Never again

quigonginger quigonginger at
Mon Dec 6 14:20:36 UTC 2004

JoAnna asked me:
> Just out of curiousity, do you read any Harry Potter fanfiction?
> I think that's why I can reconcile myself to the flaws of the 
movies.  I see them as
> glorified fanfic - one person's interpretation (or vision, if you 
will) of the HP series.
>  The flaws don't bother me since they're just someone else's 
interpretation (or
> mistakes).  Likewise, I enjoy reading (well-written) Harry Potter 
fanfic, but the books
> remain the true canon to me.

You know, I haven't read any.  I have heard that there is some great 
stuff out there.  I'm sure there is some that isn't, but isn't that 
the way it goes?  I am waiting until the series is done so I won't 
get confused.  I have about a 3 second attention span, so I would 
constantly be checking the books to see if something was real or 

I just reread my last sentance.  Maybe that's my problem.  I think of 
the books as being real.  Hmm, must find a good therapist.

I do apologize for misspelling your name in my last post, JoAnna.  
Take care, everyone, Ginger

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