
gypsycaine at ... gypsycaine at ...
Mon May 21 02:14:20 UTC 2001

gypsycaine says, I also have hotdogs, with cheese inside.  No buns 
beccafly7 says, The buns are the best part.  
gypsycaine says, all time favorite is Peaches and Cream from Schwans.
jamesf991 says, Hold that thought.  I have to go rotate the laundry.  
gypsycaine says, then, will you supply the buns>?
gypsycaine says, or shall we let Sirius?
beccafly7 says, Sure! I'll supply them...I'll just go to the fridge...
beccafly7 says, I have better buns than Sirius
gypsycaine says, don't tell Carole that!
beccafly7 says, I'll be sure not to,  
beccafly7 says, She'll mutilate me.
beccafly7 says, And my buns
gypsycaine says, lol..
gypsycaine says, I just can't wait for the casting.
gypsycaine says, then I can decide if the buns are worth it!
beccafly7 says, I'm scared of the movie...
gypsycaine says, I'm still debating which I like better.
gypsycaine says, I'm not.
gypsycaine says, my son's excited, and he's 3.
gypsycaine says, he'll be going with me to see it!
beccafly7 says,   I've decided to skip school the day that the movie 
comes out to see three showings with my friends
beccafly7 says, But I'm still scared
gypsycaine says, I'm not too worried.
gypsycaine says, I consider it two incarnations.
gypsycaine says, the book's always better.
gypsycaine says, you use your own imagination, and not the directors, 
no matter what the director does.
gypsycaine says, but it's neat to see it come to life.
beccafly7 says, Yea, true
mrs_snape enters
minzzer enters
minzzer leaves
gypsycaine says, no matter what Chris's shot.
minzzer enters
minzzer leaves
minzzer enters
minzzer leaves
minzzer enters
minzzer leaves
mrs_snape says, Hi!
mrs_snape says, Minz's having problems...
gypsycaine says, I will always read the scene with the letters and 
the fireplace with a smile on my face, and my original picturing of 
beccafly7 says, I can see...
Your buddy tatty_sato has gone off pager
beccafly7 says, Yea, the original picures are priceless
gypsycaine says, like a swarm of letters battering Uncle V in the 
beccafly7 says, I always thought Harry would be thinner than Dan, 
gypsycaine says, must admit, though the picture in the trailer is 
neat.  It's what I pictured Harry to be doing, just not on the couch!
gypsycaine says, mmm.
beccafly7 says, Right! Jumping for them!
gypsycaine says, no, Dan's right.
gypsycaine says, he fits perfectly my inner picture.
gypsycaine says, that's why he's right there <--
Minzzer enters
Minzzer leaves
minzzer enters
mrs_snape says, Hey, you made it! <g>
beccafly7 says, Naw, Dan seems too well-nourished for Harry's part.
minzzer says, I think I'm going to wack some programs for their lack 
of helping me
beccafly7 says, Hey minizzer!
minzzer says, hey
gypsycaine says, wb
minzzer says, you know that new program instead of Cheeta and 
Yahoo...how does it work?
gypsycaine says, same way.
gypsycaine says, you have to put the grp# in before you log in, 
gypsycaine says, or it doesn't allow you, and shuts the program down.
minzzer says, goes off to fix her error
beccafly7 says, Oh that sucks
minzzer leaves
Minzzer enters
gypsycaine says, it's just a bit of a different thing.  
gypsycaine says, it's what I used before CheetaChat.
Minzzer says, that does not like me
jamesf991 is away (Auto-Away)
beccafly7 says, I like the old fashioned Java chat.
beccafly7 says, :-P
gypsycaine says, I adore CC.
gypsycaine says, Y! is a good sub if you need it.
Minzzer says, what happen to Cheeta anyway...it doesn't seem to like 
gypsycaine says, they upgraded it.
gypsycaine says, it's refusing to let me type long msgs.
mrs_snape says, I'm going to try and dowload Cheeta for the 5th time -
 with my luck it won't work again...
mrs_snape pouts
gypsycaine says, sometimes it helps to remove, and reinstall.
