[the_old_crowd] Re: Essay on H/H in light of OoP (long, VERY long) (SHIP, mostly SHIP)

Neil Ward neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 4 00:47:34 UTC 2003


<< Well obviously everyone has overlooked the possible relationship between
Harry and Neville's toad! >>

Surely it's obvious that Neville's toad is the unregistered animagus form of
Dolores Umbridge?

In Book 7, I suggest that Dumbledore will sit Harry on his knee and tell him
that the only way he can avoid the fate of the prophecy is to marry into
toad blood before his 18th birthday.  Harry becomes Dolores' toyboy, she is
redeemed and the series ends with a wizard wedding.  Official acronym for
this theory: UGH! (Umbridge Gets Harry)

Seriously, has Neville's toad ever been named?


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