Paxman interview / oh no, my parents!

Neil Ward neilward at
Thu Jun 19 22:02:09 UTC 2003

Hi all,

No, Jeremy Paxman didn't mention my parents during the JKR interview -
 I'm doing a bit of topic combining.

I didn't see the interview, but I read a transcript.  JKR made a 
comment I think I've heard from her before, that there was a central 
fact/theme that she would be annoyed to find had been guessed by one 
of the fan lists.  She said something like "Nobody has guessed it. A 
couple of people have come close, but they skirted around it".  

She says she has read fan speculation, but I find it hard to believe 
she's read *all* of it (she'd need nine lives, a time turner and a 
kink in the universe just to make a dent).  Quite apart from general 
speculation, there are bound to be some fanfics that have - 
unbeknownst to their authors - hit some pivotal facts on the head.

I'm also of the view that Harry Potter fans are now so numerous that 
their nitpicking could be likened to the infinite number of trained 
monkeys bashing away on their typewriters and producing the works of 
Shakespeare by fluke.  One of us typing primates is bound to have 
guessed right.

Any idea what that crucial thing might be?


Where do my parents come in?  Not speculating on Harry Potter, that's 
for sure.  I foolishly accepted an invitation from my brother to 
spend Sunday afternoon having a picnic with my parents and my nieces, 
while he and my sister-in-law look round a museum.  Parents and 
nieces are not good for optimum reading conditions.  They chatter, 
dance around like pixies and try to get me to 'colour in' and read to 
them.  The nieces are even worse.

Hey... I *could* read OoP out loud.  Hmmm.



Flying Ford Anglia  

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