[the_old_crowd] Philip Pullman + fun things to do with your kidneys

Parker Brown Nesbit pbnesbit at harpdreamer.yahoo.invalid
Fri Apr 9 23:24:24 UTC 2004

Mr Goat wrote:

>Last week, I finally got my head on straight enough to demand a second
>opinion - and five minutes on the ultrasound gizmo. Lo and behold, it
>turns out that I have a badly blocked kidney - and was well on my way
>to killing the thing. I just got home from round one of fun, exciting
>kidney investigations at the hospital (actually, the people there are
>really fun and the food ain't half bad). Monday I go back for more.


Hope you're on the mend & will soon be back to cavorting around and eating 
everything in sight (as goats are wont to do ;))

Seriously, good luck with all of this.



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