[the_old_crowd] Is there anybody there?
Neil Ward
neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 2 20:13:22 UTC 2004
Carolyn said:
<<< I guess I shouldn't be the person asking this, since my last post was so
tedious that it seems to have stopped all chat for nearly two months...but
is there a reason why this list is so quiet?
- nothing left to say until Book 6?
- less interested in HP than before?
- no time to post here as well as elsewhere?
- ?? >>>
Well... almost "all of the above", but "??" being the most interesting:
after being tied up and robbed at gunpoint in my flat at the end of October,
I'm moving into a rented flat this weekend.
No folks, that wasn't a joke. And, Carolyn - your post was not tedious.
Barry said, about PoA on film:
<<< It was the bastard off-spring of Gormenghast meets Malcolm in the
Middle. >>>
~~Swoon~~ That sounds *just* perfect! I don't think it's quite that good
though: to me it's not as grim and surreal as Gormenghast and not as sharp
and funny and as MitM. The kids in MitM are also far superior as actors to
those in the HP series. IMHO.
I bought the DVD of PoA, but I haven't watched the film again. I found the
first two offerings disappointing and mechanical, but I thought Cuaron added
some interest and strong imagery to the third film, helped by dropping the
dewy-eyed schmaltz (such as that ridiculous rousing ovation for Hagrid at
the end of CoS). Okay, the Thewlis-to-werewolf transformation was an
astounding waste of money, and I had some other gripes about the film, but I
think PoA flows and bears up very well as a book adaptation.
I'm having huge problems getting cable set up at my new place, so my online
time may be limited for a while. Not that this list would, ahem, notice...
as - returning to Carolyn's point - it is *very* quiet.
flying ford anglia
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