[the_old_crowd] Is there anybody there?
Monika Huebner
bookworm at agassizde.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 4 08:40:45 UTC 2004
"Parker Brown Nesbit" <pbnesbit at ...> wrote:
>>Carolyn said:
>>is there a reason why this list is so quiet?
>>- nothing left to say until Book 6?
>>- less interested in HP than before?
>>- no time to post here as well as elsewhere?
>>- ?? >>>
>For me, it's a combination of nothing to say until HBP comes out and the
>fact that I *still* haven't forgiven her for OotP.
Same here. I'm not the one developing great theories anyway, most of
the time I just react to other people's posts if a topic is important
enough to me. In most cases, I chimed in when people started picking
at Sirius ;), but I have said everything I had to say about him a long
time ago.
Oh, and before I forget, congratulations to everyone who is expecting
a baby!
who never quite understood why so many people didn't seem to see that
Sirius had (serious) mental problems.
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