
Simon simon.hp at
Mon Jun 16 15:06:34 UTC 2003

Answers might be a little short in places. Am recovering from a weekend away
and need some more sleep.



Simon, sjbranford


Parents and brother. See the former too often and the later not enough.
Am single myself.

Here or there.

***Birthday, Place of Birth:
May 31st, Coventry, UK.

***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
Have a Masters in Mathematics. Now taking a Masters in Science (specifically
Network Centred Computing).

***Other things we might want to know about you:
I have the keys to FictionAlley, while Heidi is off playing with her boys.

***First contact with Harry Potter:
While revising for one of the lots of my finals (my first degree helpfully
had two lots of finals). Decided I would use them as a revision break. Since
then Harry Potter has provided a work break for over three years.

***Favourite Potter things:
I have an owl. Some t00bs have adopted an owl for me. I am just waiting for
the details to arrive, so that I can go visit :)

***Extent of Potter obsession:
Me? Obsessed?

***Other interests/activities:
 Orienteering, when my knee is up to it, and connected activities.

***Current/recent reading:
That large pile behind me. Some computer books (MySQL, php and LaTeX are the
current ones). Rather more fiction books (far too many to list).

***Current/recent listening:
 Radio 1 is often on in the background. Got The White Stripes album on

***Current/recent viewing:
 Do not actually have a TV, so have to go to parents to watch anything.
Currently I am having Spooks recorded for me :D


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