[the_old_crowd] Re: Never again
JoAnna Wahlund
pt4ever at pt4ever.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 5 18:17:42 UTC 2004
> I must admit to being a purist. It confuses the theorist in me to
> have conflicting sources. I envy those who can watch it as a
> seperate entity and enjoy it. More power to y'all.
Just out of curiousity, do you read any Harry Potter fanfiction?
I think that's why I can reconcile myself to the flaws of the movies. I see them as
glorified fanfic - one person's interpretation (or vision, if you will) of the HP series.
The flaws don't bother me since they're just someone else's interpretation (or
mistakes). Likewise, I enjoy reading (well-written) Harry Potter fanfic, but the books
remain the true canon to me.
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