Intro Profile

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at
Tue Jun 17 12:25:47 UTC 2003

I'm a bit slow on getting this done, but here you go.

Sheryll Townsend

DC Sheryll (DC=darn Canadian), only by my friend Eric
sheryll on LJ
s_ings on YM

44 - may even call that middle-aged if Neil insists

Husband Andy, 42, bald, sexy, cooks, does renovations,
clean and can do laundry if pressed
Daughter Nyssa, nearly 20, no longer living at home,
off to St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario in
the fall to study education, currently lives next door
to drag queens and refuses to go over and introduce
herself (mutters things like "But they're *your*
friends." when the subject comes up).
New kitten who's name is Purr C. because Andy said
Persistence was a behaviour and not an appropriate
name for a cat. He's still small enough to sit on my
hand is currently examining the cords coming out of
the wall, perhaps debating on whether he can unplug
the computer or not.
Parents, younger sister with husband, 3 kids and a dog
- close enough to borrow money from, far enough they
don't drop in unannounced. Oldest nephew (just turned
13) is a HP fan. I dragged him and Nyssa kicking and
screaming out of school and down to Toronto 3 years
ago for JKR's reading at SkyDome. Okay, I lied. They
came willingly. :)
Very large extended family scattered across the

Old, always needing renovation, oh, wait, you mean
location of said decrepit house. Ottawa, Ontario.

***Birthday/Place of Birth:
June 9, Winnipeg, Manitoba

***Education/Job/Role in Life:
I have a piece of paper somewhere that says I'm a
certified library technician, though I've not worked
much in that field. Have done darn near everything but
wait tables, including home daycare, telephone surveys
and genealogy research. Currently spending 6 days a
week in the underpaid position of selling tickets at a
movie theatre and, for some insane reason, loving it.
Not because the job is fun, because it isn't. It's
boring and surprisingly draining. No, it's the people.
Not only do I genuinely like all the people I work
with, the theatre guests often make my day. I have
people who won't see movies unless I recommend them,
who come in at Christmas to bring me gifts, who worry
if I have time off and aren't there when they come in.
Yup, it's definitely the people. 
I've always done volunteer work, be it elfing at
HPFGU, sitting on the Board for the Pride festival,
organising conferences, a brief stint as a Girl Guide
leader, etc.

***Other things we might want to know about you:
omnivore(leaning towards complete carnivore),
chocolate addict, there is a personality around here
somewhere though it's likely buried under the mess on
the desk, completely detest our Prime Minister though
I voted for him because the alternatives were even
worse, used to speak fluent French but now struggle
through the French HP versions with dictionary in
hand, recovering alcoholic 13 1/2 years, married to
convicted felon now on parole for life

***First contact with Harry Potter:
Late spring of 2000. Was working out of the house and
my boss dropped the first 3 books off with some work
she was bringing, along with a warning to make sure I
also got some of the work done. 

***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships,
fics, objets d'art, general enthusing)
Book: PoA, so far
Characters: Snape, Neville, Sirius, Arthur Weasley,
Mad-Eye Moody
Ships: honestly don't have one, though I once
captained the SS Sirius/I yacht through a few Sunday
Fics: not keeping up well these days, but like
Cassie's Draco trilogy, anything of Al's, Eb's
Paradise series, Penny and Carole's Sirius stuff, the
Darkness and Light series, and lots more. Oh, and I
dearly wish John would somehow finish Song of Time. :)
Objets d'art: favourites, eh? Lemme think. The blue
mug with the Hogwarts crest, my CoS t-shirt from work,
Hogwarts castle Amanda gave me, my Dumbledore ornament
which is the only non-handmade thing on my Christmas
tree (thanks, Penny), Snape's dungeon Lego.
General enthusing: Wish I could afford time off to go
to Nimbus, very much looking forward to Ottawa next
year. Have met some truly wonderful people and hope to
meet many more.

***Extent of Potter obsession:
Obsessed? Moi? Does the fact that Andy often says we
need to build an addition on the house for all the HP
stuff tell you anything? Have the first so far in
Canadian and French editions, US edition of SS,
Spanish edition of CoS, first three on audio tape,
Hogwarts castle, Snape's dungeon Lego, Dumbledore
ornament, blue mug with Hogwarts crest, HP Uno, Gnome
Toss game, snitch keychain, HP with lightening bolt
keychain, first trivia game and much more. Also have a
CoS t-shirt that was only available to theatre
employees, the CoS poster from the display case
outside the front doors and the display pictures from
the concession signs for the HP combo. I would be
addicted to Fizzing Whizzbees if I could only get them
here. *shakes finger at John for giving me the first

***Other interests/activities:
Love jigsaw puzzles, used to cross-stitch a great deal
but haven't done much lately. No telling how
motivating a good HP pattern could be, though. Oh,
wait, this part is about *other* interests. :D
Love to travel, will go anywhere the bus runs, no
matter how many hours it takes. Mostly because that
way I meet the most interesting people. Love video
games, can cook up a storm if I'm in the mood, will
read nearly anything I can get my hands on.

***Current/recent reading:
Re-read of GoF, Robert B. Parker's A Savage Place, Sue
Grafton's P is for Peril.
Was given bookstore gift cards recently and bought 7
books last night. Some of them should keep me busy
until this weekend. :)

***Current/recent listening:
Not much, mostly the oldies station because it's the 
station that Andy has the ancient hi-fi set at

***Current/recent viewing:
Movies: X2, Matrix:Reloaded, The Russian Ark, The Man
Without a Past (Finnish film - loved it)
TV: CSI, Amazing Race, CSI: Miami, all the Law & Order
shows, Kevin Spencer

If you're still reading, I owe you a batch of homemade
ice cream!

Sheryll, who really should get off the computer and
get to work

"No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously." - Dave Barry

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