[the_old_crowd] Is there anybody there?

Parker Brown Nesbit pbnesbit at harpdreamer.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 2 20:43:34 UTC 2004

>Carolyn said:


>is there a reason why this list is so quiet?
>- nothing left to say until Book 6?
>- less interested in HP than before?
>- no time to post here as well as elsewhere?
>- ?? >>>

For me, it's a combination of nothing to say until HBP comes out and the 
fact that I *still* haven't forgiven her for OotP.

Neil said:

>Well... almost "all of the above", but "??" being the most interesting:
>after being tied up and robbed at gunpoint in my flat at the end of 
>I'm moving into a rented flat this weekend.
>No folks, that wasn't a joke.  And, Carolyn - your post was not tedious.

Neil, hope you're recovering--as much as one can from something like that.  
Doug was robbed back when he was in New York (back in the late '60s/early 
70s).  *To this day*, he still insists that we keep all the doors/windows 
locked tightly.


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