitzvah and the last time I went
> to a synagogue I made a fool out of myself.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Oh, sorry, guys. Nothing hurts... am
> C&Ping the lyrics to Mrs. Potter's Lullaby.
> Minzzer says, I second Eb's statement
> keithfras hasn't read Snitch!
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sorry for freakin' ya out!
> catorman says, I don't want to look at "lookinhot." Porn no.12. (i'll
> probably crash now)
> al_ffn says, The gay rant was my opinion.
> slytherin_daughter raises eyebrows at Al
> al_ffn says, Keith, you probably don't want to.
> lupinesque says, I'm gonna start sending you people pamphlets. You all
> sound like you belong in my church.
> gypsycaine says, Lol!
> lupinesque says, St. Harry
> Minzzer says,
> al_ffn says, why rais eyebrows?
> selah_1977 says, I'm sure about my faith. If I wasn't, I couldn't read
> HP... those who aren't sure are the Muggles causing all the trouble!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, but UU is boring
> gypsycaine says, Ames, you really don't want me in your church.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I myself practice Janaism.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says,
> ? heiditandy says, baby is awake...ttyl....
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, brb
> heiditandy leaves
> gypsycaine says, I'm an ex-sunday teacher who saw the light.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Gotta go for now...
> skaprincess27 says, I'm supposed to go to church, but I don't... making my
> confirmation for the interesting middle names and the aprty.
> skaprincess27 says, *party
> george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Later guys!
> lupinesque says, Ouch, Rita.
> george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves
> skaprincess27 says, ta!
> al_ffn says, later
> al_ffn says, missed ... darn
> slytherin_daughter says, You think being gay is alright, but you don't
> that the bit in the bible about it being a sin is wrong?
> slytherin_daughter has no punctuation
> lupinesque says, Who are you talking to, Em?
> slytherin_daughter says, Al.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, she;st alking to Al
> yael_pou says, My chat is stuck. I'm too tired to fight it. Going to write
> little, and then head to bed. Good Night!
> al_ffn says, I think the bit in the bible about it being a sin is wrong.
> But Draco went on to exclude all possibility of religion being right ...
> that bit's not my opinion.
> keithfras says, Well, Tiger Woods just won the US Masters, for anyone who
> cares.
> al_ffn says, Night Yael!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, good night Yael, get some skeep for a
> gypsycaine says, night ngiht!
> slytherin_daughter says, Bye, Yael!
> al_ffn says, The bit is wrong ... not the sin ... which it isn't ... a
> I mean.
> gypsycaine says, is that 4 in a row?
> selah_1977 says, Go Tiger...
> al_ffn says, Damn, confuse myself sometimes
> Minzzer says, no one has yet to answer me what sleep is?
> catorman leaves
> lupinesque says, <--clearly has to read Al's fic. HP and religion in one
> place...heaven
> lupinesque says, bye yael
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, when the letter t in that font appears
> all my itself, it looks like a christian cross
> slytherin_daughter says, You lost me, Al
> selah_1977 says, LOL, Amy!
> al_ffn says, Snitch! ... but be warned, is slash
> catorman enters
> yael_pou leaves
> slytherin_daughter says, That one bit of the bible is wrong, but....it was
> type-o?
> lupinesque says, <--likes slash
> al_ffn says, I thought I did.
> catorman says, See, I knew I would crash.
> keithfras says, The Bible may say being gay is a sin...but it also says
> Earth was created in 6 days and people used to live for like 700 years.
> lupinesque says, Lots of the Bible is wrong. Lots of Christians think so.
> gypsycaine says, that's one reason I'm not a Christian any longer.
> gypsycaine says, I think so too
> slytherin_daughter says, But there are parts that are right. And we should
> ignore the silly parts and follow the right ones.
> selah_1977 says, Hmm...
> al_ffn says, No, no. I disagree with that whole Bible overstatement
> I just don't disagree with religion per se.
