OOP: Not finished yet
Neil Ward
neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jun 22 10:46:21 UTC 2003
Hi everyone,
Actually, no spoilers here. I almost daren't look at the incoming messages
on this list, but I glimpsed a few "oh no, how could she?" comments in the
headers. I have no idea what that means, as I'm only on p400 or so.
I'm about to dash off for this family picnic (post-rainstorm - brilliant),
so I reckon it'll be late on Sunday evening before I finish the book, if not
Monday. I've already had to turn the sound down on the news and watch
pictures-only of excited children being interviewed whilst clutching a copy
of OoP. Why do they never interview adults? If I see JKR's face on the TV
now, or a shot of Dan Radcliffe on a broom, or any cross-legged child in a
witch hat, I switch over to 'Big Brother 4' immediately: at least I know the
BB housemates can't possibly give anything away about OoP!
Anyway, you won't be hearing from me for a while yet...
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