Minzzer says, so life takes off with me for a few weeks and they 
decide to upgrade it and not let me use it
gypsycaine says, I have cheeta in the files section, minz, if that 
siriusgeologist enters
gypsycaine says, oh, oh.
mrs_snape says, Hi Carole!
gypsycaine says, got to stop talking about her now.
Minzzer says, hey
siriusgeologist says, hello guys...what's up today..
gypsycaine says, hi Carole.
beccafly7 says, Hi!
gypsycaine says, just a discussion about Sirius, hotdogs, and buns.
mrs_snape says, BTW, Dee, which programme was it that you used two 
weeks ago? With the "dancing naked" macro? That was neat <g>
gypsycaine says, Y!Chat.
gypsycaine   ( o )( o )
gypsycaine :   )  o  (
gypsycaine :  (   y    )
gypsycaine DANCES NAKED!!!!
siriusgeologist says, ooo what are we saying about sirius?
gypsycaine says, it's just purple when I copied, and pasted it here 
in cheeta.
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
gypsycaine says, we were discussing the potluck that we're having 
mrs_snape says, Heh! Where can I dowload that? I know it is in the 
files section, but that didn't work for me...
hermitchick enters
gypsycaine says, and I have lime-sherbert, and hotdogs.
gypsycaine says, but no buns.
hermitchick says, hello all
Minzzer says, hey
gypsycaine says, hi!
mrs_snape says, Hey Persephone! How are you?
jamesf991 is back.
jamesf991 says, Hi, Hermie
siriusgeologist says, I'll bring dessert
hermitchick says, life sucks as usual
gypsycaine says, thought that was a Sirius affair for you!
gypsycaine says,  
beccafly7 says, Thats so optimistic
jamesf991 says, What did you bring for the potluck?
hermitchick says, I try
hermitchick says, how was everyone's week?
gypsycaine says, of course, I have to go nuke the dogs.
gypsycaine says, chaotic.
gypsycaine says, got alot accomplished, just the wrong household.
gypsycaine says,  
gypsycaine says, my own is still trashed!
beccafly7 says, Oh, jeeze, tiring
Minzzer says, week?!? I didn't know it had come to a week already?
mrs_snape says, My week was sh.. Physics test, Biology test.... I'm 
completely fed up right now
gypsycaine says, I can't wait to take tests.
pippin_999 enters
siriusgeologist says, my kids have been sick all week
gypsycaine says, i miss them.
Minzzer says, those darn exams didn't like me
hermitchick says, we has the prom on friday, it was... intresting
pippin_999 says, hi
gypsycaine says, did you wear the black dress?
Your buddy kittycat_562001 is on pager
gypsycaine says, hi!
gypsycaine says,  
mrs_snape says, Hey Amanda!
beccafly7 says, Hello
mrs_snape is a bit slow today
beccafly7 says,  
hermitchick says, no, mom wouldn't let me!  She had a lavendar one 
made for me
evilbounceaholic enters
gypsycaine says, dang.
beccafly7 says, Hello
gypsycaine says, parents are out of it sometimes.
Your buddy kittycat_562001 has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, my mom is unusual--she's been more with it since I 
turned 27.
hermitchick says, Monica had the one O wanted though
mrs_snape says, Oh, it's the twin of the evil easter bunny again!
mrs_snape screams in horror
gypsycaine says, oh?
hermitchick says, huh?
beccafly7 says, My parents talk to people who are really out of it 
all the time.  It rubs off on them a lot, being psychologists...It's 
mecki987 enters
gypsycaine says, (speaking of mom's she's on her way with my son 
home...  so if I disappear, it's because she's popped in, and I have 
to feed him.
mrs_snape says, Hello Sabine!
mecki987 says, Hi All!
beccafly7 says, Hi!
evilbounceaholic says, hey
mrs_snape says, Mecki the Hedgehog  
pippin_999 says, Hi
gypsycaine says, I think it's more a question of my understanding her 
better since I became a mom!