> catorman says, I have a problem with my born again christian friends who
> take the Bible literally#
> lupinesque says, Sounds right to me, Em. What else do we do with the
> we read?
> selah_1977 says, I don't think the Bible is wrong so much as it's
> misinterpreted.
> slytherin_daughter says, Okay. I think I'm getting this.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, some of the people who think they are
> ignore the silly parts and following trhe right parts are ignoring all the
> good parts and following the
> catorman says, They don't believe in evolution or dinosaurs
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, bad parts
> al_ffn says, The Bible has some worthwhile stuff to say, if you take bits
> it as an instruction manual. Bits of it, like the discrimination against
> gay people thing, *is* wrong.
> lupinesque says, Take the best, forget the rest, do a lot of
> praying/thinking/meditating/whatever you do to discern in order to know
> which is which.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, and run around murdering people for haviang
> worked on the Sabbath
> catorman says, they don't like my gay friends, because they believe that
> they can help being gay
> keithfras says, People who have no probleI agree with lots of stuff
> religions in general say. But I don't see the need to wrap it up with
> like 'men are better than woman because some MAN 5000 years ago said so'
> slytherin_daughter says, I just don't get how we pick out what's right and
> what's wrong. Too damn confusing.
> lupinesque says, Good point, Catlady. And they're all in Vermont trying
> bash gay rights.
> Minzzer says, now thie is where my contemplating life comes into play
> al_ffn says, An Iranian mullah said on a documentary last week, 'it
> matter, as long as you're a good person.'
> selah_1977 says, I think the Bible is worthwhile from cover to cover,
> actually.
> slytherin_daughter says, It's a fun novel.
> Minzzer says, *this
> al_ffn says, You agree it's open to interpretation, though, Eb?
> gypsycaine says, I grew up with King James. (SBC)
> selah_1977 says, And you guys do NOT want to know what I spent my last two
> years of college doing. And still support now.
> selah_1977 says, Sure, it is, Al.
> selah_1977 says,
> slytherin_daughter says, Interesting stories.... except we all know about
> the snake thing, so there's no suspence
> keithfras is worried about the direction this conversation is taking.
> selah_1977 is worried too.
> al_ffn says, I mean, you can justify any opinion you want in there. If I
> wanted to say 'I hate cheese' I *could* find a passage in there that would
> back me up.
> gypsycaine says, I discovered that he influenced the writing (he was
> lobbied by physicians) of it.
> lupinesque says, It's pretty hard to reinterpret the gay parts in
> You have to throw them out, say they're a product of their time, or be
> anti-gay. Am I missing an option?
> catorman says, and I really object, more than anything else, to how
> has been abused over the centuries and used to keep people in power
> right of kings) and people subdued.
> selah_1977 says, I vote for a subject change.
> slytherin_daughter says, Wait, Eb.
> al_ffn says, Is with Eb here.
> slytherin_daughter says, What *did* you do in collage?
> keithfras says, I don't like 'modernised' religion, like TV evangelists
> rave services.
> al_ffn says, Has said all he needs to say.
> slytherin_daughter is interested
> selah_1977 says, I REALLY vote for a subject change.
> lupinesque says, I'm with Ebony.
> slytherin_daughter says, <sigh>
> lupinesque says, OR at least, uphold her right to not say what she did in
> college.
> slytherin_daughter says, So, how about them Cannons?
> Minzzer says, I'm with Eb
> selah_1977 says, Sorry I brought it up, Em... I shouldn't have.
> skaprincess27 says, Okay. Subject changed to "Why Sue Hates Everything".
> ^_^ Or not.
> al_ffn says, Ooh, you saw their game against Wigtown?
> selah_1977 says, YAY!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith does't want us to talk sports
> keithfras says, I'll change the subject.....Simon/Hedwig!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue, is Flower Boy Matt?
> lupinesque says, Quidditch isn't sports!
