Was the MoM built around the Arch? , The Kiss v Death

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at catlady_de_los_angeles.yahoo.invalid
Fri Oct 10 04:12:00 UTC 2003

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Ali" <Ali at z...> wrote:
> Following OoP, I have felt that the MoM was constructed 
> around the Chamber of Death. IMO, the arch and the veil predate the 
> MoM. I think that they are a link between our world and the next, 
> perhaps a place where it is easier to pass on quickly, I don't know. 

How many such doorways for one planet Earth? 

> I note that they do have something which is arguably worse than 
> death - as Lupin says "Much worse than that" p. 183 PoA UK edition.
> They have the "Kiss".
> I wonder if this is what Dumbledore is thinking about in his duel 
> against Voldemort in the MoM, when he tells Voldemort that death 
> wouldn't be sufficient for him? 

I kind of thought that what Dumbledore had in mind as what fate of
Voldemort would satisfy him is: Voldemort realising how wrong he'd
been, which would make him feel utterly humiliated.

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