mecki987 says, Exactly!
gypsycaine says, then her changing her ways.
evilbounceaholic says, Minzzer is out at the moment so bouncy will 
talk for Min
hermitchick says, The worst thing was standing still for an hour 
while the lady sized the dress, why I couldn't get one off the rack I 
will never know
mecki987 says, What's the discussion-topic, please?
hermitchick says, hi bouncy
gypsycaine says, Sirius's buns, potluck dinners, and prom.
cassandraclaire73 enters
gypsycaine says, hi cass.
pippin_999 says, Hi Cassie
siriusgeologist says, hey cass!
beccafly7 says, Hi
mecki987 says, Hi Cass!
hermitchick says, buns?
gypsycaine says, they're here.
evilbounceaholic says, hey
cassandraclaire73 says, hey all
mrs_snape says, Persephone's prom, mothers and today's potluck
hermitchick says, hi cass
mrs_snape says, Hey Cass!
siriusgeologist says, are you in NY?
cassandraclaire73 says, bounceaholic?
pippin_999 says, Cass, how is the move going?
mrs_snape says, I loved the Draco interview B)
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah im in brooklyn
evilbounceaholic says, is Minzzer
gypsycaine says, false alarm.
cassandraclaire73 says, hey minz
gypsycaine says, mom isn't a computer person.
cassandraclaire73 says, thanks the interview was fun to write
hermitchick says, were you here last week?
cassandraclaire73 says, stealing freind's computer
cassandraclaire73 says, i was in chat for a few minutes last week
cassandraclaire73 says, move is taking a long time but they always do
hermitchick bops evilbounceaholic on the head.
gypsycaine says, lol
evilbounceaholic says, I wasn't here last week...or the week 
before...or the week before
gypsycaine I'm only here for the food!
gypsycaine says, it's ok.
cassandraclaire73 says, i hadn't been here for a month or so
mrs_snape says, I will say this later again when more people are 
gypsycaine says, i've missed a few.
evilbounceaholic bonks hermitchick on the head.
mrs_snape says, yael has arrived safely in Edinburgh - I got an E-
Mail she sent from and Internet-Café
cassandraclaire73 says, cool
gypsycaine says, KEWL!
evilbounceaholic says, wishes she was somewhere cool
agassizde enters
gypsycaine . o O ( I'll be off an on afk. )
mrs_snape turns green with envy
gypsycaine . o O ( cleaning my room. )
beccafly7 says, cool! internet cafe? wow, how high tech
agassizde says, Hi all
beccafly7 says, hi!
mrs_snape says, Hey Monika!
hermitchick smacks evilbounceaholic.
evilbounceaholic says, hey
pippin_999 says, Hi
mecki987 says, Hi
evilbounceaholic growls a warning at hermitchick.
hermitchick says, hi
hermitchick says, growls?
siriusgeologist says, hey moinka!
cassandraclaire73 says, early aren;t we
evilbounceaholic says, shrugs bouncy likes to be odd
mrs_snape says, Rabbits have sharp teeth!
hermitchick says, We've noticed
siriusgeologist says, I'm here until baby awakes
pippin_999 says, I'm going to a baseball game soon
cassandraclaire73 says, im catching up on email.....
agassizde says, I'm going to bed soon.  
beccafly7 says, I've gotten bit by a rabbit once, they're teeth are 
little knives!
samanthak223 enters
beccafly7 says, Arg, *their
cassandraclaire73 says, hey samantha!
beccafly7 says, hi!
samanthak223 says, hi Cass
evilbounceaholic says, hey
mecki987 says, Hi, Samantha!
hermitchick says, hello
pippin_999 says, Hi
gypsycaine says, hi
gypsycaine says,  
mrs_snape says, My rabbit always bit my father in his bare feet - he 
was male and considered him to be a rival
mrs_snape says, Hi!
samanthak223 says, *looks around blankly for Charol*
siriusgeologist says, I'm here
samanthak223 says, hi mecki
Minzzer leaves
jamesf991 is away (Auto-Away)
samanthak223 says, wahoo
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
babynick34 enters
samanthak223 says, lol
beccafly7 says, hi
mrs_snape says, Hey Nick!