> keithfras says, No, I don't mind that much
> al_ffn says, I voted for Simon/Draco on the TiP poll.
> slytherin_daughter says, So did I.
> gypsycaine says, that was a kewl book, btw.
> lupinesque says, TiP poll?
> al_ffn says, *glomps Emily*
> skaprincess27 says, Yeah, Flower Boy's Matt.
> slytherin_daughter says, *glomps Al*
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL at Simon/Draco
> keithfras says, I noticed the two polls I put up on HPFF got some votes.
> al_ffn says, Yup, I voted on those.
> *** You have exceeded the maximum length of a message. Try typing
> shorter.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, is boyfirnd Football Guy?
> gypsycaine says, No one grabbed onto my post though
> lupinesque says, Keith, I read GtVS. I liked it even though I am totally
> clueless about Buffy.
> gypsycaine says, about the location of the gentleman who created the
> snitch
> skaprincess27 says, Yup, sort-of-maybe-type boyfriend is football boy.
> al_ffn says, I need to catch up on GtVS ... have missed bits.
> sjbranford enters
> keithfras says, Ah, you must have been the 1 vote for
> al_ffn says, That was me
> keithfras says, Part 5 is good, I think.
> keithfras says, (of GtVS)
> lupinesque says, What, gypsy?
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Snithc invented in Godric's Hollow
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, ?
> catorman says, I think Buffy is great. All the pseudo English
> gypsycaine says, yep.
> lupinesque says, what about snitch, I mean?
> gypsycaine says, it was interesting as far as coincidence.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw that in the book, I saw that in your
> post, I don't have anything to say about it
> al_ffn says, Are they actually English ... or is it like Daphne on
> keithfras says, Well, I'm planning to have Giles, Buffy and Willow turn up
> in the next episode.
> gypsycaine says, I can't help but wonder if that's going to be
> keithfras says, Giles is played by an English guy.
> lupinesque says, I'm wondering about the private collector who now has his
> paperwork. That seemed like a very cagey aside.
> skaprincess27 says, Argh. Must go.
> catorman says, Well, Spike and Giles are, but no one who has heard
> (who has an accent worse than Dick van Dyke) can think whe is English
> sjbranford says, Al did you say you voted good will hunting draco?
> skaprincess27 says, Bye bye!
> lupinesque says, Bowman Wright's paperwork.
> skaprincess27 leaves
> Minzzer says, bye
> gypsycaine says, bye SUe!
> keithfras says, Namarie, Sue
> al_ffn says, Yup
> catlady_de_los_angeles : //\X A Rose For The
> catlady_de_los_angeles : / /\ \ \X__\___\___
> catlady_de_los_angeles : \ \ \_/ /X//
> catlady_de_los_angeles : \_\__/X Gypsy Dee
> gypsycaine
> sjbranford says, I query yahoos poll then, that was my vote
> sjbranford says, 1+1=1?
> al_ffn says, I'll change my vote if you think Simon/Draco is too offensive
> for words.
> lupinesque says, I'm never going to enjoy Mary Poppins again after all
> DvanD bashing.
> gypsycaine says, (btw, it doesn't show me 's.
> catorman says, and Daphne is English isn't she? Just not, as supposed,
> Manchester. Correct if wrong
> gypsycaine says, chuckles.
> al_ffn says, Her accent sounds phoney to me.
> selah_1977 says, I voted Simon/Hedwig.
> keithfras says, Maybe one of you voted since I looked.
> catorman says, Sorry Amy, but it is pitiful.
> slytherin_daughter says, What? We're bashing Dick Van Dyke?
> lupinesque says, Do I give off "I want to have sex with lots of teenage
> girls" vibes?
> al_ffn says, As for her brother ... yeuch!
> gypsycaine says, oh goodness.
> Your buddy goddess_of_love6969 is on pager
> gypsycaine says, you say Daphne, and I think of Kate Jackson!
