POA movie
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 7 03:38:17 UTC 2004
I agree with you Monika.
I am not "in love" with Sirius but I thought Gary
Oldman might not be a good choice until I actually saw
the movie. I also liked the look and feel of this
movie. It reminded me of an old Christopher Lee movie
with the lighting and the feel of a horror movie in
some places.
I think this movie represents the break from young
kids stories to preteen stories just like POA changes
the complexity of the storyline to a slightly more
mature audience. Of course, GOF should be even more
so. I could see the feel of this movie working well
in the graveyard scenes. I still can't wait to see
how they do the "Voldemort soup" at the end. We
always told my son Brian that Voldemort probably
looked liked Squidward on Spongebob Squarepants.
Sounds odd, but you know some people would give their
right arm for a taste of Voldemort soup! ;0)
Red Eye Randy
--- Monika Huebner <bookworm at ...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> "pennylin" <pennylin at ...> wrote:
> >Yep ----- me too to what Steve said. I saw it in
> the theater oh .......only 4 times I think (which is
> a low for me, despite liking this film the best of
> all), but I've already watched the DVD 4 times too.
> <g> I *love* it. Love it. 'tis the best so far by
> about 100%, but I'm not a huge fan of Columbus. I
> do like the filmic versions, though obviously the
> books are paramount to me. Yes, it's definitely a
> matter of opinion.
> I don't want to clutter up the list with a "me too"
> post, but I have
> to chime in here, too. Penny just summed it up for
> me as well. I like
> the first two movies and I do own them on DVD, but
> I'm not a Columbus
> fan either. Some things just look too much like
> "Home Alone [at
> Hogwarts]" to me. But I simply love PoA, and being a
> huge Sirius fan,
> I had my reservations about Gary Oldman when I first
> heard he would
> get the part. I think his performance is
> outstanding, just the right
> mix between Sirius's "unbalanced" side (which I
> always knew was there)
> and his caring, emotional side. It is not really
> important that he
> doesn't match my mental image of book Sirius. I have
> watched a couple
> of his other movies since and can only say he is a
> truly great actor.
> IMHO of course.
> Monika
> who has watched PoA only once on DVD but who will
> watch it again
> tomorrow.
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