
gypsycaine at ... gypsycaine at ...
Mon May 21 02:14:49 UTC 2001

be a big humdrum about it
mrs_snape says, Hey Keith!
siriusgeologist says, No idea...I would suspect GB
mrs_snape  schnoogles Keith
mecki987 says, I often have problems with netscape too! Suddenly 
closes without reason!
keithfras says, Blimey! It be busy!
siriusgeologist says, hi kieth
agassizde says, Wonder if we will have to wait a few weeks for the 
movie to cross the Atlantic as usual...
  babynick34 says, Do you know the release date for Germany, 
samanthak223 says, don't even wanna see it
keithfras says, Mae govannen! Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
beccafly7 says, you've got to see it!
siriusgeologist says, really? sam?  I can't wait!
pippin_999 says, Have to go now...have a great week everyone!
mecki987 says, Where do you live in Germany!
keithfras hands round chocolate
beccafly7 says, you too, pippin
siriusgeologist says, bye pippin
gypsycaine ¿¥?Gôð® ßýê l[#00ffffm!!!¿¥?
beccafly7 says, mm, thanks keith.
keithfras says, Namarie!
mrs_snape says, No. Sometimes it can take up to 1/2 a year - but I 
guess they'll hurry and it will be sometime before X-mas
pippin_999 leaves
samanthak223 says, my friends would never let me live it down
  babynick34 says, agass - origional plan was to co-release in US and 
UK... but the release date is strangly missing for the UK movie 
agassizde says, Oops
  evilbounceaholic says, that's odd 
evilbounceaholic is back.
mrs_snape says, Dinah lives near Würzburg and has a conscience 
problem cause she didn't reply to Sabine's last E-Mail
skaprincess27 enters
cassandraclaire73 says, ALICIA!!!
keithfras says, They have to take a little extra time editing so 
people say 'Philosopher's Stone' not [censored]   'Sorceror's Stone'!
samanthak223 says, hi Sue
keithfras says, Hi Sue!
beccafly7 says, hi!
skaprincess27 says, Aloha!   
siriusgeologist says, hey is the alias file updated?
mecki987 says, Hi Sue!
  evilbounceaholic says, hey
mrs_snape says, Hey Sue! prepared to slay some guys for us?
hermitchick leaves
Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat
skaprincess27 says, *schnoogles all*
  babynick34 says, Keith - they did that bit during production to my 
skaprincess27 says, Sure!  It's been a good week for the slaying.
keithfras says, Hey Sue, how're the cabana boys? <vbeg>
samanthak223 says, how's the wonderful world of Palmer? I escaped 
*laughs mockingly*
keithfras says, Yeah, I was kidding, Babynick34.
skaprincess27 says, They all ran away during the freak NE heat wave.
keithfras says, Aw, too bad.
skaprincess27 says, Shaddap, Little Miss West Side.   
mrs_snape says, Huh! I'm just looking at a funnies page with the 100 
new commandments for today's world!
samanthak223 says, *giggles*
keithfras says, Thou shalt not be uncool.
mrs_snape says, One rule is: Thou shalt no teach a ferret to yodel
agassizde says, lol
samanthak223 says, wahoo Terriors! to Sue
mrs_snape has a very weird, ugly sound in her ears
  evilbounceaholic says, thou shall not bounce because one is not a 
keithfras says, Unless it is deemed by the Powers That Be (namely, 
the fashion houses) that uncool is the new cool.
beccafly7 says, *spills her Coke* Yodeling ferrets...
skaprincess27 rolls eyes and says "Panthers Really Suck"
keithfras yodels like a ferret
mrs_snape says, Keith, we are not uncool!
mecki987 says, Dinah! Don't worry!  Maybe we can watch the movie 
together? After all Würzburg and Kiel are only just a few 100 km 
samanthak223 says, yes they do
skaprincess27 says, how would a ferret yodeling sound?
  babynick34 says, Any merchandise collectors here?  If so... do you 
know of any websites which show all the available merchandise?
beccafly7 says, really squeaky
siriusgeologist says, LOL? ferrett yodeling?
keithfras says, I don't buy merchandise so dunno...
samanthak223 says, but hey we have a yapping dog and i have to cheer 
for it. one crack baby joke and your so dead Sue
skaprincess27 says, I don't think I've ever actually heard a ferret 
emit any sound...
george_weasleys_girlfriend enters
beccafly7 says, worse than my singing...*shivers*
beccafly7 says, hi!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *waves*  Hi everyone!
samanthak223 says, lol
  gypsycaine says, I'm looking for the Y!Chat site still.  I know I 
bookmarked it.
  evilbounceaholic says, Hey Jana!
mrs_snape says, That'd be great, yes. I hate the thought odf being 
the only fan "adult" (well, 20 is technically adult) in the film
mrs_snape says, Hey Jana!
