
JoAnna Wahlund pt4ever at
Sun Jun 15 17:12:32 UTC 2003


JoAnna (Walsvik) Wahlund

pt4ever, Wanner47 (AIM), j_wahlund at ... (MSN)


My mom and stepdad live in Dickinson, ND; my dad is moving to our town (Fargo, ND) in a few weeks; my sister lives here in Fargo as well, my brother & sister-in-law live in AZ, and I have as stepbrother & stepsister, a stepsister-in-law and two stepneices in Fargo too.  Lots of assorted grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and cousins too.

We recently moved to Fargo, ND from Minneapolis, MN.  When I first started posting to HPfGU, I was attending school in Laramie, WY.

***Birthday, Place of Birth:
November 3, 1980 in Grand Forks, ND.

***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
I graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities on May 18 with a B.A. in English and a minor in Technical Communication.  I'm currently job-hunting, looking for work as an admin. asst. or receptionist, or something along those lines.  Work in the writing/editing field would be ideal, but in this job market (and in this town), those types of jobs are slim to none.

***Other things we might want to know about you:
Some of you may remember a guy who went by the handle of "Jarnor23" on HPfGU; he and I originally met on the board, and married 14 months later!  Our first date was at a party for GoF, and he proposed at a Harry Potter display at the Minneapolis Dayton's.  We were married on September 1, 2001 and our dance had a Harry Potter theme!  (We have the *cutest* wedding pic of the two of us in HP glasses.)  For the long version of our meeting/engagement as well as wedding pics, to go:

We're both recently converted Catholics (were raised Lutheran) but first and foremost Christians.  We're also liberal and can't wait for the day that "Dubya" is out of office.  :) No kids yet, but we have a spoiled-rotten kitty named B'Elanna.  Collin (aka Jarnor23) is going to North Dakota State U in the fall to get his B.S. in Computer Science. 

***First contact with Harry Potter:
My aunt Sheri, who's a sixth grade teacher, kept telling me that I *had* to read Sorcerer's Stone.  I finally got around to it during Xmas break of my freshman year of college - my mom, who's an elementary school librarian, loaned me the library's copy of SS and I LOVED it.  I bought CoS and PoA and was hooked.

***Favourite Potter things:
That's a tough one.  I LOVE Hermione - she reminds me of myself sometimes.  :-)

***Extent of Potter obsession:
It's pretty big - we have tons of HP stuff around the house.  Since everyone knew the story of how we met and such, we got a lot of HP merchandise as wedding gifts.  I have the books practically memorized and I ROCK at Harry Potter Trivia.  (No one wants to play with me anymore because I always win.)  

As for Potter merchandise, we have:  all four books (we used to have two sets but we donated one to my mom's library), SS in Spanish & Japanese, PoA in French, two coffee mugs, a blanket, a snowglobe, two different sets of bookends, a stuffed Fluffy, a Fluffy doorstop, the HP Trivia Game, HP Quidditch card game, HP Uno, 2003 HP CoS calendar, and a whole slew of Christmas ornaments.  We have both movies on DVD and the soundtrack to SS.  We probably have more, but as we just moved I haven't unpacked everything yet so I can't verify what we have.

***Other interests/activities:
I read a lot.  (I also read fast - I read GoF in four hours.)  I love Star Trek and Whose Line Is It Anyway?  (preferably British version - Clive Anderson rocks! - but since I don't get cable I usually watch the American version, but I like that one too).  I like to write stories, primarily Star Trek fanfic.  

***Current/recent reading:
Been too busy unpacking to read lately, though I'm in the middle of both "Dave Barry in Japan" and "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot."

***Current/recent listening:
Soundtracks to musicals, primarily.

***Current/recent viewing:
I just saw "Down with Love" - extremely cheesy, a bit implausible, but a fun movie nonetheless.

That's it for me - and I must also chime in that I am so honored to be invited to join!  After my marriage I was so busy I stopped keeping up the HPfGU, but now that OoP is coming out, I look forward to discussing the book with y'all! 


"You know, you look at George W. and you realize some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some get it as a graduation gift."  - Robin Williams

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