[the_old_crowd] Re: Intro Profile
Monika Hübner
mo.hue at ...
Mon Jun 30 06:10:49 UTC 2003
Joann posted a very detailed intro profile (was this to be found
somewhere?!), so I guess I omitted quite a few points when
writing my introduction yesterday. Since it seems of interest,
here we go :):
> > ***Family:
No husband, no children. Three (much older) brothers, but
only in touch with one of them. (Don't ask about the rest. :->)
> > ***Birthday, Place of Birth:
> Mai 22nd, Waltrop/Germany
> > ***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
> > d'Art, general enthusing):
> >
> > Book: PoA (of course), I'm a "no-shipper", favourite fics:
"A Sirius Affair" and "A Sirius Change" (can't decide yet which
one I like best :)). I already said my favourite character was
Sirius, I also like Lupin a lot. I can't stand Draco or Snape. ;)
I love both movies and went to buy the DVDs the first day they
were available.
> > ***Extent of Potter obsession:
Extensive, I'm afraid. I read much less fanfiction lately, but I'm
a beta reader for Carole's ASC, which I also translate into
German. I already translated ASA, all of Blaise's stories and
Heidi's "A Surfeit of Curses". I told you I'm merely a translator
for fun now. :)
> >
> > Collectables: Copies of all books of course, lately I purchased
the special cloth bound edition of PoA, my favourite book. I also
own the British audio books read by Stephen Fry on CD (except
PS, where I only have the tapes). I will buy OoP as well when it
comes out in September. My most curious Potter items: the two
coins released by the Isle of Man. I'm also drinking my tea out of
a Lord Voldemort mug. <g>
> > ***Other interests/activities:
I love rocks and fossils and have to visit every natural history
museum I can find. I also read a lot of non fiction, especially
in the field of paleontology and evolution.
I also write book and movie reviews and maintain a website
that has become a lot bigger during those past
six years than I ever imagined! The English section can be
found here:
> > ***Current/recent reading:
Before OoP, I finished Terry Pratchett's "The Truth", I'm trying
to finish Tim Power's "Last Call" (can't really get into it even
though it's quite well written), another current read is Stephen
Jay Gould's "Eight Little Piggies" (reflections on natural history),
my absolute favourite science writer who sadly passed away a
year ago.
> > ***Current/recent listening:
Not much music for me at the moment. I don't know why, but
I find it too distracting. When I was younger, I always listened
to music while reading.
> > ***Current/recent viewing:
I haven't been to the movies for about two months now, an
eternity! The most recent movies I saw are "About Schmidt"
and "The Hours". Liked them both.
Well, I think that's it.
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