[the_old_crowd] Re: Essay on H/H in light of OoP (long, VERY long) (SHIP, mostly SHIP)

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 4 04:13:19 UTC 2003


Neville's heroic toad is named Trevor!

I guess we can now launch the good ship NTT/H!

And a fine ship she is too!  What with rubbery water
repellent sails and all!

And my research of Book One shows me that "Neville,
the toadless boy" will grow up to be the rugged
individualist!  Unattached to others, he can lead a
lonely yet satifying life of a future hero who strives
to do great deeds like his hero, Trevor!

RED EYE RANDY wipes a tear from his eye and says
goodnight to all!

--- Neil Ward <neilward at ...> wrote:
> Randy:
> << Well obviously everyone has overlooked the
> possible relationship between
> Harry and Neville's toad! >>
> Surely it's obvious that Neville's toad is the
> unregistered animagus form of
> Dolores Umbridge?
> In Book 7, I suggest that Dumbledore will sit Harry
> on his knee and tell him
> that the only way he can avoid the fate of the
> prophecy is to marry into
> toad blood before his 18th birthday.  Harry becomes
> Dolores' toyboy, she is
> redeemed and the series ends with a wizard wedding. 
> Official acronym for
> this theory: UGH! (Umbridge Gets Harry)
> Seriously, has Neville's toad ever been named?
> Neil

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