not really Re: Ottawa in 2004

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at
Fri Jul 25 02:40:35 UTC 2003

I plan to go to the Ottawa event next summer. If the programming was 
just a *little* less interesting than at Nimbus 2003, I might 
actually manage to have real conversations with the people I know 
on-line (none of you look like black letters on a white screen!) 
instead of, at most, "Hi! How nice to meet you! Which presentation 
are you going to next?" 

Phyllis, I am grief-striken that I missed you! IIRC you actually gave 
the Ottawa flyers to Tim, just before the first first movie, while I 
was in the bathroom.

Barb, I had cat ears all the time except Friday I wore a witchy hat 
with white flowers on it, but there was a (younger and prettier) 
woman who also had cat ear, and *she* had whiskers, too ... whiskers 
are too difficult for me. i saw you, but you seemed to be so busy 
working the convention that I didn't want to interrupt. 

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