[the_old_crowd] Things I pray to see in OOTP
Neil Ward
neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jun 15 21:43:37 UTC 2003
Ellen said:
<< What do you really hope we will find out in OOTP? >>
I'm not sure I would *pray* to see these things in OoP, but I would like:
- some background on Filch and Mrs Figg and also Crookshanks
- more on Harry's parents (not too unlikely methinks)
- to know the secret of The Sorting Hat
- to discover Snape's mission (duh!)
- to find out what the Order of the Phoenix is (double duh!)
Also, suggest...
- more Trelawney/McGonagall sniping
- something completely weird and unexpected in connection with the Dursleys
- more on Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
- Dumbledore's motives questioned
- Arthur to get Lucius locked up
- one of the twins to "go bad" (Weasleys not Patils... hey, on second
thoughts let's go with 'Parvati, the Evil One')
- Professor Sinistra to get a line (of words, I mean)
- less of Hagrid and the Elves (probably not going to get that wish) -
reading dialects is a pain: perhaps Hagrid could attend elocution lessons?
Ellen again:
<< I long for more Lestrange. I want to know who they are, what they
did (Besides torture Longbottoms)and why a couple has such immense
loyalty to Lord Voldemort. >>
I second that one.
It would be interesting to have more scenes outside Harry's POV, even if
it's from a third person perspective. It's probably the only way we'll ever
get to know more about some of the minor characters.
Predictions: I think Lupin will be the one to die, in the service of the
Order of the Phoenix. I predict that Harry will injure one of the other
students or that he will discover another new talent, such as telepathy or
remote viewing.
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