> lupinesque says, 'Cause I keep getting offers.
> keithfras says, I really couldn't say, Lupinesque.
> keithfras says, Has Sinead been back?
> Minzzer says, I voted for Yahoo is mean because it didn't give me more
> choices
> al_ffn says, Only 25 ... I know
> slytherin_daughter is too confused for words
> lupinesque says, Cath: it's okay. I knew he didn't have a good accent.
> I'll try to ignore it.
> catorman says, Yes, well didn't he sound cockney? Wrong accents all
> But I am positive Daphne is English. Perhaps she decided on Mancunian for
> laugh.
> lupinesque says, Thanks, Keith. That's a vote of confidence.
> gypsycaine says, Will help. Daphne, Kate Jackson, Dark Shadows...
> al_ffn says, He sounded *nothing* like a Londoner
> keithfras says, Has Sinead been back?
> al_ffn says, My Grandfather is a *true* Cockney ... ie, born within the
> sound of Bow Bells
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Thee people who saend all these porn
> didn't put any Artificaial Intelligence, into their e-mass-nmaioL
> gypsycaine says, hope that helps SD with my side-line
> selah_1977 says, Going to check the poll now...
> catorman says, Oh well, can't remember anyway, but it was crap.
> gypsycaine says,
> Minzzer says, Eb....tell me how its going
> gypsycaine says, it's ok.
> keithfras says, I really wanted to tease her about ToT and mention some
> stuff about the Sinead/Kendo-Chin business.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, they send me the stuff and my handle
> inclueds "lady"
> gypsycaine says, if you click ignore they never come again.
> catorman says, Message from "Cute Sarah" Porn no 12 ( the magical figure)
> Clue me in if I crash.
> lupinesque says, Catlady: Nope. If they did, they'd be sending me "hot
> of Remus" posts instead.
> gypsycaine says, LOL!
> al_ffn says, If I watch all dave_starka's videos, it could take close to
> YEARS! Gosh.
> keithfras says, Oh, I almost forgot. I may have my kilt picture up fairly
> soon!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, eaerlier I was asking why noone of
> offer pics of Sirius nakes and Draco inleather
> gypsycaine says, I'm just waiting. I have an open NEW-letter ready.
> al_ffn says, Bugger off, dave_starka
> sjbranford says, Simon/Hedwig has 10 votes
> slytherin_daughter weeps quietly
> gypsycaine hands SD a hankie.
> sjbranford says, and 4 have voted S/D
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon/Draco is stranger than SImon/Hedwig
> lupinesque says, Ebony, come back! We won't talk religion anymore! And
> tell everyone that I've met this really cool evangelical Christian on HP!
> (I do know people who think evang.=nutcase, so they need to hear this!)
> al_ffn says, *grins maliciously*
> slytherin_daughter accepts the hankie
> keithfras says, Assuming I can find it, my mum can scan it at work, and I
> can get it posted.
> keithfras says, What's up, Emily?
> gypsycaine says, need to check kid again.
> slytherin_daughter says, I'm...so....lost....
> Minzzer says, Eb..went to go see the poll results
> keithfras says, Lost In Cyberspace?
> al_ffn says, Ooh ... midnight
> al_ffn says, Excuse me whilst I undergo the change
> sjbranford says, I just voted him as the character that could be killed
> in teh tip world
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Al going bynies?
> slytherin_daughter says, The Change?
> gypsycaine says, Ok. won't kill. won't kill.
> catorman says, Already! Bedtime soon.
> keithfras says, Werewolf
> slytherin_daughter says, Do I *want* to know?
> al_ffn says,
> lupinesque says, It's only 7 here and IT'S STILL LIGHT! Yay Daylight
> Savings!
> keithfras says, How are you lost, She Of Many Names?
> gypsycaine says, I love it!
> catorman says, Is it a full moon tonight?
