Was the MoM built around the Arch? , The Kiss v Death

pippin_999 foxmoth at pippin_999.yahoo.invalid
Mon Oct 13 03:57:14 UTC 2003

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Ali" <Ali at z...> wrote:
> I had written:-

> I wrote:-
> > > I note that they do have something which is arguably worse 
>  death - as Lupin says "Much worse than that" p. 183 PoA UK 
>  They have the "Kiss".
>  I wonder if this is what Dumbledore is thinking about in his 
duel   against Voldemort in the MoM, when he tells Voldemort 
that death  wouldn't be sufficient for him? <<<
> Catlady again:- 
>  <<<I kind of thought that what Dumbledore had in mind as 
what fate of Voldemort would satisfy him is: Voldemort realising 
how wrong he'd  been, which would make him feel utterly 

I thought what Dumbledore meant is that the way Voldemort is 
now, utterly given over to evil, is worse than death, and that 
Dumbledore doesn't want anyone to die unredeemed. What 
Dumbledore would really like is for Tom to repent.  But since 
Tom has  almost destroyed himself  as a human, that  seems 

> We already have JKR suggesting through Lupin that there is 
something  worse than death - loss of one's soul. We have 
already seen how the  hero has had to fight against soul removal 
in both PoA and OoP. The Dementors seemed to be very keen 
on Harry, more so than on other  people. Now, arguably, this was 
because he had such bad memories 
> which they could feed on. But, I think this argument is a bit 
weak  when considering the Quidditch scene where Harry 
fainted. Harry  would have been full of exhiliaration when hordes 
of dementors  decided to go for him. No, there is something 
extra special about  Harry that makes him a particular appealing 
target for the Dementors.

Sirius was there too. And now we now you can see the Quidditch 
pitch from the DADA professor's office, ch 13 OOP. *Were*  the 
Dementors after Harry? Or did EverSoEvil Lupin, curled up in his 
office but with his human mind intact,  spot Sirius from his 
window and somehow send the Dementors after him? 


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