[the_old_crowd] Come the weekend...

pennylin pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jun 19 02:11:04 UTC 2003

<<<<<<<<Neil wrote:
What are you all planning for the big read?  Leg over the chair arm?   In bed with a torch?  Sitting under a tree?  Reading aloud to the  kids?  Armed with a highlighter and notebook?>>>>>>>>

Funny you should ask.  I'm actually trying to work out my plan.  You see, I must leave my house at dawn.  Otherwise, I will be treated to "Mama!  :::pounding of small fists on the door::: Mama! .... Mama!  ...... Maaaaaaaaaammmmmmaaaaaaaaa!" 

So, I will leave.  Where I will go is still a mystery.  Bookstores?  Sounds noisy & crowded on this particular Saturday, though I may get desperate.  Coffee shops?  Noisy and I don't drink coffee.  Library?  Has possibilties over on a college campus like Rice or U of H.  I thought about my church, though I'm not sure the building will be open on Saturday or that they won't lock me in there.  <g>  Am still pondering.  Suggestions?  [It's too hot in Houston this time of year to consider a park or anything outdoors]


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