> al_ffn says, Yes
> slytherin_daughter says, Very lost.
> keithfras says, Awoo
> gypsycaine says, yep
> gypsycaine says, full moon.
> slytherin_daughter says, It's only four here....
> gypsycaine says, the celebration of Ostara.
> catorman says, Excuse me while I rush outside and look....
> keithfras says, I'd rather be a vampire than a werewolf
> catorman is away (be right back)
> sjbranford says, ah it is Monday here
> catorman is back.
> selah_1977 says, hurrahs for Daylight Savings too!
> gypsycaine says, Me too Keith.
> al_ffn says, Couldn't cope with all the excess body hair, myself.
> slytherin_daughter says, Yes, because then you get to suck blood.
> keithfras says, At least some of them are sex symbols
> Your buddy lil_starr_nightfall is on pager
> lupinesque says, Full moon. I love it. I guess I 'm not Lupinesque after
> all.
> slytherin_daughter says, That pale, secretive, sexy charm...
> keithfras says, I saw Interview with the Vampire a fortnight ago
> selah_1977 says, It's still VERY light here...
> gypsycaine says, I downloaded it.
> al_ffn says, Have you noticed, how, when you're in a car, and the moon's
> ... it seems to follow you around?
> gypsycaine says, it's a good movie.
> al_ffn says, Just me?
> lupinesque says, <--who now knows where Sirius is....HP is giving me an
> education.
> slytherin_daughter says, Just you, Al.
> catorman says, So would I Keith. Especially in a Laurell K Hamilton mode
> al_ffn says, Thought so.
> slytherin_daughter giggles
> al_ffn says, *bangs head on wall*
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Al, the oon follows me around too
> Your buddy ladyfaythe is on pager
> al_ffn says, Yay!
> gypsycaine says, dang. No more pornos since I opened the letter.....
> gypsycaine says, they must have got wise to the trap!
> slytherin_daughter says, You're all crazy, you know this?
> lupinesque says, Me too, Al. Don't panic.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Amy: where SIrius is?
> keithfras says, Emily, are you feeling all right this evening?
> al_ffn says, *bad Al ... no more porn*
> gypsycaine says, me? crazy?
> al_ffn says, *smacks self*
> lupinesque says, In the sky.
> keithfras says, Or rather morning over here.
> slytherin_daughter says, Porn? Where?
> gypsycaine says, dang. need a "dash". won't take long.
> catorman says, *mournfully* can't see the moon - cloudy and wet.
> keithfras says, Being sent to some of us repeatedly
> lupinesque says, Close to Orion, which is one of the few constellations I
> can identify.
> al_ffn says, It's Monday morning! Ha!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, to the left of Oriion
> Your buddy ladyfaythe has gone off pager
> keithfras says, A new week has dawned.
> al_ffn says, can identify only Orion and the Saucepan
> keithfras says, Me too.
> lupinesque says, Who are these people who are so excited about Monday?
> glad you love your jobs.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Taurus, with Pleaiades and Hyades, is
> the right of Orion
> catorman says, Can't see anything
> slytherin_daughter says, Orion and the Saucepan? Huh? New Boy Band?
> keithfras says, I'm on holiday....aaaaaaah.
> al_ffn says, That's just it ... I don't have a job
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, I htik they're on break from school
> lupinesque says, I'm gonna take an astronomy class one of these days.
> keithfras says, LOL at Emily
> catorman says, Taurus - my birthday soon
> lupinesque says, Should've done it while I was in college.
> slytherin_daughter says, <g>
> keithfras is a Virgo, which could be regarded as ironic
> slytherin_daughter says, Why is that ironic?
> al_ffn says, Is a Taurus
> jamesf991 enters
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jim'
> lupinesque says, When's your b-day Cath?
> jamesf991 says, HI
> lupinesque says, Don't ask, Emily.
> catorman says, 22 April.
> keithfras says, I'd rather not comment...think about it.
