Fw: Nobel Prize for JK Rowling
pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 13 02:57:22 UTC 2003
Hi --
I'm forwarding this info here, in case anyone is interested. I'm not
convinced this is terribly effective, but it is interesting all the same.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Downey" <jdowney at ...>
To: <cfp at ...>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:51 AM
Subject: Nobel Prize for JK Rowling
> Ms. Linsenmayer,
> Greetings! I just thought I'd take a moment and drop you a note about
> my new project, which is initiating a world-wide petition effort to
> convince the Nobel Prize Committee to acknowledge JK Rowling's
> contribution with the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004. You can find
> out all the details at http://www.nobelprizeforjo.com/
> I note in your Nibus 2003 bio that you're involved in the works of Laura
> Ingalls Wilder. In my book conservation practice I've had the honor of
> doing extensive conservation work on the Wilder family bible, as well as
> Laura's personal bible and several other of her books. Small world,
> isn't it?
> Well, good luck with the symposium. If you have the chance, and would
> be so kind, any help that you can give to promote the petition drive
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Best wishes...
> Jim Downey
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