Is there anybody there?
arrowsmithbt at
Fri Dec 3 10:52:23 UTC 2004
--- In the_old_crowd at, "Neil Ward" <neilward at d...> wrote:
> Well... almost "all of the above", but "??" being the most interesting:
> after being tied up and robbed at gunpoint in my flat at the end of October,
> I'm moving into a rented flat this weekend.
> No folks, that wasn't a joke. And, Carolyn - your post was not tedious.
Nasty. Very nasty.
Hope the shock is wearing off and that the after effects aren't unmanageable.
> <<< It was the bastard off-spring of Gormenghast meets Malcolm in the
> Middle. >>>
> ~~Swoon~~ That sounds *just* perfect! I don't think it's quite that good
> though: to me it's not as grim and surreal as Gormenghast and not as sharp
> and funny and as MitM. The kids in MitM are also far superior as actors to
> those in the HP series. IMHO.
'Scuse me a second. I must speak to my secretary.
"Madam Whiplash? Please make a note in the FFA file.
Intruigingly decadent with surrealist tendencies.
We may be able to induce him to invest in our next epic -
"Pooh! It's 1984 - on Ice!" with WtP as Winston Smith, Tigger as Julia,
Owley as O'Brien and Christopher Robin as Big Brother.
Put him on the Christmas card list. Thank you."
Actually I agree with what you say.
The sad truth is that all the accretions to HP show all the characteristics of
a typical franchise, and like all franchises its sole primary function is to be
a cash cow. Understandable and probably inevitable, but it does give the
book purists an opportunity to rail against hubris - it was the fans that spread
the word about this fantastic story and the bottom line merchants saw an
opportunity opening up, Warners included. Now if we'd kept quiet....
Being of a pessimistic bent, I foresee the film franchise's future offerings
degenerating from "a version" to "an adaptation" to "based on" - the final
kiss of death.
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