Black family names (astronomy)

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at
Sun Jul 27 06:09:10 UTC 2003

Sirius is the Dog Star in Canis Major.
Regulus is a star in Leo.
Bellatrix is a star in Orion.
Andromeda is a constellation.
The other person of whom we know in that generation is Narcissa 
(mother of Draco, another constellation). I've read several posts 
that claim that Narcissus is also an astronomical name. I haven't 
been able to find astronomical Narcissus on Google, can someone point 

Rastaban is beta Draconis. Was that the name of Rodolphus 
Lestrange's brother (the fourth man of the Pensieve Four)?

Sirius's Uncle Alphard left him enough money to buy a place of his
own at age 17 (which I imagine to be a small house rather than a 
flat). The star named ALPHARD is alpha Hydrae. This suggests that 
Sirius's father and Bellatrix's father (and Sirius's mother, if she 
was a double Black) also had astronomical names. Any mention of them?

"Aunt Elladora" might have been some kind of great-aunt, great-great- 
aunt ... she started the custom of beheading House Elves when they 
were too old to carry a tea-tray ... how years would it take for 
enough House Elves to grow old for their heads to line the whole 

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