> slytherin_daughter tries to figure this out
> catorman says, It's pretty obvious
> slytherin_daughter says, ...........
> keithfras says, <----born on 12 September
> slytherin_daughter says, OH!
> slytherin_daughter blushes quite profusely
> keithfras says, More kids are born in September than any other month.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL @ emily
> keithfras says, I can't believe you didn't get that, SOMN.
> lupinesque says, Trelawney speaks: Ah, you were born on 12
> will not die a virgin!
> keithfras (SOMN= She of Many Names)
> al_ffn says, What about May 5th?
> keithfras dies
> keithfras says,
> slytherin_daughter says, Look, I'm not that...with it, okay?
> selah_1977 says, <-----11 August (LEOS RULE!)
> slytherin_daughter is rapidly turning the color of a beet
> catorman says, What about May 5 - still taurus.
> sjbranford says, later in may is better
> keithfras says, I had you figured for the sort of person who gets jokes
> that
> lupinesque says, Oh,right. If I want you to get lucky I should have
> Trelawney predict that you WILL die a vrigin. Sorry about that.
> slytherin_daughter says, June 20
> keithfras says, LOL at lupinesque
> lupinesque says, Eb, that's my anniversary!
> al_ffn says, Then is Gemini ... apparently I don't get on with Geminis
> Minzzer says, <------ the day where two other members b-days? any
> guesses?
> selah_1977 says, AMY! That was my mom and dad's anniversary! (Dad died
> 1998.)
> sjbranford says, that is a shame al
> slytherin_daughter says, You don't get along with Geminis? That's sad.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, JUly 31 like JKR and HP
> catorman says, A story about leos. I am Taurus. every boyfriend from
> I was 15 to 24 was a leo. Every single one ended for similar reasons. I
> now happily married to a libra.
> lupinesque says, Sorry, Ebony. Were they happily married? Is it good
> sjbranford says, guess I will have to flmae one of your stories
> selah_1977 says, Uh... Amy....
> lupinesque says, I'm a Gemini and I like you, Al
> al_ffn says, And in Chinese years, I'm a dog
> lupinesque says, I don't want to know, huh?
> keithfras says, I'm unhappily unmarried to no-one of no star sign.
> slytherin_daughter says, A dog, eh?
> al_ffn says, *nods*
> al_ffn says, a nodding dog
> selah_1977 says, Rita, you're July 31? I thought you were a Scorpio.
> slytherin_daughter says, Like in the back of those cars?
> lupinesque says, July 31? Way cool!!
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am Nov 7, I was guessing Minnzzer for
> 31
> keithfras says, Then you must be a Lord of the Universe, Al.
> selah_1977 says, Nah, Amy. You don't want to know. It didn't get bad
> the end, though.
> gypsycaine says, Keith, I'm single too
> catorman says, I have a horrible suspicion that I am a rat in Chinese
> Ugh!
> al_ffn says, *give the dog a phone*
> lupinesque says, August 11 has been good luck for me. This year is 10
> married.
> keithfras gulps
> al_ffn says, sorry ... bad commercial relapse
> Minzzer says, no...its May 16
> jamesf991 says, <--- Tiger
> selah_1977 says, It's a great birthday.
> lupinesque says, <--Monkey
> keithfras says, Crouching Tiger
> slytherin_daughter says, I never took the time to figure out what chinese
> year animal I was....
> al_ffn says, Tiger is meant to be good.
> gypsycaine says, monkey.
> selah_1977 says, <-------Snake
> gypsycaine says, it fits
> keithfras says, Sept. '82 - is that Year of the Dog?
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rooster. Why?
> al_ffn says, But apparently my house is feng shuid all wrong.
> jamesf991 says, Just look on the place mat
> Minzzer says, <--- dragon
> Minzzer says,
> selah_1977 says, LOL, Al!