evilbounceaholic says, Hey Nick
siriusgeologist says, nick! hey haven't seen you here in awhile
babynick34 leaves
siriusgeologist says, how goes it?
mecki987 says, Hi, Nick!
gypsycaine hands out rope!!
babynick34 enters
beccafly7 says, Ah! The yellloooooow!
gypsycaine says, brb.
beccafly7  is blinded
mrs_snape says, Yahoo's acting up again, it seems
evilbounceaholic says, wishes that these programs would stop kicking 
people out
gypsycaine says, my son's fell asleep on the way home, and mom needs 
me to carry him up.
gypsycaine says, when nick gets back, say hi.
babynick34 says, Hello... Yahoo is weird... had to use Cheeta, and 
even that is weird today!
babynick34 says, Hi Dee... I'm back!
gypsycaine says, hi Nick!
gypsycaine says, I'll be back shortly.
gypsycaine says, Mom's at 30th street, heading this way (I'm at 48th) 
with my son....
gypsycaine says, and since I live on top of 57 steps, she really 
doesn't want to carry him up them.
gypsycaine says, so I get to.
beccafly7 says, Aww
babynick34 says, Have fun Dee
gypsycaine says, just keep the potluck going!  
gypsycaine says, fun? he's 40 pounds...
gypsycaine says, argh.
beccafly7 says, little kids are so adorable...
gypsycaine says, brb....  (I know...  )
mecki987 says, Little kids are so adorable *sometimes* !!
samanthak223 says, thanks
beccafly7 says, when they're sleeping:-P
mecki987 says, *If* they ever sleep!! Mine never seem to do that!!
pippin_999 says, Are you still having sleeping probs with your kids, 
babynick34 says, I went to Exeter yesterday... had a look around, 
visited Chudley (Chudleigh) and Ottery St. Mary  (Ottery 
Your buddy owlfriend_of_hedwig is in chat
owlfriend_of_hedwig enters
samanthak223 says, you all have kids!
mrs_snape says, Cool - seen any hidden Quidditch fields?
pippin_999 says, Hey Simon
mrs_snape says, Hi Simon!
evilbounceaholic says, how was it ?
evilbounceaholic says, hey!
beccafly7 says, make them run around until they're pooped.  then 
sleep in inevitable.
Your buddy betts_65656 has gone off pager
cassandraclaire73 says, *glomps simon*
babynick34 says, No didn't see any, but it's a great location for 
some - deep valleys, high hills.
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, brb
beccafly7 says, *is
mecki987 says, It's a lot better, but instead of *bottle* it's 
about "hide and seek" at 4 oClock in the morning!!
mrs_snape says, Sounds lovely, I love that kind of landscape
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, hello all
owlfriend_of_hedwig schnoogles cassandraclaire73
babynick34 says, Very nice to drive through, lovely landscape.
cassandraclaire73 says, pulls simon's hair
samanthak223 says, *blinks* snoggles?
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, so kind Cassie  
mrs_snape says, schnoogle, not snoggle
babynick34 says, Will have to upload some pics.
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
samanthak223 says, right
mrs_snape says, They're only snoggles if things get more randy  
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, why are you pulling my hair?
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, and it is really too short to do
cassandraclaire73 says, because i missed you and <g>this is how I 
show my affection
samanthak223 says, *waves at the 3 ppl she knows*
agassizde is away (Auto-Away)
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, i have missed you too
hermitchick is away (Auto-Away)
agassizde is back.
mrs_snape says, Rita should show up any minute...
cassandraclaire73 says, **violin plays*
cassandraclaire73 says, too bad i won't be going to england after all
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, another time maybe?
mrs_snape camera zooms in
samanthak223 says, *blinks because she is totaly confused* Charol!!!!