siriusgeologist says, hey janna
keithfras says, Cassie (if you're watching), any updates on when DS15 
will be out?
  gypsycaine says, I also fixed the Chatscript setting for Bookmarks!
skaprincess27 says, We have a 2-11 football team.  Oh, and a 1-8 
boys' track team.  So bite bite bite me.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *waves and grins at everyone who 
recognizes her*
samanthak223 says, *bites you*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *bites*
keithfras says, Hi, Dee.
skaprincess27 says, *wanders off to find antiseptic*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL  Thanks, Keith.
  babynick34 says, wb Dee
  gypsycaine says, is that better than winning a football game 72 to 
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, don't rush Cass - I do not need
distractions this month
samanthak223 says, oh Sue-Sue, your in my new ficie
  gypsycaine says, thanks.
samanthak223 says, don't be mad your the villan type thing
skaprincess27 says, Ohh dear.  This could be a disaster...
  gypsycaine says, Ian's running around, playing with the Gimme Bag.
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sue who?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL  That rhymed.
skaprincess27 says,  
mrs_snape says, Mecki - Kiel... how is the city and university there? 
I'm considering to go there cause in the North are no pollen = good 
for my alleries
beccafly7 says, Utoh, it
  babynick34 says, Gimme Bad?
beccafly7 says, *'s Dr. Suess
  babynick34 says, Bag even!#
keithfras says, I've started writing a movie script based on an RPG 
I've been taking part in...hehehe.
  gypsycaine says, he shared.  I got a wax-koolaid stick! 
  gypsycaine says, didn't know they made those still  
samanthak223 says, but Sue is sleeping w/ Sirius in the fic so be 
skaprincess27 says, I don't want to sleep with Sirius.
mrs_snape says, Keith, have you seen the D&D film? Is it worth seeing?
keithfras says, Sue/Sirius? LOL!
samanthak223 says, crazy
keithfras says, Sue/Matt?
siriusgeologist says, EEEP! she's too young for him!
skaprincess27 mutters "jail!  bait!"
mrs_snape says, Sue has a fever , shje needs to go to hospital
agassizde says, Carole, she doesn't want him anyway. ;-)
  evilbounceaholic starts laughing
samanthak223 says, being jail bait is fun and it's back when he's 15
keithfras says, No Dinah, but I have seen trailers. It looks 
baaaaaaad, and every review I've seen pretty much says so.
skaprincess27 says, Still, dear, I think I'll stay away from Dog Boy.
cassandraclaire73 says, ds15--out midjune despite simon's whining
siriusgeologist says, good!...ok she can have him at 15...he was a 
louse then
skaprincess27 says, CASSIE!
cassandraclaire73 says, what?
  gypsycaine says, there's an interesting discussion in the KoDT club 
on Yahoo.
mecki987 says, I don't know,Dinah! I live about 50km south of Kiel in 
a very tiny village! it is just the nearest big city ( you wouldn't 
know Großenaspe  )
keithfras says, I read the novelisation and it's not that great a 
samanthak223 says, lol hi Cass
skaprincess27 says, I don't know.
cassandraclaire73 says, i said hi to you when you came in, sue
mrs_snape says, Okay, so I'll safe my money
skaprincess27 says, eep.  *shamed*
cassandraclaire73 says, and now you're all pretending to be excited 
to see me
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey, Cass, haven't teased you in 
ages - forget about me?
cassandraclaire73 says, *wails*
cassandraclaire73 says, jana!!!
keithfras says, Wait till Lord of the Rings part I comes out.
mrs_snape says, No, but then, you wouldn't know Hafenlohr, would you? 
skaprincess27 says, *cries*
cassandraclaire73 says, you cam in while i wasn't looking!
cassandraclaire73 says, ack, ive missed you all
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm excited.  *shoots confetti from 
keithfras says, Why's everyone wailing and crying?!
  babynick34 says, LotR is a must see... pre-release info looks great.
samanthak223 says, damn I'm confused again, no comments Sue
cassandraclaire73 says, *sprays icing sugar everywhere*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, That's me in a nutshell.  Sneaking 
into chats, causing truoble, being forgotten.  *wails*
beccafly7 says, No idea...
skaprincess27 says, I missed you too, Cass!  I severed my Teenage 
Witchdom out of boredom!
€  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, mid june is fine by me Cass - it is
the rest of this month that I dont want distractions!
mecki987 says,   
mrs_snape says, I am currently reading the first book and love it 
already - but I have to stop through out all the time cause I don't 
have enough time!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, It's midJune because she needs to 
take extra time to make George's part is extra perfect.  
mrs_snape says, So I'll wait for the holidays in two weeks and finish 
it then
samanthak223 says, Draco/Ginny please Cass *begs*

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