> al_ffn says, Dog - Jan 1982-Jan1983
> sjbranford says, Penguin
> keithfras says, Woof.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, I should be Tiger or Cat, right?
> slytherin_daughter says, Octopus
> catorman leaves
> selah_1977 says, LOL! Is there a Penguin?
> lupinesque says, Gypsy, are you 33 this year? 21? 45?
> gypsycaine says, yes.
> al_ffn says, You're Sep 1982, Keith?
> gypsycaine says, 33.
> gypsycaine says, Aug 29
> lupinesque says, Ooh, I want to be a penguin.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rabit is Cat in Vietnam
> catorman enters
> keithfras says, In CheetaChat I use Pikachu as my Avatar...guess that's
> wrong then.
> slytherin_daughter says, Would you like to be a Pepper, too?
> gypsycaine says, wb
> sjbranford says, dont know. I thought we were mentioning animals
> lupinesque says, <--same age as Gypsycaine
> slytherin_daughter says, Sorry. Al's commercial-ness is rubbing off on me.
> catorman says, Rita; because you hate snakes?
> sjbranford says, how about...
> sjbranford says, owl
> al_ffn says, sings - do the shake n'vac, and put the freshness back!
> keithfras says, <------18 - for anyone who didn't already work that out
> selah_1977 says, The penguins are my favorite zoo animals.
> gypsycaine says, too young for me Keith.
> gypsycaine says, no more young ones.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't hate snakes, I used to have two pet
> snakes
> slytherin_daughter says, 16...too young for....just about everyone.
> lupinesque says, I saw an otter at the biodome this weekend. I totally
> relate to JKR--I would like to be one.
> catorman says, No way! Shake 'n' Vac? Do you remember the Ben Elton
> on that?
> sjbranford 21 too young for me
> lupinesque says, They were wrestling and playing in the water...so
> al_ffn says, Vaguely
> keithfras says, Depends where you live, Emily
> gypsycaine says, Pip or Pop?
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith is 19???
> slytherin_daughter says, LOL, Keith.
> keithfras says, No, 18.
> selah_1977 says, <-------would not want to be an Animagus
> sjbranford says, keith sounds interested
> sjbranford says,
> lupinesque says, Why not, Eb?
> al_ffn says, Would want to be an animagus
> slytherin_daughter falls over laughing
> Minzzer says,
> catorman says, Rita, just making a very poor connection to roosters and
> basilisks.
> keithfras suspects Catlady may be feeling horrified
> selah_1977 says, I told you, I'm not all that into animals.
> keithfras says,
> slytherin_daughter says, Hey, Keith, wanna get lucky?
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith 18, Emlu 16, sounds abaout right
> slytherin_daughter says, Emlu? That's a new one.
> sjbranford says, no making out in front of the rest of us
> al_ffn says, Preferably a horse of some sort.
> gypsycaine says, why not Simon?
> keithfras says, I'm not sure I could handle all the name changes.
> Minzzer says, <----- no comment on age
> gypsycaine says, happens at leat once a week!
> sjbranford says, leave that to Dai and Sinead
> al_ffn says, Quick poll : everyone else's animagus forms?
> keithfras says, Ah, good, has a ban been put on that sort of thing.
> lupinesque says, My daemon could be an otter. Then I'd have to live by a
> river. Okay by me.
> sjbranford says, Owl
> slytherin_daughter says, A Golden Snidgit
> lupinesque says, His Dark Materials
> sjbranford says, but that was a cert
> gypsycaine says, Grins
> gypsycaine says, O
> keithfras says, Sinead schnoogles Dai madly in here and me in fanfics
> keithfras says,
> al_ffn says, I started rading Northern Lights today - long overdue.
> al_ffn says, reading
> gypsycaine says, I think I'd like Cat or Raven.
> lupinesque says, Simon, I haven't forgotten that I'm suposed to write
> something on the Amber Spyglass
> catorman says, Someone like manimal, who was a panther, a bird of prey, a
> dolphin (or somehting in the water) For me, definitely a golden eagle.