cassandraclaire73 says, oh i might go in septemver but now i have to 
concentrate on moving
siriusgeologist says, sorry...samantha...its a bit confusing at first 
samanthak223 says, oh it's so nice in England Cass, you really should
Your buddy kylia_moonshadow leaves chat
samanthak223 says, lil bit
mrs_snape says, We are a bit wild, but we don't bite...
samanthak223 says, hopefuly
cassandraclaire73 says, i know i love england...i was going to go 
with my boyfriend this month BUT we broke up so....replanning was 
mrs_snape says, Normally
mrs_snape says,  
agassizde says, Are you sure?
samanthak223 says, the bastered, I just got dumped too
beccafly7 says, England sounds absolutly gorgeous, I wish I could 
go.  I have to wait until after graduation, though. :-(
pippin_999 says, Ah...simon the field is now clear
babynick34 says, Talking of visiting places, it looks like I might be 
in the US in Mid-November.
cassandraclaire73 says, erm, well I dumped him but its a long story
babynick34 says, Alas Ive got a business meeting on 16th Nov - what 
bad timing.
samanthak223 says, oh! well good for u
pippin_999 says, Nick, where?
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, i am a bit busy working towards
exams at 
the moment
mrs_snape says, Everyone's going places, only I have to stay here  
pippin_999 says, My honey just got back from England...
agassizde says, No, I'm not going anywhere, either.
  babynick34 says, Pip - Brookings, SD.  Middle of nowhere in my 
opinion - but may mean I will fly through Chicargo.
pippin_999 says, He bought me =all= the Fry tapes!!
dracomalfoy05 enters
samanthak223 says, I go to England at least 3 times a year my daddy 
lives there
dracomalfoy05 says, Yoo hoo!
mecki987 says, I can't go anywhere either! The kids need me! <sigh>
beccafly7 says, hey!
cassandraclaire73 says, brb
mrs_snape says, Hi Matt!
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am in England almost all teh time
I live here it is not too surprising)
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
samanthak223 says, *giggles @ hedwig*
siriusgeologist says, and you dumped you boy friend too..."cause he 
wanted you back and you said no...soooo you're one up
mrs_snape says, Har, har, Simon, funny
siriusgeologist says, that was to samantha
samanthak223 says, yeah the second time thanks Charol
mrs_snape pokes you in the chest
  babynick34 says, Is anyone else not getting all messages posted?  
Some of the messages I am getting are joined together!
mrs_snape pokes owlfriend_of_hedwig in the chest
  babynick34 says, This is weird!
samanthak223 says, little bit
siriusgeologist says, that happens to me a lot...not getting all the 
gypsycaine picks up a pillow, and lets Simon have it across the head 
good, !!!!!!!!!!!BONK!!!!!!!!!!  until the feathers fly!
beccafly7 says, Yahoo is having spasms, methinks.  Tries to kick me 
off, sheesh
siriusgeologist says, ooo bad yahoo
samanthak223 says, me too it's so annoyinh
  babynick34 says, I gave up on Yahoo... resorted on using Cheeta to 
bypass it as much as possible.
samanthak223 says, annoying*
agassizde says, Hm, I rarely have problems with Yahoo
mrs_snape says, Cheeta doesn't like me and doesn't work for me  
dracomalfoy05 says, Last week I was kicked off of Yahoo and couldn't 
get back on
evilbounceaholic is away (Auto-Away)
siriusgeologist says, same here monika...its usually good to me
samanthak223 says, arn't you specail *smiles*
  babynick34 says, Is anyone planning on going to the movie peremier 
whenever it is?
pippin_999 says, I haven't had problems since I switched to Explorer. 
Netscape doesn't work at all
siriusgeologist says, is anyone NOT planning to go!
gypsycaine is back.
  gypsycaine says, I'd love to, but I'll have to settle for the 
normal showing thing.
agassizde says, Hehehe
  babynick34 says, Does anyone know where it will be?
beccafly7 says, Your local theater?  Not sure
keithfras enters
Your buddy bigeagle75 is on pager
mrs_snape says, I am still trying to figure out how to get Premiere 
tickets for here in Germany... I'm sure there's going to 

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