[the_old_crowd] Come the weekend...

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 18 23:56:47 UTC 2003

While Carole and Brian (son age 9) plan to visit the
HP event at Books A Million, I will be forced to hold
down the castle with the younger two kids on Friday

I plan to cast a freeze charm on everyone on Saturday
morning and sneak off with Book 5 while the rest of my
family and coworkers remains in suspended animation. 
Since I am a slow reader, you probably won't hear from
Carole for several days (so don't be alarmed).  Brian
is about done with school, so they probably will think
we went on vacation early.

While my coworkers and I will miss several key
milestones on the schedule at work.  The loss to the
automotive community in general will actually be quite
small.  Upon completion of the book and after several
postings on this site, Professor Estes will clean out
the frequently used coffee pot, and go to the bedroom
to crash for a few days.  When I wake up, I will try
to remember how to undo that darned freeze charm to
return everything to normal.

By the way, I found an old worn out pair of bunny
slippers stuck in my copy of Book 3 the other day.  Is
anyone missing a pair?  I seem to recall another
Professor who had some...Was it Professor
Sinastra...It seems to me that he always did it his
way....no that was Frank Sinatra...

Anyway that was the perfect world scenario...  I
probably will be peeking over my wife's or son's
shoulders trying to read covertly while they linger on
every word.

Music starts from somewhere off stage....
Gilbert and Sullivan's stage production flashes before
your eyes on the stage.....

Charming old man with Red Beard clears his throat and
belts out the following lines.....

I am the very model of an Adult Harry Potter Fan.
My book collection's full of books that other people
wish to ban!
I'm waiting for Book 5 to show...
And revel in the afterglow...
Cause three years per book is too slow...
I am the very model of an anxious Harry Potter fan!

Lots of applause... scene fades to black as he takes a

Professor Estes stands up to see the crowd and is hit
right between the eyes with a pair of rotting bunny


--- Pinguthegreek <michelleapostolides at ...>
> What are you all planning for the big read?  Leg
> over the chair arm?  
> In bed with a torch?  Sitting under a tree?  Reading
> aloud to the 
> kids?  Armed with a highlighter and notebook? 
> I'm going to go to Canary Wharf for the midnight
> thing with Mary Ann and Pip, then come home, try to
> grab some sleep and start reading on Saturday
> morning. I just hope I can drive my car back without
> speeding ! i shall curl up on my bed probably. 
> Michelle
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