> lupinesque says, I'm just lazy
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am very much afriad that my ANimagus
> as we don't get to pick our own, would be a Hog
> gypsycaine says, prolly Panther.
> sjbranford says, dont worry, whenever
> keithfras says, A mouse, going by self-confidence
> sjbranford says, that was one of the first topics on OTChatter
> sjbranford says, and how things have gone form there!
> slytherin_daughter is away (Must go look at Jenny's pix)
> keithfras says, I wouldn't mind being a bird of some kind
> lupinesque says, Food, food, and yet more food
> gypsycaine says, a Gerbil?
> al_ffn says, Oh, if we're going by self-confidence, then I'm a small
> woodlouse.
> slytherin_daughter is back.
> catorman says, What do you have to write on the Amber Spyglass? (got a
> signed copy from Harrods when it came out)
> gypsycaine says, ok. Keith's a chicken!
> slytherin_daughter says, Just kidding.
> al_ffn says, I do quite like hamsters, though.
> keithfras says, Oh, thanks
> lupinesque says, SJB and I were talking about it on OT-chatter
> slytherin_daughter says, Hamsters? Weird little things
> lupinesque says, He wrote a long thoughtful piece and I said urgh, now I
> have to go think and reread
> sjbranford says, fairly near the beginning
> Your buddy kylia_moonshadow is on pager
> gypsycaine says, was it here someone posted the link to the "church of
> Hamster?"
> lupinesque says, HP is easier ;-)
> al_ffn says, used to keep hamsters. Liked them. hamsters=muggle
> slytherin_daughter Now hates hamsters
> lupinesque says, I gotta go. See you all on list!
> sjbranford says, if you are going ot ask for such things, tehn I will
> them!
> al_ffn says, I'll just change my email adress then,
> keithfras says, I wrote a glowing review of Amber Spyglass on Amazon, not
> sure now whether I like it so much.
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, If I did get to pick, I would be dithering
> among White Tiger, Black Panther, Cougar, grey tabby housecat, raccoon
> lupinesque says, Enjoy NL, Al.
> slytherin_daughter says, Puffskein8?
> catorman says, That is right. I don't quite understand how the Philip
> Pullman's can be children's books
> keithfras says, Namarie, lupinesque.
> al_ffn says, will try!
> al_ffn says, adios!
> lupinesque leaves
> Minzzer says, bye
> keithfras says, My uncle is reading HDM to my 7 and 9 yo cousins...hmmmmm
> catorman says, Back to food. I hope I didn't upset anyone too much this
> week by dissing American food.
> catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> html
> catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
> :
> catlady_de_los_angeles
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
> chinachick1616 enters
> sjbranford says, probably not, everyone disses food over there
> al_ffn says, My brother tried to get me into HDM, I tried to get him into
> HP - he suceeded and I failed.
> catorman says, True. What is HDM???
> keithfras says, He sent me the first one as a prezzie (I already had the
> whole series) and I sent him an email warning him about the content of the
> third book.
> gypsycaine says, is anyone else logged in as a life is beautiful?
> al_ffn says, Strong willed little bugger
> keithfras says, His Dark Materials
> catlady_de_los_angeles says, His Dark Material
> keithfras says, I got in first!
> al_ffn says, No spoilers please!
> keithfras dances
> catorman says, Of course. Now I feel stupid, as I have the lot.
> keithfras says,
> gypsycaine says, I just sent in the first of many Porno-violations!
> gypsycaine says, dances...
> slytherin_daughter says, I never got that into HDM
> sjbranford says, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPFGU-OTChatter/message/116
> keithfras says, You what?
> slytherin_daughter says, Just didn't grip me
> catorman says, Anyone read the ones set in Victorian England? Can't
> remember the names.
> sjbranford says, is m
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